Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland

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Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
  2014 Report

Collaborative Planning in Action

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
“    An Age Friendly town is a town where the
     community understands and responds to
            the needs of older people
    Age Friendly Ireland

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
      Executive Summary .....................5
      Introduction ................................7
National Age Friendly Cities & Counties Programme .................................... 7
Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy............................................................... 8
Dublin North Central Age Friendly Action Plan .......................................... 11
Aim, Objective of the Age Friendly Process ............................................... 12
Strategic Plan Developed by and for Older People..................................... 14

      Age Friendly Town: Vision, Aims &
      Outcomes ...................................15
Vision & Aims ......................................................................................... 15
Age Friendly Outcomes/ Themes ............................................................. 15
Raheny Location & Context ..................................................................... 18
Profile and Natural Characteristics of Raheny ........................................... 20
Historical Context ................................................................................... 22
Assets of the Village ............................................................................... 25
Mapping the Assets................................................................................. 27
Demographic Profile ............................................................................... 30

      Consultation ..............................37
Consultation Methodology in Developing the Raheny Age Friendly Strategy37
On Street Consultation ............................................................................ 37
Walkability Audit ..................................................................................... 38
Stakeholder Interviews ........................................................................... 43
Public Consultations ................................................................................ 44

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
Summary of Public Consultations ............................................................. 45

      Issues Raised .............................47
Transportation........................................................................................ 50
Own Homes & Communities .................................................................... 52
Be Truly Valued & Respected ................................................................. 54
Social, Economic & Public Life ................................................................. 56
Information to Lead Full Lives ................................................................. 58
Learn, Develop & Work ........................................................................... 60
Healthier & Active Lives for Longer .......................................................... 61
Safe at home & Out and About ................................................................ 63

      Action and Implementation Plan
      Next Steps .................................90

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
Executive Summary
The world is experiencing a rapidly ageing population. Recognising this trend in
2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Network of Age-friendly Cities
and Communities was established. Its purpose is to provide a new approach to
ensure older people’s needs are met and to promote active ageing. Its focus is on
creating an environment where older people continue to participate in social,
economic, cultural, spiritual and civic affairs. The Raheny Age Friendly Village Plan
presents an overview of the Age Friendly Cities and Counties programme and
outlines how the village of Raheny is set within a national, Dublin City and Dublin
North Central Area structure set up to roll out and develop the Age Friendly goals.
The Plan then outlines the four stage process undertaken to include: 1) setting up a
steering committee, 2) establishing demographic data and mapping the assets of the
village; 3) consulting with the public to understand their issues; and 4) developing
actions within a clearly defined implementation plan.

There are 8,735 people living in Raheny (Census 2011) with 29% (2,564) aged 55
and over, and 20% (1,774) aged 65 and over. The consultation used qualitative
research methods in the form of; a walkability audit of two key routes in the village,
on-street surveys, a focus group and one-one conversations resulting in 112 local
older people taking part. Additionally, interviews and conversations were held with
local stakeholders. Through this participation various issues were raised as well as
creative solutions, all of which informed the actions in the Plan. The majority of
those consulted felt very positive about Raheny. Reoccurring positives included: the
great community spirit; friendly businesses and neighbours; good local access to
health care services and pharmacies; the improved physical access to the library;
excellent transport links, as well as the great work undertaken by the Tidy Village
Group in keeping Raheny looking well year round. Additionally, the natural assets of
St. Anne’s Park and the close proximity to the North Bull Island were also noted as
valued assets.

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
Some of the key issues identified as needing improvement included:
   Maintaining the physical environment and improving access to public buildings
     (repairing cracks and dips on footpaths); dog fouling, hazards caused by leaf
     litter, tree branches and littering;
   Insufficient time given to cross streets safely;
   Staying connected with others during the day and accessing up-to-date
     information relevant to older people;
   Maintaining the great work of the Tidy Village Group and its continued
     success in the competition with so few new members joining.
   Additionally, the continued changes in services and the use of technology e.g.
     banking sector was also noted as a growing concern.
  These and more issues were considered by the Steering Committee which
  contributed towards setting priority actions to be implemented by the community
  and/ or other relevant stakeholders.

   The actions were formulated under the nine WHO themes:- Transport, Outdoor
   Spaces and Building, Community Support & Health Service, Housing, Safety &
   Security, Communication & Information, Respect & Social Inclusion, Social
   Participation, Civic Participation and are set down in a detailed Action Plan.
   Some of the priority actions identified and agreed by the Steering Group include:

      Install flat, smooth footpaths with level gradient along Main Street area.
      Set up a Community Café and create a place for people to socialise and share
       information on an ongoing basis for older people.
      Produce a local information leaflet relevant to older people.
      Work towards creating a Universally Accessible Raheny.
      Investigate improving access to and/ or relocation of the HSE medical centre
       on Main Street.

The implementation of these and more practical actions will work towards helping to
improve the everyday lives for older people. The aim is that this Plan will serve as a
guide to bring stakeholders together and will support and drive a range of
improvements for older people living, working and visiting Raheny over the short,
medium and long-term.

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
Raheny Age Friendly Village Plan

The Age Friendly strategy for Raheny is prepared on behalf of Dublin City Council,
Raheny Business Association, Raheny Tidy Village Group and the local community.
Age Friendly Ireland is a non-profit organisation and is the home of Ireland’s Age
Friendly Cities and Counties Programme. The Dublin City Age Friendly County
Programme aims to make Dublin a truly great place in which to grow old and has
produced the ‘Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014-2019 which will is being
implemented across the city including in Raheny. The Programme is built on the
recognition of the valuable role that older people can and should play in shaping
their communities for the better. The voice of the older person is at the heart of the

The Age Friendly Raheny Plan identifies the positives attributes and areas for
improvement in Raheny. It is hoped that through the Age Friendly Towns initiative
these challenges can be effectively acted upon by the relevant stakeholders,
agencies and organisations.

