Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School

Page created by Leon Hammond
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
                                                                       Fall 2014
                                                                       Vol. 7 No. 2

    A publication dedicated to the Marian/Mater Dei Catholic High School Community


                 Swimming with Sharks:
                 How Science Academy Students
                 are Studying Geospatial Science
                 through Animal Behavior
                                                                        pg. 12
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School

                     HELP US CONTINUE OUR LEGACY
                    BUILT ON 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE!
                    Support the Mater Dei Annual Crusade
                             THANK YOU!
  Blessed be God!
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
                                                       Messages From The President And Principal

                                                             Mater Dei Around The Globe:
         1615 Mater Dei Drive                            Welcome To Our International Students
         Chula Vista, CA 91913
             619.423.2121                                                 4
        www.materdeicatholic.org                          Going Green: Technology At MDCHS

   BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                Teacher Profile: Art Teacher, Mrs. Dawn Adams
       Rev. Luke Jauregui, Chairperson                                    7
           Mr. Steven Boudreau, Esq.
                                                       Campus Ministry: This Year’s Theme: “Joy”
                Ms. Linda Bugelli
            Dr. Heidi Chokeir, Ph.D.                                      8
               Mr. Tom Finch ‘82
                                                                   Academic Honors
              Mr. Wade McKnight
           Sr. Maria Paz Uribe, SJS
          Mr. Carlos Varela, Esq. ‘89
          Mr. John Galvan, Ex-Officio
                                                        Theater Productions: Spring & Fall 2014
 Sr. Lilia M. Barba, SJS, President, Ex-Officio
  Mr. George Milke, Principal, Ex-Officio
                                                               Staff And Faculty Alumni:
                                                            Their Commitment to Mater Dei

The Crusader Connection is published two                                 11
times per year by Mater Dei Catholic                    Alumni Spotlight: Principal George Milke
High School. Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy and completeness                                  12
of this publication. Please accept our            Cover Story: Learning Through Real World Experience
apologies for any errors or omissions and
report them to Laura Bookser at:
       619-423-2121 ext 120 or
     lbookser@materdeicatholic.org.                       Renowned Scientist Inspires Students

                Writer/Editor                                            14
               Laura Bookser                                       Sports Highlights
              Assistant Writer
            Carlos Landeros ‘14                                          15
                  Layout/Design                         Congratulations to our 2014 Graduates
            Lillian Escobar-Haskins
                                                                   Student Profiles:
             Robert Friedrich
              Laura Bookser                           Get To Know Some Of Our 2014 Graduates
            Carlos Landeros ‘14
                Kings Printing                                       Annual Report

A special thank you to those who took the                                25
extra time to write/proof the articles.                        Garden Of Remembrance

    MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                      1
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
FROM THE PRESIDENT                                               FROM THE PRINCIPAL

                                  Blessed be God!
                                                                                                      We provide a quality
                                                                                                      Catholic education,
                                  Joy is the infallible sign
                                                                                                      a safe and secure
                                  of the presence of God.                                             environment, and a
                                       Teilhard de Chardin                                            sense of belonging.

It is a pleasure to share with you all the accomplishments       On behalf of the Mater Dei Catholic High School faculty,
of Mater Dei Catholic High School. God has gifted us with        staff and administration, I send my sincerest wishes to
many blessings in every student and family we serve; thus        our Crusader family. As a Marian Catholic graduate, (Class
we embrace with joy our mission to promote excellence in
                                                                 of ’72), faculty member and Principal, I am truly honored
Catholic education in the Diocese of San Diego.
                                                                 and privileged to continue the Crusader tradition within a
Mater Dei Catholic High School operates under the President/     Catholic educational environment.
Principal model. My role as President is to:
                                                                 Mater Dei Catholic utilizes the President/Principal
 • assure that the spirit of the Catholic faith is embodied in
                                                                 leadership model. As Principal, I have the distinct role in
   the educational mission;
                                                                 leading and closely working with the Mater Dei Catholic
 • serve as administrative officer to the Board of Directors
   and the Diocese of San Diego;                                 community in the day-to-day operations. Our chief focus
                                                                 is providing a quality Catholic education while meeting the
 • direct Advancement and oversee school finances;
                                                                 needs of our students, parents, faculty and staff.
 • formulate and ensure compliance with policy;
 • coordinate long-range planning;                               It is our goal and responsibility to create a successful and
 • manage the hiring and dismissal of personnel; and             challenging environment which provides excellent programs
 • prepare communications with all stakeholders.                 and opportunities for our students, secure faculty and staff
                                                                 dedicated to their discipline and expertise, in addition
We delight in partnering with parents, the primary educators
                                                                 to fostering the Faith and allowing for open channels of
of their children, in the task of guiding and educating our
                                                                 communication for all.
young men and women to embrace the opportunities and
challenges of the 21st Century.                                  We have been blessed in so many ways at Mater Dei
We dedicate this issue of the Crusader Connection to each        Catholic. As always, I look forward to this upcoming school
one of you who believes in Catholic education as a powerful      year and thank you for giving Mater Dei the opportunity
tool to make a difference in the world.                          to assist you with your son’s or daughter’s development
May the Lord give success to the work of our hands, and may      educationally, spiritually, athletically and socially.
our Blessed Mother guide our journey.
                                                                 Yours in Catholic education,
Blessings!                                                       George Milke
Sister Lilia M. Barba, SJS                                       Principal
MDCHS President

2		                                                                                          CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
   Far From Home: This Year’s              Welcome To Our International Students
    International Students on
                                           Top Row (L-R):
 Campus Hail from China, Brazil,
                                           1.   Jiahu Hu (China)                        8.   Isabella Raucci Facchini (Brazil)
     Vietnam, and Lithuania
                                           2.   Stella Guan (China)                     9.   Natalia Marí Nakamura (Brazil)
  The average high school student gets
                                           3.   Ruimali Zhu (China)                     10. Vitoria Krawczenko Mello (Brazil)
  up every day to go to school, does
  on-campus activities, has homework,      4.   Leyi “Solei” Song (China)               11. Gabriela Rossato Defino (Brazil)
  needs to keep their room clean, and      5.   Yixuan Liu (China)                      12. Giulia Gomés de Souza (Brazil)
  wants to spend time with friends. Our    6.   Maria Helena Guimaraes Fontes           13. Jasmine Ho (Vietnam)
  international students have very much         (Brazil)
                                                                                        14. Yang “Bessie” Yang (China)
  the same list of things to do, except    7.   Victoria Nahssen Corradini
  they do it far from home, in a foreign        (Brazil)                                15. Kitty Yu (China)
  environment, and with a host family
  that is very different from their own.   Bottom Row (L-R):

  We are very proud of the tradition of    16. Juehao “Dylan” Lin (China)               21. Zongyu “Eddie” Huang (China)
  having students from other countries     17. Ruixi “William” Chen (China)             22. Adomas Aleksandravici (Lithuania)
  study on the Mater Dei campus each       18. Qineng “Tim” Zeng (China)                23. Julio César Goncalves (Brazil)
  year. Here are the students who          19. Ye Yijiang (China)                       24. Quyang “Jack” Zhao (China)
  arrived in Fall 2014. If you see them,
                                           20. Mr. Roy Vasquez (Mater Dei’s             25. Matheus Parra Manso (Brazil)
  please say hello and greet them. They        Director of Admissions)
  are wonderful representatives of their
  home countries.                          *Not pictured: Jinxin Bai, and Billy Huang

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                   3
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
Going Green: How Technology Is
    Changing The Classroom At Mater Dei

                                        Entering the computer lab in the Juan     learn how to use both Macs and PC
 “Technology changes so                 Diego Building, you’ll find a wall full   computers while they’re here. These
                                        of colorful computer-generated art        days it’s likely they’ll need both when
 quickly that we have to
                                        by students in teacher Jessica Austin’s   they go out in the working world.”
  continually adjust what               Graphic Arts class. Much of the work is
                                        complex and sophisticated, appearing      Careers in technology are the fastest
 we offer to provide our                                                          growing segment of the job market,
                                        professionally done.
students with state-of-the                                                        and openings in skilled areas take
                                        “The students use these iMacs to          twice as long to fill in the United States
  art tools to make their               do visual arts and media projects.”       than in any other occupation. The
    learning dynamic.”                  Bradford     Bookser,     Technology      administration at Mater Dei knows
                                        Director, shows off rows of 21.5-inch,    that technology in education is the key
Bradford Bookser, Technology Director
                                        large screen computers. “All students     to closing that gap.

