St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley

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St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
St. Anthony Catholic Church
971 O’Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785
    (925) 625-2048   Fax: (925) 625-4433
     Welcome / Bienvenidos
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial                        PASTORAL and OFFICE STAFF
    (925) 625-2048     Fax: (925) 625-4433                       Fr. Rafael Hinojosa, Parochial Administrator
          Monday, Wednesday, Friday                              Fr. Mac Lingo, Parochial Vicar
          (Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes)                            Deacon Alberto Cruz
        9AM to 12PM and 1PM to 6PM                               Deacon Emeritus Joe Tovar
CONFESSION / CONFESION                                           Deacon Emeritus Alan Layden
   Saturday: 3:30PM to 4:30PM or by appointment                  Parish Secretary, Carolina Jauregui, 625-9214
   Monday: After the 6:30PM Mass                                 Parish Bookkeeper, Celeste Plate
         Daily: 8:30AM Bilingual in the Church                 Call the Parish Office, (925) 625-2048 for more
Daily Mon & Wed: 6:30PM Español en la Iglesia                  program information or to register.
Daily Tue & Thu: 6:30PM English in the Church                   Baptism, Carolina Jauregui
       Daily Fri: 6:30PM Bilingual in the Church                CCD (English), Natalie Earley
      Saturday: 5:00PM English in the Church                    CCD (Español), Belen Capilla
    Sunday:      8:00AM English in the Church                   Youth Confirmation, Emma Arcayena
  Sunday: 10:00AM English in the Plaza & Live Stream            Adult Confirmation, Jaime Jauregui
  Sunday: 12:00PM Español en la Plaza & Live Stream             Rite of Christian Initiation
      Sunday:    2:00PM Español en la Iglesia
      Sunday:    5:00PM Español en la Iglesia
                                                                     For Adults (English), Michael Maeda
                                                                     For Adults (Español), Esperanza Vega
Live Stream Mass                                                     For Children, Monica Cardoza
                                                               Special Religious Development (SPRED), John Dixon
                                                               Help Beautify the Sanctuary with Flowers
                                                               Donate flowers to decorate our Sanctuary. Call the
                                                               church office at (925) 625-2048 for more information.
                                                               Virtus Safe Environment Training
                                                                                            We are required to renew
                                                               our certification every three years. This is a MUST to
          Monday: 7PM to 9PM in the Church                     continue in your ministerial work here. Start now at
          Friday: 7PM to 11PM in the Church           Call Florrie Brice at (925)
  H     C      C               F         C                     354-0107 or the parish office with questions.
  2200 East 18th Street, Antioch, (925) 757-0658
We recommend using Catholic Funeral and Cemetery               Special Event Approval
Services (CFCS) at Holy Cross Cemetery and Funeral
Center. Their staff will contact the parish office to assist
you with your arrangements.
Email and Text Scam Involving Priests
                                                               Clergy Sexual Abuse
                                                               Any reports of abuse should be directed to the Office
                                                               of the Chancellor, at (510) 267-8334.

                                                               Submissions to the Sunday Bulletin
                                                               Deadline by noon on Monday, six (6) days prior
                                                               to the desired Sunday of publication. Send files
                                                               to or call
Giving Made Simple                                             Michael Maeda, (925) 451-6883.