The following section explains the strategic context for developing the Age Friendly
Raheny Plan and states the wider Age Friendly Cities and Counties National
Programme; the overall aim and objectives of the strategy; identifies the key
stakeholders involved in the process and why the implementation of an Age Friendly
Plan is important for older people living in Raheny.

National Age Friendly Cities & Counties
The Age Friendly Cities and Counties (AFCC) Programme is an initiative of Age
Friendly Ireland and is aligned to the World Health Organisations (WHO) Age
Friendly Cities Programme which is operational in 33 towns and cities across the
world. The programme was established in response to the ageing population of
Ireland and a realisation that we need to start planning now for this unprecedented
demographic shift.

Within Ireland, the programme has been adopted by all City and County Councils in
Ireland with the aim to make every county in Ireland ‘Age Friendly’. The County
Manager for Dublin signed up to become an Age Friendly County in 2013. The Dublin

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
North Central Area Manager Dave Dinnigan has in turn shown his committed to the
process through the Dublin North Central area Age Friendly programme and
supporting the Raheny Age Friendly Village process. In each county, the programme
is managed by an Age Friendly Alliance group which is made up of the key decision
makers in the county including senior local authority representatives, CEOs of local
partnership companies, the HSE, the Chief Superintendent of the Gardaí and the

Essentially, the AFCC programme engages with organisations who are currently
working with communities across the Country and looks to explore how they can
better use current resources to respond to the real issues for older people. To date,
many initiatives have been established under the programme which has made a real
difference to lives of older people in these communities.

The Age Friendly Towns (AFT) initiative falls under the AFCC programme. After the
success of the Pilot Town Plans in 2013 Raheny applied to Age Friendly Ireland to be
considered for the 2014 towns programme. The AFT initiative is collaboration
between Age Friendly Ireland, participating Local Authorities and the local

Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy
The Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014-2019 is a five year framework plan to
improve the quality of lives of people over the age of 55. It was informed by an
extensive public consultation phase which resulted in feedback from almost 1,500
people aged 55 and over as well as various service providers and stakeholders.

The Strategy was formally launched by Minister of State Kathleen Lynch at the
Department of Health with special responsibility for Disability, Mental Health and
Older People in City Hall on the 10th September 2014. The Strategy was agreed by
the Age Friendly City Alliance with members from various organisations, led by
Dublin City Council and include; Age Friendly Ireland, An Garda Síochána, Crosscare,
Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin City University, the HSE, and Trinity College

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
From left to right: Con Clarke, Councillor Críona Ní Dhálaigh and Rose Daly at the
official launch of the Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy, 10th September 2014

The Strategy is based on nine themes endorsed by the World Health Organisation
(WHO), using these themes Dublin City have developed nine strategic goals which
are outlined below.

Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014-2019 - Themes and Strategic Goals

Raheny AGE FRIENDLY VILLAGE PLAN 2014 Report - Collaborative Planning in Action - Age Friendly Ireland
Source: Page 14, Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014-2019

Under each of the Strategic goals there are a number of city-wide actions based on
the issues received during public consultations. The implementation of the Strategy
will be based these city-wide actions involving the five Local Area Alliances, one in
each of the City Council’s Areas; North West, North Central, Central, South Central
and South East. All five Local Area Alliances have been set up and will roll out the
city wide strategy through their respective Age Friendly Area Action Plans. Raheny is
included in the Dublin North Central Area Action Plan discussed in further detail in
the next section. Older people across the City will be directly involved in the
implementation as members of the local Area Alliances and Older Person’s Councils.

Dublin North Central Age Friendly Action
As already stated Raheny is set within the Dublin City Council North Central
administrative area. The Dublin North Central area covers a large geographic region
stretching from Fairview eastwards along the coast to Clontarf and Raheny, and in
the north to include Santry, Beaumont east to Donaghmede. The Dublin North
Central area has both the highest total population and the greatest number of
people over the age of 55 in the city.

As part of the North Central’s Age Friendly programme extensive consultation was
completed this involved:
     108 older people consulted during ‘On-street’ surveys.
     196 older people attending round-table consultations in various locations in
       the area.
     164 completing questionnaires in the area.
Additional consultations have been held with public and private service providers
responsible for the delivery of services to older people. These consultations have
provided an opportunity to gather information and understand the issues affecting
older people and have provided the basis for the Dublin North Central Area Age
Friendly Action Plan for the area due to be finalised in early 2015.

An Older Person’s Council was established in October 2014 from older person’s
representatives from across the North Central area. The purpose of the Council is to
act as a voice for older people from the North Central area.

The Dublin North Central Alliance members are representatives from various
stakeholders providing services across the North Central area, namely; Dublin City
Council, HSE, the Northside Partnership, An Garda Síochána, Dublin City University,
Dublin Institute of Technology, local businesses, Dublin Bus and Vantastic and are
listed in the table below. The Alliance is responsible for overseeing both the Dublin
North Central and local initiatives and actions.

Dublin North Central Alliance Members
          Elaine Mulvenny                         Dublin City Council
          Alison King                             Dublin City Council
          Jim Lee                                 Dublin City Council
          Vanessa Carey                           Dublin City Council
          Cathrina Murphy                         Dublin City Council
          Mary Reidy                              Dublin City Council
          Pat Doherty                             Age Friendly Ireland
          Chief Superintendent Francis Clerkin    An Garda Síochána
          Rachel Simons                           HSE
          Phil Keogh                              DIT
          Cormac Moloney                          Vantastic
          Marian Vickers                          Northside Partnership
          Dr. Lorcán O hÓbáin                     Syrom Systems Ltd.
          Dr. Trudy Corrigan                      DCU

Aim, Objective of the Age Friendly Process
The overarching aim of the process is to make Raheny an ‘Age Friendly Village’, with
the key agencies, organisations and community working together to maintain,
promote and improve the area so that it contributes towards the quality of life and
health of older people thus making Raheny a great place to grow old.

