St. Martins Women's 9-Holers - 2021 Guide - Philadelphia Cricket Club

Page created by Dolores Brown
St. Martins
Women’s 9-Holers

   2021 Guide
The St. Martins Women’s 9-Holers are a group of women who enjoy mixing
competition with camaraderie at one of the coolest original golf courses in America!
There is a broad mix of players that includes members of 50+ years to brand new
players to everything in-between!

The SM 9-Holers have the option to play on Thursday mornings. A fun format is
available each week and tee times for SM 9-Holers are reserved from 8am-10am.

Participating in the SM 9-Holers is as easy as 1-2-3! All you have to do is book a tee
time in the morning window and tee it up! The pro shop staff will help do pairings;
explain formats; answer questions; and do anything & everything to make sure you
have a good time!

Many people are involved in trying to make the SM 9-Holers the best it can be but the
primary contacts for the group are:

➢ John Esher-Hagel (SM 9-Holers Staff Liaison)               610-306-4315
➢ Glenn Perri (SM 9-Holers Staff Liaison)                    215-470-8706
➢ Jim Smith Jr. (PGA Director of Golf)                       215-247-6113

Booking Tee Times
➢ SM 9-Holers have the ability to book a tee time on a Thursday by calling or
  stopping in the pro shop at St. Martins and having a staff member book a tee time
  for you up to 2 weeks in advance.
➢ Players playing as part of the SM 9-Holers should tee off between 8am-10am.
  Participation in the program outside of that window requires Committee approval.
➢ Players are encouraged to consider playing with different people each week as one
  of the reasons the group exists is to foster new relationships inside of the club
➢ SM 9-Holers are expected to enter their own scores for handicapping purposes.
   Having a handicap is paramount to participating in competitions and enjoying the
➢ The golf shop will have scorecards ready to go for all organized events for players
   on the tee sheet.
➢ Nine-hole scores are combined automatically in the GHIN system – it takes just
   10 nine-hole scores to earn a handicap!
➢ Non-full golf members who participate in the St. Martins 9-Holers are required to
   maintain a handicap. A $50 annual fee will be automatically charged to your
   member account to cover this cost.

 ➢ A ‘ringer’ score is your best score on a particular hole during the course of the year
   (both gross & net). Ringer cards will be available in the golf shop so you can track
   your successes!
 ➢ The SM 9-Holers run a ‘ringer’ competition that start on May 1st and runs until
   September 10th. Each time you improve your best score on a particular hole, you’d
   adjust your ‘ringers’ to reflect he fact. ‘Ringers” are updated by the golf shop as they
   occur and a summary is made available on the first of each month so you and your
   fellow golfers can track your accomplishments!

 Paramount to a successful season is communication and transparency. All SM 9-
 Holers should make sure that under ‘email preferences’ on your membership profile
 (found on the opening page of the website), you select ‘St. Martins 9-Holers’ since
 every Friday all St. Martins 9-Holers will get an email from the staff that will include
 the following:

       o   Results from play that week
       o   A description of the format for the upcoming week
       o   A reminder to sign-up for either of the next two weeks’ play opportunities
       o   A ‘tip of the week’ about things like rules, etiquette, or pace of play
Competition vs. ‘Fun’ (no pressure)
Balancing the SM 9-holer needs can be a challenge – for some players the draw is
being part of a competition; for others the draw is an opportunity to learn the game in
a non-threatening environment, perhaps in preparation for play at the ‘big’ courses at
Flourtown. Care is taken to provide the right mix of education, formats, and
structure so there is enough of a reason for everyone interested to find the SM 9-
Holer group beneficial. Communication is key – if you wonder if the group is right
for you, see a golf staff member or member of the Committee to talk through how
the SM 9-Holers can help you learn and/or enjoy one of the few games that can last a