                                                      — An Online Faith Website
                                                                  St. Anthony is a subscriber of
                                                                       Select “St. Anthony Oakley, CA”

                                                                         Second Collection Schedule
                                                                       August 1    Diocesan Assessment
                                                                       August 8    Parish Utilities
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
August 1, 2021
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                              Mass Intentions For The Week
THE BREAD OF LIFE                                                              Saturday, July 31
Today’s Gospel has the crowd asking Jesus three                                 5:00PM Olivia, Carol and Frank Padilla
questions. First, “When did you get here,” to which                                      Yuklin and Anthony Abraham
Jesus responds by rebuking them for their failure to                                                (48th Wedding Anniversary)
grasp his miracle as a “sign,” an occasion to put faith                        Sunday, August 1
in him. Their second question about accomplishing                                   8AM Jose Suarez
the “works of God” has Jesus respond that faith is                                10AM Alejandro Chavez
the “work” that God wishes. Many scholars believe                                        Familia Cellen (Thanksgiving)
this is John’s answer to the faith-works dichotomy                                 12PM Encarnacion Pedro Cristobal
emerging in the early Christian community. Faith is                                      Esperanza Morales Leon (Birthday)
the work of God in the believer, John would have us                                 2PM Maria de Jesus Vega Jimenez
understand. The third question asked by the crowd is                                     Maria Lopez Patiño (80th Birthday)
a request for a “sign” that would allow them to put                                 5PM Por la comunidad de St. Antonio
faith in Jesus, as the manna in the desert allowed the                         Monday, August 2
Israelites to put faith in the Lord God. Jesus answers
                                                                                8:30AM Miguel Espindola
by revealing himself as the “bread of life” that
“comes down from heaven and gives life to the                                   6:30PM 
world.”                                                                        Tuesday, August 3
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                                    8:30AM Rogelio Sarmiento
                                                                                6:30PM Sherly Vebell
TODAY’S READINGS                                                               Wednesday, August 4
First Reading — The people of Israel receive bread
                                                                                8:30AM Paul and Herman Urenda
from heaven in response to their grumbling (Exodus
                                                                                6:30PM En honor al Espiritu Santo
16:2-4, 12-15).                                                                Thursday, August 5
Psalm — The Lord gave them bread from heaven
                                                                                8:30AM Garrick Arcila
(Psalm 78).
Second Reading — Put on the new self that has been                              6:30PM Antonio Caballero
created in God’s way (Ephesians 4:17, 20-24).                                  Friday, August 6
Gospel — I am the bread of life; whoever comes to                               8:30AM Nothelo Sale
me will never hunger (John 6:24-35).                                            6:30PM Esther Palomera
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass    Saturday, August 7
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy
Corporation. All rights reserved.
                                                                                5:00PM Henry Ehler
                                                                               Sunday, August 8
            Do not work for food that perishes                                      8AM 
       but for the food that endures for eternal life.                            10AM For the Community
                                  — John 6:27a                                     12PM Armando y Rosalina Solis
                                                                                         Vitali Lopez (Birthday)
Bishop’s Appeal: “Rebuild My Church”
                                                                                    2PM Marcelina y Jose Sanchez
As of 15 July 2021, St. Anthony is at 62.22% of our
                                                                                    5PM Consuelo Fierros
$21,100 goal. This year has been challenging for so
many. Now, more than ever, the good work of the                                          Bertha Labrada (Birthday)
Church is needed in our community. From Faith
Formation for students and adults, to important
ministry works, to supporting our schools and                                 The lifting of the dispensation from the Sunday Mass
parishes, our Diocese is making a difference in                               Obligation will come into force on Sunday,
people’s lives every single day — thanks to the                               August 15th, the Solemnity of the Assumption.
prayers and contributions of our catholic community.                          August 15th will be the first day that we will no
Make your pledge or donation at:                                              longer have outdoor Masses, nor livestream and no                               distribution of Holy Communion outside of Mass.
Submissions to St. Anthony Website                                            Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
ALL church organizations are invited to share their                           St. Anthony Council 10414 is looking for men to join
upcoming events or news about their group on our                              their fraternal organization in church and community
website. Send your info to                            services. For more info contact Grand Knight Danny
or call Carolina Jauregui at the Parish Office.                               Avalos. Call (510) 447-9897.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                            Schedule of Events
Today’s Gospel is a sequel to last week’s account of                          Horario de Eventos
Jesus feeding a large crowd with five barley loves and
a few fish. Here, Jesus is challenging the crowd to        All Parish events have been suspended, canceled or
see in the bread they have eaten a sign of God’s           postponed by Bishop Barber as we are ordered to
generosity in providing for all the blessings in their     curb the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19.
