Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham

Page created by Lucille Webb
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
Student Housing

Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
Office of
Residence Life
   ON-CAMPUS LIVING OPTIONS                                 Honors LLC
   Living on campus is convenient and enjoyable. In fact,   In continuing Chatham’s dedication to academic
   over two-thirds of undergraduate students choose         achievement and excellence in scholarship,
   to do so! Chatham’s residence halls are                  the Honors LLC extends the benefits of your
   really unique —four halls are converted turn-of-         Chatham education outside of the classroom
   the-century mansions which boast such amenities          and into the world. The overarching themes of
   as leaded glass windows, rich wood paneling, and         research opportunities, leadership experiences,
   comfortable traditional furniture. The architecture is   and community and civic engagement highlight
   graceful, the ambiance is warm, and the rooms are        the Honors Program experience. By living with
   welcoming.                                               fellow members of the Honors Program in a
                                                            scholarly setting, residents should anticipate more
   Living Learning Communities                              comprehensive relationships with faculty and
   Chatham offers Living Learning Community (LLC)           scholarly activities on-campus. The Honors LLC is
   options for students. LLCs are a special housing         located in Rea House.
   option that affords students the opportunity to
   continue their learning experience outside of the        Sustainability and Environment LLC
   classroom. Each LLC creates an environment allowing      Chatham University’s Sustainability & Environment
   students to gain immeasurable leadership experience      Living Learning Community is dedicated to
   and skills, demonstrate a commitment to the campus       increasing the understanding of sustainable practices
   community and surrounding neighborhoods by               and the effects of humanity’s presence on the global
   promoting civic engagement opportunities, and            environment. Located in Orchard Hall at the Eden
   interact with faculty and staff. Admittance into the     Hall Campus, this LLC aims to guide students toward
   Living Learning Communities requires an application      exploring sustainability, the impact of society on the
   approval. The application deadline for LLCs is May       environment, and the ability of a community to affect
   14, 2021.                                                climate change.

   Women’s Leadership LLC                                   In continuation of the trailblazing work of Chatham

   The Women’s Leadership Living Learning Community         1929 alumna, Rachel Carson, this LLC is open to

   is committed to keeping with the traditions of           all students interested in sustainable living and
   Chatham’s history. This LLC is designed to foster a      environmental competence. Residents residing in
   sense of community among the women at Chatham,           this LLC will be challenged to experiment with green
   work with students to develop a sense of their           living, refocus their impact on the environment, and
   potential, and demonstrate that women continue to        enhance their own sustainable practices.
   affect change in society and the world. The Women’s
   Leadership LLC is located in Laughlin House.
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
                                    In partnership with student residents, the Office of Residence Life–
                                      Student Affairs fosters a safe living-learning environment that
                                        compliments and enhances an equitable student experience.
                                           Through on-campus living, we empower residents to navigate
                                             their journey and overcome challenges. We promote
                                               opportunities for meaningful interactions, relationship-
                                                  building, and community engagement.

How are roommates assigned?                                  Housing Deadlines
Roommates are assigned by the information that               Students interested in on-campus housing must apply
students provide when they submit their online               and pay a $150 housing deposit through the online
housing application. We ask that students answer             housing application located on myChatham. May 1
these questions honestly. The more information that          is the new student priority housing consideration
students provide, the better able we are to assign           deadline. Students who apply by May 1 will be
them a compatible roommate.                                  notified of their housing assignment by mid-June.

All students who would like to request a specific            Any student who applies between May 2 and June 1
roommate must submit their roommate request                  will be notified in late July. June 1 is the guaranteed
through the online housing application system. These         housing deadline; students who apply past June 1
request must be mutual; once you submit a request            are not guaranteed housing and will either be placed
the person you want to room with must also log in to         on the housing wait list or offered space based on
their housing application to accept your request. We         availability.
can only match roommate request if they are mutual
and if we have multiple occupancy space available.
To stand a greater chance of having your roommate            COMMUTING TO CAMPUS
request honored, all roommate requests must be               Traditional undergraduate students may also choose
submitted through the online housing application             to live with a parent or guardian in the Greater
by May 14, 2021.                                             Pittsburgh area (within 30 miles). Gateway students
                                                             may choose to live on campus or in the surrounding
Two-Year Residency Requirement                               area and commute. All students who would like
The on-campus living experience is vital to the              to commute must complete the Application for
growth and development of the whole student.                 Commuter Student Status (located on myChatham in
Chatham University has a two-year residency                  the Documents & Forms section) prior to arrival.
requirement, where all students who have completed
less than four semesters of college/university are
required to reside in on-campus housing for their            RESIDENCE LIFE STAFF
first two year at Chatham.                                   All undergraduate housing options are supported by
                                                             Residence Life staff, including Resident Assistants
Based on the COVID-19 global health pandemic, the
                                                             (RAs) and Graduate Residence Directors (GRDs).
University is waiving the residency requirement for
                                                             A team of full-time professional staff also supports
the 2021-2022 academic year only. While we strongly
encourage students to live on-campus, the University
understands and supports students making the best
decision for them that fits their personal needs and
overall health and wellbeing.

