Sustainable Brazil Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

Page created by Jorge Morrison
Sustainable Brazil Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup
Sustainable Brazil
Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup
Introduction                                                         01

Social and economic impacts                                          03
• Economy will produce an additional R$ 142 billion                  03
• Changes throughout history                                         05
• Tourist inflow boosts spending                                     06
• Host cities: the various hearts of the World Cup                   07

Domino effect                                                        08
• Direct and indirect socioeconomic impacts                          08
• Direct impacts in numbers                                          09
• The core actions of the operation                                  13

The map of investments and
their impacts on regional GDPs                                       14

Sustainable World Cup                                                16
• Social-environmental responsibility at stake                       16

Seven steps to the green Cup                                         18

Microeconomy and social impact                                       24
• Thousands of microenterprises will benefit                         24

Risks and constraints                                                26
• Steeplechase                                                       26
• What do the host cities need?                                      26
• Concern with the legacy                                            29
• The risk of economic inefficiency                                  30
• The unforeseeable external factors                                 31

Challenges and opportunities                                         32
• How to maximize the positive effects of the World Cup?             32

Governance and planning                                              34
• World Cup Master Plan for each host city                           34

Monitoring, control and transparency                                 36
• Project management focusing on risk analysis,
  control and monitoring                                             36

Financial management                                                 38
• BNDES linked to the World Cup                                      38

Regulatory environment                                               40
• General Law of the World Cup and organizers’ requirements          40

Infrastructure and services                                          42
• Success factors                                                    42

Human capital                                                        46
• The Cup will count on thousands of volunteers - mostly bilingual   46

Reputation management                                                48
• Reputation gain may exceed financial gain                          48

Legacy and sustainability                                            50
• The Cup may leave tangible, institutional and social legacies      50
The Sustainable Brazil series, after         Accordingly, this study has seven
five publications that analyze               objectives, in addition to its
macroeconomic perspectives in the            unprecedented aspects:
housing, energy, consumer, industrial
and agribusiness segments, brings into       • Estimate the social and economic
light another issue that proves to be          impacts of the 2014 World Cup on
strategic not only for its wealth creation     Brazil;
and multiplication capacity but also for
the event’s importance and magnitude:        • Establish metrics and indicators
the 2014 World Cup.                            for implementation of the first
                                               sustainable World Cup;
On October 30, 2007, the FIFA Executive
Committee appointed Brazil as host of        • Indicate the impact of investments
the tournament. With this, the country         on regional GDPs for each host city;
will be the fifth to host the World Cup
twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and       • Understand the impacts of the event
Germany. However, the event’s profile          on sector GDPs of more than 30 macro
has changed significantly since the            and microeconomic segments;
1950 World Cup. In 2014, we will have
a large-sized tournament that will require   • Detail the management processes
extensive preparation processes and            for the successful outcome
complex operations to be implemented.          of a major event;
On the one hand, the World Cup will
bring impacts and benefits – whether         • Outline and assess the risks and
temporary or long-lasting, whether direct      gaps to achieve of positive impacts
or indirect – to different economic and        and minimize negative impacts;
social segments. On the other hand,
it also presents several risks, requiring    • Show opportunities and initiatives
effective management processes in the          that increase and perpetuate
public and private sectors for the full        the benefits of this event for the
flow of benefits to society.                   Brazilian society.
   SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

                          This study results from an association of       In order to capture all these “multiplier
                          Ernst & Young Terco and the Fundação            effects”, this study developed an
                          Getulio Vargas (FGV), and seeks to shed         Extended Input-Output model based on
                          light on a new scenario emerging in the         the Input-Output Table of the Brazilian
                          country with the World Cup which could          Geography and Statistics Institute
                          result in a number of opportunities for         (Portuguese acronym - IBGE).
                          growth if adequately addressed by the
                          public and private sectors.                     This model represents the Brazilian
                                                                          economy by means of 55 economic
                          The different extents of the socioeconomic      activities, 110 product categories and
                          impacts – for the well-being of the Brazilian   10 income/spending profiles for the
                          population – will be perceived as a result      population, and allows to estimate
                          of several aspects. These will depend
                                                                          the total (direct, indirect and induced)
                          on the country’s ability: to obtain the
                                                                          impacts of World Cup-related activities
                          necessary investments and perform
                                                                          on domestic output, employment,
                          actions in time for a successful event; to
                                                                          income, spending and tax collection.
                          capitalize on the Cup’s legacies, turning
                          them into permanent assets; and,
                                                                          The forecasts used in this survey
                          finally, to reach these objectives in an
                                                                          were driven, to the extent possible,
                          economically effective manner, avoiding
                                                                          by comparable experiences and by the
                          excessive disbursements and poor allocation
                                                                          financial planning of public bodies.
                          of resources or opportunity costs.
                                                                          The impacts were measured according
                          The idea is that Brazil gets organized in       to specific criteria, such as the difference
                          such a way that the event lasts not only        in expenditures considering scenarios
                          a few days, but for many years, leaving         that include and exclude the World Cup.
                          a positive legacy for society as a whole.       In addition, the costs of all operations
                          More important than just responding to          and acquisitions were regarded as
                          outside expectations for the World Cup is       stable so as to allow them to be summed
                          the creation of an internal environment         at any time until 2014, without the
                          that allows the infrastructure works            use of intertemporal discount rates.
                          and the impacts on the macro and                Possible fluctuations or trends in the
                          microeconomy to improve the life of             macroeconomic landscape were not
                          Brazilian people.                               taken into consideration.

Social and
economic impacts

Economy will                            Cup’s direct impact on the Brazilian
                                        Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is
                                                                                             impacts will not be permanent.
                                                                                             In fact, once the investments have
produce an additional                   estimated at R$ 64.5 billion for the                 been concluded and the World
                                        period 2010-2014 – an amount                         Cup has taken place, the positive
R$ 142 billion                          equivalent to 2.17% of estimated                     impacts will remain based on the
                                        GDP for 2010, namely R$ 2.9 trillion.                stakeholders’ ability to benefit
The benchmark scenario used in
                                        As the World Cup is a one-time                       from the event’s opportunities and
this study indicates that the 2014
                                        event, most of its systematic                        legacies. Therefore, the evaluation
World Cup will produce a surprising
cascading effect on investments
made in the country. The economy          Consolidated impacts of the 2014 World Cup
will snowball, increasing by five
times the total amount invested
directly in event-related activities       a) Impact on final demand
and impacting various industries.             (World Cup-related expenditures in Brazil)                          R$   29.60 billion
In addition to the R$ 22.46 billion                   • Investments                                                        R$ 22.46 billion
spent by Brazil on the World Cup to                   • Operating expenses                                      R$ 1.18 billion
ensure an adequate infrastructure                     • Visitors’ expenses                                        R$ 5.94 billion
and organization (see box on this          b) Impact on national production of goods and services                   R$ 112.79 billion
page), the tournament will bring an
                                           c) Impact on income (generated by item a)                                R$ 63.48 billion
additional R$112.79 billion to the
                                           d) Impact on employment (jobs/year – generated by item a)                    3.63 million
Brazilian economy, with indirect
                                           e) Impact on tax collection                                              R$ 18.13 billion
and induced effects being produced
thereafter. In total, an additional
R$ 142.39 billion will flow in
the country from 2010 to 2014,
generating 3.63 million jobs/year                                              Sectors most benefiting
                                                                             (economic activities with major
and R$ 63.48 billion of income for                                                 increased output)
the population, which will inevitably
impact the domestic consumer
market, as shown in the table on
page 6.

