SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College

Page created by Janice Barton
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
    NT  AT

                   Skilled Trade professions are in high demand. Check out our summer
                         class offerings to renew, update or start something new in 2022!
                                                                                 page 15


SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
   DaVinci Arts Sampler
   Drawing Studio
   Painting Studio

   Bulldog Cooking Camp

   F.L.O.W. Future Leaders of the World
   Try a Trade Camp
  SPORTS Camps
   Beginners's Kayaking
   BMX Camp

  STEM Camps
   Battle Royale: Make Your First Fortnite
      Style Video Game
   Cartooning and Claymation
   Cybersecurity
   eSports Apprentice
   JavaScript Developer
   Minecraft Redstone Engineers
   Pokemon Masters: Designers &
     3D Makers Unite!
   ROBLOX Makers
   STEAM Camp
   YouTube Content Creators


Camp Coordinator • Lisa Webb • 493.7317 •
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
What's Inside...                                                 Who We Are...
  4 		 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT                                 Thank you for
                                                                   your interest in
                                                                   Continuing Education
  8		 OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING                                        and Workforce
  			 6      Automotive                                            Development at Pitt
  			 6      Cosmetology                                           Community College.
  			 7      Biotechnology                                         We provide a range of
                                                                   courses and programs
  			 8      Fire & Emergency Services Training
                                                                   for individuals to
  			 9      Health Care                                           upgrade their job skills,
  		 12      Insurance                                             pursue a new career,
  		 13      Law Enforcement Training                              start a small business,
  		 13      Notary Public                                         or explore personal enrichment activities.
  		 14      Real Estate                                           PCC is committed to providing quality
  		 14      Skilled Trades                                        educational experiences at our main campus
                                                                   in Winterville, the Greenville Center at 3107 S.
  17    PERSONAL ENRICHMENT                                        Memorial Drive, various off-campus locations
                                                                   in the community, local worksites, and online.
  		 17 Arts/Creative
  		 17      Computer/Technology                                   Above all, our mission is to educate and
  		 17      Dance                                                 empower our students. We work to provide
  		 17      In the Kitchen                                        the residents of Pitt County with offerings that
  		 17      Leadership                                            will improve their quality of life. We invite you
                                                                   to take a virtual tour of our campus (https://
  		 18      Leisure Activities
                                                         , visit our website www.pittcc.
  		 18      Safety                                                edu, and review this course schedule. We look
                                                                   forward to seeing you in one of our classes
  20    SMALL BUSINESS CENTER                                      soon. GO BULLDOGS!!
  		 20      Start-Up Basics
  		 20      Money for Your Business
  		 20      Marketing
  		 21      Accounting & Taxes                                    Dr. Lawrence L. Rouse
                                                                   President, Pitt Community College
  22    Explore! Summer Camps


  32    REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                    HOW TO READ THE COURSE LISTINGS
  		 33 Location Key                                                Name of Course
  		 33 Staff Directory                                             Description of the course. Course hours. Cost of course.
                                                                    ID #      Date      Days          Time          Location

                                                                    Pitt Community College is accredited by the
                                                                    Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
                                                                    Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award
                                                                    associate degrees. Questions about the accreditation
                                                                    of Pitt Community College may be directed in writing
                                                                    to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
                                                                    Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane,
                                                                    Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500,
Pitt Community College Continuing Education is on                   or by using information available on SACSCOC’s
Facebook! Like our page for class news and updates!                 website (

                                       Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388              3
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
Goal Setting                                               Job Interview Skills                                       Human Services Exploration:
Written goals provide motivation, focus,                   This curriculum is designed to enhance your                DSS Caseworker
strategies, responsibility, and direction to               interviewing skills. We will explore personal              This class provides skills and strategies
individuals to make the commitment to fulfill              values, work ethics, job interests, job                    designed to provide employability skills
their desired result. Let us help you reach                strengths, and long-term career objectives.                training and career exploration for the role
your SMART goals so that you can get the                   12 hours. $70. Fee waiver available for                    of Income Maintenance Caseworker within
job you deserve! 4 hours. $70. Fee waiver                  those who qualify.                                         Division of Social Services agencies. 45
available for those who qualify.
                                                           TBD     6/14          T          8:30a-12:30p     GCA112   hours. $125. Fee waiver available for those
150279    6/6          M           8:30a-12:30p GCA112     TBD     7/19          T          8:30a-12:30p     GCA112   who qualify.
150280    7/11         M           8:30a-12:30p GCA112                                                                150035 5/16-6/16      M,W,Th       7p-10p     online
TBA       8/8          M           8:30a-12:30p GCA112     Computer Technology                                               6/17           F            8a-12p    GCA107
Overcoming Job Seeking                                                                                                Income Maintenance
                                                           Do you need to update your technology
Barriers and Blunders - REVISED!                           skills and become more familiar with                       Caseworker: NCFAST
This course is designed to help you realize                computer technology? Learn the basics
                                                                                                                      This course is designed to cover a variety
that any barrier can be overcome. We                       of how to operate a PC and become more
                                                                                                                      of skills associated with the Income Maint-
can teach you how to overcome barriers                     familiar with Microsoft Word to enhance your
                                                                                                                      enance Caseworker role to determine
both on and off the job. We will teach                     professional skill set. 27 hours. $125. Fee
                                                                                                                      eligibility. Specific focus will include
you solution tools that work. Learn some                   waiver available for those who qualify.
                                                                                                                      proficiency in the utilization of the NCFAST
tried and true secrets of what employers                   150034 6/1-6/29           M,W      8:30a-11:30a    GS403   application. Other topics will include skills
are looking for in an employee. Learn to                                                                              in communication, interviewing, time
effectively answer interview questions as                  Workplace Technology                                       management, data gathering/compiling,
they relate to blemishes associated with                                                                              and data analysis. 48 hours. $125.
current and previous situations. Learn how                 Awareness
                                                                                                                      Prerequisite: HRD 4000
to develop transferrable skills, discover your             You’ve learned the basics of how to operate
strengths and weaknesses, and set goals.                                                                              150036    6/22-7/28       M,W,Th    7p-10p    online
                                                           a computer; now it’s time to upskill and
4 hours. $70. Fee waiver available for those               improve your computer literacy in Microsoft
who qualify.                                               Applications. Having the necessary and basic               Working Smart
150063     6/7         T          8:30a-12:30p   GCA 112   computer knowledge will put you a step
                                                                                                                      One of the major reasons why individuals are
150064     7/12        T          8:30a-12:30p   GCA 112   ahead of others. This is your opportunity to
                                                                                                                      released from employment is not because
150065     8/2         T          8:30a-12:30p   GCA 112   take on roles you might not have considered.
                                                                                                                      they lack the technical skills to perform the
                                                           45 hours. $125. Fee waiver available for
                                                                                                                      job, but because they lack the soft-skills
                                                           those who qualify.
Create a Dynamic Resume                                                                                               needed to succeed in the workplace. This
                                                           150281 7/11-8/31 M,W             8:30a-11:30a      GS403   curriculum identifies and teaches the critical
This Class is designed to help you create                                                                             soft-skills necessary for individuals to be
a dynamic resume, define your targeted
job and its requirements, highlight skills
                                                           LinkedIn for Job Seekers                                   effective workers and strong team players
                                                                                                                      in a fast-paced environment. Students will
that get you noticed, populate applications                This course is designed to help you develop                learn the importance of personal branding,
effectively, and create a cover letter that                an impressive LinkedIn profile. We will teach              dealing with stress, how to actively listen,
opens doors for you! 8 hours. $70. Fee                     you how to enhance your job search and                     effectively communicate, adjust to change
waiver available for those who qualify.                    build connections that really matter. Learn                and problem solve. 30 hours. $125. Fee
                                                           how to use LinkedIn as a social media tool
150282   6/7 & 6/9         T,Th   8:30a-12:30p NCWORKS                                                                waiver available for those who qualify.
                                                           to expand your reach and connect with
150283   7/12 & 7/14       T,Th   8:30a-12:30p NCWORKS                                                                TBD      Weekly       M     2:30p-5:30p        PCDC
                                                           decision makers in the workplace. Learn
150045   8/1 & 8/3         M,W    6:00p-10:00p    online                                                              TBD      Weekly       F     9:00a-12:00p       PCDC
                                                           how to use LinkedIn from beginner basics
150284   8/9 & 8/11        T,Th   8:30a-12:30p NCWORKS
                                                           to advanced techniques. 4 hours. $70. Fee
                                                           waiver available for those who qualify.
Communication Skills                                       TBD     5/18              W         9a-1p         GCA107    FOR MORE INFORMATION
This curriculum is designed to build valuable                                                                          Karen Davis,
interpersonal communication skills. Effective              FDIC Money Smart                                            HRD Coordinator
communication skills are important in                                                                         | 252.493.7551
business and personal interactions. We will                Money Smart is a comprehensive financial
                                                           education curriculum designed to help low-                  Kaneisha Wiggins,
focus on the communication skills necessary                                                                            HRD Administrative Support
for job hunting and interviewing. 4 hours.                 and moderate-income individuals outside
                                                           the financial mainstream enhance their             | 252.493.7845
$70. Fee waiver available for those who
qualify.                                                   financial skills and create positive banking
                                                           relationships. 4 hours. $70. Fee waiver
TBD      6/21          T          8:30a-12:30p   GCA112    available for those who qualify.
TBD      7/26          T          8:30a-12:30p   GCA112
                                                           TBD     6/28      T             8:30a-12:30p      GCA112         LOCATION KEY ON PG. 33
                                                           TBD     8/9       T             8:30a-12:30p      GCA112

