St. Anthony Catholic Church -

Page created by Ian Cross
St. Anthony Catholic Church -
St. Anthony Catholic Church
                          Church 115 N. 25 Mile Ave. | Hereford, Texas 79045
                                 Parish Office:114 Sunset Drive Phone: 364-6150
                                School Office: 120 W. Park Ave. Phone: 364-1952.
                               Parish website
                                    Diocese of Amarillo: Bishop Patrick Zurek
                                       Parish Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Gerber
                               Deacon: Ronnie Fetsch and Deacon: Gerald Marnell
**Bulletin Editor: Jasmin Enriquez email: bulletin deadline is noon WEDNESDAY. **

              Parish Office Hours:                             Church Announcements:
   Mon. 10am– 12pm, 1pm-5pm.                       Sunday, January 9:
   Tues.—Thurs. 9am– 12pm, 1pm-5pm.                 9:30 am Mass
   Fri. 9 am—12 pm                                  RCIA and Adult Bible Study facilitators meeting in the
                                                       A/R after Mass. See blurb for more information.
                                                     5 pm Holy Hour
             St. Anthony School:                    Tuesday, January 11:
Thursday & Saturday, January 13-15:
                                                     5:30 pm Daily Mass
 Walcott Basketball Tournament! Go Saints!
                                                    Wednesday, January 12:
Friday, January 14:
                                                     7:15 am Daily Mass
 8:15 am daily Mass. All are welcome!
                                                     9-10 am Staff meeting, parish office will be closed.
                                                     9:30 am, Women’s Lectionary Study A/R
                                                     12 hr. Adoration
                                                     6:30-8 pm elementary, jr. high & high school F.F.C
                                                    Thursday, January 13:
                                                     7:15 am Daily Mass
                                                     9 am, Church decorations come down.
                                                    Friday, January 14:
                                                     8:15 am Daily Mass with the school children
                                                    Saturday, January 15:
                                                     6 pm Mass
                                                    Sunday, January 16:
                                                     9:30 am Mass
                                                     5 pm Holy Hour

                                                           The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022
                                                          BAPTISMAL DEATH AND RESURRECTION
                                                        As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, we also honor
                                                   our own baptism as our initiation into the Christian life and
                                                   community. In the Gospel, the baptism of Jesus, with his
                                                   immersion and then emergence from the water, points to his
                                                   later submission to God at his death, and his emergence from
                                                   the grave at his resurrection. This pattern of death and resur-
                                                   rection is our path too, as followers of Jesus. Throughout
                                                   life, often in small ways, we learn to surrender our limited
                                                   and self-centered agendas. This surrender often feels like
                                                   death. The sacrament of Baptism ritually enacts this pattern
                                                   to remind us of Jesus’ death and resurrection, so that we too
                                                   might embrace the deaths and resurrections of our own lives.
                                                   As Jesus emerged from the water, he encountered his Father
                                                   and the Holy Spirit. Like Jesus, we can know we are God’s
                                                   beloved, empowered by the Spirit. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. Anthony Catholic Church -
The Baptism of the Lord January 9, 2022                             LITURGY INTENTIONS
          9 am the Rosary prayed in the back of the church
9:30 am Mass                                                          Tue.5:30PM For the intentions of
RCIA and Adult Bible Study facilitators meeting in the                           Sandra George Commings
A/R after Mass. See blurb for more information.                       Wed.7:15AM Geraldine Schlabs RIP
5 pm Holy Hour                                                        Thurs.7:15 AM Bo Ivy RIP
MONDAY– 6:45 am Morning Prayer Group.                                 Fri. 8:15AM For Peace & Serenity of
TUESDAY– 6:45 am Morning Prayer Group.                                            Sandra George Commings
             7-8 am Men’s Lectionary Study Group.                     SAT.6PM People of the Parish
             5:30 pm Daily Mass                                       SUN.9:30 AM In Thanksgiving for his Life,
WEDNESDAY – 6:45 am Morning Prayer Group.                                          Thomas Albracht’s 90th Birthday
                7:15 am Daily Mass
                12 hr. Adoration resumes
                                                                                   ALTAR SERVERS
                                                                      Tue. 5:30PM Richard Alaniz & Aleeya Alaniz
                9 am-10 pm parish office closed. Staff meeting
                                                                      Wed.7:15 AM Devin Mata & Not Filled
                9:30 am Women’s Lectionary Study, A/R
                                                                      Thurs.7:15 AM Not Filled & Not Filled
                6:30-8 pm elementary, jr. high & high school F.F.C.
                                                                      Fri. 8:15AM School Children
THURSDAY– 6:45 am Morning Prayer Group.