This production will also result in
                                              Civil          Food and           Business      Electricity and   Information       Tourism &
an additional tax collection of R$        construction       beverage           services        gas, water,       services        hospitality
18.13 billion by the local, state and                                                         sanitation and
                                                                                              urban cleaning
federal governments. The World
                                          Table 1
    SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

in the first part of this study is                      2014 will depend on an accurate        by R$ 50.18 billion.
limited to the period 2010-2014.                        schedule of implementation of          Second to none on the list
                                                        construction work and efforts.         of benefiting segments, civil
Thus, the job creation estimated                                                               construction will generate an
by the study primarily refers to                        The sectors mostly benefiting          additional R$ 8.14 billion in the
temporary jobs only. The estimated                      from the World Cup will be             period 2010-2014. Total output
3.63 million jobs/year correspond,                      construction, food and beverage,       from this segment for 2010 is
as far as compensation is                               business services, utilities           estimated at R$ 144.6 billion.
concerned, to 3.63 million positions                    (electricity, gas, water, sanitation   Other economic segments that will
to be held for one year. The exact                      and urban cleaning) and                take advantage of the World Cup
distribution of this number                             information services. Together, all    are, for example, business services
of jobs/year over the period 2010-                      these areas will increase output       and real estate services and rental,

    Direct and indirect impact on Brazilian sector GDPs                                                               Direct impact
    In millions of BRL (R$)                                                                                           Indirect impact

    Business services
    Real estate services and rental
    Other services (condominiums, unions, NGOs etc.)
    Financial brokerage and insurance
    Electricity and gas, water, sanitation and urban cleaning
    Information services
    Transportation, warehousing and courier services
    Lodging and restaurants (hospitality)
    Food and beverage
    Agriculture, forestry and logging
    Clothing and accessories
    Marketing education
    Livestock and fisheries                                                                                 TOTAL
    Oil and natural gas                                                                            15.317   57.217       41.900
    Pharmaceuticals                                                                                           24
    Public administration and social security                                                               sectors
    Cosmetics and toiletries
    Maintenance and repair services
    Other non-metallic mineral products
    Newspapers, magazines and CDs
    Furniture and sundry products
    Metal goods – incl. machinery and equipment

                                                                0      2,000          4,000        6,000        8,000              10,000
    Table 2                                                                                                             GDP base year - 2010
The Cup should generate 3.63 million jobs/year

                                                  and R$ 63.48 billion income for the population in
                                                  the period 2010-2014, besides an additional
                                                  R$ 18.13 billion in tax collections.

with the former generating an          and an estimated 26.29 billion TV      Many of the structures required
additional R$ 6.5 billion and the      viewing audience.                      for the World Cup should be ready
latter an additional R$ 4.4 billion                                           for the Confederations Cup, when
over the period.                       The 2014 Worl Cup is likely to         tests will be run for the arenas,
                                       have an even greater audience          the various International Media
Of the total R$ 29.6 billion in        and viewers, but will follow similar   Centers (IMC) and the International
estimated costs relating to the        structural and organization            Broadcasting Center (IBC). The
World Cup (including visitors’         standards to those adopted by          hospitality and transportation
expenses), R$ 12.5 billion will        Germany and by South Africa in         infrastructure should be almost
originate in the public (government)   2010. Additionally, this is not an     completed by then.
sector (42%) and R$ 17.16 billion      isolated event, being preceded
will derive from the private           and accompanied by many others,        For the World Cup mega event to
sector (58%).                          mainly the Confederations Cup,         take place, the country will have to
                                       held one year earlier.
                                                                              take giant steps, despite the tight
Changes throughout                     The Confederations Cup is the first
                                                                              schedule for completion of already
                                                                              planned construction work – as will
history                                major event to be held in Brazil
                                                                              be seen in this study.
                                       just before the World Cup and will
Brazil has experienced many            therefore be a litmus test to check
                                                                              The positive effects of hosting one
changes since the first time it        if all preparations are running
                                                                              of the world’s major sports events
hosted the World Cup in 1950.          on schedule and following the
                                                                              may last forever and multiply,
The size of the event was              specs defined by the International
                                                                              as we will see. Once all the steps
unquestionably different.              Football Federation (Fifa).
                                                                              and requirements established by
At that time, the tournament
                                       This significant event – although      Fifa are complied with, and Brazil
had 13 teams playing 22 games
in six arenas, with an estimated       not as important as the World Cup      builds up its image as a country
1.04 million audience.                 – brings eight teams playing           that can seriously organize an
                                       16 games in 16 to 22 days.             international tournament, we will
The 2006 event, held in Germany,       The tournament attracts a              be reaching another socioeconomic
had 32 teams playing 64 matches        smaller audience, consistent           and structural level. After going
in 12 stadiums, and attracted          with its advertising efforts and       through some stages and achieving
3.35 million viewers, having           historical importance. The flow        solid macroeconomic core
generated 18 million visits to         of international tourists to this      principles, the country approaches
the Fan Parks (large areas of free     tournament, for instance, is           its desired status of being the
public entertainment and recreation    expected to be less than one quarter   world’s fifth largest economy in
that did not exist in the 1950s)       of that expected at the World Cup.     the very near future.
   SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

Tourist inflow                           by the World Cup are completed,            Tourist inflow entails a significant
                                         the event may result in an                 inflow of funds, notably to the
boosts spending                          increase of up to 79% in the               hospitality, transportation,
                                         international tourist inflow               communications, culture,
One of the aspects that most             to Brazil in 2014, with even               entertainment and retail industries.
attract a country to host a World
                                         possibly higher impacts in                 The tourist inflow directly and
Cup is the tourist inflow generated
                                         subsequent years. In the period            indirectly induced by the World
by such an event– not only directly,
                                         2010-2014, that figure should              Cup is expected to account for
with fans who will watch the games,
                                         be as high as 2.98 million                 additional income up to R$ 5.94
but also indirectly, as a result of
                                         additional visitors.                       billion for Brazilian companies.
the international media exposure.

