Tandridge - Local elections Modernising Caterham - Tandridge District ...

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Tandridge - Local elections Modernising Caterham - Tandridge District ...
Your local council magazine                                                  Spring 2022

   Local elections             Modernising Caterham             Keep in touch
Have your say on 5 May            Improvements for       www.tandridge.gov.uk/signup
                              residents and businesses
Tandridge - Local elections Modernising Caterham - Tandridge District ...
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Tandridge - Local elections Modernising Caterham - Tandridge District ...

Supporting the community                                                                                                                    Contents
Since I joined the Council nine months ago, I have been                                                                                                                                                       4
getting to know the area and listening to residents, businesses,                                                                             Local elections
councillors, partners and officers about our services, the
challenges, opportunities and the impact the pandemic has had.                                                                               Your council tax                                                 5
                                    I am determined                contact us online. We are looking at more joint
                                    to continue                    working arrangements with partners and investing                          Modernising Caterham                                             6-7
                                    providing the                  in the Tandridge district so it continues to be a great
                                    services we know               place to live, work and visit, now and in the future.                     Supporting our economy                                           8
                                    residents and                    Council tax bills are currently being delivered
                                    businesses want                and we appreciate everyone is feeling the effects
                                    and value, but                 of price rises. On page 12, we highlight the support                      Affordable homes                                                 9
                                    we must fnd                    available for households facing fnancial hardship.
                                    new ways of
                                    reducing our costs               If you think you may fnd it diffcult to pay money                       Support in the community                                        12-14
                                    and generating                 to the Council, please contact us as soon as possible
                                    income, to                     so we can work out the best way to help you.                              Crime prevention                                                 15
                                    ensure we deliver                 We will continue to do everything we can to
 services in the most effcient and effective way.
                                                                   support our community.                                                    Lottery and grants                                               18
   We are investing in technology so residents and
 businesses who have access to the internet can                    David Ford, Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                             Local activities                                                20-21
Transforming our services                                                                                                                    Recycling and rubbish                                       22-23
The way we work, manage our day to day tasks, get
information, shop and keep in touch with family and friends has
changed over the last two years, as a result of the pandemic.
We want to capture the best of those changes                         With Covid restrictions lifted, we are very pleased
to ensure we keep providing the services you                       to be able to welcome you back to the Council
depend on in the most convenient and effcient                      offces. You can fnd our opening hours on page 4.
way, making the best use of technology.                              This is the last edition of the Tandridge
   Earlier this year, we introduced a new online                   Magazine, so to keep up to date with council
                                                                   news and local events, please sign up for our
system which makes it quicker and easier for                       e-newsletters. It is quick, easy and free to sign
residents and businesses to apply for benefts or                   up at www.tandridge.gov.uk/mag.
manage their business rates or council tax at a time
which suits them, 24/7. Find out more on page 5.                   Thank you for your support.
   We aim to become a leaner, more strategic and                   Tandridge District Council Group Leaders
responsive Council, putting the needs of our residents             Councillor Catherine Sayer, Leader
and businesses at the centre of what we do.                        of the Council and the Independents
                                                                   and OLRG Alliance.
   You can help our local economy by supporting
local businesses, with our variety of great                        Councillor Tony Elias, Leader of
places to shop, eat and relax. Quadrant House                      the Conservative Group.
in Caterham is attracting businesses to the                        Councillor Chris Botten, Leader of
area and we are excited to see its unveiling                       the Liberal Democrats Group.
later this year. Find out more on page 6.                          Councillor Martin Allen, Leader
                                                                   of the Independent Group.

  Contact us                                                       Advertising                                                             We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, but hope the
  Customer Services, Tandridge District Council, Council Offces,   While every care has been taken to check the information given,         magazine is still of interest to you.
  8 Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0BT                       Tandridge District Council does not guarantee the accuracy or content   Audio version
  01883 722000 Typetalk 18001                                      of any advertisement in this magazine, nor does it endorse any of the
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  SMS for deaf and hard of hearing 07786 200690.                   products or services advertised.
                                                                                                                                           for use on a MP3 player for blind and partially sighted
  Start message with TANDRIDGE.                                    This magazine costs 25p a copy to design, print and deliver             people. Please contact Mike Chappell from the Tandridge
  customerservices@tandridge.gov.uk.                               to all households and businesses in the district.                       Lions Talking Newspapers on 01342 834 223.
  Out of hours emergency number 01883 722000.                      Text too small?
  Visit our website: www.tandridge.gov.uk.                                                                                                 The content of this magazine is correct at the time of going
                                                                   Articles from this magazine can be reproduced in large print.           to press, but things can change during the production phase
  Editor: Giuseppina Valenza, Head of Communications,
  01883 722000, customerservices@tandridge.gov.uk.                 Please contact Customer Services on 01883 722000, or                    before it is delivered to residents. For up to date information
                                                                   e-mail customerservices@tandridge.gov.uk.                               please visit our website www.tandridge.gov.uk.
  Designed and printed by: Frontline.
  Advertising enquiries: Frontline 01342 312570.                   Not in Tandridge? Because council boundaries and                        Follow us on Twitter @TandridgeDC
  Photography by: Brian Aldrich 07973 562057.                      postcode areas are not the same, some copies of this magazine are       To join the conversation on Facebook,
                                                                   delivered to addresses outside the Tandridge area.                      like the Tandridge Council page.

                                                                                                                                                   Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022                              3
Tandridge - Local elections Modernising Caterham - Tandridge District ...

Make sure you can vote on 5 May
On Thursday 5 May, residents will go to the polls to have their say on who should represent them
in the district elections.
Voting in a polling station is not the only way to cast   • Register to vote by postal vote by 5pm on             pandemic restrictions and guidance in place at the
your vote. You can vote by post or by proxy, where            Tuesday 19 April.                                   time. Hand sanitiser will be provided and voters will
someone votes on your behalf.                             • Register to vote by proxy by 5pm on Thursday          be asked to be considerate of others when visiting
  Some dates to remember:                                     26 April.                                           the polling station. Please do not vote in person on
                                                                                                                  5 May if you feel unwell.
• You will receive your polling card from                   More information is available at
     14 March. It will tell you which polling station     www.tandridge.gov.uk/elections. If you don’t               There are no elections in the Chaldon, Felbridge,
     you visit to cast your vote.                         have access to the internet, call 01883 722000.         Portley, Tatsfeld, Caterham Valley and Woldingham
                                                                                                                  wards. If you live in these areas, you will not be
• To be able to vote, you must register by                Covid-19 safety                                         invited to vote.
     Thursday 14 April, visit
     www.gov.uk/registertovote.                             Our polling stations will be open and ready to
                                                          welcome voters. We will follow any government