4     Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
   I started working as an Income
Maintenance Caseworker I at
the Pitt County Department of
Health & Human Services on                PROVE TO EMPLOYERS YOU HAVE
November 30, 2020. After I was
employed for a year, I advanced           WHAT IT TAKES TO BE SUCCESSFUL
to an Income Maintenance
Caseworker II. I obtained this job
by taking the Human Services
                                           Get Your NCRC at PCC!
Exploration DSS class and the              The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is a portable, na-
Income Maintenance Caseworker              tionally recognized credential that confirms to employers you possess
through Pitt Community College’s
                                           the critical skills needed in the workplace. The NCRC identifies your
Continuing Education Human
Resources Development Program.             skill level in the following competencies:
By taking these classes, I acquired                   • Applied Math
the skills necessary to adequately
perform the necessary job duties                      • Workplace Documents
of an income maintenance                              • Graphic Literacy
caseworker. I encourage anyone
that wants to have knowledge of,           Over 500 employers in NC now prefer or require the NCRC for applicants!
respect for, and developmental
skills for working for a social
services agency to engage with this        REGISTER FOR THE NCRC
program. You must be a person
of unquestionable work ethic
                                                 Complete the fillable Student Data Form on PCC’s website.
and integrity, but in the end, it’s
                     very fulfilling   , search ‘NCRC’
                     to know you
                     have helped                    Email your completed form to
                     in need.
                             ~ Jamisa                  A user ID and Password will be emailed to you along
                                Mercer                 with instructions.
                                                          Pay testing fee of $39 or apply for grant funds if available.
                                                          Once fee is paid, you can schedule your test by emailing

                                           NCRC TESTING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Do You Qualify for
the Fee Waiver?                            Requirements for day of testing:
A fee waiver is available if you
meet one of four criteria:                           • Student must show Photo ID
 • Are unemployed or                                 • Students are encouraged to maintain social distancing;
                                                       masks are optional.
 • Have received notification
   of pending layoff
                                           For more information call 252-493-7592 or visit and search, ‘NCRC’.
 • Are working and are eligible
   for federal earned income
   tax credit
 • Are working and earning                 TO VIEW THE LATEST JOB LISTINGS:                         PCC GREENVILLE
   wages at or below two                                                                             CENTER ANNEX
   hundred percent (200%)
   of the federal poverty                       PCCNCRC.BLOGSPOT.COM                  550 Dexter St. Greenville, NC 27834

                                         Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388             5
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
                                                  DMV Auto Dealer License                           Clinical Cosmetology *
 AUTOMOTIVE                                       Renewal                                           This course covers the next level of
Auto Safety Inspection                            This course covers information necessary          qualifying classroom and clinical education
                                                  for persons wanting to renew their auto           necessary to sit for the NC Cosmetic Arts
Pitt Community College is approved by
                                                  dealer license. This online synchronous           Board Licensing examination. Pre-requisite:
the NC Division of Motor Vehicles to offer
                                                  course     requires    a     webcam   and         300 hours of accredited cosmetology
the Vehicle Safety Inspection course. This
                                                  microphone on a computer or tablet                training. Cost: $185.55. Textbook with
eight-hour course is designed to prepare
                                                  to attend the class.      Smartphones are         software access code, kit, and uniform are an
auto technicians and service personnel as
                                                  not allowed.      Instructor: Dennis Mauk.        additional cost and are required. Lab Hours.
safety inspectors for motor vehicles. Pre-
                                                  6 hours. $75.                                     $185.55. Textbook with software access
registration and pre-payment is required.
                                                                                                    code, kit, and uniform are an additional cost
Instructor: Norman Lilley. 8 hours. $75.          148416   5/19-5/20   Th,F   9a-12p       online   and are required.
148986     5/26     Th      2p-10:30p   CIT 102   148418   7/28-7/29   Th,F   5-9p         online
148987     6/16     Th      2p-10:30p   CIT 102                                                     147576		4/4-6/30    M,T,Th,F		 8:30a -4p PCC HSA
148988     7/21     Th      2p-10:30p   CIT 102                                                     			                 W		 8:30a-1:30p PCC HSA
                                                  OBD Emissions
                                                                                                    147577		7/11-9/30 M,T,Th,F		 8:30a -4p PCC HSA
                                                  Control Inspections
Basic Auto Repair                                                                                   			               W		 8:30a-1:30p PCC HSA
                                                  This eight-hour course is designed to
This course will cover automotive repair                                                            147578		10/3-12/16 M,T,Th,F		 8:30a -4p   PCC HSA
                                                  prepare auto technicians and service
safety, tools and shop equipment,                 personnel as OBD Emissions Inspectors.            			                 W		 8:30a-1:30p PCC HSA
basic inspections both under hood and             For initial certification, students must attend
under car, basic tire and wheel service,          eight (8) hours of training. Pre-registration
bake components both disc and drum,               and pre-payment is required. The Action
suspension components and basic servicing,                                                                 * Students interested in
                                                  Form can be printed from our website
fasteners and tightening procedures.                                                                     Cosmetology classes should
                                                  under Continuing Education. The original
Students finishing this course will have an       form must be completed and taken to class.                complete registration
understanding of servicing mechanical             Instructor: Norman Lilley. 8 hours. $85.                    information online.
systems of vehicles and the tools used. They
will also learn how to work safely in a shop      148984    5/25       W      2p-10:30p   CIT 102
environment. Instructor: Pete Gregory. 48         148985    7/20       W      2p-10:30p   CIT 102     To register for PCC’s Cosmetology
hours. $130.55.                                                                                       program, please complete the
149721   6/15-8/4   W,Th    6p-9p       CIT 124                                                       online registration process on the
                                                    COSMETOLOGY                                       website. Please register online for
Commercial Driver’s License                                                                           the Cosmetology Wait/Interest List
                                                                                                      (Class prefix begins with COS). This
(CDL) 5 Week Class
                                                  Intro to Cosmetology *                              process allows students to complete
This class prepares students to first obtain                                                          the required registration information
their CDL permit by completing and passing        This course covers the qualifying classroom         and pay for the first semester’s tuition.
the online Bumper-to-Bumper class. Once           and clinical education necessary to sit for         Students will be contacted on a first-
the permit is obtained, the student goes on       the NC Cosmetic Arts Board Licensing                come, first-serve basis to complete
to complete the 120 hours of day and night        examination. Due to COVID, this hybrid              other program prerequisites and
driving. Students must be 18 years old, have      class will have online assignments                  finalize the enrollment process. If
a current Social Security Card, possess a         for two days of the week. Placement                 students are not moved from the wait
valid driver’s license and pass the physical,     test is required prior to enrollment.               list to a specific class, they will be
background check and drug testing. Cost is        374 hours. Cost: $185.55 Textbook with              refunded.
$3700.                                            software access code, kit, and uniform are
                                                  an additional cost and are required.                If you have questions, please contact
Classes start every 5 weeks. To register
                                                  147570 4/4-6/30      M,T   8:30a -4p   PCC HSA      Wendy Dunbar at 252-493-7528 or
call 252-7625 or 252-7246 to set up an
                                                  			                  W     8:30a-1:30p PCC HSA
appointment. Tuition assistance may be
available if you qualify.                         			                  Th,F			            Online
                                                  147571 7/11-9/30     M,T   8:30a-4p    PCC HSA
DMV Auto Dealer Prelicensing                      			                  W     8:30a-1:30p PCC HSA
                                                  			                  Th,F			            Online
This course offers the training needed to
obtain an auto dealer’s license in the state      147572 10/3-12/16 M,T   8:30a-4p    PCC HSA
of North Carolina. This online synchronous        			               W     8:30a-1:30p PCC HSA
course requires a webcam and microphone           			               Th,F			            Online
on a computer or tablet to attend the class.
Smartphones are not allowed. Instructor:
Dennis Mauk. 12 hours. $75.
151052 5/16-5/18    M,T,W   9a-1p        online                                                        LOCATION KEY ON PG. 33
148415 7/25-7/27    M,T,W   5-9p         online

