Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford

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Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
What is an applicant visit day?

Experience what it is like as one of our students

A chance to ask questions and find out more about the programme and modules

Our schedule is focussed on subject content

Supporting activities are taking place throughout the day
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Staff Introduction
  Mark Quinn
  • Lecturer in Sports Science and Performance Analysis
  • Admissions Tutor for Sports Science

  Steve Atkins
  • Director of psychology & Sport
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
AVD Schedule
Welcome Talk & Programme Details                              10:00 – 10:30

Springs in your feet - Are next generation running shoes fair? 10:30 – 10:50

Performance Analysis: scouting and recruitment                10:50 – 11:10

Q&A                                                           11:10 – 11:30
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Why Study BSc (Hons) Sports
• A popular degree programme

• Foundation year and top-up degree options (Sports Coaching Analysis)

• Opportunities within sports science continue to expand

• A need for expert sports scientists

• Many transferable skills in sciences and beyond

• Working in sport is a highly rewarding industry where we (as
  professionals) have the opportunity to make a difference
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Why Study BSc (Hons) Sports Science
at Salford?
• It’s about applied sports science

• Endorsed by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences

• The Strength and Conditioning (S&C) pathway is closely aligned to
  UKSCA and is also endorsed by the NSCA

• Staff are experts within their disciplines, and have applied working profiles

• There is a high density of elite sport located in Manchester

• There is optionality and opportunity for placement throughout the
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Academic Year by Week 2020/2021
                                               week begins                       timetable   pool rooms bookable
                                                 (Monday)     trimesters            wk no    for teaching and revision

                                       14 September 2020      International/Early Arrivals Welcome 2020/21

    Timetables                         21 September 2020
                                       28 September 2020
                                           5 October 2020
                                                              Trimester 1
                                                              Trimester 1
                                          12 October 2020     Trimester 1        3         3     ✓
                                          19 October 2020     Trimester 1        4         4     ✓
                                          26 October 2020     Trimester 1                        ✓
• University dates and Almanac can
                                                                                 5         5
                                         2 November 2020      Trimester 1        6         6     ✓
                                         9 November 2020      Trimester 1                  7     ✓
  be downloaded from the                16 November 2020      Trimester 1
                                                                                 8         8     ✓
  university website:                   23 November 2020
                                        30 November 2020
                                                              Trimester 1
                                                              Trimester 1
                                                                                          10     ✓
                                         7 December 2020      Trimester 1       11        11     ✓
                                       14 December 2020       Trimester 1       12        12     ✓
                                       21 December 2020       Christmas Vacation          13    28 December 2020       Christmas Vacation          14
                                           4 January 2021     Christmas Vacation          15
ac/trimester-dates                        11 January 2021     Trimester 1       13        16     ✓
                                          18 January 2021     Trimester 1       14        17     ✓
                                          25 January 2021     Inter-trimester break       18
                                          1 February 2021     Trimester 2        1        19     ✓

• Student programme calendar can          8 February 2021
                                         15 February 2021
                                                              Trimester 2
                                                              Trimester 2
  be accessed via the university         22 February 2021
                                             1 March 2021
                                                              Trimester 2
                                                              Trimester 2
  website:                                   8 March 2021     Trimester 2        6        24     ✓
                                            15 March 2021     Trimester 2        7        25
                                            22 March 2021     Easter Vacation             26
                                            29 March 2021     Easter Vacation             27    (Bank Holiday Friday)
                                               5 April 2021   Easter Vacation             28    (Bank Holiday Monday)                    12 April 2021
                                             19 April 2021
                                                              Trimester 2
                                                              Trimester 2
                                                                                          30     ✓
                                             26 April 2021    Trimester 2       10        31     ✓
                                               3 May 2021     Trimester 2       11        32    ✓ (Bank Holiday Monday)
                                              10 May 2021     Trimester 2       12        33     ✓
                                              17 May 2021     Trimester 2       13        34
                                              24 May 2021     Trimester 2       14        35
                                              31 May 2021     inter-trimester break       36    (Bank Holiday Monday)
                                              7 June 2021     Trimester 3        1        37     ✓
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
9am                                                   28751 Human
                                                                                             Allerton L420
                                      Time      Mon 23 Sep         Tue 24 Sep   Wed 25 Sep   TUT Thu 26 Sep            Fri 27 Sep         Sat 28 Sep   Sun 29 Sep
                                       9am                                                   28751 Human

