SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers

Page created by Leo Garrett
SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
Thursday, January 21, 2021             perthnow.com.au/community-news

   Light show telling the
   story of traditional
   owners centrepiece of
   Australia Day festival
   Page 5

                                                                          Picture: Jessica Wyld

                              FLYING               COMING               BRONCOS
                             COLOURS              UP ROSIES             BLITZED
                              Page 3                   Page 7            Page 19

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
2            NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                               January 21, 2021

                                                                                                 Behind the Seven Sisters
             NEWS ....................................................................... P2-7
             CRIMEWATCH ........................................................... P6
             COURSES AND CLASSES FEATURE ........................ P8
             ZEST FOR LIFE FEATURE................................... P10-12
             RESIDENTIAL ...................................................... P13-15           FIVE Indigenous WA artists             “I’ve really enjoyed the
                                                                                                 helped prepare the opening           program and I was happy to
             TRADES DIRECTORY .......................................... P16-19                  exhibition at the new WA             be selected to participate,”
             SPORT ....................................................................... P19   Museum Boola Bardip.                 Ignatious Taylor said.
                                                                                                   They worked under the                “I’ve learnt a lot, made

                                                                                                 guidance of some of WA’s             new connections and I am
                                                                                                 top curatorial, installation         really looking forward to
                                                                                                 and conservation profes-             using my new skills for one
                                                                                                 sionals, gaining first-hand          of my own exhibitions.”
                                                                                                 experience and practical               Staff from the museum,
                                                                                                 training and skills as part of       Art Gallery of WA and
                                                                                                 the Our Future: AACHWA               Midland Junction Art Cen-
                                                                                                 Aboriginal Arts Worker               tre helped with the program.
                                                                                                 Training program.                      This also enabled staff
                                                                                                   The accredited training            from those venues to gain a
             Editorial Director:                           Amanda Keenan                         program was held by Abor-            greater understanding of
             News Production:                               Michael Palmer                       iginal Arts Centre Hub of            Aboriginal culture and com-
             Design:                                            Carly Pilton                     WA (AACHWA) and North                munities.                      Cynthia Burke (front), representing Tjanpi Desert Weavers,
             Features Editor:                     Arylene Westlake-Jennings                      Metropolitan TAFE.                     Program participants are     Delilah Shepherd, representing Warakurna Artists and
             Digital Editor:                               Alison Middleton                        Artists in the program             co-curating an exhibition at   Tjanpi Desert Weavers, Patricia Corlett, representing
             General inquiries:                              9237 1000                           helped develop the Son-              the Midland Junction Art       Tjukurba Gallery/ Birriliburu Artists, Lily-Mae Kerley,
             Email:                          east@communitynews.com.au                           glines: Tracking the Seven           Centre and presenting talks    representing Yamaji Art and Ignatius Taylor, representing
                                                                                                 Sisters exhibition.                  until January 30.              Martumili Artists.
             Kristie Lim                                                     9237 1563
             (Bayswater, Bassendean, Vincent)
             Nadia Budihardjo                                                9237 1564
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie
             Advertising Manager:

             Max Wilson                                                 0420 927 511
             Advertising Executives:                                                                              communitynews.com.au
             Julie Gaze                                                0420 211769
             Sharlene Galvin                                          0448 000801                                 communitynews.com.au/subscribe
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Ricardo Jeremiah                                                9237 1490
             Distribution                                                1800 811 855
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.                                                                /EasternReporter
             Printed by Colourpress
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
January 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS                 3

Let there be more light
Michael Palmer                   Sandy Anghie to start a         casual passers by feel drawn       dents and visitors to wander          you get to Victoria Avenue.”    and make people feel safer.
                                 lighting project across the     to. It’s a place to be hurried     about at night and stay in               The council unanimously        “Many of us have noted
EAST Perth residents want        City.                           through       on    our    way     East Perth for their enter-           backed Cr Anghie’s pro-         there are areas of the City
the City of Perth to turn the       East Perth Community         somewhere else.                    tainment.”                            posal. Seven permanent          that can feel unsafe after
lights on in their neighbour-    Group treasurer Leslie War-       “While we’re grateful for          Terrace Road resident               light projects will be placed   dark and are uninviting,”
hood.                            ren said there had been great   activations in Langley Park        Mike Bancroft said one of             in Northbridge, the retail      she said. “The character of
   They called for life to be    improvements in the Claise-     and on the waterfront, they        the few things people used to         core, West End, West Perth,     our quirky laneways and the
brought to that end of the       brook Cove precinct but not     tend to be large events and        know about Perth was that it          Hampden Road, East Perth        charm of our heritage build-
city during the council elec-    on Adelaide Terrace.            people leave the area, hurry-      was the city of lights.               and Claisebrook.                ings are things that are
tion campaign and pres-             “Adelaide Terrace as a       ing back to their cars, or bus-      “Wander down the end of                The City has set aside       unique to Perth; they are a
ented their case again at the    gateway to our city feels       es and trains to return home.      East Perth, it is dark, it is not     $280,000 from its budget sur-   point of difference.
December council meeting         sparse and bare in the even-      “Lighting of the sort pro-       the city of lights,” he said. “It     plus for the project.             “They can’t be replicated
in support of a proposal         ings,” she said.                posed would help to activate       is the entry to the City but             Cr Anghie said it would      in suburban shopping malls
from Deputy Lord Mayor              “It’s not an area that       the area, and encourage resi-      there is no statement until           improve the look of the City    and new developments.”