4		                                                                                      CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
While many schools are deciding             • A computer lab in the library with 15      “Our AP student scores are nearly 15%
whether to buy every student a digital        PC computers                               above both the State average, and almost
device in One-to-One programs or to                                                      18% above the Global average,” Assistant
                                            • Three mobile iPad labs with 30 tablets
have students use their own devices                                                      Principal/Director of Curriculum &
                                              each for project or classroom use
under BYOD (Bring Your Own Device),                                                      Instruction, Frank Stingo, said. “We are
Mater Dei is being strategic in their       • A portable laptop cart with 30 laptops     continually working hard to give our
technological approach. “Each year          • A resource center with 10 all-in-one,      students what they need to grow.”
we look at the constantly changing            touch-screen PC devices
                                                                                         Mr. Bookser and Mr. Stingo are both
technology to stay current as we prepare    • A desktop or laptop computer and an        trained Microsoft Certified Educators.
our students for college and the working      iPad tablet for every Mater Dei staff      They consistently work to provide Mater
world,” Mr. Bookser says.                     and faculty member                         Dei teachers with the tools and training
                                                                                         that will allow them to successfully
The technology currently provided on        Mater Dei is also a Microsoft Office 365     use technology in the classroom. “The
Mater Dei’s campus consists of:             school, which means that included in         foundation of our educational system
• Two Computer labs with 50 PC              tuition students have access to Microsoft    is having skilled teachers leading the
  computers for student use                 Office software: Word, Access, Excel,        classes. One big focus we have is making
• A dedicated Mac lab with 25 large         Lync, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint,          sure our teachers keep up-to-date with
  screen iMac computers                     and Publisher.                               the latest technological trends.”

What Does the Future Hold?
In the next few years, it is likely that    In addition, students will not just see     “As far as technology goes,” Mr. Bookser
laptops or a device with a keyboard,        these changes occur; they will be a part    adds, “we’ll continue to do whatever
will be used daily by every high school     of the process. Having students work on     we need to make sure our students
student at Mater Dei in place of many       hands-on-projects that allow them to        succeed. That may require something
of the traditional textbooks. This          learn new content through real-world        different from year to year, but the only
computer will serve as the books and        experience is one of the things that the    important thing is that the goal is met.”
                                            Mater Dei teachers and administrators
notebooks for most classes.                                                             Want to find out more, or ask a question
                                            want to continue to develop. It has been
                                                                                        about technology on Mater Dei’s campus?
In this vein, the school’s long-term goal   documented that learners only remember
                                            15 to 20% of what they hear in a lecture,   Technology Director, Bradford Bookser,
is to create an eco-friendly environment
                                            but retain up to 80% when they work         would be happy to answer your questions
to make Mater Dei a “greener” campus.
                                            with both their minds and their hands.      at bbookser@materdeicatholic.org.

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                      5
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School

                         ART TEACHER: DAWN ADAMS
                  “I love working with the students. I get paid to get dirty and teach
                people how to create beautiful things. What could be better than that?”
Art teacher, Dawn Adams, was born             figure out being a pediatrician meant       In the course of the year she will watch
in Washington, D.C., but raised in            I’d be treating some kids who would         students fill the rows of shelving that
Montana. Her love of art started in           be sick and dying. That was more than       line her large classroom.
elementary school when she went to the        I could’ve handled. Those kids and
Western Heritage Cultural Center, in          parents would’ve needed someone             When asked whether she makes her
Billings, MT, for the first time.             stronger than me for that.”                 own art at home, she speaks about
                                                                                          her family, husband, Travis, and two
“The art and textiles of the Native           With her vibrant personality and            children, Aidan and Olivia. Olivia is a
Americans fascinated me,” she recalls         passion for her work, Mrs. Adams            freshman this year at Mater Dei.
of the center, which is an affiliate of the   seems suited to be an art teacher. In the
Smithsonian Institution.                      classroom, she is strong and confident      “While my children are still at home,
                                              as she walks from table to table guiding    time for my own art is limited. When
Native American pottery is an art             her students and encouraging them.          they are grown, I’ll have time to focus
form with at least a 7500 year history        She plays music during class to help        on it more. For right now I just get
in the Americas. Pottery is a form of         their creativity flow.                      excited to teach.”
clay that has been heated to create
a ceramic item. Not surprisingly,
ceramics is the specialty Mrs. Adams
teaches at Mater Dei.

What may surprise her students,
however, is that Mrs. Adams nearly
became a doctor. In fact, she went to
college with that intention.

“I originally wanted to practice
medicine and become a pediatrician.
I was studying at Montana State
University, but it didn’t take me long to

6		                                                                                             CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
“Often in the liturgy we hear an            black tee shirts emblazoned with the       The “joy” you will see this year on
invitation to rejoice, to be happy. Why?    scripture “The Joy of The Lord is Your     Mater Dei’s campus will be one with a
Because the Lord is near.” Pope Francis     Strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10), they are       strong spiritual focus on a life in Christ.
spoke to the faithful gathered in St.       likely campus ministers representing       In the first retreat of the year, this
Peter’s Square on the third Sunday of       their commitment to this message.          August, incoming juniors were trained
Advent.                                                                                to be sacristans and learned about the
                                              “The Christian message is                Mass. Incoming seniors reviewed their
“Last year a student expressed to me        called “gospel,” that is “glad             retreat training and prepared to run the
the desire to have more joyfulness          tidings,” an announcement of               freshmen orientation.
when sharing the word of God during
our ministry.” Campus Minister Chris
                                            joy for the whole people. The              Just as Jesus’ disciples were asked to
Schnitzius said in a speech to faculty        Church is not a refuge for               go out and spread the Good News that
and staff this August, “It made me really    sad people, the Church is a               Jesus taught them, student ministers are
pause for a moment. I had to reflect on        house of joy!” Pope Francis             asked to do the same. They must have
whether we were being joyful enough                                                    the strength to go out and share the
when sharing our message.”                  “Christian joy is not like having fun,     joy of God’s love, which is not always
                                            which is good,” Pope Francis explained.    an easy thing to do. Campus ministry
As he reflected, he realized there          “If we want to have fun all the time, in   students are living witnesses of their
couldn’t be a more important theme for      the end it becomes shallow, superficial,   faith. They are always ready to lend a
the 2014/2015 school year than “joy”.       and also leads us to that state where we   hand to those in need, with love, rather
This year if you see students wearing       lack Christian wisdom.”                    than judgment.