The objective of the Age Friendly Raheny initiative is to gain an understanding of the
community and create a Plan that responds to the needs of older people in the area.
The plan is created by consulting, building and implementing a plan together with
the community to make Raheny age friendly and engaging older people in shaping
and enhancing their own community. The process uses the structure and
methodologies of the Age Friendly County programme.

The Four Step Process

The age friendly process is built on developing solutions that are specific to the
unique area. It has been rolled out and tested as part of the County and Towns
Programmes and has been proven to be a robust and flexible process in its
application across the social, economic and physical environment of an area. The
actions and recommendations are based on being practical, innovative and inclusive
in their design and application - built around the principles of universal design.
These principles include; equity, flexibility, simplicity and intuitive and inclusive of all
ages, genders, background and abilities.

As part of first step in the four stage process, the key stakeholders were identified in
Raheny to form a local Steering Group. Stakeholders were contacted and informed
about the project and their commitment obtained. The Steering Committee members
are listed below.

The Age Friendly Raheny Steering Committte (AFSC)
   Name                               Organisation
   Vanessa Carey                      Dublin City Council
   Fiona Kirby                        Dublin City Council
   Con Clarke                         Raheny Tidy Village Group
   Barry Murphy                       Raheny Business Association
   Jim Clavin                         An Garda Síochana - Community Police Sargent
   John Swords                        Member of GAA & Board of Local Schools
   Rose Daly                          Local Champion
   Leo George Devitt                  Local Champion

Rachel Simons                     Health Service Executive
   Maria Jackson                     Kare Social Services Ltd.
   Frances O'Kelly                   Age Friendly Ireland
The role of the Steering Committee is to provide knowledge and guidance during the
project and assist either directly or indirectly in implementing actions within the Plan.

“If you design for the young you exclude the old, but if you design for the
                        old, you include everyone!”
(Glenn Miller, Director of Education and Research, Canadian Urban Institute).

Strategic Plan Developed by and for Older
A key attribute of the Age Friendly Raheny Plan is that local older people are central
to informing the recommendations and actions. Through their participation and
contribution various issues were brought forward together with their creative
solutions which contributed towards setting the priority actions to be implemented
by the community and other relevant stakeholders.

It presents a vision to strengthen existing partnerships and attempt to develop new
partnerships. The Age Friendly Raheny Plan is intended as a clear statement of aims
and objectives for creating an Age Friendly Raheny with a clearly defined Action Plan
comprised of practical and cost effective solutions to achieve objectives. The Plan
will serve as a useful tool which can to support and drive improvements for older
people living, working and visiting Raheny over the short, medium and long-term.

Age Friendly Town: Vision,
Aims & Outcomes
Vision & Aims
Raheny is part of the Age Friendly Towns initiative which is part of the wider national
Age Friendly City and Counties (AFCC) programme, which is currently operational in
all Local Authorities.

The programme’s vision is:
        ‘To make every county in Ireland a great place in which to grow

      The aims of the Age Friendly Towns Strategy are to:- Make the town a great
       place to grow old
      Engage older adults in shaping and enhancing their communities for the
       benefit of everyone.
      Demonstrate the benefits of a multi-stakeholder planning approach, informed
       and supported by older adults.
      Learn ‘what works’ in this context and use the findings to inform better
       approaches to planning for older adults.

Age Friendly Outcomes/ Themes
The World Health Organisation has set out eight Age Friendly themes to define the
quality of everyday life for older people. These eight themes are Outdoor Spaces and
Buildings, Transportation, Housing, Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion,
Civic Participation and Employment, Communication and Information, Community
Support and Health Services. To make these themes more meaningful, Age Friendly
Ireland has expressed them in terms of the desired outcomes and safety was added
as an additional desired outcome

   1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings: To be enabled by the built and social
      environment AND To feel and be safe at home and out and about.
   2. Transportation: To get where we want to go when we want to.

3. Housing: To stay living in our own homes and communities.
   4. Social Participation: To participate in social, economic and public life.
   5. Respect and Social Inclusion: To be truly valued and respected.
   6. Civic Participation and Employment: To continue to learn, develop and
   7. Communications and Information: To have the information we need to
      lead full lives.
   8. Community Support and Health Services: To lead healthier and active
      lives for longer

Various forms of consultations and discussions have taken place with people in
Raheny based around the themes listed above. These include; a walkability survey,
on-street surveys, one to one discussions and focus groups. The results from these
consultations are discussed in Consultation Section below.

WHO Age Friendly Themes

Raheny Location & Context
Raheny village is located in a hamlet of Dublin Bay on the east coast of Ireland
approximately 6.5km to over 8 km north from Dublin city centre. The village is an
attractive suburban coastal village that has a rich historic and cultural fabric. In 2014
it was winner of the Urban and Rural Village Tidy Towns Award sponsored by the
Irish Planning Institute. It is characterised by mainly residential, community and
businesses uses. It is adjoined by neighbouring villages of Kilbarrack and Edenmore
to the north; and Harmonstown, Killester and Artane to the west.

