Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 2011

Page created by Sally Swanson
Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 2011
Local Area Agreement
2008 – 2011
Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 2011
Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011


Foreword                                               3
Sunderland – An Overview                               4
Sunderland Strategy                                    4
Partnership working                                    5
Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector        6
The Local Area Agreement explained                     6

Priority Challenges
         Improving quality of life – Closing the gap   7
         Responding to demographic change              8

Local Area Agreement Themes                            9
Our Approach for Sunderland                            11
Equalities and community Cohesion                      11
Sustainable Sunderland                                 11
relationship with other plans and strategies           12
Role of Local Development Framework                    12
Regenerating the city                                  12
LAA and the regional context                           13
Structure of the LAA                                   13

Prosperous and Learning City Theme
         Prosperous City                               14
         Learning City                                 19

Healthy City Theme                                     23

Developing High Quality Places to Live Theme
         Attractive and inclusive City                 30
         Safe City                                     35

LAA Priority Indicators                                39

Appendix 1
Sunderland Children’s Services:
Statutory Education Targets (Summer 2009)              50

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 2011
Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Foreword                            The function of the Local Area          The progress that has been
                                    Agreement (LAA) is to provide           made in the city shows that
Sunderland, as a place to live,     the short term focus for                partners have the potential to
has improved significantly in the   partnership activity and                tackle the challenges in the
past two decades – the city is      resource allocation. The                future. This agreement will
cleaner, safer and more             emphasis for the LAA is the             enable the partnership to
prosperous than it was twenty       things that matter most to local        measure improvements
years ago, young people are         people and which present                effectively and develop the
doing better at school and          barriers to the achievement of          activities that are responsive to
people are living longer,           our vision for the city. It also        an understanding of the issues.
healthier and more independent      sets the framework for targeting
lives. Local facilities have been   activity at priorities and the
improved and the environment        development of further,
and public realm have been          improved joined up working at a
transformed. The city and its       local level.
people are major factors in the
region’s thriving economic and      The LAA builds on the extensive
cultural life.                      consultation that has been done
                                    to inform the direction of the
The new, long term and              Sunderland Strategy. Detailed
aspirational Sunderland Strategy    work has also been done with
sets out plans that will see the    the partnership groups that are
city improve still further in       responsible for progressing the
future years. It sets out the       priorities for the city and this will
vision for the city in 2025 and     contribute to the development
outlines the challenges that        of interventions that will make a
partners will tackle so that the    real difference to the quality of
vision can be realised.             life of local people.

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Sunderland – An                      shipbuilding and heavy                  reduced by 35%. Death by
Overview                             engineering. Sunderland now             cancer has been reduced by
                                     functions within a global               18% over the same period.
Sunderland is the largest city in    context, competing at an              • Performance at 16 – in
England’s North East region,         international level. Thousands          GCSEs and equivalent
with a population of 280,600         of new jobs have been created           qualifications – has risen
(2006 mid year estimate) in          as part of a large-scale industrial     sharply in the period 2002 –
119,000 households. The river        shift towards the automotive            2007. 59% of young people
Wear runs through the heart of       manufacturing and service-              are now achieving 5 A* - C
the city, and the city boundary      based ‘call centre’ sectors.            which is very close to the
includes the former new town of      Significant success has been            national average and in a
Washington and the former coal       achieved, notably through the           league table of ‘A’ level point
mining areas of Houghton and         Doxford International                   scores Sunderland have risen
Hetton. It forms part of the Tyne    development at which 8,000              from 67th of 150 local
and Wear city region and has         jobs have been created. Further         authorities to 8th in 4 years.
made a significant contribution      development is currently taking       • The Housing stock transfer of
to the economic growth in the        place to create additional              2001 facilitated a £600m
sub region over the last two         business sites and premises in          investment programme that
decades.                             Rainton Bridge South Business           will improve over 29,800
                                     Park and Washington. As a               homes by 2010. The
Between the early 1980’s and         measure of our success there            investment meant that the
1990’s the traditional industries    are now more people employed            Sunderland Housing Group
on which the city’s economy          in new service industries than          (now Gentoo) was the first
was founded declined greatly or      were employed in traditional            major Registered Social
simply ceased to exist.              industries.                             Landlord to achieve the
Sunderland is striving with                                                  government’s Decent Homes
considerable success to deal         Progress has also been made in          Standard in January 2005, 5
with this legacy and is building a   respect of some of the key              years ahead of the
modern and dynamic city. In          factors that impact on the              Government’s target of 2010.
recent years the transformation      quality of life of local people:
of the City’s coalfields, city       • Considerable progress has           Sunderland Strategy
centre and riverside has been           been made in reducing crime
striking – the former ship yard         and disorder in the city.          The intention is to build on the
areas are now the location of           Crime levels in the city have      progress and momentum that
several high profile                    fallen by 27% since 2002/03.       has been created by the new
developments including the              Sunderland is now a safe           Sunderland Strategy. This sets
national Glass Centre,                  place to live and work with a      out an ambitious, long term
Sunderland University’s St.             crime rate below the national      vision for the city and will
Peter’s Campus and Stadium              average.                           provide a framework for the
Park. Attention has now turned       • Work to improve people’s            work of the Sunderland
to city centre regeneration and         lifestyles, combined with          Partnership, and indeed all those
progress is being made to               effective medical                  working to improve the quality
transform key sites.                    interventions, have                of life of people in Sunderland
                                        dramatically reduced death         over the next 17 years.
Over the last 20 years the city         rates due to coronary heart
has undergone a marked                  disease, one of the biggest
economic and social transition          causes of premature death in
following the decline in the            the city. Since 2000
traditional industries of mining,       incidences of death rates due
                                        to coronary heart disease

