January 5, 2020 Sunday before Epiphany - Maranatha Church

Page created by Ana Scott
January 5, 2020 Sunday before Epiphany - Maranatha Church
January 5, 2020 · Sunday before Epiphany
January 5, 2020 Sunday before Epiphany - Maranatha Church
Welcome to Maranatha! Today is the Sunday before Epiphany (which , meaning
“manifestation or appearance.” We focus on becoming more aware of the significance
of Jesus’ life—his teaching and healing ministry—during this time. We hope you will
join us for refreshments in the Outreach Center following the morning service.

For your convenience, we have the following available during the worship services:
 nursery (ages newborn - 2) and Children’s Worship (ages 3 - 4)
 children’s coloring pages and supplies, available on the Welcome kiosk
 large print worship folders, available in hymnal rack at the back of church
 Audio Loop System

You can listen to past sermons on our website
(www.maranatha-crc.com) by choosing “Sermons” under the
Resources tab—or by scanning this code with your phone.

As we prepare to worship, we invite you to come to God in prayer.

    Almighty Lord God,
    you gave your Son, Jesus Christ, to be the light of the world:
    We praise and magnify your holy name that in him
    you have revealed the wonder of your saving love to all people.
    With those of old who brought their tribute to his feet,
    confessing him as King of heaven and earth,
    we now present the worship of our grateful hearts,
    asking you to give us grace to give ourselves to you,
    through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

The Prayer of Preparation has been adapted with permission from The Worship Sourcebook, ©2004,
CRC Publications. Any music reprinted in this worship folder is covered under CCLI License #245558.
Cover photos by: Norm Hoekstra and Matt Stob.

morning worship                      january 5, 2020 · 9:30am

                      Gathering Music
                       Love on the Line

                      GO D GATHERS

                  Songs of Worship & Praise
                  He Shall Reign Forevermore
                          Living Hope

                       God’s Greeting

                       GO D RENEWS

              Time of Confession & Assurance
                       Beautiful Savior


                       Escape Ministries

                       GO D SP EAKS

             Blessing & Dismissal of Children
             Leader: As you continue to worship
               People: The Lord be with you
                Children: and also with you.

Scripture Reading
                 John 1:14-18
    Leader: This is the Word of the Lord—
        People: Thanks be to God!

           “Seeing Jesus in 20/20”

     Installation of Elders & Deacons

             Song of Response
               One True God

               GO D SENDS

          God’s Parting Blessing

               Sending Song
     All Creatures of Our God and King

sermon notes

To chorus

today at maranatha
Coffee Fellowship—Everyone is invited to the Outreach Center following the
morning service for coffee and bagels.

11:00am Sunday School

5:00pm Evening Worship—As we begin our season of Mission Celebration and
anticipate our second season of 2.42 Groups, we'll consider again our participa-
tion in the mission of the church and spend time praying for God to accomplish
what he wills through our spoken and lived witness to the Lord Jesus. Evening
offerings during the month of January will be taken for Wycliffe Bible Translators.

    AM: Mary Achterhof, Abbe Baas
    PM: Sue Vander Heide, Kristi Rosema
Children’s Worship—Jen Brink, Lydia Pollema
Coffee Servers—Ken & Shari Frieling, Alvin & Shirley Meiste
Ushers—Jim LeFebre, Ron Voss, Dave Ver Hoeven, Ken Frieling

 next sunday at maranatha
9:30am Morning Worship—As we continue the series titled “Seeing in 20/20”,
Pastor Matt will preach from John 1:29-34. The offering will be taken for the Ma-
ranatha Christian Education Fund.

11:00am Sunday School

5:00pm 2.42 Groups

    AM: Jenna Hop, Toni Larson
Children’s Worship—Jen Brink, Lisa McKellips
Coffee Servers—Cindy Green, Jim & Lori LeFebre, Betty Morren
Ushers—Jim LeFebre, Ron Voss, Dave Ver Hoeven, Ken Frieling

this week at maranatha               ·    jan 6-11, 2020

           6:30pm         Prayer Time (see announcement)

           7:00pm         Full Council; Elders & Deacons

           9:00am         Prayer Group

           1:30pm         Ladies Guild (see announcement)

           4:30pm         Grace Space
           5:15pm         Wonderful Wednesday Meal—lasagna

           6:30pm         GEMS & Cadets (see announcement)
           6:30pm         Worship Leadership

           8:30am         Prayer Group

    upcoming events
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
 January 16, 6:30am—Men’s Life begins
 January 29, 9:30am—Women’s Ministry begins
 February 15—J.O.Y. Progressive Valentine’s Dinner

To view our church calendar, please scan the code at the right with
your smart phone.

from the deacons
December 29, 2019 Offering:
 World Renew—$622.00
 Outdoor Play Structure for the Morales Family—$50.00
 General Fund—$16,010.00
 Faith Promise—$995.00

 upcoming birthdays and anniversaries
Jan 7—Dan Ebels, Jr.                     Jan 12—Beckett Wesseldyke
Jan 7—Warren Harding                     Jan 13—Isaac Pollema
Jan 10—Livie Van Appledorn               Jan 15—John Lappenga
Jan 12—Herm Kolk

 our maranatha family
Each week we lift up in prayer a member of our Maranatha family who is no
longer able to get out and about as freely as he or she would like. Please re-
member Gert Hulst in your prayers and with a card this week.

Arloa Kolean continues her rehab at Blodgett and anticipates being there for
perhaps a couple of weeks.