    Timetables                        10am

                                                                                             Allerton L420

                                                                                             28751 Human
                                      10am                                                   Physiology
                                                                                             Allerton L420

• University dates and Almanac can
                                      11am 35639 Intro to Sports                             TUT
                                                                                             28751 Human          50323 Intro to Sports
                                           Psychology                                        Physiology           Science
                                           Mary Seacole MS181                                Mary Seacole MS193   Mary Seacole MS193

  be downloaded from the              10am
                                           LECT                                              LECT                 SEM

  university website:                 11am 35639 Intro to Sports
                                           Mary Seacole MS181
                                                                                             28751 Human
                                                                                             Mary Seacole MS193
                                                                                                                  50323 Intro to Sports
                                                                                                                  Mary Seacole MS193
                                           LECT                                              LECT                 SEM   11am 35639 Intro to Sports
                                      12pm Psychology
                                                                                             28751 Human
                                                                                                                  50323 Intro to Sports

ac/trimester-dates                         Mary Seacole MS181
                                       1pm LECT
                                                                                             Mary Seacole MS193
                                                                                                                  Mary Seacole MS193

• Student programme calendar can       2pm                                                                        35639 Intro to Sports

  be accessed via the university                                                                                  Psychology
                                                                                                                  Mary Seacole MS181
  website:                             1pm
                                       2pm                                                                        35639 Intro to Sports
                                       3pm 50324 Principles of                                                    Mary Seacole MS181
                                           Training                                                               LECT
                                           Chapman 4              2pm
                                                                                                                  35639 Intro to Sports
                                       3pm 50324 Principles of                                                    Psychology
                                           Training                                                               Mary Seacole MS181
                                       4pm Chapman 4                                                              LECT

                                       3pm 50324 Principles of
                                       4pm Training
                                           Chapman 4
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Modules at Year 1
• Trimester 1:
• Introduction to Sport Psychology (20 credits)
• Human Physiology (20 credits)

• Trimester 2:
• Introduction to Sports Biomechanics (20 credits)
• Bioenergetics and Nutrients (20 credits)

• Trimester 1 and 2:
• Introduction to Sports Science (20 credits)
• Principles of Training (20 credits)
Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Science at Salford Studying BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching Analysis at Salford - University of Salford
Y1 Introduction to Sports Science
• Lectures and Practicals delivered
• You will explore the BASES competencies for being an
  effective and safe sports scientist (Trimester 1)
• You will explore fundamentals of the research process
  (Trimester 2)

• Key Learning Outcomes
• To understand the role of a sports scientist and BASES
• To understand the key elements of the research process

• Assessments
• Reflective report (worth 50%)
• Research poster presentation (worth 50%)
Modules at Year 2
• Trimester 1:
• Biomechanics and Performance Analysis (20 credits)
• Sports Nutrition (20 credits)

• Trimester 2:
• Practical Applications of Sport Psychology (20 credits)
• Exercise Physiology (20 credits)

• Trimester 1 and 2:
• Research Methods and Study Design (20 credits)
• Applied Strength and Conditioning (20 credits)
Y2 Sports Nutrition
• Lectures and Practicals delivered
• You will explore the amount, type, and timing of nutrient intakes for improving performance
• You will learn how to analyse, interpret and plan dietary data for training and competition

• Key Learning Outcomes
• To analyse the impact of exercise on the nutritional and fluid requirements of athletes.
• How to use dietary analysis software to analyse and plan meals for athletes