Sign up for our e-newsletters
Keep up to date with council news, services, support, advice
and upcoming events with our free e-newsletters.
                                                          • We have recently launched a housing
Up to 57,000 subscribers receive our e-newsletters,
                                                               e-newsletter for council and housing
which have provided regular, reliable and essential
                                                               association tenants.
information during the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                          • Our green waste club e-newsletter includes
• Our news and events e-newsletter includes
                                                               information about disposing of your garden
     news and events you need to be aware of.
                                                               waste, composting and helpful tips and advice to    Sign up for our
• Our recycling and rubbish collections                        get the most out of your balcony or garden.
     e-newsletter updates on any delays to collections
                                                          • We also have newsletters about the Local
     and when we will return. It also includes
                                                               Plan, Caterham and north Tandridge
     information about recycling, waste and the
                                                               regeneration and Planning Committee
                                                               recommendations and decisions, which are sent
• Our business e-newsletter provides guidance                  out when we have news to share.
     for businesses on funding, training and other                                                                www.tandridge.gov.uk/mag
                                                             Sign up at www.tandridge.gov.uk/mag. It’s
     current information.
                                                          free. No spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  Need to get in touch?
  If you need to contact us, instead of picking up the phone, there are other ways you can use
  or pay for our services, report issues or find up to date information on our website at
                                                           You can apply or request services at                         If you need to call us, you can use the
                                                          www.tandridge.gov.uk/apply.                                following shortcuts to get through more quickly.
                                                             You can now, quickly and easily manage your                Call 01883 722000 and as soon as it
                                                          business rates and council tax online, including           is answered:
                                                          paying for them by direct debit, if you don’t              • Press 1 to make a payment.
                                                          already. Find out more at                                  • Press 2 for recycling and rubbish.
                                                                                                                     • Press 3 for council tax and business rates.
                                                            You can pay housing rent and other services on           • Press 4 for housing repairs.
                                                          our website at www.tandridge.gov.uk/pay.
                                                                                                                     • Press 5 for benefts.
  This makes it more convenient for you to contact           The Council Offces in Oxted are open from
  us when you are free, rather than just during                                                                      • Press 6 for all other enquiries.
                                                          8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am
  offce hours.                                            to 4.30pm on Friday. To guarantee you get the                 You can press the options straight away -
                                                          best possible service please consider making               you don’t need to wait for the message.
     If you need to report something which needs
  to be fxed, cleaned or changed, please use our          an appointment before visiting by e-mailing                   To report a problem with roads and
  Report forms at                                         customerservices@tandridge.gov.uk or calling               pavements visit the Surrey County Council
  www.tandridge.gov.uk/report.                            01883 722000.                                              website at www.surreycc.gov.uk.

 4    Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022
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Your council tax 2022/2023
We have agreed an increase of £5 for a Band D property in Tandridge District Council’s share of
the council tax for 2022/2023.
                                                                                                               affordable homes and support the district’s most
                                                                                                               vulnerable residents.
                                                                                                                  Surrey County Council, which provides services
                                                                                                               including schools, adult social care, children services,
                                                                                                               roads, fre and rescue and libraries, together
                                                                                                               with the offce of the Surrey Police and Crime
                                                                                                               Commissioner, have both increased their Band D
                                                                                                               level for 2022/2023.
                                                                                                                  Surrey County Council has agreed an overall
                                                                                                               council tax rise, including social care, of 4.99% in
                                                                                                               2022/2023, while the Surrey Police and Crime
                                                                                                               Commissioner agreed an increase of 3.5%.
                                                                                                                  This year’s total band D council tax will be
                                                                                                               £2,152.94 - this is an increase of 4.48%, which is
                                                                                                               divided among the different organisations. Please
This means the Council’s share of Band D council         street sweeping, housing, housing benefts and         see the table to the left for more details.
tax will increase to £230.98 which is just over £4       children’s play areas.
a week to help pay for a wide range of services                                                                   This Band D fgure does not include parish
                                                            The increase will help fund work to improve town   precepts, which will vary across the district.
including recycling and rubbish collections, planning,   centres, invest in parks and open spaces, deliver     Properties in council tax bands A to D may be
                                                                                                               eligible for a council tax energy rebate. More
                                                                                                               information will be provided soon.
 Authority                                       2021/2022            2022/2023               Increase            Most people on income support, guaranteed
 Tandridge District Council                      £225.98              £230.98                 2.2%             pension credit, or very low incomes will continue
 Surrey County Council                           £1,549.08            £1,626.39               4.9%             to have the cost of council tax fully met by council
                                                                                                               tax support. Other people will automatically have
 Surrey Police & Crime Commissioner              £285.57              £295.57                 3.5%             their council tax support recalculated to refect their
                                                                                                               revised council tax bills.

Manage your benefits, business rates and
council tax online
Residents and businesses can manage the following benefits, business rates and council tax
services online:
• View your latest council tax and business How to sign up         Other ways to pay council tax, business
     rates bills.                                        It’s easy to sign up and start managing your          rates or housing rent can be found at
                                                         benefts, council tax or business rates online. For    www.tandridge.gov.uk/pay.
• Apply to pay council tax or business rates by
     direct debit, if you don’t already.                 more information, visit
• Pay your council tax or business rates.
• Apply for discounts or relief on your council tax
     or business rates.                                      A quicker and easier way to
• Let us know about changes to your                          manage your benefts, business
     circumstances which might affect your claims
     or payments, including for benefts.                     rates and council tax.
• Apply for housing beneft, discretionary
     payments and council tax reductions
     more quickly.                                           Find out more at
• Check the amount of your next housing
     beneft payment.                                         www.tandridge.gov.uk/onlineaccount.
  Using this new online service means residents
and businesses can manage their payments and
benefts online, at a time which suits them, 24/7.

