SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -

Page created by Allen Rogers
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
SS. Simon and Jude

 6351 N. 27th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85017  602-242-1300 

                              JUNE 28, 2020
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
SS. SIMON & JUDE CATHEDRAL                                     MASS
PHONE 602-242-1300
WEB                                          Sundays in English: *9 am and 12 pm
EMAIL                                  * Broadcast live on AZ TV7, and 1310 AM radio
                                                                Streamed live
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.                               Domingos en Español: 3 pm, 6 pm
Please call for an appointment
                                                               Daily: Monday - Friday 8:30 am
                                                                      Saturday 8:30 am
HOURS                                                          PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
Closed Until Further Notice                                    The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located in the narthex of the
                                                               cathedral for scheduled adorers only.
BISHOP OF PHOENIX                                              To sign up to be a regular adorer, please call the parish office.
Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted
                                                               PENANCE & RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION)
RECTOR                                                         Tuesdays: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.   Friday 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Very Reverend Fr. John Lankeit 602-242-1300 X118               Thursdays: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturdays: 9 - 11 a.m.

Reverend Fr. John Nahrgang 602-242-1300 X158                   HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND
Reverend Fr. Rafael Umaña 602-242-1300 X151                    English: Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121
                                                               Español: 602-242-1300
Deacon Tony Smith                                              BAPTISM English or Español:
Deacon Doug Bogart                                             Faith Formation Office 602-433-7610
Deacon Roy Drapeau                                             FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION English or Español:
                                                               Faith Formation Office 602-433-7610
Phil Lester 602-242-1300 X114                                  RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA)
                                                               Susan Pietro 602-319-0487
Cecilia Deguire 602-242-1300                                   RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA)
                                                               Raul DeAnda 602-531-2691
Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121                       MARRIAGE
                                                               English: Susan Pietro 602-319-0487
FAMILY CATECHESIS/CATEQUESIS DE LA FAMILIA                     Español: Lorena Garcia 602-242-1300 X135
602-433-7610                                                   (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY / CITA SOLAMENTE)

                                                               ANOINTING OF THE SICK
YOUTH MINISTRY                                                 The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only
Jen Pitera 602-242-1300 X119                                   who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the               faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age,
                                                               the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly
LITURGICAL MINISTRIES                                          already arrived. (CCC 1514)
Deacon Tony Smith 602-242-1300 X146
                                                               If a person is in need of Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish
DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC                                       office for a priest at 602-242-1300.
Matthew Meloche 602-242-1300 X116                              If the parish office is closed and there is an immediate danger                         of death, please call the after-hours emergency number at
                                                               602-246-3534. The after-hours number may only be used for life
SS. SIMON & JUDE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL                              and death emergencies.
Sr. Raphael Quinn, IBVM, Principal
School Office 602-242-1299                                     UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS
Development/Tuition Tax Credit Information 602-242-1300 X149   La Unción de los Enfermos no es un sacramento sólo para aquellos
                                                               que están a punto de morir. Por eso, se considera tiempo oportuno
CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS                                         para recibirlo cuando el fiel empieza a estar en peligro de muerte
                                                               por enfermedad o vejez. (CCC 1514).
St. Vincent De Paul Society: Peg Lanphear 602-433-7613
Knights of Columbus: J.C. Sherrin 602-509-1181                 Si una persona necesita la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor llame
Legion of Mary: Minh Phan 480-399-7858                         a la oficina parroquial para un sacerdote al 602-242-1300.
Legión de Maria: Martina Barcena 602-348-7661                  Si la oficina parroquial está cerrada y hay peligro de muerte, por
Association of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Jo Villagrana            favor llame al número de emergencia después de horas de oficina
602-989-3523                                                   al 602-246-3534. Este número sólo se puede utilizar para casos de
                                                               emergencia de vida o muerte.
Cursillo: Freddie & Maritza Sordia 602-380-7294
Retrouvaille: Larry & Ditas Fallis 602-242-4696

1                                                                                                         Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
           A generous Catholic family from outside our parish has made us an incredible offer. If families
           sign up to make monthly, RECURRING gifts through Faith Direct to OUR parish, the donor
           family will match those gifts, dollar for dollar.
           And, if your family already gives electronically but increases that monthly gift by any amount,
           the donor family will match your entire monthly gift.