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

                                     Aim 2: To create a city where       which the city operates, and
Creating a                           everyone can be supported to        most importantly by listening to
better future                        make healthy life and lifestyle
                                     choices - a city that provides
                                                                         what local people have told us
                                                                         about what they want for their
for everyone in                      excellent health and social care    future.
                                     services for all who need them.
Sunderland                           Everyone in Sunderland will         Partnership working
                                     have the opportunity to live
Sunderland will be a                 long, healthy, happy and            Much of the progress made has
                                     independent lives.                  been achieved through strong
welcoming, internationally
                                                                         partnership working. There is a
recognised city where                Aim 3: To make Sunderland the       solid and extensive track record
people have the                      place where everyone feels          of partnership working in
opportunity to fulfil their          welcome and can be part of a        Sunderland which has provided
                                     safe and inclusive community,       the basis for the effective
aspirations for a healthy,
                                     where people will feel secure       delivery of key outcomes in the
safe and prosperous                  and can enjoy life without          city. The city has had a highly
future.                              worrying about becoming a           effective strategic partnership
                                     victim of crime.                    since 1994, the Sunderland
                                                                         Partnership, and this has
It is Sunderland’s overarching       Aim 4: To create a city with a      provided the basis for the
strategy for improvement and as      thriving learning culture where     development of a variety of
such is the product of detailed      everyone can be involved in         innovative and effective
analysis of the city’s current       learning in a cohesive and          partnership activities. The
position, and the challenges and     inclusive city that is committed    partnership, accredited as the
opportunities that lie ahead over    to social justice, equality and     city’s Local Strategic Partnership
the longer term. The vision is       prosperity; where creativity        (LSP) in 2002, has a broad and
underpinned by a set of broad        flourishes and where individuals    committed membership that
long term aims that set out what     can have all they need to thrive    represents key stakeholders in
the partnership expects              in the global economy.              the city including the private and
Sunderland to look like in 17                                            voluntary and community
years time.                          Aim 5: To ensure that               sectors. The partnership operates
                                     Sunderland becomes a clean,         effectively through defined
Aims                                 green city with a strong culture    frameworks and governance
                                     of sustainability, protecting and   arrangement. This includes
Aim 1: To create an enterprising     nurturing both its built heritage   Thematic Partnership groups that
and productive global city with a    and future development and          provide a focus on the
strong and diverse economy           ensuring that both the built and    partnership’s stated priorities.
providing jobs and careers for       natural environments will be
generations to come. A city          welcoming, accessible, attractive   The partnership’s effectiveness is
where everyone has the               and of high quality.                demonstrated by the fact that it
opportunity to contribute to and                                         is one of only four partnerships in
benefit from the regional                                                the northern region with a ‘green
economy, to fulfil their potential   The aims have been developed        light’ assessment from
to be skilled, motivated and         by considering our performance      Government Office North East
wealth creating without losing       as organisations and determining    (the best possible outcome).
the special characteristic of        where improvements are needed       Furthermore, Sunderland LSP is
Sunderland’s balanced way of         most, understanding the broader     represented on the ‘LSP Futures’
life.                                sub regional, regional, national    group, a group of LSPs from
                                     and international contexts in

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

across the country that are          thematic groups and have played        appreciation of how
working to identify and share        a role in the development of the       interventions will need to be
best practice and to respond to      LAA both as the network and            developed if partners are to
emerging issues.                     through the partnership                achieve the desired outcomes.
Working with the
Voluntary and Community What is this document? – The Sunderland Strategy takes a
Sector                  The Local Area Agreement long term aspirational view of
                        Explained                how partners and local people
                                                                            want to see the city develop in
Partners recognise that the
                                                                            the future. Achieving the vision
Voluntary and Community Sector       The Local Area Agreement (LAA)
                                                                            the city will be dependant on the
(VCS) has an important role to       will be a key element of the
                                                                            progress that is made to remove
play in achieving the objectives     delivery plan for the Sunderland
                                                                            the barriers to the improvements
for the city. As independent         Strategy, a document that will set
                                                                            that are required. The function of
organisations, the VCS can bring     out the basis on which the
                                                                            the LAA is to identify the focus
distinctive value to the work of     partnership will move towards its
                                                                            for the relative short term and it
the partnership and local            vision over the next 3 years. The
                                                                            sets out some of the next steps
communities. In particular,          delivery plan and the LAA are
                                                                            in the journey towards achieving
partners in the VCS act as means     structured around the
                                                                            long term aspirations. Our
of engaging service users in the     Sunderland Strategy themes
                                                                            approach has been to focus on
design and delivery of services      (Prosperous City, Healthy City,
                                                                            the key fundamental barriers to
and act as advocates for those       Safe City, Learning City, Attractive
                                                                            success, ensuring that there is
who otherwise may have no            and Inclusive City) and the
                                                                            sufficient concentration of effort
voice.                               associated Key Objectives.
                                                                            to make a real difference in
                                                                            respect of some enduring
The VCS make a significant and       The LAA has been developed by
tangible contribution to the         working with existing partnership
vitality of local communities and    groups across the city that have
the quality of life of people who    identified the priorities that need
live in them. Partners and other     to be tackled if the city is to
funders make grants, or have         move towards and achieve its
contracts to the value of about      long term vision. In order to
£11m to some of the 600 VCS          provide a consistent approach to
organisations that are in city and   the task and provide partnership
it is estimated that volunteering    groups with additional capacity,
activity is worth approximately      consultants were commissioned
£10m.                                to take partnership groups
                                     through the Theory of Change
The Sunderland Community             programme, a process that has
Network provides the basis on        enabled partners to combine
which partners engage with the       long term visioning with the
VCS and enables local people         development of deliverable and
and VCS organisations to feed        measurable short and medium
into and influence the work of       term priorities. This has provided
partners. The network provides       the basis for the development of
representation on the                a common understanding about
partnership board and the            what needs to be done and an

