Page created by Roy Norton
      Summer School Office (608) 743-5042
       For help in Spanish (608) 743-5041
     To create an account and enroll in classes:
         General Information                                                                             2-3
         Account Creation/Course Enrollment                                                              4-5
         Account Creation/Course Enrollment for Non-Residents                                              6
         Elementary School Courses                                                                      7-20
         Middle School Courses                                                                          21-23
         High School Courses                                                                            24-25
         Arise Virtual Academy                                                                            26
         Rock River Charter School                                                                        27
         Strings Camp and 6th Grade Band/Orchestra Camp                                                   27
         JSOL Survival Science/Nature Navigators                                                          28
         Speed, Strength, and Athletic Development/ Jr.                                                   29
         Golf                                                                                             30
         Summer Research Institute/AP Calculus Prep                                                       31
         Advanced Swimming Technique and Skills                                                           32
         Swimming and Water Safety                                                                      33-34

                                                               Page 1
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                 Summer School Director                     Paul Stengel                   608-743-5036
                 Summer School Secretary                    Michelle Johnson               608-743-5042

                                    WELCOME TO SUMMER SCHOOL 2021!
We hope you will take advantage of the programs available at the district’s elementary, middle, or high
school levels. We offer excellent summer educational programming and the majority of our Summer
School staff are our own district educators who work with our students throughout the regular school

All students who reside within the School District of Janesville’s resident boundaries or are open en-
rolled in the district’s P4J—12th Grade programs are eligible to participate in Summer School.

Non-resident families may enroll their children on a tuition basis. For non-resident fee information,
please see our “FEES” section. Enrollment for non-resident families will begin four weeks after the ini-
tial enrollment date for resident students.

Enrollment for resident students is free. The non-resident fee is $150 per student (not per course).
The non-resident fee is in addition to any courses that require a fee. Example: If your child is a non-
resident and enrolls in Golf: Beginning your account will be assessed the $10 course fee and the $150
non-resident fee for a total amount due of $160.

Non-resident students enrolling in high school credit deficient courses will be assessed the non-
resident district fee and an additional $120 course fee per 0.5 credit earning courses.

Courses that require a fee will state the required amount in the individual course description. Fees are
due no later than June 7th. Payments not received by this date will result in the student being dropped
from the course and unable to attend Summer School.

Fees are to be paid by cash or check and mailed or delivered to the Summer School Office located at the
Educational Services Center, 527 South Franklin Street, Janesville, WI 53548-4779.

Please make checks payable to: School District of Janesville
                       Memo field: Summer School/Student Name

If your child is unable to attend a summer school course that you have already paid for, you may re-
quest a refund through the Summer School Office. Refunds must be requested prior to the start of
Summer School. Refunds will also be issued if the School District of Janesville cancels a course.


Golf: Beginning                                     10.00
Golf: Intermediate                                  60.00

                                                               Page 2
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                 Summer School Director                    Paul Stengel                    608-743-5036
                 Summer School Secretary                   Michelle Johnson                608-743-5042

The School District of Janesville Summer School program provides emergency nursing services, which in-
cludes care of sick or injured children and administration of oral medication.

Students are encouraged to attend all classes. If your student will be absent, for any reason (including
planned absences), it is very important that you contact your child’s school to notify them. If your child has
been marked absent and you have not notified the school office in advance, a phone call will be made to the
phone number listed in the Summer School database.

Students who are enrolled in credit recovery courses must complete the required coursework and demon-
strate proficiency in all class learning outcomes in order to receive credit. Instruction and coursework is
completed on the high school campus using a combination of an online program and traditional instruction.
Students will have 6 weeks to demonstrate proficiency and complete the required coursework in order to
pass the class. Once the student has passed the class, they are no longer required to attend the class. No ex-
tension of time outside of the 6 weeks will be provided. If coursework is not completed in time, no credit
will be given. Student work must be completed at school and cannot be completed off-campus.

Summer School program hours are 8:00-11:30 am for all courses (unless otherwise stated). Supervision be-
fore and after these hours is not provided by the School District of Janesville. Students should not arrive pri-
or to 8:00 am and must be picked up from the school no later than 11:30 am. As a general rule, student
guests are not permitted to attend the School District of Janesville Summer School program. Parents/
guardians must sign in at the school office and wear a visitor badge during their visit.

Students attending the School District of Janesville Summer School program are expected to dress appropri-
ately. Clothing/attire is considered inappropriate if it is offensive or disruptive to the school environment as
determined by staff/administration. Tennis shoes or sandals with backs are recommended. No flip-flops
please. Hats may not be worn in the building. Masks or face shields may be required depending on the status
of the pandemic and/or local health guidance.

Students attending the School District of Janesville Summer School program are expected to follow the ex-
pectations outlined in the School District of Janesville Student Conduct Code which can be found at
Administration reserves the right to dismiss students who are not acting in a respectful, responsible, or safe
way toward self or others.

The School District of Janesville Summer School program provides internet, email, and network access for
employee and student use. The use of the district’s computers and network systems is viewed as a privilege
and not a right in the district. Employees and students should be aware that
                           The ultimate responsibility for acceptable use is the sole responsibility of the in-
dividual user. Employees and students should have no expectation of privacy in the contents of personal files
on the district system.

                                                               Page 3
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
Website address:

                           Account Creation will begin on Monday, March 29th at 8:00 am.
                           Course Enrollment will begin on Monday, April 5th at 4:30 pm.
This system helps parents manage their child’s summer school enrollment. In this system you will:
  • Create an account - (make a username/password)
  • Add Students
  • Enroll students into summer school courses
  • Obtain a copy of student’s schedule
In order to facilitate this and make things easier for you, we implemented some constraints:
  • We require that you agree to our terms of use
  • We require certain contact information from you
  • We limit classes based on your child's age and/or grade level
  • Enrollments are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once a class fills, it will no longer appear on your
    enrollment screen.

How to use the system
The system is designed for you to "click around." With the exception of adding and dropping classes,
there is really nothing you can do that will "harm" anything. so please feel free to explore all the links and
buttons in the system.
One very important note: When filling out a web-form, the information you have typed is not saved until
you click "Submit." This system has a timeout that lasts about 30 minutes (if you are idle for 30
minutes, it will log you out).