                                    Howth Road, Raheny (Looking West)

The village centre is accessible via the Howth Road (R105) running northeast
through the village; travelling from the city centre to Howth. It is also served by the
Dart rail line which provides public transport links, both north and south along the
coast to Dublin and Wicklow respectively. By virtue of the rail line connection Raheny
is within a few stops of extensive suburban and intercity rail links making the village
easily accessible by public transport. There are numerous local public bus services
(Route no.’s include: 29a, 31, 31a, 32, 32 and nitelink service) which travel along
various routes in and around the village. Raheny is easily accessible by car from the
Howth Road or James Larkin Road, and the M50 is located further north, providing
access from the north, south, and west of the County.

In terms of international links, Raheny is located approximately 9 km from Dublin
Airport (in the north) and approximately 10 km from Dublin Ferryport service in the
south, with Dún Laoghaire Ferryport located 17 km further south.

Raheny Location & Context

St. Anne’s Park adjoins the village to the east, offering an easily accessible, large,
public recreational and amenity parkland. James Larkin Road (R807) makes up the
coastal boundary to the east overlooking picturesque Dublin Bay and the North Bull
Island, which is accessible via the Causeway Road (located approximately 3.4km)
east of Raheny. North Bull Island is a national nature reserve and is listed by
UNESCO as a biosphere reserve.

Figure 1: Raheny Age Friendly Boundary Area

Note: The Raheny Age Friendly boundary area (above) was defined based on a

local knowledge and the Small Area Population statistics (SAPS) as defined by the
Central Statistics Office (CSO) 2011

Profile and Natural Characteristics of
Raheny is situated on undulating, mainly rising ground from Dublin Bay (east to
west). The historic core of the village is situated on a crest of land - sloping down to
the sea east towards the North Bull Island. As we will see during the consultations
process some of these higher areas of ground or sloping areas where identified as
being difficult for older people to navigate and particularly during wet or icy weather.

Distinct rising areas in the area include:
     A sharp rise along Main Street (north to south), forking up and levelling off to
        meet the Howth Road (running west-east)
     From the village centre along Raheny Road (south to north) to the Train
        station and then to Belmont (towards Edenmore), a hill which once featured
        a windmill.
     A sharp decline on the road at Shopping centre (at Super Valu).
     A rise overlooking Bull Island at Maywood and Bettyglen (east of Raheny
        village core)

Main Street (showing steep incline)                Station Road (at Train Station)

Rise on Howth Road                                Rise on Raheny Road / Hilltop

In the centre of the village is the Santry River (running north-west to south-east), it
is visible on a number of occasions through Raheny and enters the sea (the "lagoon"
between Bull Island and the coast, also known as Crab Water and Raheny Lake)
beside the causeway to Bull Island. The other waterways include the Naniken River,
now mostly culverted, which travels through St. Anne's Park and enters the sea from
there, and the Blackwater and Fox Streams.

Raheny has a good number of parks and amenity areas including:
 All Saints Park – Located within close proximity to the village and St. Anne’s
   Park. It has an outdoor basketball court and some paved walking areas with
   mature trees and grassed areas.
 Rectory Park & Nuns Walk – Located within close proximity to the village
   core, these areas are small urban parks/ pocket parks, with mature trees. .
 Edenmore Park – to the north of the village is well maintained large municipal
   park. It offers a range of sporting facilities, paved areas, seating and landscaped
 St. Anne’s Park – adjoins the study area and is a local and regional municipal
   park used for a host of recreational and amenity purposes. It is part of a former
   202 hectares (500 acres) estate assembled by members of the Guinness family
   and is steeped in history still visible through its many buildings and structures,
   and wooded areas. It is a recreational and amenity resource with various sports
   grounds and playing pitches, tennis courts, all-weather cricket crease, golf
   course, children’s playgrounds, outdoor gym, woodland paths and walled gardens
   and various other landscaped areas including a pond and the Naniken River.
 Rathmore Park

Raheny retains much of its rich historical and cultural heritage through its built
environment much of which can be seen as you travel through the village today.

Historical Context
The name Raheny is derived from the Irish “Rath Eanaigh” or “Enna’s Fort”. Raheny
is centred on an historic settlement, a ringfort or ‘rath’ believed to be the site where
local people led by a man called Eanna lived for many years, between 400 BC and
400 AD approximately. At the heart of today’s village lie the remains of this large
ancient rath. The rath is believed to extend under the centre of the modern village,
from beside the Santry River, including some marshy ground, to the Roman Catholic
Church (Church of Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace), Windsor Motors, the Scout
Den and under the two St. Assam's Churches. Some excavations were carried out in
the 1970s, giving an indication of its size and structure which was deemed to be
approximately 110m in diameter.1

As the City of Dublin grew over the 19th Century and more noticeably in the later
part of the 20th Century so too did its suburbs. The village of Raheny and the green
fields which surrounded it began to slowly become developed mainly into residential
housing developments.


Historic Map Raheny

Source: Ordnance Survey of Ireland, Historic 6inch 1800s

An imposing and noticeable characteristic of the area are the number of churches in
the village. For example, the ruins of St Assam's Church lie in the centre of Raheny.
St Assam is thought to have been a disciple of St Patrick (Ireland’s Patron Saint) and
the first church in his name was built in Raheny in 1609. The ‘new St. Assam’
catholic church was built across the road in 1859. In 1889, the old St Assam’s church
was replaced as parish church for the Church of Ireland congregation by All Saints
Church further up the Howth Road. All that remains of the first ‘old’ church (1609)
are the walls and a cable wall surrounded by the boundary walls and graveyard as
seen below2.

      St. Assam’s Church (1609)             St. Assams Church ‘new’ (1859)   All Saints
      Church (1889)
Other cultural and architectural features include the eight crescent cottages
located on Station Road near the junction with Howth Road (located adjacent to the


Church of Mother Divine Grace). These single-storey dwellings are among the oldest
buildings in the village, built around 1790 by local resident Samuel Dick, the then
Governor of the Bank of Ireland. The cottages served as residence for men who
worked on Mr. Dick's estate. The cottages are informally known as the 'Doh-Ray-
Mee' cottages. The cottage nearest to the Station House pub was once the village
post office (as illustrated on the early historic maps (above).