lives, as well as the blessing of life itself. The first   This Order will continue to be in effect until it is
reading, from Exodus, recounts how the escaped             extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in
Hebrew slaves were fed in the wilderness, first with       writing by the Order of the Contra Costa County
quail, then with manna. The psalm is a later reflection    Public Health Officer.
on the manna as the bread from heaven and a blessing       Columbiettes Summer Bazaar August 14
from God. The selection from the letter to                 You are invited to join in their 1st Annual Summer
the Ephesians sketches the image of putting away the       Bazaar on Saturday, August 14 from 9AM to 1PM in
“old self” and putting on the new, emphasizing that a      the Cypress-side parking lot at St. Anthony.
person’s life in Christ needs to differ from their         Admission is FREE. Expecting over 60 vendors for
previous life, just as the life of a free person differs   your shopping delight. Bring your friends and have
from that of a slave.                                      fun. If you wish to be a vendor email
SIGNS AND WONDERS?                               
Today’s Gospel continues into a second day the
narrative that had begun the day before when,              An Invitation to Join the Columbiettes
after crossing the lake to look for Jesus, a large crowd   Columbiettes of St. Anthony Council 10414 is
are fed with five barley loaves and two fish.              offering the opportunity for women at least 18 years
The following day (today’s reading), after more lake       of age to join our church community service
crossings, the people who had been miraculously fed        organization and support of the Squirrettes.
are again searching for Jesus. However, they do so         Please contact Yuklin Abraham. Call (925) 305-8004.

                                                           If you need assistance, would like to volunteer or
In John’s Gospel, the word “sign” has a distinct           donate, contact the St. Vincent de Paul St. Anthony
meaning. At the wedding at Cana, after telling how         Conference at 925-325-7424. St. Vincent de Paul
Jesus turned water into wine, the Evangelist notes         provides various forms of assistance which may
“Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs” that        include food, clothes, furniture, housing assistance,
“revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe    and referrals to other professional agencies.
in him” (John 2:11). For John, signs are not just
wonders to behold; they are about the revelation of        St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
God and a response of faith in Jesus.                      Open on the 2nd and 4th Saturday from 8:30AM to
OR MAYBE THE SIGN IS THE WONDER                            10AM in the Parish Hall. If you need food outside of
When the crowd first arrives, Jesus notes that             these dates call (925) 325-7424.
they had not appreciated the sign that he had already      Convalidation
given; they are still focused on their physical hunger.    This program is designed for those couples who are
When they ask for a sign, “that we may see and             married civilly and now wish to marry in the Church.
believe in you” (John 6:30), they refer to their           Some couples, because of differences in religious
ancestors who ate manna in the wilderness. Can Jesus       background or, a sense of distance from the Church at
top that? Can he give them more bread that will            the time of their marriage, or due to complicating
                                                           family situations, were married civilly or in some
Jesus reminds the crowd that it was not Moses who          other manner that did not meet the Catholic Church’s
gave the “bread from heaven,” but his Father.              legal requirements for a valid church marriage.
Further, the Father can give them the true bread from
heaven that comes down and gives life to the world.
There is a parallel in the Greek between working for
food that perishes and doing the works of God, which       ...continued
is believing in Jesus as the one God has sent. This is     Like the Evangelist, the Church uses the word “sign”
the sign that the people missed the day before,            for its sacraments. Like the crowd, we are called to
the sign that Jesus is pointing out to them.               see similar “signs” of God’s generosity in all the
continued next column                                      blessings of our lives.
                                                           Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
DIOCESE OF OAKLAND                                                                  Please Pray For/Oremos Por
CHANCELLOR STEVE WILCOX                                                    Deacon Joe Tovar             John Salas
RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT                                                    Andrea Spindler              Jose Munoz
Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ The Weekly, Diocesan News                     Antonio Velasquez            Karen Valdez
Read the full article at   Arthur Pena                  Lorraine Fallon
Bishop Barber shares a message of thanks to retiring                       Avelina Sablan Salas         Margarita Avalos
Diocese of Oakland Chancellor Steve Wilcox.                                Bartolome Robinos            Marge Browne
Please join me in thanking Steve Wilcox as he retires                      Bebit Belotendos             Maria Guadalupe Galvan
as Chancellor, effective August 27. He has served                          Bernadine Benavente          Marlene Layden
faithfully and effectively as Chancellor since                             Bev Rossi                    Mayra Murillo
November 2017. Through many difficult situations,                          Consolacion Borja Muna Michael Makinano, Sr.
