NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi

Page created by Enrique Hansen
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
Summer / Autumn 2018


Dear guests, patients and friends,
                                                                                                                 wonderful colleagues, and to have         recipes. You can also find these on our
                                                                                                                 met so many fascinating guests.”          Facebook and Instagram channels.
                                                                                                                 Following this, various musical en­       It is already a year since we launched
                                                                                                                 sembles performed in the wonderful        our fascinating CSA project with the
                                                                                                                 permaculture garden of the new            aim of supplying our kitchen at
                                                                                                                 house, and Lucy Parham closed the         Buchinger Wilhelmi in Marbella with
                                                                                                                 evening with the sound of Debussy on      the very best, organic ingredients from
                                                                                                                 the Steinway in the Moorish domed         the surrounding region. We now also
                                                                                                                 hall. With Antares, the third pillar of   treat our staff to an organic box. It is a
                                                                                                                 our motto “Therapeutic Fasting, Inte-     commendable initiative, which will
                                                                                                                 grative Medicine and Inspiration” has     hopefully inspire others to do the
                                                                                                                 now found an impressive new home          same.
                                                                                                                 in Marbella.                              Finally, Dr. Eva Lischka advises you to
                                                                                                                 Otherwise, the first half of the year     fast intermittently now and again, and
                                                                                                                 was marked by the work done by our        we give you some tips on how to dine
                                                                                                                 two new directors in Marbella – read      out healthily.
                                                                                                                 more about it in this NEWS.
                                                                                                                 In Überlingen the medical team wel-       In this spirit – we hope you enjoy
                                                                                                                 comes some fresh new faces. Siegfried     reading this edition!
                                                                                                                 Bäumler from the medical team in
The Buchinger-Wilhelmi and Rohrer families at the inauguration of Antares – House of Inspiration, in Marbella.
                                                                                                                 Überlingen describes in his article the
                                                                                                                 correlation and advantages of a combi-
One of the best events so far this year                   and Jutta Rohrer, who retired officially               nation of fasting and Kneipp affusions
was without doubt the inauguration                        on this evening after managing the                     in treating various indications.
of Antares – House of Inspiration in                      clinic for 36 years. Ángeles Muñoz,                    We started the new year at our clinic
Marbella. On a beautiful June evening,                    ­Marbella’s mayor, even hooked up to                   with renewed energy, also digitally,
employees, long-time guests, family                        the event via video conference. She                   and on several channels. On our
and friends from Marbella came to-                         also congratulated the couple for their               YouTube channel, you can watch our
gether to celebrate the new House of                       contribution to improving the image                   new image video and see what our
Inspiration. Katharina Rohrer-Zaiser                       and perception of Marbella.                           guests have to say about us. It also
and Victor Wilhelmi from the new gen-                      Claus and Jutta were obviously moved                  includes a new cooking series, where
eration of the clinic’s management in                      as they gave their thanks: “We feel                   Hubert Hohler, our head chef in
Marbella welcomed all the guests. Rai-                     privileged to have been able to work                  Überlingen, presents a step-by-step
mund Wilhelmi paid tribute to Claus                        here for so many years, with such                     guide to some of his most popular
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
2 · APPETIZER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NEWS FROM THE SEASIDE · 3

Find your favourite Buchinger Wilhelmi recipes now on YouTube                                                                                                                            Finding happiness through meditation
On our new YouTube channel,        You can already find a range of delicious    also find our new image film, in which                   talks and documentaries on the topic            with Buddhist master Tulku Lobsang
                                   dishes online with step-by-step instruc-     we introduce the two clinics and the                     of fasting research.
you can not only find out how      tions by head chef Hubert Hohler, tips       Buchinger Wilhelmi Programme.                            We look forward to receiving your               In April, Buddhist master Tulku                                                                    Participants in his course “Meditation                     an exercise that should remind us every
to cook delicious recipes with     on how to prepare different basic foods,     In addition, we have made several                        feedback, comments and of course
                                                                                                                                                                                         Lobsang blessed our new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for H
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ­ appiness” in April experienced this                  morning that the seeds of happiness
                                   and of course shopping lists for the         videos available online in other                         pictures of dishes you have cooked                                                                                                                 at first hand. The course dealt with the                   are within ourselves.
our head chef Hubert Hohler,       dishes presented. We launched the            languages, such as our special playlists                 yourself.                                       House of Inspiration and                                                                           search for a meaning in life, the two
you can also see reports on        channel with probably the most popular       in Spanish and French.                                                                                                                                                                                      kinds of happiness and the possibility
                                   of all Buchinger Wilhelmi recipes: our       Our playlist “Fasting Science” also                                                                      showed us how to find inner                                                                        of finding the meaning of life and happi-
Buchinger Wilhelmi in the          muesli. It will be followed by our vegeta-   has links to other fascinating reports,                                                                  contentment in his course                                                                          ness within us via meditation.
media, exciting talks and          ble piccata, raw fruit and vegetable
                                   salad and much more.                                                                                                                                  “Meditation for Happiness”.
documentaries about fasting        Visit us and discover many other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Often, we do not realize
as well as plenty of fascinating   inspiring recipes that you can try out                                                                                                                Born in Tibet, Tulku Lobsang was                                                                   that happiness is within us
                                   yourself and see just how easy it is to                                                                                                               recognised as the reincarnation of a
information on the topic of        cook healthy and delicious food at                                                                                                                    high master and trained in the wisdom
                                   home.                                                                                                                                                 of Buddhism, Tibetan medicine and                                                                  The happiness we carry within ourselves
“fasting, healthy nutrition
                                   However, our new “Buchinger Wilhelmi”                                                                                                                 astrology.                                                                                         is unconditional, it is always there.
and exercise”.                     YouTube channel not only provides                                                                                                                     When he was 17 years old, he went to                                                               However, we often fail to recognize this
                                   information on how to prepare various                                                                                                                 India, where he founded the Nangten                                                                happiness and suffer as a result. The
                                   recipes, but also further useful tips and                                                                                                             Menlang Buddhist Medical Center.                                                                   reason why many people do not find this
                                   information on the topics of cooking,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    happiness, according to Tulku Lobsang,
                                   healthy nutrition, exercise and fasting                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is that they look for happiness and
                                   in general.
                                                                                                                                                                                         The path to happiness                                                                              satisfaction externally. But because
                                   What’s more, our various playlists also                                                                                                                                                        Before the course, Tulku Lobsang held a blessing ritual   external happiness is always conditional,
                                   include talks from the fasting congress                                                                                                               Today, Tulku Lobsang travels around      for our new House of Inspiration.                         it will end one day and is therefore only
                                   of the Medical Association for Fasting                                                                                                                the world, passing on his knowledge                                                                ephemeral.
                                   and Nutrition (ÄGHE), fascinating                                                                                                                     to people who are looking for help to
                                   statements by international fasting                                                                                                                   alleviate their suffering and lead a     Health & ­Spirituality by the Dalai Lama                  The way to unconditional happiness
                                   experts and inspiring interviews with                                                                                                                 healthy, happy life.                     for his work.                                             is through meditation, according to
                                   some of our guests. Of course you can                                                                                                                 In 2015 he was presented with the 14th   Tulku Lobsang’s teachings are profound                    Lobsang. He took the group of partici-
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dalai Lama Award of Excellence in        and yet full of humour.                                   pants through a meditation ­session and