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Priority Challenges                          amongst the 10% most deprived             2.7% nationally and economic
                                             areas nationally than in 2004.            inactivity rates are 25.8% and
Improving quality of life –                                                            21.5% respectively.
closing the gap                              Despite these improvements, 41        •   23.8% of older people living in
                                             (22%) of the city’s 188 Super             the city suffer from income
Whilst significant progress has              Output Areas (SOA), covering              deprivation as defined by the
been made in improving the                   approximately 22% of the                  IMD
quality of life led by local people          population (55,000 people), are       •   A significantly higher than
there are still high levels of               still in the top 10% of the               average proportion of the
deprivation in some                          country’s most deprived areas. A          population of Sunderland
communities.                                 further consideration of the IMD          have a limiting long term
                                             shows that Sunderland performs            illness (24.0% compared to
A key element of the Sunderland              particularly badly in respect of          17.9% for England (Source –
Strategy’s vision is a                       those IMD Domains that measure            Community Health Profiles
commitment to offer an                       deprivation in terms of                   2007) and over 10% of the
enhanced quality of life for                 Employment, Education and                 local population are
existing residents. This is a                Skills and Health and Disability.         permanently sick or disabled
commitment that applies to all                                                         compared to 5.5% nationally.
residents of the city but is most            Further information that adds to      •   Sunderland has the lowest
pertinent to those who suffer                our understanding of deprivation          proportion of working age
from higher than average levels              in the city includes:                     population who achieve level
of deprivation. A comparison                 • Unemployment in the city has            4/5 qualifications when
between the Indices of Multiple                  dropped significantly over the        compared to other authorities
Deprivation (IMD) between 2004                   past 10 years but                     in Tyne and Wear – 14.2%
and 2007 as set out in the table                 unemployment and economic             compared to the Tyne and
below shows that Sunderland has                  activity rates remain higher          Wear average of 18.1% and a
seen relative improvement                        than the national average –           national average of 23.3%
nationally in overall terms and in               4.8% of the economically          •   Housing in Sunderland has
relation to specific domains.                    active population is                  improved over the last five
Significantly, in 2007 14,600 less               unemployed compared to                years however, the legacy of
people are living in areas ranked

Incidence of Overall and Component Deprivation in Sunderland: IMD 2004 compared to IMD 2007
                                       Number in top 10% Proportion of City   Number in top 20%    Proportion of City
                                                         residents*                                residents*
                                       2004        2007     2004     2007     2004        2007     2004       2007
Index of Multiple Deprivation          51          41       27.0%    21.8%    87          82       46.1%      43.4%

Domain Indices
Income                                 46          40       24.2%    21.1%    75          71       39.8%      37.6%
Employment                             76          66       40.2%    34.9%    119         107      63.2%      56.8%
Health & Disability                    91          80       48.2%    42.5%    138         117      73.4%      62.5%
Education & Skills                     49          47       25.8%    24.7%    81          79       43.0%      42.0%
Barriers to Housing & Services         0           1        0.0%     0.6%     1           14       0.6%       7.4%
Crime                                  27          18       14.4%    9.5%     52          43       27.4%      22.7%
Living Environment                     1           0        0.5%     0.0%     7           3        3.8%       1.7%

Supplementary Indices
Income Deprivation affecting Children 36           20       18.9%    10.5%    68          55       36.2%      29.0%
Income Deprivation affecting Old People 44         45       23.4%    23.8%    91          89       48.4%      47.5%

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

     past development remains –       The map shows areas of relative      the forecasted decline will
     over 50% of the city’s           deprivation across the city with     impact on the on certain age
     housing was built before         the darker colours on the first      groups with the population of
     1964 and this is reflected in    map identifying the areas of         young people aged between 0 -
     the type and size of housing     higher deprivation. The map          14 falling by 21.4% and the
     available (high numbers, over    below illustrates how some           proportion of the working age
     60% of housing is terraced or    areas in the city have improved      population (men aged between
     semi detached and 70% have       in terms of deprivation over the     15 and 64 and women aged
     3 or fewer bedrooms)             last three years.                    between 15 and 59) is projected
                                                                           to fall by 16.4%. The projections,
                                    Change in percentile category
Relatively high levels of                                                  if realised could have an adverse
                                    between 2004 and 2007
deprivation in the city are clearly                                        impact on the local economy by
a significant impediment to the                                            reducing the proportion of
city’s aspirations and if partners                                         working people in the city and
are to realise the stated                                                  the availability of the skills
ambitions there is a need to                                               necessary to generate and
continue, and accelerate the                                               sustain economic growth.
improvements in the quality of
life led by local people by                                                A natural outcome of the
focussing on the key                                                       population declines outlined is
determinants of deprivation in                                             an increase in the proportion of
Sunderland; Employment and                                                 older people living in the city:
Skills and Health, at a local                                              Sunderland’s population of older
community level.                    Legend                                 people is forecast to rise by
                                      Category change from 2004 to 2007    40.7% by 2029.
Index of Multiple Deprivation
2007                                          Less deprived                It is clear that if we are to
                                              No change                    transform the quality of life led
                                              More deprived                by many local people we will
                                                                           need to continue to focus on
                                      Responding to                        the main causes of deprivation
                                      demographic change                   in the city – health,
                                                                           employment, educational
                                                                           attainment and skills
                                      Partners in the city are also
                                                                           development at a local
                                      facing the challenge presented
                                                                           community level. The projected
                                      by changes in the make up of
                                                                           demographic changes outlined
                                      the local population. Population
                                                                           will also shape the activities of
                                      in the city is forecast to decline
                                                                           the partnership over the next 17
                                      by 6.7% (18,000 people)
Legend                                                                     years. To sustain the city we will
                                      between now and 2029.
National Percentiles of Deprivation                                        need to slow the rate of
                                      Although the population
                                                                           population decline by improving
          Upper 5%                    forecasts, based on a range of
                                                                           Sunderland as place to live so
                                      trend based assumptions are
          5% - 10%                                                         that it is attractive to both
                                      not entirely reliable, they do set
          10% - 20%                                                        existing and potential residents.
                                      out possible scenarios that the
                                                                           This aim is at the very heart of
          20% - 30%                   partnership will need to
                                                                           the partnership’s purpose as set
          30% - 50%                   consider in its future activities.
                                                                           out in the new Sunderland
                                      As can be seen from the graph,
          50% - 100%                                                       Strategy.

