Page created by Wanda Reynolds
             CATHOLIC CHURCH
                    May 8, 2022
         1050 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop
              Shreveport, LA 71118
         Office 687-5121 • Rectory 687-1818
               Fax—(318) 216-3014

                Rev. Mark Watson
                Rev. Raney Johnson
                  Parochial Vicar
                Deacon Bill Roche
      Kim Long, Director of Religious Education
            Carol Garceau, Secretary
          Cayla Witt, Bookkeeper/Media
         Tom Ticich, Music Coordinator
             Jenny Hebert, Organist
     German & Andrea Velazquez, High School
                 Youth Directors

MASSES: Monday—Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday (Vigil): 4 p.m.
Sunday Mass: English: 8:30 a.m. & Spanish 12:30 p.m.

CONFESSION: Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.—11:15 a.m.; or by appointment.

BAPTISM: Call the office to schedule a preparation
class after which a Baptism date can be scheduled.

ADORATION: Following 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday
until Holy Hour which is 3 p.m. Benediction at 4 p.m.
GIFT SHOP: Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 11 a.m.—1 p.m.

CHURCH OFFICE: Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m.
until 3:30 p.m. & Friday 8:30 a.m. until 12 noon.

                     We the people of St. Mary of the
                     Pines are unified by our Baptism to
                     fulfill the mission of the Catholic       Scan the QR code below with your
                                                              cell phone’s camera to go to our Get
                     Church: to proclaim the works of
                                                             Involved page on our website to learn
                     God and to live as Jesus taught.
                                                             about all the ministries and organiza-
                                                                         tions we have!
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will improve
our lives by continuing to understand the teachings of the
Catholic Church, sharing with the poor, providing sup-
port for our young people, the sick and the lonely, wor-
shipping with reverence and enthusiasm, providing stew-
ardship for the gifts God has committed to our care, and
celebrating together as a Christian family.
New Horizons
                                                Good Shepherd Sunday 22

This weekend we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. This Sunday we reflect on the image of Christ as the
Good Shepherd. This is an image which goes back to the Old Testament when God was seen as the ideal
Shepherd who cared for his people as contrasted with the kings of Israel who cared more for themselves
than for their people. The Prophet Ezekiel not only wrote about God as the Good Shepherd but wrote that
God would send a future messianic Shepherd who would care for God’s holy people. We understand Jesus
Christ to be this messianic shepherd.

The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is present in each of the four Gospels. This image is also present
on the walls of the catacombs, such as the Catacomb of Callixtus. Jesus the Good Shepherd has inspired
artists throughout the centuries.

In today’s Gospel Jesus states that his sheep hear his voice, they know and they follow him. We hear the
voice of Jesus our Good Shepherd and Messiah through prayer, through living out our faith, through medi-
tating of the Word of God, through celebrating the Mass and through studying the Tradition of the Church.

Jesus says that they shall never perish and that no one shall snatch them from his hand nor from the hand of
the Father. As a shepherd protects his sheep so Jesus protects us.

Jesus finally says, “I and the Father are one (John 10:30).” Jesus is the Messiah who brings God the Father
to his followers. As our Good Shepherd Jesus gives us eternal life. As our Good Shepherd, Jesus died on
the cross so that we might have eternal life. Eternal life comes through active faith in Jesus Christ. The re-
lationship of life and love which begins in this life will come to its fulness in eternal life. Eternal life can
only be taken away through our own sin and unbelief.

Celebrating Good Shepherd Sunday on Mother’s Day reminds us that parents are called to be shepherds or
leaders within their families. As I think of my own family my parents were a package deal in passing on
the faith. Central to the life of my mother was a deep love of her children, a commitment to living out her
faith, and care of others, especially those most in need. Her confidence in me helped me my own personal
confidence in myself to grow. Her life imaged the life of Jesus the Good Shepherd. On this Good Shepherd
Sunday, we give thanks for the lives of our mother’s who have had such a central role in passing on the

In addition to Mother’s Day, today is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This day reminds us that our vocation does not
come from what I want for myself but our call from God. That may be a call to marriage, priesthood, diaconate, religious life or
service as a single person. The call from God is the call which will make one most happy in life. This is not to say that there
won’t be sacrifices involved. Those sacrifices will bring us closer to God and closer to one another. For those who believe God
is calling them do not be afraid to answer that God. I invite family members to support your children and grandchildren to say yes
to God’s call for them.