The MELT Method                                                                 The CUDECA Gold Pin 2017 goes                                                                            Résumé after one year: “Clinic Supported Agriculture”
Hand and Foot Treatment                                                         to Buchinger Wilhelmi Marbella!                                                                          We kicked off the “CSA – Clinic            more than 30,000 kg of fruit and vege­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    tables of 72 different varieties in cooper-
                                   We tend to take our hands and feet for       The CUDECA foundation on the Costa del                   ization for many decades by awarding it         Supported Agriculture” project             ation with eight organic farmers, whose
                                   granted; we use our hands continually        Sol in Spain has been dedicated to the                   the Gold Pin 2017. This was accepted by         a year ago. Here we present                fields are just 25 kilometres away from
                                   all day long for every move we make and      palliative care of cancer patients and                   Jutta Rohrer, who lauded CUDECA for its                                                    our clinic. This high-quality produce is
                                   our feet for every step we take. We prob-    their families for 25 years. The outstand-               excellent, dedicated work in her speech         our first résumé:                          harvested fresh every morning accord-
                                   ably wouldn’t consider an exercise pro-      ing work of the hospice staff is sup-                    of thanks.                                      The CSA project is all about             ing to our needs and delivered directly
                                   gram for the hands and feet, until a med-    ported by some 1,000 volunteers. The                     Some readers may be familiar with the                                                    to our kitchen, where it is prepared
                                   ical condition occurs.                       foundation supports and cares for                        summer concerts we organize in the              HEALTH, QUALITY and                      within a few hours. Freshness is a very
                                   The MELT Hand and Foot treatment pro-        ­patients and their families completely                  clinic gardens to raise funds for CUDECA.       SUSTAINABILITY.                          important aspect when it comes to
                                   vides an easy-to-follow routine using         free of charge.                                         This year, we held a flamenco evening                                                    ­producing dishes that are of a high qual-
                                   four small balls of different sizes and       CUDECA has honoured the support the                     in July.                                        It enables us to offer fresh              ity, are rich in nutrients and can com-
                                   densities. It includes a self-assessment,     clinic in Marbella has given to the organ-                                                                                                        pare with internationally renowned
                                                                                                                                                                                         vegetables and fruit of the
                                   followed by a variety of movements and                                                                                                                                                          ­establishments.
                                   compression techniques using the balls                                                                                                                highest quality that has been
                                   on the fingers, hands, wrists, forearms
                                                                                                                                                                                         grown locally and produced               Producing food of the
The MELT Hand and Foot             and feet.
                                   The treatment can be related to local-                                                                                                                fairly, allowing our guests              highest quality in an
treatment is a self-treatment      ized tissue stimulation to aid in restor-
                                   ing space to compressed joints and to
                                                                                                                                                                                         to enjoy natural, healthy                ethical and sustainable way
technique which can benefit
                                   improve blood circulation.                                                                                                                            and authentic food that                                                                            Buchinger Wilhelmi kitchen team, famers in the CSA project and project manager Alejandro Orioli
everyone, regardless of age        However, more profoundly, the reflex                                                                                                                                                           In setting up the CSA project, Clínica
                                   pressure points on the hands and feet
                                                                                                                                                                                         contains the best nutrients              Buchinger Wilhelmi has committed
or state of health.
                                   correspond to all the internal organs                                                                                                                 and is free from pesticides.             itself to producing food of the highest                   protection of the environment (soil,                       convinced that health begins in the
                                   and systems of the body. By applying                                                                                                                                                           quality in an ethical and sustainable                     water, landscape) and the social and                       ground and that this project will enable
                                   ­direct pressure on these points, the                                                                                                                                                          way.                                                      environmental resilience of the actual                     us to protect the health of the Earth
                                    body responds by relaxing, rebalancing                                                                                                               All the food we prepare and serve our    By cooperating directly with the local                    process of manufacturing, distributing,                    and the people who live on it.
                                    and creating a sense of well-being.                                                                                                                  guests in Marbella is chosen according   community, our aim is to promote a                        consuming and recovering nutrients.
                                    The hands and feet can be treated sepa-                                                                                                              to the season. By giving them the        healthy lifestyle and create environ-                     It is all about creating a way of working
                                    rately, together or in combination with                                                                                                              opportunity to eat healthy and ripe      mental awareness.                                         together and a constant dialogue be-
                                    other MELT Method techniques that                                                                                                                    food, we also enable our guests to       The quality criteria defined for this                     tween the field and the plate, growers
                                    ­incorporate whole body movement                                                                                                                     rediscover something extremely           project include not only organoleptic,                    and chefs, the clinic and its guests. We
                                     ­using a soft foam roller.                                                                                                                          valuable: the authentic, pure taste of   nutritional and productive aspects                        have declared it our mission to establish
                                                                                Rafael Olalla, Assumpta Eceiza, Marisa Martín and Susan Hannam from CUDECA with Jutta and Claus Rohrer   fresh fruit and vegetables.              (techniques for organic farming), but                     a healthy and sustainable food system
                                                                                (3rd and 5th from the left)                                                                              In the first year alone, we produced     also other indicators linked to the                       that benefits us all. Because we are
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
4 · NEWS FROM THE SEASIDE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEWS FROM THE LAKE · 5

Inauguration of Antares –                                                                                                                                                                   VIOLA BEAUTÉ cosmetics institute in Überlingen

House of Inspiration
                                                                                                                                                                                            Feeling attractive and feeling    Let yourself be pampered from head                               Opening times:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to toe. Enjoy beneficial treatments for                          Monday – Friday: 9.00 am – 1.00 pm and 2.00 – 6.00 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                            good are directly related to      more vitality and vibrancy. Viola Bruns                          Saturdays: 10.00 am – 2.00 pm (and by appointment)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sundays and holidays: by appointment
                                                                                                                                                                                            each other. That is why we also   and her experienced team offer treat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ments that are tailored to your individ-
Back in April, we inaugurated                 with relaxing rituals such as yoga,         cycles. Ninety percent of the plants that                                                         offer professional support in     ual needs. Their prime objective
                                              pranayama (breathing exercises),            grow here are native and therefore                                                                the area of beauty.               is to give your complexion a healthier,
Antares – House of Inspiration,               creativity, aroma therapy, meditation       representative of the natural local                                                                                                 more radiant glow.                                                          WELCOME
opposite the clinic in Marbella.              and more than 20 other treatments.          landscape. The layout is adapted to the                                                           The cosmetics department          Enjoy the exceptional, professional
                                                                                          region and the surroundings, reflecting                                                           in Überlingen was renovated       beauty treatments in an exclusive
Set in extensive grounds, the                 We are convinced that the process of        the unique natural beauty of Andalusia.                                                                                             ­atmosphere.                                                                Ladies and Gentlemen,

new house is an ideal location                inspiration can be supported ideally                                                                                                          at the beginning of this year      The institute is situated in the                                           welcome to the cosmetic institute ViOlA BEAUTÉ at Buchinger Wilhelmi.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Let yourself be pampered from head to toe, enjoy the perfect relaxation for new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          vitality and charisma. Our highly qualified and experienced team will treat you with
                                              in nature. Never before have we humans      “For us at Buchinger Wilhelmi,                                                                                                       Doktorhaus.                                                                customized treatments tailored to your individual needs.