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A new look Caterham, coming soon
We’re full speed ahead with our work to regenerate Caterham town centre and the surrounding
areas, helping support local businesses.
                                                                                                                                     and thriving businesses. If you are interested in
                                                                                                                                     leasing offce space, please contact our joint agents,
                                                                                                                                     Stile Harold Williams and Michael Rogers. More
                                                                                                                                     information can be found on Stiles Harold Williams’
                                                                                                                                     website at www.shw.co.uk.
                                                                                                                                     Looking for retail space?
                                                                                                                                        If you’d like to rent a retail unit in Quadrant
                                                                                                                                     House, please contact our agent Cradick Retail by
                                                                                                                                     calling Alex Standen on 01892 707577, or
                                                                                                                                     Charlie Evans on 01892 707570.
                                                                                                                                     Alternatively, details can be found online at
                                                                                                                                     An affordable alternative to working
                                                                                                                                     from home
                                                                                                                                        The Workary, Caterham in Quadrant House is a
                                                                                                                                     workspace ideal for entrepreneurs, start-ups, small
                                                                                                                                     businesses and remote workers looking for a change
                                                                                                                                     of scenery.
                                                                                                                                        The Workary offers a safe, local, affordable
                                                                                                                                     alternative to working at home or commuting, as
                                                                                                                                     well as the opportunity to network with like-minded
                                                                                                                                     local professionals.
Tansel Omer of the Talent Place, one of the local businesses benefting from the Workary.
                                                                                                                                        One of its members is The Talent Place, a
We’re making great progress on a number of                            a facelift too, by creating a living wall which,               consultancy offering a variety of services to the HR
projects to make the area a more attractive place to                  combined with the improvements to Croydon Road,                profession. Its Director and Executive Coach,
live, visit and work.                                                 will help the street become more environmentally               Tansel Omer, explained how his business has thrived
Modernising Quadrant House                                            friendly, encouraging biodiversity and improving air           since using the workspace:
                                                                      quality. Electric charging points for eco bikes and
   Our work to refurbish and modernise Quadrant                       cars and new cycle storage will also be installed.                “Using the Workary is perfect for me, it’s enabled
House on Croydon Road is nearing completion.                                                                                         me to achieve a real work life balance, working in
When fnished, it will provide over 15,000 square                         The refurbished building will also be much more             a fexible space close to home, enabling me to grow
feet of modern, air-conditioned suites in a range                     energy effcient, with 44% reduction in carbon                  my business quickly, making important connections
of sizes for local businesses, some with access to a                  dioxide emissions.                                             with other businesses using the space.“
private roof terrace.                                                 Looking for offces?                                               More information, including details of special
   We’re not just improving the inside of the                            Although refurbishment work is still ongoing,               offers and how to book a tour of the workspace, is
building though. We’re giving the building’s exterior                 Quadrant House is already home to some successful              available at www.wimbletech.com.

How the offce space will look.                                                                  Proposed design of Quadrant House’s roof terrace.

  6     Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022
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Modernising Croydon                                                                                           Affordable
Road                                                                                                          housing
                                                                                                              Residents will soon
                                                                                                              be able to enjoy new,
                                                                                                              affordable housing in
                                                                                                              Caterham, as part of
                                                                                                              our work with Clarion
                                                                                                              Housing to redevelop
                                                                                                              the former Rose & Young
                                                                                                              site on Croydon Road.
                                                                                                              A new Lidl store will also be part of the
                                                                                                              development, which will have dedicated parking,
                                                                                                              with an underground car park, which shoppers can
                                                                                                              access from Highfeld Drive.
                                                                                                                 The apartments are due to be completed
                                                                                                              around autumn 2023 and Lidl plans to open its
                                                                                                              store to coincide with the frst people moving into
                                                                                                              the new homes.

                                                                                                              Proposal for
                                                                                                              new retail
                                                                                                              Aldi has submitted a
                                                                                                              planning application
                                                                                                              for a new supermarket
                                                                                                              on the site of the former
                                                                                                              Mercedes-Benz showroom
                                                                                                              on Croydon Road.
Early designs for how Croydon Road could look.                                                                This application will be considered at a Planning
                                                                                                              Committee in the next couple of months, once the
The excitement for Caterham town centre doesn’t end there!                                                    consultation about the application has closed.
Funding has also been confirmed to regenerate Croydon
Road to make it more attractive and appealing to live, visit and
work, to include:                                                                                             Help improve
• Extended pavement space, to encourage people
    to spend more time in the area.
                                                      seek approval from Surrey County Council’s
                                                      highways team.
                                                                                                              Queens Park
                                                                                                              As part of our work to
• More greenery in the town centre, reducing            Caterham Valley for You kick started this work,       improve parks and open
    street clutter.                                   recognising the need to improve the area, alongside
                                                                                                              spaces, residents and
• Improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists        the vision set out in the Caterham Masterplan.
                                                                                                              interested parties have
    by reducing traffc speeds to 20mph, widening      We have worked with them to secure funding for
                                                      the work, following a successful application to the
                                                                                                              told us what improvements
    parking bays and clearly separating the road
                                                      Community Infrastructure Levy. We are also grateful     they’d like to see, including:
    and parking areas.
                                                      for contributions from Caterham Valley for You,         • Improving the toilet, amenities, refreshment
• Planting of trees and new rain gardens with                                                                     and sports facilities.
                                                      the Parish Council and Coast to Capital Local
    shrubs and plants to absorb water running off
                                                      Enterprise Partnership.                                 • Introducing food alleviation measures like
    the road and help alleviate fooding. This will                                                                rain gardens and a balancing pond to help
    complement Quadrant House’s living wall.            We will be submitting another bid for the next
                                                                                                                  reduce the risk and frequency of fooding in
                                                      Levelling Up Fund, following positive feedback on           Caterham on the Hill.
• Initiatives to encourage more active travel, like
                                                      our frst unsuccessful application. This will focus on
    walking and cycling, redressing the current                                                               • Upgrading the play equipment.
                                                      addressing barriers to regeneration and investment
    imbalance which favours car users.                                                                        • Improving the biodiversity and planting trees.
                                                      in Caterham, such as tackling fooding issues and
  We expect these improvements to be delivered        improving transport connectivity.                         We will consult residents on our proposed
in 2023. This year we will prepare our designs,                                                               changes in May and will let you know how you
consult with local residents and businesses and                                                               can get involved and give us your thoughts.

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Shop, Eat, Relax Local
Spring is here and as part of our Backing business campaign we are encouraging residents,
workers and visitors to shop, eat and relax locally whenever possible.

So many of our businesses including shops, cafes,       Dive into the shops                                      patches. Brighten up your home by buying a bunch
pubs, garden centres, tradespeople, gyms and                                                                     of spring fowers from one of the independent
                                                          This spring, get outside and bring your garden
hair salons are run by local people making the                                                                   forists in the area.
                                                        to life. If you are looking for inspiration, visit our
Tandridge district a vibrant place to live, work        local garden centres and be inspired by the vast           Jazz up your wardrobe – why not enjoy a
and visit.                                              array of plants for your fower beds and vegetable        fashion shopping spree and fnd the perfect outft
                                                                                                                 for the offce, the weekend or a special occasion
                                                                                                                 such as a wedding or a prom?
                                                                                                                 Eat like a Queen
                                                                                                                   When the weather warms up, it’s time for
                                                                                                                 barbecues, garden parties and street parties (to
                                                                                                                 celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee) and there is a great
                                                                                                                 array of farm shops and delis selling local produce.
                                                                                                                 You can pick up a bottle at the local vineyard or
                                                                                                                 any of the independent off licences.
                                                                                                                   If you’d prefer to let someone else do the
                                                                                                                 cooking, it is easy to meet friends and families at
                                                                                                                 our extensive range of restaurants, cafes and
                                                                                                                 pubs. There is somewhere to tantalise everyone’s
                                                                                                                 tastes buds!
                                                                                                                 Time to relax
                                                                                                                    Take some time to unwind and pamper yourself
                                                                                                                 this spring. Visit any of the great salons or spas and
                                                                                                                 leave feeling renewed and relaxed.
                                                                                                                   Pop along to your local high street and support
                                                                                                                 the community, boost the economy and be kinder to
                                                                                                                 the environment.