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Local Area Agreement                 investment and support business      Improving health has also been
Themes                               growth will be combined with         prioritised on the basis that this
                                     activities that will improve         too can impact on business
With this understanding at the       employability by increasing skill    growth and productivity and on
forefront of our thinking, the       levels and supporting people to      levels of participation in the
LAA has been arranged around         gain suitable employment.            economy:
three linked themes that will
help deliver across all              Improving the local economy          Addressing adult health problems
Sunderland Strategy priorities       also has the potential to reverse    and focussing on the prevention
and provide a catalyst for the       the projected decline in the local   of early health problems will
wider Delivery Plan:                 population by encouraging            enable some people to move
• Prosperous and Learning City       existing residents to stay in the    from worklessness to
• Healthy City                       city and more people to move to      employment and reduce the
• Developing high quality            the city.                            potential of leaving work
   places to live – incorporating                                         prematurely.
   the Sunderland Strategy           Healthy City Theme – according
   priorities of Safe City and       to key health related indicators,    By reducing the impact of poor
   Attractive and Inclusive City.    health has improved in               health on children we can
                                     Sunderland in recent years,          improve attainment and enhance
The Prosperous and Learning          however poor health remains a        future life prospects.
City Theme is focussed on            significant impediment to the
stimulating growth in the local      improvement of quality of life in    Improving the health and
economy, in terms of both the        some communities. Improving          wellbeing of older people is also
number and quality of jobs           health for all sections of the       a key priority. Forecasts predict
available to local people.           population is central to the         that the proportion of older
Effectively reducing deprivation     partnership’s aim to reduce          people living in the city will grow
in the city is, to a large extent    inequality in the city, reduce       steadily over the next decade
dependent on the success of          deprivation and improve quality      and health and deprivation
agencies to enable more people       of life.                             indicators show that the quality
to gain better paid jobs. For this                                        of life of older people in the city
reason efforts to attract inward                                          is low compared to other groups.

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Developing high quality places        The potential to stimulate growth      child poverty and crime
to live – There is recognition        in the local economy will depend       reduction, whilst reducing crime
that there are many                   on the availability of skilled and     levels may improve the
interconnected factors that           productive people. Plans to            confidence of investors and
impact on quality of life and the     create a highly desirable city that    stimulate activity in the local
desirability of the city as a place   will attract visitors, residents and   economy. It is important that, as
to live. The LAA reflects the         investors are central to the           we develop improvement
partnership’s vision of               partnership’s aim to increase          interventions, the linkages
Sunderland as a place that            prosperity and reduce                  between different activities are
people will choose to live by         deprivation.                           recognised, understood and
highlighting the creation of a                                               factored into everything that is
high quality environment that         Of course, progressing the             done across the partnership. By
includes a housing offer that         individual outcomes within each        doing so, we can maximise the
meets the needs of local people       of the themes will impact on           effectiveness of our activities and
and potential inward migrants         achieving objectives within other      avoid duplication.
and the clean, safe streets that      themes. For example enabling
people regularly identify as          more worklessness people to
priorities.                           participate in employment may
                                      have a positive impact on health,

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Our Approach for                        social and digital exclusion.    The final report of the
Sunderland                            • Business Improvement             Commission on Integration and
                                        Programme – a council led        Cohesion; ‘Our Shared Future’
We recognise that there is no           programme with the aim of        describes ways in which we can
single easy answer to the issue         improving services in terms      build mutual respect and
of deprivation in our local             of the customer experience,      confidence amongst all
communities. To make a                  choice and accessibility.        members of our communities
difference partners will need to                                         and to help build the sense of a
continue working together to          Creating Inclusive                 shared future that is so vital to
tackle the combination of             Communities                        delivering a confident and
factors that have an adverse                                             positive future together. This
impact on the quality of life of      Running through all of our work    report links together a number
local people. The composition         is a commitment to ensuring        of factors influencing
of the LAA is designed to             that everyone has the              Community Cohesion, from
maximise the benefit that can         opportunity to fulfil their        economic prosperity or
be achieved by focussing on the       potential regardless of where      deprivation, through crime and
key short to medium term              they live or their personal        anti-social behaviour to diversity
challenges and recognising the        circumstances. By targeting        of ethnic and faith background
relationship between different        activities and tackling the main   and greater mobility on local
issues facing local communities       causes of deprivation and          through to international levels.
and the various responses that        disadvantage we intend to
partners are putting in place. It     reduce the impact of inequality    Sustainability
is also the basis on which            and create more inclusive and
partners will put in place tailored   cohesive communities.              It is imperative that as we make
interventions that are based on                                          social and economic progress in
an analysis and understanding         Sunderland faces a number of       the city, we ensure we do this in
of need at a community level.         inclusion and community            such a way that has minimal
                                      cohesion opportunities and         environmental impact and
In responding to the challenges       challenges posed by the            establishes the foundations for
the partnership will build on the     increasing diversity of our        improved quality of life for
improvements that have been           population and its place within    future generations as well as the
achieved to date and the              fast changing international,       current population. Sunderland
infrastructure that has been put      national and local contexts.       is committed to sustainable
in place to transform service         These include increasing           development as defined by the
delivery and improve quality of       migration to the UK, the           UK Sustainable Development
life – effective multi-agency         growing threat of international    Strategy:
working, and the development          and ‘home grown’ terrorism, the
locally based customer service        increasing prominence of faith     “The goal of sustainable
networks.                             issues and the progressive         development is to enable all
                                      approach to community              people throughout the world to
Two key drivers of change and         cohesion issues being adopted      satisfy their basic needs and
improvement in the city over          by central government. We have     enjoy a better quality of life,
coming years will be:                 worked with the Institute of       without compromising the
• Digital Challenge – a               Community Cohesion to              quality of life of future
  programme developed                 produce a baseline report with     generations. That goal will be
  through extensive                   recommended actions. This          pursued through a sustainable,
  community consultation with         forms the basis of the             innovative and productive
  the aim to use technology in        Community Cohesion Strategy        economy that delivers high levels
  ways that meet the needs of         and our key objectives for the     of employment; and a just
  our communities and reduce          future.                            society that promotes social