However, this opportunity for
growth in the tourism industry             Visitors’ spending
                                           In millions of BRL (R$)
should be exploited through various
lines of action, among which
the most important in Brazil is                                                                        2,126.52
removing bottlenecks. Regarding
this specific issue, we must bear                                                    902.88
in mind that, except for isolated
initiatives, the growing visibility of
                                              Purchase                              831.60
the country on the international
scene over the last decade has not
been adequately leveraged by the              Transport
private and public sectors to fully
exploit the potential of Brazilian            Culture                      516.78
                                              and leisure
tourism. This fact is evident in the
declining quality of airports, as well                                 273.24
as the stagnant number of tourists
in recent years.                              Other                             760.32
                                              (medical and legal
                                              services etc.)

This study indicates that, once
the actions that are required                                      0     500     1,000         1,500       2,000   2,500

to enable the country to capitalize        Table 3
on the opportunities generated

                                                               R$ 14.54 billion investments
                                                               in host cities should impact their
                                                               local GDP by R$ 7.18 billion.

Host cities:                            be received by the host cities with
                                        larger-capacity stadiums and better
the various hearts                      general conditions.
of the World Cup
                                        These cities will be targeted with
                                        infrastructure initiatives that will
There is great anticipation about
                                        add up to total investments of R$
the adequate preparation of the
                                        14.54 billion (see investment map
host cities for the event. Many have
                                        for each host city and the related
wondered whether they will be fully
                                        impact on city GDPs on pages 14
compliant with the requirements
                                        and 15). On reurbanization and
imposed by Fifa when it comes to
                                        beautification alone, focusing
the infrastructure of stadiums,
                                        on locations with greater tourist
urban mobility, hospitality and
                                        inflow and the immediate area
safety, especially. These aspects
                                        around the stadiums, expenses are
will be the basis for the success of
                                        estimated at R$ 2.84 billion. The
the 2014 World Cup and its legacy
                                        structure required for holding the
not only from the standpoint of         World Cup and associated events
the event itself but also of regional   is far-reaching, including not only
tourism conditions.                     the stadiums, which must meet the
                                        specifications defined by Fifa, but also
As for the number of stadiums           the information technology base in
and participating cities, the           each host city, the media centers
Cup will have 12 host cities            (IMC) and the match broadcasting
distributed among the five greater      center (IBC), as well as the facilities
geographical regions of the             of the Fan Parks. But that’s
country, which differ significantly     not all. There are also several
in terms of infrastructure, capacity    other aspects regarding local
and adequacy of stadiums and            infrastructure that must satisfy
geographical features.                  some criteria for the event to be
                                        feasible, including hotel compounds
In this context, the matches with       and access to the various means
higher expected audience – such         of transportation that can serve
as the opening match and those          the intense movement of people
played at the second stage – must       associated with the Cup.
10 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

Domino effect
Direct and indirect                      cities (with investments still to be
                                         defined) and of the security teams
                                                                                spending. Thus, the production
                                                                                increase in those sectors directly
socioeconomic                            in charge; and                         related to the World Cup requires

impacts                                 • Spending by visitors: purchase
                                                                                them to consume a larger amount
                                                                                of inputs (e.g. the construction
                                          of goods and services by tourists     industry will require more beams,
The scenario of impacts arising
                                          directly or indirectly attracted      produced by the steel industry).
from the World Cup does not result
                                          by the World Cup.
from individual factors, but from
                                                                                The producers of these inputs,
a set of interconnected aspects.
                                        These three groups of activities        in turn, must increase their own
The domino effect of direct actions
                                        represent a source of demand            intermediate spending (steel
can be clearly seen as a series
                                        for goods and services and thus         manufacturers need to consume
of economic, social and cultural
                                        positively affect the economic          more electricity), and so on. It can
developments – some of which, if
                                        sectors that should meet this           be noted therefore that the World
well used, can be made part of a
                                        demand. These benefits – increased      Cup generates a long chain of
society on a long-term basis. For       production, employment, income          economic consequences, which are
better clarification and for the        and tax collection – are construed      referred to collectively as indirect
purposes of this study, three sets of   as direct impacts in this context.      impacts.
actions or activities relating to the   For example, building a stadium
World Cup were analyzed:                represents increased production         Income effect - There is another
                                        by the construction sector, and         similar channel of interconnections
• Investments: capital formation        this increase is reflected in           among sectors that generates a
  activities aimed at the World Cup,    hiring personnel and subsequent         chain of impacts that takes after
  including those which would be        distribution of income – derived        and is linked to the first chain.
  performed in any case but with        from production – to employees,         That is the household spending:
  smaller financial contributions       shareholders and governments.           compensation paid to employees
  and projects or over a longer                                                 and shareholders in each sector
  period of time, e.g. construction     However, the impacts of actions         translates, in full or in part, into the
  or renovation of stadiums,            associated with the World Cup           acquisition of goods and services,
  expansion of the hotel compound,      extend further. This is due to          so that an increase in production
  investments in transportation         the interconnected nature of the        causes an increase in consumption
  infrastructure etc.;                  economy: for an entity to produce,      of such goods and services. For
                                        inputs (whether tangible goods,         example, the wages of a worker
• Operation of the event:               such as equipment or building           involved in building a stadium can
  preparation and management, by        materials, or services, such as         contribute to the purchase of a
  the Local Organizing Committee        electricity, insurance etc.) must be    new car, representing an increased
  (LOC), of the event, of the           obtained from other sectors.            demand for the automotive
  specific committees in the host       This is the so-called intermediate      industry and so on.
The domino effect of direct actions                    11

                    can be clearly seen as a series
                    of economic, social and cultural