Support for job seekers
Free support is available for adults looking to enter the job market and find a fulfilling new role
through the Oxted & District Job Club.
The club offers support to job seekers through:         mature individuals who have been made redundant.         I may well have not been accepted for without my
• One to one meetings (face to face or digital)         Here are some recent success stories:                    facilitator’s advice) and I also have a fairly good idea
      with a fully trained volunteer to help get back      Maria Moeller, a physics graduate/business            of my short term career plan. My facilitator was a
      into employment.                                  analyst, said: "My facilitator's knowledge,              very positive infuence, during what was a grim year
                                                        enthusiasm and natural coaching skills make him          for everyone and for that I am very grateful.”
• Help identifying career aims based on an
      individual’s knowledge and experience.            the ultimate career mentor. Each weekly session            To fnd out more about the job club, e-mail
                                                        with him left me with new insights, ideas and fresh      info@jobcluboxted.co.uk.
• Help with producing CVs, job applications and         positivity that kept my spirits and
      interview techniques.                             inspiration high and eventually
• Support when deciding on suitable sectors and         landed me a fantastic job! I cannot
      companies to apply to, while helping consider     recommend the Job Club enough!"
      job offers.                                          Joe Laird, a maths graduate
   The job club has seven trained volunteer             considering a career change said:
facilitators, with experience across a range of         “I am really grateful for the help
professions, who are on hand to offer tailored          I received from my facilitator. He
support to job seekers through weekly meetings,         encouraged me to be proactive and
either face to face or digitally.                       think outside the box and provided
   The club has already helped people from a variety    me with contacts I would not have
of backgrounds, including graduates, school leavers,    met had I not had his support. I am
people returning to work after career breaks and        now doing my Masters Course (which

 8    Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022
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Building affordable homes

                                                                                                                         Construction ongoing at Bronzeoak House.

                                                                                                                         Affordable housing at Oldencraig Mews, Lingfeld.
Our two bedroom fats at Beynon Court, Warlingham nearing completion.

We are busy building new homes and finding suitable sites to be developed into affordable
homes for residents on our housing register, who cannot afford to buy or rent a home on
the open market.
Below are some of the housing projects we are                       Mount Green Housing Association is building eight        development being built by Chartwell Land and New
working on, along with affordable homes being built               new affordable rented homes consisting of 2 one            Homes. These homes should be ready to be moved
by housing associations.                                          bedroom fats and 6 two bedroom fats. These should          into by the end of the year.
Caterham Valley                                                   be available later in the summer.                          Rest of the district
   Progress continues at Bronzeoak House and                        Roseberry Housing Association is building eight             We are also preparing plans for new housing
Wadey Court in Caterham Valley. This development                  affordable rented homes and two shared ownership           developments in Dormansland, Featherstone and
will provide 26 new homes.                                        homes. These are a mixture of fats and houses and          Hurst Green, which have the potential to provide
   The new tenants, who we hope will move in to their             will be available in spring 2023.                          a further 35 affordable rented homes. We are also
new homes in the autumn, will beneft from being in                Warlingham                                                 identifying other suitable sites in the district.
a central location, close to Caterham town centre and               Work is progressing well at Uplands in Warlingham,       Applying for housing
good public transport links.                                      building a mixture of fats and houses. Part of the            To apply for council housing, please complete
   As mentioned on page 7, construction continues                 fats will keep the name Uplands and the new block          an online application form at
to build 48 affordable homes for rent at the                      of two bedroom fats will be called Beynon Court.           www.tandridge.gov.uk/housing. Any existing
former Rose and Young site on Croydon Road by                     We are looking forward to handing the tenants their        tenants who would like to be considered for future
Clarion Housing.                                                  keys this summer.                                          properties, should visit Home Choice at
Caterham on the Hill                                                                                                         www.tandridge-homechoice.org.uk.
   We are delighted to have been granted planning                                                                            Stay up to date
                                                                    Construction continues to build new affordable
permission for three homes at Windmill Close and                  homes at Oldencraig Mews. These four new homes                To keep up to date with all these housing projects,
three homes at Auckland Road. Work will start at                  will be available to buy through a low cost home           sign up to our Housing News e-newsletter at
these two sites and at Rochester Gardens                          ownership scheme and form part of a larger                 www.tandridge.gov.uk/mag.
and Town End this spring.

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Planning for the future.
Morr & Co offer advice and legal solutions
across a wide range of personal and family
issues helping you to make clear plans and
balanced decisions.
Our expert solicitors can assist with:
•    Family Law           •   Wills, Trusts and Power
•    Residential Property     of Attorney
•    Employment           •   Estate Administration
                              and Probate
•    Personal Injury
                          •   Dispute Resolution

                               Contact our Oxted
                               team on:
                                  01883 723712
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Shaping our district                                                                                            Constituency
To ensure our district remains somewhere people want
to live, work and visit, we must have a clear plan to keep
developing it to meet the needs of everyone, both now and in                                                    review
the future.
Our Local Plan sets out how we will develop            to upgrade Junction 6 of the M25.
the district up to 2033 and it’s at a very                                                                      The Boundary Commission
                                                          We will publish the Inspector’s response and other
important stage.                                       latest updates at                                        for England is holding an
  We are working on how we can take the plan           www.tandridge.gov.uk/localplan.                          independent review of all
forward, which also addresses the key issue of how                                                              constituency boundaries
                                                                                                                in England and you are
                                                                                                                invited to have your
                                                                                                                say on its proposals.
                                                                                                                The 2023 boundary review will rebalance
                                                                                                                the number of electors in each constituency
                                                                                                                and the number of constituencies in
                                                                                                                England will increase to 543.
                                                                                                                   You can view the proposed new
                                                                                                                constituencies and share your views before
                                                                                                                this consultation closes on 4 April by
                                                                                                                visiting www.bcereviews.org.uk.