in which to develop and                                                                                                                                                                     and now has a fresh, new look.                                                                                Enjoy exceptional and professional beauty treatments in an exclusive atmosphere.
                                              been as removed from nature, on which       inspiration is fundamentally important
experience the profound,                      not only our happiness but also our         to lead a holistic, healthy life. If life were                                                    It also has a new name:           VIOLA BEAUTÉ consultations:
                                              existence depends, as we are today.         a starlit night, inspiration would be the                                                                                           Monday – Friday: 10.00 am – 12.00 noon
fragile and existential basic                                                                                                                                                               VIOLA BEAUTÉ is the new                                                                                                                          We look forward to seeing you
                                              Various studies have shown that we          shooting star that suddenly appears and                                                                                             We offer personal advice on your preferred                                                                                 Viola Bruns & Team

concept of inspiration.
                                              can reconnect with ourselves most           then vanishes, leaving in its wake a trail                                                        cosmetics institute run by        treatments during these consultation times.
                                              effectively in nature. Because isolating    that can shape our entire life. We have                                                                                             Outside consultation hours, you can send us an
                                              ourselves from nature means isolating       created an ambience filled with beauty,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Viola Bruns and her team.         e-mail or leave a message on our answer machine.
                                              ourselves from ourselves.                   silence and harmony, where you can                                                                                                  We will contact you as soon as possible.
                                                                                          feel free and safe, accompanied and              The idea behind the House of Inspiration
                                                                                          supported by an interdisciplinary team.          is to enable our guests to rediscover                                              Contact:
                                                                                          This trusting environment encourages             their true nature. It is a gift, like a shoot-                                     Phone: +49 (0) 7551 – 807 893
                                                                                          introspection and connects us with our           ing star in the night sky ...                                                      Extension within Buchinger Wilhelmi: 893
                                                                                          inner nature. We hope that our visitors                                                                                             E-mail:
                                                                                          are able to re-establish contact with
                                                                                          themselves and feel the spiritual clarity
                                                                                                                                           New rooms
                                                                                          that leads to creativity, solutions, new         for our guests
                                                                                          ideas and a better self-knowledge …
                                                                                          May inspiration be with you.“                    With the inauguration of Antares –
                                                                                                                                           House of Inspiration, we have made
                                                                                          These are the goals of the members of            some changes and created some new
                                                                                          the Antares working group.                       ­facilities at the clinic in Marbella.
                                                                                          The services we offer at Antares stand in         – Our Beauty department has been
                                                                                          the tradition of the vision of our founder,
                                                                                          Otto Buchinger. He attached particular
                                                                                                                                               moved to the House of Inspiration. In
                                                                                                                                               addition, we now have a new room             New doctors on Lake Constance
                                                                                          importance to spiritual inspiration                  that will be used above all for aroma-
                                                                                          through nature, music and contempla-                 therapy, hot stone and Ayurveda
                                                                                                                                                                                            The medical team in
                                                                                          tion during fasting. He knew even back              ­massages.
                                                                                          then that “When the body fasts, the               – The small wooden house near the pool         Überlingen was expanded
                                                                                          soul hungers”. He was convinced that it              will now accommodate a new, spa-
                                                                                                                                                                                            in summer 2017 with two
                                                                                          needs “spiritual nourishment” as suste-              cious shop. We will also be offering our
                                                                                          nance, which he described as “a diet for             own collection of garments for the first     new doctors: Sandra van
Nowadays, the society we live in is           For this reason, the extensive garden       the soul”.                                           time, designed exclusively for you:
­characterised by a constant overload         surrounding the House of Inspiration                                                             Buchinger Wilhelmi by BRAEZ.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Waegeningh and Etienne
 of visual and auditory stimuli, frequently   has been turned into a separate             When we opened our first clinic on Lake           – Diagnostics as well as special medical       Hanslian have many years of
 exacerbated by an extravagant lifestyle      therapeutic space and also offers room      Constance, neither mobile phones nor                 consultations such as sports medicine
 and omnipresent technology as well as        for many other activities. In designing     the Internet existed. The relationship               will be moved to the former shop in the
                                                                                                                                                                                            experience in the fields of
 excessive media consumption. Conse-          the garden, we have taken as our guide      ­between us and our environment has                  main building.                               diabetology, emergency care
 quently, our brain tends to go into a kind   the natural and sustainable principles of    changed at such a breakneck speed that           – There will be a spacious new art studio
 of protection mode as a form of self-        permaculture with its respect for the        it is sometimes difficult for this develop-         in the House of Inspiration. The origi-      and nutritional medicine as
 preservation and switches off receiving      environment, nature, its rhythms and         ment to sink in.                                    nal studio in Villa María and the Room       well as internal medicine and
 mode, although in reality we are still                                                                                                        of Silence next to it will be turned into
 connected to our environment and                                                                                                              further therapy rooms, above all for         naturopathy. As a result, we
 have merely taken a step back from                                                                                                            massages of Asian origin.                    are now also able to offer a
 ourselves.                                                                                                                                 – Finally, the cash desk and manage-
 As a result, we start to gradually stop                                                                                                       ment’s offices in the main building          wider range of medical
 ­listening to our inner voice.                                                                                                                have been renovated.                         services.
  To enable our guests to re-establish
  contact with their inner selves, we                                                                                                      Let us know what you think about                 We are delighted to welcome
  decided to create a space dedicated to                                                                                                   these renovations and changes next
                                                                                                                                                                                            on board two such committed
  the topic of inspiration – Antares.                                                                                                      time you come to Marbella!
                                                                                                                                                                                            and experienced young
The idea behind this concept is a com-
                                                                                                                                                                                            doctors.                                 Dr. Sandra van Waegeningh, 43, has joined us after working at a                                                             Etienne Hanslian, 37, comes to us from Hamburg, where he worked in
pletely different perspective on patient                                                                                                                                                                                             ­specialist clinic in Allgäu. She has additional qualifications in                                                          the internal medicine and anaesthetics departments at several clinics.
care. Antares is a place where calm and                                                                                                                                                                                              ­diabetology as well as emergency care and nutritional medicine.                                                            He is training as a specialist for internal medicine and has an additional
harmony prevail, where our therapists                                                                                                                                                                                                She has also trained in homeopathy and psychosomatic medicine.                                                              qualification in naturopathy. In the course of and after his studies,
can accompany you and stand by you in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            he gained clinical experience in Spain, Mexico and the United States,
the process of finding and reconnecting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          among others.
with your inner self.
Our interdisciplinary team will care for
you and give you psychological support
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
6 · TABLE TALK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MEDICINE AND RESEARCH · 7