                                                                                                                                                                          Name the
                                                                                                                                                                          CITY of Vincent residents
                                                                                                                                                                          can now have a go at naming
                                                                                                                                                                          a new laneway next to the
                                                                                                                                                                          Leederville Hotel redevelop-
                                                                                                                                                                             Property developer Hes-
                                                                                                                                                                          peria is asking people to
                                                                                                                                                                          enter its Name the Leedy
                                                                                                                                                                          Laneway, with the competi-
                                                                                                                                                                          tion winner set to receive a
                                                                                                                                                                          $500 voucher to dine at any
                                                                                                                                                                          venue when the develop-
                                                                                                                                                                          ment opens in mid-2021.
                                                                                                                                                                             People can apply for cate-
                                                                                                                                                                          gories including historic
                                                                                                                                                                          Vincent businesses, flora
                                                                                                                                                                          and fauna, culturally signif-
                                                                                                                                                                          icant architectural style,
                                                                                                                                                                          event or artwork or Noongar
                                                                                                                                                                             Criteria include names
                                                                                                                                                                          not starting with the word
                                                                                                                                                                          ‘the’, only using one-word
                                                                                                                                                                          names before the word ‘lane’
                                                                                                                                                                          and no suffixes.
  Mural artist Sioux Tempestt with her new mural at The Market Place Mt Lawley IGA. Picture: Di Rowling                                                                      The laneway aims to com-
                                                                                                                                                                          plement the character of

  In the market for a colourful statement
                                                                                                                                                                          Leederville, tying in with
                                                                                                                                                                          Leederville Village Square
                                                                                                                                                                          through the use of the same
                                                                                                                                                                          red brickwork that was laid
  MT Lawley artist Sioux          black swans, which have        time conceptualising the          artwork locals and visitors             Her upcoming projects          in the shared space.
  Tempestt has continued          been a recurring theme in      design as I’ll personally see     would     find    intriguing         include a sculpture instal-          It will also have public art
  her signature black swan        some of her works, Art         it often as will others in my     enough to investigate and            lation for the City of South      and suspended overhead
  trend as part of the design     Deco references including      local area,” she said.            have a conversation about.”          Perth’s Fringe Festival           lighting for day and night
  of her latest mural at her      the Lincoln Street ventila-       It is the first time Tem-         Tempestt     said     she         event, a mural with projec-       activation.
  local IGA supermarket.          tion stack and pressed tin     pestt had painted a mural         received positive feedback           tion at an event at Elizabeth        The hotel will also be
     Tempestt and her part-       found on nearby buildings.     in her own neighbourhood.         from the community while             Quay, a collaborative mural       revamped.
  ner Sean spent 52 hours on         Tempestt said the swans        “As a frequent shopper at      painting on site and shar-           project with young artists           Mayor Emma Cole said it
  site each to finish painting    formed a connection with       IGA, I’ve watched the store       ing a few photos online.             in the City of Melville and a     was an amazing opportunity
  the mural at The Market         the nearby Hyde Park,          undergo a brilliant renova-          She thanked IGA owner             solo show INNOMINATE in           to create a laneway of this
  Place Mt Lawley IGA on          which was also represented     tion,” she said. “When I no-      Greg Rice and his family for         the City of Stirling.             nature and quality in Lee-
  January 5.                      in the wavy lines of the       ticed the freshly painted         supporting her arts prac-               Check out the mural at         derville.
     The 24m-long mural on        lakes and the “majestic”       and largely blank wall, I         tice and making public art           The Market Place Mt Law-             Competition entries close
  the main and rear walls of      Moreton Bay fig tree leaf.     saw an ideal opportunity.         available for the communi-           ley IGA at 629 Beaufort           on February 18.
  the supermarket featured           “I spent considerable          “I wanted to create an         ty to enjoy.                         Street.                              Visit theleederville.com/

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
4         AUSTRALIA DAY                                                         January 21, 2021

 St Bart's chief executive Samantha Drury with supporter Robin Arndt.