 Our residents’ survey                                                                                         Ward
 results                                                                                                       boundary
 In July 2021, we carried out a Residents’ Survey, where                                                       review
 just over 2,500 randomly selected residents received
 a questionnaire, with the aim of finding out what                                                             underway
 residents think about the services we provide, where                                                          A review of the electoral
 they live and how well we communicate with them.                                                              arrangements in our district
                                                                                                               has started, to ensure
 A special request also went out to all secondary        There are some areas where improvements need          they accurately reflect the
 schools in the district and across social media to    to happen which we are looking to address by:
 invite those aged under 25 to complete the survey.                                                            identity and interests of our
                                                       1.   Continuing to keep residents informed about        communities.
    Overall, the results showed most respondents            the Council and its services, ensuring access
 are highly satisfed with the area as a place to                                                               Working with the Local Government Boundary
                                                            to services is easy and clear to understand.
 live, feel well informed about the Council’s work                                                             Commission for England (LGBC), work has started
 and local services, feel they belong to their local   2.   Demonstrating services do provide value            to review:
 area, feel safe and don’t have an issue with               for money.                                         • Whether we need to change the way the
 anti-social behaviour.                                                                                          boundaries between the wards in our district
                                                       3.   Building greater trust between residents and
                                                            the Council.                                         are arranged.
                                                         One of the best ways residents and businesses         • The names of our wards.
                                                       can be informed about our services is to sign           • Whether we have the right number of councillors
                                                       up for our e-newsletters, which are free and              elected to represent each ward and elector in
                                                       delivered straight to your inbox. Signing up is           the district.
                                                       quick and easy, please visit                              We anticipate submitting our fnal proposals to the
                                                       www.tandridge.gov.uk/mag.                               LGBC in October 2023. For updates, please sign up for
                                                                                                               our e-newsletters at www.tandridge.gov.uk/mag.

                                                                                                                     Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022             11

Help for residents facing
financial hardship
Residents with low incomes can apply for a grant to help ease the financial pressure
they may face.
The Tandridge Household Support Fund helps
residents in fnancial diffculty and struggling to
meet the cost of essential items including:
• Food.
• Energy and water bills.
• Repair or purchase of essential household
• Servicing and repair of heating systems.
• School uniform or other essential clothing.
• Broadband and phone bills.
• Transport related costs.
Who can apply?
   We accept applications from, or on behalf of,
people who are in fnancial diffculties. The person
receiving the funds must be over the age of 16,
live in the district and be struggling to meet
immediate and essential needs for themselves or
their dependents.
 For more details and to apply, please visit

Enabling your                                                    Staying
independence                                                     independent,
“The Mole Valley Life                                            healthy and
service has enabled Dad
to stay at home safely for as                                    happy
long as possible, giving
him the best quality of                                          Residents in need of help
life in his later years.”                                        and advice about care and
                                                                 support services can find a
Mole Valley Life provides help at the touch of                   directory of services using
a button, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for
                                                                 the Surrey Information Point.
residents in the Tandridge district. The huge
beneft of this service is it enables residents                   It has a variety of useful information and details
to live independently for longer, in the safest                  of local trusted networks and organisations to help
possible way, giving them, their carers and their                residents live healthy, happy and independent lives.
families much needed reassurance.                                   The directory provides details about care, housing
                                                                 and accommodation, community and health
  If you would like to know more about the
                                                                 information, money matters, support getting around
service, please visit www.molevalleylife.co.uk,                  the area, things to do and support services. Please
call 01372 204500, or                                            visit www.surreyinformationpoint.org.uk for
e-mail mvlife@molevalley.gov.uk.                                 more information.

 12   Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022

Kickstart your health                                                                                                 Counselling
Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to                                                        for drug and
lose weight, get active, quit smoking, or improve your mental
health, there are lots of free tools and support, such as:                                                            alcohol use
• The NHS website at                                           • Our Wellbeing Prescription team is here to            “Thank you and the
  www.nhs.uk/better-health has lots                                 help you become happier and healthier. The        team all so very much,
  of free tools and support.                                        team offers free confdential advice and           the service has been
• Download the free NHS Better Health Food                          support to help you change your diet, lose
                                                                    weight and be more active, help if you’re
                                                                                                                      compassionate, kind
  Scanner app, so you can quickly scan the barcodes                                                                   and helpful. I feel so
  of your family’s favourite foods, swipe to see                    feeling stressed or worried, give guidance on
  healthier options and make a swap next time                       meeting new people, returning back to work        much better in myself”
  you shop! Visit the App Store or Google Play.                     or getting your fnances back on track.
• For simple ways to lift your mood, visit Every Mind             The team also runs group workshops to help with
  Matters at www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters.                    things like lowering your cholesterol, reducing your
                                                               risk of a heart attack or stroke and understanding
• OneYou Surrey also provides a range of free                  the link between what you eat and how you feel.
  programmes for residents to become smoke
  free or lose weight including Slimming World                    To fnd out how the team can help, please visit
  programmes, Man v Fat football and Gloji, a free             www.wellbeingprescription.org, or call
  digital weight loss app. For more information                01883 732787.
  visit www.oneyousurrey.org.uk.

                                                                                                                      Are you concerned about changes to your or
                                                                                                                      any of your family's drug or alcohol use? You
                                                                                                                      or affected family members could receive up to
                                                                                                                      12 weeks of free confdential counselling with
                                                                                                                      specially trained counsellors. The counselling
                                                                                                                      can be face to face, over the telephone or
                                                                                                                      online, which offers great fexibility.
                                                                                                                        This service is easy to access, if you are:
                                                                                                                      • Over the age of 18 years.
                                                                                                                      • Registered with a GP in the district.
                                                                                                                      • Concerned about your drug or alcohol use.
                                                                                                                      • Affected by someone else’s drug or
                                                                                                                           alcohol use.
                                                                                                                        You can self refer or be referred by
                                                                                                                      your GP, please call 01483 590150,
                                                                                                                      e-mail reachout@catalystsupport.org.uk,
                                                                                                                      text 07909 631623, or visit

Your Covid-19 recovery
If you are recovering from Covid-19, you may still be coming to
terms with the impact the virus has had on your body and mind.
These changes should get better over time, but there are      pandemic, there is also support available for you,
things you can do to help. Regular physical activity, along   friends, family or colleagues.
with eating well, can help you recover and build your            The NHS website Your Covid Recovery can help you
muscle strength. Talking about your experience to family,     understand what has happened and what you might
friends or a professional counsellor can also help.           expect as part of your recovery, visit
   If you are coping with death and grief during the          www.yourcovidrecovery.nhs.uk.

