Page created by Jimmy Molina
January 2020
I referred my employee to the      You did the right thing by not involving yourself in the public conversation about his
EAP. He had a great                EAP participation. Doing so may have turned the discussion toward you and that it
experience, but last week told     was a supervisory referral. The positive testimonial offered by your employee will
everyone in the lunchroom          not be diminished by your lack of commenting on the program. Although you did not
about it. He did not mention       publicly praise the worker for his participation, you can still encourage EAP
that he was referred by me. I      attendance at any time through a memo to all staff. Doing so periodically is advised,
kept silent to maintain            including that it is free and confidential. EAPs rely upon word-of-mouth promotion
confidentiality. It was            to help build awareness and confidence in the quality of its services. So, this
awkward. Some saw my               employee’s testimonial served as a positive endorsement of the EAP and that is a
silence as disapproving. Any       good thing.

What is the most important         The way you speak to employees when confronting them about their performance
consideration to keep in mind      plays a big role in facilitating cooperation and correcting their problems. Speaking
when meeting with an               down to the employee will elicit one type of negative response. Speaking “up” to the
employee to give critical work     employee will elicit another. The more effective approach to any problem is to build
performance feedback? My           it as though both you and the employee have a stake in its resolution. By doing so,
goal is for the employee to        you are recognizing it is a problem you mutually desire to change. This does not
own the need for change and        mean you as a supervisor will resolve it for the employee. It is still the employee’s
be cooperative, appreciative,      responsibility to correct noncompliant performance. However, this “mutual desire
and motivated through the          approach” aids cooperation, motivation, and focus. And it decreases defensiveness.
change process.                    This approach does not minimize the importance or severity of the problem. Share
                                   with employees that the EAP is a resource to help them find the strategies for
                                   change. If it is a formal supervisory referral, requesting the employee sign a release
                                   of information form with the EAP is a way to facilitate appropriate communication
                                   between all parties involved.

My employee shows up late          Effects of tardiness include resentment from coworkers, which can result in conflicts.
to work, and I am about to         This in turn affects productivity. Morale also suffers. Being chronically late has ripple
write a corrective letter as a     effects for almost any part of the organization’s operation, including customer
first-level warning. What          service. Chronic tardiness is the type of problem that frustrated employees often
negative effects of tardiness      end-run to the next level of management to lodge a complaint. You want to avoid
can I insert into this             management coming to you, and instead be proactive with this problem. Failure to
documentation? And how are         do so will earn you a reputation for playing favorites, being unfair, and being a
supervisors impacted if they       pushover. If employees believe you do not care about tardiness, they may begin to
ignore tardiness?                  ignore other rules and standards of excellence and be less concerned about their

ERC: Counselors & Consultants is your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. For info, visit our
website or call 1-800-222-8590. Our professional staff is available to customers for consultations
on employee matters and EAP referrals. Call the Leader’s Hotline at 1-800-222-8590. Information contained in
the Frontline Supversior is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be specific guidance
for any particular supervisor or human resource management concern. Copyright © 2018 by DFA
July 2020