 The Crescent Cottages/ 'Doh-Ray-Mee' cottages Station Road, Raheny

Other evidence of Raheny’s rich cultural, historical and architectural heritage dotted
throughout the village, include:

      The Hayes Cross
      The Millennium Clock
      St. Anne’s Park Gates
      Raheny Station master's House
      An example of a plaque, written by RHS and erected by Raheny Business
      The old Church of Ireland National School (now a Montessori)
      Milestone on the Howth Road
      Dicks Charity School (now a restaurant)
      Estate Cottages

Assets of the Village
As already stated Raheny has excellent transport links and an attractive physical
environment, it also has a range of physical and ‘soft’ assets to include community
buildings, sports complexes as well as a number of parks and open spaces and
public seating areas throughout the village. Other assets include the quantity and
quality of businesses and services including; health centres, shops, restaurants,
pubs, banking services, accounting services to name but a few. There are also many
social ‘assets’ clubs and organisations, to include: Raheny Tidy Village Group,
Raheny Business Association, Raheny Heritage Society, Raheny Active Retirement
(Art Group) , Raheny GAA Club, Raheny United Soccer Club, Raheny Shamrocks
Athletics Club (beside Scouts Den), Walk and Talk Club, Raheny Ladies Club (St.
Annes) to name but a few. An Garda Síochána work with the community on a
number of safety initiatives and community events across the village throughout the

   Members of the public and An Garda Síochána at Raheny Old Folks Christmas
     Evening held at St. Francis Hospice, photo courtesy Leo George Devitt

         Raheny Pride of Place Group (Photo: Courtesy Leo George Devitt)

From left to right: Dart Station, Station Road. Seating & attractive Public realm on
the Howth Road & Main Street.

Residents Associations in the area include:
    Rathmore Park Residents Association
    St. Anne’s Court Residents Association (Older Persons Complex)
    Raheny Court Residents Association (Older Persons Complex)
    Ashcroft Residents Association
    Raheny Active Retirement (Art Group)

The voluntary Raheny Village Tidy Group has been active in the village for many
years. It works with the community and drives activities for the Tidy Towns
competition and has helped the area win a number of civic awards most recently
winning the Urban and Rural Village Tidy Towns Award sponsored by the Irish
Planning Institute.

    Members of the Raheny Tidy Village Group at work in Raheny (Summer 2014)
Mapping the Assets

Neighbourhood Centre Areas:

Hilltop Neighbourhood Centre

Watermill Drive Neighbourhood Area

Raheny Village Core & Main Street Shopping District

Demographic Profile


The population of the world and Ireland is increasing and so too is its older
demographic. People are living longer and healthier lives presenting new challenges
to policy, planning and the development of our communities.             Analysis of
demographic data can help gain a greater understanding of an area and inform
policy and actions that are specific to those populations.

The Raheny Age Friendly boundary area (Figure 1) was used to gather demographic
data. As already stated the boundary area was set by the Steering Committee based
on local knowledge of the village and on the geographic areas pre-determined by
the Central Statistics Office (CSO) 2011 results namely the Small Area Population
Statistics (SAPS). The following sections present an overview of some of the key
demographic data gathered during the last census 2011 relevant to Raheny.

Population Trends

The Raheny age friendly area has a total population of 8,735 comprising 4,097
males and 4,638 females as shown in the population pyramid below. The population
of the area increased by 5.96% in 2011 from a decline of -3.28% in 2006. Indeed
the majority of all SAPS areas within the boundary area experienced an increase in
population during this period. This population increase is consistent with the
population of the state which has grown by 30% during the period 1991 – 2011,
increasing from 3.53 million people to 4.58 million. A review of the demographic
statistics confirms the changing demographic realities with older people living
healthier lives for longer.

In 2011 the population of the State aged over 65 increased by 14.4% since 2006.
This was especially evident in the male population aged over 65 which rose by 17.5
per cent compared with 12 per cent for women, indicating the narrowing gap in life
expectancy between the two sexes, as can be seen in the graph below.

National Population trend aged 65 and over 2006-2011

                        Source: Central Statistics Office, 2011

Some other interesting statistics for the State in 2011 when compared with 2006
Census results show:-
    18% increase in the male population aged 65 and over.
    12% increase in the female population aged 65 and over
    22% increase in the population aged 85 and over

As can be seen from the population pyramid below, the Age Friendly Raheny area
has a total 2,564 aged 55 and over comprising 29% of the total population. There
are 1,774 persons aged 65 and over comprising approximately 20% of the total
population of Raheny and 37% of the total population aged 50 and over. The 45-49
ages represents the largest cohort of people in Raheny for both male and females,
illustrated below with a bulge in the population pyramid.

Figure 2: Population Pyramid Raheny 2011

Data source: Small Area Population Statistics, Census results 2011, Central Statistics Office

Transport and Travel

The Census results show the private car is the most popular mode of transport to
work, school or college with a total 2,243 using the private care (1,724 drivers + 519
car passengers). The Train, Dart or Luas category was the second most popular with
1,044 persons. Walking was third most widely used mode with 767 persons before
the bus as seen in the Figure 3 below.