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

inclusion, sustainable                 plan                                The LDF will be adopted in 2010
communities and personal             • Housing Strategy                    after an extensive consultation
wellbeing. This will be done in      • Local Transport Strategy            process with a wide range of
ways that protect and enhance        • Local Development                   organisations and interest groups
the physical and natural               Framework                           including the Sunderland
environment, and use resources       • Culture Strategy                    Partnership. To ensure
and energy as efficiently as         • 50+ Strategy                        consistency across the
possible.”                           • Community Development               partnership’s key strategic policy
                                       Plan                                documents the LDF has been
A full Sustainability Appraisal of   • International Strategy              structured around the
this Sunderland Strategy has         • The Image Strategy                  Sunderland Strategy priorities so
been conducted, against the          • The Community Cohesion              that it is possible to see how the
requirements of a “Sustainable         Strategy                            city’s land use plans will
Community”, as defined by                                                  contribute to the partnership’s
Communities and Local                Thematic Partnership                  broader objectives.
Government and against the 44        Strategies, for example:
suggested Local Quality of Life      • Safer Sunderland Strategy           Regenerating the city
indicators recommended to            • Health Improvement Strategy
support Sustainable                                                        Major plans are in place to
Communities, by the Audit            Local Area Plans:                     continue regenerating the city.
Commission. This has allowed us      Local Area Plans will interpret the   The physical development plans
to identify weaknesses in our        citywide Sunderland Strategy and      that are in place for the next
approach in the past and to          Delivery Plan (including the LAA)     decade and beyond will change
ensure that the priorities and       at an area level and identify         look of the city and make
actions we propose in this           priorities for action specific to     significant contributions to the
Strategy will not compromise         the different areas.                  LAA themes and challenges.
quality of life for future                                                 Some of the projects that will
generations in Sunderland.           Role of the Local                     transform the city and contribute
                                     Development Framework                 to improvements in the quality of
Relationship with other                                                    life of local people include:
plans and strategies                 Much of what we do to
                                     regenerate the city and shape         • Key employment generating
Neither the Local Area               Sunderland as a place to live will      developments at Rainton
Agreement, nor the Delivery Plan     involve the use of land and             Bridge, and in Sunderland City
of the Sunderland Strategy set       property. The emerging Local            Centre forward on Vaux and
out everything that needs to be      Development Framework (LDF) is          Farringdon Row will be at
done in the city. Rather they        the instrument that will provide        various stages of development
highlight the agreed way forward     the basis for the physical              by 2013
for the partnership in respect of    development of the city until         • The regeneration of Stadium
the identified improvement           2021. The framework sets out            Park, the former Grove site
priorities and intentions over the   the policies for the development        and other major sites along
next three years. The detail of      of transport links, the use of          Sunderland’s Riverside
everything that will happen in       housing and employment land             Corridor will be progressing
the city is contained in the         and how the environment will be       • Continued regeneration of the
strategies that are referenced in    protected and as such the               Sunniside area of the city
the Sunderland Strategy, these       enhanced LDF will represent a           centre to provide business
include:                             very influential document for the       and residential development
Cross Cutting Strategies, for        partnership and the pursuance of        within an environment that is
example:                             the vision for the city.                sensitive to the heritage of
• Children and Young People                                                  the area

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

• Sunderland is in the first         Partners from Tyne and Wear,       Sunderland’s LAA has been
  round of the Building Schools      Northumberland and Durham          developed so that it is
  for the Future programme and       have worked together to            consistent with the MAA
  has plans in place that will       develop an outline Multi Area      ensuring that partnership
  result in improvements being       Agreement (MAA) with the           activity in the city contributes to
  made to 16 schools in the city     purpose of accelerating            and benefits from activity at a
  with four new schools being        economic growth in the sub         city region level. Certain Priority
  built by 2010                      region. The outline MAA for Tyne   Improvement indicators have
• In addition to the Sunderland      and Wear City Region is based      been selected to ensure that
  Aquatic Centre two new             on two key, linked outcomes:       there are clear links between
  swimming pools will be             the development of an              other Tyne and Wear LAAs.
  delivered in Hetton and            internationally competitive city
  Silksworth by 2010                 region that is economically        Structure of the LAA
• Service in the city will become    inclusive by ensuring economic
  even more accessible as a          opportunity and access for all.    This document sets out the long
  network of customer service        Achieving the outcomes will be     term Aims and Key Objectives
  centres are developed              based on the development and       that the partnership has
  including centres at Doxford       implementation of three city       identified in the Sunderland
  Park, Ryhope and Washington        region work strands:               strategy and identifies the
                                     • Employment and skills –          related Priority Improvement
LAA and the regional                    focussed on improving on        Indicators that will be used to
context                                 economic competitiveness        set a focus for activity and
                                        and increasing skills and       provide the basis for measuring
The LAA is about dealing with           talent in the city region       progress towards the vision in
the local priorities identified by   • Transport – aims to improve      the short term.
the partnership and local               connectivity between the
people. However, we recognise           urban core and the rest of      The LAA does not represent
that to achieve our ambitions           the city region and to link     everything that the partnership
we will need to work with               areas of opportunity with       will do towards the vision but
partners at a regional and sub          areas of disadvantage           represents the concentration of
regional levels. Although the        • Analytical capacity – will       activity in the next 3 years as it
component parts of the sub              provide the robust evidence     relates to the Key Objectives for
region have individual                  base and analysis needed to     the city in the long term. A
characteristics they share              develop more integrated         comprehensive list of the Key
common challenges and there             approach to economic and        Objectives and related indicators
is a commitment to work                 spatial development in the      is provided at the end of this
collaboratively to share best           city                            document.
practice and develop joint
activities where this approach is
guaranteed to bring improved