      Flying the flag
       for homeless
 A PARTNERSHIP between a
 Perth architect and home-
                                   invite the men to church. We
                                   would provide them with a
                                                                    Day celebrations.
                                                                      “I’m extremely proud to
 less service provider St          shower and give them a mat-      have been a part of and wit-
 Bart’s forged in the 1950s is     tress to sleep on,” he said.     ness to the amazing work St
 still going strong some 60          Mr Arndt would later vol-      Bart’s has achieved over the
 years later.                      unteer his architect skills at   past 56 years helping some
   Robin Arndt’s involve-          the behest of Dr Watson to       of the most vulnerable mem-
 ment with St Bart’s began in      design the accommodation         bers in our community,” Mr
 the late 1950s before St Bart’s   building that provided shel-     Arndt said.
 was officially operational.       ter for up to 80 homeless men      This year the Heirisson
   Together with his GP, St        at any one time until 2012,      Rotary Club and St Bart’s
 Bart’s co-founder Dr James        when St Bart’s moved to its      will host an Australia Day
 Watson, Mr Arndt would            current premises in Lime         breakfast at Victoria Gar-
 invite homeless men in the        Street, East Perth.              dens, Claisebrook Cove, on
 area for a cup of tea and a         He has also used his invol-    January 26 from 8am.
 sandwich after services at St     vement as a Rotarian with          All donations from the
 George’s Cathedral.               the East Perth and Heirisson     event will be used to support
   “We would go under the          Rotary clubs to support St       people accessing St Bart’s
 bridge and railway line and       Bart’s at various Australian     services.

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
January 21, 2021                                                                                                                                     AUSTRALIA DAY                               5

Celebration has the works
THE plug may have been
pulled on the Skyworks but                                                                                                          Australia Day celebrations
there will be plenty of other
ways to celebrate Australia                                                                                                         FAMILIES can kick off their       music and activities.
Day in the City of Perth.                                                                                                           Australia Day celebrations          People attending have to
   More than 25 free events                                                                                                         with a free barbecue and          register at Eventbrite in line
will be held during the City                                                                                                        kids’ activities at the City of   with the WA Health Depart-
of Perth Australia Day Fes-                                                                                                         Bayswater’s annual morn-          ment’s     recommendations
tival from January 22 to 26.                                                                                                        ing barbecue event.               and for COVID-19 contact
   The festival’s launch event                                                                                                        The City will be holding its    tracing purposes.
— Shining the Light: The                                                                                                            Australia Day Community             The Town of Bassendean
Story of Us — will tell the                                                                                                         BBQ on the lawns of its civic     will also be hosting a free
story of the traditional own-                                                                                                       centre in Morley on January       community BBQ breakfast
ers of the land, the Whadjuk                                                                                                        26 from 8am to 11am. There        at Sandy Beach Reserve on
Nyoongar people via a light                                                                                                         will be a free barbecue, live     January 26 from 8am.
and water projection at Eli-
zabeth Quay.
   The City has worked close-                                                                                                         PERTH PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS
ly with its Elders Advisory                                                                                                           Shining the Light: The Story of Us Elizabeth Quay |
Group to create the immer-                                                                                                            January 22-26 | Session 1: 7.45pm to 8.45pm, Session 2:
sive event, which will fea-                                                                                                           9pm to 10pm | Free tickets essential at visitperth.com.au
ture stories during the time                                                                                                          Australia Flag Fly-past Perth Foreshore | January 22 and
of colonisation.                                                                                                                      26 | Times to be announced
   “If we are going to have                                                                                                           Fairlanes Concert Fairlanes Amphitheatre, 181 Adelaide
genuine healing, we need op-                                                                                                          Terrace | January 23 | 5pm to 7.30pm
portunities like these to tell                                                                                                        Family Concert Forrest Place | January 24 | 10am to 5pm
our story so we can have the                                                                                                          Sunset Sounds JH Abrahams Reserve | January 24 | 5pm
best possible chance for gen-                                                                                                         to 8pm
uine healing and this will                                                                                                            Ngangk Wirdiny – Birak Bonar Perth Cultural Centre |
take us to a much stronger         People are encouraged to         “While we won’t be able to     history and celebrate our          January 24 | 4pm to 7.30pm
future,” Elder Uncle Noel        stay home if they are unwell,   have Skyworks, this Austra-       place in the world – a proud,      Claisebrook in Concert Victoria Gardens | January 25 |
Nannup said.                     practice physical distancing    lia Day we have created an        ancient,        multicultural      5pm to 8pm
   Neighbourhood       groups    and use the hand sanitiser      amazing five-day festival         nation built on shared             Birak Concert Supreme Court Gardens | January 26 | 2pm
such as the West Perth           provided.                       that will allow us all to         values.”                           to 6.30pm
Local, East Perth Commun-          The traditional Australia     reflect, respect and cele-          He congratulated City            Lotterywest Carnival Langley Park | January 26 | 10am to
ity Group, Northbridge           Day fireworks show on the       brate our unique country we       staff for pulling the festival     5pm | Free tickets essential at visitperth.com.au
Common, City of Perth            foreshore was cancelled late    all call home by staging          together in a short time.          Lotterywest Water Playground Langley Park | January 26
Western      Residents     and   last year after advice from     events, markets, perfor-            “What they have achieved         | 10am to 5pm | Free tickets essential at visitperth.com.au
Activate Perth have collabo-     the WA chief medical officer.   mances,      concerts     and     in a short space of time is a      Ultimate Adrenaline: Motocross and BMX Displays
rated with the City on a           Lord Mayor Basil Zempi-       immersive         exhibitions     program I am immensely             Langley Park | January 26 | 11am to 4pm
range of free events, includ-    las said instead there would    across five full days of fun,”    proud of,” he said.                Big Aussie BBQ Hay Street (between Outram and Colin
ing a Big Aussie Barbecue,       be a diverse range of food,     he said.                            For more information or          Street), West Perth | January 26 | 3pm to 8pm
sunset sounds and family         music and cultural experi-         “We will take time to          to register, visitperth.com/       Skydivers Drop Langley Park | January 26 | 2pm
concerts.                        ences.                          reflect on our nation’s true      ausdayfest.