                                                                      SAT.6PM Zaybrie Altman & Zayden Altman
                7:15 pm Daily Mass
                                                                      SUN.9:30 AM Sally Correa & Pierce Valdez
                9am Christmas decorations come down
               Walcott basketball tournament. Go Saints!                    Lector Schedule for January 15/16
FRIDAY–6:45 am Morning Prayer Group.                                  6PM Mass: Jim Hund & Pat Lindeman
           8:15 am Daily Mass with the school children                9:30AM Mass: Monica Valdez & Charlene Sanders
          Walcott basketball tournament. Go Saints!
                                                                               STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE
      SATURDAY 6PM LITURGY, January 15, 2022
                                                                                         January 1/2 2022
                 6:45 am Morning Prayer Group.
             Walcott basketball tournament. Go Saints!                  Envelopes                      $3,932.00
                            6 pm Mass                                   Plate                            $632.00
     Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 16, 2022                    Children’s Collection            $-
         9 am the Rosary prayed in the back of the church               Online Offertory               $3,105.00
9:30 am Mass                                                            Total                          $7,669.00
Adult Bible Study: Salvation History, A/R (study will begin after Mass) Weekly Budget                   $8,850.00
5 pm Holy Hour                                                          Variance                      $(1,181.00)
                                                                      Black Bag                          $25.00
ALTAR FLOWERS: are in MEMORY of                                                   CHRISTMAS COLLECTION
Katie Lupton donated from her grandchildren.                                     December 31/January 1 2021
Thank you for your donation, you and your                             Envelopes                   $2,550.00
family are in our prayers!                                            Children’s Collection            $-
                                                                      Plate                           $80.00
                PRAYER CHAIN REQUESTS                                 Total                        $2,630.00
              We want to remind people to feel free to use the        Retirement Fund for Religious    $30.00
             parish prayer lines when needs arise in your fam-
              ily in difficult times of testing and trial. *Email: You must first have the permis-               CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS:
sion of the patient or of a close family member who can speak     Thursday, January 13 at 9
for that person in need; you may use either their full name OR    am the Christmas decora-
 no name at all. It is also hoped that if the prayer line is being
used anonymously, the caller inform our Pastor Father Nick so     tion inside will be taken
he can come to anoint or administer the Sacrament of Healing                      down and
when needed and to know who among the flock to keep in his                        put away.
      daily prayer. Thank you and May God Bless you!
No Parking: There is No Parking in the driveway or near                           are welcome to help after Mass.
the school gates at any time. This is for access for police offi-
                                                                                  Many hands, make light work.
cers and in case of a fire. Please park on the street at all times
or in the parking lot. Thank you!
St. Anthony Catholic Church -
January Calendar
JAN. 9—RCIA/Adult Bible Study facilitators meeting in the A/R after Mass. See blurb for more information.
JAN. 10—First week in Ordinary Time.
JAN. 13-15—Walcott Basketball tournament. Go Saints!
JAN. 17—NO School, Martin Luther King Jr. day.
JAN. 18—Hereford Community Blood Drive, noon to 5:45 pm.
JAN. 20—Parish office closed all day for a Parish Staff Retreat.
JAN. 21—Parish Office open 9-12.
JAN. 22—Walk for Life, Mass begins at 10 am at St. Mary’s Cathedral
JAN. 30—Opening of Catholic Schools Weeks, Mass at 9:30 am.
The Charles Schlabs family wishes to extend
their thanks and heartfelt gratitude for all of
                                                              Communion Ministers to the Sick
the thoughts, prayers, and assistance during                                         Volunteers Needed
this difficult time in our lives. Special thanks                          If you are interested in becoming a Commun-
to Father Nick Gerber and Father John Val-                                ion Minister to the Sick, please call the parish
dez for their special blessings for our beloved                            office. We are in need of more volunteers to
                                                                         help distribute communion to our homebound.
wife, mother, and grandmother. We also wish
                                                              Please, prayerfully considered becoming a Communion
to express special thanks to Carolyn Kollin and Faith
                                                              Minister to the Sick When we get a good number of new
Diaz for assisting with music. Special thanks to those                   volunteers, we will hold a training.
who provided food and to the dining crew for the meal
our family enjoyed. We feel Very blessed to have such a
wonderful extended family within our Church.
                                                                             Confession Times:
                                                               Sunday: 8 am—9:15 am
Charles Schlabs                                                Saturday: 4:30 pm— 5:30 pm
Janette & Eric Fowler                                          Also by appointment at the Parish Office or at home
Susan & Billy Stubbs                                                  according to Father Nick’s schedule.