Social Interclubs
➢ Effort is made each year to set-up ‘home-and-home’ matches with several other
   clubs so members have a chance to see other places and create new relationships.
   Support of these events is critical as without support from SM 9-Holers the events
   are not possible. The tentative schedule for 2021:

       o   Thursday, ______ vs. Flourtown CC
       o   Thursday, June 24th vs. Sunnybrook, Whitemarsh and Philadelphia Country
       o   Thursday, July 8th at Philadelphia Country
       o   Wednesday, July 14th at Sunnybrook
       o   Tuesday, August 3rd at Whitemarsh
       o   Thursday _______ at Flourtown CC

Player of the Year
A season-long points list will be kept to recognize the highest achievers over the
course of the year. Each week the top 5 players in the format used will earn POY
points (6 for 1st; 5 for 2nd; 5 for 3rd; 3 for 4th; 2 for 5th). Additionally, every player that
shows up earns 1 point. The players with the most points as of September 1st will be
recognized at the closing event.
2021 Tentative Schedule

 Date               Format

 May 6th            Opening Day Luncheon
 May 13th           Barbara Daly Spring Classic
 May 20th           Blind Draw of Partners
 May 27th           Interclub
 June 3rd           Streets & Par 3’s
 June 10th          Even Holes
 June 17th          Fewest Putts
 June 24th          Interclub (vs Sunnybrook, Whitemarsh and Phila. Country)
 July 1st           Nulligan
 July 8th           Interclub (@ Phila. Country)
 July 14th          Interclub (@ Sunnybrook)*
 July 15th          Willie Anderson Day
 July 22nd          Interclub
 July 29th          Think Pink
August 3rd          Interclub (@ Whitemarsh)**
August 5th          ONES
August 12th         Beat the Pros
August 19th         Blind Draw of Partners
August 26th         Interclub
September 2nd       Fewest Putts
September 9th       St. Martins Member/Guest
September 16th      Florence Vanderbeck Club Championship
September 23rd      Play Day
September 30th      Betty Shellenberger Classic

• All dates are on Thursdays (except otherwise noted)
* Wednesday
** Tuesday
2021 St. Martins
                 Match Play Tournament

➢   Must have St. Martins privileges to participate.
➢   All play from forward tees.
➢   All matches are 9 holes.
➢   Participants must get an ‘official scorecard’ from the golf shop at either prior to
    playing. Please contact the professional staff as the card can be emailed.
➢   Players will be paired at random.
➢   All strokes will be awarded off of the low handicap in the match (lowest
    handicap plays at scratch; opponent assigned the handicap difference).
➢   Players on the top of each bracket are responsible for reporting the match
    results to the professional staff.
➢   Registration opens on April 1st.
➢   Registration closes on April 30th .
➢   Pairings will be announced and posted on May 1st.
➢   Handicaps for all matches will be those in effect at the time the matches are
    being played.
➢   Format – match play, full handicap, playing off of the low player’s ball.
➢   Round 1 matches are to be completed by June 1st.
➢   Round 2 matches are to be completed by July 1st.
➢   Round 3 matches are to be completed by August 1st.
➢   Round 4 matches are to be completed by September 1st.
➢   Round 5 matches are to be completed by October 1st. (if necessary)
➢   In the event competitors cannot agree on a time to play the match, the match is
    to be played at 11am on the deadline date. Any player(s) not available at that
    time will be disqualified. NO EXCEPTIONS to this guideline can be made
    unless the golf course is unplayable due to weather.
2021 SM 9-Holers
        Ringers Competition
➢ Gross & Net prizes will be awarded.

➢ Each player is responsible for entering their own ringer
  scores into Golf Genius

➢ Players should be posting all scores played at the club.

➢ Ringers open on May 1st and close on September 10th.
  A Ringer is defined as your best score on each hole
  throughout the season. You must play at least 7
  consecutive holes in order to post a score as a ringer

➢ Max handicap available for ringers is 36. You must have a
 USGA handicap to participate in the “Net” portion of the
  ringers competition.

➢ You must have a score on every hole on each course by
  the end of the season to be included in the competition.

➢ Your “GHIN” handicap will be used on the closing day to
  determine the contestant classes and net scores.
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