                      Example 1:                                           Example 2:
             Parishioner who gives through                        Parishioner who already gives
                   envelopes or cash                                      electronically

     Michael and Stella give $40 a week to the parish.      A few years ago, Gary and Beatrice set up
     They write a check and put it a weekly offertory       automatic giving to the parish through their
     envelope.                                              credit card, automatically charged $100 a month.
     To help the parish receive this donor match, they      To help the parish receive this donor match, they
     go online to and       enroll in in our new online giving through Faith
     sign up to make a monthly recurring gift of $175.      Direct and increase their gift to $110.
                                                            The parish then receives an additional $110 from
     The parish then receives an additional $175 from       the donor.
     the donor.
                                                            People who increase their current scheduled
     New scheduled monthly gifts will be matched up         monthly gifts will help us receive up to a
     to a maximum of $34,650 for our parish.                maximum of $34,650 for our parish.

             The donor matches, dollar-for-dollar,              The donor matches, dollar-for-dollar, your
                        the parish.                                       GIFT to the parish.

                                      HOW YOU CAN HELP OUR PARISH
                                    RECEIVE THIS CHALLENGE DONATION?

      1. Go online to : and click the Faith Direct logo
      2. Sign up for scheduled monthly offertory for the first time OR increase your current scheduled
         monthly offertory.
      3. Every gift that is received between June 17th – August 31st will be matched dollar for dollar!

Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix                                                                      2
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
                                                      Monday           6:15 a.m.       May and Frank Walle +
                                                      6/29             8:30 a.m.       DeMesa Family
      In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus tell us:        Tuesday          6:15 a.m.       Lisa Hoppe +
    “Whoever gives only a cup of cold water to        6/30             8:30 a.m.       Harry and Gertrude
      one of these little ones to drink because                                        Wiglesworth +
    the little one is a disciple-----Amen, I say to                    6:30 p.m.       Miguela Eligado +
      you, he will surely not lose his reward.”
                                                      Wednesday 6:15 a.m.              SSJ Priests
    Let us all acknowledge the goodness of the        7/1              8:30 a.m.       Marta Balli +
       heavenly Father as he provides for the
    needs of many. Through your generosity to         Thursday         6:15 a.m.       Nathaniel Gass
     Saint Vincent de Paul, Vincentian are able       7/2              8:30 a.m.       Jeanne Brun +
     to help with food, utilities and rent for our
                                                      Friday           6:15 a.m.       Jessica Conor
      neighbors, as well as food and water for
                    the homeless.                     7/3              8:30 a.m.       Deborah Lynn Walle
                                                      Saturday         8:30 a.m.       President Donald Trump
    The need is great and your gifts are truly a
     blessing. Thank you SS Simon and Jude            7/4              4:30 p.m.       Betty Montes
                   parishioners!                      Sunday           7:00 a.m.       Ryan Salim +
                                                      7/5              9:00 a.m.       Friends of the Cathedral
                                                                       11:00 a.m.      SSJ Parishioners
                                                                       1:00 p.m.       Maria Teresa Watson +
                                                                       5:00 p.m.       Weisheit Family

                        Safe Environment                               7:00 p.m.       Jason and Melissa Deguire

                        Certifications and              If you would like to have a Mass said for a loved one,
                             Renewal                     please mail a $10 donation to the parish office with
                                                        your phone number and we will call and confirm your
                                                         special intention Mass. The available times are any
            Typically your Safe Environment             daily Masses at 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. and Saturday
       Certification expires July 1st. Due to the                 Masses at 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
           pandemic, you certification will be
        extended until Aug 1st. Please wait to
         renew your certification until the 1st.
       There will be more information regarding
            certifications later this Summer.                 Joseph Weisheit                       Margie Manning
                                                               Diana Smith                            and Family
                                                             Trudy Gradwohl                            Mary Soto
                                                        Jesus de Jose G. Jimenez                    Lorenzo Frausto
                                                       Jose Santa Cruz and Family                    Keith Johnson
                                                             Abelina Campos

It’s easy and free to start enjoying FORMED!
                                                                               Rosa Marie Price
1. Visit                                                          Isabel Gomez Castillo
2. Click "Sign Up"
3. Select "I Belong to a Parish or Organization"            If you have prayers requests that you would like to be shared
4. Find "SS Simon and Jude Cathedral"                           in the bulletin, please call the office at 602-242-1300
5. Enter your email - and you're in!                                     Or email

3                                                                                                  Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
                    June 28th - July 5th