                 Please remember your login and password after you have created it!
The system has a very basic layout. At the top is the Menu bar containing links to Home, Help, Logout,
etc. Once you log into the system, another bar will appear beneath that which indicates your progress
in the system.
Completion Status:
            1 - Parent Info         2 - Student Info       3 - Signups        4 - Verify    5 - Pay      Schedule

As you complete each step, the     will change to   indicating you have completed that step. The last
step (payment) will remain red until the Summer School Office has received and recorded your pay-
ment. If you have questions, please contact the Summer School Office at 608-743-5042.

If, at any point, you do something that would make your progress incomplete (such as adding another
student) these indicators should turn red again. However, there are some circumstances they may not,
such as you cannot find any courses for one of your students, but you wish to finalize your registration.
If you cannot find any courses for one of your students, this is okay! Just click onto Step 4 to verify what
you have selected. If all looks good, click the "Continue to Payment" link that appears and this will tell
the system that you are satisfied with your current selections.

                                                               Page 4
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |       Phone: 608-743-5042
                                      If you have created an account and cannot remember your login or password — Do not attempt to
                                      create another account — Please contact the Summer School Office!
Step 1 - Parent Information
Click the “Register” link from the home page to create an account (username/password).

                 Please remember your login and password after you have created it!
You will be prompted for information about YOU (not your student), fill in the requested information
and click “Submit”. If at any time you need to change your information, click “Step 1” from the comple-
tion status bar.
                                                  Do not create a separate account for each student!        Student ID Numbers
                                                  Only one account is needed per family.                     are found in your
Step 2 - Student Information                                                                                  student’s Infinite
Click the “Add a Student” link, and fill in your Infinite Campus Student ID Number                            Campus account.
and date of birth (Month and day), click “Add New Student”. You will be asked to
verify your student by clicking “Yes” or “No”. You will then have an opportunity to                            Unable to login?
                                                                                                             Please contact your
add any necessary health concerns (if applicable), click “Submit”.                                           School’s Secretary.

The data provided under “Parent Information” will be used to contact you for summer school related
communication or in the case of an emergency. Be sure to add at least one additional emergency con-
tact for your student by clicking “Add an Emergency Contact”. NOTE: You can attach emergency con-
tacts to one or all of your students.

If you have additional students to add, repeat Step 2 for each student (Click “Add Student”).

Step 3 - Course Enrollment
Click on the “Add or Drop Classes” to enroll your student into a course or to drop the course from their
enrollment. If you click the "Add or Drop Classes" and no activities appear, either the classes are full
(unlikely) or there may be incorrect information in the system regarding your child. In either case,
please contact the Summer School Office to check on this.

     Students may enroll at any school throughout the district unless otherwise noted in the course description.

           You will need your username and password to log in to add/drop courses at a later date.
Step 4 - Verify Enrollment
Verify the courses you have enrolled your students. If everything looks good, click the “Continue to Pay-
ment” link, otherwise you can return to “Class Enrollments”.
Step 5 - Payment
Once enrollment is finalized and verified, fees (if applicable) are to be paid by cash or check and mailed
or delivered to the Summer School Office located at the Educational Services Center, 527 South Franklin
Street, Janesville, WI 53548-4779     Please make checks payable to: School District of Janesville
Fees are due no later than June 7th. Payments not received by this date will result in the student being
dropped from the course and unable to attend Summer School.
Please note that the            will change to       only when your payment has been received and processed.

                                                               Page 5
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |             Phone: 608-743-5042
Website address:
Registration and Course Enrollment for non-resident students will begin on Monday, May 3rd, at 9:00am

All non-resident students will need to obtain a Student ID Number in order to complete the registration
process. To obtain a student ID number for your non-resident student, please email the following infor-
mation to
                           Student’s Full First and Last Name
                           Student’s Date of Birth (month, day, year)
                           Student’s Gender
                           Student’s Current Grade
                           Student’s Current School and District
If you have multiple students to enroll, you will need to provide this information for each student. If you
do not provide all of the above information, a Student ID Number cannot be created for your student.

You will receive an email response within 48 hours with your student’s ID Number and will then be able
to complete the online registration and enrollment process. You will not be able to complete the online
registration and enrollment process without a Student ID Number. Once you have obtained your Student
ID Number(s) you will then be able to complete Steps 1 through 5 as found on page 5.

The non-resident fee is $150 per student (not per course). The non-resident fee is in addition to any
courses that require a fee. Example: If your child is non-resident and enrolls in Golf: Beginning your
account will be assessed the $10 course fee and the $150 non-resident fee for a total amount due of

Non-resident students enrolling in high school credit deficient courses will be assessed the non-resident
district fee and an additional $120 course fee per 0.5 credit earning courses.

Courses that require a fee will state the required amount in the individual course description. Fees are
due no later than June 7h. Payments not received by this date will result in the student being dropped
from the course and unable to attend Summer School.

Fees are to be paid by cash or check and mailed or delivered to the Summer School Office located at the
Educational Services Center, 527 South Franklin Street, Janesville, WI 53548-4779.

Please make checks payable to: School District of Janesville
                        Memo field: Summer School/Student Name
If your child is unable to attend a summer school course that you have already paid for, you may request
a refund through the Summer School Office. Refunds must be requested prior to the start of Summer
School. Refunds will also be issued if the School District of Janesville cancels a course.

