Strategy and 2015 Business Plan - Property Law Regulator

Page created by Norma Harper
Strategy and 2015 Business Plan - Property Law Regulator
Strategy and
                 2015 Business Plan

The Specialist
Property Law
Strategy and 2015 Business Plan - Property Law Regulator
Page 3		     FOREWORD







The CLC is the specialist property law regulator. Our strategy is to

•   Focus on core activities and appropriate, value for money regulation to deliver
    high standards of practice and consumer protection

•   Maximise the benefits of our specialist approach to regulation of specialist lawyers

•   Engage in developing the future of legal services regulation so that the benefits of
    the specialist approach are retained in any future framework
Strategy and 2015 Business Plan - Property Law Regulator
Anna Bradley, Chair

The profession of Licensed Conveyancer         •   has developed an approach to                   Since the appointment of Sheila
and the CLC as its new, independent                regulation that fosters innovation and      Kumar as Chief Executive, the CLC has
regulator, were created nearly 30 years ago.       growth in consumer-focused delivery of      undertaken a thorough review of its work.
The intention was to break a monopoly              vital legal services.                       We have adopted a strategy that builds
in the provision of conveyancing services      •   was the first regulator to regulate         on the considerable strengths of the
and to deliver benefits to consumers and           entities and the first to allow non-        specialized approach to regulation that has
                                                   lawyer ownership of those entities.         underpinned the success of the CLC over
businesses through improved and enhanced
                                               •   was the first regulator to downsize the     the last three decades and which will serve
provision of legal services at more
                                                   council itself and establish a lay chair.   consumers and those we regulate well.
competitive prices.
                                               •   has developed and managed routes to
                                                   qualification as a Licensed Conveyancer         You can find out more about our
    Conveyancing and probate services are          that are open and accessible and have       strategy, and the background to our
surely the most commonly-accessed legal            fostered a diverse profession.              thinking, in the rest of this document.
services and have an impact on the lives
                                                                                               At the end you will find our business plan
of the greater part of the population as           It is the CLC’s specialist approach         for 2015.
they manage the transfer of personal assets    to regulating property law services that
at key moments in their lives. So getting      has enabled it to support innovation,
consumer protection right and supporting       competition and growth while protecting
a flourishing supplier base are vital.         consumers. The Council therefore intends
    The CLC is proud of its impact on the      to continue to explore and develop the
legal services market and regulation. Since    strengths of that specialised approach, just
it was established by the Access to Justice    as we did when we extended our scope to
Act 1985, the CLC                              regulate the provision of probate services.
                                               We believe specialist regulation represents
•   has introduced competition and real        an important and successful alternative that
    consumer choice into the conveyancing      should continue within any future structural
    market which has driven down prices
                                               framework for legal services regulation.
    without sacrificing quality.

Strategy and 2015 Business Plan - Property Law Regulator
Our vision                                       protects consumers and fosters                   3. Expertise: Delivering and promoting
The CLC works to maximise the benefits           competition and innovation in the provision         better practice in partnership with
of our specialist model of legal services        of legal services. This continues our original      licence holders, regulated entities and
regulation ensuring that its strengths           purpose as                                          key stakeholders
continue to benefit consumers and the legal
services market and providing a model for        Our values                                       4. Innovation: Continuously looking
the future regulation of legal services.         The CLC is an independent regulator with            for new and innovative ways to protect
                                                 no institutional links to bodies representing       consumers and the public and to
                                                 legal professionals. That independence of           support students, licence holders and
Our mission
                                                                                                     regulated entities, employers, partners,
The CLC’s mission is to deliver effective        policy and action and our founding mission
                                                                                                     and other stakeholders
regulation of specialist property lawyers that   have guided us to six core values.
                                                 1. Integrity: Acting professionally and
                                                                                                  5. Inclusiveness: Constantly improving
                                                      being accountable in all that we do
                                                                                                     our organisation as both a regulator and
                                                                                                     an employer. recognising that everyone,
                                                 2. Effectiveness: Providing reliable
                                                                                                     whatever their circumstances, should be
                                                    and recognised qualifications
                                                                                                     able to develop and exploit their talents.
                                                    and maintaining the standards of
                                                    competence and professional conduct
                                                                                                  6. Communication: Encouraging
                                                    in the regulated community in the
                                                                                                     open, clear, productive and valuable
                                                    interests of consumers
                                                                                                     communication between ourselves and
                                                                                                     everyone with whom we come into