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                  7
Swimming with Sharks: How Science Academy Students are Studying Geospatial Science through Animal Behavior - Mater Dei Catholic High School
AP Scholar Awards:

                                                                                  * AP Scholar
                                                                                   Scored 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams
                                                                                  † AP Scholar with Honor:
 First Honors - Grade Point Average of 3.8 and above                               Averaged at least 3.25 on all AP Exams
                                                                                  ‡ AP Scholar With Distinction
                                                                                   Averaged at least 3.5 on all AP Exams

   Jennifer Collins‡          Ya Ling                     Cara Parrella*                   Joyce Anne Samson‡
   Christopher Conner‡        Rosa Lopez                  Samuel Rieta*                    Dayan Tassinari
   Diego Davila‡              Fernanda Lopez-Tolsa-       Yoav Rosenberg†                  Julia Thackrey
   Alexia De Loera*              Valenzuela†              Nikka Roanne Salazar             Christian Valdez†
   Brianne Go                 Sergio Medina               Secilia Salem*                   Brandon Zora

  Immran Arnautovic Hochi     Alonso Garcia Ballesteros   Dominique Lozano               Ivanna Quiceno*
  Christopher Braden          Mary Rose Gonzales          Nicole Madrazo                 Karina Quiroz
  Amylene Cabrera             Luis Gonzalez-Flores        Brandon Mamou                  James Ricketts
  Michael Cain*               Madelyn Healy               Estefania Martinez             Sally Russell
  Monica Cooper               Phuong(Jasmine) Ho          Michelle Miranda               Esteban San Roman
  Estefania Corona            Margaret Holscher           Fabian Navarro                 Kristine Joy Sellona*
                                                                                         Susan Shoemaker†
  Franco Faucher              Mallory Huston              Patricia-Anne Oquendo
                                                                                         Andrea Stonehouse
  Luis Foglio                 Matthew Ireland             Hannah Otte
                                                                                         Alfonso Valencia
  Jose Garcia                 Trent Lilley*               Cintia Quan Kiu Kuang
                                                                                         Yang(Bessie) Yang

  Carlos Alcocer              Diana De La Toba            Ana Paola Mata Zetina           Eric Rodriguez
  Anamaria Ancheta            Alejandra Felix Campos      Matthew Sam Mejia               Kayla San Pedro
  Elia Astiazaran             Madeline Friedrich          Maxwell Montes                  Margarita Sanz
  Danielle Jessica Bongulto   Maria Galvez                Kiersten Morales                Stephanie Schaffer
  Steven Bradley              Maribel Garcia              Mario Pena                      Alexandra Scott
  Jordan Brasfield            Daniela Guerra              Rica Isabelle Perez             Marina Taitano
                                                                                          Olimpia Veytia
  Nicholas Caruana            Jeffrey Jovellano           Fausto Polanco
                                                                                          Ana Vildosola
  Joseph Chiappe              Lauren Maalouf              Gabriela Quevedo
                                                                                          Tristan Wesson
  Valeria Corral              Mary Machniak               Fernanda Rebollar

  Ana Alcantar                Emilly Contreras            Paola Garcia-Carrera            Fernanda Lutteroth
  Ana Astiazaran              David Cooper                Javier Gomez                    Claire McNamara
  Mary Bailey                 Sergio Cuadra               Brighid Healy                   Roy Emmanuel Medina
  Hazel Barajas               Tayra Curumilla             Amorette Hernandez              Malia Noble
  Ezekiel Campos              Myles Domingo               Chelsie Hernandez               Ashlyn O’Hara
  Eduardo Charvel             Jorge Escasan               Jenna Kruse                     Madelyn Tassiello
                                                                                          Sergio Villafranco
  Bethany Colgrove            Cassandra Esparza           Kevin Li Zhang
                                                                                          Juan Pablo Villegas
8		                                                                                 CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Cast (top row L-R): Phillip Cuesta, Kazi Baker, Carlos Landeros, Allison Malunes, Mallory Huston, Madeline Friedrich, Daisy Powell, Carlos Cortés,
      Karina Curumilla, Kirsten Galon, Sara Litke. (Center L-R) Alexandra Rodarte, Martina López, Cassie Esparza, Andrew Almazan

Spring ‘14 Production: Dividing the Estate
Considered to be one of Broadway’s                   The plot takes place in the fictitious
best, Horton Foote’s production,                     town of Harrison, Texas where the
Dividing the Estate, has managed to awe              Gordons have been established for
audiences worldwide. Nominated for a                 well over a century. The audience is
Tony Award in 2009, it tells the story of            taken through the hardships that the
the Gordons, a wealthy family in Texas               family is facing. After the death of
                                                     their oldest family member, Stella, the
that are struggling with their finances.
                                                     family loses grasp on their assets and                 Intermission entertainment :
                                                     find themselves facing bankruptcy.                     Chris Braden, Amy Cabrera, Marcello Samartano
Headed by Mrs. Rebecca Brown, this
                                                     Fortunately for the Gordons, Son                       Thanks to the incredible cooperation
student production was staged at
                                                     manages to bring order back to his                     in the Mater Dei community and to its
Mater Dei’s Kassebaum Theatre on
                                                     struggling family and manages to                       flawless facilities, students produced a
April 4-5, 2014.
                                                     restore some of their financial power.                 successful show enjoyed by all.

                                                                                                              Fall Production
                                                                                                                The Drama Club is currently
                                                                                                                preparing for their next play,
                                                                                                                Beyond the Fourth Wall--
                                                                                                                written and directed by Student
                                                                                                                Playwright, Margaret “Maggie”

                                                                                                                The production will be shown
                                                                                                                on October 17-18, 2014.

                                                                                                                     Hope to see you there!

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                              9
Faculty and Staff Alumni
 We have a dedicated team of faculty and staff, but none more committed than former Marian Catholic alumni who continue
 showing their Crusader pride by working for Mater Dei today. In addition to Principal George Milke, we have nine such
 faculty/staff on campus that we want to acknowledge for their loyalty, as well as the spouse of one alumni. Go Crusaders!

           Karen Chudy ‘68                          Sherry Kelleher ‘69                         Peter Wraith ‘73 -
                                                                                       Married to Tricia (Wahlroos) Wraith ’73

    Rocio (Gonzalez) Hodges ‘81               Monica (Gonzalez) Alvarez ‘83                       Greg Smyth ‘89

           Karen Nerat ‘89                           Domonic Cruz ’98                          Erin (Day) Link‘01
                                             Married to Monique (Leon) Cruz ’98

 Honorable Mention:

                                                                  on your Retirement
                                                                           Thank you
                                                                       for your service to
                                                                       Marian/Mater Dei
                                            PAT MCGREGOR                                               SYLVIA TORREZ
 Terri Day - Married to Gordon Day ‘74

10		                                                                                         CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014