                                                               Page 6
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                     1138 E. Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                       Attendance Calls:
                                                           ADAMS AROUND THE WORLD!                      608-743-6330
                                                   Join Adams Elementary School this summer             Head Teacher:
        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                   as we travel around the world and explore            Adam Spaeth
This program is recommended for all chil-          different continents, biomes and ecosys-
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the          tems! Students will be grouped into multi-
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-      age grade bands: those entering grades 2&3
dergarten routines and expectations while          and those entering grades 4&5. Students
further developing students’ social and aca-       will learn about a variety of cultures , bi-
demic skills. Activities include a variety of      omes, and ecosystems from across the
art, music, and movement. Students partici-        globe. Students in both grade level bands
pating in this course will be better prepared      will participate in daily reading and writing
for their first day of Kindergarten having         activities to allow students the opportunity
gained valuable socialization experiences.         to practice their reading skills with targeted
                                                                                                       SUMMER SCHOOL
                                                   leveled readers, play board games that em-              DATES
                                                   phasize language skills, have technology
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5)                                                                 ELEMENTARY/
years old on or before September 1, 2021           time to allow students to explore informa-           MIDDLE SCHOOL
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of       tional databases for research, read books             June 7-July 2
the 2021-2022 school year.                         online, and work on their informative, per-
                                                                                                         HIGH SCHOOL
COURSE: ADA100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                 suasive, and narrative writing skills. Daily          June 7-July 15
                                                   building, making, creating and innovating
                                                                                                      Additional program
                                                   activities using science, technology, the arts,    dates are as listed.
                                                   and math will also be included each day in
                                                   fun and interesting ways through STEAM!
                                                   Students will be able to explore the out-
                                                   doors in our outdoor classroom! Finally,
          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!                   students will participate in daily fitness ex-
                                                                                                         COURSE TIMES
This course is designed to prepare students        ercises, play team-building games and learn
who have completed Kindergarten and are            a variety of ways to maintain a healthy life-          ELEMENTARY
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.      style. Please join us as Adams School travels        8:00—11:30 am*
Students’ newly acquired reading and math          around the world, learning about continents,
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                                 MIDDLE
                                                   cultures, biomes, and ecosystems through
engaging activities incorporating art, music,                                                           8:00—11:30 am*
and physical activity.                             engaged and empowered learning!!
                                                                                                          HIGH SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grade 1                                                                        8:30—11:45 am*
                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 - Grades 2-5
COURSE: ADA101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                                   COURSE: ADA120 TIME: 8:00-11:30 AM                                 *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                      in the course description.

                                                               Page 7
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |      Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                  760 Princeton Road

                                                                                                    Attendance Calls:

        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                                                                     Head Teacher:
This program is recommended for all chil-              EXPLORING THE WORLD IN 20 DAYS                Brianna Dorry
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the
                                             This summer we are going to Explore the
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-
                                             World in 20 days! Grades 2-5 will be ex-
dergarten routines and expectations while
                                             posed to different cultures, countries, and
further developing students’ social and aca-
                                             plan a trip of their own! In Moving Moun-
demic skills. Activities include a variety of
                                             tains with Math they will plan an adventure
art, music, and movement. Students partici-
                                             to another country, map out their trip, how
pating in this course will be better prepared
                                             long it will take, look at money currencies,
for their first day of Kindergarten having
                                             and so much more. Reading and Researching
gained valuable socialization experiences.
                                             in the Countryside will help students to
                                             learn about different cultures, traditions,
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5)                                                             SUMMER SCHOOL
                                             and unique places to visit, as well as help
years old on or before September 1, 2021                                                                DATES
                                             research for their math trip. In STEM and
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of
                                             Structure they will get to create unique               ELEMENTARY/
the 2021-2022 school year.
                                             builds to show what they would see on their            MIDDLE SCHOOL
COURSE: HAR100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                                             adventures and recreate inventions from                 June 7-July 2
                                             other countries. Flying into Fitness will give
                                                                                                      HIGH SCHOOL
                                             students a chance to explore different fit-              June 7-July 15
                                             ness exercises unique to multiple countries
                                             and cultures as well as get to practice some          Additional program
                                             mindfulness and yoga, connecting with                 dates are as listed.
                                             themselves and others.

                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 5
                                                   COURSE: HAR120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                                                                                                     COURSE TIMES
            1st Grade Here I Come!
This course is designed to prepare students                                                           ELEMENTARY
who have completed Kindergarten and are                                                             8:00—11:30 am*
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                                MIDDLE
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                        8:00—11:30 am*
engaging activities incorporating art, music,
and physical activity.                                                                                HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                    8:30—11:45 am*
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grade 1
                                                                                                  *Unless otherwise stated
COURSE: HAR101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                in the course description.

                                                               Page 8
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                  441 W. Burbank Ave

                                                                                                   Attendance Calls:
        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                                                                    608-743-6530
This program is recommended for all chil-                                                            Head Teacher:
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the
                                                                                                    Stephanie Balch
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-
dergarten routines and expectations while
further developing students’ social and aca-             JACKSON’S SUMMER JOURNEY!
demic skills. Activities include a variety of
art, music, and movement. Students partici-  Spend four weeks this summer on an
pating in this course will be better preparedOlympic-sized journey at Jackson Elemen-
for their first day of Kindergarten having   tary School! This fun-filled program will
gained valuable socialization experiences.   emphasize Reading and Math, Spanish and
                                             Art & Crafts. We are also excited to be of-
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5) fering STEAM class again this year. We will
years old on or before September 1, 2021     be empowering students to have fun while               SUMMER SCHOOL
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of learning through the wonders of Science,                   DATES
the 2021-2022 school year.                   Technology, Engineering, Art & Math. Stu-
COURSE: JAC100       TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                            ELEMENTARY/
                                             dents will rotate through each of these                MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                             classes daily. All classes will utilize com-            June 7-July 2
                                             puters, iPads and Chromebooks to rein-
                                                                                                      HIGH SCHOOL
                                             force and enhance instruction. We will also              June 7-July 15
                                             be having our own “Olympic Games,’ as a
                                                                                                   Additional program
                                             culminating activity.
                                                                                                   dates are as listed.

                                                    REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2—5
                                                    COURSE: JAC120   TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM

          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!                                                                     COURSE TIMES

This course is designed to prepare students                                                           ELEMENTARY
who have completed Kindergarten and are                                                             8:00—11:30 am*
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                                MIDDLE
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                        8:00—11:30 am*
engaging activities incorporating art, music,
and physical activity.                                                                                HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                    8:30—11:45 am*
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1
COURSE: JAC101   TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                              *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                  in the course description.