Strategy and 2015 Business Plan - Property Law Regulator

The CLC is an independent Approved                   Because of its founding mission and
Regulator under the Legal Services Act          purpose, the CLC was well-placed to             The regulatory objectives:
2007. This independence sets us apart from      embrace the liberalising, competitive and
the larger regulators of legal services which   consumer-focuses agenda of the Legal              a) protecting and promoting
are each part of representative bodies for      Services Act 2007 that is encapsulated in           the public interest;
lawyers. Like them though, we are overseen      those eight objectives. But some obstacles
by the Legal Services Board which assesses      remain in the way of us being able to realise    b) supporting the constitutional
the performance of each of the front line       fully the potential of the Act and to give      		principle of the rule of law;
regulators and ensure that we live up to the    the practices we regulate the full range of
eight statutory regulatory objectives.          freedom that would support even greater           c) improving access to justice;
                                                change and innovation in the delivery of
                                                legal services. We continue to work with the      d) protecting and promoting
                                                Legal Services Board and Ministry of Justice        the interests of consumers;
                                                to remove those obstacles.
                                                                                                  e) promoting competition in
                                                                                                    the provision of services;

                                                                                                  f ) encouraging an independent,
                                                                                                     strong, diverse and effective
                                                                                                     legal profession;

                                                                                                 g) increasing public understanding
                                                                                                		of the citizen’s legal rights
                                                                                                		and duties;

                                                                                                 h) promoting and maintaining
                                                                                                		adherence to the
                                                                                                		professional principles.


Slow change                                     Legal Education and Training                  Improving the regulatory
The Legal Services Act 2007 has been            Review                                        framework
slower to deliver change than many              The review recommendations of relevance       We used a consultation by the Ministry of
people expected and has not yet had             to the CLC related to the setting of clear    Justice over the summer of 2013 to set out
the far-reaching liberalising impact on the     ‘day one outcomes’ based on analysis of the   our priorities for reform. The Government
market that its architects had intended.        occupation – this was a timely steer as we    decided not to take forward its review of
Legal services providers have generally not     came to review the routes to qualification    legal services regulation so we are pleased
changed their business models radically and     as a Licensed Conveyancer and the CLC’s       that the Legal Services Board has picked up
external investment has been slow coming        overall framework for education. As 2014      on a number of our priorities as it leads joint
into the sector. The ‘regulatory competition’   comes to an end we are preparing to           work across the sector to make progress on
that was expected as a result of the Act has    launch exciting new routes to qualification   improving the regulatory framework. We are
not been a strong effect as yet, not least      as a Licensed Conveyancer, Conveyancing       especially pleased that financial protection
because a number of obstacles remain to         Technician and Probate Practitioner through   arrangements, the issues arising from the
legal services providers changing regulator.    apprenticeship and classroom and distance     patchwork nature of the scope of legal
We are working with the Legal Services          learning routes.                              services regulation and the rationalization of
Board, our oversight regulator, to try to                                                     the regulatory objectives are to be part of
address those obstacles.                                                                      that joint work.