Taxi Rank, Howth Road                        Car park: Super Valu/ Howth Road Shopping Centre

Figure 3: Population aged 5 years and over by means of travel to work, school or college

                                      Population aged 5 years and over by means of
                                            travel to work, school or college

                 Numbers of People                                 1724

                                                 541                        519
                                                              57                      115        90

                                                                          Source: Census, 2011

Health, Disability and Carers

There are 3,413 households in the area, with 8,735 people living in the area. In
2011, 1,428 persons were recorded as having a disability. Additionally, 159 males
and 253 females are recorded as being unpaid carers in the area. When people were
asked about how they considered their health the majority of people in Raheny both
male and female stated they were in ‘very good’ health. See below for a further
breakdown in the responses in relation to health from Census 2011.

Car Ownership & Disability

There are 638 households that do not own a car. In 2011, there were a total
number of 1,428 with a disability living in the area. The image below illustrates (by
colour scale) the locations where people with disability reside with the darkest colour
indicating 20-75% and the lightest colour (yellow) indicating the areas with the
lowest numbers 0-5% reside. These images show high concentrations of those living
with a disability 20-75% (2011) located around the village core and sections of
Howth Road, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Edenmore, Hilltop area and St. Francis Hospice
areas, as well as areas around St. Anne’s Housing Estate and Avondale. These areas
are broadly the same as those areas with low or no car ownership.

Locations Persons with Disability, 2011

Percentage of households without a car, 2011

Deprivation Index

Pobal HP Deprivation Index is a method of measuring the relative affluence or
disadvantage of a particular geographical area using data compiled from various
censuses. A scoring is given to the area based on a national average of zero and
ranging from approximately -35 (being the most disadvantaged) to +35 (being the
most affluent). Analysis of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index overall shows that
Raheny is above the national average with a score of 5.27 which means it is not
categorised as being deprived nor is it categorised as being a very affluent area.

Age Dependency Ratio

Dependency ratios are used to give a useful indication of the age structure of a
population with young and old shown as a percentage of the population of working
age (i.e. aged 15-64). The total dependency ratio is the sum of the young and old
ratios. The total dependency ratio for the State increased to 49.3 in 2011 from 45.8
in 2006. This indicates approximately one young or old person for every two people
of working age in Ireland. This is due to increasing births combined with people
generally living longer, and is despite the fact that the number of persons of working
age continued to grow, reaching over three million for the first time in 2011. The

overall dependency rate in the City is 38. In the Raheny area the overall
dependency ratio within the boundary area increased to 37.5 in 2011 from 34.84,
showing a similar rising trend to that of the State figures.

It is important to bear in mind that dependency ratios are a rather crude measure as
variations occur over time due to the number of young people in third level
education and people over 65 continuing to work.

Age Dependency Ratio, 2011

As we can see from above maps, a higher portion (20-100%) of local authority
accommodation is located around the village centre and the Howth Road. These
areas also correspond with the higher age dependency ratios and also some of the
areas with the higher rates (30-50%) of households without a car as well as areas
with high proportion of people with disabilities suggesting there may be a greater
need for a variety of community, transport, and health care and support services
required in these areas.

Consultation Methodology in Developing the
Raheny Age Friendly Strategy
The basis for developing this plan came from consultation with older people in
Raheny and key service providers who assist older people. The recommendations
were established using four primary methods of consultation which include:-

   1.     On Street Consultations
   2.     Walkability Audit
   3.     Interviews with Key Stakeholders
   4.     Consultation with Older People

The following explains the process under the consultation methods outlined above
and summarises the findings to date:-

 Shows the provision of seating areas along the Howth Road

On Street Consultation
On-street consultations took places using a standardised questionnaire devised by
the Age Friendly County Programme. The format of the questionnaire used
statement style questions devised under each of the nine WHO themes/ outcomes
(described previously) with options given to participants to answer: agree, disagree,
don’t know or not applicable.

Consultations as part of the Dublin North Central Strategy were undertaken in
Raheny in early 2014. Subsequent to this further on-street consultations were
completed in the summer of 2014. A total of 44 people completed on-street
questionnaires and self-completion questionnaires. The findings from both were
used to inform the issues, actions and recommendations.

Additionally, random conversations were undertaken using informal conversation
style in various public places in Raheny broadly asking what was good and what
could be improved in Raheny. These were undertaken with approximately 10 people.
The results from these were also used to inform the actions and recommendations.

Walkability Audit
The walkability for Raheny was undertaken on two key routes in the village. The
routes walked are described below under ‘Route 1’ and ‘Route 2’and were chosen as
they form key routes in the village that are used frequently by the community.
Participants were informed that they could include information about areas outside
of those routes. All routes were broadly looped in nature and originated and
terminated at the Station House Bar on Howth Road (now under new ownership and
called the Cock and Bull Pub). After the walk participants filled in the standardised
Walkability Audit form devised and administered in collaboration with the Centre of
Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD).

The walkability audit was undertaken on a dry sunny morning during the summer
2014 with 16 people and 4 facilitators. The participants ranged in ages, gender and
abilities, they included a visually impaired person, two wheelchair users, a person
using crutches, a person using a rollator and a number of people with hearing
difficulties. A summary of the type of participants is listed in the table below with
one participant falling under a number of the categories.

