AND INCLUSION
                                        IN TORINO
                                         ST R AT EG I ES A N D ACT I O N S
                                        TOWA R D U R BA N I N N OVAT I O N

European Regional Development Fund
INTRO                                               “  The City of Torino is promoting social innovation
                                                       interventions in those neighborhoods and urban
                                                       areas which are presenting high level of critical
                                                                                                                                                       Torino IN THE EUROPEAN
                                                       socio-economic factors.
                                                       The challenge is to respond to local needs through        URBACT is the main European Union focused on
Co-planning and co-management skills are               a multidisciplinary and innovative approach, thus         sustainable urban development. In recent years
nowadays essential practices for those who             being capable of developing adequate solutions to         it has been one of the most interesting tools to          The URBACT project “URBinclusion” involves a
want to create meaningful public policies for the      stimulating and enhancing the engagement of the           promote networking among cities and at the                network of 9 European cities (Barcelona, ​​Lyon,
transformation of cities and for the regeneration      targeted local communities, generating positive           same time to stimulate active participation of            Glasgow, Copenhagen, Krakow, Timisoara,
of urban fabrics which are composed both by            effects in economic and social terms.                                                                               Trikala, Naples and Turin) that address the
                                                                                                                 citizens and stakeholders in the definition of urban
                                                       Thanks to the URBInclusion project, we brought
physical infrastructures and social relations. Urban                                                             innovative policies.                                      issue of urban and social inclusion through the
                                                       together local stakeholders and - with the support of
regeneration cannot be longer defined as the                                                                                              Italy surely represents one      integration of different policies and actions.
                                                       experts - we gained a thorough knowledge resulting
recovery of abandoned or underused buildings,                                                                                             of the countries with the        The intent is to stimulate innovative methods of
                                                       from the value of the transnational exchange, which
but they need to be increasingly perceived as                                                                                             largest number of cities         exchange and collective learning regarding the
                                                       is contributing to the process of public policies’
the reconstruction of a network of people and the      definition. We had the opportunity to explore crucial                              involved in URBACT, with         promotion of effective policies and strategies for
recognition of their needs that these relations        topics related to the design of collaborative services,   over seventy urban realities that in recent years         urban regeneration and social cohesion.
can contribute to generate, also thanks to new         to analyze new legal/contractual solutions that           have shared different themes and approaches               The project addresses some common urban
regulatory models.                                     can enable the promotion of new forms of public-          dealing with the most advanced forms of urban             challenges: the participation of local actors in
Since the 1990s, public policy actions have been       private partnership within the community and to           sustainability: from resilience to mobility, from         service design, new models of public-private
constantly evolved along this axis, meanwhile City     spread new innovative models of finance and impact        urban agriculture to the role of digital agenda for       partnership, integration between sustainable
of Torino launched its more recent intervention        assessment for social investments.                        urban growth. Over the last few years, Torino has         development policies at local, regional
initiatives aimed at promoting social inclusion.       Furthermore, the City boosts a number of                  been confirmed as one of the main Italian actors          and national level, financial innovation, the
Citizenship, the associative environment, the          interventions in support of urban regeneration                                                                      monitoring and evaluation of actions.
                                                                                                                 able to closely combine its presence in URBACT
                                                       processes, which are also developed from an
entrepreneurial and creative ecosystem, together                                                                 with its integrated urban development policies,
                                                                                                                                                                           Urbinclusion -
                                                       entrepreneurial point of view: it is worth mentioning
with the third sector become themselves civic                                                                    particularly on the issues of innovative governance,
                                                       that Torino Social Impact’s objective is to make
actors that- along with the Public Administration
                                                       Torino one of the best ecosystems in the world to
                                                                                                                 inclusion and social innovation. The significant          the IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
acting as an enabling force rather than a supplier                                                               role played by the civic involvement methodology          With this publication, the “Implementation Plan”
                                                       develop business and investments having a clear
- design, develop and manage activities producing      social impact target.                                     promoted by URBACT, which aims to achieve a               of the City of Turin is presented, which collects
a high social impact, which is fundamental in          With this publication, Torino aims to provide evidence    more integrated urban policy, clearly represents          the initiatives in support of social innovation,
guaranteeing adequate levels of welfare, thus          of its concrete action in support of active citizenship   a starting point to develop, on a national scale,         during the two years of work, were activated to
taking up the challenge of transforming needs into     processes, demonstrating its commitment in                a more effective urban policy at different levels,        support active citizenship paths characterized
opportunities.                                         encouraging urban innovation dynamics.                    especially in view of the new cohesion policy.            by elements of innovation and urban and social
marco ALESSANDRO Giusta                                Paola Pisano                                              Simone d’Antonio
Council member for decentralization,                   Council member for innovation and                         ANCI National URBACT Point
suburbs, integration                                   European funds                                                                                     

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3
the IMPLEMENTATION                                                                                                    LOCAL SUPPORT
PLAN                                                                            7,9 Ml euro allocated
                                                    118 projects supported by the city of torino
                                                                    415 organizations Involved
                                                                                                                      Each partner city within an             through which the integrated          solutions to face future urban
                                                                                                                      URBACT network is required to           and participatory approach to         challenges. The LSG involves
The main objectives of the implementation plan                                                                        set up a Local Support Group            urban policies is formulated: they    various departments of the City
are the following:                                                                                                    (LSG). The objective is to bring        bring together different partners     of Torino; the third sector with
                                                                                                                      together all the stakeholders           to collaborate on a specific issue    various NGOs, cooperatives and

                                                                                                                      already engaged in the territory        and benefit from the exchange of      associations; incubators for social
           COMMUNITY WELFARE                                                                                          and involve them in the process of      experiences at transnational level.   enterprises, community hubs -
           Support sustainable social assistance                                                                      development and implementation          This experience strengthens           Case del Quartiere; University of
           processes in disadvantaged areas.                                              © A. De Bellis - Unsplash
                                                                                                                      of local policies, in order to define   the capacity of local actors          Torino; representatives of citizens

                                                                                                                                                                                                    and experts.
                                                                                                                      the Implementation Plan.                and stakeholders to design and
           NEW MODELS OF PUBLIC-                                                                                      LSGs are the main vehicle               implement more sustainable
           PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP                           The Implementation Plan includes a series of
           Stimulate the active participation of civil
           society through new collaborative forms
                                                         integrated actions:                                          MEETINGS AND
           of dialogue and innovative relationships             Torino Social Factory                                 WORKSHOPS
           with the Public Administration.                      Social Innovation Projects promoted by the            During the project, several meetings

