Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate

Page created by Nancy Flynn
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
Tactics in inline speed skating 2
 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
Tactic 2

What should i do now?                       ¿Qué debo hacer ahora?

We know the main point but what can i       Conocemos el punto principal, pero
do in the real life?                        ¿qué puedo hacer en la vida real?

- learn the basic of the pack (follow       aprender lo básico de la manada
  the step…enter…)                          (seguir el paso...entrar...)
- Play games forcing to take decision       Jugar a juegos forzados para tomar
  (short cut training)                      decisiones (entrenamiento de atajo)
- Race a lot to learn different situation   Correr     mucho     para    aprender
- How to train for the tactic =             diferentes situaciones
  strategy?                                 ¿Cómo entrenar la táctica =
- Process between coach and athlete         estrategia?
- Do your homework                          Proceso entre el entrenador y el
                                            Hacer los deberes

                                                                     Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
learn the basic of the pack

     « No tactic if no pack
            skills »

   - Follow the same step
              Stay close            Layout with vertical photo

   - Enter the pack

   - Understand the pack movement


                                                        Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
learn the basic of the pack
Le roue dans roue - YouTube

 Follow the same step

 Synchronise                                   Stay close
 Look left skate at landing in corner          Mira el patín izquierdo al aterrizar en la esquina
 Look moment they restart skating out of the   Mira el momento en que se reinicia el patinaje fuera
 corner,specially right skate                  de la esquina, especialmente el patín derecho

                                                                                   Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
How to become PACKMAN
(or PACKWOMAN)           How do you want
                        your skater to look
                         like in the pack?

                                     Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
learn the basic of the pack            Entra en la grupo:
                                       Levantar una pierna
                                       Llegar más rápido

 Enter the pack:                       - estar seguro (controlar la velocidad)
                                       Repetir la acción
 - Lift one leg                         crear cooperación durante la enseñanza (no pelear)
 - Arrive faster                       El entrenador debe controlar estrictamente esta parte del
                                       entrenamiento para que sea seguro.

 - be safe (control the speed)         « Si no lo aprenden en el entrenamiento, se caidán en las carreras".

 - Repeat the action
 - create cooperation during the
   teaching (no fight)
                                                     Layout with vertical photo
 Coach need to control strictly this
 part of the training to make it

 « If they don’t learn it in
 training they will crash
 in the races »

                                                                                      Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
learn the basic of the pack

   Understand the pack movement   Entender el movimiento del peloton
   - Inside line go down          La línea interior baja
   - Outside line go up           La línea exterior sube

                                                         Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
I’m your

Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
               If you are inactive you will go back to the end

                                                      Tactics 2
Tactics in inline speed skating 2 Instagram: @pascalbriand1976 - world skate
Replacement base - YouTube
                             Let’s be smart use the draft

                                                            Tactics 2
Understand the line movement

                               Tactics 2
Recycle your position immediatly

                                   Tactics 2
What can you look to see if they do it good

                                                    I need to stay
                                   I need to stay   little more
             I need to be          close            inside

                                                             Tactics 2
What help the skater to get information about the others?
                                  I can look what is

                       I can hear the                  With the hand
                       sound                           i feel
                                                       movement of
                                                       the one in
                                                       front of me

                                                               Tactics 2
Play games forcing to take decision

 create some situation where the skater have to take decision
- Short cut training
- Combine action with team work (bring back a friend in front)
- Number 2 go pick up last and bring it to 2nd place
- Last 2 go back to front
- Last 3 go back to front

                                                                 Tactics 2
Before getting to tactic = strategy?

Make sure your skater is amazing in taking the same step

Make sure you skater is safe and confidente in entering the pack

Make sure your skater understand pack movement

Always go back to the basics if you
don’t find the solution

                                                                   Tactics 2
Process between coach and athlete
 Study possibilities   Discuss with athlete   Imagine problems Create responses debrief

Communication in        When skater get               We will talk later   It’s hard to choice
both direction is a     older the direction           when we are          between patience
key                     become just advices           more quite           and opportunities

                                                                                Tactics 2
Do your homework
Study many tactics from previous years

Check Target video

Accept many opinions even if they say the opposite

Watch lot of races – make statistics


                                                     Tactics 2
AFTER THIS COURSE …                              DESPUÉS DE ESTE CURSO...

You need to know:                                Necesitas saber:
- How to work « take the same step »             Cómo trabajar " dar el mismo paso "
- How to enter the pack safely                   Cómo entrar en la manada con seguridad
- How to use the draft of other in the pack      Cómo utilizar la corriente de aire de otros en el
- Understand the rotation in the pack            paquete
- What you should look to evaluate your skater   Entender la rotación en el paquete
- The process to built a strategy                Lo que debes mirar para evaluar a tu patinador
- Remember to always go back to basics           El proceso para construir una estrategia
                                                 Recuerde siempre volver a lo básico

(1) Heerde 2018 | World Championships | 15.000 m elimination Senior Men Final –
(2) (1) Replacement base – YouTube
(3) (1) Le roue dans roue – YouTube
(4) (1) La peur du peloton – YouTube
(5) (1) DEMARRE et bloque - YouTube

                                                                                    Tactics 1

            Tactics 1
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