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
6          CRIME WATCH                                                          January 21, 2021

 INGLEWOOD                          men linked to a series of      5.20am on December 11.
 ARSON Squad detectives             offences    committed    in      Quote reference number
 have charged two men for           Perth.                         111220 1237 62150.
 allegedly setting a house on         They are linked to dam-
 fire on New Year’s Eve.            age, stealing and fraud        MORLEY
    Between 10pm on Decem-          offences on December 12.       MORLEY police are seeking
 ber 31 and 7.30am on Janu-           Quote reference number       the public’s help in identify-
 ary 1, the men allegedly           121220 2350 87987.             ing a couple linked to an inci-
 forced entry into the home                                        dent at a local market
 on Tenth Avenue.                   PERTH                          complex.
    Police allege they set fire     TWO men are wanted by po-
 to the home, causing about         lice in relation to burglary
 $50,000 damage.                    and fraud offences.
    Both men have been                 The offences were com-
 charged with criminal dam-         mitted about 7am on Decem-
 age by fire and aggravated         ber 12 in the Perth area.
 home burglary and commit.
    A 22-year-old Morley man
 is due to appear before the
 Perth Magistrates Court on
 January 22.
    A 26-year-old man with no
 fixed address is due to
 appear before the Perth Ma-
 gistrates Court on February
                                                                      The incident happened at
 PERTH                                                              Chemist Warehouse inside
 POLICE are seeking the pub-                                        Coventry Village in Morley
 lic’s help in identifying two                                      on January 1.
                                                                      Quote reference number
                                                                    030121 1556 86299.

                                                                   MORLEY police are search-
                                                                   ing for two women linked to
                                      Quote reference number       an incident at Galleria Shop-
                                    121220 0655 86495.             ping Centre.
                                                                     The incident happened on
                                    PERTH                          January 8.
                                    POLICE                           Quote reference number
                                    are search-                    080121 1632 86088.
                                    ing for a
                                    man linked
                                    to stealing
                                    in Perth.
                                      The inci-
                                    dent hap-

      Have your say on townhouses
      NORTH Perth locals can        missions on the Imagine          “North Perth is an
      now have their say on a       Vincent website.               inner-city suburb with sig-
      Department of Communi-          Department of Com-           nificant demand for hous-
      ties proposal to build two    munities general assets        ing     and      the     two
      townhouses in Deague          assistant director Ben         townhouses will increase
      Court.                        Rooke said the two-storey      the diversity of properties
         The Department has         townhouses would be built      in the area. The site has a
      submitted a development       for affordable housing.        good level of amenity with
      application to the City of      “The Department of           Charles Veryard Reserve,
      Vincent for the dwellings     Communities builds social      Beatty Park Leisure Cen-
      at 27 Deague Court.           and affordable housing         tre, North Perth Plaza and
         The vacant 354sqm lot is   across WA to help ensure       public transport routes all
      owned by the Department.      people on low to moderate      within easy walking dis-
         While the public works     incomes have access to a       tance.”
      are exempt from develop-      home and to provide a            The public submission
      ment approval under the       greater diversity of hous-     period will finish at 5pm on
      City’s Local Planning Pol-    ing to help meet growing       January 25.
      icy, the Department is        demand,” he said.                For information, contact
      required to seek com-           “The      contemporary       the City’s senior urban
      ments from the City.          townhouses will each com-      planner Karsen Reynolds
         The City is now calling    prise three bedrooms and       on 9273 6033 or email
      on the public to make sub-    two bathrooms.                 mail@vincent.wa.gov.au.

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
January 21, 2021                                                          NEWS                 7

