St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church February 14, 2021 - St. Mary Catholic Church

Page created by Julio Thompson
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church February 14, 2021 - St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation
  Catholic Church ~ February 14, 2021

                 1062 Charnelton St., Eugene, OR 97401
                   Phone: 541-342-1139 Fax: 541-334-6996
Website:       email:
St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church February 14, 2021 - St. Mary Catholic Church
February 14, 2021
    Jesus manifests the powerful, healing of God
  by curing the leper who was forced to live under
     severe restrictions by the Jewish legislation.
He turned to Jesus in his need and was filled with joy.
        We are called to imitate the healing
             and compassionate Jesus.
                                  Next Week’s Reading
        Gn 9:8-15               Ps 25:4-9            Pt 3:18-22        Mk 1:12-15

         In Our Prayers                                             Updated Mass Policies
                …all those who are ill, including:
          Manuel & Marilyn Betonio,                                    Due to a recent relaxation of restrictions, reservations are
 Juan Gonzalez Cortez family, Severina Cox,                         now required for the Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses
    Ken & Sylvia Doggett, David Faulkner,                           only. All other weekend and daily Masses are open to the
 Cynthia Fellez, Sharon Foster, Tisha Glaspey,                      first 100 individuals. There will no longer be seating assign-
   Maya Henry, Morris Kielty, Jackie Larsen,                        ments. Masks and physical distancing requirements remain
John Lewis, Jr., Edward Martinuzzi, Gaye Rittal,                    in place, we appreciate your compliance with these guide-
        Elsie Rodriguez, Babe Roshau,                               lines.
  Dick & Jean Sellers, John & Linda Simpson,
     Dee Weaver, and Jeanne Wharton                                  Reserve your space for the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday
                                                                    Mass online at our website Enter
     In Loving Memory                                               your name, the names of those attending with you and the
We pray for the repose of the souls of our loved ones, including:   number of people. It is that simple. If you do not have inter-
                                                                    net access you may call the Parish Office, at 541-342-1139,
        José Luis Sanchez, Mercy Udoh,
                                                                    and we will put in your reservation.
           Edward Zerr, Hilario Torres,
        Claryce Lauer, and Arthur Dillon                             We strongly encourage able faithful to return to Mass.
                                                                    Safety protocols are in place for your protection, including
                                                                    attendance limits, physical distancing, consistent cleaning
       Mass Intentions                                              after each Mass and face coverings required for all, age 5
               February 15-21, 2021                                 and up. Please let your friends and loved ones know that all
                                                                    are welcome to attend Mass in person.
             ~ Daily 8:00 Masses ~
    Mon. ~ Presidents Day 9:00 am Mass                                The dispensation from the Obligation to attend Mass re-
               Tue. ~ Phil Heidt †                                  mains in place. Please do not come to Mass if you do not
           Wed. ~ Ash Wednesday                                     feel well or are in a high risk group.
   Thu. ~ Intentions of Charmaine McGee
         Sat. ~ Thomas Allen Hawk †
            ~ Daily 12:15 Masses ~
                                                                              St. Mary Parish Staff
 Mon. ~ Presidents Day No 12:15 pm Mass
                                                                                     Pastor - Rev. Ron Nelson
  Tue. ~ Intentions of Barbara Brewster                                    Parochial Vicar - Rev. Henry Guillén-Vega
         Wed. ~ Ash Wednesday                                        Retired Assisting Priest/part time - Rev. Bryce McProud
       Thu. ~ Funeral Arthur Dillon †                                              Parish Seminarian - Matthew Knight
                                                                                Pastoral Associate - Marybeth Schombert
         Fri.~ Catholic Daughters
                                                                                     Business Manager - Rose Burke
                ~ Sunday Masses ~                                               Director of Outreach Ministry - Lilly Hagen
      5:30 pm Vigil ~ For Parishioners                                          Director of Music/part time - David Phillips
                                                                    Coord. Youth Sacramental Prep/part time - Julie Rutledge-Sanchez
   9:00 am ~ Intentions of Anie Helbling
                                                                     Coordinator of Religious Education/part time - Sharon Dunham
  11:00 am ~ Intentions of Lucia Gonzalez
                                                                                Sacramental Registrar - Margaret Fleming
   1:00 pm ~ Intentions of Xochitl Rivera                                       Administrative Assistant – Brenda Maddux
         5:30 pm ~ Brian Stalbow †                                                Lead Custodian - James Du Chateau
                                                                              Assistant Custodian/part time - Joe Crandall