• Assessments
• Sports Nutrition athlete case study (worth 100%)
Y2 Practical Applications of Sport
• Lectures delivered
• You will explore key psychological skills and therapies relevant
  to athletes (e.g., imagery)
• You will explore key psychological strategies and interventions
  pertinent to teams (e.g., PDMS)

• Key Learning Outcomes
• To understand and evaluate key psychological skills and
  therapies that can be used with athletes
• To understand and evaluate key psychological strategies and
  interventions that can be used with teams

• Assessments
• Group education session (worth 50%)
• Case study report (worth 50%)
Modules at Year 3
• Pathway (appears as named award):
• Human Performance, S&C, or Performance Analysis (20 credits)

• Trimester 1 (choose 1 or both):
• Advanced Topics in Sport Psychology (20 credits)
• Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology (20 credits)

• Trimester 2 (choose 1 or neither):
• Biomechanics and Skill Acquisition (20 credits)
• Advanced Topics in Sports Nutrition (20 credits)

• Trimester 1 and 2 (compulsory):
• Dissertation (20 credits) and Sports Science Placement (20 credits)
Y3 Advanced Performance Analysis
• Lectures and Practicals
• You will experience live performance analysis
• You will learn about GPS data collection, monitoring
  athletes, scouting/recruitment.

• Key Learning Outcomes
• How to use advanced performance analysis software
• To critically understand how technology integrates within
  the coaching process

• Assessments
• Reflective Blog (30%)
• Presentation and Quantitative Analysis (70%)
Y3 Sports Science Placement
• Lectures and Practicals delivered
• You will explore career and job requirements, interview formats and techniques, application forms and
  curriculum vitae preparation.
• You will learn how to critically reflect on learning to analyse and enhance your professional practice and

• Key Learning Outcomes
• To understand career and further study choices and prepare for the transition from student to professional
• To apply practical knowledge and skills in sport and exercise science in a real world setting

• Assessments
• Job application and interview (worth 30%)
• Reflective report and logbook (worth 70%)
Current Students

Megan                             Laeticia                     Brad
“I’ve enjoyed that the course     “My favourite part of the    “My favourite part about the
had a great emphasis on           Sports Science programme     sports science program has
the applied element to            has been how interactive     been being able to use all the
things! It was fascinating        and helpful the staff have   expensive and complex tech
bringing the underpinning         been, they always offer a    to test athletes.”
theories to life. I also really   helping hand when in
liked how the course brought      need. ”
an interdisciplinary
perspective on sport”
Graduate Destinations
• MSc degree programmes (e.g., S&C,                 • Strength & Conditioning coach (e.g., Salford
  Performance Analysis, etc.)                         City Reds, Lancs CCC, etc.)
• MSc studentships (e.g., Sale Sharks, Salford      • Performance Analyst (e.g., Manchester
  City Reds, etc.)                                    United FC, Bury FC, etc.)
• PhD studentships                                  • Quintic Biomechanics
• Lecturer in Sports Science (e.g., University of   • Fitness and Nutrition coach (e.g., Manchester
  Salford, etc.)                                      City FC, etc.)
• PGCE courses for teaching in primary and          • Sports Science Co-ordinator (e.g.,
  secondary schools                                   Manchester City FC Academy)
Dr Steve Atkins
BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist
ANGUS, SIMON D. A Statistical Timetable for the
Sub–2-Hour Marathon, Medicine & Science in
Sports & Exercise. July 2019. Volume 51: p 1460-
What does sub-2 hour pace look like?