                                                                                         Are you registered for
                 NEW NUMBER OR ADDRESS?                                                 FORMED? It’s quick and
                    Do you have a new phone number?                                   easy, all you need is an email
                 Have you moved to a new address? If so address; you no longer need a code to register! Once
                  please let us know in the church office, you have confirmed your email address, you’re all set
                     364-6150. OR are you new to our
                                                           to begin exploring FORMED has many
 parish? Did you just turn 18? If so come by the church
  office and register as a new parishioner! We promise         options for children, young adults, and parents.
    your information will not be given out to anyone!                      It’s the Catholic Netflix.
St. Anthony Catholic Church -
HOLY CROSS CORNER                                       RCIA & Adult Bible Study Facilitators
The Holy Cross Catholic Academy 13-                                 A meeting for all RCIA/Adult Bible Study
member speech/debate team took 3rd place                            facilitators will be held Sunday January
at the Amarillo High School tournament on                           9th following Mass in the Antonian Room.
December 3/4, with several members of the team moving               RCIA candidates seeking to enter the
on to semi-finals and finals in their events.                       Church in the Spring of 2023 must attend
Debate:                                                             all classes offered through our parish.
     Kelly Le 1st                                                  Adult Bible Study
     Elizabeth Lewis 3rd                             Adult Bible Study to cover Salvation
     Andrew Sillivent 3rd                            History will begin on January 16th
Poetry:                                                after Mass in the Antonian Room.
     Nasayha Estrada 2nd                             This class will be approximately one
     Madison Heath 3rd                               hour in length and last for 28 weeks.
     Madison Heath 3rd                                 For signups or more information
                                                      please  contact Joe Lafuente at (806) 265-7729 or email
     Kaci Willburn 6th
Congratulations Mustangs!
    Hereford Community Blood Drive                          CATHOLIC LIFE INSURANCE
                                                           Catholic Life Insurance Raffle Sell
Tuesday, January 18 from noon to
                                                           Those Tickets You can support our
  5:45 pm in the Ballroom at the
                                                         school by purchasing a $5 raffle ticket
Hereford Civic Center. All Donors
                                                          for the Catholic School Sweepstake.
 will receive a blood emergency
                                                         ALL MONIES FROM THE SALE OF THE TICKETS
readiness corps shirt. To schedule
                                                         GO DIRECTLY TO OUR SCHOOL! Catholic Life In-
 your appointment, call 806-331-
                                                         surance is sponsoring the Sweepstakes and has prizes.
           8833 or visit
                                                          Grand Prize includes the choice of: 2022 Ford F-150 NEW
                                                         Truck OR 2021Ford Focus Sedan OR Prepaid $20,000
 COVID-19 antibody test for do-
                                                         Visa Credit Card; Each participating school will have a
     nors! Test detects natural or vaccine response.
                                                          $1000 Prepaid VISA Card Individual Winner drawn
   St. Anthony Parish Food Pantry from                        tickets sold by their school. Which class will be the
                                                         TOP selling class? All tickets need to be turned in by
              We will be closing our parish food pantry. January 14, 2022. The official drawing for prizes will
             We ask that canned goods be donated to the                    be February 14, 2022.
             Hereford Pantry. We are thankful to you all
                 that donated food to our small pantry                   Pray with the Deacons.
              throughout the years and appreciate your          Morning prayer with Deacon Ronnie and Deacon
  kindness. Canned goods that we have left in our small         Gerald has resumed at 6:45 am. All protocols for
food pantry will be donated to the Hereford Food Pantry.         social distancing will remain in place. Morning
                                                         prayer will begin at 6:45 am. Please enter through the
   Having trouble with Flocknote?                                           bell tower entrance.
 Are you registered for Flocknote
 and not receiving emails? Search                                Pray the Rosary in your inbox,                     Parishioners: All are welcome to join in praying
sometimes email providers will file                  the Rosary every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in
an email in a different folder mak-                  the back of the church. "The Rosary is the most powerful
    ing it difficult for members to stay up to date.  weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who
                                                           so loves His Mother." - St Louis de Montfort
   Flocknote suggest that Flocknote members add to their contacts to ensure that
your email providers know the email is coming from
 a trusted sender. This will keep emails from being
                                                            My family prayed _____
          filed under the junk or spam folder.                     rosaries this week.
St. Anthony Catholic Church -
St. Anthony Catholic Church -
Thought for Reflection:
   “Sin is not hurtful because it is forbidden, but it is forbidden because it is hurtful.”—Benjamin Franklin
           “Temper is what gets most of us into trouble. Pride is what keeps us there.”—Anonymous
“When everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up
            then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”—Harriet Beecher Stowe
St. Anthony Catholic Church - St. Anthony Catholic Church - St. Anthony Catholic Church - St. Anthony Catholic Church -
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