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church February 14, 2021 - St. Mary Catholic Church
Presidents Day                                                  fraud alert !
        Monday, February 15, is Presidents Day.               Parishioners are reporting another round of
          There will be one Mass at 9:00 am                 fraudulent emails and text messages from someone
         and the Parish Office will be closed.              claiming to be “Fr. Ron” who is asking for the re-
                                                            cipient to “do him a favor and purchase gift cards.”
                                                              Please do not respond to any text or e-mail mes-
             Mass Schedule                                  sage from someone claiming to be “Fr. Ron” or any
                       Daily Mass:                          other priest requesting money or gift cards. Delete
     8:00 am: Tuesday through Thursday & Saturday           the message immediately. Fr. Ron Nelson will not
           12:15 pm: Monday through Friday                  ask you for money or gift cards via text or email.
                      Sunday Mass:                            Be vigilant and protect yourself from attempts to
         5:30 pm: Latin Vigil (Saturday Evening)            exploit your generosity in the name of someone
                   9:00 am, 11:00 am,                       you can trust.
                    1:00 pm Spanish,
                    5:30 pm Life Teen
       Wednesdays & Fridays - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
            Saturdays - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
                 In the Parish Center

          Adoration Chapel
            Open Daily - 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
                                                            Weekly Offertory for January 31, 2021
    Upcoming Schedule changes                                          Offertory                      $ 9,772.00
We will offer an additional Lenten Reconciliation each                 WeShare online giving          $ 3,691.00
Monday from 11:00 am - noon, beginning February 22.                    Holy Day                       $     60.00
                                                                       Total Offertory                $ 13,523.00
The Sunday 7:30 am Mass will return to the weekly cal-                                         Deficit -5,477.00
endar beginning March 7, 2021.

                                                                  THANK YOU for adding St. Mary to your
   Eucharistic Adoration
  St. Mary needs additional adorers for Eucharistic Ado-               Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
ration each Thursday from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm. For               Last quarter the Parish received generous donations of
every hour of adoration we will need 2 people commit-                                $77.13
ted to stay with our Lord. There is great need in the                From 40 Households who donated through
2:00-3:00 pm hour. If this is something you would like to         the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program.
take part in, please contact Marybeth, in the Parish               If you still haven’t signed up, be sure and visit
Office at 541-342-1139, with your availability.             -
                                                                   search for St. Mary by our non-profit # QB763
            Prayer for
                                                                                  Please Call First!
      Spiritual Communion                                    The Parish Office is open by appointment only. Please
                          My Jesus,                         call 541-342-1139 with questions or to schedule an ap-
              I believe that You are present                pointment .
               in the Most Holy Sacrament.                     Thank you for helping us keep everyone healthy.
                I love You above all things,                .

                                                                             Missals & Parish Directories
                and I desire to receive You
                                                              Would you like to follow along with the readings at
                        into my soul.
                                                            Mass? We have the current Sunday Missal available in
              Since I cannot at this moment
                receive You sacramentally,                  the office for a suggested donation of $3.00. We also
          come at least spiritually into my heart.          have extra copies of the church directory for $5.00
                     I embrace You as if                    each. Please call the office at 541-342-1139 if you
                   You were already there                   would like to purchase either item.
             and unite myself wholly to You.                              Give to St. Mary via text message.
                   Never permit me to be                                    Text “StMary” to 1-800-950-9952,
                    separated from You.                                click on the link and complete your gift.
                            Amen.                                            Simple, safe, and convenient.