George Milke’S dedication to Mater Dei
 goes far beyond his role as Principal
 “I’ve been a Crusader for 35 years. I         “We are small enough that                     for swim and water polo, as well as for
 was class of ’72 at Marian High. I met        we have many faculty and                      use by Mater Dei’s Science Academy,
 my lovely wife, Jeanine, in high school,      staff looking out for each                    for experiments and events such as their
 (Marian, class of ’73), and both of our                                                     Annual Cardboard Boat Regatta.
                                               student. Wherever they
 sons, Scott and Matt, were Crusaders.
 In fact, my youngest son, Matt, went to
                                               want to be in four years, we
 Marian for three years but completed
                                               can help them get there, no
 his senior year and graduated on the          matter how big the goal.”
 new Mater Dei campus in 2008.”                “Our students can’t skate by like they
 An imposing figure at 6’5” tall, Mr.          might in other schools. We have
 Milke’s demeanor is usually one of being      support for them, even support for
 a no-nonsense leader, but his leadership      their parents, so that every student who
 style comes from the fact that he doesn’t     comes through our doors can think
 just see Mater Dei as a school.               about and reach goals for themselves
                                               that they might not have had before.”
 “It’s my family,” he says with a chuckle
 and a shrug. “It’s always been a part of      Mr. Milke was an athlete while at
 my life. I’ve had opportunities to leave      Marian, playing baseball, football and
 and move on to do other things, but I         basketball. Today he is just as proud of
 feel like this is my vocation. The good       how many sports teams can be found on
                                               Mater Dei’s campus. There are twenty          “What makes this school special is that
 Lord has kept me here at this wonderful                                                     we provide a quality Catholic education,
 place, and it is an honor and a privilege.”   sports and cheer teams at the school,
                                               that perform at the highest levels of         a safe and secure environment, a sense
                                               local, regional, and state contests. He       of belonging. Our motto is that Mater
 Mr. Milke’s job as Principal is not
                                               can be found, all year long, on the           Dei is “A Place for Everyone”. We are
 an easy one. With over 700 students
                                               field, in the theater, or in the bleachers,   here for support and for encouragement
 enrolled, and nearly 100% of students
                                               watching and lending his support.             and we do that on a personal level. It’s
 accepted to college after graduation, his
                                                                                             not just the coaches, it’s not just the
 standards are high, and his expectations
                                               The school also has top-tier athletic         teachers, or the counselors, or even the
 for himself, for the faculty, and for the
                                               facilities, and is one of the few high        administration. It is a team effort, and
 students are even higher.
                                               schools in the area with a dedicated pool     that makes me very, very proud.”

 MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                   11

It is nine o’clock on an overcast             The sun is sporadically peeking out from     Till, who has developed a program unlike
September morning and seventeen               behind the clouds, offering the hope that    any other in San Diego County. It is rare
Mater Dei Science Academy students            underwater visibility will be good as they   to find a high school that offers students
stand in snorkel gear, perched on the         dive in, ready to hunt.                      unparalleled opportunities to swim with
edge of the ocean. They listen intently       “We’re tracking leopard sharks,” says        leopard sharks, learn biogeochemistry
to their instructor who is talking to them    student, Andrea Stonehouse. “How they        involved in setting up a habitat for
about their safety before they dive into      travel and their environment.“               homeless octopi, and about the complex
an area known for shark activity.                                                          mathematics and astronomy that sailors
                                              “Because it’s hurricane season in other      used to navigate around the world in the
Director, Dr. Suzanne Till, is suited         places,” adds student, Sebastian Rice,       1700s, all while learning to perform well
up beside them. “If they’re a Science         “the sharks travel to find coves where the   in rigorous academic testing.
Academy student, they’ll be in the            water is calm and warm and they use it as
water,” she says. “In this area it is vital   a sanctuary.”                                “Project-based learning (PBL) is great,”
that they study this way, especially living                                                Till says. “Obviously, we do a lot of hands-
                                              The students from Mater Dei Academy of       on research. Besides PBL, the academic
in San Diego, where many new jobs will        Science are well spoken and eager to talk
involve ocean and water science and                                                        testing and scientific writing we teach
                                              about their scientific research. They are    allow our students to advance in college
technologies.”                                passionate about their studies, as is Dr.    and in a career in science.”

  Leopard sharks are native to the Pacific Coast of North          Geospatial Science: Students are learning how different
  America. Each year they migrate thousands of miles               species migrate hundreds and thousands of miles, and how
  between the Oregon coast and Southern California. It             they navigate. Students also learn how humans navigate
  is still a mystery why they migrate, and are studied by          by learning the mathematics and geometry of location, and
  the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.                           geospatial technologies utilized for navigation such as GPS.
                                                 INSPIRES STUDENTS
                                                 Dr. Guillermo Calero, a molecular
                                                 biologist and assistant professor with
                                                 the Department of Structural Biology at
                                                 the University of Pittsburgh, spoke with
                                                 Mater Dei’s Science Academy students
                                                                                                       Photo: University of Pittsburgh
                                                 on August 19th, on his way to guest
                                                 lecture at Stanford.                         “My next goal is to take what Dr. Calero
                                                                                              spoke about and put it into context
                                                 A huge part of the biochemistry              for our students.” Science Academy
                                                 world is to understand the structures        teacher, Christine Melton said. “Now
                                                 (mostly proteins) that exist in living       that they understand organelles they
                                                 organisms, and how they work. A              can begin to understand how they
                                                 protein crystallographer in the field of     make proteins.”
                                                 Structural Biology, Dr. Calero spoke to
                                                 the students about RNA Polymerase,           Dr. Calero did an excellent job of talking
                                                 the protein that decodes DNA to              to the students about where to start in
                                                 messenger RNA, (mRNA). The lecture           the field of science research, and how
                                                 was eye opening to the Science               to get a foot in the door at a laboratory.
                                                 Academy students, who realized how           The students left the lecture class
                                                 dedicated they would need to be to           excited to talk about internships in their
                                                 advance in the field of science.             fields of interest.

“The Science Academy focuses on Science,         the Chula Vista Living Coast Discovery
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics,         Center, MDCHS Science Academy student
but,” Dr. Till says, “I feel we have a special   interns worked with aquaculture experts
niche in what we call Blue STEM. I would         to set up a tank to create a kelp forest
define Blue STEM education as sustainable        for a lone Giant Pacific Octopus who
science-based ocean and water curriculum         needed a home. The tank (and octopus)
through project based learning.”                 can currently be seen at the Living Coast
Academy students partner with businesses         Discovery Center, 1000 Gunpowder Point
and organizations in the county, giving          Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
them the opportunity to work with                Students who want to be a part of Mater
groups like the University of San Diego          Dei’s Academy of Science have to earn
Department of Environmental and Ocean            their spot. Freshmen must receive a B or
Sciences, the Hubbs-SeaWorld Research            above in both of their first semester math
Institute, the National Weather Service,         and science classes at Mater Dei, must
San Diego Maritime Museum, Chula Vista           have completed Algebra 1, and need to
Living Coast Discovery Center, and San           have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Diego State’s Coastal Marine Institute and       “We have the resources and opportunities
Center for Earth Systems and Analysis            to give students the best science-based
Research. The goal of these partnerships is      education they can get in the region. They
to teach science, technology, engineering        study Newtonian Physics and aeronautical
and mathematics (STEM), while fostering a        engineering by learning how a sail works.     are now building a weather station, and
culture of innovation based on leadership,       They learn about buoyancy and boat            using geospatial technologies to better
social justice and serving our global            design through our annual Cardboard           understand climate change and the El Nino
community.                                       Boat Race Competition. They operate an        Phenomena. They do media technology
Last year through a partnership with             aquaculture fisheries system through “the     and science filmmaking. No one else does
the SDSU Coastal Marine Institute and            Sea Bass in the Classroom” program. They      Blue STEM at the level we do.”
Sports Highlights
                                                       Congratulations, Lady Crusaders!
                                                     When speaking about champions,               Their Honorary Player Program has
                                                     Mater Dei’s Lady Crusaders Softball          made news recently for allowing
                                                     team leads the pack. Even with a             girls with physical limitations, who
                                                     move from Division IV to Division            might not otherwise be able to play,
                                                     II, the team clinched the title again        to be honorary members of Mater
                                                     this year.                                   Dei’s softball team. Coach Mike
                                                     With five CIF championship titles in         Centrullo started the program with
                                                     five straight years, not many schools        the hope that a child could have a
                                                     in San Diego can boast such a record,        new experience and that players on
                                                     especially with a group of athletes          the team would learn that being a
                                                     that can be called champions not just        champion is something that goes
                                                     on the field, but off as well.               beyond athletics.