                                                                                                                          Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022               13

Join the Friday Night
If you are aged between 11 and 16 years old, come along
and join the Friday Night Project at de Stafford Sports Centre
in Caterham.
The One Time Youth Agency organises a multi                7.30pm every Friday in term time and costs
activity evening for young people who can socialise
and take part in activities such as box ft, futsal,
                                                           £3 per session. Parental consent is required.   Supporting the
trampolining, badminton, football, table tennis,
dance, gym and much more.
                                                             For more information, e-mail
                                                           Juliet.mason@freedom-leisure.co.uk, or pop      community
                                                           along on Friday.
  The Friday Night Project runs from 5.30pm to
                                                                                                           We have two organisations
                                                                                                           in the district which offer
                                                                                                           services and support
                                                                                                           to residents, making a
                                                                                                           real difference to the
                                                                                                           local community.
                                                                                                           Tandridge Voluntary Action (TVA)
                                                                                                             The TVA runs two services for residents:
                                                                                                             1. The befriending scheme, which aims to
                                                                                                                provide friendship to people who are feeling
                                                                                                                lonely or socially isolated.
                                                                                                             2. Reading groups.
                                                                                                             For more information, please e-mail
                                                                                                           info@tva.org.uk, or call 01883 722593.

                                                                                                           The Westway
                                                                                                             The Westway community cafe and wellbeing
                                                                                                           centre in Chaldon Road, Caterham provides
                                                                                                           services, leisure activities and a cafe which is
                                                                                                           open to everyone in the district.
                                                                                                             You can view the full programme of
                                                                                                           activities and services on offer by visiting
                                                                                                           www.thewestway.org or calling
                                                                                                           01883 347230.

Would you like to improve
your general health, lose
weight or make new friends?
The team at de Stafford Sports Centre is running
weekly wellbeing walks every Wednesday from
10.30am, meeting in the centre’s reception at
   Everyone is welcome and the walks are suitable for
all, including older adults. The walks don’t involve any
steep hills and last around an hour and 15 minutes.
The group goes out in most weather conditions except
snow and ice.
   For more information, e-mail
Juliet.mason@freedom-leisure.co.uk, or
just join the next Wednesday wellbeing walk.

14    Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022

Making our streets safer                                                                                                 Fighting
Last year, Surrey Police successfully secured over £300,000                                                              fraud together
in Safer Streets funding to help tackle burglary and
                                                                                                                         Criminals are experts at
neighbourhood crime in the district.
                                                                                                                         impersonating people,
The funding is being used to reduce the number of                    The funds are being used to make buildings or       organisations and the police.
burglaries, particularly for sheds and outhouses in                an area less attractive to criminals. This includes   Every year, billions of
the Godstone and Bletchingley areas, with                          the following activities:
bikes and garden equipment being the main
                                                                                                                         pounds are lost to fraudsters.
                                                                   • Installing nine Automatic Number Plate Reader
items targeted.                                                      (ANPR) cameras around the district.                 Fraud can take place in the form of bogus callers
                                                                                                                         and rogue traders who visit homes or businesses
                                                                   • Contacting over 150 repeat victims of burglary      claiming to be someone they are not. This crime can
                                                                     and theft in the area to complete an eligibility    include bank fraud, health scams, online shopping
                                                                     assessment for crime prevention kits.               fraud and romance scams.
                                                                   • Installing a defensive planting area. This             We are working with partner agencies including
                                                                     provides a natural prickly barrier, so intruders    the police to raise awareness of the risks and
                                                                     are unable to pass through or over the plants       helping to protect the most vulnerable residents in
                                                                     without hurting themselves.                         the district. We are encouraging everyone to report
                                                                                                                         scams and bogus callers to raise awareness about
                                                                   • Distributing 500 SelectaDNA kits which              types of frauds and scams.
                                                                     invisibly mark valuable items making them
                                                                                                                         Report it
                                                                     harder to sell and by displaying the window
                                                                     stickers it deters thieves from breaking in.           If you are worried, or have experienced a fraud
                                                                     These can be bought online at                       or scam, please report it to:
                                                                     www.selectadna.co.uk.                               • Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
                                                                     This scheme is making a real difference, as         • Surrey and Buckinghamshire Trading Standards
                                                                   there has been a reduction in domestic burglaries           on 0808 223 1133.
                                                                   compared to this time last year. The police is           To report someone you suspect is involved in
                                                                   working with the community and partners to            fraud or any other crime and you’d like to remain
                                                                   ensure residents and their personal belongings are    anonymous, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Police Community Support Offcers Wren and Wells helping keep the
                                                                   as safe as possible.                                  or visit www.crimestoppers-uk.org.
district safe.

Scam alert                                                                                                               Be scam
We are aware of scams where people pretend to be from                                                                    aware
the council.
                                                                                                                         We all need to be vigilant
We will never phone, text, e-mail or visit residents                 If you are unsure, please call us on                following an increase in
to demand immediate payment or ask for a                           01883 722000 to verify the Council offcer’s
payment, unless you owe us money for council tax                   identifcation, or to confrm any payments due or       scams.
or rent.                                                           being reimbursed.                                     Scams are crimes which can happen to anyone, so
                                                                                                                         you should not feel embarrassed if you fall victim to
                                                                                                                         one. The best way to protect yourself is to:
                                                                                                                         • Stop: Take a moment to stop and
                                                                                                                             think before parting with your money or
                                                                                                                             personal information.
                                                                                                                         • Don’t click: If you receive an unexpected text,
                                                                                                                             e-mail or instant message, don’t click on any
                                                                                                                             links or attachments.
                                                                                                                         • Challenge: Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject,
                                                                                                                             refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals
                                                                                                                             will try to rush or panic you.
                                                                                                                         • Protect: Contact your bank immediately if you
                                                                                                                             think you’ve fallen for a scam and call Action
                                                                                                                             Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or visit

                                                                                                                               Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022            15

                                               sample apartments

      “Supporting Independent Living”
     Sycamore Court is a development of privately owned
retirement apartments with additional services and facilities.
        Apartments are occasionally available for resale.
It is very conveniently located in Oxted close to all amenities
       and offers a friendly and supportive environment.
   There is 24 hour staffing, domestic assistance, a laundry
                  service and lunches if required.
   For further information please telephone 01883 723500
       or visit our website www.sycamorecourt.co.uk
                 or feel free to call in at any time.