Sunday: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kgs                 En el Evangelio de hoy escuchamos a Jesús
4:8-11, 14-16 / Ps 89:2-3, 16-19 / Rom 6:3-4,               decirnos: "Quien da sólo una taza de agua
8-11 / Mt 10:37-42                                           fría a uno de estos pequeños para beber
Monday: Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles Acts                 porque el pequeño es discípulo-----Amen, os
12:1-11 / Ps 34:2-9 / 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18 / Mt                    digo que seguramente no perderá su
Tuesday: The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman                Reconozcamos todos la bondad del Padre
Church Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12 / Ps 5:4-8 / Mt 8:23-27              celestial a medida que provee para las
Wednesday: St. Junípero Serra, Priest Am 5:14-15,            necesidades de muchos. A través de su
21-24 / Ps 50:7-17 / Mt 8:28-34                                 generosidad a San Vicente de Paul,
Thursday: Am 7:10-17 / Ps 19:8-11 / Mt 9:1-8                Vincentianos puede ayudar con la comida,
Friday: St. Thomas, Apostle Eph 2:19-22 /                     los servicios públicos y el alquiler para
                                                            nuestros vecinos, así como la comida y el
 Ps 117:1-2 / Jn 20:24-29
                                                                 agua para las personas sin hogar.
Saturday: Independence Day Am 9:11-15 / Ps
85:93-14 / Mt 9:14-17                                      La necesidad es grande y sus donaciones son
Next Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time;                   verdaderamente una bendición. ¡Gracias
Independence Day Zec 9:9-10 / Ps 145:1-2, 8-14 /               feligreses de San Simón y San Judas!
Rom 8:9, 11-13 / Mt 11:25-30

                                                               Si desea hacer una misa especial para un ser
                                                            querido, envíe una donación de $ 10 a la oficina de
                               Certificaciones y                la parroquia con su número de teléfono y lo
                                renovación de                llamaremos para confirmar su misa de intención
                                                            especial. Los horarios disponibles son misas diarias
                               ambiente seguro               a las 6:15 a.m. y las 8:30 a.m. y las misas de los
                                                                  sábados a las 8:30 a.m. y a las 4:30 p.m.

           Por lo general, su certificación de ambiente
              seguro vence el 1 de julio. Debido a la
          pandemia, su certificación se extenderá hasta
             el 1 de agosto. Espere para renovar su
               certificación hasta el 1er. Habrá más
          información sobre certificaciones a finales de
                            este verano.

¡Disfruta de FORMED de manera fácil y
gratuita!                                                                @SSJcathedral
1. Visita                                                 @SSJcathedralyouthgroup
2. Presiona "Sign Up"                                                  @simonjudeschool
3. Selecciona "I Belong to a Parish or Organization"                 @cathedralchoirofphoenix
4. Localizar "SS Simon and Jude Cathedral"
5. Ingrese tu email, y listo, ¡ya ingresaste!

Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix                                                                         4
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
     Una familia Católica que no pertenece a nuestra parroquia nos ha hecho una oferta increíble. Por cada
     donativo Dominical RECURRENTE que se registre por internet, esta familia donante igualara esos
     regalos, dólar por dólar.
     Y de la misma manera, cualquier donativo (recurrente) que ya este establecido, pero que sea
     aumentado con una cantidad mayor, la familia donante igualara esos regalos, dólar por dólar.

                       Ejemplo 1
    Una familia que da a través de sobres o dinero en                         Ejemplo 2
                        efectivo                                Una familia que ya da electrónicamente

                                                          Hace unos años, Gary y Beatrice establecieron una
   Miguel y Estrella dan $40 a la semana a la             donación automática a la parroquia a través de su
   parroquia. Escriben un cheque y lo ponen en un         tarjeta de crédito, cobrando automáticamente
   sobre de ofertorio semanal.                            $100 al mes.
   Para ayudar a la parroquia a recibir la igualación     Para ayudar a la parroquia a recibir la igualación de
   de donativos, visitan la página web     donativos, visitan la página web de donación
   donacion-electronica y se inscriben para dar su        Dominical y aumentan su donación a $110.
   regalo recurrente de $175 mensualmente.
                                                          La parroquia recibirá $110 adicionales.
   La parroquia recibirá $175 adicionales.
                                                          Las familias que aumenten sus donaciones
   Nuevos donativos recurrentes que sean                  recurrentes ya establecidas nos ayudarán a recibir
   programados por internet serán igualados hasta un      hasta un máximo de 34,650 para nuestra
   máximo de $34,650 para nuestra parroquia.              parroquia.

   El donante igualara, dólar por dólar, TODOS LOS        El donante igualara, dólar por dólar, TODOS los
   NUEVOS donativos RECURRENTES a la parroquia.           donativos recurrentes que se AUMENTEN a una
                                                          nueva cantidad.

             1. Vaya a nuestra página de ofertorio por internet:
                electronica y haga clic en el logotipo de Fe Directa
             2. Suscríbase para dar su donativo Dominical recurrente por primera vez O aumente su
                donación por cualquier cantidad
             3. ¡Cada regalo que se reciba entre 17 de junio hasta el 31 de agosto se igualará dólar
                por dólar!

Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix                                                                        5
SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - SS. Simon and Jude - JUNE 28, 2020 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time / 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -
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