  Mater Dei finds itself with a fresh, new team
 With most of last year’s starters now at college
Reigning Division II champs,          year’s team is just as good. “A lot
the Mater Dei Crusader Boys           of people will doubt us because we
Basketball team put up well over      are so young, but we are going to
1600 points last season. Thanks       prove them wrong.”
to a team that exemplified what
                                      If anyone would know about
it means to be successful, under
                                      overcoming skepticism it would
the dynamic leadership of coach,
                                      be Mr. Hands himself who, as last
Kenny Caesar.
                                      year’s freshman prodigy, has shown
This year, the only remaining         that age isn’t always an indicator
starting player is Jaylen Hands,      of talent. Already training and
who was one of last year’s best       bonding as a team, before their
                                      season has even started, this year’s    Last year’s star players now at college (Back row L-R): Philip
Despite being the team’s youngest     players are eager to get on the court   Labuguen, Sebastian Kelley, Israel Seales, Spencer Vering, Jonathan
starter, he is positive that this     and earn their place in the league.     Dutra. (Center L-R): Robert Harris, Iman Chatman.

                                           Jaylen Hands: Mater Dei’s Point Guard
                                    Jaylen Hands started playing basketball at the      being on the court, but I’m also getting a good
                                    age of two. “My dad was a great basketball          education. That’s important because I’d like
                                    player and taught me to play when I was             to study business when I go to college. Even
                                    really little.”                                     though my dream is to play in the NBA, I like
                                                                                        the idea of having a business too.”
                                    His father created a youth basketball team,
                                    a traveling league that Jaylen played with for      Jaylen stresses that he wants to be known for
                                    several years. Later, he would make his way into    more than basketball. “I don’t want to take for
                                    the San Diego Ballers, a local youth basketball     granted what I have here at Mater Dei. I’m
                                    club. Yet his love for the sport doesn’t distract   learning a lot and know it will help me in the
                                    him from having other goals. “I’m known for         future and when I get to college.”

14		                                                                                                   CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
to the Class of 2014
Grad Profiles ‘14
  Each year we ask our graduating seniors to give us feedback as to how their time at Mater Dei has prepared them for moving
  on to college and to becoming independent adults. We’ve chosen the insights of 17 diverse graduates to share with you.

Alonso Alzua                                                               Joyce Samson
Pennsylvania State University                                             University of California, Los Angeles
                                  Alonso came to MDCHS from                                                 Joyce was a student at St. Michael’s
                                  Colegio Reina Isabel in Tijuana.                                          Academy in San Diego before
                                  He is currently a freshman at Penn                                        MDCHS. At graduation she was a
                                  State, majoring in both Petroleum                                         Commencement Co-Salutatorian.
                                  Engineering, and Energy Business                                          Now a freshman at UCLA, she
                                  and Finance. An excellent                                                 received multiple scholarships,
                                  student and athlete, he received                                          choosing to use the academic
                                  multiple scholarships, including a                                        scholarship from UCLA, and the
                                  Commonwealth Scholarship, and                                             San Diego Foundation Qualcomm
                                  a Housing Award from Penn State.                                          scholarship she received.

                                  Alonso showed his commitment                                           Joyce was the editor-in-chief
                                  to success while he was on                                             for Mater Dei’s award-winning
                                  campus. A popular athlete, he                                          yearbook. She was the founder
played varsity sports, including Football, Wrestling and Track and                                       and president of the Book Club,
Field. He also helped with fund raisers and blanket drives, and was      Treasurer for the Science Academy, a software engineer for the
                                                                         Robotics Club, an Ambassador for Christ, captain of the Academic
Homecoming King in his senior year.
                                                                         League, and a member of both the CFS, and the NHS.
“Mater Dei has shaped me into a well-rounded individual. This
                                                                         “Mater Dei, mother of God, raised me in Christ, in the womb of a
school has inspired me to become somebody who will go out and
                                                                         beautiful campus. I am now ready to move on to do a Chemistry
change the world. I plan to do a double major in college, and when
                                                                         major at UCLA, with a minor in English. I want to focus on science
I graduate as an Energy Engineer I know I will be able to contribute
                                                                         research and science writing, ultimately having a career doing
to the world.”
                                                                         Biomedical Chemistry Research.”

Secilia Salem                                                             Samuel Rieta
University of California, San Diego                                      Texas A&M University
                              Secilia was a student at Santa Sophia                                         Samuel came to Mater Dei from
                              Academy in Spring Valley before                                               St. Didacus Parish School. He is
                              MDCHS. She was the Commencement                                               now a freshman at Texas A&M
                              Valdedictorian. She is attending UCSD,                                        University at Galveston.
                              where she is studying Physiology and
                              Neuroscience. “Mater Dei provides the                                         “My goal is to become an
                              perfect foundation to form yourself as a                                      archaeologist with focus on the
                              well-rounded and cultured individual. I                                       ocean. I’d love to work and travel
                              am truly blessed to have spent my four                                        around the world.”
                              years here and I encourage any person                                         He received an honor scholarship
                              who seeks self-improvement and                                                to Texas A&M, and an Italian
                              achievement to attend.”                                                       Catholic Federation scholarship.
Secilia was awarded the Soroptimist Violet Richardson Award, which                                          He will be starting Maritime
honors girls who are making a difference through volunteer service,      Studies with a focus on Nautical Archaeology, and a minor in Diving.
the Salute to Education Scholarship awarded through San Diego            An avid swimmer, Samuel did four years of Varsity Swim for Mater
County Ford Dealers, and a Veterans of Foreign Wars Scholarship.         Dei, where he served as Swim Captain.

Secilia was a member of the Science Academy, Campus Ministry,            He also did three years of Varsity Water Polo, served on the Yearbook
Ambassadors for Christ, NHS, CFS, was Vice President of the ASB,         Committee, worked with the Campus Ministry and the Ambassadors
served with the Pro-Life Club, as well as assisted with her own          for Christ, and was a member of the Asian Pacific Islander Club, the
organization, the San Diego Iraqi Refugee Assistance Program.            NHS, and the CFS.

16		                                                                                                     CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Grad Profiles ‘14
Brianne Go                                                                    Cara Parrella
University of California, San Diego                                           George Washington University
                                   Brianne came to Mater Dei from                                              Cara went to our Lady of Grace,
                                   Holy Family School in San Diego.                                            in El Cajon, before Mater Dei.
                                   Currently she is a freshman                                                 Cara had her choice of multiple
                                   studying Biology at the University                                          scholarships: the USD Dean’s
                                   of California, San Diego.                                                   and Trustee Scholarships, and
                                                                                                               American University’s Presidential
                                   “Mater Dei has truly shaped me
                                                                                                               Scholarship, but ultimately she
                                   into the person that I am today.
                                                                                                               chose the George Washington
                                   These four years have provided
                                                                                                               University (GWU) Presidential
                                   me with many opportunities to
                                                                                                               Scholarship. She is now a freshman
                                   grow. I have the goal of becoming
                                                                                                               at The Elliott School of International
                                   a Forensic Scientist and I know I
                                                                                                               Affairs at GWU. Her goal is to
                                   can achieve that goal.”
                                                                             become a US Foreign Service officer serving abroad.
                                   While at Mater Dei, Brianne
                                                                             An excellent and active student at Mater Dei, Cara participated in
participated in NHS, the CFS, Varsity Girls Volleyball as both Captain
                                                                             Volleyball, Varsity Golf, NHS, the CFS, Campus Ministry, Ambassadors
and Libero, Asian Pacific Islander Club (APIC), Choir, WASC, Campus
                                                                             For Christ, the Pro-Life Club, and the Yearbook.
Ministry, as well as both Yearbook and ASB during her junior and
senior year.                                                                 “Mater Dei provided me with constructive opportunities to positively
                                                                             change my life. The symbiotic relationship we had involved a
“Thanks to my time at Mater Dei, I’ve become a person I am proud
                                                                             continuous exchange of dedication, love, and hard work. I will forever
of. It has also blessed me with many people and memories that I will
                                                                             be grateful to God for blessing me with the treasure of Mater Dei
forever hold in my heart.”