6    Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College

                      BioWork Certificate Program
    Learn the foundational skills you need to begin a career as a Process Technician
      for a biotechnology, pharmaceutical, or chemical manufacturing company.                    JUNE 1 – AUGUST 11
                                                                                               ■ Tuesday, Wednesday, and
                                                                                                 Thursday nights from 6–10 pm
                                                                                               ■ This class includes both the
                                                                                                 HRD portion (Working Smart
                                                                                                 and Building a Dynamic
                                                                                                 Resume-6/1–6/16) and the
                                                                                                 (BioWork Process Technician
                                                                                                 Course (BTC 3200) 6/21–8/11).

                                                                                               ■ Registration deadline is
                                                                                                 THURSDAY, MAY 26 unless
                                                                                                 capacity is reached sooner.
                                                                                               ■ Registration fee: $180

      For registration and NCRC information,              For more information about the       ■ Required student manual: $99
            call 252.493.7885 or email                            BioWork Program,
                                                                                               ■ NCRC is a prerequisite and has a               visit
                                                                                                 fee of $39.

                                        SCHOLARSHIP FUNDING may be available!
                   For more information, contact Elizabeth Midyette 252.493.7266 or

BioWork Certificate Program
Gain the basic skills and knowledge needed
to begin a career as a Process Technician
for a biotechnology, pharmaceutical, or
chemical manufacturing company. A process
technician operates, monitors, and controls           • EARN WHILE YOU LEARN
the production process; receives, transports,         • SCHOLARSHIP MONEY TO PAY FOR TUITION, BOOKS, FEES
and stores materials; collects and analyzes
                                                      • IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS WITH ON-THE-JOB TRAINING
materials used in production; inspects and
maintains the production equipment and
control systems; keeps critical records on
the process and product; and maintains
company safety, health, and environmental
standards. This course will also cover all
aspects of the job search process, resume
preparation, and interviewing practice.
Prerequisites: High school diploma or
equivalent, National Career Readiness
Certificate completion. 153 hours. The total
cost is $180 for the registration, $98.76 for
the textbook, and $4.95 for the lab manual.
Completion of the NCRC is a pre-requisite
and cost of the exam can also be covered by
the GEER Scholarship ($39.00). Registration
deadline is Friday January 14 (unless seats
                                                   LEARN TODAY. APPLY THE SKILL TOMORROW.
are filled sooner). For registration and NCRC
information, call 252-493-7885 or email             LATRICE PERRY, Apprenticeship Coordinator
                                          | 252.493.7678
BioWork 6/1-8/11   T,W,Th   6p-10p   WMW 229

                                                Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388          7
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College

    FIREFIGHTER                                                                               Eastern
    1403                                                                                      Office
    FIRE CADET                                                                                Training
    SCHOOL                                                                                    Week
                                                                                              April 25 - 29, 2022
                                                          Fire Operations 1-9
    TAUGHT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH                            Rescue Operations 1                North Carolina
    OUR LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENTS                            Fire and Life Safety Initiatives
                                                                                              Emergency Management
                                                                                              has partnered with
                                                          Hazardous Materials
           FIRE                                            Operations                         Pitt Community College
                                                                                              to host The 2022 Eastern
                                                          Safety and Survival
                                                                                              Branch OfficeTraining
          RESCUE                                          Traffic Incident Management        Week in Greenville.
                                                          Emergency Medical Care
     Mekenzie Newkirk          |   252.493.7742      |  

    FIRE & EMERGENCY                             HYBRID CLASS

    SERVICES TRAINING                            June 6 - September 11
                                                 Face-to-Face dates 6/18, 6/25, 8/6,
Emergency Medical Technician                     8/13, 8/27, 9/9.
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)           REGISTRATION ENDS 5/30
Certification is a qualified pre-hospital
program consisting of didactic course work.      OTHER CLASSES BEING OFFERED:
The following competencies include but are
not limited to the recognition, assessment,      EMS Methodology-Hybrid
and management of medical emergencies.           June 1
An EMT performs skills such as CPR, artificial   Meets requirements for EMS
ventilations, oxygen administration, basic       Instructor application
airway management, AED defibrillation,           Fire Prevention Level II
spinal immobilization, vital signs, and          Town of Winterville FD
hemorrhage control. Successful completion        June 21, 22, 23, 24
of the course will allow you the opportunity
to sit for the North Carolina Office of EMS      Fire Prevention Level III
certification examination. Prices are subject    Town of Winterville FD
to change and miscellaneous items may be         June 8, 9,10
included or added. Course Fee: $196.55.
BOOK: Approximately $130. EMT student            For more information:
uniform shirt: $35 + Tax. State testing fee:
$68, paid by student at end of class.