                                                                Third Sector.                                         and workshops were held:
           Encourage the use of innovative funding              A X TO
                                                                Actions for Torino peripheral areas                   02.07.2018_Towards community welfare
           tools to promote widespread participation
                                                                sustaining social innovation and active               08.11.2018_Collaborative governance
           of citizens in the development of social
           innovation projects.                                                                                       and evaluation models

04         MONITORING AND EVALUATION                            Co-City                                               14-15.11.2018_Social Inclusion
                                                                Protagonist citizens to make common goods
           OF POLICIES                                          a resource for social and urban regeneration
                                                                                                                      experiences in Torino and Baltimore
           Evaluate the social impact of public                 processes.                                            07.03.2019_Signs and signals of
           social innovation policies to increase                                                                     social innovation
           transparency, accountability and                     european crowdfunding center
           engagement capacity of the Public                    Technical support to collective finance               10.04.2019_ Ideas, social innovation,
           Administration.                                      instruments.                                          impact in the Torino ecosystem                                                                             © Links

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    COLLABORATIVE SERVICES                                                                                        SOCIAL
    By facing everyday life problems, people are often     with their context and with other projects, impact
    capable of inventing new solutions: new ways of        on the whole city functioning and on its identity.
    thinking permit them to tackle these problems          In practical terms, this means to regenerate the
    from different perspectives and to work them out,      city and produce social inclusion by developing        Community Hubs
    opening up new possibilities.                          collaborative services. That is a service based        "Case del Quartiere":
    How can I improve the quality of my                    on the collaboration between citizens, and
    neighborhood? How can I find healthy food? Who         between them and other social actors (as public
                                                                                                                  infrastructure model
    will help me in my daily necessities now that I am     administration, companies, non-profit enterprises,
                                                                                                                  to support
                                                                                                                  social innovation.
    becoming old? How can I go to work every day,          associations, universities).
    avoiding high car costs and traffic jam stress?        These services can be collaborative in different
    Given these problems and the daily life questions      ways, proposing different forms of collaborations                                           CASE DEL
    they raise, individuals and associations are pushed    (blending horizontal and vertical collaborations),
    to search for new solutions, by using their specific   different motivations (blending economic and
    experience and their capacity to collaborate, in a
    creative way, conceiving and implementing new
                                                           cultural motivations), and different positions in
                                                           the innovation tra jectory (from initial activism to   The “Case del Quartiere”
    forms of organization.                                 different forms of normality).                         Network represents the pillar for
    Such collaborative organizations are capable           To move towards social inclusion and city              the constitution of a city network
                                                                                                                  able to collect requests and
                                                                                                                                                       1. Places open to all    6. The operators:
    of answering these difficult questions exactly         regeneration with a collaborative attitude, we need                                         citizens                 competent social artisans
    because they break the old economic and                therefore new design tools, organizational models      projects, to drive the processes     2. Active participation  7. Intermediate places
    organizational paradigm. Collaborative                 and public policies. But not only. We also need a      of a community building, of          places                   between public and privatE

    organizations can be considered as a new kind          shared vision able to bridge diversities, to create    social innovation and of the         3. Accessible, welcoming 8.  Spaces in search of the
                                                                                                                                                       and generative meeting     right balance between
    of social service that, by involving active and        social commons and to develop opportunities            collective production of urban
                                                                                                                                                       places                     economic autonomy and
    collaborative citizens, generates values for them      and active participation. That’s how the City can      welfare, starting from the shared
                                                                                                                                                       4.  Spaces for all but     public support
    and, at the same time, for the whole society.          nurture social innovation.                             management of common goods.          nobody’s exclusive home   9.   Places rooted in the
    Urban planning helps this process by triggering                                                               The “project communities”            5. Containers of multiple  territory
    and coordinating several self-standing projects                                                               activated on the urban territory     activities                 10.   Structures with their
                                                                                                                  will represent the reference                                    own form of governance
    that truly become city-making projects: initiatives                            Ezio Manzini, DESIS Network
    with different aims and scales that, interacting                                      Politecnico di Milano   point for the urban regeneration
                                                                                                                  actions to be promoted.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                               7
Torino social factory                                                                                                  Fattore                       g-local                         una piazza                  mirafiori
Torino Social Factory is the measure of the                   solutions capable of creating economic value             comunita'                     factory                         fantastica                  sicura
Innovation Department of the City of Torino to                for the territory and the community, generating
                                                                                                                      Applicants: ACLI + Coop       Applicant: Liberitutti s.c.s.   Applicant: Altra Mente      Applicant: Cooperativa
support social innovation projects, promoted                  positive impacts in the fight to new poverty,
                                                                                                                      At the borders between        A factory in the Aurora         Installation of a Park of   Sociale Mirafiori Onlus
by the third sector, able to include civil society            social vulnerability and unemployment and to
                                                                                                                      districts 2 and 8, a          and Barriera districts,         the Fantastic, a Festival   A bicycle workshop,
and to trigger urban regeneration processes in                promote cultural integration and social cohesion.       community welfare                                             and two Laboratories
                                                                                                                                                    capable of combining                                        an eco-bar and a
those peripheral areas presenting critical socio-             This is the first measure to support social             hub in which families         the dimension of                that contribute to          social bakery that
economic risks.                                               innovation that has been launched at the                can receive services,         enterprise with inclusive       the socio-cultural          aim to generate job
Torino Social Factory supports the development                national level as part of the National Operational      support each other and        economic models: it             regeneration process        opportunities for young
of social entrepreneurship ideas through an                   Program (NOP) Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020             delegate care tasks in        supports individuals            triggered by the Mufant     people and unemployed
accompanying path and financial support to                    (measure 3.3.1 C) with grants for 1.4 million of        order to regain time to       with potential in terms         Museum of Borgo Vittoria    people from Mirafiori
transform ideas into services, products and                   Euro.                                                   play the role of a social     of professionalism who          through the insertion of    and services for the local
                                                                                                                      and cultural actor of their   are unable to enter the         disadvantaged people        community.
                                                                                                                      territory.                    traditional market.             into the labour market..