 Matthew Habana                                                                Gerardo Pedroza
University of California, Irvine                                              San Diego State University
                                   Matthew came from St. Michael’s                                                  Gerardo attended La Mesa Middle
                                   Academy in San Diego to Mater
                                                                                                                    School before arriving at MDCHS.
                                   Dei. He is currently a freshman at
                                                                                                                    He was a dedicated Varsity Soccer
                                   the University of California, Irvine,
                                                                                                                    player for all four years, he
                                   where he received a scholarship.
                                   He is studying Biology and                                                       participated in Campus Ministry
                                   minoring in Psychology.                                                          during his junior and senior year,
                                                                                                                    and he was a member of the CFS.
                                 Matthew was the President of the
                                 ASB, a member of the Asian Pacific-                                            This year he is attending San Diego
                                 Islander Club, sang in the school                                              State University, as a part of the
                                 Choir, played Boy’s Volleyball, as                                             Educational Opportunity Program
                                 well as worked with Mater Dei TV                                               (EOP). EOP is an admissions
                                 (MDTV), WASC, Campus Ministry,                                                 program that follows accepted
Ambassadors for Christ, NHS, and CFS.                                         students throughout their undergraduate education to assist them
“I want to have a career that involves understanding and helping              in succeeding in receiving their college degrees.
people’s minds and thoughts. Mater Dei gave me the tools I needed
                                                                              “I am majoring in Kinesiology at San Diego State. My goal is to one
to have a great high school experience. Amidst all the serenity and
                                                                              day become a sports physician.”
chaos, I was able to begin my lifelong journey of discovering myself.
Thanks, Mater Dei.”

Abbreviations: NHS: National Honor Society; CSF: California Scholarship Federation; ASB: Associated Student Body.

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                     17
Grad Profiles ‘14
 Lindsey Finch                                                            Jennifer Collins
Franciscan University                                                    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
                                 Lindsey was a student at St. Kieran                                       Jennifer went to our Lady of Grace, in
                                 Catholic School in El Cajon before                                        El Cajon, before becoming a student
                                 coming to Mater Dei. She is now                                           at Mater Dei. At graduation she was
                                 attending Franciscan University of                                        a Commencement Co-Salutatorian.
                                 Steubenville, where she received                                          She is currently attending Rensselaer
                                 an academic scholarship and is
                                                                                                           Polytechnic Institute (RPI), in New
                                 working toward a double major
                                                                                                           York, America’s oldest technological
                                 in Business Management and
                                 Theology.                                                                 research university, where she
                                                                                                           received both a Presidential
                                  “Mater Dei has given me many                                             Scholarship of $20,000 per year, and
                                  opportunities to grow in my faith
                                                                                                           a Leadership Scholarship of $12,000
                                  and find myself as a person,”
                                                                                                           per year.
                                  Lindsey said. “My teachers and
                                  fellow classmates have inspired        Jennifer is planning on doing a challenging double major of Nuclear
me to be the best I can be, to follow my dreams, and to never give       Engineering and Physics. She hopes to become a U.S. Navy officer
up! After I receive my education, I would love to become a mom           and work as a nuclear physicist for the military. While at Mater Dei
and have children, as well as continue the tradition of working for      she was committed to being involved, participating with the Campus
my family’s business.”
                                                                         Ministry, Ambassadors for Christ, NHS, CFS, as well as Varsity Cross-
An athlete and scholar, Lindsey took advantage of the many               Country, and Varsity Track Field.
opportunities she had here on campus. She played many Varsity
sports (Softball, Volleyball, Golf, Soccer, and Water Polo), and         “Mater Dei has become the best choice I have ever made, because it
participated with the Campus Ministry, Ambassadors for Christ,           shaped me into a strong, religious person who loves myself, others,
NHS, and CFS.                                                            and God. I love everyone I met here and appreciate the opportunities
                                                                         Mater Dei has offered me.”

 Brandon Zora                                                             Alexia de Loera
San Diego State University                                               University of San Diego
                                   Brandon attended St. Pius X in                                            Alexia attended Sacred Heart
                                  Chula Vista before coming to Mater                                         Parish School in Coronado
                                  Dei. He is currently a freshman                                            before coming to Mater Dei.
                                  at San Diego State University                                              She is attending the University
                                  where he’s doing a double major                                            of San Diego this year, thanks
                                  of Accounting and Statistics with                                          to a scholarship from the
                                  Actuarial Science.                                                         ALSAM Foundation, and a grant
                                                                                                             from USD. She will be studying
                                  “I plan on getting my education
                                                                                                             Chemistry with the plan of
                                  to become a CPA and an actuary
                                                                                                             one day becoming a Scientific
                                  one day. With these two, I hope to
                                                                                                             Researcher for a university.
                                  become a CFO for a company.”
                                                                                                          “Mater Dei has helped me to
                                  An athlete and a scholar, Brandon
                                                                         become the young woman I am today. It provided me with countless
played Basketball, Volleyball, did Track and Field, worked on the
                                                                         opportunities and experiences, as well as friendships I will never
Yearbook, did Campus Ministry, and participated in both the NHS
                                                                         forget. Thank you Mater Dei.”
and the CFS while a student at Mater Dei.
                                                                         Alexia was an extremely active student on campus. Her extracurricular
“I am very happy to have been in such a close family here at Mater
                                                                         activities included Varsity Volleyball, Varsity Golf, NHS and the CFS,
Dei. It truly shaped me into a well-rounded student. Here I picked
                                                                         Campus Ministry, Ambassadors For Christ, ASB, Senior Class Vice
up the values of faith and honesty that I will hold on to for the rest
                                                                         President, Pro-Life Club, Yearbook, And The Science Academy.
of my life.”

18		                                                                                                     CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Christopher Conner                                                               Christian Valdez
University of Pennsylvania                                                      University of California, Los Angeles
                                   Christopher came from Eastlake                                                   Christian went to Our Lady’s School
                                   Middle School in Chula Vista. He is                                              in San Diego before coming to
                                   currently attending the University                                               Mater Dei. This year he is attending
                                   of Pennsylvania, where he will be                                                UCLA and will be majoring in
                                   studying Mathematical Economics.                                                 Psychology.

                                   Christopher wants to become an                                                “Mater Dei has allowed me to
                                   Economist after graduating from                                               improve myself academically,
                                   college. An active member of                                                  spiritually and athletically. After my
                                   ASB starting in sophomore year,                                               four years here I believe I’ve come
                                   Christopher was the Executive                                                 out the best, most well-rounded
                                   Secretary his senior year at MDCHS.                                           student I could be. I plan on
                                   He was also president of the Ecology                                          becoming a psychiatrist and using
                                   Club and was a member of the NHS                                              my degree to help the community.”
and the CFS. “Mater Dei was a great experience. I made a lot of friends,        Christian was active on campus during his time at Mater Dei
was really challenged academically, and overall just had a good time.”          participating in Soccer, French Club, NHS, Book Club, Ecology Club,
                                                                                and the CFS.