                                                               Page 9
School District of Janesville   |     |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                1831 Mt. Zion Ave.
This program is recommended for all chil-                                                        Attendance Calls:
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the                                                         608-743-6630
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-
dergarten routines and expectations while                                                          Head Teacher:
further developing students’ social and aca-                                                       Shilo Habeck
demic skills. Activities include a variety of
                                              FULL STEAM AHEAD TO JEFFERSON’S BRAIN
art, music, and movement. Students partici-
                                                                GAMES 2021!
pating in this course will be better prepared
for their first day of Kindergarten having    Are you ready to stretch your thinking? Our
gained valuable socialization experiences.    program will incorporate the components of
                                              STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
                                              Art, Math) to review and expand on the
REQUIRMENTS: Students must be five (5)        learning and gains made during the school
years old on or before September 1, 2021                                                          SUMMER SCHOOL
                                              year. Students rotate through a variety of
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of STEAM activities every day in small groups.
the 2021-2022 school year.                    There is a little something for everyone! We         ELEMENTARY/
                                                                                                   MIDDLE SCHOOL
COURSE: JEF100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM            can’t wait to meet you here for our Summer-           June 7-July 2
                                              Brain Games 2021!
                                                                                                    HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                    June 7-July 15

                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 5        Additional program
                                                                                                 dates are as listed.
                                                   COURSE: JEF120       TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM

          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!
This course is designed to prepare students                                                        COURSE TIMES
who have completed Kindergarten and are
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.                                                       ELEMENTARY
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                         8:00—11:30 am*
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and
engaging activities incorporating art, music,                                                     8:00—11:30 am*
and physical activity.
                                                                                                    HIGH SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1
                                                                                                  8:30—11:45 am*
COURSE: JEF101          TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                                                                                                *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                in the course description.

                                                           Page 10
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                   3901 Randolph Road

                                                                                                    Attendance Calls:
        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                                                                     608-743-7565
This program is recommended for all chil-                                                             Head Teacher:
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the
                                                                                                      Sarah Brehm
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-                  AROUND THE WORLD
dergarten routines and expectations while
further developing students’ social and aca-       Come experience a bit of different cultures
demic skills. Activities include a variety of      from around the world. Each week we will
art, music, and movement. Students partici-        be pretending to travel to a different conti-
pating in this course will be better prepared      nent. We will learn about the language, tra-
for their first day of Kindergarten having         ditional clothing, food, and unique animals
gained valuable socialization experiences.         as well as other parts of a culture from at
                                                   least one country on the continent.
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5)
years old on or before September 1, 2021           REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grades 2 - 5
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of       COURSE: KEN155 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM                 SUMMER SCHOOL
the 2021-2022 school year.                         COURSE: KEN155 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM                    DATES
COURSE: KEN100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                 COURSE: KEN155 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM               ELEMENTARY/
                                                                                                     MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                                                                                      June 7-July 2
                                                                                                       HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                       June 7-July 15

                                                                                                    Additional program
                                                                                                    dates are as listed.

                                                                   ARTS & CRAFTS
          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!
                                                   Students will have an opportunity to explore        COURSE TIMES
This course is designed to prepare students        a variety of art materials and techniques not
who have completed Kindergarten and are            always available during the school year.             ELEMENTARY
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.      Students will participate in both individual       8:00—11:30 am*
Students’ newly acquired reading and math          and group art projects.
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                               MIDDLE
engaging activities incorporating art, music,      REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 3             8:00—11:30 am*
and physical activity.                             COURSE: KEN130 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM
                                                   COURSE: KEN130 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM                   HIGH SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1                                                                     8:30—11:45 am*
COURSE: KEN101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 4 - 5
                                   COURSE: KEN130 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM                              *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                    in the course description.

                                                           Page 11
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |      Phone: 608-743-5042
BROADWAY BOUND                                      KIDS TRIATHLON                           KENNEDY
                                                   In this course, students will learn the im-           ELEMENTARY
In this course, students will prepare and          portance of health and fitness, study and
perform a musical for parents, friends, and                                                           3901 Randolph Road
                                                   train for a “Kids Triathlon”. Students must           608-743-7500
family. The class runs for the whole morn-         be able to ride a two wheeled bicycle and
ing of summer school so that students can          swim without a life jacket to participate.
learn all about what it takes to produce a                                                             Attendance Calls:
                                                   The last week of summer school we will               608-743-7565
show. There are roles for everyone! In ad-         have our own “Summer School Kids Triath-
dition to singing, acting, and moving, we’ll       lon”.
create scenery and props to enhance the                                                                  Head Teacher:
musical production. We even put the final                                                                Sarah Brehm
                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 5
show on television!                                COURSE: KEN136 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM
Due to the short duration of the class, please
do not enroll in this course if you anticipate
being absent more than two (2) days.

REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grades 2 - 5
COURSE: KEN132 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM

                                                                                                       SUMMER SCHOOL
                                                               PHYSICAL EDUCATION
                                                   This class is for students who enjoy partici-        ELEMENTARY/
                                                   pation and activity. The first 10-15 minutes         MIDDLE SCHOOL
                FUN IN THE SUN                     of each class will be a fitness activity. Stu-        June 7-July 2
This summer enjoy a variety of outdoor             dents will be offered a variety of activities to
                                                                                                         HIGH SCHOOL
sports that will include leisure and recrea-       develop skills necessary to live an active life-      June 7-July 15
tional activities. Games to pick from may          style, emphasize healthy competition and
include ball sports (soccer, 4-square), yard       good sportsmanship, and develop a positive          Additional program
sports (ladder gold, bocce), Frisbee sports        attitude toward physical activity.                  dates are as listed.
(golf, ultimate), and other lifetime activities
(biking, walking). Who knows, we might             REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 4
even work in a water balloon fight! Im-            COURSE: KEN140 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM
portant: you do not have to be athletic to
enjoy this class; this will be a no pressure,      REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 3 - 5
have fun, environment.                             COURSE: KEN140 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM                   COURSE TIMES

REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grades 3 - 5                                                                     ELEMENTARY
COURSE: KEN134 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM                                                                       8:00—11:30 am*
COURSE: KEN134 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM
COURSE: KEN134 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM                                                                          MIDDLE
                                                                                                        8:00—11:30 am*

                                                                                                          HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                        8:30—11:45 am*
                                                                                                      *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                      in the course description.