  MORE INFORMATION                       Additional information about living on campus, housing options, and
  residential policies can be found on the Chatham website. Visit
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
Housing                           Options
Chatham University maintains six residence halls and seven apartment complexes for undergraduate
students. All charges for housing are applied directly to a student’s account.

DILWORTH HALL                                                    LAUGHLIN HOUSE
Dilworth Hall was constructed in 1959 as a residence             Marjory Rea Laughlin House, built in 1912, was originally
hall. In fall 1996, it was converted to classroom and office     home to James Laughlin, the president of Chatham’s first
space and remained that way until the summer of 2017.            Board of Trustees. In 1967, the residence was donated to the
The building is named after founder and Board of Trustee         University and became the home of 32 students. Laughlin’s
member Joseph Dilworth, and currently houses more than           architectural features are true to the time period of its
70 students. Situated in the heart of campus, Dilworth           origins, including a beautiful entrance hall, grand wooden
provides students with the convenience of being close to         staircases, and leaded stained glass windows. Laughlin
both academic and administrative buildings on campus.            is home to the Women’s Leadership Living Learning

Fickes Hall is the largest residence hall on campus, housing
over 100 students. Fickes, a historic mansion, was built
in 1927 and renovated into a residence hall for Chatham          REA HOUSE
University in 1946. Situated on the picturesque southeast        The Julia and James Rea House was donated to Chatham
rise of campus, Fickes is a vibrant hub of activity. The first   University in the late 1960s, but was built in 1912 by James
floor offers quiet study space among the recessed, wood          C. Rea. With its rich wooden paneling and numerous
paneled bookshelves of the dining room, a comfortable            fireplaces, the 23 room brick home is similar in model to a
television room, and a beautiful outdoor courtyard. Fickes       large English country house, reflective of the early twentieth
also provides apartment living for upperclass students           century time period. Rea House accommodates 32 students
with the convenience of being close to academic and              and includes amenities such as a living/television room,
administrative buildings on campus.                              dining room, and kitchen area. Rea is home to the Honors
                                                                 Living Learning Community.
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
To view videos of the interiors of the residence halls and apartments,
                                    visit the housing and dining section of

                                                                  Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232
                                                                  Upperclass undergraduate and transfer students may reside
                                                                  in CHATHAM, LINZER, or PELLETREAU apartments.
                                                                  Chatham and Pelletreau apartments feature two-bedroom
                                                                  furnished apartment (one single bedroom and one double
                                                                  bedroom) that accommodate a maximum of three students.
WOODLAND HALL                                                     Linzer features one-bedroom furnished apartments that
Situated in the heart of campus, Woodland Hall houses             accommodates two students in a shared bedroom.
over 100 students. Woodland is located at the edge of
the academic quad, directly across from the library. The
Woodland sun porch is a cozy lounge located on the first
floor. Woodland has fully accessible facilities and is the only
residence area on campus to include an elevator.

ORCHARD HALL (Eden Hall Campus)
Orchard Hall is our newest residence hall, located on the
Eden Hall Campus in Gibsonia, PA, and is a shining example
of Chatham’s commitment to enhancing sustainability
and reducing its environmental impact. This living learning
experience provides students the option to live in a
sustainable environment. The building is LEED platinum
designed and houses 60 students in single rooms or suites.        From top: Chatham Apartments, Pelletreau Apartments,
Each floor is equipped with a kitchenette and residents           Linzer Apartments
have access to a fitness room in the Esther Barazzone
Center, which is located within walking distance of the
residence hall.
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
Rates and Meal Plans
  2021-2022 RATES
  RESIDENCE HALLS (per term)
  Single Room in Dilworth, Fickes, or Woodland                                                            $3,221

  Single Room in Rea or Laughlin                                                                          $3,646

  Single Room in Orchard Hall (Eden Hall Campus)                                                           $1,391

  Single Room Two-Person Suite in Orchard Hall (Eden Hall Campus)                                         $1,468

  Multiple Occupancy (Doubles, Triples, Quads) in Dilworth, Fickes, or Woodland               $3,009 per person

  Multiple Occupancy (Doubles, Triples, Quads) in Rea or Laughlin                              $3,321 per person

  APARTMENTS (per term)
  NOTE: All apartments are 3-person unless otherwise noted. A double room means you share the bedroom
  with one other student and share the apartment with one to two more students. A single room means you have
  your own bedroom, but share the apartment with two other students.