Yoav Rosenberg                                                                   Fernanda López-Tolsa Valenzuela
California Polytechnic State University                                         University of San Diego
                                  Yoav was a student at Instituto                                                       Fernanda came to MDCHS
                                  Cumbres de Tijuana before coming                                                      from Colegio Reina Isabel in
                                  to MDCHS. He was awarded                                                              Tijuana. She is continuing her
                                  Presidential Scholarship for Embry                                                    education at the University of
                                  Riddle, but ultimately decided to                                                     San Diego, where she received
                                  become a student at California                                                        a Presidential Scholarship, to
                                  Polytechnic State University, San
                                                                                                                        study Political Science and
                                  Luis Obispo where he is currently
                                                                                                                        International Relations. At
                                  studying Aerospace Engineering.
                                                                                                                        Mater Dei, she was a Campus
                                Yoav was in Swimming from 9th                                                           Minister, a member of NHS and
                                to 12th grades and played Water
                                                                                                                        CFS, and was the President of
                                Polo for two years, was a member
                                                                                                                        the French Club.
of the Robotics Club, and participated in both NHS and CFS. “I am
grateful to Mater Dei for giving me the opportunity to study and                “Mater Dei has helped me to discover who I am and what my purpose
do everything I want to do. My goal is to become an engineer for                in life is. I will be going to Paris to perfect my speaking skills this year.
Lockheed Martin or Northrop Grumman. I will always remember                     My goal is to become a lawyer and one day a United Nations delegate.
MDCHS as the place where I grew and became myself.”                             By relying on Christ, I’ve become the best student and person I can be.
                                                                                I thank Mater Dei for giving me the strength to be myself.”

Julia Thackrey
University of California, Berkeley
                                   Julia Thackrey attended All Hallows Academy, in La           ASB Senior Class President, ASB Commissioner Of Pep
                                   Jolla before coming to Mater Dei. She is currently           Rallies, was part of The Science Academy, was the
                                   a freshman at the University of California, Berkeley         Book Club cofounder, worked with Campus Ministry,
                                   where she plans on studying Molecular and Cell               Ambassadors For Christ, was a Physiology Intern At
                                   Biology with an emphasis on Immunology and                   USD, an Intern At UCSD, and a Figure Skating Coach.
                                   Pathogenesis.                                                “My goal is to one day become an Immunologist and
                                   Julia received a scholarship for full tuition and housing    missionary doctor. Mater Dei Catholic has not only
                                   to UC Berkeley and was awarded a Theo and Evelyn             prepared me for the next academic step in my life, but
                                   Yakel Scholarship, and a special RESDC Community             has endowed my heart with values of compassionate
                                   Service Award. While a student at Mater Dei, She             service and faith that I will need to have for my college
                                   was involved in Varsity Cheer, Track And Field, was          career and the rest of my life.”

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                            19
Annual Report                 2013-14
                                    0.1%   1.7%



              TUITION                                             7,003,592
              OTHER FEES                                            633,349
              AUXILIARY SERVICES                                    120,019
              ATHLETICS                                              48,859
              DEVELOPMENT & FUNDRAISING                             907,544
              INVESTMENTS                                            11,757
              FACILITIES LEASING                                    145,868
              TOTAL REVENUE                                  $ 8,870,988

       THE PER STUDENT GAP (@ 661 STUDENTS)                               $ 1,773

20		                                                              CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Annual Report                 2013-14




                          SALARIES & BENEFITS                     5,206,851
                          ADMIN/STUDENT/PTG/RECRUITING/MISC.        642,941
                          EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS & RESOURCES          97,057
                          ATHLETICS                                 300,346
                          AUXILIARY SERVICES                         42,046
                          DEVELOPMENT                               449,564
                          PLANT OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE            2,038,904
                          DEBT SERVICE                               30,921
                          TOTAL EXPENSE                          $ 8,808,630

                STUDENTS APPROVED FOR TUITION ASSISTANCE                      305
                TOTAL TUITION ASSISTANCE GRANTED                       $1,512,329
                AVERAGE PER STUDENT AWARD                                  $4,958

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                      21
Annual Report                                                          2013-14
Honor Roll of Donors
FOUNDERS                                     BLUE & GOLD CLUB                           CRUSADER CLUB                     Marla Healy
 Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego         donations of $400 to $999                  donations of $100 to $399         Stephen & Judie Heineman
 ALSAM Foundation                             Fidel & Imelda Almazan                     A & M Team Sales                 Margarita Hernandez
HERITAGE SOCIETY                              Manuel Banales                             ABC Charter Services, LLC        Rogelio & Vianell Herrera
donations of $5,000+                          Mario & Josephine Battaglia                Ace Parking Management, Inc.     Abraham & Maricruz Herrera
 ALSAM Foundation                             David & Elizabeth Bracamonte               Dawn Adams                       John Hoban
 Mark G. LaRiviere                            Shannon & Cynthia Bradley                  Harold & Monica Andreoli         Rocio ‘81 & John Hodges
 Michael Mayer                                Reverend Robert Brocato ‘69                Cresencia & Alberto Angeles      Alden & Margaret Holmes
 Newton’s Foundation                                                                     Sophomore Anonymous              Carlos & Mary Jimenez
                                              Richard & Mary Cain
 Sacred Heart Catholic Church                                                            Jody Balestrieri                 Scott & Bernadette Kacijancic
                                              Arthur Calvert Sr
 Jason Scott ‘93                                                                         Cynthia Barman                   Scott & Norma Keller
                                              Gregory & Gloria Caruana                   Robert & Dena Beaudine           Jeffrey & Sara Kruse
 Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation, Inc.        Margaret & Salvatore Chiappe
 Ronald & Betsy Vernetti                                                                 Big O Tires                      John & Maricela Lettieri
                                              Class of 1973                              Ricardo & Myrnalicia Bozada      David & Elisa Licht
PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY                           Glenn & Marites Domingo                    Corraine A. Brindley             LLB Concepts, Inc/Aqua Clean
donations of $1,000 to $4,999                 William & Joellyn Gallmann                 Linda Bugelli                       Car Wash
 Ascension Catholic Parish                    James & Katherine Gillcrist                Joaquin & Lisa Campos            Pascual & Lucila Lopez
 Anonymous                                    Luis & Laura Gonzalez                      Alejandra Carranza ‘89           Jorge & Maria Lutteroth
 Robert H. Baker                              Ramon Gonzalez                             Arturo & Nancy Carrillo          Victor & Colleen Maalouf
 Andrew & Amy Balelo                          Reny & Belina Hernandez                    Joseph & Eileen Carton           Richard & Monica Macie
 Thomas C. Beecher                            Jeffrey & Tina Huston                      Paul & Alexandria Cassani        Julio & Jeannette Magana
 Steven & Sue Boudreau                        John & Marianne Joyner                     Gerarda ‘82 & Marbel Castaneda   Paul S. Magaudda
 Lucila & Juan Briz                           Ruth Judge                                 Benjamin & Martha Castorena      Celeste ‘81 & Josh Malunes
 Broadway Coin & Stamp Exchange               Brian & Monica Keyes                       Luis & Maritza Cerna             Mike Marchesano
 Rebecca & Kevin Brown                        Paul & Vivien Lim                          Robert & Irma Colgrove           Roberto & Ma. Teresa Marcos
 Brown Paper Tickets, LLC                     Lane & Gaby Litke                          Andres & Amanda Cuevas           Martinez Supply
 David & Diane Canedo                         Dean & Mary Manderson                      Alisa Custodio                   Vincent Martinrez
 Church of St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus    Patricia McGregor                          Jesus & Flor Delgadillo          John Mattos III
 Community of the Holy Spirit                 Barbara ‘73 & Wade McKnight                Des-Case                         Gary May
 Anthony & Lillian Cordova                    Teresa A. Pappas ‘73                       Jessica Codallos                 Salvador & Rubelita Medina
 James & Sharon Duckham                       Richard & Joy Parrella                     Rosario Diaz                     Emmanuel & Gilda Mejia
 Irving & Liza Galon                          Dolores M. Robertson                       DMK Construction                 Miguel & Maribel Mendoza
 William & Elizabeth Gerken                                                              Hector & Marisol Duran           Dennis Mikulanis
                                              Antonio & Elma Rodriguez
 Marie Hamilton                                                                          Evan & Karla Duran               George ‘72 & Jeanine ‘73 Milke
                                              Salvador & Margarita Rodriguez
 Hugh & Hazel Darling Foundation                                                         Enrique & Cinthya Esparza        Ines Mondragon
                                              Jesus ‘69 & Teresa Rodriguez               George & Claudine Espinosa       Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc
 Kings Printing                               Dennis & Fay Ryan
 Robert & Gerriss Klant                                                                  Douglas & Leticia Faucher           (FACTS)
                                              Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church    Thomas ‘82 & Andrea Finch        Henry & Marillyn Ng
 Emil & Rose Krejci
 Roberto & Alma Lopez                         Viola Sanchez ‘81                          Steven & Karen Freitas           Terry & Lisa O’Rourke
 William ‘82 & Teressa Lyons                  Robert & Terri Sartor                      Robert & Lydia Friedrich         Steven ‘79 & Evette Otte
 Javier & Olga Macklis                        Martin & Glenda Sesteaga                   Gabriela & Keith Fulton          Justo & Stella Pardo
 William G. Mooney                            Sign and Press                             Carlos & Collette Galvez         Michael Parisi ‘70
 James Moran ‘68                              Samuel & Patricia Stahl                    Frank Garcia                     Gabriel & Mercedes Peralta
 Walter H. Otte                               St. Rose of Lima School                    Allen ‘77 & Wendy ‘75 Gates      Jose & Maria Perez
 Peter & Mary Ellen Ferrantelli               State Farm Insurance                       Edward ‘80 & Karina Gates        Jane Powell
 Glenn & Maria Antonia Quiroga                The Immaculata Parish                      Mary Gillcrist Bones             Harris Quesnell ‘64
 Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament     Maria T. Tollefson                         Bienvenido & Sheila Go           Steven & Brenda Ramos
 Gregory & Dorothy Smyth                      Brian & Yamile Torres                      Margarita Gonzalez               RCP Block & Brick, Inc.
 St. Therese Catholic Parish                  Manuel & Mayra Velazquez de Leon           Andrew & Elva Gonzalez           Gary Reneau
 Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation           Wells Fargo Foundation - Educational       Ernesto & Elvigia Habana         John Rey
 Sylvia Torrez                                   Matching Gift Program                   Ronnie & Ashanti Hands           Alejandro & Alma Rocha
 YMNET                                        Garrett & Connie Wesson                    Lillian R. Haskins               Enrique & Lourdes Rocha