                                                           Page 12
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |         Phone: 608-743-5042
READING ROCKETS                      KENNEDY
                                             Students will be offered daily opportunities     ELEMENTARY
                                             to practice balanced literacy skills with     3901 Randolph Road
                                             some integration of technology literacy          608-743-7500
                                             Students will review, refine and extend their   Attendance Calls:
                MATH BLAST                   vocabulary and phonics skills, develop flu-      608-743-7565
Math Blast is designed for students who      ency, increase comprehension, and respond
need extra math practice during the sum-     to reading through writing. The focus of the     Head Teacher:
mer. Class sizes are kept small in order to  course will be a guided reading approach          Sarah Brehm
provide more individualized instruction to   using Summer Success reading curriculum
the students. Students will spend time prac- and a variety of materials at students’ in-
ticing math facts, developing number sense, structional and independent levels.
and applying math strategies. This class is  This class is by invitation only.
considered remediation and is based on
teacher recommendation.                      REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 2
                                             COURSE: KEN144 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021—Grade 2
COURSE: KEN152 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 3
                                             COURSE: KEN145 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 3
COURSE: KEN153 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 4                        SUMMER SCHOOL
                                             COURSE: KEN146 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM                  DATES
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 4
COURSE: KEN154 TIME: 08:00—09:00 AM                                                          MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                                                                                    June 7-July 2
                                                                                                    HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                    June 7-July 15

                                                                                                Additional program
                                                                                                dates are as listed.

                                                        READING/WRITING SKILLS
                                                             AND STRATEGIES
                                               Reading and writing are skills necessary for
            TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY                 school success. This course utilizes a variety
Calling all “Digital Learners”… Get ready to of literature, reviews previously taught
create, communicate, collaborate, and apply skills, and teaches new skills through writ-           COURSE TIMES
critical thinking skills! This course will ac- ing projects, motivational activities, and
tively engage students in using technology. learning games. Classroom instruction de-               ELEMENTARY
Students will have an opportunity to explore velops critical and creative thinking skills.        8:00—11:30 am*
various types of software, websites, and
multi-media tools. Please be aware that non REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 2—3                        MIDDLE
-resident students will be required to have COURSE: KEN148 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM                     8:00—11:30 am*
a gmail account for this class.
                                               REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 3—4                  HIGH SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 5 COURSE: KEN148 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM                         8:30—11:45 am*
COURSE: KEN150 TIME: 8:00—9:00 AM
COURSE: KEN150 TIME: 9:10—10:10 AM REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 4 - 5                       *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                in the course description.
COURSE: KEN150 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM COURSE: KEN148 TIME: 10:30—11:30 AM
                                                           Page 13
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                   1821 Conde Street

                                                                                                    Attendance Calls:

                                                                                                      Head Teacher:
                        JOURNEY TO GREATNESS SUMMER SCHOOL                                             Amy Eckels
Students will work with the 4-C’s to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful.
What are the 4-C’s? Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking.
Through personalized learning opportunities, your child will have the chance to learn and grow
through these highly engaging methods. They will be empowered in how they learn and how
they show mastery of skills. Your child will have ownership of their learning and will develop
the knowledge and skills to be successful with the teacher as their guide!


This program is recommended for all chil-          Journey through summer with the 4-C’s of
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the          learning on Lincoln’s path to greatness! Stu-
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-      dents will explore and problem solve real-       SUMMER SCHOOL
dergarten routines and expectations while          life situations by engaging in fun activities        DATES
further developing students’ social and aca-       focused on communication, collaboration,         ELEMENTARY/
demic skills. Activities include a variety of      creativity, and critical thinking. Students      MIDDLE SCHOOL
art, music, and movement. Students partici-        will practice and explore team building ac-       June 7-July 2
pating in this course will be better prepared      tivities, American Sign Language, Spanish,
for their first day of Kindergarten having         Art, and Dance as they infuse the 4’C’s into       HIGH SCHOOL
gained valuable socialization experiences.         their learning. The Lincoln Journey to Great-      June 7-July 15
                                                   ness program will provide students with         Additional program
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5)            many different avenues to learn and explore     dates are as listed.
years old on or before September 1, 2021           in their own creative and empowering way!
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of
the 2021-2022 school year.
COURSE: LIN100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                 REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grades 2 - 5
                                                   COURSE: LIN120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!
                                                                                                      COURSE TIMES
This course is designed to prepare students
who have completed Kindergarten and are                                                                ELEMENTARY
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.                                                        8:00—11:30 am*
Students’ newly acquired reading and math
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                              MIDDLE
engaging activities incorporating art, music,                                                        8:00—11:30 am*
and physical activity.
                                                                                                       HIGH SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1                                                                    8:30—11:45 am*
COURSE: LIN101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                 *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                   in the course description.

                                                           Page 14
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |      Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                331 North Grant Ave

                                                                                                 Attendance Calls:

                                                                                                   Head Teacher:
        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                                                                    Lisa Plewa
                                                      MADISON’S NEIGHBORHOOD ACADEMY
This program is recommended for all chil-
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the    Dive into an unforgettable adventure “Under
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-the Sea” at the Madison Neighborhood Sum-
dergarten routines and expectations while    mer Academy. Students will learn, explore
further developing students’ social and aca- and enjoy fun-filled classes. Summer artists
demic skills. Activities include a variety ofwill have fun creating art that explores the
art, music, and movement. Students partici-  wonders of the sea. A tidal wave of books
pating in this course will be better preparedwill encourage students to read and partici-
for their first day of Kindergarten having   pate in our summer reading motivation pro-
gained valuable socialization experiences.   gram. The adventure will continue as stu-
                                             dents explore and problem solve in STEAM             SUMMER SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5) (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and
years old on or before September 1, 2021     Math). Students will get ready to take on a           ELEMENTARY/
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of challenge as they participate in Fun with             MIDDLE SCHOOL
the 2021-2022 school year.                   Math Games and Brain Benders. Oceans of                June 7-July 2
COURSE: MAD100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM fun await the students at the Madison Neigh-                     HIGH SCHOOL
                                             borhood Summer Academy!                                June 7-July 15

                                                                                                 Additional program
                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 5        dates are as listed.
                                                   COURSE: MAD120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM

          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!                                                                    COURSE TIMES

This course is designed to prepare students                                                          ELEMENTARY
who have completed Kindergarten and are                                                            8:00—11:30 am*
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                               MIDDLE
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                       8:00—11:30 am*
engaging activities incorporating art, music,
and physical activity.                                                                               HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                   8:30—11:45 am*
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1
COURSE: MAD101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                               *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                 in the course description.

                                                           Page 15
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                          55 South Pontiac Dr.