Dave Tinholt anticipates having hip replacement surgery on Tuesday.

Today is the last day to sign your name in the Bible purchased for J.J. &
Michaela Saucedo’s wedding gift. We hope that this will be an encouragement
for them as they begin their marriage!

I would like to thank those who remembered me in their prayers, with cards and
words of encouragement while I was at Spectrum and Mary Free Bed. They were
very much appreciated. Thank you! Millie Lubbers

Thank you to my Maranatha family for all the love and thoughtfulness, the many
cards and gifts I received in my gift bag. I appreciate it very much! God bless
each one of you in the days and years ahead. Sincerely, Sue Prins

The congregation of Maranatha would like to thank the following retiring elders
and deacons for their faithful service:
Jim Wiersma—Administrative Elder
Warren Harding—Shepherding Elder
John Lappenga—Shepherding Elder
Dan Ebels, Jr.—Administrative Deacon
Mary Voss—Administrative Deacon
Paula Wesseldyke—Shepherding Deacon

Reminder…Pine Rest Church Assistance Program. Maranatha members have
free access to a 24/7 hotline (800.442.0809) and free face-to-face counseling
sessions (three per “problem episode”) through our Church Assistance Program
with Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services. Visit the website https://
pinerest.personaladvantage.com and use our password, MaranathacrcCAP, for
more information.

 church announcements
Prayer Time in the Narthex. Everyone is invited to come tomorrow evening
from 6:30-7:00 for a time of prayer. We will pray for the council meeting, our
church and community, as well as for any other prayer requests.

2.42 Groups. We will begin a second season of 2.42 Groups next Sunday. This
time around, 2.42 Groups will meet only on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings of
each month (January - March). If you would like to participate, please sign up--
even if you participated in a group this past fall. All are welcome! The sign-up
sheet can be found on the Welcome kiosk.

Ladies Guild. This Tuesday, we will be studying Lesson 6 “Praying for Everyone”.
New members always welcome!

Supplies/Food Offering for Brothers Home 1. During the month of January,
we will be collecting food and household items for Brothers Home 1. Please
check your mailboxes for a list of suggested items. A grocery cart has been
placed in the narthex to collect the donated items. Thank you!

Holland Rescue Mission Volunteer/Donation Opportunities.
 Winter Donation Needs: 2020 Planners for the women at the Family Hope
   Ministry Center; underwear of all sizes
 Volunteer Needs: Receptionist at the Gateway Center from 11:30am-1:30pm
   (times are flexible) on Mondays or Fridays. Responsibilities include
   answering and transferring phone calls, light office/clerical work, greeting
   visitors, and assisting staff with projects as needed.
Questions? Please email Cora at coraa@hollandrescue.org.

Bring your leftover goodies to church on Wednesday night. Lasagna will be pro-
vided for a meal, but if you’d like to get rid of some of your Christmas and New
Year goodies, you can drop them off at the dessert table Wednesday evening!

GEMS and Cadets. We are excited to begin our winter session on January
8th. We have lots of fun activities planned! We will have regular meetings on
Wonderful Wednesday nights and Pinewood Derby work nights on certain off
weeks. A full schedule will be in your mailbox. See you Wednesday!

Cadets Tour the Holland Energy Park. Cadets and a parent are invited to tour
the Holland Energy Plant MONDAY, January 13th. We will meet at the Plant (1
Energy Park Way, Holland) in the Visitor Parking lot at 6:30pm. Questions? See
Eric Hemmeke.

 faith formation family tip:
   “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the
  heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to
  uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to
  build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to
  dance” (Eccles 3:1-4). As we enter a new year full of unknowns, remind each
  other to take comfort in the knowledge that all your times are in God’s hand.

Maranatha Christian Reformed Church
                    Walking after Jesus - doing all He teaches

              Rev. Matt Stob                              Rebecca Klinkman
                   Pastor                               Worship Coordinator
         mstob@maranatha-crc.com                   rklinkman@maranatha-crc.com

           Tammy Michmerhuizen                               Amber Ebels
          Discipleship Coordinator                     Administrative Assistant
     tmichmerhuizen@maranatha-crc.com                office@maranatha-crc.com

              John Lappenga                                 Bob Schippers
          Caring Concerns & Needs                     Caring Concerns & Needs

                                Why Maranatha?
You might be wondering why our church is designed the way it is. The answer to your
question lies with the name which is engraved on the cornerstone: “Maranatha,” which
means “Lord, come quickly!” We have tried to convey this ideal in the very structure of
                                     our building.

   Think about our sanctuary: all worshippers are facing directly towards the pulpit, on
  which is placed the Word of God, our only guide for this life and our hope for the life
 to come. And behind the Word, framed in the expanse of glass, is the cross, which is a
    symbol of Christ’s accomplished work on this earth. Christ became flesh and took
    upon Himself our sins so that we might be restored unto fellowship with God. He
  seals this with His death upon the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Our Sav-
    ior is now in Heaven actively completing His Kingdom, and He will one day come
    again. We look hopefully to His return and therefore have, as a background to the
        Word and the cross, the very heavens where we look for our Lord’s return.

                                     Office Hours:
                               Mon & Fri 8:30am-12:30pm
                               Wed & Thurs 8:30am-3:30pm
 Access our Mobile Directory         616.396.1135          Follow us on Facebook:
 powered by SimpleChurch        www.maranatha-crc.com    Search “Maranatha Church”

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