                                                                                                                                                                                     Triciclo                   vallette
aBITO                         Biagio                      Carota                        CuQU'                          non di solo pane Prometeo                                     reuse center               al centro
Applicant: Società San      Applicant: Rete Italiana di   Applicant: Patchanka        Applicant: San Salvario         Applicant: Panacea Social      Applicant: Cooperativa         Applicant: Triciclo scs     Applicants: Eta Beta
Vincenzo de’ Paoli          Cultura Popolare                                          Local Development Agency        Farm s.c.s.                    Zenith                                                     s.c.s.+ altri
In the Porta Palazzo        It organizes services,        C.A.R.O.T.A. means:         In San Salvario, a baby         In Barriera di Milano,        Home and family                 Professional training       The project was born to
district, it offers a       relates skills and needs      Food, Agriculture,          parking space with the          accompanying paths            planning services               for the development of      alleviate the burden of
multifunctional space for   through a virtual platform    Network, Employment,        possibility of co-working       towards work and              (Prometeo home) and             skills related to crafts    detention on inmates and
the collection, tailoring   capable of highlighting       Territory, Aggregation. A workstations for parents,         citizenship aimed at          program of recreational         and re-use, combined        their families, stimulating
and free distribution of    and promoting the             solidarity inn in the park, creative workshops and          vulnerable people             and cultural activities         with spaces for social      social inclusion paths in
used and regenerated        interaction between the       urban gardens for km0       educational courses,            through the creation of       (Prometeo Club) in the          aggregation in Borgo        the territory of disctict 5
clothes                     inhabitants of the old        food production and a       and a welcoming and             products aimed at those       territories of the districts    Aurora.                     of the City of Torino.
                            central neighborhoods         social branch active for 2 accompanying space for           with food intolerances or     5 and 6.
                                                          years, at Mirafiori.        all families.                   healthy food lovers..