                                                        THE EAP
When we think of grief, we generally associate it with death. The reality is that grief is a normal response that can affect us
any time we have encountered a significant change or transition in life. Grief can be experienced with job loss, divorce, health
issues, or major life transitions.
With the past few months, many are experiencing ambiguous loss from decreased social activities, changes in routines,
adjustments to personal and professional roles, a diminished feeling of safety, and cancellations of special events, such as
graduations and weddings. Even the simple task of going to a grocery store is now more complex with social distancing, face
masks, and new protective procedures.
Our relationships have also faced some significant transitions. An essential part of human nature is the connections that we
build and nurture. The changes in how we connect with others, and in some cases, the loss of connection altogether, have had
a profound impact on people and can trigger feelings of grief and sadness.
The world as we knew it has changed dramatically. It is normal and understandable to mourn for the lifestyle and
relationships that you had prior to the pandemic, as you work to embrace the reality of the future.
Grief can be experienced differently from one person to the next. However, there are some common grief responses:
    •    Sadness or lack of joy
    •    Numbness
    •    Frustration, irritability, or anger
    •    Shock
    •    Physical symptoms such as body aches, difficulty sleeping, headaches, stomachaches, tightness in the throat, changes
         in appetite, or concentration issues
There is no right amount of time to experience grief. Each person has their own journey to accepting the new reality and
processing through grief from loss. Many people describe grief as a feeling that comes in waves. While you may be feeling
better one day, the next might bring a reminder of the loss or change, which causes a swell of new feelings. Here are things
you can do to help address grief:
    •   Connect with others for support—It’s important to make social connections a priority, especially for your mental
        health. While social distancing may prevent us from close contact, there are still many ways to build and maintain
        relationships. Look for opportunities to safely interact with others.
    •   Acknowledge your feelings—Loss can bring up many emotions. Be patient with yourself as you process the loss and
        learn to accept the new reality. You may find journaling to be helpful.
    •   Practice self-care—Eat healthy, get moving, and engage in activities that help to reduce stress and are enjoyable to
        you. Getting back to the basics of wellness supports mental health.
    •   Develop new routines—Transitions often come with a period of establishing new processes and ways of doing things.
        Proactively and thoughtfully planning these can help you better adjust and reduce stress related to uncertainty.
    •   Reflect upon personal strengths—Everyone has strengths that can be applied to help cope during difficult times.
        Think about your strengths and how you could leverage them.
    •   Get support from your EAP—A counselor is uniquely skilled to help people struggling with grief. While they cannot
        make grief go away for you, they can support you with tools and strategies for managing your difficult feelings.
We’ve all experienced loss and transitions in varying degrees because of COVID-19. But through our resilience and the
support of our neighbors, we can find healing in ourselves and hope for the future.

ERC: Counselors & Consultants is your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider.
For additional information, visit our website or call 1-800-222-8590.

                                                                         JULY 2020

PORTAGE COUNTY WELLBEING                                WELLBEING BUZZ

                                                        Interesting Facts about Sun Exposure
       July is Sun Awareness Month
                                                           o   Speed up ageing
It’s quite easy to be safe when playing outside, with
                                                           o   Cause blisters, headaches and
the simplest and most important thing to do being
putting on sunscreen. Make sure you put on a hat or
                                                           o   Weaken your immune system
cover your skin. It’s the easy things like this that
                                                           o   Cause permanent damage to
save your skin from harmful and painful damage
                                                               your eyes
caused by the sun when over-exposed.
                                                           o   Lead to dehydration and heat
Over-exposure to the sun’s rays can cause serious
damage to your body, with two common types of           5 myths about sun exposure
cancers. One being non-melanoma, and melanoma,
which is by far the most dangerous and deadly skin         o   People with dark skin don’t need
cancer. This simple reason is enough to look after             to wear sun cream
your skin and stay in the shade and be safe in the         o   Tanning is always safe as long as
sun.                                                           you don’t burn
                                                           o   You can only burn in summer or
So, this year, remember to wear sunscreen, wear a              when the weather’s warm
t-shirt, stay in the shade and during Sun Awareness        o   You can’t burn through glass
Month and spread the word of sun safety and the            o   Sunbeds are safer than exposure
dangers of over exposure!                                      to the sun
Tips for Protecting Your Eyes!