8    Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
  HEALTH CARE                                              Nurse Aide II - Hybrid                                   Nurse Aide II Competency
                                                           Pre-requisite: Nurse Aide I. The Nurse                   Testing -Traditional
Nurse Aide I - Hybrid                                      Aide II hybrid course prepares graduates                 This course is designed to provide the
                                                           to perform advanced nursing procedures.                  student an opportunity to demonstrate
The Nurse Aide I course prepares graduates                 It includes 93 hours classroom/lab and 80                competency skills required by the NC Board
to provide personal care and perform basic                 hours clinical learning experiences. Students            of Nursing to practice as a NA II. Students who
nursing skills. It includes classroom, lab,                desiring to enroll in this class must meet               have been off the NA II registry 24 months or
and clinical learning experiences. Students                admission requirements, be CPR certified                 less are eligible to take this test. The student
who desire to enroll in this class must meet               through an American Heart Association                    must be active on the NA I registry and have
admission requirements. At the end of                      approved CPR course, and have a current                  been listed on the NA II registry. Students
the course, the successful graduate will                   listing as a NAI with the Division of Health             successfully demonstrating all required skills
receive a certificate of course completion                 Services Regulations in Raleigh. Upon                    will be referred to the Board of Nursing
and assistance with application process                    successful completion, the NAII graduate will            for re-listing on the NA II registry. Note:
for the $140.00 Credentia/Pearson Vue                      be listed with the NC Board of Nursing with              Students are only allowed two attempts at
Testing. 132 hours. Class cost $213. Books                 employment opportunities at the hospital,                the NA II Competency Testing course. If you
approximately $48. This class is a hybrid                  Doctor’s office, and home health levels.                 are unsuccessful at the two attempts, you
course. Lecture portion of the class will be               At the end of the course, the successful                 will be required by PCC to take the full NA
completed online. Students will be divided                 graduate will submit a Board of Nursing Test             II program for recertification. Each attempt
into lab groups. Groups will consist of less               Fee of $24. Cost: $215.00, 173 Hours. Class              must be paid separately. 8 hours. $80; NA II
than nine (9) per group to promote social                  cost $215.00. Books approximately $145,                  Supply Kit $90.
distancing. Lab times are assigned on one                  NA II Supply Kit $90. Rotation Manager fee
of the scheduled class days.                               is $27.99 for Vidant Medical Center clinicals.           Summer 2022
                                                           This class is a hybrid course. Lecture portion           144510 5/09 – 5/10        M,T 1p -5p/8a-12p   GS 115
Summer 2022
                                                           of the class will be completed online.                   147456 7/18 – 7/19        M,T 1p -5p/8a-12p   GS 115
146044      4/30 – 8/6		 S         8a – 5p       GS 115
                                                           Students will be divided into lab groups.                147457 8/22 – 8/23        M,T 1p – 5p         GS 115
Clinical    7/16 – 7/30 S,Su       6:45a – 3:15p    TBA
                                                           Groups will consist of less than nine (9) per            Fall 2022
146045      5/2 – 8/9		    M,T     6p – 10p       GS 303   group to promote social distancing. Lab                  147458 9/19 – 9/20 M,T 1p -5p/8a-12p          GS 115
Clinical    7/19 – 8/2		   M,T     2:45p – 11:15p    TBA   times are assigned on one of the scheduled               150016 11/14 – 11/15 M,T 1p -5p/8a-12p        GS 115
146046      5/4 – 8/4		 W,Th 6p – 10p       GS 115         class days.
Clinical    7/14 – 7/28 W,Th 2:45p – 11:15p    TBA         Summer 2022
Fall 2022                                                  146047 5/9–8/10          M,T     8a–12:30p      GS 115   Medication Aide
149260      8/22 – 11/28 M,T       6p – 10p      GS 303    Clinical 7/11 – 8/9      M,T     6:45a–3:15p    VIDANT   This course is designed to meet the training
Clinical    11/7 – 11/21 M,T       6:45a – 3:15p    TBA    146048 5/9–8/10          M,T     5:30p–10p      GS 115   requirements for becoming qualified as
149262      8/27 – 12/10 S         8a – 5p       GS 115    Clinical 7/11–8/9        M,T     2:45p–11:15p   VIDANT   a Medication Aide. The course will cover
Clinical    11/12 – 12/3 S,Su      6:45a – 3:15p    TBA                                                             the six rights of medication administration
                                                           Fall 2022
                                                                                                                    for non-licensed personnel. Topics will
149263      8/31 – 12/8 W,Th 6p – 10p        GS 115        149265 9/6–12/6          M,T     8a–12:30p      GS 115   include medication administration via the
Clinical    11/10 – 12/1 W,Th 2:45p – 11:15p    TBA        Clinical 11/1–12/5       M,T     6:45a–3:15p    VIDANT   oral, topical and instillation routes, medical
                                                           149266 9/6–12/6          M,T     5:30p–10p      GS 115   asepsis, hand hygiene, terminology, and
Nurse Aide I - Traditional                                 Clinical 11/1–12/5       M,T     2:45p–11:15p   VIDANT   legal implications. Upon completion,
                                                                                                                    students should be able to take the
(Face to Face)                                             NOTE: Clinical times may change or vary due to
                                                                                                                    competency exam and demonstrate skills
                                                           hospital availability.
The Nurse Aide I course prepares graduates                                                                          necessary to qualify for listing on the North
to provide personal care and perform basic                                                                          Carolina Medication Aide Registry. Must be
nursing skills. It includes classroom, lab,                Nurse Aide I Refresher                                   a Nursing Assistant I to work as a Medication
and clinical learning experiences. Students                Pre-requisite: Must be previously listed as a            Aide in a Skilled Nursing Facility. 24 Hours
who desire to enroll in this class must meet               NAI. This course offers a Refresher on Nurse             Cost: $80.00 Book approximately $35.00.
admission requirements. At the end of                      Aide I materials and skills. The student is              Medication Aide Testing Fee: $59.00.
the course, the successful graduate will                   eligible if NAI has expired (no more than 5              Summer 2022
receive a certificate of course completion                 years of expiration) or certified in another             146050      5/11 – 5/26    W,Th   1p – 5p     GS 303
and assistance with application process                    state and desires certification in NC. A photo
for the $140.00 Credentia/Pearson Vue                                                                               Fall 2022
                                                           ID copy is needed and verification of Social
Testing. 144 hours. Class cost$213; Books                                                                           149269      9/14 – 9/29    W,Th   1p – 5p     GS 303
                                                           Security Card. Both photo ID and SS card
approximately $48. This class is a traditional             must match for NACES Testing. 40 hours.
face-to face course.                                       $135, and book is approximately $50.
Summer 2022                                                Credentia/Pearson Vue State Testing $140.
146043      4/27 – 8/4      W,Th     8a – 12p    GS 115    Summer 2022
Clinical    7/13 – 7/28     W,Th     6:45a –3:15p TBA      146049      6/1 – 6/30    W,Th     1p – 5p      GS 115
Fall 2022                                                  Fall 2022
149261      8/24 – 12/8     W,Th     8a – 12p    GS 115    149268      8/31 – 9/29 W,Th       1p – 5p      GS 115      LOCATION KEY ON PG. 33
Clinical    11/9 – 12/1     W,Th     6:45a –3:15p TBA

                                                           Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388                                 9
SUMMER 2022 May-August | COURSE SCHEDULE - www.pittcc.educommunity/continuing-education - Pitt Community College
Phlebotomy (Experience)                             Pharmacy Technician Training                           Fall 2022
                                                                                                           149273      8/19    F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
This training prepares the student to draw          The Pharmacy Technician Training provides              149274      8/20    S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
blood specimens from patients for the               the student with basic knowledge and skills            149275      9/23    F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
purpose of testing and analyzing blood. A           required to work as a pharmacy technician              149276      9/24    S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
phlebotomist’s job includes maintenance             under the supervision of a pharmacist in a             149278      10/21   F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
of equipment used in obtaining blood                pharmacy. This course includes basic math,             149279      10/22   S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
specimens; the use of appropriate                   compounding, drug calculations, drug                   149280      11/18   F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
communication skills when working with              classifications, drug distributions, basic             149281      11/19   S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
patients; the selection of venipuncture             terminology and an overview for the PTCB
sites; the care of blood specimen; and              certification exam. At the end of the course           NOTE: The American Heart Association strongly
the entry of the testing process into               the student will be prepared to sit for the PTCB       promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA
                                                                                                           courses and has developed instructional materials
the computer, as well as clerical duties            certification exam. Pharmacy technicians               for this purpose. Use of these materials in an
associated with record keeping of the blood         who are certified are being employed in                educational course does not represent course
tests. The course consists of theory and            traditional as well as innovative practice             sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for
clinical experience in performing blood             models across the nation. Employing CPhTs              such a course, except for a portion of fees needed
                                                                                                           for AHA course materials, do not represent income
collections. The student must be a high             allows pharmacies to expand services and               to the AHA.
school graduate or have equivalent GED,             enhance patient care, and gives pharmacists
have or schedule Healthcare Provider CPR            more time to spend with patients, providing

and meet immunization requirements. One             drug information, answering questions and
full week of clinical from 8a-5p is required        promoting compliance with medication

for each student. Clinical times and locations      regimens. Certification provides the public
will be designated by instructor. Cost:             and pharmacists with greater confidence
$215.00, Book approximately $80.00,                 in their pharmacies. Students sitting for