Concerns about fraud                           regulated entities. This is an excellent vote   increased, standards of supervision and
Concerns about mortgage fraud have             of confidence in the CLC’ s approach to         delivery were not compromised.
resulted in several initiatives which can in   regulation and standards of CLC Lawyers.
some ways be seen as duplicating the work      We continue to work with other lenders              We have also seen considerable
of front line regulators such as the CLC:      to ensure that CLC Lawyers face no              consolidation in the conveyancing market
                                               restrictions in terms of market access.         and while the probate market remains
   •    There has been a growth in what                                                        very fragmented, we expect it to follow
        might be termed quasi-regulatory       The impact of the economic                      the pattern of conveyancing in the coming
        schemes such as the Conveyancing       recovery                                        years. As the businesses we regulate become
        Quality Scheme and others that blur    As the recovery began to be felt in             larger, the risks arising from failures become
        the lines between regulation and       2013, conveyancing firms were beginning         greater along with the potential impact on
        representation of lawyers              to experience a shortage of qualified           the work and resources of the CLC.
                                               conveyancers because so many had
   •    Panel management schemes are           fallen out of the profession following the      Information and Communications
        emerging                               downturn in 2007/8. This is a pressure          Technology
                                               that has been felt by other professions         Advances in IT and communications
   •    The Law Society is implementing an     in the property sector such as surveyors.       (ICT) have had a major impact on how
        online conveyancing portal that will   This presented a challenge to the CLC           conveyancing and probate services can be
        enshrine protocols and processes       because it is currently the education           delivered. Services delivered remotely and
        across all transactions taking place   provider and awarder of the qualification       through highly automated processes require
        through the portal in addition to      and needed to attract more students             a slightly different regulatory approach than
        managing identity checks               into the pipeline to becoming a Licensed        traditional high street practices.
                                               Conveyancer, something that we have done
    We are providing information to some       successfully through raising the profile of     Consumer Expectation
of these scheme operators to reduce            the qualification and marketing a career as     Consumer expectations have also evolved
burdens on the regulated community and in      a CLC Lawyer to school-leavers and law          rapidly, in part because of the wider
line with our desire to minimize duplication   graduates.                                      advances in ICT which have driven down
of regulatory or quasi-regulatory activity.                                                    costs of services and improved accessibility
                                                   The community regulated by the CLC          and the speed of delivery. The new
Support from the lending                       recovered from the downturn faster than         standards that consumers expect for almost
community                                      the overall market. The aggregate turnover      all services they purchase put practices
The lending community has been and             of CLC-regualted entities began to recover      under new pressures. In addition, we are
remains very positive about the community      sooner and faster than the numbers of           seeing the growth of comparison websites
of lawyers and entities regulated by           transactions in the overall market place        for legal services that demand information
the CLC. HSBC has recently opened              would have led us to expect. This led to        about lawyers that is arguably best provided
access to its mortgage panel to all CLC        a focus on ensuring that as workloads           by regulators, who hold the definitive           7
In considering the regulatory model for               We also support practices to achieve
the CLC, the Council has focused on               compliance with our requirements in a            The CLC’s strategy
the strengths that lie in specialisation.         way that enables the development of
The tailored approach to regulation, the          strong businesses. We do not simply police
understanding and management of specific          compliance but support conveyancers in           •   Focus on core activities and
risks and the support for innovation and          achieving good practice in an outcomes-              appropriate, value for money
growth alongside consumer protection are          focused framework. We take a risk-based              regulation to deliver high
what differentiate the CLC from other legal       approach to regulatory activity and when             standards of practice and
                                                                                                       consumer protection
sector regulators.                                necessary we act swiftly to protect the client
                                                  and the public interest.                         •   Maximise the benefits of
    It is clear from our discussions with those                                                        its specialist approach to
we currently regulate - as well as lawyers           Accordingly, the Council agreed that              regulation of specialist
considering transferring their practices into     the CLC should maintain its specialised              lawyers
regulation by the CLC - that our model of         approach and build on its strengths. When it     •   Engage in developing the
specialist regulation is hugely appreciated.      secures the power to regulate lawyers other          future of legal services
The Council believes that there are very          than Licensed Conveyancers it will be for            regulation so that the
considerable benefits to specialisation and       the delivery of conveyancing and probate             benefits of the specialist
hopes that, whatever the future of regulation     services as well as related property law             approach are retained in any
of legal services, the specialist approach to     services that the regulated community may            future framework
regulation and consumer protection can be         wish to offer to clients. A next step might
retained and applied in other areas.              be to add litigation in respect of property
    Our focus on property law services
in conveyancing and probate matches the
focus of our regulated community, meeting
their needs and the needs of their clients in
a tailored and highly effective way.