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CO-CITY                              BENI COMUNI
                                     I beni
                                                 URBANI GOODS
                                                     urbani, aree green
                                             in disuso
                                                                   verdi, edifici
                                                       o sottoutilizzati,
                                                     often   abandoned
                                                                                 e spazi
                                                                                         pubblici, and public
                                                                                   protagonismothanks to the                                                                               COOPERATION PACTS
                                                                                                                                                                                           AS THE FIRST PROTOTYPE OF INNOVATIVE URBAN PARTNERSHIPS
                                     dei leading
                                         cittadini, possono
                                                     role ofdiventare
                                                              citizens,una    risorsa
                                                                            can       fondamen-
                                                                                  become    a fundamental
                                          dei processiof
                                                       di rigenerazione   urbana. processes.
                                                          urban regeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                   The CO-CITY project of the city of Torino is                      The construction of non-authoritative relationships
                                                                                                                                                                                                   considered the most advanced experiment                           (horizontal, collaborative, cooperative) between the
The CO-CITY project, co-financed                                                                                                                                                                   in Europe with regard to new forms of public                      government and the inhabitants of the cities and/
                                                                                                                  THE PACTS OF COLLABORATION
by the European Union under the                                                                                   The Pacts of Collaboration , provided                                            partnership:                                                      or the enabling of forms of cooperation between the
UIA - Urban Innovative Actions                                                                                  I PATTI
                                                                                                                  for byDI    COLLABORAZIONE
                                                                                                                            the   Regulation of the Common                LE CASE DEL QUARTIERE    • It establishes a procedural technique based on                  inhabitants and the other local actors implies that
                                                                                                                I Goods
                                                                                                                  Patti di Collaborazione,
                                                                                                                             of the City ofprevisti
                                                                                                                                                 Torino,dalare Regola-
                                                                                                                                                                 the      Le Case del Quartiere di Torino sono luoghi di presidio
                                                                                                                mento    Beni  Comuni    dellaco-planning
                                                                                                                                               Città di Torino,andsono
                                                                                                                                                                                                   “collaborative dialogue” as it involves a brokerage
                                                                                                                                                                          sociale e culturale, protagoniste dei processi di rige-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the different actors interact on an equal level.
initiative, is implemented by the                                                                                 tool to govern the
                                                                                                                    strumento     per  governare     la  co-progetta-
                                                                                                                             management of activities, the                nerazione urbana. function in the construction of partnerships by the                      This requires changes in the action and mentality of
City of Torino in partnership with                                                                              zione
                                                                                                                  birthe ofla new
                                                                                                                               gestione    condivisa enterprises
                                                                                                                                     community          delle attività,   Nelle Case del Quartiere Public      Administration
                                                                                                                                                                                                      si progetta, si discute, si con- through the management of     both public and social actors.
                                                                                                                                 nuove imprese di of   comunità    e la   divide, si rafforza il legame sociale.
the University of Torino, ANCI                                                                                  riqualificazione
                                                                                                                                   di edifici e spazi pubblici.            Nelle Case del Quartiere the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     trovico-planning            function of the contents and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            informazioni e supporto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In other words, the public administration must
                                                                                                                  and public spaces.
and the Cascina Roccafranca                                                                                       CO-CITY PACTS                                           sul progetto framework of the partnership, in order to                       become a platform to facilitate the construction of
                                                                                                                I PATTI
                                                                                                                  A) Pacts DI CO-CITY
                                                                                                                               concerning disused buildings,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   replace the competition between local actors with                 these cooperative relations between the various
Foundation, leader of the city                                                                                  A)made
                                                                                                                   Patti che   riguardano
                                                                                                                            available     byedifici   in disuso,
                                                                                                                                              the City,      for messi                             collaboration and cooperation as a principle for the              urban actors. In the case of Torino, the practice
                                                                                                                   a disposizione dalla
                                                                                                                  redevelopment             Città, per interventi
                                                                                                                                         interventions               di
                                                                                                                                                               and for                 LA CASSETTA        DEGLIof ATTREZZI
network of the Houses of the                                                                                       riqualificazione    e per la realizzazione                                       design            public evidence procedures and public           of the cooperation agreements signed, or being
                                                                                                                  the  realization      of new     servicesdiand nuovi                 L’Università di Torino partecipa al progetto
Neighborhoods - Case del                                                                                           servizi e attività.
                                                                                                                  activities.                                                          con:        contracts;                                                        signed, shows more than in other contexts that
                                                                                                                  B) Pacts concerning places of public                                 FIRSTLIFE • It attempts to go beyond the traditional                          the inhabitants and other local actors are ready to
Quartiere.                                                                                                      B) Patti che riguardano luoghi di presidio pub-
                                                                                                                  presence (schools, social-assistance                                 Il social network civico per la costruzione,
                                                                                                                   blico (scuole, servizi socio-assistenziali, spazi                               concession module and the instrument of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       il coordinamento e la documentazione
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     engage in these extended cooperation formulas.
With a total budget of 5.1 million                                                                                services, cultural spaces, etc.) which
                                                                                                                   culturali, etc.) che presentano un potenziale
                                                                                                                  have a greater potential for use than                                dei patti dicontract
                                                                                                                                                                                                    collaborazione.trying to build a more cooperative                This allow them to provide answers to the city’s
                                                                                                                   di utilizzo superiore rispetto a quello attuale.          
euros, the project proposes                                                                                       the current one.                                                                 approach to negotiations. An essential characteristic             problems, to take on a certain level of risk and to
                                                                                                                  C)  Pacts     that promote  la curathe   care  and                                                                                                 invest a significant amount of time approaching the
a trial of the ‘Regulation on        CO-CITY                                                                    C) Patti
                                                                                                                          che promuovono               e l’uso condivi-                RICERCA Eof      these new
                                                                                                                                                                                                    INNOVAZIONE            forms of negotiation is that they imply
                                     Il progetto CO-CITY sperimenta possibili risposte alla                        so dishared     use ofaree
                                                                                                                          spazi pubblici,   public
                                                                                                                                                        strutture green
                                                                                                                                                                   sot-                Un modello  a non-exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                                       giuridico e gestionalerelationship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   per        between the P.A. and   idea of ​​a “civic entrepreneurs”.
collaboration between citizens                                                                                    areas,    underused
                                                                                                                   toutilizzate,  anche su structures,        even on
                                                                                                                                            proposta dei cittadini.
                                     crisi economica attraverso la gestione condivisa dei beni                    citizens’ proposals.                                                 l’attuazione  del Regolamento.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   local     actors, especially social ones and communities          At the international level, the City of Torino
                                     comuni urbani. La Città di Torino promuove un nuovo                                                                                               Un manuale che raccolga gli esiti delle
and the administration for the                                                                                                                                                                     of inhabitants
                                                                                                                                                                                       sperimentazioni     di CO-CITY.       or users, local entrepreneurs who       participates in the Urban Agenda for the EU
                                     tipo di relazione tra cittadini e amministrazione locale.
care, shared management and          La collaborazione tra cittadini e amministrazione locale                                                                                                      create or invest in forms of sustainable and                      through the Urban Partnership on Innovative and
                                     è l’elemento decisivo per far emergere un nuovo senso                                                                                                         responsible real economy, universities and schools.               Responsible Public Procurement, which includes
regeneration of urban common         di comunitàThrough            a public
                                                    e nuove opportunità    per la consultation
                                                                                  produzione di    for the presentation of
                                     servizi innovativi nelle periferie, attraverso la rigenera-                                                                                                   In addition, these actors agree to take on part of                urban authorities, a Member State (Italy), observers
goods’, approved by the City                      collaboration            proposals,
                                     zione di aree verdi, edifici e spazi pubblici.           the City asked third sector                                                                           the risks that a partnership approach implies and,                and associations (CEMR, EUROCITIES, URBACT)
in January 2016. Moreover, it                   organizations and associations, including informal ones, to                                                                                        therefore, the risk is no longer only on the shoulders            and the European Commission (DG REGIO and DG
provides for the redevelopment                  propose actions of regeneration, care and shared management                                                                                        of the local administration and/or of one of its                  GROW). We can say that the challenge launched
                                                                                                                                                                                                   concessionaires.                                                  by the City of Torino to forge the first prototype
of real estate and public spaces                of urban common goods.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Collaboration pacts represent a disruptive form                   of new partnerships for urban innovation with the
in degraded conditions through                                                                                                                                                                     of institutional innovation and public governance,                partnership agreements was won. This because
the stipulation of collaboration                To date, 63 proposals have been launched to co-design with the                                                                                     which relies on a form of non-authoritative                       the Urban Partnership Action Plan expressly
pacts between the Administration                City Departments, the districts involved and the Neighborhood                                                                                      action from the city administration. Pacts should                 contemplates the project and its legal and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   enable active citizenship and collective action by                governance tool as one of the fundamental pillars of
and active citizenship as an                    Houses. Between 2019 and 2020, agreements will be signed to                                                                                                                                                          a European strategy for innovative and responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the inhabitants as a new way of governing and
instrument of urban regeneration.               formalize the collaboration and start the actions.                                                                                                 managing urban resources, services and local                      procurement of cities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Christian Iaione | UIA expert for CO-CITY

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zo o m o n p roj ects
     CO-CITY                                                                                                              Via Le Chiuse 66
                                                                                                                          Applicants: Ass. culturale Archimente, Stranaidea S.C.S. - Impresa Sociale Onlus, Coop. Sociale Patchanka

     Via Negarville, Via Plava, Via Roveda                                                                                The Habitat project aims to provide the area with a space for citizens by offering an integrated service
                                                                                                                          relating to the issues of parenting, work and personal support. The spaces, currently unused, will be
     Applicants: AICS - Torino Provincial Committee Ass. ARIS APS
                                                                                                                          restructured through the CO-CITY project and will also host the offices of one of the Social Inclusion
                                                                                                                          Centers established by the City’s Social Services Department.
     The proposal concerns the social entertainment of the sports field of via Negarville, of the “Emilio Pugno”
     garden, of the green and gallery areas adjacent to the headquarters of the associations. The area was
     involved in a redevelopment project within the AxTO project: the associations are involved in the care of the        Corso Taranto 160 Intercultural Center
     area and in the management of the Family Space 10 and the Manuela Ribas study room.                                  Applicants: ACTIONAID, Ass. JANELA, M.A.I.S. - Movimento per l’Autosviluppo,
                                                                                                                          l’Interscambio e la Solidarietà, RE.TE ONG, Vie d’incontro S.C.S ONLUS