         Classification of participants by age           Person (can include
         and/ or disability                              one or more type)

         Under age of 65 with no disabilities        5
         Older person                                5
         Wheelchair user                             2
         Reduced mobility                            3

         Vision impairment                           1
         A person with hearing loss                  1

Route 1: Route Description & Main Issues
Overview of the main stages of route one is as follows: Started at the Station House
Bar (now Cock & Bull Pub) crossing at the pedestrian traffic lights to Church of Our
Lady Mother of Divine Grace on Howth Road, crossing traffic lights to bus stop on
Howth Road. We then continued to shops crossing Watermill Road and travelling to
All Saints Drive as far as Wade’s Avenue to Howth Road back towards Super Valu &
Shopping Centre area, travelling along Howth Road returning to The Station House

Images left to right: Footpath access isssues for people wheelchairs, Wades, Ave (Issue 5).
Picture: Howth Road: No dip on footpath at other side of road to facilitate wheelchair access

Route 2: Route Description and Main Issues
Overview of the main stages of route two: started at the Station House Bar (Cock
and Bull Pub) continuing along Howth Road, crossed at pedestrian traffic lights to
the Raheny Library and bus stop. We then continued down Howth Road to Main
Street and Watermill Road and then up towards All Saints Drive, crossing over to the
Garda Station. We then continued back the same way but on other side of All Saints
Drive down Watermill Road and back up the hill of Main Street (opposite side)
towards Howth Road and back to The Station House Bar.

Pictures: Illustrating Some of the Issues identified During the Walkability

Issue 4                     Issue 3                      Issue 7

Participants that took part in the Walkability Audit

Walkability Data Analysis

The majority of participants 83% stated that “A lot of work has been done to make
the village Age Friendly with 16.7% stating “some age friendly things in place- still
more to do”.

A standardised questionnaire was administered after participants had walked along
the routes. The questions were based around five categories:
   1. Footpaths
   2. Crossings
   3. Aesthetics – Look and Feel
   4. Public Spaces & Buildings
   5. Safety & Comfort

How Raheny rates on the Age Friendly scale

Analysis of the results show that participants felt that for the most part Raheny has
done a lot of work to make the village age friendly. This includes providing footpaths
on all streets that are generally wide, flat and mostly in good repair. The majority
stated that there are plenty of; bins, sheltered bus stops, seating areas and places
to rest, and that the village felt safe and visually pleasing in most places. However,
it was also recognised that there was room for improvement in some of these areas.
Some participants expressed strong feelings in relation to specific areas in the village
that could be improved, such as the footpath surfaces and particularly footpaths on
Main Street and wanted pavements maintained and repaired on an ongoing basis
with wider dished kerbs, free from litter, dog fouling, and low hanging branches or
overgrown hedges - so as not to hinder pedestrians (particularly those with mobility
or visibility issues). Street lighting was also stated as being important and pedestrian
crossings that give sufficient time for people of all mobility levels to cross safely.
These and other feedback and suggestions for improvements were brought to the
responsible person or organisation. Where some commitment to help improve these
issues was achieved theses are included as part of the Age Friendly Raheny Action
Plan in the Final Section of this report.

Images: Main Street Issues: (from left to right) Photo 1. Sharp incline Photo 2. Steps going
up cannot be accessed by wheelchair users Photo 3. Steps - inaccessible to wheelchair users.

Image: Traffic
                                                             lights have
                                                             returned to green
                                                             with pedestrian
                                                             only half way
                                                             across the street -
                                                             illustrating that
                                                             the pedestrian
                                                             traffic lights do
                                                             not give users
                                                             reasonable time
                                                             to cross the road

Stakeholder Interviews
Key stakeholders and service providers were identified during the course of the
project and through profiling of services during the assets mapping of the village.
This complimented the information gathered during consultations with older people
throughout the consultation process.

Semi-structured interview or phone conversations         were undertaken     during
consultations with the identified stakeholders.

      Dublin City Council
      Raheny Business Association
      Raheny Tidy Village Group
      An Garda Síochána
      Kare Social Services
      Crochet and Knitting Club
      Health Service Executive
      Super Valu
      St. Joseph’s Hospital

The issues raised by the stakeholders are included in the Issues and Actions section

Public Consultations
A structured focus group was held with older people in St. Anne’s Court in relation to
the County Strategy with 24 people attending. Results from these consultations were
used to inform the Raheny age friendly initiative. Additionally, a semi-structured
focus group consultation was undertaken which also marked the public launch of the
project on the 15th of October in CARA Hall, Raheny. The event was advertised in
the Northside People and widely through posters and community groups across the

Each table was assigned two of the nine World Health Organisation themes/ topics
to discuss. The discussion was framed around:
     What is good about ‘the topic’ in Raheny?
     What would improve ‘the topic’ in Raheny?
     What can you do to help improve ‘the topic’?
     What can others do to help improve ‘the topic’?

 Srgt Jim Clavin and members of the Public at the Public Consultation

Jim Lee and Fiona Kirby (Dublin City Council) with members of the
 public at the Public Consultation

Summary of Public Consultations
Analysis of the results from participants and the facilitators notes it was established
that the majority of those consulted overwhelmingly liked living in Raheny.
Reoccurring positive aspects included;
    Excellent transport links.
    Generally good services and facilities available in the village.
    Good community spirit
    The great work done by the Tidy Village Group in making Raheny look so well
    The quantity and quality of the public parks in the area especially St. Anne’s
       Park was noted.
    Access to health care and pharmacy was good.
    Friendly Businesses

However, a number of issues also arose under each of the themes such as:
   Uneven footpaths and growing safety concerns around Main Street
   Timing of pedestrian crossings.
   Access to the lift and the steepness of the ramp at the Dart Station.

   Access issues in and around the shopping centre (Super Valu).
      Need for bus shelters, seating with backs and real-time information at some
       bus stops particularly outside the Dart Station.
      Access to information generally about what’s happening in Raheny specific to
       older people.
      Staying connected during the day time and social isolation present in Raheny
      Affordable access for older people to St. Josephs Day hospital and Beaumont
       Hospital when sick.
      Buses not pulling close enough to kerb and lowering bus height/ ramp.
      Issues around security at certain times of the day and availability of
       information on activities taking place across Raheny.
      Maintaining the great work of the Tidy Towns village group and its continued
       success in the competition with so few new and younger members joining.
      Bins and seats in St. Anne’s Park.
      Poor quality of smaller park in Raheny for walking and resting.