“Last question Mr Laven:                                                                                                                                                                     “El arte del ayuno” –
                                                                                                                                                                                             A book about the Buchinger Wilhelmi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         through fasting and
Will you come back again?”                                                                                                                                                                   fasting programme                                                                                                                           digital detox
Michael Laven is an actor from                                                                                                                just rest because you are getting more         The book “El arte del ayuno”                                                                                                                Our lives are often characterized by pressure to be
                                                                                                                                              sleep, it’s because your body is not                                                                                                                                                       ­constantly available, excessive consumption of
New Hampshire and a regular                                                                                                                   working so hard doing all the digesting.       (The Art of Fasting) written by                                                                                                              ­electronic media and a lack of physical activity. A stay
guest at Buchinger Wilhelmi                                                                                                                   And when you have fasted a few times,          Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo,                                                                                                             at Buchinger Wilhelmi is an opportunity to consciously
                                                                                                             See the entire video with
                                                                                                             more of our guest’s opinions     and now I’ve done it a number of times,                                                                                                                                                      take a step back from this.
Bodensee. We talked to him                                                                                   now on YouTube.                  my body is used to it and knows I’m com-       Director of Research at Buchinger                                                                                                             A survey among 1,422 of our guests revealed that their
                                                                                                                                              ing to fast, and I actually get relaxed                                                                                                                                                      stress levels dropped dramatically during their stay in
about his many years of                                                                                                                                                                      Wilhelmi, was presented in
                                                                                                                                              much faster now than the first time.                                                                                                                                                         our clinic. This is partly due to the fact that the use of
fasting at Buchinger Wilhelmi.                                                                                                                So for me it’s all about the fasting and       Madrid in mid-March. Published                                                                                                                electronic media such as computers, tablets, smart-
                                                                                                                                              the relaxing.                                                                                                                                                                                phones and television is largely restricted. In addition,
See the entire video with more                                                                                                                                                               by Ediciones Maeva, it is a valuable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           guests do more physical activities in the form of hikes,
of our guest’s opinions now on                                                                                                                What’s important to you in life in             and practical guide to fasting                                                                                                                gymnastics and specific fitness training, and this has a
                                                                                                                                              general?                                                                                                                                                                                     positive impact on their regeneration. All in all, 75.6 %
YouTube.                                                                                                                                      The most important thing is family.
                                                                                                                                                                                             according to the century-old                                                                                                                  of guests interviewed found that fasting in the clinic
                                                                                                                                              I have my kids, I have a grandchild now.       Buchinger Wilhelmi method.                                                                                                                    was more relaxing than a normal holiday.
                                                                                                                                              After family comes your health. Family                                                                                                                                                       A digital detox can boost the positive impact of fasting.
Mr. Laven, thanks for taking the time for                                                                                                     and health that are the things that                                                                                                                                                          Benefit from the free time and the motivation this gives
this interview. Can you tell us how you                                                                                                       ­matter most to me.                            The press conference in El Huerto de Lucas, a popular                                                                                         you!
like it here at Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic?                                                                                                                                                   organic market and restaurant in Madrid, was hosted
Well, I’ve been coming for many years.                                                                                                        How important is it nowadays                   by Professor Pilar Muñoz-Calero, who is also Presi-                                                                                                    Effect of fasting on 1,422 Buchinger Wilhelmi guests
I enjoy the experience and I keep coming                                                                                                      to have time out like this?                    dent of the Fundación Alborada (www.fundacion-­
back. So yes, I like it quite a lot. I find, it                                                I now know all the guides, since they          This is luxury. It is a luxury I can afford. and Professor of Environmental                                                                                                                                                                 Use of
provides a lot of value to me, it keeps me        People speak a lot about resetting here.     have been very consistent the whole            But I did it even when I couldn’t afford it.   ­Medicine at Complutense University in Madrid.                                                                                                                                                               media
healthy.                                          Could you tell us what that means for        time. So all of the staff are excellent.       If you come here you can afford to come         She told the audience about her own personal,                                                                                                                                                                and
                                                  you?                                                                                        here and take a break. If you can’t, there      dramatic experience with multiple chemical                                                                                                                                                                 physical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          After the talks, Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo signed countless copies of        ( 0 – 10 )
Can you tell us what’s so special                 Well, I guess resetting is when you lead     Can you tell us something about                are other ways to take time out for your-       sensitivity. The disease changed her life radically,        her new book, “El arte del ayuno”.                                                                                             Detox           in hours
about Buchinger Wilhelmi?                         a very active life and you don‘t have any    Überlingen and the region?                     self, but you need to take a break, step        up to the point where she couldn’t eat anything                                                                                                                                                           per week
I find the program quite special,                 time for reflection, especially when you     I walk by the lake quite a lot. One time I     back and look at what you are doing and         anymore. She couldn’t tolerate any materials or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    before        after
both from a medical and professional              have social pressures that we all have       rented a bicycle and went down to the          also give your body a rest. So taking time      chemicals without having a strong reaction. She                                                                                                                  Fasting between 4 and 21 days
standpoint. People look after your                and enjoy drinking and friends, etc.         other part of the lake, uphill, which took     out is incredibly important.                    might died of starvation, if she had not found an           The prologue to the book was written by Mario
whole body in a way that’s very relaxed.          Sometimes you just have to take a step       a little longer so I came back with the                                                        environmental medicine ­therapy in the United States        ­Vargas Llosa, the famous Peruvian author, politician                          World’s largest fasting study in Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic 2016,
It has a health and medical component,            back from it.                                ferry.                                         If you had one wish for the future,             that helped her. Later on, therapeutic fasting in our        and journalist, and winner of the Nobel Prize for                             1,422 adult volunteers, no drop-outs, by Wilhelmi de Toledo F., Grundler F.,
but I find the balance between health,            So I come here for 10 days and it’s not      Of course we go on the walks through           what would it be?                               clinic in Marbella became a regular part of her health       ­Literature, in which he highlights the exceptional                           Michalsen A.
nutrition and physical activity actually          the kind of holiday where one goes to        the wilderness here. I don’t like to travel    I would only wish that my family is             regime.                                                       ­effects of fasting on many aspects of life (see below).
quite restful.                                    the beach and sits down all the time, it’s   too far from here.                             happy and healthy. I can’t control                                                                             He has been a regular guest at Buchinger Wilhelmi
                                                  more of an active holiday in some ways       I don’t go on the excursions but I go on       the rest of the world.                                                            Both Prof. Muñoz-            in Marbella for 30 years.
Before you came here for the first time,          because I walk and exercise and maybe        the walks and it’s sort of a beautiful                                                                                           Calero and Dr. Wil-
what did you expect?                              get some treatments here and there.          hardwood hillside. It not dissimilar to        Last question, will you come back                                                 helmi de Toledo
I had no clue. I came here about 20 years         In my case, what I do is I fast and I con-   the region I come from – New Hampshire         again?                                                                            underlined the im-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          What are environmental diseases?
ago. I was very stressed out in my job,           trol my eating and it makes a huge differ-   in the US – with its rolling hills with pine   Yes, sure, I already booked my stay for                                           portance of fasting
and I asked a friend of mine for a recom-         ence. In the end I fly back to the exact     forests and some hardwood forest.              next year. I’m coming back in April. One                                          as a therapeutic          The Fundación Alborada is currently working on the
mendation where I could go, because               same life that I had before I came in, but   I go to town and to other villages around      of the ways to make sure I come is to                                             and preventive            diagnosis and treatment of patients with diseases
she has been everywhere.                          I really think my attitude has changed.      here, but I really like the woods and the      book a year in advance. Otherwise the                                             treatment for in-         related to the environment. These diseases can
And she said, try this place, you’ll find                                                      fact that you can get out into nature.         year would fill up with family, and things                                        toxication, intoler-      manifest themselves as allergies, food intolerances,
it the most relaxing you could find in                                                         Of course there are also the views you         you have to do. But yes, I come here                                              ances and allergies       hormone disorders, autism, obesity or chronic
the world.                                        Do you have maybe a good story about         get of the lake from the top of the hills.     every year.                                                                       that are caused           fatigue. Several of these emerging diseases, such
So I had no idea, except that I wanted            some of the staff here? You said that our                                                                                                                                     by an increase in         as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, are
a holiday, but not the kind of holiday            chef influenced your way cooking, but        Is there a special treatment you                                                                                                 environmental             already recognised by the World Health Organisation.
where you do a lot of drinking and going          is there anyone else?                        enjoy the most?                                                                                                                  pollution.
out, but where I could go to relax.               In the many years I’ve been coming here      No, I like to fast. In terms of massage
The first time I came I spent about two           I’ve only had two doctors. One retired       treatments, I certainly enjoy simple mas-
weeks here. Then I went home and asked            and handed me over to Dr. van Houten.        sages that relax me, but I think the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Fasting has an extraordinary impact on many aspects of our life.
my wife, “Why don’t you come with                 They look after my health and my wife’s      relaxing thing is fasting and perhaps
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Perhaps the most important is discovering one’s own body. For me,
me the next time?” So we’ve now been              health and I once even brought my son        the liver pack which is basically putting
                                                                                                                                                                                                          this has been a true revelation ever since my first fast many years
­coming since the early 90s together.             and my daughter, and they looked after       a hot water bottle on your liver and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ago. We are bogged down in an extremely demanding and hectic
                                                  them too.                                    nurse comes and tucks you in for a nap                                                                     routine, plagued by inner restlessness, worries and anxieties, and
Would you say that your stays at                  Marcus and the team in the gym are also      after lunch – perfect.                                                                                     it leaves us very little time to think of something that is exceedingly
Buchinger Wilhelmi have changed                   great in terms of the exercises they do.                                                                                                                important – our body. Speaking for myself, I can say that in Marbella,
your way of life?                                 They are not afraid to cause you a little    Can you try to explain your fascination                                                                    I discovered that I had a body, that it was extremely important,                                                                  Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo held a
Yes, absolutely. First of all, the chef is        pain. They sort of even like that. So the    with fasting?                                                                                              and that I had to get to know it and treat it respectfully. Because                                                               talk on fasting for the prevention and
just fabulous! We’ve learned a tremen-            gym staff are really good as well.           For me, the concept of fasting is not                                                                      this body is nothing less than the key to our happiness or unhappi-
dous amount from him. We integrate                I find the quality of the staff excellent    so much about weight – I lose a few kilos                                                                  ness. I believe this is one of the greatest lessons we can learn at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            treatment of age-related diseases at the
dishes we have learned to cook here into          in all of those regards. I’ve been here so   each time I come – but the whole con-                                                                      Buchinger Wilhelmi.”                                                                                                              University of Genova at the end of May
our daily life. I have developed an aware-        many times and have got to know all of       cept of resting your body by not taking                                                                    Mario Vargas Llosa                                                                                                                as part of Dr. Valter Longo’s course on
ness of how to keep healthy that gets             them well – so it’s tremendously posi-       anything in. The liver pack itself makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Nutrition, Genes, Longevity and
­renewed each time I come back here.              tive.                                        absolute sense in that respect.
 So the answer is that it has changed my          I should probably mention the walks,         So when you are fasting I think the level                                                                                                                                                                                                    Diseases”.
 life and made an impact on it.                   because everyone talks about the walks.      of rest that you get is important – it’s not
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
8 · MEDICINE AND RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BON APPETIT · 9