Sinead O’Hara, Calvin Hook, Ashlyn Koh. Picture: Daniel Grant

 New team one
 for the books
NORTH Perth institution           Junction Arts Centre.             would be in touch with all
the Rosemount Hotel is              Koh has programmed at           bands,     promoters      and
starting the new year with a      Perth live music venues           agents to secure those book-
new team behind the scenes.       including Mojos Bar, The          ings.
  It has appointed a dedicat-     Moon Cafe, and Rock Rover.          Bands such as Tame Impa-
ed in-house booking team            “The decision to bring all      la, The Stems, You Am I,
that plans to bring more          programming in-house en-          Mudhoney, Dinosaur Jr and
diverse acts to the venue.        ables us to more closely nur-     Killing Joke have all per-
  General manager Calvin          ture the amazing cultural         formed at the Rosemount.
Hook said the pause in            talent that’s in WA, as well as     It has also developed ongo-
national and international        personally servicing the          ing    relationships     with
touring due to COVID-19           needs of touring bands,           groups such as the WA Acad-
made him and the owners           national promoters and            emy of Performing Arts.
think about new ways of           agents,” Hook said.                 The venue has four perfor-
delivering entertainment, as        “We’re looking forward to       mance spaces: the 550-per-
well as continuing to invest      developing closer relation-       son capacity Main Room, the
in live music.                    ships with the music indus-       100-person           capacity
  Hook has been joined by         try and exploring new             Four5Nine, the Back yard
programming and commu-            directions in live music, cul-    beer garden and special car-
nications manager Sinead          tural entertainment and           park events, which can hold
O’Hara and programming            hospitality.                      up to 1300 people.
co-ordinator Ashlyn Koh in          “We’ll be welcoming all           Current capacities have
bringing acts to the stage.       kinds of genres, audiences        been reduced as part of
  O’Hara has managed the          and shows into the venue          COVID-19 restrictions.
marketing and operations of       and this is just the start of       “Rosie’s had many incar-
venues such as Mojos Bar,         exciting changes in store for     nations over the years, start-
Rock Rover, The Moon Cafe         2021.”                            ing out as a meeting place in
and YMCA HQ for the past            He said the Rosemount           1902 to being one of the first
three years, as well a stint as   was committed to all exist-       venues in Perth to support
bookings officer at Midland       ing shows booked in and           original artists,” Hook said.

Council monitoring Inglewood traffic
INGLEWOOD           residents     signed a petition to make the     worths at Beaufort Street’s
have called for action over       Inglewood library pedestri-       intersections with Tenth
the intersection of Beaufort      an crossing at the intersec-      and Eight avenues.
Street and Tenth Avenue           tion safer.                          The data will include traf-
after multiple “near-mis-            The City of Stirling is also   fic counts before and after
ses”.                             assessing traffic around the      the completion of the super-
  More than 500 people have       upcoming Aldi and Wool-           markets.

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers
 THE Amana Living                 ALTI director Rathini            leaders by developing
 Training Institute (ALTI) is     Sonnadara said.                  clinical and leadership
 currently delivering free          Amana Living chief             skills and provide new
 COVID-19 infection control       executive officer Stephanie      career pathways for nurses
 training to eligible West        Buckland said Amana              and allied health
 Australians and businesses,      Living was investing             professionals.
 as well as cutting the cost of   heavily in providing world          Participants can gain
 its accredited certificate       class training.                  experience in an aged care
 courses in aged and                “The importance of the         environment supported by
 disability care and allied       infection control training       experienced graduate
 health by up to 75 per cent.     cannot be underestimatedin       mentors and buddies and
    As part of the WA             the current climate,” she        on-the-job training and
 Government’s Lower Fees          said.                            coaching will be provided.
 Local Skills program, the          “We need to ensure we             “The graduate program
 subsided courses give            have the systems, processes      aims to develop
 students the practical skills    and skills in place to protect   well-rounded clinicians
 they need to start or further    our staff, residents, clients    who are capable of
 their careers.                   and the wider community          managing a large team of
    “This program will not        from COVID-19.”                  staff and running a nursing
 only open doors for people         Amana Living is also           home effectively,” Ms
 wanting to take the first or     launching its 2021 graduate      Buckland said.
 next steps on their career       program in conjunction              To start 2021 with a new
 paths, it will assist Amana      with ECU next month.             career or improved skills,
 Living and other care              The program aims to            apply at amanaliving
 service providers attract        nurture the next generation      training.com.au or call 1300
 and retain quality staff,”       of aged care managers and        492 703.

 OFFERING rewarding and           enhance employment are           career with excellent
 award-winning training to        also available, including        employment opportunities.
 local and international          First Aid and White Card.          College campuses are also
 students over the past 20          The multi award-winning        located in Mandurah and
 years, DNA Kingston              training organisation has a      Bunbury, plus new training
 Training delivers courses in     new Perth college campus         facilities in Joondalup, with
 Dental Nursing, Dental Lab       in Belmont with free             rolling intakes throughout
 Assisting, Dental                parking, just off the Great      the year and government
 Technology, Aged Care and        Eastern Highway bus route.       funding available (criteria
 Individual Support,                An enthusiastic training       applies).
 Leadership and                   team providing                     For more information call
 Management, Health Care,         employment support with          1300 855 503, email admin@
 Paramedic, Work Health           work experience embedded         dnakingstontraining.edu.au
 and Safety.                      into the training ensures        or visit
   Creative short courses to      students are ready for their     dnakingstontraining.edu.au.