 22		                                                                                                              CRUSADER CONNECTION - FALL 2014
Annual Report                                                        2013-14
Honor Roll of Donors
 Hugo Roji ‘ 88                   Terrence Mattis                                    Steven M. Boudreau                   Tavern & Bowl
 Rene & Yolanda Romandia          Oscar & Beatriz Mondaca                            Chula Vista Golf Course              Maritime Museum
 Ignacio & Sandra Romo            Martha S. Ostrander                                Gila Rut Salon                       Berry’s Athletic Supply
 Ricardo Rosales                  Edward & Deborah Quigley                           Nuyo                                 John Klein, PGA Teaching Pro,
 Ricardo & Noemi Rosas            Omar & Victoria Rebollar                           Sky Zone                                Cottonwood GC
 Jack & Gloria Rower              Edward & Elizabeth Reidy                           Achiote Restaurant                   ELiveLife.com
 Alejandra Saavedra               Jason Rimmer                                       Oggi’s                               Ron Vernetti
 Ileana E. Salazar                Mario & Edith Soto                                 Cheesecake Factory                   North Island Credit Union
 Daniel & Yolanda Sanchez         Scott Ullsperger                                   Ono’s Cafe                           Super Cut
 Chris Schnitzius                 Fernando & Anabel Vildosola                        Panera Bread                         Aqua Clean Carwash
 Sempra Energy                    Whispering Winds                                   Rubio’s                              Carl Arellano ‘77
 Jorge & Carmen Serrano           Peter Wraith ‘73                                   Islands Restaurant                   George Milke ‘72
 Gregory Smyth ‘89               TEE SPONSORS                                        Anthony’s Fish Grotto                Murrietta’s Restaurant
 St. Michael’s Catholic Church    In Memory of Dr. Estelle Kassebaum                 Bonita Golf Course
                                                                                                                          Whispering Winds
 Amy Steffen                      Corpus Christi Parish                              Julio Viscontti ‘81
 Frank Stingo                                                                        Toogood Family Subway                Cottonwood GC
                                  Cohn & Reznick                                                                          Eastlake Country Club
 Judith ‘81& Michael Strauss      JM Financial Strategies                               Restaurants
 Jeffrey & Anne Stuart            ARAMARK                                            PrimeSports                          Sports Clips Haircuts
 Carlos & Melanie Taitano         The Princell Family                                St. Charles Borromeo Parish          Hans & Harry’s Bakery
 Target                           ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance, Inc.            Salt Creek Golf Club                 Joseph Brunner
 Truist                           ABC Charter Services, LLC (California Fun Rides)   Educational Outfitters               Adrian Gonzalez
 Jose & Kathy Vargas              In Memory of Bill Youmans, Class of 1965           Sephora                              Charlotte Calvert Smith ‘80
 Roy & Mary Vasquez               The Immaculata Parish                              Medieval Times
 Roy G. Vasquez                   Aqua Clean Carwash
 Carlos & Erika Villegas          RCP Block & Brick
 Michael & Kellie Vogt            A & M Team Sales
 Michael Wallgren                 Prime Sports, Vince Maruca ‘77                                 Advancement Activities
 Mary Anne & Carl Weegar          University of California San Diego
 Eddie & Mary White               Guzman Family                                                  2013 – 2014 School Year
 Walt Wilga                       Grinland Logistics, Memo Gomez ‘92
 Kenneth & Lynn Wilson
 Gary ‘69 & Carol Youmans                                                                      Annual Crusade......................... $167,950
                                 GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS
FRIEND                            Title Sponsor                                                Walkathon
donations of up to $99
                                   Frontera International Inc.                                    Gross: $30,816.............. Net: $28,901
 Ramon & Araceli Alcantar
 Mary L. Andrews ‘70              Crusader Sponsor
 Betty Britschgi                   Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Indians                             Online Auction
 Oscar & Elenita Cabrera                                                                           Gross: $11,752................ Net: $9,121
 Karen Chudy ‘68                 GOLF GOODIES
 Jesse & Maria Contreras          Islands Fine Burgers & Drinks                                Golf Tournament
 Laura I. Contreras               Educational Outfitters
                                                                                                   Gross: $31,767.............. Net: $17,240
 Zurisaddi Galvez                 Aramark Education
 Jorge & Marjorie Guevara                                                                      Designated Grants .................... $644,076
                                 GOLF TOURNAMENT DONATIONS
 Michaelangelo D. Habana
                                  Bradford Renaissance Portraits
 Scott & Shannon Henderson                                                                     Dr. Kassebaum Scholarship Balance
                                  P. F. Chang’s Restaurant
 Diane S. Ireland                                                                                  6/30/2014........................... $252,754
                                  Love’s Cupcakes
 Ricardo & Darlene Jimenez
                                  Golf Mart
 Monica & Jesus Leon-Lopez
                                  Sports Authority
 Carlos & Liliana Madrazo
                                  Chili’s Restaurant
 Miguel & Sandra Martinez
                                  Capt. and Mrs. W.J. Gerken, USN, RET
 Abel & Josefina Mata

MATER DEI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                            23
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