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                                                                •   coffee shop
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  Charity No: 1036450                                 1TS0222
                                                                               RH7 6LF 01342 834658

Would you like to win a
lotto money?
Since the Tandridge Together Lottery began in 2018, over
£100,000 has been won in cash prizes. One lucky winner
has won the jackpot of £25,000, with many more winning
smaller cash prizes from £25 to £2,000. Local good causes are
winners too as players have raised more than £280,000 for
the local community.
As well as this hefty sum                                                 The lottery has raised £280,000 and
of cash prizes, over                                                         supports 170 local good causes,
9,000 players have                                                               with some of them receiving       Over £25,000
won free lottery
tickets or
                                                                                    £1,500 a year from lottery
                                                                                      ticket sales.                awarded
special prizes
which have
                                                                                           If you are a local
                                                                                         good cause, such as
                                                                                                                   to local
been kindly
                                                                                         a community centre,
                                                                                         sports club, parent
by local                                                                                                           The Tandridge Together
                                                                                         teacher association or
                                                                                        animal welfare and         Community Fund has
such as
                                                                                      rescue centre, sign up and   awarded £25,872 in grants
tickets to
events, attraction                                                                  see how the lottery helps to   of up to £2,000, to 20
memberships or                                                                   deliver the valuable work you     local organisations which
vouchers for meals                                                           do for the community.                 demonstrated how the work
out. Players have also been                                            Signing up is quick, easy and free and      they do improves the health
entered into national prize draws,                       there is lots of ongoing support from the lottery         and wellbeing of people living
such as the recent £1,000 Sainsbury’s gift card prize   provider Gatherwell and the Council.                       in the district.
and the current B&Q £1,000 gift card prize.             Ready to join?                                             These grants will help a number of projects including:
Raising vital funds for good causes                        To play the lottery, or to register as a good cause,    • Introducing a playscheme for children with a wide
                                                                                                                         range of disabilities and complex needs.
   When you play the lottery it is quick and easy to    please visit www.tandridgelottery.co.uk, or call
                                                                                                                   • Supporting specialist counselling sessions for
support local causes which are close to your heart,     01883 460555.                                                    fathers and families.
with 60p of the £1 lottery ticket going to local good      If you are a local business and would like to           • Funding exercise classes for people with
causes chosen by you, or into a central fund which is   donate a special prize to be won, please e-mail                  Multiple Sclerosis.
distributed annually.                                   communications@tandridge.gov.uk.                           • Numerous projects encouraging residents to get
                                                                                                                         more active and re-socialise following the many
                                                                                                                         restrictions imposed during the pandemic.
                                                                                                                      These valuable grants are available each year
                                                                                                                   because people buy tickets to play the weekly
                                                                                                                   Tandridge Together Lottery and 10p from every £1
                                                                                                                   ticket is allocated to this fund.
                                                                                                                      Later this year, we will be inviting local charities and
                                                                                                                   voluntary groups in the Tandridge district to apply for
                                                                                                                   grants which will be awarded by the Tandridge Health
                                                                                                                   and Wellbeing Board in January 2023.
                                                                                                                      Visit www.tandridge.gov.uk/communityfund
                                                                                                                   for more information.
                                                                                                                      Until then, local good causes may like to register
                                                                                                                   with the Tandridge Together Lottery to raise vital funds
                                                                                                                   through ticket sales as 50p from every £1 lottery
                                                                                                                   ticket goes to the players chosen good cause. Some
                                                                                                                   local good causes raise £1,500 in ticket sales alone.
                                                                                                                      It is quick and easy to register at

18    Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022

Old gasholder to Courtyard Gardens
In 2018, planning permission was granted to bring the redundant Oxted gasholder down and
for the developers, St William, to re-develop the space and the former Johnsdale car park into
apartments with landscaped gardens and car parking.

Oxted gasholder before being redeveloped.                                          Atkinson House at Courtyard Gardens, Oxted.

In February 2019, a 60 tonne mobile crane               development was named Courtyard Gardens.                           feature can be seen through the main entrance
entered the site to start to dismantle the gasholder,      From June 2021 onwards, the new homeowners                      gate on Station Road East.
with most of the materials being recycled. The          started to move into two of the apartment buildings,                 The demolition of the gasholder and its
groundworks started and by the end of the year,         known as Atkinson and Beecham House and the                        replacement with a high quality residential
construction began on the basements of the three        third building, called Hardwick House, is due to be                development has enhanced Oxted’s town centre. The
apartments blocks.                                      fnished this spring.                                               new residents are exploring the wonderful shops
  In 2020, when the construction industry was             The landscaped gardens between the three                         and enjoying the wide variety of restaurants Oxted
able to return onsite after the frst lockdown, work     buildings have also taken shape and the water                      has to offer, which are right on their doorstep.
continued to build the apartment blocks and the

  Surrey Hills: your place, your voice
  The formal boundary review of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
  is continuing, led by Natural England.

  This review will consider whether additional
  areas next to the existing AONB should also be
  designated as part of the area.
    The frst phase of this review has focused on
  gathering evidence about the natural beauty of
  the areas currently outside the AONB. The initial
  public engagement exercise fnished at the end
  of January 2022 and we await feedback on this.
    Thank you to everyone who has taken part
  and given their thoughts. You can keep up to
  date with the progress of the review, at

                                                                                                                                 Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022            19

What's on in your area?
Plans for all these events are being finalised and will need to be flexible depending on national
guidance and keeping everything as Covid-19 safe as possible. Please visit the websites listed or
check Facebook community groups for the most up to date information.

                                                          Caterham                                                 Cage and nearby ancient oak, with subtle lighting
                                                            Join in Caterham Valley’s free Easter fun. From        which will create a bright spot in what has been a
                                                          Thursday 14 April to Saturday 16 April, families         dark and slightly neglected area.
                                                          will be able to take part in an Easter adventure            You can keep up to date with the latest events
                                                          around Caterham Valley Town Centre with an Easter        in Lingfeld and businesses can join the Chamber
                                                          egg hunt, fun activities and other surprises along the   by visiting
                                                          way. The trail is suitable for children aged up to 11    www.lingfeldchambersofcommerce.co.uk.
                                                          and youngsters who complete the trail will earn a        Warlingham, Chelsham and
                                                          chocolate reward at the end.                             Farleigh
                                                            For more information and to take part please visit        A number of community events are being
                                                          www.caterhamvalley.co.uk.                                planned. The frst will be the May Queen coronation
                                                          Lingfield                                                on Warlingham Green, on the weekend of 30 April.
                                                            It’s a busy time in Lingfeld this spring, with            This will be followed on 2 June by Chelsham and
                                                          something for everyone. Lingfeld Chamber of              Farleigh’s all-day Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event on
                                                          Commerce, which supports and connects its range of       Chelsham Common.
                                                          diverse businesses, is looking forward to welcoming          On Sunday 5 June, Warlingham will have its
                                                          residents to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee      Jubilee celebration on the School Common.
                                                          on 2 June.
                                                                                                                       On Saturday 18 June, Warlingham Fair at
                                                            The Chamber is also working to enhance the             Blanchman’s Farm Local Nature Reserve will take place.
                                                          appearance of its Grade I National Monument, the         Stay up to date at www.warlingham-fair.org.uk.