The set of consequences generated      capitalizing on legacies, and for the
by the household spending channel      economic efficiency of activities,
is referred to as induced impact, or   minimizing, to the extent possible,
income effect.                         the opportunity costs, and excess,
                                       unnecessary or misdirected
In order to capture all these          expenditures, which will be
“multiplier effects”, this study, a    analyzed in the second part of
joint effort by Ernst & Young Terco    the study.
and FGV, developed an Extended
Input-Output model based on the        Once the three types of World Cup
Input-Output Table of the Brazilian    - related actions have been defined
Geography and Statistics Institute     as well as their related impacts,
(Portuguese acronym- IBGE).            classified as direct, indirect and
This model represents the Brazilian    induced impacts, we will now
economy by means of 55 economic        detail them and estimate them
activities, 110 product categories     in numbers.
and 10 income/spending profiles
for the population, and allows to      Direct impacts
estimate the total (direct, indirect
and induced) impacts of World          in numbers
Cup-related activities on domestic
output, employment, income,            The period of preparation for
spending and tax collection.           the World Cup involves, as
                                       already mentioned, a series of
The input-output analysis plays an     investments in infrastructure
important role in a more general       projects, construction and building
framework. It allows estimating the    works, human capital formation,
systematic socioeconomic impacts       capital expenditures and media
of a well defined set of activities    and advertising. Part of these
and actions, considering that such     investments will be supported by
activities will be conducted under     the government and part will be
assumed parameters.                    funded by the private sector and
                                       institutions associated with the
Thus, it should include other          World Cup.
aspects: an assessment of
conditions for the successful          This study reviewed the following
completion of the event, for           types of investments:
12 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

• Building and renovation of             demand. In the other cities, the       in media are estimated at some
  sports stadiums: various host          expected number of tourists            R$ 6.51 billion on account of the
  cities do not have stadiums            exceeds their current hosting          event in Brazil, conducted mainly
  capable of holding international       capacity, resulting in a total         by the private sector and mostly
  competition matches. Even those        projected deficit of 62,397.           concentrated in the year 2014.
  stadiums that are among Brazil’s       hotel rooms. The challenge to
  most suitable do not currently         overcome this deficit will require    • Investments in information
  meet all accessibility, safety,        the industry to expand and adjust       technology: in 32 days, the
  comfort, lighting, structure and       its capacity, which will demand         2006 World Cup in Germany
  services requirements defined by       significant investments.                generated the production and
  Fifa. In Natal, Recife and Salvador                                            traffic of about 15 terabytes of
  new stadiums will be built.            Projected investments, totaling         data, equivalent to 100 million
  Stadiums in the other host cities      some R$ 3.16 billion, will add          books. This traffic has demanded
  will be renovated for purposes         19,493 new housing units                the implementation and operation
  of adapting to the requirements.       to the hotel complex of the             of an extensive IT infrastructure
  This item represents the main          host cities. Note that this             with the participation of
  individual cost component of the       projection is not sufficient            over 1,000 professionals.
  2014 World Cup, amounting to           to fully meet the demand,               The increased participation
  R$ 4.62 billion. The proposed          indicating that alternative types       of professional media and
  works are extensive and may cost       of accommodation will likely be         connectivity of amateur users, as
  the host cities the opportunity        used, such as seasonal rental           well as the continuous increase
  to host some matches if they are       of property, accommodation in           in digital image and video format
  not performed in accordance with       neighboring towns, or even the          solutions, are indicators that the
  Fifa’s requirements.                   use of idling cruise ships, as the      2014 World Cup will further boost
                                         case was with the 2004 Olympic          these figures. It is estimated that
• Expansion and adequacy of the          Games in Athens.                        investments of R$ 309 million will
  hotel complex: the World Cup                                                   be required to accommodate the
  will generate an increasing           • Investments in media and               large flow of data and processing
  demand for hotel complexes of           advertising: similarly to previous     capacity associated with
  the host cities, not only due to        Cups, the 2014 World Cup will          the event.
  the event itself, but also to the       result in a large appreciation of
  hike in tourist inflow caused           media space (including television,   • Implementation of media and
  by the country’s increased              radio, internet, physical space        broadcasting centers (IMCs
  international exposure as a             and others). For instance, the         and IBC): international
  tourist destination. However, of        World Cup in Germany boasted           broadcasting and media centers
  all the host cities, only Rio de        a 5.1% growth in sales by the          are essential for the running
  Janeiro, São Paulo and Curitiba         country’s advertising industry         of the World Cup. International
  are better prepared to meet this        in 2006. Similarly, investments        Media Centers (IMCs) are located
Investments in media and advertising,                         13

                                                       totaling some R$ 6.51 billion, are
                                                       made primarily by the private sector
                                                       and mostly concentrated in 2014.

 World Cup investments
 In millions of BRL (R$)


                                                     Reurbanization      Safety        Highways      Technology
                                                          2,837.30    1,697.38         1,441.02      309.00

                                                    Hotel                                                  IMCs
           Media                     Stadiums       Complex
                                                    3,163.93                                               and IBC
           6,510.00                  4,624.45

                                                                                            Energy     Fan Parks
                                                                                            280.52     203.83
 Table 4

in each host city and transmit         • Public investments in transport          investments of R$ 1.21 billion
information on events to the             infrastructure: the long distance        will be made. In addition, it will
International Broadcast Center           between Brazilian cities and             be necessary to intervene in
(IBC). This operates as a core           the expected increase in tourist         4,334 km of highways, including
center from which information            inflow will force the public             reconstruction, maintenance
is sent to other countries. The          sector to invest in the expansion        and expansion works. These
IBC is a much more complex               of airport capacity and in the           works will require R$ 1.44 billion
center than the various IMCs and         maintenance or renovation of             in addition to the investments
requires its own specific place to       highways. Throughout June                already planned without the Cup.
operate, whereas the IMCs may            and July 2014, the World Cup
be located inside the stadiums           will generate an additional flow    • Reurbanization of cities:
that will host the matches. The          of 2.25 million passengers at         as in previous competitions, the
IBC implementation will require          Brazilian airports. This flow         2014 World Cup will represent
investments of R$ 184 million.           corresponds to 11.8% of an            an opportunity to revitalize
The implementation costs of              average monthly demand on             the tourist areas of the host
IMCs, however, are included in           the aviation system in 2009.          cities (totaling 379 km²), the
the stadium adaptation projects.         To meet this increased demand,        surroundings of their airports
14 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

  Highway intervention works
  In Km                                                                      1.70 billion will be required in
                                                                             security infrastructure (vehicles
                                       799                                   and aircraft, communications and
                                                                             technology systems), training,
                                                                             weaponry and other essential
     Maintenance                                                             expenditures.