                                                                                                                in 2022!
class is a hybrid course. Didactic portion          the Pharmacy Technician Certification
will be held online on Mondays, Tuesday             Exam (PTCE) - must have completed high
& Thursdays. Students will be divided into          school or have an equivalent educational
lab groups in groups less than 9 per group          diploma and have no felony convictions.
to promote social distancing. Lab times are         PTCE candidates must have never been                        QUALITY,
assigned on one of the scheduled class              convicted of a pharmacy or drug-related
days. Clinical times will vary, however all         misdemeanor. 140 Hours. Class $190.00,

clinicals must be complete by 11/14/2022.           book approximately $195.00, class is an
                                                    online course on ConED Moodle.
149450 7/18 – 11/14 M,W,Th        6p – 10p GS 404
       Clinical Varies M,T,W,Th,F 8a – 5p Various   146051
                                                             5/16 – 8/8
                                                             912 – 11/30
                                                                                                                FOR TODAY
Cardiovascular Monitor
                                                                                                                AND TOMORROW
Technician                                          BLS Provider Course
The EKG Monitor Technician Program                  (Basic Life Support)
focuses on Acute and Critical Care
                                                    HealthCare Provider is a basic life support
Heart monitoring and reflects the latest
                                                    course including relief or foreign body
knowledge in the Cardiac field. It begins
                                                    airway obstruction, 1 and 2 rescuers CPR in
by covering all the basics of arrhythmia
                                                    infant, child, and adult, and use of automated
interpretation and covers cardiac anatomy
                                                    external defibrillators in adult and child. 6
and physiology and clinical interpretation
                                                    Hours. $80.00 Book $21.00 (AHA-Health
of the electrocardiography and pacemaker
                                                    Care Provider) & Face Mask ($13.30, plus
rhythms. This program may be taken by a
                                                    tax) at PCC Bookstore. Please note: Book
student with either no EKG training or by
                                                    and Face Mask are required. Class size is
a student who previously had basic EKG
                                                    limited to nine (9) students per class.
training interpretation. Employment is
usually at the hospital level, in an Acute or       Summer 2022
Critical Care area of the hospital setting.         147450     5/20        F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
128 Hours. Class cost is $205; book is              147451     5/21        S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
approximately $71. class is an online course        147452     6/17        F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
on ConED Moodle.                                    147453     6/18        S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
146052    5/3 – 7/5     online   online    online   147454     7/22        F      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
149270    8/2 – 10/14   online   online    online   147455     7/23        S      8:30a – 3:30p   GS 404
                                                                                                                PITTCC.EDU > continuing
                                                                                                                education > health care

10       Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388
                                                                                             Required        Required      Required for
  Health Care Admission Requirements (Please read all requirements below)
                                                                                            for N.A. I. I   for N.A. III   Phlebotomy     Mandatory Uniform and
  High School Graduate                                                                                                                    Supply List for N.A. I & N.A. II:
                                                                                                No             Yes             Yes
  Copy of High School diploma or High School Equivalency diploma
                                                                                                                                          · Uniform must be royal blue
  NC DHSR Registry Listing for N.A. I                                                           No             Yes             No           top with white PCC logo on
  ***Student must be listed as a Nurse Aide I on the North Carolina Division of Health                                                      the right side and royal blue
  Service Regulation prior to course enrollment. The Nurse Aide I Registry file must                                                        pants
  have no substantiated findings of abuse, neglect or misappropriation of property***
                                                                                                                                          · White or Black shoes with
  Placement Testing scores for Reading and Math (within last 3 years)                           Yes            Yes             Yes          enclosed front (no foam
  Other options: College degree (transcript), Career Readiness Certificate, or a
  Math & English college course with at least a grade of "C" or better. *See Note 1                                                       · Face Mask
  Immunization record verifying vaccination or positive titer for Varicella (Chicken Pox)       Yes            Yes             Yes        Other Items:
  N.A. I: Documentation from parent or physician or positive history is sufficient.                                                       · White or Black hose or socks
  N.A. II & Phlebotomy: A "positive titer" is required; if the titer is negative then two
  (2) doses of the vaccine will be needed.                                                                                                · Watch with a second hand
  Immunization record verifying vaccination or positive titer for Rubeola (Measles)             No             Yes             Yes        · Pocket-size notepad
  Two (2) doses are required of Rubeola or MMR #1 & #2.                                                                                   · Stethoscope
  Immunization record verifying vaccination or positive titer for Mumps                         No             Yes             Yes        · Manual blood pressure cuff
  Two (2) doses are required of Mumps or MMR #1 & #2.
                                                                                                                                          · Black ink pen
  Immunization record verifying vaccination or positive titer for Rubella (German               No             Yes             Yes
  Measles) Two (2) doses are required of Measles or MMR #1 & #2.                                                                          · Transfer/gait belt

  Negative PPD (TB Skin test) in last 12 months or a Chest X-Ray and INH if                     Yes            Yes             Yes        N.A. II Students: Are required
  positive PPD                                                                                                                            to purchase an N.A. II supply
  N.A. I: "One Step" testing is sufficient.                                                                                               kit from PCC Bookstore or JA
  N.A. II & Phlebotomy: "Two Step" testing is required. (The second dose to be
  given 2 weeks after the 1st dose)                                                                                                       Uniforms. Approximately $65.

  Covid 19 Vaccination                                                                          Yes            Yes             Yes        Purchasing Locations:
                                                                                                                                          (call for discount info)
  Flu Shot                                                                                      No             Yes             Yes
                                                                                                                                          J.A.'s Uniform
  Tdap (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) within 10 years                                     No             Yes             Yes
                                                                                                                                          (252) 752-2426
  Start Hepatitis B Series                                                                      No             Yes             Yes        Uniforms Galore
  Healthcare Provider CPR                                                                       Yes            Yes             Yes        (252) 355-0055
  Verify Driver's License or NC ID Card                                                         Yes            Yes             Yes
                                                                                                                                          Prerequisites and payment
  Verify Social Security Card                                                                   Yes            Yes             Yes        are due at registration.
  Background Investigation                                                                  Yes *Note 2 Yes *Note 3        Yes *Note 4

  Asset Scores                             Reading 34 – 37                        Math 34 – 41
  Compass Scores                           Reading 32 – 51                        Math 22 – 45
  Accuplacer                               Reading 30+                            Math 30+
  College Work in Lieu of Testing          Completion of College English          Completion of College Math
  * Other acceptable documents: NCRC Scores, SAT Scores, TABE Scores (Basic Skill Plus students only)
Note 1: Due to COVID-19, please call the Placement Testing Center to schedule your Placement test at (252) 493-7561. All students are required to show a photo ID in
order to test as well as present their student ID number.
Note 2: Nurse Aide I requires a criminal background check specifically from The cost for the criminal background check for N.C. residents is
$34.75 and non-residents is $59.75. N.C. residents should use code pi06 and out of state students should use code pi06os when registering with Castle Branch. Students
can complete the criminal background check on the first day of class.
Note 3: Nurse Aide II requires a criminal background check and drug screening specifically from The cost for the criminal background check for
N.C. residents is $34.75 and non-residents is $59.75. N.C. residents should use code pi06 and out of state students should use code pi06os when registering with Castle
Branch. The drug screening test will be paid via at a cost of $32.00 for each student. Students should use code pi06dt for the drug screening test.
Once the drug screen is paid for via the website, print collection form and take to your local LabCorp for specimen collection. The clinical dates and times will vary and
will be assigned by the instructor. Rotation Manager fee is $27.99 for Vidant Medical Center clinicals. If you fail to complete the criminal background (have certain crimes
and/or pending cases) or if you fail to complete the drug screening, you may be denied admission to required clinical sites and you will not receive a refund. If you have
any questions regarding the criminal background and drug screen requirement, please call (252) 493-7225.
Note 4: Phlebotomy – The Phlebotomy course requires a criminal background check and drug screening. Criminal background checks and screening will be completed
via The criminal background check cost for N.C. residents is $34.75 and $59.75 for out of state students. N.C. residents should use code pi06 and
out of state students should use code pi06os when registering with Castle Branch. The drug screening test will be scheduled and paid via the website www.castlebranch.
com at a cost of $32.00 for each student. Students should use code pi06dt for the drug screening test. Once the drug screen is paid for via the website, print collection
form and take to your local LabCorp for specimen collection. A lab coat is required before you can participate in clinical. Clinical times will be 1 full week from 8am-5pm.
Clinical times will be assigned by the instructor. If you fail to complete the criminal background (have certain crimes and/or pending cases) or if you fail to complete the
drug screening, you may be denied admission to required clinical sites and you will not receive a refund. If you have any questions regarding the criminal background
requirement, please call (252) 493-7225.
Any student with a felony and/or an open or pending charge on a Criminal Background Check could be denied a clinical rotation per the clinical facility. If the student is
denied attending clinical, this would lead to immediate dismissal from the N.A. I, N.A. II, or Phlebotomy program.
Required documentation provided to PCC: Students should bring copies of all the required information and keep a copy for their own records.
Credentia/Pearson Vue State Testing (N.A. I Certification Test Fee): $140.00 payable at the end of the N.A. I course to Pearson Vue.
Board of Nursing N.A. II Fee: $24.00 payable at the end of the N.A. II course to NCBON. Students must pay fee within 30 days of course completion or student will not
be listed as an N.A. II.