Fasting and Kneipp – A harmonious blend                                                                                                                                                                   Continuing to eat healthily at
                                                                                                                                                                                                          home – intermittent fasting for
of two physiological processes                                                                                                                                                                            lasting success
Nowadays, our lives are                         mechanisms that have developed in the                        phase. This is associated with a change         heat or cold stimulus affects the circula-
                                                course of evolution and enable us to                         in the mental state related to the sympa-       tion locally. Communicated by cold and
dominated by demanding                          survive. They include moving, eating or                      thetic nervous system, and can manifest         heat receptors in the skin, the stimulus
jobs and high levels of stress.                 not eating, and regulation of the body’s                     itself in nervous anxiety, inner tense-         is transported via the connecting nerves
                                                temperature. It makes sense to establish                     ness or fears. As the adrenaline levels         to the diencephalon – the region of the
In a nutshell, we are slaves                    a therapeutic concept for the treatment                      subside and the parasympathetic                 brain that regulates the body’s tempera-
to our sympathetic nervous                      of diseases based on a combination of                        ­nervous system takes the upper hand,           ture. The incoming information “heat or
                                                these measures.                                               the mood balances out and tensions             cold stress” is offset against the temper-
system. The sympathetic                         If nutrition is what an organism needs to                     are released.                                  ature measured in the body and a corre-
                                                function and perform well, fasting gives                      During therapeutic fasting, this often         sponding response is triggered. It is an
nervous system is that part
                                                humans the possibility to develop their                       stimulates psychodynamic processes.            interesting fact in this context that a
of the autonomous nervous                       full potential to optimize their metabo-                      Our perception is sharper, emotional           cold stimulus has a regulatory potential
                                                lism and regenerate.                                          ­aspects that are often overlooked in our      that is 30 times higher than a heat stimu-
system that is responsible
                                                The ability to fast, or in other words to                      active everyday lives suddenly come to        lus (meaning that a cold shower is more
for bursts of energy, in other                  only live on the energy stored in the                          the fore. What is more, we now feel less      effective than a warm one). Regular
                                                body, is a basic physiological condition                       rushed and have more time to deal with        Kneipp treatments therefore lead to a
words for our “fight or flight”                 for the survival of humans and animals.                        them. In the cardiovascular system,           stimulation of the parasympathetic
response.                                       This can be seen on the one hand based                         the heart beat slows down and blood           nervous system and thus to recupera-
                                                on our experience over thousands of                            pressure sinks.                            tion and regeneration. Furthermore,
                                                                                                                                                          they also considerably improve the                                                                                     Dr. Eva Lischka
In our meritocratic society that is in a                                                                                                                  ­patient’s general condition and cause a
permanent state of flux, an active life-                                                                                                                   reduction in complaints of the auto-
style is of primary importance. We are                                                                                                                     nomic nervous system.
constantly on the ball, the demands of                                                                                                                     Especially the combination of fasting          To help you to continue                       used as building blocks to renew the
our professional work are increasingly                                                                                                                     and Kneipp treatments has been shown                                                         cells when energy is scarce – as it is
encroaching on our private lives, and                                                                                                                      to be particularly effective. Both forms       eating healthily after your                   during fasting”, the expert explains.
even the way we spend our leisure time
has to be “active”. This requires multi-
                                                                                                                                                           of therapy complement each other
                                                                                                                                                           ­ideally, but also have a compensatory
                                                                                                                                                                                                          fast at Buchinger Wilhelmi,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          our head physician
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This detox protects the body against
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        disease and also helps you to lose          Pizza à la Buchinger Wilhelmi
tasking skills. Our own value is defined                                                                                                                    benefit.                                                                                    weight.
almost exclusively by what we accom-                                                                                                                        For example, a patient’s blood pressure       Dr. Eva Lischka has looked
plish.                                                                                                                                                      can occasionally drop during fasting. A
As a result, the functions of the sympa-                                                                                                                    specific Kneipp affusion, for example to      into the subject of                           5:2 diet
thetic nervous system are increasingly                                                                                                                      the knee or thigh, has both an acute
                                                                                                                                                                                                          intermittent fasting.
predominant. This causes our body to                                                                                                                        ­effect on the patient’s blood pressure,                                                    This method involves just two rules:
release adrenalin, triggering various                                                                                                                        resulting in a sudden increase, as well a                                                  First, you fast on two days a week. They
physical and mental reactions: Our                                                                                                                           regulatory impact, causing a gentle im-      Dr. Lischka also fasts intermittently         can either be two consecutive days or
heart beats faster, our pulse accelerates                                                                                                                    provement over a longer period of time.      herself, and eats the first meal of the       not, for example Tuesday and Thursday.
and we start to feel nervous and agi-                                                                                                                        If the patient has high blood pressure,      day at 1 pm. What Dr. Lischka does is         Contrary to other fasting methods, you
tated.                                                                                                                                                       on the other hand, affusions to the arm      called intermittent fasting – in other        don’t have to completely do without
Consequently, the parasympathetic                                                                                                                            or arm baths with a gradual increase in      words, she only fasts for a certain           food on fasting days with the 5:2 diet:
                                                The Kneipp health facility in the garden of Buchinger Wilhelmi in Überlingen.
nervous system with its calming effects                                                                                                                      water temperature cause the blood            ­period every day.                            Women are allowed 500 calories and
is not able to function. The parasympa-                                                                                                                      pressure to drop. In the long term, the       In former times, intermittent fasting        men 100 calories more. These can be
thetic nervous system is complemen-                years in dealing with a scarcity of food                  Hydrotherapeutic measures, such as              patient’s blood pressure returns to the       was completely normal. If the hunt was       spread over two small meals or you
tary to the sympathetic nervous system             (for example in winter or during periods                  ­water applications based on the teach-         normal range. Wading in a Kneipp pool         not successful, there was no alterna-        can eat all the calories in one portion.
and activates the “rest and digest”                of drought), and on the other from the                     ings of Sebastian Kneipp, are an ideal         every day supports this measure and           tive but to go hungry for a while. The       The second rule relates to what you
­response, which enables the body to re-           experience we at Buchinger Wilhelmi                        complement to fasting. Applied specifi-        has a general vitalising effect.              ­organism adjusted to this over time.        eat. It is very important to eat
 lax and build up its reserves. It processes       have gained from treating thousands                        cally, they support and regulate the           In particular the combination of two           “Nowadays, we have an overabun-             high-quality protein and vegetables,
 or regulates the body’s unconscious               of patients who come here every year                       ­processes affecting the autonomous            physiological healing methods – in this        dance of food”, says Dr. Lischka.           for example fish, poultry, quark or tofu,
 ­actions and helps it to regenerate.           to fast. This has since been scientifically                    nervous system.                               case therapeutic fasting combined with         “The fact that we are constantly eating     and plenty of vegetables. These should
  Many health problems or diseases we           proven based on extensive data from                            In hydrotherapy (“water therapy”)­            Kneipp treatments – is ideal both for          means that our insulin levels stay high.”   be prepared with little fat. Vegetables
  find today are a result of this imbalance.    ­research and several clinical studies.                        ­water, which is as an ideal medium for       preventing and treating disease                The consequences are obesity and            are filling and the protein counteracts
  High blood pressure, palpitations and          Fasting offers major medical benefits                          temperature stimuli, is used to trigger      Siegfried Bäumler                              disease. A simple solution is to fast for   the loss of muscle due to hunger.
  sleep problems as well as burnout are          for a wide range of diseases, such as                          certain reactions in the organism. This                                                     a short time. We would like to present      On the other hand, you should avoid
  just some of the best known examples           metabolic diseases, diseases of the                                                                                                                        two methods.                                high-carbohydrate food, sweets,
  of a highly regulated sympathetic              ­cardiovascular system or chronic inflam-                                                                                                                                                              ­alcohol and soft drinks or fruit juice.
  ­nervous system. If the parasympathetic         matory diseases of the musculoskeletal
   nervous system is not able to function,        system. In this connection, different
                                                                                                                                                                                                          8-hour diet
   this negatively impacts the regenera-          ­effect mechanisms help to regulate the
   tion of the organism and the build-up of        metabolism, for example by inhibiting                                                                                                                  Count hours instead of calories – that’s
   energy reserves. For example, it causes         inflammation, boosting the repair of                                                                                                                   the simple principle of the 8-hour diet.
   irregular digestion. If this imbalance       cell structures, improving sugar metabo-                                                                                                                  You fast for 16 hours. During this time,
   ­persists for many years, it fosters a       lism, and increasing autophagy (the abil-                                                                                                                 water, unsweetened tea, black coffee
    whole range of cardiovascular diseases,     ity of the cells to cleanse themselves), to                                                                                                               and consommé are allowed. It is
    gastrointestinal complaints and mental      name just a few.                                                                                                                                          followed by eight hours in which you
    and psychosomatic dysfunctions.             The initial, usually short phase of stress                                                                                                                can eat. But don’t worry – around eight
    The most natural way to influence the
    vegetative equilibrium is using therapies
                                                at the beginning of a fast, when the sym-
                                                pathetic nervous system still predomi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the 16 hours are spent sleeping.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          “After fasting for 16 hours, autophagy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Filled courgette flowers
    based on the physiological mechanisms
    of the human body. These are
                                                nates, changes between the second and
                                                the seventh day to a parasympathetic
                                                                                                                                                                                                          is triggered – a kind of recycling at cell
                                                                                                                                                                                                          level. Damaged cell components are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with polenta and courgette
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and tomato curry
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
10 · BON APPETIT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LAST BUT NOT LEAST · 11
Pizza à la Buchinger Wilhelmi