                                                                                                           Attendance Calls:
                                                       Engaging & Empowering
                                                         the Inner Mustang                                  Head Teacher:
        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                                                                            Dennis Condon
                                                   Join us for an engaging and empowering experi-
This program is recommended for all chil-          ence that allows 2nd- 5th graders to work in a col-
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the          laborative environment in order to gain aware-
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-      ness and solve “real-world” school, neighbor-
dergarten routines and expectations while          hood, and community problems through a
further developing students’ social and aca-
                                                   Project-Based Learning focus.
demic skills. Activities include a variety of
art, music, and movement. Students partici-
pating in this course will be better prepared
                                                       Engaging In Problem Solving
                                                   Students will be empowered to learn how to take
for their first day of Kindergarten having                                                                  SUMMER SCHOOL
                                                   initiative and responsibility, build their confi-
gained valuable socialization experiences.                                                                      DATES
                                                   dence, solve problems, work in teams, communi-
                                                   cate ideas, and manage themselves more effec-            ELEMENTARY/
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5)            tively.                                                  MIDDLE SCHOOL
years old on or before September 1, 2021                                                                     June 7-July 2
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of   Engaging In All Things Techno
the 2021-2022 school year.                                                                                    HIGH SCHOOL
                                             Empowering learners through a wide world of                      June 7-July 15
COURSE: MON100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM technology opportunities. Students will gain
                                                   skill and proficiency in an assortment of technol-      Additional program
                                                   ogy enhanced programs, sites, and projects as           dates are as listed.
                                                   they generate effective solutions.

                                                   Engaging In Exercise & Movement
                                                   Empowered learning begins with exercise. Stu-
                                                   dents will participate in a variety of games,
                                                   sports, and lively fun. In turn, their mindsets will
                                                   be optimized with improved alertness, atten-
                                                   tion, and motivation.
          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!                                                                             COURSE TIMES
                                                          Engaging In Creativity
This course is designed to prepare students                                                                   ELEMENTARY
who have completed Kindergarten and are            Students imaginations will be shifted into high          8:00—11:30 am*
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.      gear as we foster and develop their creative juic-
Students’ newly acquired reading and math          es and use them to generate an array of original              MIDDLE
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and       projects .They will work with a variety of artistic      8:00—11:30 am*
engaging activities incorporating art, music,      mediums and make decisions regarding design,
and physical activity.                                                                                        HIGH SCHOOL
                                                   style and color schemes.
                                                                                                            8:30—11:45 am*
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1
COURSE: MON101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                 REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2-5                   *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                          in the course description.
                                                   COURSE: MON120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                                                           Page 16
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |             Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                316 South Ringold St

        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN                                                                  Attendance Calls:
This program is recommended for all chil-             ROOSEVELT ROCKS SUMMER PROGRAM
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the                                                           Head Teacher:
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-Students in grades 2-5 will be rotating                 Lynn Little
dergarten routines and expectations while    through five exciting classes:
further developing students’ social and aca- • Technology Pioneers
demic skills. Activities include a variety of• Games, Games, Games
art, music, and movement. Students partici-  • Nature is Amazing
pating in this course will be better prepared• Old School Games
for their first day of Kindergarten having   • The Creation Center
gained valuable socialization experiences.   Activities will include using a variety of the
                                             technology available on their iPads to create
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5) stop motion videos, record a short movie,
years old on or before September 1, 2021     and turn themselves into a gif. They will
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of learn to play new games with team building.          SUMMER SCHOOL
the 2021-2022 school year.                   Explore nature through gardening, scaven-                DATES
COURSE: ROO100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM ger hunts, art and music, Students will go                   ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE
                                             outside to let off some steam, build team-               SCHOOL
                                             work skills, and engage in physical fitness.           June 7-July 2
                                             They will also have an opportunity to learn
                                             and play several classic card games. Get               HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                    June 7-July 15
                                             ready to create! Students will use their craft
                                             skills to create origami projects, learn to         Additional program
                                             cross stitch, paint murals, become artistic         dates are as listed.
                                             with nature, and use recyclables to build
                                             cool sculptures! It’s going to be a great sum-
                                             mer at Roosevelt!

          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2 - 5
                                                   COURSE: ROO120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
This course is designed to prepare students                                                        COURSE TIMES
who have completed Kindergarten and are
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.                                                       ELEMENTARY
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                         8:00—11:30 am*
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and
engaging activities incorporating art, music,                                                          MIDDLE
and physical activity.                                                                            8:00—11:30 am*

REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1                                                                   HIGH SCHOOL
COURSE: ROO101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                8:30—11:45 am*
                                                                                                *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                in the course description.

                                                           Page 17
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                         JOIN THE ADVENTURE THROUGH               ELEMENTARY
                                                        VAN BUREN’S VOYAGE EXPEDITION!          1515 Lapham Street
                                              Would you like to DIG IN, BUILD, CREATE,
                                              and make a REAL difference in the world?           Attendance Calls:
                                              Maybe redesign part of the school, create an        608-743-7130
                                              outdoor classroom, make amazing projects
        KICK-OFF TO KINDERGARTEN              with our 3D printer, help a local busi-             Head Teacher:
This program is recommended for all chil-     ness, create & program a robot to help deliv-     Stephanie Pajerski
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the     er morning snack, publish a Van Buren
fall. This course introduces students to Kin- newspaper, organize a Buddy program, or
dergarten routines and expectations while     more? Join us for Van Buren's Voyage Expe-
further developing students’ social and aca- dition!
demic skills. Activities include a variety of
art, music, and movement. Students partici- Students will take part in a dynamic ap-
pating in this course will be better prepared proach to learning called PBL (project-based
for their first day of Kindergarten having    learning), where they are actively engaged
gained valuable socialization experiences.    in real-world problems and challenges that
                                              could change Van Buren for the better, and         SUMMER SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5) even change the world! Through hands-on                      DATES
years old on or before September 1, 2021      learning, students will choose a topic of in-
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of terest, and work collaboratively with each           ELEMENTARY/
the 2021-2022 school year.                    other and the community to find a real-             MIDDLE SCHOOL
COURSE: VAN100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM world solution to their challenge. With the                     June 7-July 2
                                              guidance of reading, math, technology, arts,         HIGH SCHOOL
                                              and community connections coaches, stu-              June 7-July 15
                                              dents will feel empowered to travel into an
                                              unfamiliar area in order to learn more about      Additional program
                                                                                                dates are as listed.
                                              it, collaborate and create real solutions that
                                              extend beyond our school walls!