     Expansion                                            2,167             • Setting up of Fan Parks,
                                                                              large parks or outdoor areas
                                                                              turned into recreational and
                      0     500        1,000     1,500    2,000    2,500      public integration facilities:
  Table 5                                                                     introduced at the World Cup in
                                                                              Germany, these parks will be set
                                                                              up in 12 host cities, featuring
 (132 km²) and their stadiums            Although some candidate              entertainment activities, sale
 (0.6 km²). These locations will         cities face challenges involving     of food and drinks, parties,
 be targeted with initiatives such       urban violence, the lessons          big screens to broadcast live
 as: street lighting; paving of          learned from the 1992 Earth          matches and stages for concerts
 sidewalks and roads; renovation         Summit and the Rio 2007 Pan          between matches. With free
 of street furniture; adaptation         American Games shows that this       admission, the 2006 Fan Parks
 of urban spaces to meet the             objective can be fully achieved,     had many visitors, busy schedule
 needs of persons with disabilities;     provided that the necessary          and excellent response from the
 construction of recreational            investments are made. Recent         participants. At the German Cup,
 areas; and embellishment                experience shows that spending       while the attendance figures
 in general. In total, these             on training and equipment tends      reached 3.4 million people, the
 initiatives represent an estimated      to reduce the response time of       Fan Parks attracted 18 million
 investment of R$ 2.84 billion.          police action and contributes        visitors. Investments to establish
                                         to reducing violence even after      Fan Parks are estimated at R$
• Investments public security:           the competition, an important        204 million, including physical
  in an event of major proportions       legacy of the event. To ensure       infrastructure, cleaning, security
  and visibility as the World Cup,       a tournament with a high level       and other services, in addition to
  ensuring safety is essential.          of security, investments of R$       entertainment activities.
To revitalize the host cities tourism areas                     15

                                                      as well the surrounding airport and
                                                      stadium areas, investments of R$ 2.84 billion
                                                      will be required.

                                                                                    entirely the responsibility of Fifa
  Expenses on the operation of the event                                            and will be R$ 854 million.
  In millions of BRL (R$)
                                                                                   • Security operations: these
                                                                                     refer to the costing of the actual
                                   LOC*                                              number of police officers – up
                              854.00                                                 to 78,000 people – required to
                                                                                     carry out security operations for
                                                                                     the event in the host cities. It is
                                                                                     estimated that the cost of this
                                                                                     security force (including payroll,
                                                                                     travel costs and other variables)
                                                                                     will total R$ 327 million.

                                                                                   • Electrical redundancy
                                                                                     operation: in order to ensure the
                                   Safety                                            quality of the event, Fifa imposes
                               327.00                                                a number of requirements
                                                                                     regarding the infrastructure
                                                                                     of venue cities and of facilities
  Table 6                                            *Local Organizing Committee     selected to stage World Cup
                                                                                     events. As regards electrical
                                                                                     infrastructure, the main item
The core actions of                       • Operations of the Local
                                            Organizing Committee: the LOC
                                                                                     refers to the need for electrical
                                                                                     redundancy between cities.
the operation                               is responsible for managing the          It can be noted, for example, that
                                            tournament’s organization and            the host city of Manaus has no
For the event to actually occur             for covering its operating costs.        redundant transmission lines.
under the standards required by
                                            These expenses include travel            It is assumed that this city
Fifa, an organizing committee
                                            costs of the teams, delegations          operates the existing thermal
is formed and accountable
                                            and officials; committee’s               power plants using the new
for overseeing and ensuring
compliance with the construction            personnel costs and management           transmission line as a backup.
work schedule. The three major              fees; advertising and other              The operating cost of these
core actions of the event are               expenses. The funds required             thermal plants in Manaus is
as follows:                                 to cover all these expenses are          estimated at R$ 280 million.
16 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

                                                                                    The map of
                                                                        INVESTMENTS AND THEIR

                                                                                         TOTAL               In millions of BRL (R$)

                                                                                    7,181.3                    Impact on GDP
                                                                                                               City 2010 GDP
                                                                                          (0.7%)               Direct Impact (% of 2010 GDP)


                                                                                                     Cidade das Dunas                   758.6
                                                                                                                Recife                    (7.1%)
                                                                                                         Cidade Copa

                                                                           Brasília                              Fonte Nova
                                                                           Estádio Nacional                                             378.7
       664.5                                                                                                                             27,504.1
       45,672.3                                                                                                                           (1.4%)
                                      597.3                  Cuiabá
                                      10,489.1                                         Belo Horizonte*
                                       (5.7%)                                          Mineirão                                         625.7
                                                                          São Paulo                                                       (1.8%)
                                                                            Morumbi               Rio de Janeiro
Status                                  (0.5%)
                                                                         Arena da                                                       717.4
of stadiums                                                              Baixada                                                         50,724.6
                                      343.2                                Porto Alegre
     Construction                     50,169.3                             Beira-Rio

                                                                                                  723.3                                  987.4
                                                                      339.3                       424,806.0                              185,270.8
                                                                      44,385.0                      (0.2%)
* Not yet defined if Mineirão.
  Independência or Arena do Jacaré,                                    (0.8%)


  Allocation of investments                                                            Rio with more funds
  In millions of BRL (R$)                                                              In millions of BRL (R$)

                 Stadiums                                          4,624.50               Belo Horizonte                   1,435.1

                 Hotel                                                                    Brasília                   1,219.0
                                                                                          Cuiabá                     1,212.9
                 Reurbanization                               2,847.30

                                                                                          Curitiba               720.2

                 Safety                            1,697.40
                                                                                          Fortaleza               890.6

                 Airports                       1,213.70                                  Manaus                          1,357.5

                                                                                          Natal                             1,499.6
                 Fan Parks            204.00

                                                                                          Porto Alegre           724.6
                 IBC                  184.50
                                                                                          Recife                 779.8

                 Security              327.00

                                                                                          Rio de Janeiro                             1,973.2

                 Energy               280.52                                              Salvador                       1,263.9

                 Total: 14,542.00                                                         São Paulo                         1,455.0

                                  0     1,000     2,000    3,000      4,000   5,000                        0        500        1,000      1,500   2,000

  Higher airport activity                                                                                                 Target 2014
  Million passengers per year
                                                                    Current capacity                               Other                   Word Cup
                                                                         114.6                                     38.7                      13.5
18 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