May we experience Christ as our Good Shepherd who speaks to us and protects us. Let us thank our mothers for their love and
support for us. On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations let us assist those who seem to have a vocation to live out that voca-
Nuevos Horizontes
                                               Domingo del Buen Pastor 22

Este fin de semana celebramos el Domingo del Buen Pastor. Este domingo reflexionamos sobre la imagen
de Cristo como el Buen Pastor. Esta es una imagen que estaba presente en el Antiguo Testamento cuando
Dios era visto como el Pastor ideal que se preocupaba por su pueblo en contraste con los reyes de Israel que
se preocupaban más por sí mismos que por su pueblo. El profeta Ezequiel no solo escribió acerca de Dios
como el Buen Pastor, sino que escribió que Dios enviaría un futuro Pastor messiánico que cuidaría del pue-
blo santo de Dios. Entendemos que Jesucristo es este pastor mesiánico.

La imagen de Jesús como el Buen Pastor está presente en cada uno de los cuatro Evangelios. Esta imagen
también está presente en las paredes de las catacumbas, como la Catacumba de Calixto. Jesús el Buen Pas-
tor ha inspirado a artistas a lo largo de los siglos.

En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús afirma que sus ovejas oyen su voz, saben y lo siguen. Escuchamos la voz de
Jesús, nuestro Buen Pastor y Mesías, a través de la oración, viviendo nuestra fe, meditando la Palabra de
Dios, celebrando la Misa y estudiando la Tradición de la Iglesia.

Jesús dice que nunca perecerán y que nadie los arrebatará de su mano ni de la mano del Padre. Así como
un pastor protege a sus ovejas, así Jesús nos protege a nosotros.

Jesús finalmente dice: "Yo y el Padre somos uno (Juan 10:30)". Jesús es el Mesías que trae a Dios el Padre
a sus seguidores. Como nuestro Buen Pastor Jesús nos da la vida eterna. Como nuestro Buen Pastor, Jesús
murió en la cruz para que pudiéramos tener vida eterna. La vida eterna viene a través de la fe activa en Je-
sucristo. La relación de vida y amor que comienza en esta vida llegará a su plenitud en la vida eterna. La
vida eterna sólo puede ser quitada a través de nuestro propio pecado y falta de fe.

Celebrar el Domingo del Buen Pastor en el Día de la Madre nos recuerda que los padres están llamados a
ser pastores o líderes dentro de sus familias. Al pensar en mi propia familia, mis padres pasaron la fe jun-
tos a sus hijos. El centro de la vida de mi madre fue un profundo amor por su esposo y por sus hijos, un
compromiso de vivir su fe y el cuidado de los demás, especialmente de los más necesitados. Su confianza
en mí me ayudó a crecer mi propia confianza personal en mí misma. Su vida representaba la vida de Jesús
el Buen Pastor. En este Domingo del Buen Pastor, damos gracias por la vida de nuestras madres que han
tenido un papel tan central en la transmisión de la fe en nuestras vidas.

Además del Día de la Madre, hoy es también el Dia Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones. Este día nos recuerda que nuestra
vocación no viene de lo que quiero para mí, sino de nuestra llamada de Dios. Eso puede ser un llamado al matrimonio, al sacer-
docio, al diaconado, a la vida religiosa o al servicio como persona soltera. El llamado de Dios es el llamado que hará a uno más
feliz en la vida. Esto no quiere decir que no habrá sacrificios involucrados. Esos sacrificios nos acercarán más a Dios y nos acer-
carán unos a otros. Porque aquellos que creen que Dios los está llamando, no tengan miedo de responder a ese Dios. Invito a los
miembros de la familia a apoyar a sus hijos y nietos para que digan sí al llamado de Dios para ellos.