                                                    REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grades 2 - 5
                                                    COURSE: VAN120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM

           1ST GRADE HERE I COME!
This course is designed to prepare students                                                        COURSE TIMES
who have completed Kindergarten and are
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.                                                       ELEMENTARY
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                         8:00—11:30 am*
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and
engaging activities incorporating art, music,                                                          MIDDLE
and physical activity.                                                                            8:00—11:30 am*

REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1                                                                   HIGH SCHOOL
COURSE: VAN101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                8:30—11:45 am*
                                                                                                *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                in the course description.

                                                           Page 18
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |   Phone: 608-743-5042
We Spy. . .                                                                                         WASHINGTON
   Kindergarten                                                                                        ELEMENTARY
                                                                                                    811 North Pine Street
       Kids!                                                                                           608-743-7200

                                               WASHINGTON—MISSION SUMMER SCHOOL                       Attendance Calls:
                                              Second through fifth graders,                            608-743-7230
This program is recommended for all chil-
                                              if they choose to accept it, will use their dy-
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the
                                              namic detective skills to complete a special
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-
                                              mission: SUMMER SCHOOL 2021.                             Head Teacher:
dergarten routines and expectations while
further developing students’ social and aca-                                                           Stacy Glowacki
demic skills. Activities include a variety of
art, music, and movement. Students partici-
pating in this course will be better prepared
for their first day of Kindergarten having
gained valuable socialization experiences.

REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5)
years old on or before September 1, 2021
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of                                                          SUMMER SCHOOL
the 2021-2022 school year.                                                                                DATES
COURSE: WAS100 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                    ELEMENTARY/
                                                    Located at our headquarters at Washington         MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                                    Elementary School, MISSION: SUMMER                 June 7-July 2
                                                    SCHOOL 2021 is a fun-filled four week quest        HIGH SCHOOL
                                                    for our young sleuths to identify clues from       June 7-July 15
                                                    the world around them to continue learning
                                                    in reading, math, technology & science           Additional program
                                                                                                     dates are as listed.
                                                    throughout the summer. These special
                                                    agents will also investigate the Spanish lan-
                                                    guage and practice speaking common Span-
                                                    ish words.
Follow the Clues. . .                               We will have a SPY-tacular time

          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!                                                                       COURSE TIMES

This course is designed to prepare students                                                             ELEMENTARY
who have completed Kindergarten and are                                                               8:00—11:30 am*
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.
Students’ newly acquired reading and math                                                                  MIDDLE
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                          8:00—11:30 am*
engaging activities incorporating art, music,
and physical activity.                                                                                  HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                      8:30—11:45 am*
                                                    REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 2—5
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 1                                                                   *Unless otherwise stated
                                                    COURSE: WAS120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
COURSE: WAS101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                  in the course description.

                                                           Page 19
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |       Phone: 608-743-5042
                                                                                                   465 Rockport Road

                                                                                                     Attendance Calls:
                                                                                                      Head Teacher:
This program is recommended for all chil-                                                             Cassie Kriefall
dren who are entering Kindergarten in the
fall. This course introduces students to Kin-                    WILSON CAMP WILDCAT
dergarten routines and expectations while
further developing students’ social and aca- Students entering grades 2 through 5 in
demic skills. Activities include a variety ofthe Fall of 2021 will participate in four
art, music, and movement. Students partici-  weeks of summer camp fun at Wilson.
pating in this course will be better preparedCampers will rotate through Wildcat
for their first day of Kindergarten having   Space Exploration, Shark Week, Camo
gained valuable socialization experiences.   Week, and an Olympic games celebration
                                             week. Themed activities, Wildcat Recre-                 SUMMER SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Students must be five (5) ation, STEAM, reading & math skill sup-                          DATES
years old on or before September 1, 2021
                                             port will be mixed in throughout the                     ELEMENTARY/
AND enrolled in Kindergarten for the Fall of                                                          MIDDLE SCHOOL
the 2021-2022 school year.
                                                                                                       June 7-July 2
                                                   Join us for Camp Wildcat!
COURSE: WIL100          TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                            HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                       June 7-July 15
                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grades 2 - 5
                                                                                                    Additional program
                                                   COURSE: WIL120 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM               dates are as listed.

          1ST GRADE HERE I COME!
                                                                                                      COURSE TIMES
This course is designed to prepare students
who have completed Kindergarten and are                                                                ELEMENTARY
entering the First Grade in the fall of 2021.                                                        8:00—11:30 am*
Students’ newly acquired reading and math
skills are built on using fun, hands-on, and                                                              MIDDLE
engaging activities incorporating art, music,                                                        8:00—11:30 am*
and physical activity.
                                                                                                       HIGH SCHOOL
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021— Grade 1                                                                     8:30—11:45 am*
COURSE: WIL101 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                                                                                                   *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                   in the course description.