St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church February 14, 2021 - St. Mary Catholic Church
Ash Wednesday
            is February 17
       Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule:
     Masses at 8:00 am, 12:15 pm, and 5:30 pm
          Misa en Español a las 7:00 pm

Updated Blessing Protocols
  During this time of pandemic, the Holy See has
modified the method of distribution for Ash Wednes-
   Due to the pandemic the priest is unable to touch
parishioners foreheads to make the sign of the cross.
The more ancient method, still used throughout
much of the world, should be adopted. This method
allows for a small amount (pinch) of dry ashes to be
sprinkled on the crown of the head, ensuring no
physical contact. The ancient method is as follows:
  The Priest says the prayer of blessing for the ashes.
He sprinkles the ashes with holy water, without saying
anything. Then he addresses all those present and
only once says the formula as it appears in the Ro-
man Missal, applying it to all in general: “Remember
that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
The Priest then cleanses his hands, puts on a face
mask and distributes the ashes to those who come to
him. The Priest takes the ashes and sprinkles them on
the head of each one without saying anything.

        Why Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation?
  Despite the often packed churches, you may be surprised to hear that Ash Wednesday is not a Holy day of
obligation. Holy days of obligation commemorate a particular event (such as the birth of Christ at Christmas)
or celebrate particular people (such as Mary’s Immaculate Conception or the feast of All Saints). Ash
Wednesday is a day of penance, fasting, and abstinence to begin the season of Lent. In a sense, it focuses
on a concept rather than something particular and concrete.
  Of course, repentance ought to be reflected in particular, concrete ways! That’s one of the reasons that
attending Mass on Ash Wednesday is a very good idea. It marks the beginning of a solemn season of pen-
ance. Despite all its comparisons to the desert, Lent can be very fruitful for our spiritual growth! Beginning this
season with the celebration of Mass and the reception of ashes is a sign of our commitment to God and to
spiritual growth.

Fasting & Abstinence during Lent                                       Stations of the cross
   The season of Lent begins Ash Wednesday, February 17, and           Join us each Friday of Lent at 7:00 pm for
ends on Holy Thursday, April 1, 2021. During these 40 days. Catho-   Stations of the Cross. It is a powerful way to
lics who are 18 years and older, and in good health, are bound       enter into the Lord’s Passion by reflecting
until their 59th birthday, by obligation, to fast on Ash Wednesday   on this journey to Calvary and His dying on
and Good Friday. Only one full meal is allowed on days of fast.      the Cross for our sins. For this Lenten sea-
Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken       son, consider participating on this mean-
according to one’s needs. But together they should not equal         ingful Lenten Devotion as a family.
one full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted. Catholics
who are 14 and older, and in good health, also abstain from meat
on Ash Wednesday, God Friday and all Fridays during Lent.
   Did you know? Catholic Friday Abstinence was historically a           Please, do not bring flowers
weekly practice throughout the entire year. This is where the cus-             into the church
tom of restaurants offering clam chowder as their “soup of the
day” on Friday originated.
                                                                          during the season of Lent.

February 14                                                    Not willing to let go
 World Marriage Day!                                                 of your marriage?
                                                                   Many couples continue to struggle
         Marriage in Christ                                       in a marriage, but are not willing to
   The Marriage in Christ program has been changing                     give up on each other.
lives for 11 years by helping couples make the Lord                          There is hope.
the center of their married life. Parishes across the             Retrouvaille is a program designed to help strug-
country have offered this program to couples in a               gling marriages regain their health. It helps a husband
group setting but a new “at-home” program has                   and a wife rediscover or re-awaken the love, trust
been developed and is now available.                            and commitment that originally brought them to-
    The Marriage in Christ At Home Seminar is a 5-week          gether. The program is highly successful in saving hurt-
couple’s experience that consists of streaming vid-             ing marriages, even bringing reconciliation to couples
eos, downloadable activity packets, and easy in-                who have already separated or divorced. Retrou-
structions to help couples pray, talk, and act to-              vaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can
gether. The cost for this program is normally $40, but          help you learn the tools of healthy communication,
for a limited time, Communication Center is offering it         build intimacy and heal, just as they have done in
to you for FREE!                                                their own marriages.
   Details about the program, including endorsements              For confidential information about or to register for
by Catholic bishops, priests, and couples, can be               the program beginning with a weekend on March 5-
found at To take advan-               7, 2021, call 1-503-225-9191 or email:
tage of this offer, register on the website before    
March 31, 2021 (with access until May 31, 2021).