his keen commitment to our Church and to                                   Danny Luna, Sr.              Michael Makinano, Jr.
professional standards has served me, and the                              Danny Luna, Jr.                 Olga Ramos
diocese, so very well. In our conversation regarding                       Erica Jaranilla                 Patrick Pena
his departure Steve shared: “My tenure at the diocese                      Fatima Matuu                    Rigoberto Hinojosa
has given me the privilege to work with many                               Gay Lacsa                       Rocco Vicente Reyes
dedicated people, including pastors, parish staff and                      Gloria Ibarra                   Rolando Abad
Chancery personnel. I am grateful for the opportunity                      Grace Bustos                    Stella Benitez
you, Bishop Barber, gave me to serve as your                               Guadalupe Sanchez            Tina Herrera
chancellor. I’ll continue volunteering in various                          Guillermo Villanueva         Tita Lira
ways, so I know our paths cross again.” Steve has                          Helen Alleman                Teri Hernandez
been my right-hand man and has taken on many                               Heriberto Diaz               Thomas DiGiallonardo
challenging issues in service to our Diocese. We owe                       Joanne Salas                 Tony Rodriguez
him so much for his competent and dedicated service                            Our Men and Women of the military services.
to the Church. We will miss his wise counsel and                           Names are removed periodically. If you wish to add
cheerful presence on our leadership team. A search                         a loved one, please call the office at 625-2048.
for his successor is underway.
                                                                           Sacrament of the Sick
Oakland Diocese Adult Faith Formation                                      Please notify the parish office of any parishioner who
Register today for the next program beginning in                           is ill or infirm to request a visit, to receive the
October 2021 at the Serra Catechetical Institute (SCI)                     Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Communion at
and The School for Pastoral Ministry. The deadline to                      home, hospital or assisted living facility.
register is September 1, 2021. Open to all adults who                      Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
want to know their Catholic faith better and be able to                    The CCD Program is now accepting registrations for
hand it on more effectively. To register or receive                        children 6 to 13 years of age. Register from August 2
more information visit                       to August 27 in the Parish Office on Monday,
faith-formation Contact Jean Evans (510) 267-8357                          Wednesday or Friday from 9AM to 12PM and 1PM
for registration assistance.                                               to 6PM. Register on Sunday in Padua Hall from
                                                                           11:30AM to 1:30PM.
                                                                           A Baptismal Certificate must be presented at the time
Registration is open for youths 14 to 16 years old.                        of registration. The fee is $100 per child. $75 for the
Parents must attend an orientation on August 4th or                        second sibling and $25 for the third sibling.
11th at 5PM. All information for the program will be                       The siblings must be in the same program.
given on these dates and parents will be able to                           The duration of the Program will be for 2 years.
decide whether or not to register their youth.                             Student classes will be in English. Mandatory Parent
Registration will be at the end of the orientation.                        Class will be in English and Spanish at the same time
Baptismal and 1st Communion certificate is required                        and day as the student. Classes will be on Sunday
to register. Fee is $150 per student.                                      from 11:30AM to 1:30PM. The First Day of class is
                                                                           Sunday, September 12, 2021.