1. Wear Sunglasses                                          5. Eat Well
The right pair of shades will help protect your eyes from   Good eye health starts with the food on your
the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too much UV exposure       plate. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein,
boosts your chances of cataracts and macular                zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off
degeneration.                                               age-related vision problems like macular
                                                            degeneration and cataracts. To get them, fill
Choose a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB        your plate with:
rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the
side. Polarized lenses reduce glare while you drive.            •   Green leafy vegetables like spinach,
                                                                    kale, and collards
2. Use Safety Eyewear                                           •   Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
                                                                •   Eggs, nuts, beans, and other nonmeat
If you use hazardous or airborne materials on the job               protein sources
or at home, wear safety glasses or protective goggles.          •   Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices
                                                                •   Oysters and pork
Sports like ice hockey, racquetball, and lacrosse can
also lead to eye injury. Wear eye protection. Helmets
                                                            MORE TIPS:
with protective face masks or sports goggles with
polycarbonate lenses will shield your eyes.
                                                                •   Make sure your glasses or contacts
                                                                    prescription is up to date and good for
3. Quit Smoking                                                     looking at a computer screen.
                                                                •   If your eye strain won’t go away, talk to
It makes you more likely to get cataracts, damage to
                                                                    your doctor about computer glasses.
your optic nerve, and macular degeneration, among
                                                                •   Move the screen so your eyes are level
many other medical problems. If you've tried to kick
                                                                    with the top of the monitor. That lets
the habit before only to start again, keep at it. The
                                                                    you look slightly down at the screen.
more times you try to quit, the more likely you are to
                                                                •   Try to avoid glare from windows and
succeed. Ask your doctor for help.
                                                                    lights. Use an anti-glare screen if
4. Look Away From the Computer                                  •   Choose a comfortable, supportive chair.
Screen                                                              Position it so that your feet are flat on
                                                                    the floor.
Staring at a computer or phone screen for too long              •   If your eyes are dry, blink more.
can cause:                                                      •   Rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Look
                                                                    20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get up at
   •   Eyestrain                                                    least every 2 hours and take a 15-
   •   Blurry vision                                                minute break.
   •   Trouble focusing at a distance
   •   Dry eyes
   •   Headaches
   •   Neck, back, and shoulder pain


 •   1-1/2 lbs broccoli (3 large heads)
 •   24 oz boneless skinless chicken
     breasts (or 18 oz cooked)
 •   salt and fresh ground pepper
 •   1 tbsp butter
 •   2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
 •   2 cloves garlic, crushed
 •   2 tbsp shallots, minced (onions
     would work too)
 •   4 tbsp flour
 •   1 cup fat free chicken broth
 •   1 cup fat free milk
                                               Servings: 6 • Serving Size:
 •   2 oz dry sherry (white wine would
     work)                                     Calories: 335.7 • Fat: 12.3 g • Protein: 34.5 g • Carb: 19.8 g •
 •   6 oz shredded reduced-fat swiss           Fiber: 4.1 g
 •   1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
 •   1/4 cup seasoned whole wheat
 •   cooking spray


Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the broccoli and blanch 3 minutes. Rinse with cold
water to stop the cooking. Drain well and set aside.

Preheat oven to 350°. Grease a 9 x 13 inch baking dish with cooking spray.

Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Using a grill pan or Forman grill, saute chicken on
medium-low heat on both sides until browned, and just about cooked through, about 5 minutes
on each side. Remove from heat and transfer chicken to a cutting board. When cooled, slice
chicken into bite sized pieces.

Heat a medium skillet on medium heat. Add the butter and oil until melted and then add garlic
and shallots. Sprinkle the flour and whisk until smooth. Stir in broth, milk and sherry and bring
to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in half of the swiss cheese. Season to taste with salt and
Local Wellness Opportunities
                     Check out these opportunities in and around Stevens Point

           FIVE Wellness Challenge Ideas to Keep You Engaged this Summer

1. Physical Challenge: Fresh Air – Walk Outside 20 Minutes Per Day
Walking is one of the easiest and most beneficial activities you can include in your everyday life. The
Fresh Air Challenge invites participants to take a walk outside for 20 minutes each day for 30 days.
Whether it’s walking the dog, adding some extra walking when checking the mail, or looking for
butterflies with the kids, a 20-minute walk is a great—and easy—way to integrate exercise into a daily
routine. Plus, the fresh air and sunshine are a wonderful way to rejuvenate the mind after being stuck
indoors at a desk all day.
2. Emotional Challenge: Wire Less – Take a Break from Your Phone
Our mobile devices seem essential, but they’re also constant sources of stress. Anxiety-provoking news,
urgent work requests, and family demands can all be delivered through our phones—sometimes all at
once. The Wire Less Challenge says, “Why not take a break from your phone for just an hour each
day? Don’t worry! You’ll survive without it.” Disconnecting will give you a chance to reconnect to
yourself and the world around you. You may also find yourself more relaxed, looking forward each day
to the hour spent away from the constant barrage of texts, emails, social media, and phone calls.
3. Social Challenge: Care Package – Send a Care Package
It’s been a long time since we could socialize like we used to. Everyone is starving for personal
connection right now. The Care Package challenge encourages participants to make a connection with
someone by sending a care package. Who should they send a package to? It could be a friend or
family member who lives far across the country or someone social distancing across town. They might
choose a member of the military or a healthcare worker on the frontlines of the pandemic.
Like any gift, a care package benefits both the giver and the receiver. The activity will focus the mind
away from one’s own concerns and on the needs of someone else.
4. Purpose Challenge: Due It – Do Something You’ve Been Putting Off
If there’s been any silver lining to the pandemic, it’s that being stuck at home has inspired people
throughout the country to take up new hobbies and try activities they’ve been postponing for years: from
baking to learning the guitar. Now it’s time for you to try something you’ve been putting off with the Due
It Challenge. The time is now! This is your chance to accomplish something—big or small—you’ve
always thought about but never gotten to. Not only will it make you feel good, it will give you the
confidence to try the next thing.
5. Occupational Challenge: Top Priority – Create a Daily To-Do List
Even in the lazy summer months, there’s always so much to do and never enough time. The Top Priority
challenge helps participants organize their hectic days by requiring them to start each morning by
creating a to-do list and (as a bonus) prioritizing each item. To-do lists are simple tools for becoming
more productive. They help us focus our energy and provide a sense of accomplishment. You can’t beat
the feeling of crossing the last item off your list each day!
6/29/2020                                                        2021 WRS Contribution Rates to Remain Stable | ETF