          Rite of Election                                           Project Melchizedek:
             at St. Mary                                         Vocation Discernment Small Group
  Each year, as part of the RCIA process, all parishes             Have you ever thought about becoming a priest?
in the diocese send the men and women seeking to                Join us for Project Melchizedek, a group open to all
enter our Church to the Bishop for the Rite of Elec-            Catholic men high school age and older to learn
tion. This Rite is part of their final preparation before       what the priesthood is all about and get practical
receiving Baptism, Confirmation, and first Eucharist at         advice on how to discern the Lord’s will. The first ses-
Easter. Due to the pandemic and concerns about                  sion will be Saturday, February 27, from 8am-12pm at
large gatherings, Archbishop Sample has delegated               St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Eugene. You must regis-
each pastor to celebrate the Rite of Election at their          t er   at    least    one    w eek     in  advance
home parish. This change creates an opportunity for             at Registration for the first
parishioners of St. Mary to participate in the Rite of          session closes Feb 20.
Election, witnessing and praying for these wonderful
people who are responding to God’s call and be-
coming Catholic. It is an affirming and inspiring                             Mount Angel
event for us all, and a special way for you to begin              Seminary Benefit Gathering
this Lent. Please come and support your brothers
                                                                   March 7, 2021         4:00—5:30 pm            Virtual
and sisters!
  The Rite of Election will be held Sunday, February            Please join us for an evening of faith and hope as
21, at 3:00 PM in the Church. Please note this Rite is          we:
not a Mass. For additional information contact the               Meet the men preparing for the priesthood at
Parish Office at 541-342-1139.                                      Mount Angel Seminary.
                                                                 Participate in our live-stream program as the semi-
       Lenten Soup Lunch                                            narians welcome you into the heart of their priestly
 Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic we will not                   Share in their journey toward the priesthood through
be offering our traditional Lenten Soup Lunch on Fri-               song, prayer, and stories of their lives on the Hilltop.
days during Lent. We look forward to enjoying a                  Be inspired as Abbot Jeremy shares his vision for the
bowl of soup together again, but until that time,                   future of the seminary.
please join us in prayer for an end to the pandemic             For more information visit ,
as well as the return of the joys of gathering and fel-, or call 503-845-3030.

Página en Español 14 de febrero de 2021
                                   MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO
  “Pero la gente venía a el de todas partes” (Marcos 1:45). Tengo presente en mi mente, los inicios de la pandemia que
azota al mundo desde el 2019. Conforme llegó el 2020, los casos se multiplicaron en todo el mundo. La angustia se apo-
deró de muchos de nosotros por la enfermedad, la falta de trabajo, la pérdida de viviendas, y más. También, fluye el
recuerdo del Papa Francisco haciendo oración por el fin de la pandemia. Acudimos a orar gente de todos los lugares
de la tierra. Cada país, cada gobierno encontró la forma de orar juntos, Misa, Hora Santa, y el Rosario. ¿Lo recuerdas?
Nuestra oración continúa sin cesar. ¡Sananos, Señor, como aquel leproso del Evangelio! Límpianos, necesitamos tu com-
  La Iglesia tiene grandes santos y santas que se han dedicado al cuidado de los enfermos. Uno de ellos es San Camilo
de Lelis. Nació el 25 de mayo de 1550 en Abruzo, Italia. Fue sacerdote. Murió el 4 de julio de 1614. Es el Santo protector
de los enfermos, a quienes cuidaba y atendía con amor. Parte de su oración dice así: “Haznos, como San Camilo, cons-
cientes de que, en el rostro del enfermo, del que sufre y está agobiado o del que padece grandes necesidades, está tu
mano acariciando a nuestro corazón”. Ojalá, que el ejemplo de este santo católico nos ayude, ahora, a nosotros, a girar
nuestro corazón y la mente hacia a Dios. Para, lograr así, ser personas de compasión y servicio. Dejarse tocar por Jesús
tiene su compromiso. Arrodillarse, pedir, y lo más importante querer. ¡Quiero Señor, no me dejes!