  Single Room in Chatham or Pelletreau Apartments                                            $2,971 per person

  Double Room in Chatham or Pelletreau Apartments                                            $2,759 per person

  Double Room in Linzer or Chatham Apartments (2-person apartment)                           $2,865 per person

                       RESIDENCE HALLS: Bed, desk, desk chair, dresser, and closet or wardrobe for each
                       student (closet/wardrobe may be shared by students)
  Furniture            APARTMENTS: Bed, desk, desk chair, dresser, and closet or wardrobe for each student
                       (closet/wardrobe may be shared by students). Living room area holds sofa or love seat,
                       coffee table, dining room table, and dining room chairs.

                       RESIDENCE HALLS: Varies by building
                       APARTMENTS: Oven and refrigerator. No microwaves provided.

  Laundry              Free. In apartments, laundry is in basement of each building

  Utilities            All are included

  Internet             Wireless access

  Air Conditioning     No (provided for students with medical accommodation only)

  Parking              Available for upperclass students with purchase of parking permit through Public Safety

  Storage              None
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
Dining services is managed by Parkhurst Dining. The             • Students residing in the apartments must purchase
mission of Parkhurst Dining at Chatham University                 one of the “Rachel” meal plans at a minimum.
is to match students with the meal plan that meets              • Students residing at Orchard Hall on the Eden Hall
and exceeds their expectations. These plans give                  Campus must purchase the Eden Hall Meal Plan.
student diners control and flexibility along with the
                                                                PLEASE NOTE: Pricing and meal plans are per term,
best value for their dollar. Students can use their
                                                                not per year. Unused block plans expire at the end
Chatham University ID for the safety and convenience
                                                                of each term and the meals in the traditional plans
of cashless dining. All undergraduate residential
                                                                expire at the end of each week. Flex dollars roll over
students are required to purchase a meal plan.
                                                                from fall to spring terms only with the purchase of a
Students will select a meal plan during the online              spring meal plan.
housing application process.
                                                                Meals and meal exchanges are not available during
• Student living in one of our residence halls on
                                                                Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks. You are only
  upper campus (Dilworth, Fickes, Laughlin, Rea, and
                                                                able to use flex or Cougar dollars during those times.
  Woodland), must purchase one of the “Chatham”
  Meal Plans.

             Plan                                   Meals                       Flex Dollars          Cost per term
 Chatham Platinum                 Unlimited dining in Anderson                  $50 per term              $3,300

 Chatham Gold                     200 meals per term                            $225 per term             $2,600

 Chatham Silver                   150 meals per term                            $250 per term             $2,000

 Chatham Bronze*                  100 meals per term                            $275 per term              $1,500

 *Though not usually available to first-year students, due to COVID, this option will be offered to all in fall 2021.

 The Rachel Build Your Own meal plans listed below are an option only for students living in Chatham University
 apartments located on Fifth Avenue (Chatham, Chung, Haber, Hicks Estate, Linzer, Maryland Ave Duplex, and
 Pelletreau apartments). These are not options that students residing on upper campus can select.

 Rachel Build Your Own 1                     15 meals per term                  $150 per term               $325

 Rachel Build Your Own 2                     15 meals per term                  $350 per term               $525

 Rachel Build Your Own 3                     45 meals per term                  $150 per term               $675

 Rachel Build Your Own 4                     45 meals per term                  $350 per term               $875

 Rachel Build Your Own 5                     75 meals per term                  $150 per term              $1,025

 Rachel Build Your Own 6                     75 meals per term                  $350 per term              $1,225

 Eden Hall                         Anytime plan, unlimited meal access          $50 per term               $2,375

                                  Sold in blocks of $50. For every $50 your purchase, you receive an additional $5
 Cougar Dollars                   to spend. Cougar Dollars roll over from term to term and year to year as long as
                                  you are a member of the Chatham University community.

If you have questions about meal plans or dining services, please visit or contact
Parkhurst Dining at
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
Woodland Road               6166 Ridge Road
Carriage House, 2nd Floor   118 Orchard Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15232        Gibsonia, PA 15044
412-365-1518                412-365-1172
Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham Student Housing Undergraduate - - myChatham
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