                Please check ETF Response to COVID-19. Note: Retirement appointments are only available online or by phone.

             Employer News

            2021 WRS Contribution Rates to Remain Stable
            JUNE 29, 2020

            At its June 18, 2020 meeting, the Employee Trust Funds Board approved Wisconsin Retirement System contribution rates for
            2021, including rates for Wis. Stat. § 40.65 protective occupation duty disability and the State Accumulated Sick Leave Conversion
            Credit Program (state employers only). These rates are based on current benefit levels and recommendations from the Board’s
            independent consulting actuary .

            Contribution rates effective for salaries and wages paid beginning January 1, 2021 are available online at the WRS Employer
            Rates Current/Future Rates Inquiry calculator.

            WRS Employment Category                                                   Contribution Rate Change

            General, Teachers and Educational Support Personnel; Executive, Elected   No Change
            and Judges

            Protective with Social Security                                           Increase 0.1%

            Protective without Social Security                                        Increase 0.1%

            Employers who have either elected to increase prior service coverage or pay off their unfunded liability balances may also
            experience a change in their prior service rates.

            Factors Impacting WRS Rates
            There are many complex factors that affect WRS contribution rates, such as investment performance, legislative adjustments
            to benefit levels, demographics, etc.

            Positive investment returns in 2019 were offset by the effect of salary and demographic experience resulting in no change in
            rates for the general, executive and elected category. There will be a small increase in rates for the protective categories. For
            more information about the 2021 rates, the actuarial valuation report and presentation is available in the board meeting

            Under Section 40.05 of the Wisconsin statutes, contribution rates are split evenly between the employer normal cost and the
            participant normal cost for both General Participants, and Executive and Elected Officials. For protective occupations, the
            participant normal cost is set equal to the participant normal cost for General Participants.

            The annual actuarial valuation incorporates current economic and demographic data into the existing financial condition of the
            WRS in order to set new contribution rates for the system. It is normal for contribution rates to fluctuate somewhat from year to
            year, based on investment earnings, wage inflation, and demographic trends. In addition, the change in contribution rates may
            vary between employment categories, depending on varying demographic trends within those groups. Benefits being paid to
            current annuitants are not affected by these rate changes.

            Duty Disability Rates
            Duty Disability contribution rates are based on an experience rated tier schedule. Annually, an actuarial adjustment rate is
            applied to every tier in the schedule. The duty disability rates will remain unchanged for 2021.