       Información Para La misa                                       EVANGELIO: Mc 1, 40-45
                   Domingo 1:00 pm                                  En aquel tiempo, se le acercó a Jesús un lepro-
  La política de máscaras de la gobernadora Brown                so para suplicarle de rodillas: “Si tú quieres, pue-
requiere que todos nosotros, a partir de los cinco años,         des curarme”. Jesús se compadeció de él, y ex-
usemos una máscara en la Misa. Favor de usar sus                 tendiendo la mano, lo tocó y le dijo: “¡Sí quiero:
máscaras como acto de amabilidad y caridad hacia                 Sana!” Inmediatamente se le quitó la lepra y
sus hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Estén preparados              quedó limpio.
con sus máscaras y observen la distancia social, espe-
                                                                    Al despedirlo, Jesús le mandó con severidad:
cialmente entrando y saliendo de la iglesia.
                                                                 “No se lo cuentes a nadie; pero para que conste,
  Por    favor    visiten   a    nuestro     sitio  web,
                                                                 ve a presentarte al sacerdote y ofrece por tu pu-, o contáctenos en la oficina
                                                                 rificación lo prescrito por Moisés”.
parroquial, al 541-342-1139, para estar actualizados con
todos los cambios que están pasando.                                Pero aquel hombre comenzó a divulgar tanto
                Reconciliación Horario                           el hecho, que Jesús no podía ya entrar abierta-
                                                                 mente en la ciudad, sino que se quedaba fuera,
       miércoles y viernes 11:00 am - mediodía
                                                                 en lugares solitarios, adonde acudían a él de to-
             sábado 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                                                                 das partes.
                Capilla de adoración
           6:00 am—8:00 pm todos los días.
                                                                 El Ayuno y La Abstinencia Cuaresmal
                                                                    La estación de Cuaresma se empieza con el miérco-
       Pensando en vocaciones                                    les de Cenizas, 17 de febrero y se termina con el jueves
  Movido a compasión, extendiendo Jesús la mano, y               Santo, 1 de abril 2021. Durante estos 40 días, los católi-
tocó al enfermo. Si el Señor está tocando tu corazón             cos de 18 años de edad o mayor y de buena salad
con un llamado a servirle en la vida sacerdotal o                están obligados hasta.
religiosa, llama a la Oficina de Vocaciones al 503-233-            Su 50 cumpleaños de ayunar el miércoles de Cenizas y
8368 o escribe a                         el Viernes Santo. Solo se permite una comida los días de
         Proyecto Melquisedec:                                   ayuno. Se puede tomar dos comidas más, suficientes
                                                                 para mantener la fuerza, según las necesidades parti-
       Grupo de Discernimiento Vocacional                        culares, pero juntas no deben ser iguales a una comida
  Hombres, ¿alguna vez han pensado en ser sacerdote?             completa. No se permite comer entre comidas. Católi-
El Señor puede estar llamándose a usted u a alguien              cos de 14 años de edad y mayor de buena salud tam-
que conoce a "venir, sígueme!" Únase a nuestro grupo             bién están obligados abstenerse de carne el Miércoles
de discernimiento vocacional "Proyecto Melquisedec"              de Ceniza, Viernes Santo y todos los viernes de Cuares-
para aprender más de lo que es el sacerdocio y                   ma.
obtener avisos prácticos para discernir la voluntad del             ¿Sabía usted? La abstinencia de carne para los cató-
Señor. La siguiente reunión será el sábado, 27 de                licos históricamente fue una práctica semanal cada
febrero después de la misa a las 8:00. Abierto a todos los       viernes durante todo el año. De esta tradición se originó
hombres católicos de edad de secundaria y mayor.                 el costumbre de los restaurantes que ofrecen sopa de
Favor de contactar a Seminarista Matthew Knight en la            almejas como su “sopa del día” los viernes."
oficina parroquial para unirse al grupo.