Sustainable World Cup
Social-environmental                      An event such as the World Cup,
                                          which has the provision of services
                                                                                    Carbon footprint - Since the
                                                                                    German World Cup, Fifa has been
responsibility at                         as one of its central pillars, cannot     developing “The Green Goal”, an
stake                                     ignore its responsibilities in relation
                                          to these issues.
                                                                                    official program aimed, among
                                                                                    other aspects, at reducing CO2
                                                                                    emissions. It focuses on four
The analysis of socioeconomic
                                          The socio-environmental aspect            aspects: water, waste, energy and
impacts cannot be dissociated
                                          permeates all of its activities.          transport. The carbon footprint of
from the environment in a mega            For example, in directly performing       the 2010 World Cup is estimated
event such as the World Cup,              or subcontracting services, it is         at 896,661 tonnes of carbon, with
which often serves as a mirror            important to identify criteria that       an additional 1,856,589 tonnes
for future actions. Ensuring              ensure workers’ health and safety,        contributed by air transport, as
performance for sustainable               working conditions, payment of            shown in the table on the opposite
development in this type of global        rights and benefits, quality of life,
                                                                                    page. The carbon footprint
tournament means contributing             strengthened learning systems as
                                                                                    measures how much carbon
to a decrease in social and               well as post-event employment and
                                                                                    dioxide is produced by all activities
environmental costs, and in               sustainability.
                                                                                    (transport, electricity, etc.) carried
inefficiencies and waste, as well
                                                                                    out by an individual, a company,
as contributing to a greater social       In relation to the public, it is
                                                                                    an event – these activities normally
integration and to the continued          essential to ensure urban quality,
                                                                                    use fossil fuels such as oil, gas
development of individuals,               accessibility, security, access
                                                                                    and coal.
communities and relationships             to information, environmental
between the society and                   education and usefulness of
                                                                                    The term ‘carbon footprint’ refers
                                          facilities, as well as urban
the environment.                                                                    to another expression, ‘ecological
                                          interventions after the event.
                                          The government agencies and               footprint’, which indicates the
According to the criteria adopted                                                   amount of natural resources
                                          private entities involved with the
by the United Nations Environment                                                   required to support a given
                                          World Cup should be required
Program (UNEP), the economic,                                                       population. The carbon footprint of
                                          to ensure the responsible use of
social and environmental                  natural and economic resources,           the 2010 World Cup in South Africa
dimensions must be integrated             and responsible sourcing of               should be eight times larger than
to meet the challenges of six             acquired raw materials, products          in the 2006 World Cup in Germany,
priority areas: climate change,           and services. The goal is to reduce       excluding air travel.
disasters and conflicts, ecosystem        carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
management, environmental                 from burning fossil fuels, as this        As shown in the table 7,
governance, harmful substances            is one of the major causes of the         international travel by plane
and efficient use of natural resources.   greenhouse effect.                        corresponds to 67% of the carbon
The socio-environmental aspect permeates all of

                                                       the World Cup-related activities, from stadiums built
                                                       based on the “green building” criteria to the impact
                                                       of air travel on determining the “carbon footprint”.

  Summary carbon footprint for the 2010 World Cup
  Component                                      (tCO2e)               Emissions
   International transport                      1,856,589                      67.4%

   Intercity transport                            484,961              17.6%

   Intracity transport                             39,577       1.4%

   Building of stadiums and materials              15,359       0.6%

   Stadiums and additional energy use              16,637       0.5%

   Use of energy in accommodations                340,128           12.4%

   Total excluding international transport        896,661

   Total including international transport      2,753,250      100%

  Table 7

footprint, since most visitors should        - environmental responsibility.        responsibility of states and areas
use this means of transport to                Performance indicators can            defined as priorities by Fifa for the
arrive in South Africa. Based on             be defined as benchmarks or            German Cup. The following is the
Brazil’s location and its continental        values derived from benchmarks
                                                                                    first attempt of a preliminary set
size, CO2 emissions will certainly           based on standards designed
                                                                                    of quantitative indicators identified
compare to these results in the              to meet an environmental and
2014 World Cup.                              social responsibility program.         in accordance with predetermined
                                             The standards consist of principles,   standards of environmental
The performance measurement for              criteria, targets, indicators          responsibility of the priority states
the sustainable development of a             and verifiers.                         and areas of the Green Goal,
country, state, city or community
                                                                                    considering the Brazilian reality.
requires the definition of a set of          The standard to be established by
                                                                                    This set of indicators should be
indicators that should be proposed           states and organizations involved
in accordance with pre-selected              in implementing the 2014 World         evaluated and tested according to
and defined performance criteria,            Cup can be based on the scope          the dynamics of each state and/
based on compliance with socio               of environmental and social            or organization.
20 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

  to the green Cup

1Energy conservation and
 climate change
 Principle:How to minimize the
                                                       Principle:How to promote water conservation
                                                       through reduced use
 carbon footprint

CRITERIA                    INDICATORS                  CRITERIA                  INDICATORS
Calculation of the carbon   Amount of carbon            Technologies for
footprint for the 2010 Cup. dioxide generated.          water reuse in several
                                                        environments: stadiums,
Implementation              Measurement of reduction                              of water saved.
                                                        quarters, hotels and
of carbon offsetting.       in CO2 emissions.           tourist locations.
Energy efficient            Measurement of energy       Alternative sources to    Measurement
technologies.               reduced in one year.        meet irrigation needs.    of water saved.

Integrated waste management
Principle: How to reduce, reuse and recycle
waste supported by landfill scavengers,
                                                                    Transport, mobility and access
                                                                    Principle:How to attain energy efficiency,
                                                                    using universal accessible means of transport
including them in the management process                            that minimize pollution

 CRITERIA                     INDICATORS                             CRITERIA                      INDICATORS
 Selective waste collection   Measurement of waste for
 program at stadiums,         selective collection per class and                                   Km of bike paths built.
 quarters etc.                type of waste.                         Infrastructure for cyclists
                                                                     and pedestrians.
 Environmental education                                                                           Number of bike path users.
                              Number of people trained
 program focused on
                              to be multipliers.
 selective collection.                                                                             Type of public
                              Number of people covered by the                                      transport implemented.
                              environmental education program.       Public transport              Assessment of vehicle
                                                                     with reduced pollutant        black smoke.
                              Number of landfill scavengers          emissions.
 Master plan on solid         included in the process.
                                                                                                   Amount equivalent
 waste including landfill                                                                          to reduced carbon.
 scavengers should be         Number of processing facilities set
 prepared.                    up under shared management with
                                                                                                   Number of eco-taxis in
                              landfill scavengers associations.
                                                                                                   the urban fleet.
                              Share of recyclable waste              Eco-taxis.
                              allocated to landfill scavengers                                     Amount equivalent to
                              in relation to total waste.                                          reduced carbon.
                              Number of landfill scavengers and
                              organizations covered by the plan.