 MODEST, modern and                                                undertake pilates
 sunlit, MJC Pilates Studio                                        qualifications, most
 in Maylands has been                                              recently obtaining an
 designed with the client                                          Advanced Diploma in the
 experience front of mind.                                         Pilates Method at the
   Owner-operator and                                              Pilates International
 pilates practitioner Megan                                        Training Centre.
 Joy has created an inviting                                          Having taught a diverse
 space for clients to refine                                       range of clients in some of
 their physicality and foster     specifically a severe back       the most prestigious studios
 mind-body connection.            injury,” Megan said.             in WA and overseas, Megan
   Clients can expect a more         “Under the guidance of        is excited to welcome all
 personalised approach with       qualified pilates instructors    fitness levels, ages and
 private one-on-one classes       I regained strength, and         genders to the MJC Pilates
 and small class sizes            with time, commitment and        Studio.
 delivered by skilled and         dedication to the pilates           “I eagerly look forward to
 experienced pilates              practice, eventually became      welcoming you to the MJC
 instructors.                     pain-free.”                      Pilates family and
   “I found pilates the way          Megan’s desire to share       supporting you on your
 many do, through injury,         her experience led her to        pilates journey,” she said.

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers

SWAN SONGS Light show telling the story of traditional owners centrepiece of Australia Day festival - Community News ePapers

Where there’s a
will, there’s a way
IF your New Year’s               the Administration Act 1903     advice when making their          • Separations that involve
resolution is to get your        (WA), which identifies the      will and while some people          joint assets
personal affairs in order,       order of entitled               are reluctant to pay for this,    • Stepchildren or other
you probably need to make        beneficiaries and the           a small investment upfront          dependent non-relatives
a will.                          proportions they are to         can save loved ones a lot of      • Property you wish to give
  It’s an important part of      receive.                        time, heartache and                 to someone that has a
preparing for the future            So their distribution may    expense down the track.”            joint owner.
and means that when the          not align with the                                                   Ms Palumbo said there
time comes, both you and         deceased’s wishes or loved      Be wary of DIY                    was also the risk that
your loved ones are              ones’ expectations.             DIY will kits can offer some      inexperience could lead to a      “You must have                 looking for your will.
protected.                          Public Trustee director      guidance about what you           will being invalid or open to   testamentary capacity to           If no one is looking, the
  According to Public            Etta Palumbo said writing a     need in your will but their       question.                       write or update your will,”      Public Trustee checks
Trustee research, almost         will could be easy and          quality can vary greatly, so                                      Ms Palumbo said.                 death records for your
half of West Australians         cost-effective compared to      do your homework and              Make regular updates              “If your capacity might        passing and your last
over the age of 30 have          dying intestate.                proceed with caution.             Once you have a will, be        be questioned, it is a good      wishes will be carried out
never made a will.                  “A will is one of the most     Many (if not all) fall short    sure to review it regularly     idea to seek legal advice.”      by your named executor or
                                 important documents that        when it comes to                  to keep it up to date.                                           a court-appointed
Don’t die intestate              you can make in life and we     adequately providing for            Your circumstances            Consider free storage            administrator.
When a person dies without       should all find time to talk    certain circumstances, such       change over the years and       The WA Will Bank is a free         To deposit your will,
leaving a valid will, they are   with loved ones about what      as:                               so do those of your loved       community service that           complete the WA Will Bank
said to have died                plans are in place should       • Dealing with blended            ones.                           offers West Australians safe     Deposit Form on the Public
“intestate”.                     life take an unexpected turn     families                           You might buy or sell         will storage in a                Trustee website and
  Intestate means the            for the worst, including        • Super funds and the             significant assets, get         purpose-built fire-proof         arrange for your original
deceased person’s estate         losing legal testamentary        associated tax                   married or divorced, have       vault, keeping the will safe     will and two forms of
(property, money,                capacity to make a will,”        implications                     children or grandchildren       from loss, theft or damage.      identification to be
belongings, etc) will be         she said.                       • Large-scale assets, trusts      or simply change your             It holds more than 120,000     deposited in person or via
shared out according to             “We strongly encourage        and other complicated            mind about gifts in your        wills and is the logical place   registered post to the Public
rules that are legislated by     testators to get professional    financial situations             will.                           people will think of when        Trustee.

January 21, 2021                                                                                 ZEST FOR LIFE ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                   11

               Trunks on the Terrace
                               Street to their temporary     smallest elephant in the
  THROWBACK                    home, bring traffic to a      troupe, she was certainly
  WHEN THE                     standstill and halting        big on courage and having
                               business.                     had a taste of freedom and
  CIRCUS CAME                    Hundreds of people lined    fame, she attempted a
  TO TOWN                      the route five-deep to not    further two escapes 10 days
                               only see the four-legged      later.
                               stars but donate to the Red     The use of wild animals
Keren Bellos                   Cross, with collectors        in circuses is now frowned
                               moving through the crowd.     upon, with most companies
WHEN the Bullen Bros             Although Sue was the        shunning the practice.
Circus came to town in
1956, it wasn’t just an
animal parade through
Perth city that made
   On March 22, two
elephants with itchy feet
broke free of the campsite
along Riverside Drive and
went on a nocturnal
rampage through the
Supreme Court Gardens.
   Fourteen-year-old Sue
and her 20-year-old
companion Peggy put on
quite a show, bursting
through two sets of wooden
gates in the old
Repatriation Department’s
back fence, only to be found
among foliage.
   The next day, they were
on their best behaviour in
front of a big crowd, rarely
breaking single-file
formation with seven fellow
elephants in the parade.
   In a sight you would
never see today, the long                                                                   Clockwise from top left: Elephants on St Georges Terrace are not an everyday sight. In
line also featuring caged                                                                   1956, the circus came to town, stopping traffic and drawing a crowd; Sue with her
lions, tigers and leopards                                                                  guardian Peggy; and one of the escaped elephants in the Supreme Court Gardens.
made its way from Barrack