Daily Rosary
Livestreamed Only at 6:30PM. Monday, Wednesday                             St. Anthony Adult Faith Formation Classes
and Friday in English. Tuesday and Saturday in                             If you are over 18 years old and need one or more
Spanish. Sunday before 10AM and 12PM Mass.                                 Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion
                                                                           or Confirmation; please call the Parish Office (925)
    Support the Businesses and Merchants                                   625-2048 to receive more information and to put you
   whose advertisements make this bulletin possible.                       on a sign-up list.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
1o de agosto de 2021
Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                             El levantamiento de la dispensa de la obligación de
                                                                     asistir a la Misa dominical entrará en vigor el
EL PAN DE VIDA                                                       domingo 15 de agosto, el día en que celebramos la
El Evangelio de hoy presenta a la gente haciéndole                   Solemnidad de la Asunción. Las dispensas habituales
tres preguntas a Jesús. Primero: “¿cuándo llegaste                   permitidas por el derecho canónico se explicarán en la
acá?”, a la que Jesús responde con una reprimenda                    carta del obispo y será el primer día que ya no
por su incapacidad para entender el milagro como                     tendremos las Misas de afuera, ni la transmisión en
una “señal”, una ocasión para poner la fe en él.                     vivo y tampoco la distribución de la Sagrada
La segunda pregunta tenía que ver con la realización                 Comunión fuera de Misa.
de las “obras de Dios” a la que Jesús responde
que la fe es la “obra” que Dios desea. Muchos                        Rosario Diario
eruditos creen que esta es la respuesta de Juan a la                 Solamente transmitido en Vivo a las 6:30 pm Lunes,
dicotomía fe-obras que estaba surgiendo en la                        Miércoles, y Viernes—En Ingles. Martes y Sábado—
primera comunidad cristiana. La fe es la obra de Dios                En Español. Jueves—Bilingüe. Domingo—Antes de
en el creyente, Juan nos quiere hacer entender.                      cada Misa.
La tercera pregunta que hace la multitud es una
“señal” que les permita poner su fe en Jesús, como el                Gratis Vacuna Del Covid
maná en el desierto permitió a los israelitas poner su               La Clínica De La Raza MOBILE TEAM está
fe en el Señor Dios. Jesús responde con la revelación                ofreciendo la VACUNA del COVID (Janssen/J&J)
de que él es el “pan de vida” que “baja del cielo y da
la vida al mundo”.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Primera lectura — Voy a hacer que llueva pan del
cielo (Exodo 16:2-4, 12-15).
Salmo —
Segunda lectura — Revístanse del nuevo yo, creado
a imagen de Dios (Efesios 4:17, 20-24).
Evangelio — El que viene a mí no tendrá hambre,
y el que cree en mí nunca tendrá sed (Juan 6:24-35).                 Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro-Virtus
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970,
Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos
                                                                     Esta su certificado al día? Se nos pide de manera
reservados.                                                          obligatoria a renovar nuestra certificación cada tres
                                                                     años. Comience ahora en
       No trabajen por ese alimento que se acaba,                    Para preguntas por favor llame Florrie Brice al
             sino por el alimento que dura                           (925) 354-0107.
                  para la vida eterna.
                               — Juan 6:27a

                       Segunda Colecta
        1 de Agusto             Impuestos A La Diocesis
        8 de Agusto             Agua/Luz/Gas
                                                            St. Anthony es un suscriptor de
          Apoye a nuestros patrocinadores                  , un sitio web de fe en línea. Acceda
        Cuyos anuncios hacen posible este boletín.                   con nuestro Código Parroquial: St. Anthony Oakley
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos - St. Anthony's, Oakley
…continuó desde
                                                          baja y da vida al mundo. Hay una semejanza entre el
El Evangelio de hoy es una continuación de la             lenguaje griego al decir trabajar por la comida que se
historia de la semana pasada en la que Jesús alimentó     echa a perder y hacer las obras de Dios, lo cual es
a una gran multitud con cinco hogazas de pan y unos       creer en Jesús como el enviado de Dios. Este es el
pocos peces. Aquí, Jesús desafía a la multitud a ver en   signo que la gente no vio el día anterior, el signo que
el pan que comieron un signo de la generosidad de         Jesús les está indicando.