 Plan on landfill             Number and type of training
 scavengers’ sustainability   offered to landfill scavengers.
 after the World Cup.
                              Number of associations/
                              cooperatives that could implement
                              a business plan.
22 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

5Landscape and biodiversity
 Principle: How to preserve biodiversity by promoting
 natural landscape
                                                               Green buildings
                                                               and sustainable lifestyles
                                                               Principle:How to promote awareness
                                                               and sustainable lifestyle

CRITERIA                   INDICATORS                           CRITERIA                   INDICATORS
                                                                                           Number of ecological parks
                           Number of employees trained.                                    implemented.
Landscape training                                                                         Area
                                                                Ecological park
to promote                 Type of training offered.                                       (in square meters or hectares).
                                                                and smart living center.
natural landscapes.
                           Number of hours invested                                        Number of parks that survived
                           in training.                                                    for one year.
                           Number of showcases                                             Positive evaluation of ECC quality
                           implemented.                                                    and effectiveness (more than
Biodiversity showcases.                                                                    50% of users).
                           Public access to showcases.                                     Number of course
                                                                Environmental Education    materials produced.
                           Number of registered participants    Campaign (EEC).
                           per age group.                                                  Number of people covered.
Students contest
for the garden around      Number of projects implemented.                                 Number of people trained
the soccer field.                                                                          as multipliers.
                           Number of projects sustained one
                           year after implementation.
                           Number of planted trees and
Environmental education    community embellishment efforts.
program focused
on city embellishment.     Number of course materials

Sustainable construction
Principle:How to ensure sustainable construction
in construction and building processes

 CRITERIA                                          INDICATORS AND VERIFIERS
                                                   Amount of reduced CO2 emissions – both in
                                                   construction and operation of buildings.

                                                   Amount of tap water saved.

                                                   Amount of segregated waste sent under
                                                   a selective collection system.
 Internationally recognized Certification
 for projects and construction                     Types of raw materials that had their
 of sustainable stadiums and quarters              responsible source evaluated.
 (Leed, Acqua, Breeam etc.).
                                                   Positive result from the Labeling process –
                                                   Procel label.

                                                   Health and safety program implemented.

                                                   Frequency and severity
                                                   of work-related accidents.
                                                   Amount of reduced CO2 emissions – both in
                                                   construction and operation of buildings.

                                                   Amount of tap water saved.
 Sustainable construction criteria to be met
 by infrastructure construction works.             Amount of raw materials that had their
                                                   responsible source checked.
                                                   Amount of energy saved by implementing
                                                   a solar power program for public lighting.
24 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

                                   Environmental and social               currently one of the alternatives
                                   responsibility - Meeting the           – and perhaps the most advertised
                                   performance defined based on           – to reduce carbon dioxide
                                   this set of principles, criteria and   emissions in the atmosphere. But
                                   indicators requires considering the    it takes a systemic view that allows
                                   impacts on implementation costs of     integrating emission reduction
                                   programs and public policies and       (which includes applying eco
                                   of processes and their products.       - efficient solutions, rational use
                                   If, on the one hand, there is a cost   of natural resources, assessing
                                   for organizations that undertake       the companies’ energy matrix, etc.)
                                   to comply with their social and        and emission offsetting.
                                   environmental responsibility, on
                                   the other hand there are social and    For a sustainable project
                                   environmental benefits; stronger       management, goals, indicators
                                   learning systems; contribution to      and action plans should be
                                   the good reputation of companies       outlined. One of the actions that
                                   and organizations (public and          may be planned for each of these
                                   private); and opportunities for        steps is, for example, the carbon
                                   investment in the carbon market.       footprint offsetting program, which
                                                                          encourages the use of vehicles
                                   Carbon offsetting - Adopting the       that run on ethanol or biodiesel,
                                   criteria for developing carbon         the search for energy efficiency
                                   offset projects should be integrated   of companies, “green building”
                                   with actions and programs that         projects and monitoring of carbon
                                   go beyond planting trees, which is     emissions before, during and after
Encouraging the use of ethanol or biodiesel25
                                                     vehicles and searching for energy
                                                     efficiency are some of the actions aimed
                                                     at offsetting the carbon footprint.

events. Another example is the air    involve waste management,               Research Establishment
quality management, which may         based on the three Rs (reduce,          Environmental Assessment
include building more bicycle paths   reuse, recycle), water and sewer        Method), in turn, created in the
that provide access to major event    management, focusing on reducing        U.K., is being introduced in the
sites, for example.                   the use, and also the policy on         Brazilian market.
                                      engagements: contracts should
The “green building” concept may      prioritize suppliers that adopt         ISO 14001, the standards that
be applied to the construction of     sustainable management principles       set guidelines for corporate
stadiums and hotels. For example,     for their services and products.        environmental management,
the structural materials to be used
                                                                              have been gradually adopted
should not be harmful to health and   Certifications – There are
                                                                              by real estate developers,
the environment, should originate     several certification criteria
                                                                              especially after the ISO
from sustainable sources and          that ensure “green buildings”.
                                                                              9000 culture grew stronger.
prioritize energy consumption; the    Projects and construction of
                                                                              Conversely, large organizations
technologies used should reduce       stadiums and quarters may receive
                                                                              and/or institutions, which aim
water consumption and promote         an internationally recognized
water reuse; energy consumption       certification (Leed, Acqua, Breeam,     to perform their construction
should be minimized (with             etc.). In Brazil, two environmental     processes with environmental
intelligent refrigeration, lighting   certifications focusing on              and social responsibility, tend to
and ventilation systems) and waste    construction (project and building      internally develop customized
should be managed in both the         process) are currently used: Acqua,     and personalized certification
construction and operation phases.    created in France, already adapted      standards. In this case, it is
                                      for Brazil; and Leed (Leadership in     necessary to recognize the
Reduce, reuse and recycle -           Energy and Environmental Design),       essential involvement of an
The sustainable measures also         a U.S. certification. Bream (Building   outside auditing agent.
26 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

and social                                                   impact
Thousands of                                                 thousands) of micro and small
                                                             enterprises and services that will
microenterprises                                             certainly be greatly boosted. Besides
will benefit                                                 the direct and indirect impacts on
                                                             economic sectors already mentioned
In addition to the impact on the                             on page 4 here in, there are at least
macroeconomy discussed so far,                               11 other sectors including a large
the World Cup also impacts a                                 number of small, medium and large-
multitude of hundreds (even                                  sized companies that will be directly

   World Cup’s impact on 11 economic sectors
                                                                Total GDP      Sector GDP
                                                                per sector     growth due     Total impact       Direct impact   Indirect impact
   Sector                                                       (R$ million)   to the Cup         (R$ million)    (R$ million)     (R$ million)

   Textile                                                     18,604.99         3.12%             580.47            0.07            580.40

   Parts and accessories
                                                               23,416.56          2%               469.23            3.87            465.36
   for motor vehicles
   Household appliances                                          4,193.7        10.24%             429.40            0.11            429.28
   Electrical machinery, devices and materials                 15,922.79         2.41%             384.20           42.78            341.42
   Machinery and equipment,
                                                               31,675.18         0.84%             267.64            1.24            266.39
   including maintenance and repair
   Wooden products – including furniture                       11,182.77         2.32%             259.97            0.38            259.59
   Leather goods and footwear                                   9,305.75         2.61%             242.70            0.16            242.54
   Medical, hospital, measurement and
                                                                9,641.35         1.36%             131.44            0.60            130.83
   optical devices/instruments
   Other transport equipment                                    9,494.36         0.86%              81.92           48.37            33.54
   Trucks and buses                                             3,331.29         1.43%              47.62           37.41            10.21
   Office machines
                                                                3,380.72         0.12%               3.95            0.21             3.74
   and computer equipment