                              Average 4.34 miling

                               13 miles per hour
                               20.9 km per hour

                                 Quite a pace!
So why did this happen?
What determines a sub-2 hour marathon
Is it,

I. Physiological/Biological
II. Technological/Tactical
III. Psychological
IV.A combination of all the above
Can a £200+ pair of shoes make me

Equipment determined results

• 98 percent of medallists at the
  2008 Olympics were won by
  swimmers wearing the
  Speedo LZR

• Subsequently banned
Why is this important?
• Since 2016 Vaporfly’s have dominated

• Records tumbling

• Numbers of Olympic qualifiers greatly increased

                                                     Prototype Vaporfly’s reduce
                                                    the energetic cost of running
                                                         by an average of 4%
                                                     compared with established
                                                       marathon racing shoes.
So, is it just to do with the shoes?
• Definitely not – multifactorial

• Amazing athletes

• The shoes do provide a compelling stimulus

• Controversy - Responder v non-responder

• No ‘non-responders’ - need to look at study
Governing body response
• Stack height restrictions (
Summary question
   Given that shoe technology has advanced, and appears to
  enhance performance, should we restrict stack height or ban
                    these shoes altogether?

I. Yes
II. No
III. Adapt to remove the energetic benefit
Scouting and Recruitment in Football

Mark Quinn
What is Performance Analysis?
                           • Performance Analysis is the
          (Bishop, 2003)     investigation of actual sports
                             performance or performance in

                            The main reason for using
                            performance analysis is to develop
                            an understanding of sports that
                            can inform decision making by
                            those seeking to enhance sports
                                        (O’Donoghue, 2010)
What is the role of a performance
                 • There are many roles and responsibilities of a
                   performance analyst that investigate technical,
                   tactical, physical, psychological and social aspects
                   related to performance.
                 • One example from applied practice is conducting
                   live analysis to inform decisions within gameplay.
                 • Performance analysts are involved in video
                   analysis, data analysis, pre-game preparations,
                   post-game review, and scouting & recruitment.
                 • From an academic and research perspective there
                   are also many areas including understanding the
                   demands of the game, patterns of play and
                   determinants of success.
Performance Analysis Research

                                Sarmento et al. (2018)
Performance Analysis Software
Scouting & Recruitment
                                              Premier League clubs' estimated summer annual
•   Traditionally, scouting in football is
                                              transfer spend - 2003 to 2019 (£m)
    very much subjective / opinion

•   ‘One-off’ performance observation is
    essentially flawed as it only captures
    the ‘current performance model’ of an
    athlete (Button, 2011).

•   Performance analysts within scouting
    and recruitment now have access to
    a large volume of video and data to
    make objective comparisons with

•   Within athlete profiling Martindale
    and Mortimer (2011) emphasise the
    importance of a holistic integration of
    technical, tactical, physical and
    psychological performance features
    is required.
                                                                                      Deloitte (2019)
The Scouting Process
Online Scouting Platforms
Scouting Analysis Task
Which player would you sign based on the following information?

                                     Player 1                     Player 2   Player 3
Scouting Analysis Task
Placement Opportunities
                                 • Placement for Advanced Performance Analysis
                                   with Manchester City FC
                                 • Works across age groups from U9s – U18s
                                                                                    “One thing I have enjoyed
                                 • Tasks include filming games with video and IP    about the course is being
                                   cameras, coding matches, and adding to the
                                                                                    able to access and utilise
                                   goalkeeper database
                                                                                    some of the equipment
                                 • Also works with loan staff to watch and code     that analysts use on a
                                   highlights of players out on loan, create        daily basis such as
                                   monthly review videos which are relayed to       Sportscode and video
                                   staff higher up
Adam                                                                                cameras.”
                                 • Completed work within scouting and
• Hopwood Hall College             recruitment by watching a game live to scout a
                                   player MCFC had on loan
• Btec in Sport Therapy D*D*D*
• BSc Sports Science
• Performance Analysis Pathway
Please use the chat function to ask any questions you have about studying
sports science at the University of Salford.
Final Messages
• Please direct any questions regarding potential study to our admissions tutor (Mark
• Please direct any questions regarding the programme to our Programme Leader (Dr
  Andrew Evans:
• More information regarding the programme can be found online:

                                   Any questions?
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