            For more information regarding the 2021 contribution rates or the internet contribution rate calculator, please contact ETF via
            the Employer Communication Center at 1-877-533-5020.                                                                              1/3
6/29/2020                                                    2021 WRS Contribution Rates to Remain Stable | ETF

            WRS-Required Contributions

            (Must be Paid by Employee Unless There is a Collective Bargaining Agreement in Force)

                 6.75% - General, Teachers and Educational Support Personnel; Judges, Elected Officials and State Executive Positions
                 Designated in Wis. Stat. § 20.923 (4), (8), or (9) – (same as 2020)

                 6.75% - Protective with Social Security – (same as 2020)

                 6.75% - Protective without Social Security – (same as 2020)

            (Must be Paid by Employer)

                 6.75% - General, Teachers and Educational Support Personnel; Judges, Elected Officials and State Executive Positions
                 Designated in Wis. Stat. § 20.923 (4), (8), or (9) – (same as 2020)

                 11.75% - Protective with Social Security – (increased 0.10%)

                 16.35% - Protective without Social Security – (increased 0.10%)

            WRS Unfunded Actuarial Liability
            (Must be Paid by Employer)

            Same rate as 2020, unless employer elected to provide increased prior service coverage or paid off liability at an accelerated

            Duty-Disability Rates
            (Must be Paid by Employer)

            Effective January 1, 2021, the experience-rated duty-disability contribution rate schedule will remain the same as 2020 and will
            be determined as listed below:

                 0.09% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is less than or equal to 1.5% of total payroll, or employers
                 with one or less in the number of total claims.

                 0.17% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 1.5% but less than or equal to 3.0% of total
                 payroll, or employers with 2 total claims.

                 0.34% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 3.0% but less than or equal to 4.5% of total
                 payroll, or employers with 3 total claims.

                 0.60% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 4.5% but less than or equal to 6.0% of total
                 payroll, or employers with a total of 4 claims.

                 0.94% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 6.0% but less than or equal to 7.5% of total
                 payroll, or employers with a total of 5 claims.

                 1.36% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 7.5% but less than or equal to 9.0% of total
                 payroll, or employers with a total of 6 claims.

                 1.87% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 9.0% but less than or equal to 10.5% of
                 total payroll, or employers with a total of 7 claims.

                 2.24% - The lesser of either groups in which the claims payout is greater than 10.5% of total payroll, or employers with 8
                 or more total number of claims.

            Accumulated Sick Leave Conversion Credit Contributions
            (Must be Paid by Employer)                                                                            2/3
6/29/2020                                                       2021 WRS Contribution Rates to Remain Stable | ETF

            This rate applies to state agencies only. The basic program and total rate will decrease by 0.1% in 2021. Please see your
            individual rate page for the sick leave rate.

            Employee Trust Funds © 2020 ETF. All rights reserved.                                                                     3/3
6/29/2020                                                                  WRS Employer Rates

                                                    WRS Employer Rates
                                                Current / Future Rates Inquiry

  This page allows you to view current and future employer rates.

  Employer Selection:        0014-000 ::: PORTAGE COUNTY

                         Display                             Clear Form                 Return to Homepage

  Employer Name   PORTAGE COUNTY
  Employer Number 0014-000

  Calendar Year Employee Required Benefit Adjust Employer Required Prior Service Duty Disability Sick Leave Total
      2020            6.75            0.00             6.75            0.00           0.00          0.00    13.50
      2021            6.75            0.00             6.75            0.00           0.00          0.00    13.50

                                Elected Officials, Judges, State Executive Pay Plan
  Calendar Year Employee Required Benefit Adjust Employer Required Prior Service Duty Disability Sick Leave Total
      2020            6.75             0.00              6.75             0.00        0.00          0.00    13.50
      2021            6.75             0.00              6.75             0.00        0.00          0.00    13.50

                                          Protective with Social Security
  Calendar Year Employee Required Benefit Adjust Employer Required Prior Service Duty Disability Sick Leave Total
      2020            6.75            0.00              11.65             0.00        0.17          0.00    18.57
      2021            6.75            0.00              11.75             0.00        0.34          0.00    18.84

                                        Protective without Social Security
  Calendar Year Employee Required Benefit Adjust Employer Required Prior Service Duty Disability Sick Leave Total
      2020            6.75            0.00              16.25            0.00         0.17          0.00    23.17
      2021            6.75            0.00              16.35            0.00         0.34          0.00    23.44

  Calendar Year Employee Required Benefit Adjust Employer Required Prior Service Duty Disability Sick Leave Total
      2020            6.75            0.00             6.75            0.00           0.00          0.00    13.50
      2021            6.75            0.00             6.75            0.00           0.00          0.00    13.50                                  1/1
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