Recipe for 2 persons                        In the meantime:
                                                                                        Dining out healthily                                                                         Post your pictures                                                                         “How can values and
Preheat the oven to 200° C
                                            Cut 120 g cherry tomatoes into
                                            quarters and fry in 1 tbsp. olive oil for   in a restaurant                                                                              and win                                                                                    history live on?”
                                            5 minutes with some fresh rosemary
5 g fresh yeast                             and a pinch of salt and pepper.                                                                                                          The best photographs and latest news                                                       “Please don’t change anything!” This is         recently joined the big Buchinger
40 ml lukewarm water                        Put aside.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ­Wilhelmi family. These are 1 – 2-day
                                                                                                                                                                                     from our two clinics in Überlingen and                                                     something we frequently hear from
70 g wholemeal wheat flour
                                                                                                                                                                                     Marbella can be found on our Instagram                                                     guests who visited our clinics back in           ­seminars dedicated to our philosophy
Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm          Cut 30 g onions and 150 g vegetables
water, add the flour gradually,             of your choice (e.g. pepper, courgette,                                                                                                  profile. Follow us and post your favour-                                                   the days when the founders were still             and methods, in which we explain the
mix and knead.                              aubergine, artichoke etc.) into thin                                                                                                     ite photographs from your stay under                                                       around. And they aren’t just talking              history of our clinics, the cornerstones
Cover with a cloth and leave to rise for    slices and fry in some olive oil. Season                                                                                                 the hashtag #BuchingerWilhelmi for the                                                     about the renovation work we have                 of the fasting method, psychology and
about 30 minutes, until the dough has       with salt and pepper.                                                                                                                    chance to win one of more than 100                                                         done on our buildings or new therapies            naturopathy to our employees. In
doubled in size. Then divide the dough                                                                                                                                               ­fantastic prizes, for example, products                                                   we have introduced. In this respect, we           ­addition, they learn relaxation and
into two and make balls of the same         First scatter the cherry tomatoes,
                                                                                                                                                                                      from Dr. Hauschka, Blackroll, Faber                                                       need to focus above all on the staff at            ­exercise techniques so they can apply
size.                                       then the fried vegetables and finally
                                            20 g cheese of your choice (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                                      ­Castell, vouchers for your next stay with                                                Buchinger Wilhelmi. To guarantee that               them themselves. The seminars are
80 g ready-bought tomato sugo               Emmental) over the pizza and bake                                                                                                          us and much more. The                                                                    all of our values are applied consciously,          rounded off with the same menus and
(organic)                                   for 11 minutes at 200° C.                                                                                                                  winner of the main prize will get two                                                    we organize regular training courses in             snacks that we serve our guests.
15 g destoned black olives                                                                                                                                                             nights free of charge as part of their next                                              both clinics for all employees who have
Spread the sugo on the two pizza            Finally, remove the pizza from the                                                                                                         stay at one of our clinics.
bases. Crush the olives with                oven and sprinkle 20 g rocket leaves                                                                                                       – Follow Buchinger Wilhelmi on
1 tbsp. water using a fork until they       over the pizza before serving.
form a paste and spread on the base.
                                            Enjoy!                                                                                                                                     – Post one or several photos from your
Scatter 10 g grated parmesan over                                                                                                                                                          stay at Buchinger Wilhelmi
the pizza and bake in the oven for                                                                                                                                                     – Use the hashtags #BuchingerWilhelmi
5 minutes at 200° C.                                                                                                                                                                       and #BuchingerWilhelmiBodensee
                                                                                        For many people, dining out                     As guests, we appreciate the opportu-              or #BuchingerWilhelmiMarbella,
                                                                                                                                        nity to rediscover traditional products,           ­depending on which clinic you stayed
                                                                                        in a restaurant is an                           especially if they are given a contempo-            in
                                                                                        important part of their                         rary interpretation. It is not uncommon        – Add a link to Buchinger Wilhelmi
                                                                                                                                        for people to take a photo of their                 Bodensee or Buchinger Wilhelmi              More information can be found
                                                                                        personal lifestyle.                             ­favourite dishes – either for themselves           ­Marbella                                   on our homepage
                                                                                        Convenience and pleasure                         or to share with friends in social net-       – Change your Instagram profile to
                                                                                                                                        works.                                               ­public so that we can see your post
                                                                                        play a central role in this.                                                                          as well