Dios al proveer todas las bendiciones en sus vidas,       Como el evangelista, la Iglesia utiliza la palabra
como también la bendición de la vida misma.               “signo” para sus sacramentos. Como la multitud,
La primera lectura, tomada del libro del Éxodo,           estamos llamados a ver de igual manera los “signos”
relata cómo los esclavos hebreos que huyeron fueron       de la generosidad de Dios en todas las bendiciones de
alimentados en el desierto, primero con codornices y      nuestra vida.
luego con maná. El salmo es una reflexión posterior       Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

sobre el maná como pan del cielo y una bendición de
Dios. La selección de la carta a los efesios esboza la
imagen de despojarse del “viejo yo” y revestirse del      Regístrese hoy para el próximo programa que
nuevo, enfatizando que la vida de una persona en          comienza en Octubre de 2021 en el Instituto
Cristo necesita diferenciarse de su vida anterior,        Catequético Serra (SCI) o La Escuela de Ministerios
al igual que la vida de una persona libre se diferencia   Pastorales San Francisco de Sales. La fecha límite
de la de un esclavo.                                      para registrarse es el 1 de septiembre de 2021.
                                                          Para registrarse o recibir más información, visite
¿SIGNOS Y MILAGROS?                             
El Evangelio de hoy continúa en un segundo día de         Comuníquese con Glenda Aragon, (925) 783-8904
narración que comenzó el día anterior cuando,    para obtener ayuda con el
después de cruzar el lago para buscar a Jesús, una        registro.
gran multitud fue alimentada con dos hogazas de pan
y cinco pescados. El día siguiente (la lectura de hoy),   Curso de Confirmación de Jóvenes para
después de cruzar otra vez el lago, las personas que
habían sido alimentadas milagrosamente estaban            primero y segundo año
buscando otra vez a Jesús. Sin embargo, lo hacen           De 14 a 16 años de edad
(como Jesús lo dice) “no porque vieron signos,             Papas tendrán que asistir a una orientatión ya sea
sino porque comieron los panes y quedaron                    el 4 o el 11 de Agosto a las 5:00 pm. Al terminar
satisfechos” (Juan 6:6).                                     serán las registraciones.
                                                           Se require el certificado de Bautismo y Primera
En el Evangelio de Juan, la palabra “signo” tiene
un significado distinto. En la boda de Caná,                 Comunión
                                                           Toda la información se les dará ese día y ustedes
después de contar cómo Jesús convirtió el agua en
vino, el evangelista menciona que “Jesús hizo esto           decidirán si inscriben o no al programa
                                                           La cuota será de $150 per estudiante
como el principio de sus signos” que “revelaron su
gloria, y sus discípulos empezaron a creer
en él” (Juan 2:11). Para Juan, signos no son solo         Programa de Primera Comunión
milagros para contemplar, sino que se tratan de la        Inscripciones Agosto 02 a Agosto 27, 2021
revelación de Dios y de una respuesta de fe en Jesús.     Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 9:00am a 12:00pm y
                                                          1:00pm a 6:00pm en la Oficina
O TAL VEZ EL SIGNO ES EL MILAGRO                          Domingos de 11:30am a 1:30pm en el salón Padua
Cuando la multitud llega por primera vez,                 Certificado de Bautizo se requiere al momento de
Jesús observa que no han apreciado el signo que él ya     registración.
había hecho; pues la multitud está enfocada en su         Clases serán en Domingo de 11:30am a 1:30pm.
hambre física. Y cuando piden por un signo,               Primer día de clases, Septiembre 12, 2021.
“para que podamos ver y creer en ti” (Juan 6:30),          Program de 2 ańos.
se refieren a sus antepasados que comieron el maná         De 6 a 13 ańos de edad
en el desierto. ¿Puede Jesús superar eso? ¿Puede él        Clases para estudiantes serán en Inglés
darles más pan que les alivie de sus preocupaciones        Clases obligatorias para papas se impartirán en
diarias por pasar hambre?                                     Inglés y Español y serán el mismo día y hora que
Jesús le recuerda a la multitud que no fue Moisés             los estudiantes.
quien dio el “pan del cielo”, sino el Padre. Además,       Cuota $100 por el primer estudiante, $75 pro el
el Padre puede darles el pan verdadero del cielo que          segundo y $25 por el tercero. Deben ser hermanos
continúa la siguiente columna
                                                              y estar en el mismo programa.
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