12         ZEST FOR LIFE ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                                                                                                   January 21, 2021

$1m retirement nest egg myth
                                                                                                                                    Key to understanding          by Centrelink’s asset test.
  MONEY MATTERS                                                                                                                   why, is to remember that        Homeowning singles have
  RETIREMENT                                                                                                                      the Centrelink system via       an upper asset limit of
                                                                                                                                  the aged pension works          $268,000 before their
                                                                                                                                  hand-in-glove with your         pension starts to be reduced
Nick Bruining                                                                                                                     savings.                        at the rate of $3 for every
                                                                                                                                    The $290,000 in super gets    $1000 above the limit.
As the total sum claimed                                                                                                          converted to an                   If we assume our single
under the COVID-inspired                                                                                                          account-based pension. To       has contents and a car with
early superannuation                                                                                                              meet our target, we’ll opt to   a total scrap value of
access scheme approaches                                                                                                          take out $18,000 a year, or     $30,000, added to the
$35 billion, those nearing                                                                                                        6.2 per cent. A well-run, low   $300,000 in savings, our
retirement are starting to                                                                                                        cost and conservatively         single is $62,000 over the
wonder how the 3.2 million                                                                                                        managed ABP fund should         limit. That means the full
individual withdrawals                                                                                                            be able to generate the         age pension of $944.30 will
might affect their own                                                                                                            returns that meet that          be reduced by $186 a
retirement plans?                                                                                                                 withdrawal rate.                fortnight, giving us an
   The big question is how                                                                                                          At the current Centrelink     annual total of $19,715 a
much money does a person                                                                                                          age pension means test          year. Our single will need to
need to retire with a                                                                                                             thresholds, our couple will     set the ABP to pay the gap
reasonable level of                                                                                                               be entitled to a full age       of about $17,300 a year, or
comfort?                                                                                                                          pension of $37,014 a year.      6.9 per cent, of the account
   Super funds will still have                                                                                                      The figure is normally        balance. Again, quite
you thinking you need $1                                                                                                          indexed twice a year in         achievable.
million, but they’re in the                                                                                                       September and March. Add          As the single spends
business of collecting                                                                                                            Centrelink’s $37,015 to the     money, the age pension will
management fees on the           compound returns.                couple need $61,909, singles    changeovers and big trips.      ABP income of $18,000 and       actually increase because
extra money you’ll be               Those nearing retirement      $43,687.                          For simplicity, we’ll use a   we meet our target income       the effects of the asset
scared into adding to super.     might only miss out on a            The differences between      midway figure that reflects     of $55,000.                     means test will diminish.
   While the early access        few years.                       “modest” and                    what many financial               Thanks to tax credits, all      The other thing to
figures are startling, the          Forget about the capital      “comfortable” includes          advisers see regularly. For     of this is tax free. Equally,   remember is that as you get
good news is the real effects    you need, it’s all about the     things like how many trips      couples, it’s $55,000 and       the Pensioner Concession        older, the cost of living
of the early access scheme       income you require and           a year you might take and       $37,000 for singles. In these   Card that comes with a full     usually declines. Talk to
are likely to be an issue        where it comes from.             whether you run the             calculations we’re              or part-pension will get you    your friends and relatives
when those in or about to           According to the              air-conditioning non-stop.      assuming you are debt free      a stack of discounts on         in their late 70s or beyond
retire are pushing up the        Association of                      In reality, most people’s    and own your own home.          medicines, utility costs and    and many will tell you that
daisies.                         Superannuation Funds, the        base expenses sit                 A 66-year-old                 transport. Some seniors         their cost of living falls by
   If you’ve accessed your       magic annual income figure       somewhere between the two       homeowning couple with,         estimate that this can save     up to 30 per cent when they
money and are close to           for a couple chasing a           figures.                        say, $300,000 accumulated in    them up to $7000 a year.        reach the later stages of
retirement, the effects will     modest standard of living           Bear in mind these           super and savings might           In the case of a single       retirement.
be minimal. People in their      in retirement is $40,380 a       figures are based on            have $10,000 in the bank        homeowner chasing $37,000         That means the amount
20s or 30s who have              year. For a single, the figure   average expenses across         and $290,000 in super. They     a year and with a similar       of capital you’ll need to
accessed their super stand       is $27,902. For a comfortable    Australia but don’t include     can easily generate the         amount in savings, the full     make up the age pension
to miss out on decades of        retirement, ASFA reckons a       the big one-offs like car       $55,000 of income required.     age pension will be clipped     shortfall will be less too.