‘We do not simply police compliance but support
  conveyancers in achieving good practice in an
        outcomes-focused framework.’                                                                                                  8
OBJECTIVE 1                                     i. Publish disciplinary and regulatory activity   OBJECTIVE 3
To gather high quality intelligence and            information in line with the CLC’s policy      To have in place financial protection
respond quickly to emerging risks                  in a timely manner                             arrangements that are effective in protecting
                                                                                                  consumers and the operations of the CLC
                                                j. Undertake Annual Regulatory Return
a. Begin in 2015 a fundamental review of
                                                   exercise to explore:
   the CLC’s regulatory arrangements for                                                          a. Review CLC financial protection
   completion in 2016                                 a. data about firms that could be used         arrangements
                                                         to better inform consumers
b. Establish effective new function of                                                                  I. Determine new arrangements for
   information management to pull together,           b. actions arising from diversity                    a Master Policy
   analyse and share all information and                 profiling
                                                                                                        II. Determine new arrangements
   intelligence to improve quality/targeting          c. issues around financial viability of               for the Compensation Fund
   of CLC operations                                      firms
                                                                                                  b. Work for sector-wide arrangements that
c. Embed use of Regulatory Risk
                                                                                                     level the playing field through the LSB-led
   Assessment Tool
                                                OBJECTIVE 2                                          project
d. Inquiry into the financial viability of      To ensure that the CLC’s specialist approach
   regulated firms                              is understood and appreciated by policy and
e. Follow up on 2014 consumer focus             market place stakeholders
                                                a. Communications and marketing to
f. Carry out a full programme of
                                                   promote the strengths of specialisation
   monitoring visits to firms, prioritised in
   line with risk assessment                    b. Complete a self-assessment for
                                                   submission to the LSB that sets out
g. Timely handling of conduct complaints
                                                   clearly the approach and achievements
   against CLC Lawyers and feeding
                                                   of the CLC
   intelligence that emerges into risk
   register                                     c. Hold a stakeholder event in Westminster
                                                   to mark the 30th anniversary of the
h. Ensure that disciplinary procedures
                                                   legislation establishing the CLC
   are carried out in a timely manner to
   ensure consumer protection and use           d. Review and amend AML requirements
   the full range of sanctions available in a
   proportionate manner                                                                                                                            9
OBJECTIVE 4                                    OBJECTIVE 5                                     OBJECTIVE 7
To have open channels of communication                                                         Optimise the efficiency and value for money
                                               To have a sustainable and resilient
with stakeholders in government and other                                                      of the CLC’s operations
                                               organisational structure
regulators and good engagement with the
regulated community                                                                            a. Complete the archiving project to reduce
                                               a. Undertake a reorganisation of the CLC
                                                                                                  storage and retrieval costs
                                                  staff structures
a. SMT to meet regularly with:
                                                                                               b. Review the premises strategy and secure
                                               b. Demonstrate improved organisational
•   Senior MoJ officials                                                                          Council’s approval
                                                  resilience to the Council
•   Senior representatives of other                                                            c. Review the functions of the CLC to
                                               c. Determine and implement a new model
    regulators                                                                                    assess which non-core functions need to
                                                  for the delivery of education and training
                                                                                                  be carried out by the CLC
b. Meet new Ministers and Opposition
                                               d. Review Adjudication Panel framework
   spokespeople following the general                                                          d. Complete implementation of CRM with
                                                  and appointments
   election                                                                                       Phase 2 – adding new licence, monitoring
                                                                                                  and student management
c. Engage with and influence the Chair-level
   Working Group run by the MoJ and LSB        OBJECTIVE 6                                     e. Extend website functionality to enhance
                                               To support innovation and flexibility in the       offering to regulated community and big
d. Programme of regular communication
                                               delivery of legal services through value for       users of CLC data
   with the regulated community
                                               money regulation
                                                                                               f. Streamline licence application and
                                                                                                  renewal processes to ensure a
                                               a. Launch apprenticeships and other routes
                                                                                                  proportionate approach that increases
                                                  to new qualifications in conveyancing and
                                                                                               g. New applications processed efficiently
                                               b. Prepare to issue stand-alone licences
                                                                                               h. Licence renewal process completed
                                               c. Determine and implement a new
                                                  framework for practice fees
                                                                                               i. Review regulatory operations
                                                                                               j. Develop and meet SLAs for delivery of
                                                                                                  services, management of correspondence

We welcome feedback on our Business Plan.
Please email us at

                The Specialist
                Property Law

16 Glebe Road Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QG
DX121925 Chelmsford 6

t: 01245 349599 f: 01245 341300
e: w:
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