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

                                    the city are now automotive           continue to exceed losses. The
Prosperous and                      manufacturing and financial and       city’s Job Linkage project, a
                                    customer services, each of            partnership between the
Learning City                       which now employs around              council, voluntary sector
                                    10,000 people. The public             organisations and Job Centre
Theme                               sector also continues to be an        Plus, has been supporting
                                    important source of                   people to gain work in
                                    employment, accounting for            Sunderland for 20 years.
Prosperous City                     around a quarter of all jobs. As a    Between 2004 and 2007 the
                                    measure of the transformation         service helped 5,119 people
The focus of this priority is:      that has occurred in the city         make the successful transition
To create an enterprising and       there are now more people             into employment.
productive global city with a       employed in the new industries
strong and diverse economy. A       than were employed in the             Enabling people to gain
city that provides jobs and         traditional industries of the past.   employment will have a
careers for generations to come,                                          significant impact on the quality
where everyone has the              Targeted investment across the        of life led by local people. Low
opportunity to contribute to        city has produced a series of         income levels and high numbers
and benefit from the local          successful business park              of benefit claimants in some
economy. People will fulfil their   developments and transformed          communities impact adversely
potential to be skilled,            the dereliction caused by the         on quality of life and it is a
motivated and wealth creating       decline of the traditional            priority for the partnership to
without losing the special          industries. Outstanding success       reduce the numbers of working
characteristic of Sunderland’s      has been achieved at the              age people who are in receipt of
balanced way of life.               Doxford International Business        benefits.
                                    Park at which 8,000 jobs have
                                    been created and it is                An outcome of low levels of
Background                          anticipated that the additional       income and participation in the
                                    business sites and premises           economy is relatively high levels
The economy of the city has         being developed at Rainton            of child poverty. This has direct
been transformed over the past      Bridge South Business Park will       implications for the
20 years. After the decline of      build on this success and             partnership’s vision as child
the traditional industries (ship    proposed in the city centre           poverty has the potential to
building, coal mining and heavy     within Sunniside, Farringdon          impair the potential of
engineering) in the 1980’s and      Row and Vaux.                         individuals in later life. Evidence
1990’s Sunderland has had to                                              shows that children and young
reinvent itself in economic         Investment in the city’s              people who grow up in poverty
terms.                              infrastructure has been               are less likely to succeed at
                                    combined with activities              school or move into well paid
Partners have been very             designed to ensure that local         employment. Reducing the
successful in attracting inward     people are able to take               numbers of children in poverty
investment and integrating new      advantage of the employment           by increasing participation and
businesses into the fabric of the   opportunities created with the        wage levels in the local
city. For example, during the       result that despite plant closures    economy has the potential for
past three years, large projects    that have led to 1,750 job losses     creating dividends for the city in
attracted to Sunderland have        over the past three years, the        the future by enabling young
brought more than 3,100 new         number of people classed as           people to fulfil their potential
jobs and £1 billion of              workless has actually fallen by a     and reduce the cycle of poverty
investment. The key sectors in      further 4%, indicating that gains     and deprivation.

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Benefit claimants as a percentage of working age population, 2000-07.

Improvements relating to the          are important locally will be      activities such as business
other priorities in the Sunderland    measured more effectively at a     services that are normally
Strategy such as improved             sub-regional level through the     associated with city centres, but
health, reductions in crime and       MAA.                               which are at present significantly
improvements to the physical                                             under-represented in
environment will also contribute      Key Objectives                     Sunderland.
to the city’s economic vitality by    Support economic growth and
making the city more attractive       participation in the economy       Despite this it is unlikely that the
to inward investors and raising       by encouraging the                 local economy will change
confidence. In particular, our        development of an                  fundamentally in the next 3
economic growth aspirations are       enterprising culture.              years. So, in order to increase
closely linked with the housing                                          levels of participation locally we
offer in the city. Housing            Increase the number of jobs in     will support economic growth by
development has a key role to         the economy, increase wage         developing a culture of
play in the future of the city both   levels, increase recorded          enterprise. By encouraging start
as a driver of the local economy      business start-ups and             up business, supporting
and through its role in               support business growth - As       indigenous business growth and
accommodating economically            outlined above, significant        generating enterprise a higher
active households and this is a       progress has been made to          number of jobs will be created by
key priority for the partnership.     transform the profile and          local business and this in turn will
                                      improve the local economy, but     stimulate activity in the city’s
We are committed to joint             there is still a need to further   economy by increasing wealth.
working with agencies at a sub-       stimulate growth. The city’s
regional level through the Multi      economy is characterised by low    In supporting business growth
Area Agreement (MAA). This is         levels of added value and          and new start up activity the
providing the opportunity to          relatively low wages. With the     partnership is committed to
consider the development and          plans to revitalise the city's     working within the framework of
implementation of interventions       physical fabric, there is now an   the national Business Support
at the most appropriate spatial       opportunity to attract the range   Simplification Programme.
level. A number of indicators that    of high value office-based

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

VAT – registration rate per 10,000 resident adults, 2002-06

Key Facts                             organisations (public and          Match the supply of labour
                                      private sector), creating issues   with demand at all levels by
• Gross Valued Added (GVA) per        in terms of the potential          closing skills gaps in the local
  head, which is a measure of         vulnerability of the local         economy and supporting
  the productivity of the local       economy.                           those who are currently
  economy, remains low in           • Gross weekly pay for the city      workless to find suitable
  Sunderland at 84% of the            is 84% of the Great Britain        sustainable employment
  national average (2005 data),       average, although there is
  primarily as a consequence of       some evidence of                   Increase participation in the
  the high level of worklessness      convergence, with 10%              local economy – The
  and an under-representation         growth over the past three         proportion of the city's
  of high order business              years, compared to 9%              population classed as workless
  activities. However, the figure     nationally                         is still significantly higher than
  continues to converge with        • At 29.3% the proportion of         the national average (20.8% of
  the national average at             children living in poverty in      the working age population,
  around one percentage point         Sunderland is higher than the      compared to 14.2%), although
  per annum.                          National average of 21.3%          over the past three years the
• The number of VAT registered                                           rate of fall has been double that
  businesses has increased by       Priority improvement                 for Great Britain as a whole,
  5.5% to 4,320 over the past       Indicators                           demonstrating the success of
  three years, which is in line     NI 151 Overall employment rate       measures to get people back
  with the national rate of         (MAA),                               into work. Despite
  growth - although the city        NI 171 VAT registration rate,        improvements, there are
  continues to have a               NI 152 Reduce the number of          neighbourhoods within the city
  comparatively low rate of self-   working age people on out of         that have levels of
  employment, at 5.8% of the        work benefits,                       unemployment that are
  adult population, compared to     NI 153 Working age people            significantly above the national
  9.3% nationally.                  claiming out of work benefits in     averages.
• Around a half of the city's       the worst performing
  workforce is employed in          neighbourhoods,                      The relatively low level of
  approximately 50                  NI 116 Proportion of children in     participation in the local
                                    poverty,                             economy is one of the main