   These sectors includes small, medium and big companies.                                                                       GDP base year – 2010

   Table 9
Chain reaction effects arising from       27

                                                           the World Cup stimulate and encourage
                                                           social benefits such as: increase in income
                                                           and decrease in violence and crime.

affected by the World Cup, as shown       • Potentially reduced violence and
in the table below.                         crime as a result of investments
                                            in security;
Social effect - Another indirect
impact scenario involves the social       • Social benefits from investments
effects and chain reaction arising          in infrastructure; and
from World Cup-related activities.
                                          • The microeconomic impacts
The impacts mentioned so far                of the construction and
can be classified as systematic             improvement of stadiums
as they refer to expected                   and a whole new window of
variations in the aggregate
                                            opportunities that is created
behavior of economic sectors.
                                            around them because of the
For this generality and predictability,
                                            mega event.
these impacts are susceptible
to quantitative estimates.
                                          By their very nature, the specific
                                          impacts are not captured in
What this study refers to as specific
                                          models that describe the economic
impacts are those that are particular
                                          relationships between agents and
to the microeconomic or social
characteristics of the event and the      institutions from a purely monetary
people affected by it. These include,     and aggregate perspective, thus
among others:                             removing them from the scope of
                                          the input-output methods used.
• The Volunteering Program                In fact, given the complexity of
  impacts on the people’s                 the interaction networks involved,
  education and income;                   it is often hard to find adequate
                                          quantitative models that reliably
• The country’s exposure in the           describe these phenomena, with
  world media and consequential           qualitative analysis and case studies
  effects on tourism;                     prevailing in such cases.
28 SUSTAINABLE BRAZIL Social and Economic Impacts of the 2014 World Cup

Risks and
Steeplechase                             planning and control may result         • Hospitality system
                                         in excessive or unnecessary
                                         expenditures, misallocation or          • Safety
For the people to fully benefit
                                         misappropriation of funds, and
from the various socioeconomic
                                         failure to use opportunity costs.       • Urban planning (public utility
opportunities brought by an event
                                                                                   services, urban operations,
such as the World Cup, certain
                                        • External factors: in addition to         quality of city streets, public
constraints or risk factors must be
                                          the risk factors directly associated     transportation, operations
taken into account, as follows:
                                          with the Cup itself, there are           under adverse conditions)

• Meeting the needs of host               several external constraints, at
                                          national and international levels,     • Support services (food,
  cities: a successful event
                                                                                   taxi, communications, health
  depends on the ability to meet the      that are beyond the stakeholders’
                                                                                   and retail)
  diverse needs of the host cities        intervention capacity, but can
  by 2014, by means of actions and        bring significant risks to the
                                                                                 The above list indicates a range
  investments in public and private       process of preparing and holding
                                                                                 between “large” and “small” needs.
  sectors. Some of these needs            the Cup.
  require Cup-specific actions, while                                            In general, these needs can be
  others can be met in the context      What do the host                         satisfied by means of “top-down”
  of broader actions and activities.                                             or “bottom-up” public policies or
                                        cities need?                             actions. Each of these categories
• Capitalizing on the legacy:                                                    gives rise to various weaknesses
  preparing and holding the Cup         The 12 cities hosting the World
                                                                                 and failures, as seen below.
  will give rise to various tangible    Cup have different needs that must       However, the risks are the same:
  and intangible legacies. These        be satisfied for a successful event.     that such actions and policies
  legacies could bring well-being       These needs can be summarized in         result in inefficient and costly
  to the population in a timeframe      the following categories:                interventions or fail to meet the
  extending far beyond the event                                                 needs in question.
  itself. But for that to happen they   • Energy
  must be well used by the country.                                              Brazil has a long tradition of
                                        • Arterial transport (highways,          vertical town planning, where
• Economic efficiency: the World          airports etc.)                         decisions are taken by central
  Cup implementation activities                                                  governments and spread out to
  and the use of legacy should          • Event infrastructure (stadiums,        local organization points. Often
  be efficient. Lack of adequate          IBC/IMCs, Fan Parks)                   there is little local autonomy, little
Recent events in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo

                                                           show that the host cities have to improve
                                                           planning aspects to prevent the matches from
                                                           being held together with urban chaos.

                                                                                   being, therefore, subject to the
   Types of needs                                                                  systemic risk of institutional
                                                                                   failure that may impact
                           Systematic         Individual                           critical aspects of the event.
     Common among the various cities          Specific to each city                The “small” needs, on the
                                                                                   other hand, present difficulties
         Relating to federal and state        Relating to city or private sector   of central planning, but can be
                       responsibilities       responsibilities
                                                                                   remedied by private or public
   Table 10                                                                        actions of each host city, as
                                                                                   long as autonomy, initiative and
                                                                                   resources are in place.
feedback on the effectiveness and         takeover of public administration
efficiency of decisions, and little       at various levels, which represents
                                                                                   In general, failing to meet, in
control over the alignment                a significant obstacle to the
                                                                                   full or in part, the needs of venue
of agents responsible for                 implementation of bottom-up
                                                                                   cities may result in:
the stipulated policies.                  public policies. In fact, incipient
These characteristics can                 attempts, in cities such as Rio de
be identified not only in the             Janeiro, to develop urban solutions      • Poor quality of services
relationship between the federal          through subdivisions of the local          provided to visitors and
government and the other                  government (the subprefeituras)            to the population;
federal entities, but also at             or similar arrangements collide
state and municipal levels.               not only with coordination               • Bottleneck effect (limited
                                          problems, “political will”, lack of        number of visitors due to
Therefore, the need for any “top          resources and inflexibility of the         price increases or capacity
down” public policy or intervention       legal instruments, but also with           exhaustion);
introduces an institutional risk to       the very difficulty of articulating
the extent that, due to the flaws in      the peoples of each community in         • Economic and human losses
the decision-making process, such         terms of shared responsibilities and       (caused by accidents,
interventions can be incorrect or         needs.                                     commotions, or other negative
unnecessarily costly, or simply not                                                  impacts from the inflow
materialize.                              Systemic risk - Considering these          of visitors);
                                          aspects, it should be noted that
As regards the difficulties of            the “large” needs of the host cities     • Presentation of a negative
central planning, one can note            are subject to central planning and        image of Brazil in the
the crystallization and political         direct government intervention,            international media coverage.
You can also read