                                                                 football field Via Ponderano 20                          The Intercultural Center of Torino, since 1996, is proposed as a place
                                                               Applicant: “Il Campetto” Amateur Sports Association        of integration, training and dialogue between the different cultures
                                                                                                                          present in the Torino area, offering its own spaces for the promotion of
                                          The “Il Campetto” ASA has been operating in the small sports field of via       the activities of about forty associations, operating in various sectors.
                                            Ponderano since 2001. The Association was founded by the boys of the          The proposers offer their commitment to increase the offer of activities,
                                        neighborhood who continue to use it involving children and young people           integrate the management of the Center and become more attractive
                                          also through school courses. They propose to promote participation and          towards the neighborhood and the City.
                                            enjoyment of the pitch and increase the positive perception of spaces.
                                          The association also intends to involve children in the care of the garden
                                        adjacent to the football field. The field, currently in a state of degradation,
                                                                                                                          kindergarden De Panis,
© Città di TorinoTorino
                                                 will be upgraded through the intervention of the CO-CITY project.
                                                                                                                          via Ala di Stura 23- via Fossata
                                                                                                                          Applicants: Ass. Altrocanto, Parents group, Scuola Infanzia De Panis

     external areas of "Lorusso e COTugno" detention center                                                               A group of parents, with the school and the association, proposes to adopt
     Applicant: Ass. Jonathan and Prison Management                                                                       the pedestrian area of Via Fossata. This area has been repeatedly the
                                                                                                                          subject of redevelopment projects even with the insertion of a gymnastic
     The Jonathan Association is active with projects inside the prison and proposes to take care of the small            path, to date it is however uncultivated and poorly attended.
     green area in front of the entrance, used above all by relatives of prisoners waiting or leaving the talks.          The proposal envisages connecting the school garden to the Via Fossata
     With the involvement of some inmates, it is planned to cultivate plants inside the prison pavilions that can         area, promoting its correct use and involving the inhabitants in the care
     be used by the district in the flowerbeds as well as in the external area of the district house. The project         and supervision. Integrations to the routes and green areas are planned
     offers a training and working opportunity for the inmates creating a positive relationship with the outside.         through the CO-CITY project.                                                   © Città di Torino

     12                                                                                                                                                                                                                               13
European crowdfunding center                                                                                                                                                                    A x TO
                                                                                                                                        The AxTO program - Actions for the Torino peripheral areas, was
                                       The city has started an experiment aimed at offering the third sector                            selected as part of the call for the regeneration and security of
                                       a support service for the implementation of crowdfunding campaigns                               suburbs, launched by the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers.
                                       for social innovation projects.                                                                  It supports the development of an integrated series of public and
                                       A process has therefore been initiated for the creation of the first                             private investments, including 44 tangible and intangible actions,
                                       Italian crowdfunding district: the European Crowdfunding Center (at                              which are implemented through hundreds of widespread interventions
PROJECTS ADMITTED                      the Open INCET site).                                                                            on the peripheries.
TO THE ACCOMPANYING                    It aims to promote - in particular - «the design of skills creation,                             This is a 46 million euro program, partially funded through national
                                       development and support of teams of innovators able to develop
PROCESS                                                                                                                                 funds, consisting of various measures aimed at promoting urban
                                       projects that can find, in the crowdfunding tool, an innovative way to                           regeneration in areas with critical problems from the point of view of
ARTICOLO 10 | Colori Vivi              promote themselves and to raise funds to start and grow their own                                education, employment and maintenance of the building heritage.
Multi-ethnic tailoring                 projects ».                                                                                      Within AxTO, 3 actions were dedicated to supporting innovative
CRESCERE INSIEME | EduGamers           In this framework and within the “Measure 3.3.1. B ”of the National                              social, cultural and environmental projects.
for kids 4.0 Educational videogames    Operative Program “Metropolitan Cities” (PON Metro), launched a call
ENGIM -Artigiani Digitali | Restart    divided into two phases::                                                                                                                          
Cafè degli Artigianelli
Training in the repair of electronic
objects                                SOCIAL CROWDFUNDING ACADEMY
GRUPPO ABELE | In-Tessere              48 actors from the third sector were selected and participated in a
Conoscenze, Vestire Opportunità        mentoring process of six weekly meetings (from 22 June to 27 July
Tailoring training                     2018) aimed at acquiring the expertise on the theme of crowdfunding.
MUFANT | Loving the Alien – Festival
Between Fantasy and Inclusion
soffriggere Integration through        At the end of the Social Crowdfunding Academy the participating
ethnic cuisine                         subjects reformulated their project proposal and applied for the
                                       second phase of the call (August / September 2018), which provided           AxTO - TESTING      AxTO - Living lab                     AxTO - INNOVATIVE
                                       for the accompanying and support service in the phases of writing,           SOCIAL INNOVATION   CIRCULAR AND                          SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
  The second call will be held         launching and managing a crowdfunding campaign for six design                SERVICES            COLLABORATIVE                         PROJECTS
          from June 2019               ideas.                                                                                           ECONOMY
                                                                                        action 3.03         action 3.02                           action 4.01