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

reasons why the city has           A key component of our future         Key Facts
comparatively low levels of        strategy will be activities to
prosperity as measured by Gross    improve the skills of local           • Continuing a positive trend,
Value Added per head.              people so that they are in line         the number of working age
                                   with the requirements of local          people claiming benefits fell
If we are to continue to improve   employers. We also want to              by 2.3% during that past
levels of prosperity in the city   improve skills levels in the city,      twelve months, however
we need increase levels of         enabling people to achieve              there are still approximately
participation amongst those        higher level qualifications and         37,000 people of working
people living in the most          access jobs that are high-skilled       age who are in receipt of
deprived neighbourhoods. We        and more highly paid is essential       benefits.
intend to do this by continuing    if we are to increase earnings,       • In May 2007, 20,440 people
to diversify the composition of    reduce income related poverty           were in receipt of Incapacity
the local economy through the      and increase productivity.              Benefit. Of this number two
development of a more              Priorities in respect of skills are     thirds had been in receipt of
entrepreneurial attitude and the   set out in the Learning City            the benefit for over five years
attraction of inward investment.   section of the agreement.
The activity to increase                                                 Priority Improvement
employment opportunities will                                            Indicators
be complemented by ensuring                                              NI 151 Overall Employment
that local people are able to                                            Rate (MAA),
take advantage of the                                                    NI 174 Skills gap in the current
employment opportunities                                                 workforce reported by
created.                                                                 employers (MAA).

     FOCUS                                      KEY OBJECTIVES                           PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT INDICATORS
     To create an enterprising and              Support economic growth and              •   NI 151 Overall Employment Rate (MAA)
     productive global city with a strong       participation in the economy by          •   NI 171 Increase the VAT registration rate
     and diverse economy. A city that           encouraging the development of an        •   NI 152 Reduce the number of working age
     provides jobs and careers for              enterprising culture.                        people on out of work benefits
     generations to come, where everyone                                                 •   NI 153 Working age people claiming out of work
     has the opportunity to contribute to                                                    benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods
     and benefit from the local economy.                                                 •   NI 116 Proportion of children in poverty
     People will fulfil their potential to be
     skilled, motivated and wealth creating
     without losing the special                 Match the supply of labour with          •   NI 151 Overall Employment Rate (MAA)
     characteristic of Sunderland’s             demand at all levels by closing skills   •   NI 174 Skills gap in the current workforce
     balanced way of life.                      gaps in the local economy and                reported by employers (MAA)
                                                                                                                                               Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

                                                supporting those who are currently
                                                workless to find suitable sustainable
Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

Learning City                       Our key achievements have            the same site as a University.
                                    provided us with a solid
The focus of this priority is:      foundation on which to build for     Our newly-established Skills
To create a city with a thriving    the future as we continuously        Centres at Harraton and Pallion
learning culture that supports      improve standards and                offer opportunities for practical
personal fulfilment. Everyone       opportunities for learning, skills   skills development and learning
will be able to access their        development and employment           and the expertise developed
learning in a cohesive, inclusive   for all. A strong partnership        through these centres will help
city committed to social justice,   approach to service                  us embed the new diplomas
equality and prosperity. We will    development and delivery             into the learning experiences of
ensure learning supports the        means that those involved in         young people as they move
city’s economic prosperity and      supporting learning work             towards adulthood. Supporting
enable individuals to thrive in     together for the benefit of each     these developments will be
the global economy.                 individual. New skills can           comprehensive information,
                                    enhance an employer’s                advice and guidance services
                                    competitive edge in the              and support mechanisms which
Background                          marketplace and increase             focus on the individual needs.
                                    productivity in the workplace.
The city has made excellent                                              In March 2007, the Sunderland
progress in improving learning      We are already exceeding             Partnership was successful in
standards. We are meeting or        national averages in some areas      securing the funding to pilot the
closing the gap on national         and our progress in other areas      new Engineering, Construction,
levels. In some cases we are        provides many additional             Creative and Media and I.T.
now exceeding national              opportunities. Overall we are        Diplomas. The 14-19 City Wide
averages. This gives us a strong    improving faster than the            Partnership is responsible for
starting point on which to build    national rate. Improvement is        establishing a comprehensive
our thriving learning culture.      supported by a range of              quality assurance curriculum
                                    initiatives, for example, early      offer available to all 14-19 year
Performance at 16 – in GCSEs        assessment of young people           olds and to ensure that there is
and equivalent qualifications –     now allows appropriate               access to all specialised
has risen sharply in the period     intervention plans to support        diplomas by 2013.
2002 – 2007. 59% of young           those most in need of specialist
people are now achieving 5 A* -     help and our well established        These exciting new additions
C which is very close to the        mechanisms for finding out           have allowed the city to
national average and in a league    what young people think –            demonstrate its creative and
table of ‘A’ level point scores     including annual stakeholder         innovative approach to
Sunderland have risen from          events since 2003 – provide us       nurturing a culture of learning
67th of 150 local authorities to    with vital feedback and points       and improvement for all ages,
8th in 4 years.                     for action.                          abilities and interests. This
                                                                         innovation is also being
We have seen significantly          Significant capital investment       harnessed through a creative
improved performance by             through Building Schools for the     approach to all stages of the
apprentices in Sunderland – far     Future will see the city gain        curriculum. We are already
more young people are               three new academies and a new        nurturing tomorrow’s
completing full apprenticeships,    Sixth Form Centre at Sunderland      entrepreneurs and leaders of
62.5% of 16-19 year old trainee     University’s St Peter’s campus.      industry to support the city’s
apprenticeships achieved the        All will offer leading edge          prosperity and growth at all
full qualification in 2007, which   learning environments and the        levels.
was above the national average      Sixth Form Centre will be the
of 62.1%.                           first F.E. College, to be built on   Sunderland has, through good

