Liquor and wine licence fees and charges - 2021-2022 Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Queensland ...

Page created by Suzanne Graves
Liquor and wine licence fees and charges - 2021-2022 Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Queensland ...
Department of Justice and Attorney‐General

   Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation

   Liquor and wine licence fees and

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021                                  Page 1 of 8
Liquor and wine licence fees and charges - 2021-2022 Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Queensland ...
Overview of Queensland liquor and wine
licence fees and charges
All liquor licences in Queensland are subject to a base fee plus any additional fee calculated by the risk
criteria. The risk criteria relate to trading hours, service practices and compliance history.
All fees are indexed annually. Annual fees are payable by 31 July each year. The liquor licence will
be automatically suspended, and then cancelled after 28 days, if the fee remains outstanding. The wine
licence will be automatically suspended and cancelled after 14 days if the fee remains outstanding.

If your liquor licence is cancelled, your gaming licence will be automatically cancelled. If this occurs,
gaming activities must cease. Your licensed monitoring operator will be advised to disable all gaming
machines. All hotel operating authorities or club entitlements will be forfeited to the state, with no
opportunity for redress. If this occurs, licensees have to reapply for a gaming licence and purchase new
operating authorities or entitlements at market rates.
The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation’s credit card payment authority form can be used for credit
card payments of all OLGR fees.
Note: OLGR will not accept credit card details by fax or email, including PDF attachments. If an email
is received with credit card details, it will be deleted immediately and your form will not be processed.
This is in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021                                 Page 2 of 8
Fees under the Liquor Act 1992
New licence applications
  Commercial hotel                                                             $7,370.00

  Commercial other                                                             $1,471.00
  ∙   Subsidiary on‐premises
  ∙   Subsidiary off‐premises
  ∙   Industrial canteen
  ∙   Bar
  ∙   Producer/wholesaler

  Commercial special facility                                                  $7,370.00

  Community club                                                               $3,240.00

  Community other                                                              $735.30

  Nightclub                                                                    $1,471.00

Applications to change existing liquor licence
  ∙   Alter, rebuild, change or increase the area of a licensed premises       $97.50
  ∙   Approval for the gratuitous supply of liquor for a particular event or   $74.20
      occasion in any part of licensed premises
  ∙   Car park approval (for 1 event, up to 3 consecutive dates)               $74.20
  ∙   Catering endorsement                                                     $97.50
  ∙   Change name of premises                                                  $97.50
  ∙   Change risk‐assessed management plan (RAMP)                              $97.50
  ∙   Conduct business under section 129 interim authority                     $371.10
  ∙   Conduct another business or supply a service on licensed premises        $97.50
  ∙   Craft beer producer endorsement                                          $114.50
  ∙   Artisan producer endorsement                                             $114.50
  ∙   Criminal history check (per person)                                      $39.55
  ∙   Detached bottle shop (new)                                               $1,107.00
         Relocate bottle shop                                                 $188.70
         Transfer bottle shop                                                 $188.70
  ∙   Duplicate licence                                                        $143.10
  ∙   Exemption from the restriction on the sale or supply of rapid            $221.30
      intoxication drinks for licensed premises or part of licensed premises

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021                            Page 3 of 8
∙   Extended trading hours (permanent)                          $221.30
  ∙   Let, sublet or enter into a management agreement            $371.10
  ∙   Registration of financial interest                          $97.50
  ∙   Temporary change in licensed area (1 occasion)              $74.20
  ∙   Temporary authority / renewal of temporary authority        $97.50
  ∙   Transfer liquor licence                                     $371.10
  ∙   Variation of licence (permanent)                            $221.30
  ∙   Variation of licence conditions (temporary ‐ 1 occasion)    $74.20

Permit applications
  Adult entertainment permit
  ∙ For 1 occasion                                                $884.90
  ∙ For up to 3 years                                             $2,284.00
  ∙ Extend adult entertainment hours on a regular basis           $221.30
  ∙ Vary hours of adult entertainment for 1 occasion              $74.20
  ∙ Make another change to an existing permit                     $286.40

  Artisan Spirits
  ∙ Producer permit                                               $74.20

  Community liquor permit (per day)                               $74.20

  Commercial public event permit (one‐off public event)
  ∙ First date of event                                           $735.30
  ∙ Each additional date of event                                 $74.20

  Craft beer
  ∙ Producer permit                                               $74.20

  Extended trading hours—one‐off permit                           $74.20

  Restricted liquor permit
  ∙ Sale of liquor 10–25 hours/week (3‐month permit)              $260.30
  ∙ Sale of liquor less than 10 hours/week (3‐month permit)       $130.30

Annual liquor licence fees
  Commercial hotel                                                $3,977.00
  ∙ Very remote region                                            $397.70
  ∙ Detached bottle shop (each)                                   $4,418.00

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021               Page 4 of 8
Commercial other                                                               $735.30
  ∙   Subsidiary on‐premises
  ∙   Subsidiary off‐premises
  ∙   Bar
  ∙   Industrial canteen
  ∙   Producer/wholesaler