                                                          Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388                                          11
                                                      Property & Casualty
  INSURANCE                                           Pre-Licensing
                                                      This course is designed to prepare you for
Accident/Health Pre-Licensing                         the N.C. State Property & Casualty Insurance               ASYNCHRONOUS
                                                      Agents Examination. There is a 40-hour
This course is designed to prepare you for            study requirement by DOI, 20 hours for                         CLASSES
the N.C. State Accident/Health Insurance              Property and 20 hours for Casualty. The
Agents Examination. There is a 20-hour study          study requirements will be met with a live            Asynchronous classes can begin at
requirement by DOI. The study requirements            instructor, five days a week based on the             any time of the month and students
will be met with a live instructor, 2 ½ days a        schedule. 40 hours. $400 (Includes material           will have 60 days to complete the
week based on the schedule. 20 hours.                 fee. Material fee is nonrefundable once               course. Classes are self-paced and
$200 (Includes material fee. Material fee is          registered).                                          include video streaming activities.
nonrefundable once registered).
                                                                                                            Instructors are available on-call to
                                                      N/A     5/9-5/13    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
N/A 4/13-4/15        W       1:30p-5:30p     online                                                         address student questions. Cost
                                                      N/A     5/23-5/27   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
		                   ThF     8a-5:30p                                                                       includes material fee. Material fee
                                                      N/A     6/6-6/10    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
N/A 5/18-5/20        W       1:30p-5:30p     online   N/A     6/20-6/24   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
                                                                                                            is nonrefundable once registered.
		                   Th,F    8a-5:30p                 N/A     7/11-7/15   M-F   8a-5:30p     online          40 hour classes - $320
N/A 6/15-6/17        W       1:30p-5:30p     online   N/A     7/25-7/29   M-F   8a-5:30p     online          • Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing
		                   Th,F    8a-5:30p                 N/A     8/8-8/12    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
N/A 7/20-7/22        W       1:30p-5:30p     online                                                          • Life & Health Pre-Licensing
                                                      N/A     8/22-8/26   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
		                   Th,F    8a-5:30p                                                                        • Property & Casualty Adjusters
N/A 8/17-8/19        W       1:30p-5:30p     online                                                            Pre-Licensing
		                   Th,F    8a-5:30p                 Property & Casualty Adjusters                          • Personal Lines Pre-Licensing
                                                      Pre-Licensing                                          • Property & Casualty Pre-Licensing
Life Pre-Licensing                                    This course is designed to prepare you for             20 hour classes - $200
This course is designed to prepare you                the N.C. State Property & Liability Adjusters
                                                                                                             •   Property Pre-Licensing
for the N.C. State Life Insurance Agents              Examination. There is not a pre-licensing
                                                      study requirement by DOI; however, students            •   Casualty Pre-Licensing
Examination. There is a 20-hour study
                                                      studying this adjuster specific course will            •   Life Pre-Licensing
requirement by DOI. The study requirements
will be met with a live instructor, 2 ½ days a        increase your probability of passing the               •   Accident/Health Pre-Licensing
week based on the schedule. 20 hours.                 state exam. The study requirements will
$200 (Includes material fee. Material fee is          be met with a live instructor, five days a             10 hour classes - $145
nonrefundable once registered).                       week based on the schedule. 40 hours.                  • North Carolina Medicare
                                                      $400 (Includes material fee. Material                    Supplement/Long Term Care
N/A   4/11-4/13   M,T/W     8a-5:30p/8a-1p   online   fee is nonrefundable once registered).
                                                                                                            For questions about insurance
N/A   5/16-5/18   M,T/W     8a-5:30p/8a-1p   online
                                                      N/A     5/9-5/13    M-F   8a-5:30p     online         prelicensing courses and step-
N/A   6/13-6/15   M,T/W     8a-5:30p/8a-1p   online
                                                      N/A     5/23-5/27   M-F   8a-5:30p     online         by-step instructions on how to
N/A   7/18-7/20   M,T/W     8a-5:30p/8a-1p   online
                                                      N/A     6/6-6/10    M-F   8a-5:30p     online         register for these courses, please
N/A   8/15-8/17   M,T/W     8a-5:30p/8a-1p   online
                                                      N/A     6/20-6/24   M-F   8a-5:30p     online         contact Wendy Dunbar, Coordinator
                                                      N/A     7/11-7/15   M-F   8a-5:30p     online         Workforce Licensure by email at
Life & Health Pre-Licensing                           N/A     7/25-7/29   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
                                                      N/A     8/8-8/12    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
This course is designed to prepare you for
                                                      N/A     8/22-8/26   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
the N.C. State Life & Health Insurance Agents
Examination. There is a 40-hour study
requirement by DOI, 20 hours for Life and
20 hours for Health. The study requirements
                                                      Personal Lines Pre-Licensing                    N/A         5/9-5/13    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
will be met with a live instructor, five days         This course is designed to prepare you for      N/A         5/23-5/27   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
a week based on the schedule. 40 hours.               the N.C. State Personal Lines Insurance         N/A         6/6-6/10    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
$400 (Includes material fee. Material fee is          Agents      Examination.   The     minimum      N/A         6/20-6/24   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
nonrefundable once registered).                       recommended study time is 40 hours.             N/A         7/11-7/15   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
                                                      The difference between the Property and         N/A         7/25-7/29   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
N/A      4/11-4/15   M-F     8a-5:30p        online   Casualty and this course is the Commercial      N/A         8/8-8/12    M-F   8a-5:30p     online
N/A      5/16-5/20   M-F     8a-5:30p        online   section. Personal Lines does not include the    N/A         8/22-8/26   M-F   8a-5:30p     online
N/A      6/13-6/17   M-F     8a-5:30p        online   Commercial section on the state exam. The
N/A      7/18-7/22   M-F     8a-5:30p        online   study requirements will be met with a live
N/A      8/15-8/19   M-F     8a-5:30p        online                                                   For questions about insurance prelicensing
                                                      instructor, four days a week based on the
                                                                                                      courses and step-by-step instructions on
                                                      schedule. 40 hours. $400 (Includes material
                                                                                                      how to register for these courses, please
                                                      fee. Material fee is nonrefundable once
                                                                                                      contact Wendy Dunbar, Coordinator
                                                                                                      Workforce Licensure by email at