Grand space for family
     7      4       4
5 Oberon Close, Dianella
From $1.2999 million
Agency: Passmore Real Estate
Contact: Mark and Debra
Passmore on 0411 888 138

THIS huge multi-level home
offers living on a grand
scale, with plenty of space
for the whole family and
their cars.
   The ground floor includes
a large games room with
bar and bathroom, and
garage with parking for up
to five cars, storerooms and
a workshop.
   The games room also has
its own entry from the            Outside, there is a          has balcony access and a
street level and could be       spacious undercover area       large walk-in robe and
converted to a granny flat if   where you can entertain, a     ensuite with spa bath,
you are seeking                 well-equipped commercial-      shower, double vanity unit,
multi-generational living.      style second kitchen           toilet and bidet. Four more
   The main living spaces       complete with cold room,       bedrooms have built-in
are on the first floor.         and an outdoor kitchen         robes and share the use of
   A cinema room with           space.                         the main bathroom with
tiered seating will impress       The bedrooms are             bath, shower and separate
and there is also an office,    upstairs, along with a study   powder room.
studio and open-plan            and living area that opens       The home is on a 610sqm
living/dining/kitchen area      to a balcony offering views    block with gated access to
with gleaming tiled             to the city and Hills — you    the backyard, and in
flooring, granite benchtops     can even see some of the       walking distance of public
and ample space for family      Australia Day fireworks.       transport and close to
gatherings.                       The master bedroom also      schools and shops.






January 21, 2021                                                                                                                                               SPORT                 19

Broncos fall to Blitz
THE Perth Broncos Ameri-
can Football Club’s women’s
team narrowly lost to the
Perth Blitz in its last home
game of the season on Satur-
   The Blitz defeated the
Broncos 28-22 at the second
annual Big Don’s Smoked
Meats Tailgate Match at                                                                                                         Bassendean Cricket Club players Zak Smythe, Rhett
Lightning Park in Noranda.                                                                                                      Overton, Hamish Wood, Ronan Overton, Jackson
   Hundreds of new gridiron                                                                                                     Smythe and Scott Armstrong. Picture: Bassendean
supporters watched the                                                                                                          Cricket Club
match and lined up to get
barbecued goods served by
former Broncos player Don
                                                                                                                                Grant bowls ‘em over
   Assistant coach Scott                                                                                                        BASSENDEAN          Junior   Smythe said the club was
Smith said the women put on                                                                                                     Cricket Club has received    able to buy a generator to
a great performance but                                                                                                         a grant to help parent       power       its    bowling
were unable to convert on                                                                                                       coaches and buy equip-       machine in the nets.
the scoreboard.                                                                                                                 ment to enhance their net      “Facing the bowling
   “JJ Wan’s performance at                                                                                                     training sessions.           machine during training
full back resulted in some                                                                                                        The club received a        is helping the players to
great gains by the offence ,as                                                                                                  $2000 Grassroots Cricket     develop their batting
well as getting a couple of                                                                                                     Fund grant from the Aus-     skills and confidence
scores to boot,” he said.                                                                                                       tralian Cricketers’ Asso-    when facing quick and
   “This was a different Blitz                                                                                                  ciation    and     Cricket   more accurate bowling,”
team from who we faced ear-                                                                                                     Australia.                   he said.
lier in the season… their star                                                                                                    Club secretary Greg          ACA programs and
players were on the field this                                                                                                  McCulloch said every sea-    relations general manag-
time around and at times it                                                                                                     son the club recruited two   er Kelly Applebee said the
showed. We have what it                                                                                                         new     parents    to   be   fund helped clubs to con-
takes to beat them but we                                                                                                       under-10s coaches.           tinue     operating     and
need to cut down on the mis-                                                                                                      “Our coaching cohort is    encouraged participation.
takes to do it.                                                                                                                 grateful for the Grass-        “This unprecedented
   “The highlight of the         JJ Wan (#16) backs up Kellie Hopkins (#44) as the Perth Broncos women's team keep the          roots Fund and we have       player investment helps
weekend was Big Don’s            opposition at bay. Picture: Tony Lendrum Photography                                           purchased        coaching    makes the sport we love
Smoked Meats, who man-                                                                                                          equipment that has been      more accessible to all Aus-
aged to sell out and attract a   by the Claremont Jets 20-      focus on her coaching role as    vice chair.                    shared     amongst     our   tralians,” she said.
few hundred people to watch      36.                            they head into the play-offs.      The Broncos will next play   teams for more consistent      Visit         community.
gridiron for the first time.”      In other news, women’s         Vice chair Andy Smith has      the Rockingham Vipers in       training sessions,” he       cricket.com.au/clubs/
   The men’s team defeated       player and head coach Kellie   taken over the role while        round 11 at the Lark Hill      said.                        facilities/grassroots-
the Thunderbirds 44-6 while      Hopkins has resigned from      club rookie Emma-Lee Del-        Sportsplex in Port Kennedy       Under-10s coach Glenn      cricket-fund
the under-19s were thumped       her role as chairperson to     lar has been appointed as        on January 23.


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