                                                                                                                                        Ideal dishes and
                                                                                        What is most important when you                 preparation methods
                                                                                        dine out? Ideally, a visit to a restaurant
                                                                                        should be a feast for all of the senses:        What else should you take into account
                                                                                        The presentation should be visually             when you go out to a restaurant?              Buchinger Wilhelmi
                                                                                        ­attractive, a pleasant aroma combined          Don’t eat on a completely empty stom-         Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Filled courgette flowers with polenta                                                    with a delicious taste should be a treat       ach – that makes it more difficult to         Wilhelm-Beck-Straße 27
                                                                                                                                                                                      88662 Überlingen
and courgette and tomato curry                                                           for the palate and can open up new             make good decisions. Instead of drink-        GERMANY
                                                                                         ­horizons, especially if it is a “fusion” of   ing an aperitif before the meal, which        T +49 7551/807-0
                                                                                          unusual ingredients. Individual compo-        will only increase your appetite, order a     E-Mail

Recipe for 2 persons                        Heat 1 tsp. olive oil in a frying pan,        nents with different temperatures or
                                                                                          textures round off the culinary experi-
                                                                                                                                        glass of mineral water instead. Is a
                                                                                                                                        3-course menu absolutely necessary or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Fasting has changed the                            “The Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic’s
                                            add the onions and sprinkle with 1 tsp.                                                                                                   PHOTOS Niklas Görke, Winfried Heinze,
Preheat the oven to 160° C                  curry. Cook for around 3 minutes, then        ence.                                         is it enough to take a starter and a bal-     Pablo Gustavo Llaryora, Verlag Maeva Inspira                way I live, and altered what                               fasting programme
                                            douse with some water.                        However, it is not only the food, but         anced main dish? Can you order smaller        TEXT Siegfried Bäumler, Gabriele Gross,
For the filled courgette flowers:           Add the tomato and courgette, season          also the atmosphere that makes a visit        portions or share with somebody?              Franziska Grundler, Mie Lene Heesch                           I know about my body.”                                  will change your life.”
2 courgette flowers. Remove the             with salt, pepper and some cumin,                                                                                                         (from Women’s Health), Ulla Höhn, Lisa Hipp,
                                                                                          to a restaurant an enjoyable experi-          Ideal starters include a raw vegetable        Rosalind Holland, Alejandro Orioli,                             Jeanette Winterson, The Telegraph                                      Nick Allott, GQ
stamens and season lightly with             cover and steam until al dente.
salt and pepper.                            Remove the leaves from 1 stem of              ence. It takes concentration, time and        salad with a light dressing or a clear        Claus Rohrer, Katharina Rohrer-Zaiser,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo,
Cut 30 g vegetables of your choice          lemon balm, chop finely and add to            composure to discover all the nuances         vegetable consommé. If possible, ask to       Raimund Wilhelmi
(e.g. tomato, courgette, aubergine etc.)    the courgette curry.                          in the flavour. Whether we find it easier     have the dressing and sauce served
                                                                                                                                                                                      LAYOUT Ursula Perwein
into small cubes, add some water and                                                      to be attentive to our food in good           separately so that you can decide
steam for around 5 minutes until soft.      For the polenta:                                                                                                                          Printed on 100 % recycled paper.
                                                                                          ­company or alone is a matter of per-         yourself how much to take. If you are
In the meantime, chop some herbs            Heat 200 ml vegetable stock or water           sonal preference. Particularly at busi-      not particularly hungry, why not              Responsible under German press law:
(e.g. basil, chives or some garlic).        in a saucepan.                                                                                                                            Raimund Wilhelmi
                                                                                           ness dinners, it is ­important to make       choose two starters. Unfortunately,
Add 60 g quark and 10 g grated
parmesan and season with some
                                            Add salt, pepper and turmeric.
                                            Add 50 g polenta to the boiling liquid         sure that the food itself doesn’t take       vegetables are often only presented as
                                                                                                                                                                                      Possibility of appeal/removal:
                                                                                                                                                                                      You may cancel receipt of our NEWS at any time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “At Buchinger Wilhelmi,
                                                                                           a back seat!                                 decoration in main courses. Order an
Put the filling in a piping bag, fill the
                                            and stir thoroughly. Leave to absorb
                                            on a medium heat for 5 minutes.                                                             extra portion with your fish, poultry,
                                                                                                                                                                                      To do this, please contact us by e-mail at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  fasting is not just about
flowers, twist the ends, place on a         Fold 10 g grated parmesan and
                                                                                        Origin and quality
                                                                                                                                        lean meat and boiled or baked                                                                                “So, is fasting hard?                                  weight loss or a physical
baking tray greased with olive oil,         1 tbsp. tarragon into the polenta                                                           potatoes. Ideally, the food should be
drizzle with olive oil and bake at 160° C   and season to taste.
                                                                                        of the ingredients                              steamed, fried with little fat, grilled or                                                               There’s no other way to say                                  change, but altering
for around 5 minutes.                       Form small dumplings with the
                                            polenta using a spoon and serve
                                                                                        People increasingly want to have
                                                                                                                                        baked in the oven.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  this, but, no. It’s a doddle.                             the mindset to activate ­
For the courgette and tomato curry:         together with the vegetable ragout