12      Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388
  LAW ENFORCEMENT                       LAW ENFORCEMENT                                      NOTARY PUBLIC
  IN-SERVICE                                                                               Notary Public
                                      Basic Law Enforcement Training
  TRAINING                            Learn the essential skills required for entry-
                                                                                           This course covers information necessary
                                                                                           for persons wanting to apply for notary
                                      level employment as law enforcement                  public commissions for the state of NC.
                                      officers with state, county, or municipal            Registration requires students to be able to
  ALL mandatory and topics            governments, or with a private enterprise.           read, write, and speak English and present
  of choice will be available         Areas of study include criminal law, juvenile        a government issued photo ID. Students
  online for law enforcement,         law, civil process, traffic crash investigations,    must possess a high school diploma or
  detention, and                      alcoholic beverage laws, investigative,              equivalency and are required to pass an
  telecommunicators, with             patrol, custody and court procedures,                exam to complete the class requirements. A
  the exception of Firearms           emergency        responses,       ethics,    and     textbook is required and must be purchased
  and Bloodborne Pathogens.           community relations. For more information,           at the PCC Bookstore prior to class. Cost:
  Agency coordinators                 contact the Law Enforcement Division at              $75 Instructor: Joyce Williams or Linda
  interested in signing up            252-493-7572. 640 hours. Approximately               Mathis 8 hours. $75; book is required and
                                                                                           must be purchased at the PCC Bookstore
  their entire agency should          $1600 (includes books and uniforms).
                                                                                           prior to class.
  contact us directly to              Summer 2022
  facilitate the process.             Day         4/8-8/18    M-F   8a-5p           LET    147549   4/27        W     8:30a – 5:30p   GS 301
                                                                                           147551   5/3         T     8:30a – 5:30p   GS 301
                                      Fall 2022                                            148420   5/23-5/24   M,T   5:30p - 9:30p   GS 301
                                      Day         8/5-12/15   M-F   8a-5p           LET    148421   6/14        T     8:30a – 5:30p   GS 301
                                      Night       8/5-4/13    M-F   6p-11p          LET    148422   7/18        M     8:30a – 5:30p   GS 301
                                                                                           148423   8/4         Th    8:30a – 5:30p   GS 301
                                      Certification                                        Electronic Notary (E-Notary)
                                      Gain the entry level knowledge and skills            This course covers information necessary for
                                      needed to practice as an emergency                   persons wanting to become commissioned
                                      services telecommunicator. Financial aid             as an electronic notary. Topics include
                                      is available for qualified individuals. For          procedural, legal, and ethical requirements.
                                      more information, contact Kellie Harrell             Prior to being appointed, first-time
                                      at 50 hours.             candidates must successfully complete this
                                      Tuition: $126.25; book: $35.55.                      course as one of the state requirements.
                                                                                           Registration requires students to hold a
                                                                                           valid commission as a notary public in
                                      Detention Officer Certification                      North Carolina and present a government
                                      Learn the basic standard operating                   issued photo ID. Students are required
                                      procedures for local confinement facilities          to pass an exam to complete the class
      TO VIEW SCHEDULE                as well as the roles and responsibilities of         requirements. A textbook is required and
         & REGISTER:                  professional detention officers. Financial           must be purchased at the PCC Bookstore
     WWW.PITTCC.EDU                   aid is available for qualified individuals. For      prior to class. Instructor: Linda Mathis.
                                      more information, contact Kellie Harrell at          6 hours. $75; book is required and must be
  > click on Continuing Education                                                          purchased at the PCC Bookstore prior to
                             180 hours.
> click on Law Enforcement Training   Tuition: $180.55; book: $55.                         class.
                                                                                           148419   5/24        T     8:30a-3:30p     GS301

                                                                                           REAL ESTATE
                                                                                          BROKER CLASSES
                                                                         Pre-Licensing  Post Licensing
                                                                         Updates  Electives  BICUP
                                                                    PAGE 14  MORE INFO: 493-7528

                                      Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388                         13
                                                     18 months of obtaining a broker license.          Real Estate Continuing
  REAL ESTATE                                        Topics addressed in this course include           Education
                                                     a review of agency relationships in real
Real Estate classes are held either with face-       estate residential and commercial sales           Real Estate Update
to-face instruction or synchronously online.         and commercial property management
Prelicensing real estate classes with online
                                                                                                       This 4 hour mandatory course satisfies
                                                     transactions, a real estate broker’s legal        the continuing education requirement
instruction will still have the final exam testing
                                                     duties to clients and customers, a step-by-       required by the NC Real Estate Commission.
in person. All online components of real estate
classes will be performed via WebEx platform.        step review and discussion of the functions       Instructor: Jim Weese. 4 hours. $45.
This synchronous training will occur at the stated   and responsibilities of a real estate broker
                                                     when working with sellers and buyers, a           147579     4/12     T        8a-12p         online
dates and times for each class listed below.
Students must have a computer or tablet with a       review of issues associated with transactions     147580     5/10     T        8a-12p         online
working webcam and microphone and a reliable         in progress when a broker leaves a firm,          147581     6/7      T        8a-12p         online
internet connection in order to participate in       and a review of selected license status and       150122     5/20     F        8a-12p        GS 301
synchronous online training. Smart phones are        educational issues. Students must have
not allowable devices for participation. Students    required textbook at first class. Course final    Real Estate Elective
will be contacted prior to start of class with
                                                     exam will be proctored online. Instructor:
specific class information via email.                                                                  This 4-hour mandatory course satisfies
                                                     Jim Weese. 30 hours. $125.
                                                                                                       the continuing education requirement
Real Estate Pre-Licensing                            149560   6/20-6/29    M,W,F     8a-2p    online   required by the NC Real Estate Commission.
                                                                                                       Instructor: Jim Weese. 4 hours. $45.
Are you interested in becoming a provisional
broker? We can help you prepare to pass the          Post Licensing Course 302 –                       147585       4/12       T     1p-5p         online
real estate license examination administered         Contracts & Closings                              147586       5/10       T     1p-5p         online
by the NC Real Estate Commission. Topics                                                               147587       6/7        T     1p-5p         online
include basic real estate principles and             Are you a provisional broker? This course is      151023       5/20       F     1p-5p        GS 301
practices, law and contracts, financing,             one of the three mandatory post licensing
                                                     courses that must be completed by newly
closing valuation, fair housing and real estate
                                                     licensed NC provisional brokers within            Real Estate BICUP
laws. This hybrid class will consist of online
synchronous lectures along with additional           18 months of obtaining a broker license.          This 4 hour mandatory course is required by
online resources for all instruction. Final          Topics addressed in this course include           all Brokers-in-Charge in order to maintain
exam will be held in-person in the Goess             selected basic contract law concepts, real        their eligibility each license year. . Instructor:
Student Center Multi-purpose Room.                   estate sales contract preparation, sales          Jim Weese. 4 hours. $45.
Students must have working webcam and                contract procedures, buyer’s due diligence,
                                                                                                       147582      4/13        W     8a-12p       Online
microphone on computer or tablet and                 closing procedures, Real Estate Settlement
                                                                                                       147583      5/11        W     8a-12p       Online
reliable internet connection. Instructor: Jim        Procedures     Act,     closing    disclosure
                                                                                                       147584      6/8         W     8a-12p       Online
Weese or Rick Eason. Textbook required at            preparation, contracts for deed, options
                                                                                                       151024      5/19        Th    8a-12p       GS 301
first class and is approximately $50 in PCC          and selected real estate license status and
Bookstore. 80 hours. $185.                           educational issues. Students must have
                                                     required textbook at first class. Course final
149852 4/19-6/21 TW 6p-10p Online (synchronous)      exam will be proctored online. Instructor:          SKILLED TRADES
       6/29      W 6p-10p GS 301 (final exam)        Jim Weese. 30 hours. $125.
148940 6/21-8/23 TTH 6p-10p Online (synchronous)     149561   7/6-7/15    M,W,F     8a-2p     online   Basic Electrical Wiring Level I
       9/6       T   6p-10p RLH 103 (final exam)
                                                                                                       This 8- week class teaches the basic safety,
150318 6/21-8/23 TTH 6p-10p             RLH 118      Post Licensing Course 303– NC                     application, and mechanics of electrical
       9/6       T   6p-10p RLH 118 (final exam)
                                                     Laws, Rules, & Legal Concepts                     wiring. All students will learn basic electrical
150015 8/23-10/25 TW 12p-4p Online (synchronous)                                                       concepts and theory, application of the
                                                     Are you a provisional broker? This course is      NEC (National Electrical Code), reading
       11/2       W 12p-4p GS 301 (final exam)
                                                     one of the three mandatory post licensing         blueprints, wiring devices and methods,
149316 9/8-11/10 TTH 6p-10p Online (synchronous)     courses that must be completed by newly           and proper installation. Upon completion
       11/22     T   6p-10p RLH 103 (final exam)     licensed NC provisional brokers within 18         of this class, the student should be able to
                                                     months of obtaining a broker license. Topics      safely and properly install basic electrical
150323 9/8-11/10 TTH 6p-10p             RLH 118
                                                     address in this course include general NC         components and infrastructure. Instructor:
       11/22     T   6p-10p RLH 118 (final exam)
                                                     licensing requirement, the disciplinary           William Filmore. 48 hours. $130.55.
                                                     process, broker compensation issues,
                                                     specialized types of real estate, property        149604 5/23-6/27    M,W 5:30p-9:30p     WMW 118
Real Estate Post Licensing                           management in NC, and miscellaneous NC
Post Licensing Course 301-                           laws and legal concepts. Students will have       16-Hour Electrical Renewal
                                                     online proctored final exam. Instructor: Jim      This course provides the 8 or 16 hours
Broker Relationships &                               Weese or Rick Eason. 30 hours. $125.              of continuing education required by the
Responsibilities                                                                                       North Carolina Electrical Board to maintain
                                                     147595 4/26-5/18     T,W      6p-9:45p   online
Are you a provisional broker? This course is                                                           a current electrical License Instructor: Ray
                                                     149562 7/25-8/3      MWF      8a-2p      online
one of the three mandatory post licensing                                                              Hardee. 16 hours. $75.
courses that must be completed by newly                                                                147479 5/6-5/7       F,Sa    8a-5p        AydenVT
licensed NC provisional brokers within