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

partnership working, high           Increase the number of adults           achieved either 2 A level grades
standards of delivery, provision    who have qualifications in              A – E or equivalent. Although
of new facilities and successful    literacy, numeracy and                  performance in Sunderland is
marketing of courses had            relevant workplace skills – The         improving (32.5% in February
significant success in achieving    changing economic climate               2004 to 34.5% in December
skills for life targets. There is   makes us realise the importance         2006) rates are still lower than
potential for this to be expanded   of continuing to strive to              the North East (42.7%) and
into the workplace, as              increase skills in Sunderland.          Great Britain (45.3%). The
employers in the city recognise     The final report of the Leitch          delivery of learning
the importance of a skilled         Review of Skills published in           opportunities tailored to the
workforce and understand the        December 2006 highlights the            needs of employers particularly
impact this can have on job         urgent need to raise workforce          the growing sectors; managers
satisfaction and raising            skills – at all levels – and a joint    and senior officials, professional
productivity.                       commitment from government,             occupations and associate
                                    employers and individuals to do         professional and technical
Sunderland has a strong record      this. This is especially important      sectors, are key to reducing
in the use of technology for        in Sunderland given the                 worklessness for local people.
engaging citizens in many           relatively low levels of adult skills
aspects of their city life,         among both the existing                 In relation to level 1 literacy
including learning. We have         workforce and those not in              skills 47% took part in the Skills
figured prominently in the          employment.                             for Life Survey in Sunderland
International Intelligence Cities                                           compared to the 40% average
awards, and have been awarded       Targets to increase earnings,           for England. It is important to
national Digital Challenge          reduce income related poverty           note however that Sunderland
funding of £3.5m for a              and increase productivity need          has 21% of local residents below
programme that will help            to be supported by                      this skill level compared to 18%
Sunderland develop its use of       improvements to skills levels so        nationally. It is important to us
technology to further promote       that people can achieve higher          to bridge this gap to improve
social inclusion, including         level qualifications and access         skills of local people to enable
learning.                           jobs that are more highly paid.         them to take advantage of
                                    In Sunderland 15.9% of the              employment opportunities.
Over the last four years partners   working age population have no
have worked hard in exceeding       qualifications compared to an           A similar pattern is evident in
Skills for Life targets. In         average of 14.3% for the North          relation to entry level 3
Sunderland, since 2002, over        East and 13.8% for Great Britain.       qualifications in numeracy, 29%
33,000 adults have taken                                                    of residents took part in the
positive steps to improve their     Skill and qualification levels are      survey compared to 25%
literacy or numeracy skills.        improving in the city but the           average for England. Again
                                    need for improvement remains            Sunderland has 65% of
Our key achievements have           a priority. The number of people        residents below this skill level
provided us with a solid            achieving level 2 qualifications        compared to 36% nationally. It is
foundation on which to build        has increased in the North East         important that these low skills
our thriving learning culture.      (64.1%) and is above the                levels are addressed if we are to
                                    national figure (63.8%) in 2006         achieve our vision for the city.
Key Objectives                      however, Sunderland is still
Everyone in Sunderland will         below both national and                 Not enough of the city’s young
have the knowledge and skills       regional averages at 58.3%.             people are progressing to
essential to playing a full part                                            university and this has the
in the city’s social, cultural      People are counted as being             potential to hinder efforts to
and economic development.           qualified to level 3 if they have       stimulate business growth and

Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

attract businesses that can offer    evidence indicates that             the workforce and raising
higher wages.                        Sunderland is the 7th best          attainment levels.
                                     performing authority for exam
Key Facts                            results at the age of 18 years,     Key Facts
                                     our 11 year olds are still
• In 2006 only 34% of adults in      performing below the national       • Participation in education,
  Sunderland had an NVQ Level        average, there are a high             training or employment
  3 or equivalent compared           number of young people who            increased from 74% in 2004
  with 42.7% in the North East       are not in education,                 to 78.5% in 2007, however at
  and 45.3% in Great Britain.        employment or training and            12.3% Sunderland has the
                                     there are a higher rate of people     highest proportion of 16 – 18
Priority Improvement                 with no qualifications in             year olds who are not in
Indicators                           Sunderland than that of Great         education, training or
NI 161 Learners achieving a          Britain.                              employment in Tyne and
level 1 qualification in literacy,                                         Wear in which the average is
NI 162 Learners achieving an         In terms of learning, the             9.7%
entry level 3 qualification in       universal needs identified by       • The proportion of young
numeracy,                            consultation exercises are to         people in year 11 (71%)
NI 163 Working age population        raise education standards and         moving into full time
qualified to level 2 or higher,      levels of achievement at Key          education is the lowest in
                                     Stages 2 and 3, create                Tyne and Wear
Ensure that all children and         employment/training
young people in the city             opportunities for all young         Priority Improvement
receive the best preparation         people, basic numeracy and          Indicators
and foundation for adult life.       literacy in school leavers and      Children, Families and Schools
                                     good school attendance.             Mandatory Indicators,
Improve attainment at all                                                NI 117 16-18 year olds who are
levels and increase the              We will work closely with           not in education, training or
numbers of young people              partners to maximize                employment,
actively engaged in education,       opportunities for young people      NI 106 Young people from low
employment and training –            and adults to access                income backgrounds
Educational attainment in            apprenticeship programmes,          progressing to higher education.
Sunderland varies. Although          contributing to the upskilling of

     FOCUS                                       KEY OBJECTIVES                              PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT INDICATORS
     To create a city with a thriving learning   Everyone in Sunderland will have the        •   NI 161 Increase the number of learners
     culture that supports personal              knowledge and skills essential to               achieving a level 1 qualification in literacy,
     fulfilment. Everyone will be able to        playing a full part in the city’s social,   •   NI 162 Learners achieving an entry level 3
     access their learning in a cohesive,        cultural and economic development.              qualification in numeracy,
     inclusive city committed to social                                                      •   NI 163 working age population qualified to level
     justice, equality and prosperity. We will                                                   at least 2 or higher
     ensure learning supports the city’s
     economic prosperity and enable
     individuals to thrive in the global                                                     •   CFS Mandatory Indicators,
     economy.                                    Ensure that all children and young          •   NI 117 16-18 year olds who are not in
                                                 people in the city receive the best             education, training or employment,
                                                 preparation and foundation for              •   NI 106 Young people from low income
                                                                                                                                                    Sunderland Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011

                                                 adult life.                                     backgrounds progressing to higher education
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