1 onion finely chopped.                     and the stuffed courgette flowers.          healthy food from fresh, regional, sea-         If you have a sweet tooth, you can                                                                            It’s actually rather                                        self-healing.”
1 courgette diced.                                                                      sonal, sustainable and fair production.         round off the meal with a fresh fruit
2 tomatoes cut into eighths.                Enjoy!                                      Have you noticed how many restau-               salad or a small sorbet. Desserts are                                                                     wonderful; liberating and                                             Alex Eagle, VOGUE
                                                                                        rants now provide transparent infor-
                                                                                        mation on the origin and quality of the
                                                                                                                                        ideal for sharing with family and
                                                                                        produce they use, even on the menu?                                                                                                                                Marcus Sedgwick , Tatler
                                                                                        They frequently cooperate with                  Bon appetit!
                                                                                        ­regional contract partners whom
                                                                                         they trust in order to serve their guests                                                    News 2018 e (2.0) 15.08.2018
                                                                                         high-quality food.
NEWS Summer / Autumn 2018 - Buchinger Wilhelmi
Events 2018 Lake Constance                                                             Events 2018 Marbella
The Way to the Inner Self –                                                            Concert Highlights of the Season *
Zen Meditation with Dr. Kuhn *                                                         Sat. 27. 10.
                                                                                       Concert for two pianos with the music association Música con Encanto:
Mon. 24. 09. – Fri. 05. 10.
                                                                                       “Homage to Claude Debussy on the 100th anniversary of his death”
Mon. 22. 10. – Fri. 02. 11.
Mon. 19. 11. – Fri. 30. 11.
Mon. 10. 12. – Fri. 21. 12.
                                                                                       NEW: Separate programme in Antares –
During the Meditation Weeks Dr. Christian Kuhn offers motivational talks
several times during the week (in German) on spiritual topics and two Zen
                                                                                       House of Inspiration *
­meditation sessions every week day.                                                   Daily: Sun salutation “Surya Namaskar” and qi gong in the morning
                                                                                       Wednesdays: “Musical Journey Meditation” with Maria Testa on the piano
                                                                                       Thursdays: “Silent meditation through the four elements”, singing bowls, etc.
Yin Yoga – Meditation Weeks *
Mon. 03. 12. – Sat. 08. 12.
With Gilbert Grimeau. The gentle stretching and limbering-up exercises
                                                                                       Christmas in Marbella *
in yin yoga are ideal preparation for meditation. Every day, you will get to know a    Wed. 05. 12. – Wed. 19. 12.
different meditation technique: Breathing meditation, mindfulness meditation,          “Meditation evenings: Zen – or the art of living well“
Japa meditation (mantras), chakra meditation, walking meditation.                      Jesuit priest Niklaus Brantschen is an authorised Zen master (Roshi) and
In German and English.                                                                 the founder and long-standing head of Lassalle-Haus, a “centre for spirituality,
                                                                                       ­dialogue and responsibility”.
                                                                                       Sun. 16. 12.
Mind Body Soul Days *                                                                  Christmas bazar
Fri. 28. 12. – Thurs. 03. 01. 2019                                                     Mon. 24. 12.
Mind Body Soul exercises with Dr. Anne Brunner focus on the interaction                Christmas celebration with the clinic management: Christmas carols and punch
between the body, mind and soul to achieve holistic healing. Various methods are       Tues. 25. 12.
­offered alternately: Fascial training, Pilates, yoga, yin yoga/deep slow stretch.     Traditional shepherds’ music on Christmas morning with Pastoral de Ojén
                                                                                       Mon. 31. 12.
In German and English.
                                                                                       Grand New Year’s Eve party with live band and “cotillòn”

Life Choices – Navigating your Own Life *
Thurs. 13. 09. / Fri. 14. 09.
Thurs. 18. 10. / Fri. 19. 10.
Thurs. 06. 12. / Fri. 07. 12.
                                                                                       Events 2019 Marbella
Psychological lectures with Bernd Isensee, psychologist, on topics like
“Eating Consciously” and “Living Consciously” as well as “Emotional Intelligence”,     Hiking Weeks *
“Dreams and their Interpretation” and “Self-Guidance”.                                 Mid-February to end of April
In German.                                                                             We are extending our usual programme to include additional tours along the
                                                                                       beach and in the mountains. As always, you will be accompanied by trained guides.
                                                                                       You can choose between different walking groups depending on the degree of
ART Weeks *                                                                            ­difficulty and your fitness level.
Sun. 07. 10. – Sun. 14. 10. Autumn Colours
A creative experience under the guidance of Gertrud Kemmerling.
                                                                                       Workshop with Tulku Lobsang
                                                                                       “The Power of Empathy”
Semaines Francophones *                                                                Wed. 10. 04.
Sun. 04. 11. – Sun. 18. 11.
                                                                                       Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche transforms the ancient wisdom of Buddhism into
With Tenzin Tulku and Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo.                                ­practical advice for people today. He was presented with the 14th Dalai Lama
Meditation and talks on various topics.                                                 Award of Excellence in Health & Spirituality by the Dalai Lama in 2015 for his work.
In 2018, our French-speaking guests will again have the pleasure of experiencing
                                                                                       In English with Spanish translation.
a programme tailored to their requirements: The Semaines Francophones.
For more details in advance, please refer to our website.
The events offered by our main speakers and the evening programme as well as several   Art Weeks “Spring into ART”
other activities in the course of the day are in French.
                                                                                       Tues. 23. 04. – Fri. 26. 04.
                                                                                       This art course takes place in the garden of Casa Antares to take full advantage of
                                                                                       the light and energy at this time of year. With Enar Cruz, art teacher at the clinic.

                                                                                       Workshop with Lharampa Tenzin Kalden
                                                                                       “Mindfulness and Lu Jong”
                                                                                       Tues. 21. 05. – Wed. 22. 05.
                                                                                       Lharampa Tenzin Kalden teaches psychology and Buddhist philosophy
                                                                                       as well as meditation in Zurich, Switzerland.
                                                                                       In English with Spanish translation.

* Free of charge as part of our Buchinger Wilhelmi programme

SUBJECT TO CHANGE!                                                                     CONTACT
PLEASE CHECK THE DATES ON OUR HOMEPAGE!                                                MARBELLA   +34 952 76 43 07
WWW.BUCHINGER-WILHELMI.COM                                                             ÜBERLINGEN +49 75 51 807-870
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