14      Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388
Basic Electrical Wiring Level II                     Framing & Carpentry                                      Blueprint Reading for Welding
The Electrical II class is an add-on of practical    Come learn the basics of Framing and                     The Blueprint course covers the welding
wiring methods and fundamentals taught               Carpentry. You will learn how to use the                 symbols and the elements of the welding
in the Electrical I class. The Electrical II class   basic carpenter hand tools and power tools               symbols. It will cover different welding
provides the needed mix of knowledge                 in a safe practice with an overview of the               processes. This course will also cover
and experience to gain employment as                 building construction trade. Improve your                visualization of objects and shapes,
an entry-level position in both residential          knowledge of construction with hands on                  reading the blueprint for finding size and
and commercial electrical industries. The            experience as we build a variety of projects.            location dimensions, symbols, mathematics
training, which is mainly hands on will include      Instructor: Steve Jordan. 48 hours. $130.55.             notes and related welding and assembly
topics including Safety, Basic Electricity,          149643 5/24-6/30     T,Th       4p-8p          CIT 133   information shown on the print. It develops
National Electrical Code, Circuit Design,                                                                     the student’s understanding of how to read
Wiring Methods. Students completing both                                                                      welding blueprints and develops the range
courses are proficient in the following:             CFC Refrigerant Certification                            of thinking required to assemble simple
Basic AC/DC theory including safety,·Circuit         This course covers the requirements for                  components and assemblies from welding
design, sizing and wiring various circuit            the EPA certification examinations. Topics               prints. Instructor: William Fillmore. 32 hours.
including three and four way lighting circuits,      include small appliances, high pressure                  $130.55.
Minimum code requirement for course                  systems, and low pressure systems, and low               150390   5/20-7/22   F   5:30-9:30p     WMW 121
related installations, Formulas needed               pressure systems. Upon completion, students
and hands on experience bending and                  should be able to demonstrate knowledge
installing electrical conduit mainly "EMT"           of refrigerants and be prepared for the EPA              GMAW Plate Welding (MIG)
and other wiring methods, Requirements               certification examinations. EXAM carries                 and Blueprint Reading for
and practical guide to installing electrical
services. Instructor: William           Filmore.
                                                     an additional fee. Instructor: John Mulder.              Welding
                                                     20 hours. $75.
48 hours. $130.55.                                                                                            This course introduces gas metal arc welding
                                                     149641    6/4       Sa        4:30p-5:30p    KVW 105A
149603 6/29-8/10 M,W        5:30p-9:30p WMW 118                                                               processes. Topics include equipment setup,
                                                               7/16      Sa        8a-12p         KVW 105A    fillet, and groove welds with emphasis on
                                                                                                              application of GMAW on carbon steel plate.
Building Construction Blueprint                      HVAC Preventative                                        Upon completion, students The Blueprint
Reading                                              Maintenance                                              portion covers the welding symbols and the
                                                                                                              elements of the welding symbols. It will cover
This course covers the interpretation of             This 48 hour class will provide education                different welding processes. This course will
Residential plans and specifications that are        on refrigeration concepts. The class will                also cover visualization of objects and shapes,
associated with design and construction              also provide hands-on training in basic                  reading the blueprint for finding size and
projects. Topics include interpretation of           diagnostics and preventative maintenance                 location dimensions, symbols, mathematics
documents for foundations, floor plans,              for residential HVAC syzstems. Students will             notes and related welding and assembly
elevations, and related topics.        Upon          need to wear closed toe boots and long                   information shown on the print. It develops
completion, students should be able to read          pants. Also required are safety glasses and              the student’s understanding of how to read
and interpret Residential construction prints        mechanic gloves. Instructor: John Mulder.                welding blueprints and develops the range
and documents. Instructor: Charles Payne.            48 hours. $130.55.                                       of thinking required to assemble simple
48 Hours. $130.55.                                   149640   5/21-7/9        Sa     8a-4:30p     KVW 105     components and assemblies from welding
149646 6/6-8/3      M,W      6p-9p         CIT 134                                                            prints should be able to perform fillet welds
                                                                                                              on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, vertical,
Cabinet Making                                       Shielded Metal Arc Welding                               overhead positions. Offered in English
Fundamentals II                                      (STK)                                                    and Spanish. Instructor: William Filmore.
                                                     Learn more about the SMAW (Shielded                      96 hours. $185.55. This course serves as
This level II Cabinet making class to help           Metal Arc Welding) process. Emphasis is                  a pre-requisite for taking the AWS D1.1
students gain a general knowledge of                 placed on padding, fillet, and groove welds              Certification. (This test carries an additional
the processes and tools necessary for                in various positions with SMAW electrodes.               charge).
woodworking and construction. Things                 Upon completion you will be able to                      150389 5/20-7/23     F 5:30p-9:30p      WMW 121
discussed in class will include safety,              perform SMAW fillet welds on carbon plate                		                   Sa 8a-4:30p         MW 103
tool setup, tool operation, wood description         with prescribed electrodes. Offered in
and assembly processes. Students should              English and Spanish. Instructor: Bradley
be familiar with shop tools such as table            Mills. 64 hours. $185.55. This course serves             Pitt Community College will offer the American
saw, radial saw and band saw among others.           as a pre-requisite for taking the AWS D1.1               Welding Society Certification testing. This
Students will use these tools to complete a          Certification. (This test carries an additional          program tests welders on procedures used in
woodworking project in the shop. Cabinet                                                                      the structural steel, petroleum pipelines, sheet
Making I is a prerequisite. Instructor: Lee                                                                   metal, and chemical refinery welding industries.
                                                     149606   5/25-7/27 M,W          5:30-9:30p    MW 103     If interested please contact Charles Newkirk at
Warren 24 hours. $75.55. Material fee for
                                                                                                     or Gail Nichols at
the level II project is $50.
151042 6/2-7/19      T,Th    5p-7p         CIT 128
                                                         LOCATION KEY ON PG. 33

                                                     Summer 2022 | | 252.493.7388                             15
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