14                                                                                                                                                                                                             15
p roj ects
A x TO                                                                                                           la casa del lavoro
                                                                                                                 Applicant: Patchanka
                                                                                                                                                      Applicant: Hackability
                                                                                                                 Transforming the Employment          The goal is to meet the needs of
                                                                                                                                                                                           LA PANCA / co-
TESTING SOCIAL                                                                                                   Agency from a place of passage       people with disabilities through
                                                                                                                                                                                           designed Open Source
                                                                                                                 burdened with exhausting             co-design, digital fabrication,
INNOVATION SERVICES                                                                                              bureaucratic procedures, to a        the use of prototyping               Multifunctional seat
action 3.03                                                                                                      place of training, a reference       machines and open source             Applicant: Fab Lab
                                     To the projects admitted to the testing phase, the measure proposes:        point and a real and permanent       cards, experimenting with            Objective: social cohesion and
                                                                                                                 network for the citizens who are     new economic models for the          (re) appropriation of spaces
Through a public call for tenders,   FINANCIAL SUPPORT                    TRAINING AND LOGISTIC
                                                                                                                 now unemployed.                      creation and distribution of         through the creation of an
the City of Torino has financed      Non-refundable contribution          SUPPORT                                                                     products.                            intelligent bench, the result of a
the testing of new services able     from 10,000 to 20,000 euros,         Collective trainings (on the topics
                                                                                                                                                                                           co-creation with the inhabitants
to satisfy social needs and favour   with a minimum co-financing of       of digital fundraising, social media   Job me                               social open lab                      of the neighborhood, Via Arquata
social inclusion processes, job      25% of the total investment, to      marketing, communication, legal        Applicant: Social Tech               Applicant: Sicurezza e Lavoro        area, near the Fablab of Torino.
placement and/or regeneration        validate the proposed solution       and administrative management)         JOB ME - Widespread                  Innovative social laboratory in      A training course for young
                                     and identify and satisfy current     by the subjects managing the           architectures for the                                                     people is envisaged in a 4.0 craft
and revitalization of urban areas                                                                                                                     which the promoters (young
                                                                                                                 enhancement of human                 people, aged 18 to 29) meet          perspective, in collaboration with
at risk of degradation.              or potential market demand.          Incet, Innovation Center of Torino.
                                                                                                                 and social capital in the            inhabitants, customers and           the Associazione Nuova Arquata
                                       neighborhood between Borgo           operators of Porta Palazzo and       / Spazio Baraca
                                                                                                                 Vittoria and Madonna di              Balôn, to promote the recovery,
                                                                                                                 Campagna.                            re-use and repair of objects
                                                                                                                 It proposes the experimentation
                                     AxTO CALL 3.03 - aWARDED PROJECTS                                           of practices and tools of Open
                                                                                                                                                      (computer equipment, small
                                     START UP OF NEW SERVICES IN DEPRIVED URBAN AREAS                            recognition of skills developed
                                                                                                                 in non-formal contexts and the                                            AbiTO
                                                                                                                                                      laboratorio di
                                                                                                                                                                                           Applicant: Ass. Arteria Onlus
                                     paper lab                            EATnico / food                         smart emission of digital skills
                                                                                                                 certificates (Open Badge) within                                          The AbiTO project guarantees
                                                                          mediators                              a civic platform that supports       mestiere                             access to the lease to a group of
                                     Applicant: Ass. Miranda              Applicant: Ass. Nessuno                the local functioning of the labor   Applicant: Coop. O.R.S.O.            20-35 year olds, Italian or foreign,
                                     The project enriches the spaces      The goal is to enhance the             market.                              Integrated service that allows       who, although solvent, do not
                                     of the “Bocciofila del Fortino”      presence of activities related                                              100 job seekers to access a          have sufficient guarantees to
                                     with a numerically controlled        to ethnic food in the Aurora                                                path of emergence, certification     access the free lease market. The
                                     manufacturing workshop for           district through the creation of                                            and validation of skills also        experimentation takes place in
                                     the production of interactive        a multimedia itinerary on the                                               through practical laboratory         Porta Palazzo / Barriera di Milano
                                     editorial materials, both            kitchens of the world and the          dal chiuso all'axto                  and manufacturing activities.        and accompanies the process of
                                     multimedia and paper. The main       organization of food-related           Applicant: Forte Chance              The service will be located in the   autonomy of the young people
                                     objective is to provide the Aurora   services that promote dialogue         The project aims to help 5           City of trades and professions       involved. The replicability of the
                                     district with a technologically      and coexistence among the              young persons in social retreat      in Torino with the collaboration     model is envisaged, after the first
                                     advanced space open to the           inhabitants of the area.               (hikikomori) to return to life       of Cooperativa Orso, Scuola          year, through the establishment
© ThePaperLab                        community.                                                                  outside and to social relations.     Camerana and FabLab Torino.          of a revolving fund.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
p roj ects
A x TO                                                                                                                                  Urbanaquafarm
                                                                                                                                        Applicant: Carlo Prelli Service
                                                                                                                                        The project is part of the “Orti
                                                                                                                                                                             Beautiful Precious
                                                                                                                                                                             Plastic                              RIcuciTo'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Applicant: HUMANA
                                                                                                                                                                             Applicant: Ass. Izmade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  People to People Italia
living -LAB                                                                                                                             Urbani Torino” system and            The experiment aims to develop
                                             Torino     Living    Lab    circular     and   collaborative     economy       is    an    proposes a collaborative system                                           The project includes: a workshop
CIRCULAR AND                                 initiative   which     is   part   of    the   AxTO   Project     -   Action        3.02
                                                                                                                                                                             new items of furniture by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  on the transformation and reuse
                                                                                                                                        of production and consumption
COLLABORATIVE ECONOMY                        “Innovation in the periphery”, whose goal is to promote the                                of vegetable products based on
                                                                                                                                                                             recycling plastic waste thanks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of textile materials with the
                                                                                                                                                                             to the use of open source
action 3.02                                  creation of Living Labs in the target peripheral areas, with                               “hydroponic” culture techniques.                                          Polytechnic University of Torino;
                                                                                                                                                                             equipment. The project is
                                             a   focus     on     co-development        and    testing   of    solutions         that   In collaboration with the Falchera                                        development oa a prototype;
                                                                                                                                                                             active in the “Barriera di Milano”
                                             respond to environmental, social and quality of life challenges.                           Development Committee.                                                    the production of the product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  by the tailoring “il Gelso” with
                                             Through this initiative, the City of Torino proposes:
                                                                                                                                        Cibo 2                               edilizia circolare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the technical support of the
                                             • to enhance previous experience in the smart city environment and                         Applicant: Stranidea Coop sociale                                         Social Cooperative “Occhio
                                                                                                                                                                             Applicant: Emmegi
                                             in particular the “Torino Living Lab” initiative;                                          The project aims to provide                                               del Riciclone”. The production
                                                                                                                                                                             With the constitution of a
                                             • to stimulate the experimentation of innovative initiatives and                           night-time hospitality homes                                              will take place in the Vallette
                                                                                                                                                                             team of re-use professionals,
                                             solutions also in view of their subsequent diffusion on the market;                        with at least one nutritionally                                           district, inside the sartorial
                                                                                                                                                                             composed of architects,
                                             • to support professionalism and innovative forms of entrepreneurship.                     balanced evening meal, through                                            workshop active in the “Lorusso
                                                                                                                                                                             designers, companies and
                                                                                                                                        the management of food                                                    e Cutugno” Prison Center. Finally,
                                                                                               www.torinocitylab/it/open-to                                                  artisans, the collection of
                                                                                                                                        surpluses and the collection of                                           marketing tests are scheduled in
                                                                                                                                                                             reusable materials will be
                                                                                                                                        unsold products. The recipients                                           the two Humana stores in Torino.
                                                                                                                                                                             activated to be transformed into
                                                                                                                                        are people in conditions             new furnishings and finishes.
                                                                                                                                        of serious and very serious
ON-GOING EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS                                                                                                          exclusion and marginality.
                                                                                                                                                                             With the Tablò Association,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PREPARATION OF NEW
                                                                                                                                                                             Casa nel Parco Mirafiori Sud and
Eight    circular    economy       projects,     funded     by     identified, to assess possible positive impacts on the                                                    Comune Bene.                         SOIL FOR RECOVERING
the City of Torino, are being implemented as                       quality of life.                                                     Abbasso Impatto                                                           DEGRADED AREAS
part of the AxTO Project, supported by Torino                      The beneficiaries, selected with a specific call for                 Applicant: Ecosum Soc. Coop.                                              WITHIN THE CITY
City Lab, an initiative of the City of Torino that                 proposals, have access to a non-repayable grant “to                  The project aims to help break       il Marketplace                       Applicant: Horizon
deals with “promoting, developing and testing                      test their solutions in the areas identified, to assess              the monopoly on the use of           del Balon                            The main objective of the project
new     innovative     solutions   in    a   real     context”.    their potential access and sustainability on the                     disposable plastic tableware         Applicant: Agenzia Magma             is the development of a technical
The aim is to involve citizens, businesses and the                 market and verify the positive effects generated on                  through the establishment of a       The project involves the             protocol for the constitution of an
Public Administration in experimenting with ideas                  the territory and on the citizens-users”.                            group of ecologically compatible     experimental implementation          agrarian soil capable of replacing
and     technologies    in   urban      spaces   specifically                                                                           alternatives made up above all       of an e-commerce portal for          the natural one through the use
                                                                                                                                        of premises in the San Salvario      operators in the antiques, flea,     of appropriately treated inert
                                                                                                                                        district.                            vintage and “Balon” markets.         waste materials.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19
zoom on projects
A x TO                                                 19 FUNDED PROJECTS
                                                                                                                                                     ENZIMA Project
                                                                                                                                                     Applicant: Ass. Tékhné