Oxted’s artisan market

On Saturday 26 March, the mini artisan markets
return and will be held monthly on the last Saturday
of every month in 2022.
   School holiday activities and trails are also being
planned. To be kept up to date on events and activities
in Oxted, please visit www.loveoxted.co.uk.

Caterham Festival is back!
Join in the fun, games, entertainment and community spirit in Caterham this May and June as
the Caterham Festival returns.
Here are some key dates for your diary:                    • 12 June: Think you’ve got what it takes to            • 26 June: Go along to the food festival in
                                                             make it up Waller Lane on your bike? Look                  Croydon Road for some tasty treats.
• 29 May: Join the street party, with music,
                                                             out for the unicycle entering Caterham Round            Other plans include the return of the
  dancing, games and of course the foam party.
                                                             Table’s Waller Pain this year.                        archaeological dig in Queens Park, a special
• 2 June: Celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
                                                           • 18 June: If you have any questions on                 display in the Caterham Museum and the valley
  with the Oxted band for last night of the proms
                                                             gardening, cooking, fower arranging or                family afternoon.
  on Westway Common, followed by the lighting
                                                             crafting, head to Caterham Valley Library               Visit www.caterhamfestival.org or look out
  of the beacon.
                                                             where the Caterham Horticultural Society will         for the festival’s programme from May to stay up to
• 11 June: The Caterham Carnival, including                  be answering your questions.                          date on the events, locations and timings.
  a foat procession, will tour the streets of
                                                             And don’t forget to have a rootin'-tootin' time
  Caterham Hill.
                                                             at the barn dance!

 20      Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022

Celebrating the                                                 Specsavers
Platinum Jubilee                                                Surrey Youth
In June, there will be celebrations across the country as Her
Majesty The Queen celebrates 70 years as monarch.
                                                                Games 2022
                                                                In April 2022, free sports
The Spring Bank Holiday on 2 June and the extra                 training sessions for 6-16
Bank Holiday on Friday 3 June, means we can                     year olds living or going
celebrate this momentous occasion across a four                 to school in the district will
day weekend.                                                    take place.
   A variety of celebrations will take place across the         The six week programme will give children an
district, from town and village celebrations to street          opportunity to try something new and develop
parties. Whether you choose to share a cuppa with               skills while having fun.
a neighbour on the doorstep or be part of a bigger
                                                                  On offer this year will be judo, dance,
celebration on the street,
                                                                go tri, swimming, street basketball, tennis,
the-big-jubilee-lunch has information and                       skateboarding and much more.
resources to help you celebrate the Jubilee by                    On Saturday 18 June, children can go on to
getting to know your neighbours better, sharing                 compete at the Specsavers Surrey Youth Games
friendship, food and fun with The Big Jubilee Lunch.            event at Surrey Sports Park in Guildford.
   Discover events happening near you by checking                 For more information, please visit
the map at www.platinumjubilee.gov.uk.                          www.freedom-leisure.co.uk.
   You can also fnd information on organising your
own street party or event on our website at

  Surrey Day
  On Saturday 7 May, celebrate
  the people, places and
  stories which make Surrey
  so special.
  Plans include walks along the North Downs Way,
  stopping at famous and lesser known landmarks
  and discovering the Seven Flavours of Surrey. There
  will be plenty of ways for everyone to get involved.
     Tune in to BBC Radio Surrey for a full day of
  Surrey centred coverage, including interviews with
  local celebrities and hit songs from musicians with
  Surrey connections. There will be competitions and
  opportunities to call in throughout the day.
     Keep up to date by visiting

                                                                    Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022         21

Helping the environment                                                                                            Love your
this Easter                                                                                                        garden…
We’re sure there won’t be much chocolate left over in homes
after Easter, but the same can’t be said for the packaging.
                                                                                                                   and help our
Did you know it can be recycled?                                                                                   collection
Once you’ve fnished your chocolate, the Easter
egg boxes, plastic tray packaging, foil wrap and
                                                               If you’re sending Easter cards this year, please
                                                            remember cards with glitter can’t be recycled. Why     crew
card can be recycled into new products, so please           not reuse old boxes and bags when posting gifts.
put them in your blue lidded wheeled bin or clear
                                                                                                                   Garden hedges, shrubs,
                                                               Leftover food can go in your green food caddy or    tree branches and even
recycling sacks.                                            communal green wheeled bin (at some fats), where
   If you’re not sure if your foil wrap can be              it’ll be recycled into fertiliser and used to create   plants sometimes grow
recycled, try the scrunch test! If it scrunches and         green electricity.                                     beyond garden boundaries
doesn’t spring back, it’s safe to be recycled. Foil            The search tool on our website tells you which      and can prevent the
which tries to spring back usually contains a plastic       bins to use for your recycling, visit                  collection crews from safely
lining, which can’t be recycled, so it’s best to pop        www.tandridge.gov.uk/recyclingandrubbish.
these in your rubbish bin.
                                                                                                                   collecting your bins.
                                                                                                                   They can also cause a danger to motorists and
                                                                                                                   pedestrians, block visibility at junctions, obscure
                                                                                                                   street lights and injure pedestrians, which is why
                                                                                                                   it’s so important to keep them under control.
                                                                                                                      If your home borders a road, footpath or
                                                                                                                   verge, you’ll really help us by please trimming
                                                                                                                   any vegetation, so our team can safely collect
                                                                                                                   your bins. Ideally, hedges and trees should be
                                                                                                                   cut back to your home’s boundary, kept clear of
                                                                                                                   street lights and trimmed to allow a height of
                                                                                                                   2.3 metres underneath, when over a pavement
                                                                                                                   or path.

Well done to our recyclers!
Tandridge is ranked 10th in England for its recycling
performance for 2020/2021, six places higher than last year.
We are seventh in the non-unitary councils’ rankings, second in Surrey and fourth in the whole of the
south east.
  A big thank you to all our residents for your efforts. Let’s see if we can rank even higher next year.

Compost your garden waste                                                                                          Green Waste Club
Composting your garden waste at home is the most                                                                   Why not join the Green Waste
environmentally friendly option and with discounted bins,                                                          Club to benefit from fortnightly
it’s cheap too. To find out more visit www.surreyep.org.uk.                                                        garden waste collections?
If you’d prefer to have it collected, join the Green Waste Club. Your garden waste will be collected from a        Visit www.tandridge.gov.uk/
brown bin we supply, which you leave at the edge of your property on your collection day. Visit
                                                                                                                   gardenwaste to find out more.
www.tandridge.gov.uk/gardenwaste for more information.
   Residents can also take garden waste to their local community recycling centre for free.

22    Tandridge Magazine Spring 2022
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