  Commercial special facility
  ∙ If licensee is not authorised to sell or supply liquor at any time between
     5am and 10am
  ∙ For each additional liquor outlet beyond 10 liquor outlets                   $1,471.00
  ∙ If licensee is authorised to sell or supply liquor at any time between 5am
     and 10am
  ∙ For each additional liquor outlet beyond 10 liquor outlets                   $1,471.00

  Nightclub                                                                      $3,977.00

  Community club
  ∙ With 2000 members or less                                                    $735.30
  ∙ With 2000 members or less—very remote region                                 $397.70
  ∙ With more than 2000 members                                                  $3,240.00

  Community other                                                                $371.10

  Extended/authorised trading hours—Risk criterion
  ∙ Approved extended trading hours between 7am and 9am:
      during weekends only                                                      $1,107.00
       otherwise                                                                $1,471.00
  ∙   Approved extended trading hours between 9am and 10am:
       during weekends only                                                     $553.20
       otherwise                                                                $735.30
  ∙   Approved extended trading hours between 12am and 1am:
       during weekends only                                                     $2,761.00
       otherwise                                                                $3,682.00
  ∙   Approved extended trading hours between 12am and 2am:
       during weekends only                                                     $5,530.00
       otherwise                                                                $7,370.00
  ∙   Approved extended trading hours or authorised trading hours between
      12am and 3am:
       during weekends only                                                     $8,290.00
       otherwise                                                                $11,030.00
  ∙   Approved extended trading hours or authorised trading hours between
      3am and 5am:
       during weekends only                                                     $11,030.00
         otherwise                                                              $14,730.00

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021                               Page 5 of 8
Compliance history—Risk criterion
  Application when an infringement notice was served on the licensee and the
  licensee paid the fine in the previous licence period
  Application when the Commissioner decides to take disciplinary action
  relating to the licence, and in the previous licence period:

  ∙   the licensee did not appeal the decision, or the tribunal confirmed or set
      aside the decision or substituted it with another decision
  ∙   the licensee was convicted of a supply offence, and in the previous
      licence period the offence was taken to have contributed to the death or
      serious assault of a person on or near the licensed premises

Note: Licensees of hotels and small clubs with 2,000 members or less are eligible for a concessional fee if their
venue is located in a very remote area of Queensland as classified by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Approvals and other applications
  Approved manager approval
  ∙ New 5‐year approval                                                           $540.10
  ∙ Renewal                                                                       $540.10

  Approved controller approval (5‐year approval)                                  $540.10

  Responsible management of licensed venues (RMLV) trainer approval
  ∙ Approval as a trainer (1‐year period)                                         $2,758.00
  ∙ Renewal of approval as a trainer (1‐year period)                              $2,262.00

ID scanning operations
  ∙   Change an approved operator's executive officers                            $264.80
  ∙   Approval to operate an approved ID scanning system                          $6,900.00

Search the register
  ∙   One‐off search                                                              $41.65
  ∙   Unlimited online searches for 1 year                                        $4,252.00

Fees under the Wine Industry Act 1994
New licence application
  Wine merchant                                                                   $2,726.00
  ∙ Allow consumption of wine on the premises (other than samples)                $195.00

  Wine producer                                                               $637.80
  ∙  Apply for a licence condition to allow:                                  $325.50
      consumption of wine on the premises (other than samples) – for the
        main premises and/or a satellite cellar door premises (each premises)
      the sale of other licensee’s wine

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021                                         Page 6 of 8
Annual wine licence fees
  Wine merchant                                                    $637.90

  Wine producer                                                    $637.90

Applications to change existing wine licence
  Nominee—existing licence, or additional or replacement nominee   $325.50

  Extended trading hours                                           $45.50

  Transfer wine licence                                            $325.50

  Interim licence                                                  $127.50

  Search the register                                              $35.80

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021              Page 7 of 8
Revision history

                                                                                Release     Incept
  Version                             Changes                     QIR   Who
                                                                                 date        date

                   Document reformat and restructure
     3.3                                                                TR/TW 10/08/2020
                   Minor updates

                   Added 2.16–2.18 regarding legislative
                    requirements including, but not limited to,
     3.2            taxation
                                                                        AL/MM 25/10/2019
                   Changed references to EGMs to BTs
                   Minor updates and clarifications

                   Updated to new DJAG report document
    3.1.1                                                                JG    11/04/2016

                   Updated to new DEEDI report document
     3.1            template                                             YL    20/08/2010
                   QOGR → OLGR

                   Added ‘Continuity of Services’ section
                   Updated document and standards
     3.0                                                                 MB    15/03/2005
                   Changed formatting

                   Removed the section on Jackpot
                    Systems. This is not a separate document
                   Combined this document with the LMO
                    Event Reporting Requirements document
     2.0                                                                 RLL   13/11/2000
                   Refer Red-line and strike out text
                    throughout this document for other

                   Updated copyright notice in accordance
                    with OLGR policy
     1.1           Changed Section 10 numbering                         RLL   31/03/1998
                   Refer Redline and strikeout for other

     1.0           Initial Release                                      RLL   07/10/1997

Fees and charges, Queensland liquor licensing—as at 1 July 2021                             Page 8 of 8
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