Que experimentemos a Cristo como nuestro Buen Pastor que nos habla y nos protege. Agradezcamos a nuestras madres por su
amor y apoyo hacia nosotros. En esta Dia Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones, ayudemos a aquellos que parecen tener una
vocación a vivir esa vocación.
Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday      4:00 P.M.    +   Carolyn Wagner
Sunday         8:30 A.M.   +   Lito Pineda, Jr.
5-8                        +   Viola Pitre
                           +   Dorothy Schevers
              12:30 P.M.       Spanish Mass
Monday          8:30 A.M.      No Mass
Tuesday         8:30 A.M. + Gayle Teel
                           + Chasity Grissom
Wednesday       8:30 A.M. + Rubby Endara
Thursday        8:30 A.M. + Tom Ebarb
 Friday         8:30 A.M. + Carlos Endara
Saturday        4:00 P.M. + Jennifer Osherowitz
5-14                       + Sestilia Poli
                           + James Jones, Jr.
                           + Adam Purland
Sunday         8:30 A.M.       Parishioners of St. Mary’s
5-15                           and Sacred Heart Church
              12:30 P.M.       Spanish Mass
For the next 2 months in the absence of Fr. Raney,
there will be NO MONDAY MASS. The intentions that
were already scheduled have been moved to another
date. Check your bulletin for new dates.

 Monday:    Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-
 Tuesday:   Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30
 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8;
            Jn 12:44-50
 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27;
            Jn 13:16-20
 Friday:    Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6
 Saturday: Acts 1:15-17; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
                                                            A Prayer in Gratitude for Our
 Sunday:    Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a;         Mothers
            Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
                                                            Good and Gentle God,
                                                            we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the
The Sanctuary Candle is burning this week for the in-       women of theory who have joined with you in the won-
tentions of Christian Seymour, Yakira Seymour &             der of bringing forth new life. You who became human
Shelia Seymour.                                             through a woman, grant to all mothers the courage they
                                                            need to face the uncertain future that life with children
                                                            always brings.
                     Collections                            Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return,
              Fiscal Year July 2021-2022                    not perfectly, but humanly.
                                                            Give them the faithful support of husband, family and
Tithe YTD………………………$371,665.41                               friends as they care for the physical and spiritual growth
(week 44) 4/30 & 5/1                                        of their children.
                                                            Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain
Tithe                           $ 8,716.13                  them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give
SVDP                                185.00                  them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need
Charity                              67.00                  it most.
Capital Improvement               1,151,00
Home Mission Appeal                   67.00                 - Author Unknown
Rice Bowl                             25.60
Ukraine                            2,013.25
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
                                                                   PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OF THE LISTED &
                                                                   FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR
We offer our prayer for peace in solidarity with the Holy
Father, Pope Francis for peace in Ukraine.                                    OUR PRAYERS.
We ask for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel           If you know someone who needs to be on this list,
the Patron Saint of Ukraine, to bring peace and hope to                          please let us know.
this nation and its people.
                                                                 James Garcia, Jennifer Booras, Cheryl Hopkins, Curtis
Lord, look down with mercy and compassion on your
                                                                 Leroy McInnis, Charlotte Dimes-Carter, Karen LeBlon,
humble servants, and out of love for mankind hearken
                                                                 Josh Stewart, Todd Nissen, Jennifer Mayeux, Herman
and have mercy on us and on the land of Ukraine.
                                                                 Lawson, Mike Stewart, Theresa Varghese, Cindy
Lift up those who fight in defense of Ukraine and her
                                                                 Hockenberry, Hazel & Dale Ebarb, Josephine McGowan,
much suffering people, outnumbered though they be.
                                                                 Kenny Canatella, Theresa Frisch, Phillip Farmer, Ann
With deep compassion and mercy enlighten and make
                                                                 Parker, Marine Beaudion, Johnny Beaudion, Diane B.
glad the hearts of the civil authorities and strengthened
                                                                 Ruesch, Darrin Gallion, Lula Ebarb, Glenda Ebarb, Dale
them by Your might.
                                                                 Ebarb, Michael Meshell, Pauline McGee, Hank & Viola
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
                                                                 Pieske, Doris Ebarb, Ava Sophia Candler, Jack Jackson,
                                                                 Beth Brooks, Abby Monette, Eric Monette, Juanita Pin-
                                                                 ion, Lynn Simmons, Mary Velasco, William Martin, Lynne
             St. Mary’s Young Adult Group                        Caldwell, Ron Lehr, Steven D. Wren, Daniel G. Wren,
 On Tuesday, May 10 at 6pm in the church, Bishop                 Marilyn Gregg, Jennifer Mayeux, Kevin Parker, Teri
 Francis Malone will lead the Young Adult Holy Hour              Rhodes, Elroy Hugle, Jackie Turner, Caroll Bosher, Chris
 at St. Mary of the Pines. There will be exposition of the       Whatley, Maryann Heim, Clay Moock, Adam Purland,
 Blessed Sacrament & confessions during this time. All           Beverley Lee, Kevin Connor, Kaye Clarke, Bob & Pat
 parishioners in their 20s, 30s are invited to attend.           Morris, Steve Bosher, Lester Severin, Betty G. Chitman,
 There will be a social after the Holy Hour. Come to             Frances Hardy, Kookie Graham
 adore the Lord together & build community.