                                                       COMITATO PROMOTORE S-NODI GABRIELE NIGRO |                                                    ENZIMA is a project organized
SOCIAL AND CULTURAL                                    Fa Bene Torino                                                                                by the Tékhné Cultural
INNOVATIVE PROJECTS                                    BEPART SOCIETÀ COOPERATIVA IMPRESA SOCIALE |                                                  Association in partnership with
action 4.01                                            Torino Città Aumentata                                                                        12 other companies operating
                                                       DIREFAREBACIARE | Cassetto AperTo                                                             in the social and cultural fields     © Città di Torino

Thanks to the Program for the requalification and      TÉKHNÉ | Enzima                                                                               linked by the daily challenge
security of the suburbs - AxTO, financed by the        COOPERATIVA SOCIALE PATCHANKA | Piano Mobile                                                  for the development of 4              MAUA Project
Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the City has   ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE HIROSHIMA MON                                                          territories: Aurora-Falchera-        Applicant: BePart
                                                                                                                © Città di Torino
made available for this action 1 million euros for     AMOUR | Dai Diamanti Non Nasce Niente                                                         Barriera-Vanchiglietta. The          MAUA - Museum of Increased
the activation of projects in the following areas of   CINE TEATRO BARETTI | Musica AxTA                        FA BENE                              main objective is to create a        Urban Art - born from the
intervention:                                          IMMAGINA | Cybergames, Oltre i Confini dello             Applicant: S-Nodi | Gabriele Nigro   community composed of citizens       idea of proposing new cultural
                                                       Spazio (Urbano)                                          The objective is the activation      able to take care of places          itineraries, outside the most
•    Public space and social animation                 COOPERATIVA SOCIALE ATYPICA | Narrazioni                 in the local communities of          and relationships within their       traditional circuits of art.
•    Pluralism and integration                         Artistiche Sonore per Biografie dell’Abitare             inclusion processes based on the     territory, through the tool of       In Torino, following similar
•    Music and performing arts                         SUMISURA APS | B.Next - Talento, Energia e               principle of reciprocity, relying    “culture”.                           experiences in Palermo and
•    Digital creativity.                               Partecipazione                                           on the donation of fresh and         Actors, musicians, circus            Milan, 46 works of Street Art
                                                       CONSORZIO SOCIALE ABELE LAVORO S.C.S. ONLUS              quality food in the local markets,   performers and artists join          animated in augmented reality
                                                       | Margini di Coesione                                    in favor of families in temporary    educators and social workers, in     become the occasion to explore
                                                       JUST FOR JOY EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION | 15°                  need.                                the context of local laboratories    less known areas of the city.
                                                       Festival Internazionale del Teatro di Strada di Torino   Based on the principle of            and events, in the perspective       MAUA is a participated project,
                                                       CISV-SOLIDARIETÀ S.C.S. | FalkShow                       reciprocity, those who receive       of an intervention methodology       which involved more than
                                                       PIAZZA DEI MESTIERI | The Rolling Pots: Una Banda        fresh food “return” with volunteer   that tends to “mix” different        200 among students, digital
                                                       Musicale in Piazza                                       hours to the local community,        skills, to make culture a tool       creatives and street artists. An
                                                       ALMATEATRO | SpazioTeatro                                reactivating their skills; all the   available to all.                    animated content has been
                                                       CLIOMEDIA PUBLIC HISTORY | Qui Abito. A Partire          actors of the territory can make                                          developed in augmented
                                                       dalla Scuola: Storie di Famiglie e di Quartiere per      their contribution to exchange                                            reality of the selected works,
                                                       Immaginare il Futuro della Comunità                      processes, circular economy                                               creating a path that can be
                                                       ASSOCIAZIONE MUSEO NAZIONALE DEL CINEMA |                and civil solidarity, where there                                         visited independently thanks
                                                       LiberAzioni - Le Arti Dentro e Fuori dal Carcere         is no difference between those                                            to the “Bepart” app or through
                                                       ASSOCIAZIONE VOLONTARIATO TORINO – VOL.TO |              who donate and those who                                                  the guided tours, organized in
                                                       PerGioVE! – Periferie Giovani Volontariato Europa        receive, between operators and                                            collaboration with SAT - Street
© Città di Torino                                                                                                                                     © Città di Torino
                                                       ASSOCIAZIONE ALTROCANTO | CASE I-POP                     beneficiaries..                                                           Art Torino.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21
MONITORING                                                                                                                                            INFRASTRUCTURES
                                                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY HUBS (CASE DEL QUARTIERE)
                                                                                                                                                      SOCIAL IMPACT MONITORING
POLIcies                                                                 Actions                                                                      Since 2017, the Community Hubs of Torino have started to measure