Calendar of Events
      Sunday, February 14              Monday, February 15                      Tuesday, February 16             Wednesday, February 17
           6TH SUNDAY                    PRESIDENT’S DAY                              8:00 † Mass                    ASH WEDNESDAY
       IN ORDIINARY TIME                    9:00 † Mass                        12:15 † Mass (streamed)           FASTING & ABSTINENCE
     9:00 † Mass (streamed)                                                    6:30 ~ Spanish Adult Prep                 8:00 † Mass
           11:00 † Mass                  Parish Office Closed                         7:00 ~ RCIA                   11:00 ~ Reconciliation
     1:00 † Misa (transmitido)                                                                                    12:15 † Mass (streamed)
     4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer                                                                                          5:30 † Mass
           5:30 † Mass                                                                                             7:00 † Misa en Español
     Thursday, February 18              Friday , February 19                   Saturday, February 20              Sunday, February 21
            8:00 † Mass                     ABSTINENCE                           8:00 † Mass (streamed)          FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT
       12:15 † Funeral Mass              11:00 ~ Reconciliation                   3:00 ~ Reconciliation           9:00 † Mass (streamed)
    for Arthur Dillon (streamed)       12:15 † Mass (streamed)              5:30 † Latin Vigil Mass (streamed)          11:00 † Mass
          6:00 ~ Holy Hour            7:00 ~ Stations of the Cross                                                1:00 † Misa (transmitido)
                                                                                                                    3:00 ~ Rite of Election
                                                                                                                 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
                                                                                                                        5:30 † Mass
     Monday, February 22               Tuesday, February 23                   Wednesday, February 24             Thursday, February 25
    THE CHAIR OF ST. PETER                   8:00 † Mass                              8:00 † Mass                       8:00 † Mass
      11:00 ~ Reconciliation          12:15 † Mass (streamed)                    11:00 ~ Reconciliation           12:15 † Mass (streamed)
     12:15 † Mass (streamed)          6:30 ~ Spanish Adult Prep                 12:15 † Mass (streamed)               6:00 ~ Holy Hour
                                             7:00 ~ RCIA

      Friday , February 26            Saturday, February 27                     Sunday, February 28                 Monday, March 1
          ABSTINENCE                    8:00 † Mass (streamed)               SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT                 11:00 ~ Reconciliation
       11:00 ~ Reconciliation            3:00 ~ Reconciliation                 9:00 † Mass (streamed)             12:15 † Mass (streamed)
     12:15 † Mass (streamed)       5:30 † Latin Vigil Mass (streamed)                11:00 † Mass
    7:00 ~ Stations of the Cross                                               1:00 † Misa (transmitido)
                                                                              4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
                                                                                     5:30 † Mass

                        Miércoles de Ceniza                                         Space is Available to Advertise
                           17 de febrero                                            your Business in our Bulletin. To
       Horario de Misas para el Miércoles de Ceniza:
      Misas en ingles a las 8:00 am, 12:15 pm y 5:30 pm                             place an advertisement contact
            Misa en español a las 7:00 pm                                           Jim Byrne at or
             Nuevas direcciones para las bendiciones                                call 800-950-9952 ext. 2596
  Durante este tiempo de la pandemia, la Santa Sede ha mo-
dificado el método de distribuir las cenizas. Debido a la pan-
demia, el sacerdote no puede tocar la frente de los feligreses                           Ash Wednesday - Fasting & Abstinence
para hacer la señal de la cruz. Debería adoptar el método                                     Fridays of Lent - Abstinence
más antiguo, que todavía se utiliza en gran parte del mundo,                              Good Friday - Fasting & Abstinence
por lo cual se espolvorea una pizca de cenizas secas en la co-                        Miércoles de ceniza - ayuno y abstinencia
ronilla de la cabeza, asegurando que no haya contacto físico.
                                                                                         viernes de cuaresma - abstinencia
El método antiguo es el siguiente:
                                                                                         Viernes santo - ayuno y abstinencia
  El sacerdote dice la oración de bendición sobre las cenizas.
Rocía las cenizas con agua bendita, sin decir nada. Luego se                                    Estaciones de la Cruz
dirige a todos los presentes y sólo una vez dice la fórmula tal
                                                                                     Únase a nosotros cada viernes de Cuaresma a
como aparece en el Misal Romano, aplicándola a todos en
                                                                                   las 7:00 pm para las Estaciones bilingües de la
general: “Recuerdan que son de polvo, y al polvo volverán."
                                                                                   Cruz y la Bendición. Es una forma poderosa de
                                                                                   entrar en la Pasión y muerte del Señor: su viaje al
    Luego el sacerdote se limpia las manos, se pone una masca-
                                                                                   clavario y su muerte en la cruz por nuestros pe-
rilla y distribuye las cenizas a quienes se acercan a él. El sacer-
                                                                                   cados. Esta temporada de Cuaresma considere
dote toma una pizca de cenizas y las espolvorea sobre la ca-
                                                                                   participar en esta devoción cuaresmal verdade-
beza de cada uno sin decir nada.
                                                                                   ramente significativa como familia.
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