Mass Attendance…..                                               St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is sponsoring a Be The
April 30@ 4:00 pm—109                                            Match Drive in the name of young Sophia Cohen,
May 1 @ 8:30 am—160 & 12:30am—155                                granddaughter of Tim & Margie Glennon. You know
                                                                 Margie from the Catholic Center’s business office and
                                                                 her husband, Tim works at St. Jude Parish in Bossier.
Thank you to those who graciously participated in the            Sophia has recently been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid
recent Joyful Discipleship planning study conducted by           Leukemia & is currently undergoing treatment. There is
the Steier Group. Bishop Malone & diocesan leadership            no match for Sophia in the bone marrow donor data-
reviewed the results of the study and would like to              base. The link specific to our drive is https://
share a summary of them with you. There will be a write People may also
-up of the findings & recommendations for the diocese            text Cure4Sophia to 61474.
in the May edition of the Catholic Connection. If you
have any questions about the planning study or its find-
ings, please contact the diocesan development office in          Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where
the Catholic Center at 318-868-4441 extension 263.               we reflect on the care and love of Jesus for us.
                                                                 Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will
                          As we celebrate and remember           show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus, the
                          our veterans who have sacrificed       Good Shepherd, as it will bring your love to those
                          all for our country, please consider   who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread.
                          making a small sacrifice of a
                          blood donation this month. I ask
                    you to consider giving blood during our
  second quarter 2022 Blood Drive at St. Mary of the                       World Day of Prayer for Vocations
  Pines on Sunday, May 29th in Vandegaer Hall from
  9:00am to 12:30pm. Please call Steve with any ques-             The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.
  tions at (318) 286-9076. Thank you for considering              Does a life of joy in knowing you are following the Lord
  giving the gift of life.                                        as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life inspire
                                                                  you? Contact the Vocations Office at 318-868-4441 or
 Congratulations to Sam Marsala and Rose Marie
 Clarke who received the monthly “Black Catholic
 Award” in appreciation for all they do, and have                 Reflection question:
 done for our Church. We appreciate your service to               How can I listen more closely to the voice of the Good
 our parish.
Summer Grove                                                                                  PRAY FOR VOCATIONS
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