GO.IN: STRATEGIC SUPPORT TOOL                                            EVALUATION OF
                                                                                                                                                      their interventions and actions (projects, activities, cultural initiatives,
                                                                                                                                                      services to citizens ...) and to evaluate the impact that the presence of
The experimentation of Sustainable City, conducted by              CO-CITY PROJECT                       It describes how interventions can     each Community Hub produces in the neighborhoods and at the city
Golder Associates, Nomisma and the IUR Association (Urban                RESULTS                               bring long-term changes through        level: the Social Impact Assessment.
Innovation Regeneration) as a tool for strategic support and                                                   a logical sequence of activities,      With the support of the Euricse agency, a system has been built - and
monitoring, was launched as part of the Torino social renewal and        The CO-CITY project set up an         results, intermediate outcomes         subsequently a specific matrix - which involves collecting not only
urban regeneration policies. The tool derived from the “Planning         evaluation framework providing        and final outcomes. This method,       quantitative data and information, but also monitoring and measuring,
Sustainable Cities” program, developed by the Zofnass Program for        information requirements and          which envisages a focus on the         in scientific terms, the processes that the houses activate. Not only
Sustainable Infrastructures and by Harvard University.                   analyzes that will allow it to        implementation processes and on        what is produced, but also how, which is the specific characteristic of
                                                                         monitor its actions and evaluate      the stakeholders involved, makes       the management and work model of these structures.
The prototype was tested on Torino Social Factory and              its results and impact, even in the   it possible to understand, develop     From the information gathered and the analysis of the data, the
allowed the City of Torino to identify the following added value         years to come.                        and describe the contextual            confirmation emerges that the Houses are containers of subjects and
elements:                                                                Being an innovative and               aspects and the choices of the         realities that promote and carry out projects and initiatives.
  • the possibility of drawing up an “Urban Agenda” starting from        experimental project in which         various actors that may have           Over 400 groups, associations and single citizens continuously work
actions oriented to Social Innovation;                                   there are multiple types of           influenced the outcome of the          together with the 8 Community Hubs representing a multiplicity of
  • the opportunity of a redesign in progress by evaluating any          recipients and components, the        intervention.                          partners very varied in nature, size and structure.
innovations made;                                                        evaluation criterion used aims to     The information gathered for the       But the evaluation also concerns the employment economy that
  • the ability to grasp the “unexpected results”, measuring in          explain the changes produced          measurement of the indicators          revolves around the Community Hubs whose turnover is around
particular the synergies that are created between the different          in the territory, both positive and   concerns descriptive aspects           2,500,000 euros, with 165 people working in the community hubs and
infrastructure systems;                                                  negative, through the mechanisms      of context, quantitative data (e.g.    related services (cafeterias, taverns, public showers, bicycle repair
  • the possibility of operating at different territorial scale levels   and implementation processes of       number of received collaboration       shop, baby parking, ...), and 700 who receive income support by
with possible focus on projects, infrastructural systems, territories;   the intervention itself, underlying   proposals, number of citizens          offering courses and workshops.
  • possible support for accountability of the Torino innovation         the competition from a multiplicity   involved) and qualitative data (e.g.   Furthermore, around 850 adult people offer hours
ecosystem;                                                               of causes in the generation of the    types of collaboration proposals       of volunteer work for space maintenance, reception,
  • the construction of a metric of governance systems and social        expected impact.                      received, characteristics of           carrying out activities in support of disadvantaged
innovation;                                                                                                    interaction between citizens and       people, events, etc. More than 450,000 are the visitors
  • the GIS allows a territorial reading of the projects and to geo-     The methodological approach           Public Administration) detected        every year.
reference the actions and their impacts.                                 used is the Theory of Change.         during its implementation.                          

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                             23
                                                                                                                 Edited in June 2019 with
                                                                                                                 the Urbact funds, program

                                                                                                                 of the European Regional
                                                                                                                 Development Fund (European
                                                                                                                 Regional Development Fund)

IN a nutshell

                                                                                                                 EUROPEAN UNION
                                                                                                                 European Regional Development Fund

                                   supported by

                                                                                                                 Contributions to the texts:

                                                                                                                 Gianfranco Presutti

                                                   city of                                                       Fabrizio Barbiero
                                                                                                                 EUROPEAN UNION
                                                                                                                 Elena Deambrogio and
                                                                                                                 European Regional Development Fund

                                                                                                                 Valeria Vacchiano
         PON Metro
                                   12                               25                 1.400.000 €               City of Torino - European Funds
                                                                                                                 and Innovation Department
         PON Metro                                                                                               Valter Cavallaro and
                                   6                               48                   50.000 €
           331b                                                                                                  Alice Zanasi
                                                                                                                 City of Torino
           4.01                    19                               87                 1.000.000 €
                                                                                                                 Progetto AxTo, Beni comuni,
           3.02                    8                                27                  120.000 €                Periferie Department
                                                                                                                 Stefania Ieluzzi
           3.03                    10                                15                200.000 €
                                                                                                                 Case del Quartiere Network
                                                                                                                 Davide Bazzini
         UIA-ERDF                  63                             213                  5.150.000 €
                                                                                                                 IUR (Innovazione Urbana
                                                                                                                 Rigenerazione) Association
 TOTAL                             118                          415                    7,92 Mln €
                                                                                                                 Cover picture:
                                                                                                                 Francesco Riosa (Pixabay)
                                                                                                                 Graphic and technical
                  Project carried out in
                      the framework of                                                                           assistance:
                                                                                                                 LINKS Foundation
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