Some of these issues or concerns have been incorporated into the Action Plan at the
end of the Plan with a proposed solution and timeframe along with lead organisation
identified in order to try to address the issue in a realistic and timely fashion.

Issues Raised
The Raheny Age Friendly Village initiative operates within the context of the North
Central Area Age Friendly Action Plan 2014 – 2017 which in turn is linked with the
Dublin City Age Friendly Strategy 2014-2019. The Raheny Plan supports both of
these Plans and their associated Goals and Actions. In particular local older people
and groups are being encouraged to get involved in Area and Citywide structures
such as the Area Older Person’s Council and the Public Participation Networks
(PPN’s) which are pivotal in informing the implementation of wider Plans and Policies
at local government level and providing a platform for continued consultation on
matters relating to older people in the area.

The Raheny Age Friendly Action Plan, set down below, has been developed based on
the issues brought forward during consultations with local older people, summarised
below with solutions developed where possible. The Action Plan is based on the
WHO themes. The Dublin North Central Alliance has committed to continue to
support the Raheny Age Friendly Steering Committee in driving forward these
actions. Where citywide or national issues were raised these were brought to the
Area Alliance for consideration - in order to facilitate action at the appropriate level.
It is intended that the Dublin Age Friendly Strategy and associated plans are
mutually supportive to ensure Dublin becomes a great place to grow old.

1             Outdoor Spaces
              & Buildings

                         Goal at County Level
    “Ensure that the design, maintenance and redevelopment of outdoor spaces and
     buildings are in line with current best practice in accessibility for older people.”

                                  Your Voice
“     I needed someone at the back of my chair or I would have fallen out of
                                    my chair.
                       (Participant on walkability audit, at the Garda Station)

    “             The Tidy Tows do great work, the place looks great!
This section gives an overview of the key issues and challenges that emerged under
the outdoor spaces and buildings (WHO) theme as part of the various consultations
undertaken in Raheny. Overall, people felt very positive about the outdoor spaces
and buildings in Raheny. St. Anne’s Park and the library were noted many times as
being valuable assets and that people enjoyed spending time in the village. It was
widely acknowledged the great work the community and especially the Raheny Tidy
Village Group and businesses do to keep Raheny looking well and in bloom.
Additionally, people stated the Tidy Village Group do great work in keeping areas
litter free however, it was felt that despite this that litter and dog droppings are an
issue in areas and people said that there needs to be more personal responsibility
for their actions.

Issues identified that needed improving included: access to public and private
buildings for people with reduced mobility , e.g. at Super Valu Shopping Centre, the
Garda Station, and the HSE medical centre; issues with damaged footpaths or
buildings being in accessible due to footpath heights or inappropriate dishing. It was
also noted at night it can be hard to see the pavements on some streets due to
leaves on trees blocking street lights and that alleyways near the Dart Station can be
very dark which made people feel unsafe. The Action Plan table at the end of this
section provides a detailed breakdown of solutions developed to address these and
more issues with a proposed action, timeline, and a lead person or organisations
identified responsible for delivery.

2             Transportation

                             Goal at County Level
    Ensure that public transport in Dublin City is appropriate for older people

                                        Your Voice

  “              We have great transport links; it’s so easy to get around.
“ “  I can walk only as fast as I can. Longer times need to be given to the green lights at
     pedestrian crossing. They change too quickly which can be nervous for older people
This section gives an overview of the key issues and challenges that emerged under
the transport and getting around theme from the various consultations. In general
people felt they could get around quite easily and for the most part public transport
gets them where they need to go. Raheny has a good range of transport options
including the Dart, Dublin Bus, walking routes and cycling which people said they
valued and wanted to see continued and improved. The shop route and health route
run by Vantastic was noted as being an excellent local service unfortunately it was
discovered that everyone knew the service existed.

There were some issues identified as needing improving such as footpaths and
dishing that impact on people’s ability to get around easily (dealt with under actions
in the Outdoors Spaces - Section 1 above). The surface and gradient of the
footpaths on Main Street were widely commented on as being dangerous along with
the confusing parking rates in this area. It was also noted that the lifts at the dart
station were frequently not working and some steps were too high and difficult to
climb. The walkability identified that pedestrians with limited mobility did not have
enough time to cross the road safely at the pedestrian crossings and the rapid
change of the lights to yellow stressed some people as they tried to cross the road.

Some bus stops were identified as not having appropriate kerb heights to get on to
buses safely especially for people with reduced mobility. The Action Plan table
provides a detailed breakdown of these and more issues with a proposed action,
timeline, the lead person or organisations responsible for delivery along with a status

3            Own Homes &
                         Goal at County Level
            Ensure that facilities, services and supports are available to assist older
                     people to remain living in their communities.

                                    Your Voice

“       If anything happens to me I’m not sure if I will be able to stay in my home.

“        Raheny is my home, whenever I go away I can’t wait to come back!

Over the course of the various consultations a number of findings under the home
and community theme emerged including over 93% of the people (on-streets
surveys) stating they felt there was a ‘good sense of community in the area’, the
majority also agreed that their homes could be easily adapted as they grew older,
however during focus groups many people stated that they didn’t know where to get
information or support for grants to help with adaptations such as installing railings,
hand rails at doors, ramps at entrances or installing downstairs toilet in their homes.
They also expressed concern about tradesmen entering their homes and fear of
being taken advantage of and that if there was a trusted tradesman list locally that
they would feel safer using this.

It was also stated during focus groups that St. Anne’s Court had been earmarked for
refurbishment and that this was still required. While this particular action could not
be addressed as part of this process, the Action Plan table at the end of the section

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