                                                             Page 20
  School District of Janesville   |    |   Summer School Department |    Phone: 608-743-5042
The middle school summer academies will provide a balance of enrichment and academ-                 1649 S. Chatham St
ics. Fall 2021 6th grade students will enroll in an entire block program that runs from               608-743-5900
8:00—11:30 am. The middle school programs are a great opportunity for your student to                Attendance Calls:
prepare for Fall 6th grade, meet new classmates, and become acclimated to a new building.             608-743-5930
Please see course descriptions below.                                                                 Head Teacher:
                                                                                                       Abby Schrode
                                                    FRANKLIN’S 6TH GRADE ACADEMY
      EDISON’S   6TH
                   GRADE TRANSITION            Our newest Falcons will have the oppor-              FRANKLIN MIDDLE
                                              tunity to explore their middle school envi-           450 N. Crosby Ave.
CALLING ALL SUPERHEROES! Edison’s 6th ronment in a fun, hands on, and interactive                     608-743-6000
Grade Transition team is looking for all stu- way with Franklin’s 6th Grade Academy.                 Attendance Calls:
dents interested in becoming an everyday      Students will be able to explore STEM and               608-743-6030
SUPERHERO! During our 6th Grade Transi- Engineering principles with project based                     Head Teacher:
tion program, you and your child can expect learning, such as Egg Drop, rocketry and                  David Harrison
learning environments and activities that     flight, coding, and Solar Cars. 6th Grade Fal-
foster:                                       cons will also develop lifelong fitness regi-         MARSHALL MIDDLE
                                                                                                     25 S. Pontiac Dr.
        Hunger for more (knowledge,           mens, through our interactive Physical Edu-
                                              cation based curriculum. Students will plan
               skills, learning, fun)                                                                Attendance Calls:
                                              fitness goals, chart progress, and incorpo-
        Empowerment                           rate and explore interactive technology sup-
                                                                                                      Head Teacher:
        Responsibility                        ported academics, which will develop the                   Lara Polk
                                              skills they need to be successful at Franklin
        Opportunity for growth                in the years to come.
        Engagement                                                                                   SUMMER SCHOOL
                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 6
        Skills focused on preparing                COURSE: FRA200 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM
                 Students for their future                                                            ELEMENTARY/
                                                                                                      MIDDLE SCHOOL
We invite Fall 2021 6th graders to join The                    MARSHALL’S 6TH GRADE                    June 7-July 2
6th Grade Transition team, offering a great                        CARDINAL CAMP
                                                                                                        HIGH SCHOOL
opportunity for students to get a head start       In 6th grade engineering we will spend our           June 7-July 15
on a successful school year. Team building         time solving real-life issues. We will work
challenges will offer students the opportuni-      individually, in small groups and large          Additional program
ty to meet staff and explore their middle          groups. Everyday will be a new challenge,        dates are as listed.
school environment in a fun, hands on, and         whether we are solving or creating. If you
interactive way. Students will participate in      want to critically think, work hands-on,
engineering design challenges and explore          solve problems and want to have fun while
fun weekly themes that will help develop           doing it, this class is for you. Students will
the necessary skills to give students a            engage and explore creative problem solv-           COURSE TIMES
jumpstart on middle school reading and             ing through the use of a variety of materials
math. Our staff is passionate and enthusias-       including drawing, painting and sculpture in         ELEMENTARY
tically focused on helping students become         Cardinal Camp Art . Aside from our Engi-           8:00—11:30 am*
an everyday SUPERHERO!                             neering and Art classes we will be introduc-
                                                   ing our new Cardinals to Marshall Middle                MIDDLE
                                                   School. Lastly, students will learn about          8:00—11:30 am*
                                                   what courses, programs and sports we offer
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 6                  here at Marshall.                                    HIGH SCHOOL
COURSE: EDI20 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                                                                     8:30—11:45 am*
                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grade 6                *Unless otherwise stated
                                                   COURSE: MAR200 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM               in the course description.

                                                           Page 21
School District of Janesville   |   |   Summer School Department |       Phone: 608-743-5042
The middle school summer academies will provide a balance of enrichment and academ-                EDISON MIDDLE
ics. Fall 2021 7th & 8th grade students will enroll in an entire block program that runs          1649 S. Chatham St
from 8:00—11:30 am. The middle school programs are a great opportunity to continue                  608-743-5900
the learning experience while having a great time! Please see course descriptions below.           Attendance Calls:
         EDISON SUMMER ACADEMY                                                                      Head Teacher:
                                                Franklin Summer Learning Extension offers            Abby Schrode
CALLING ALL SUPERHEROES! Edison’s Sum-          students entering 7th and 8th grade the op-
mer Academy is looking for all students inter-  portunity to enrich their educational experi-     FRANKLIN MIDDLE
ested in becoming an everyday SUPERHERO!        ence through a hands on, interactive, curric-     450 N. Crosby Ave.
During our Summer Academy, you and your         ulum-based activity schedule. Students en-          608-743-6000
child can expect learning environments and      rolled in Franklin’s Summer Learning Ex-           Attendance Calls:
activities that foster:                         tension will experience a wide variety of           608-743-6030
         Hunger for more (knowledge, skills,                                                        Head Teacher:
                                                skills based instructional activities touching
                  learning, fun)                                                                    David Harrison
                                                on STEM, lifelong Mathematic skills, technol-
                                                ogy based learning, engineering based dis-
         Responsibility                                                                           MARSHALL MIDDLE
         Opportunity for growth                 covery, and interactive geographic explora-        25 S. Pontiac Dr.
         Engagement                             tion. Students at Franklin Summer Learning          608-743-6230
         Skills focused on preparing            Extension will have the ability to have daily      Attendance Calls:
                  students for their future     access to individual technology devices,            608-743-6230
                                                which will provide these students with indi-        Head Teacher:
We welcome Fall 2021 7th and 8th grade stu- vidual learning style accommodations they                  Lara Polk
dents to our superhero hideout where they       need to be successful. Franklin Summer
will have the opportunity to explore 3 elective Learning Extension will be a place for your
classes that meet their needs and interests. On child to grow academically, socially, in a cen-    SUMMER SCHOOL
their journey students may choose to: engage tered environment geared for student suc-                 DATES
in superhero training through physical educa- cess.
tion activities; tackle real world engineering                                                      ELEMENTARY/
challenges; or sharpen up their reading and     REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 7 - 8              MIDDLE SCHOOL
math skills through fun, interactive, and hands COURSE: FRA201 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                   June 7-July 2
on weekly themes and activities.                                                                     HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                     June 7-July 15
Elective classes being offered this year will                      MARSHALL MASH-UP
include: Algebra Readiness, Engineering De-                                                       Additional program
sign & the Science of Superheroes, Physical                                                       dates are as listed.
                                                   Unforgettable Summertime Fun. That is
Education, and Strategic Reading.                  what middle school students can expect
                                                   from Marshall Mash-Up. Though at a glance
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once students have regis-
                                                   it may appear to be all fun and games, this
tered for our Summer Academy, students will
                                                   experience prepares students for the rigors
receive a letter allowing them to select the                                                         COURSE TIMES
elective courses they are interested in.           of high school STEM (Science, Technology,
                                                   Engineering and Mathematics) classes. The          ELEMENTARY
REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021—Grades 7-8                 critical thinking, creative problem-solving      8:00—11:30 am*
COURSE: EDI201 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM                 and collaboration skills that students learn
                                                   at Marshall Mash-Up will benefit them for a           MIDDLE
                                                   lifetime!                                        8:00—11:30 am*

                                                   REQUIREMENTS: Fall 2021 — Grades 7- 8              HIGH SCHOOL
                                                   COURSE: MAR201 TIME: 8:00—11:30 AM               8:30—11:45 am*
                                                                                                  *Unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                  in the course description.
                                                           Page 22
School District of Janesville   |   |    Summer School Department |    Phone: 608-743-5042
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