The Alignment of Vectors: Creating the Perfect Storm - Institute ...

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The Alignment of Vectors: Creating the Perfect Storm - Institute ...
Taking the Long View in a Time of Great Uncertainty

The Alignment of Vectors: Creating the Perfect Storm
Jack Jekowski
Industry News Editor and INMM Historian

      In previous columns I have written           the organization toward a particular future         stimulating their imaginative processes to
about the power of scenario planning as            world. Those additional steps included:             ensure that future worlds can be adapted
a tool to stretch the mindset of managers              •    Performing real time research of           to or changed. One of the best “compli-
and policy makers to prepare for multiple                   indicators and identifying events          ments” I received after implementing these
possible futures. By creating stories of
                                                            that were described in the sce-            tools was in the form of a sincere complaint
future worlds, driven by uncertain forces                   narios and using tools such as an          from a senior manager in the Enterprise: “I
and events, leaders can rehearse their                      “indicator wheel;” and from that           used to be able to enjoy a morning coffee
decision making in a less stressful envi-                   information developing a set of            while reading the newspaper; now, I find I
ronment than might otherwise cause their                    vector diagrams to stimulate strate-       am analyzing everything that is going on
judgement to be clouded by emotion and                      gic discussions. Those discussion          in the world with respect to the scenar-
adrenaline.                                                 then provided the basis for senior         ios we developed and wondering what
      As a novice scenario planner in the                   management to “connect the dots”           we should be doing in response to them.
1990’s, under the tutelage of the “master”                  to speculate on where the world            Jack, you have ruined my morning relax-
scenario planner, Peter Schwartz,2 I noted                  is headed. Through this process,           ing time.” That was an eye-opener for
that once the scenarios were created, they                  strategies previously developed            me that said the process was working.
too often “sat on the shelf,” along with other              could be activated to adapt to or          Subsequently, as I have implemented the
strategic plans and guidance documents,                     modify the path to the future.             Scenario process in various organiza-
as the organization moved on to the more               •    Revisit the scenarios when the anal-       tions, the most successful and long-lasting
mundane and urgent tasks of the day-to-                     ysis performed demonstrates that           implementations have involved the identi-
day business operations. While working                      movement has occurred far enough           fication of staff who continuously perform
an early set of scenarios with clients within               into a future world that the construct     research on current events applicable to
the DOE/NNSA I realized that additional                     itself needs to be reimagined.             the organization’s scenarios, apply the
important steps needed to be added to                                                                  vector analysis tool, and keep the scenario
the traditional eight steps3 taught by Peter       Scenario Research and Vector                        discussions alive with senior management.
to not only keep the scenarios “alive”             Analysis                                            In performing scenario research, a simple
but also to utilize the work that had been                 By performing these two additional          table construct is used to document perti-
invested in them to understand in real time        steps, the scenarios are “kept alive” for man-      nent issues and events (shown here with
the direction current events were taking           agement and policy makers, continuously             one pertinent example for INMM):

 Scenario Topical Area               Events/Indicator                                              Strategic Implications
 Iran’s nuclear activities and the   New U.S. Administration and opening of negotiations for the   Technical assistance may be needed by the IAEA to
 JCPOA status                        possible return of the U.S. to the JCPOA.                     implement verification activities under the JCPOA.
                                     Actions taken by Iran in breach of its JCPOA commitments,     Challenges presented by hostile actions in the
                                     including exceeding the 3.67% limit for enriching uranium.    Middle East, which may increase if the U.S. return to
                                                                                                   the JCPOA does not occur.
                                     Sabotage attacks at Natanz facility to disrupt enriched
                                     uranium production and advanced centrifuge deployment.

152    Journal of Nuclear Materials Management                                                                                2021 Volume XLIX No. 1
The Alignment of Vectors: Creating the Perfect Storm - Institute ...
Taking the Long View in a Time of Great Uncertainty

     It is not uncommon for this table to be          This tool helps participants to visual-      •    Climate change and the increasing
several pages long over a review period        ize the broader topical areas they should                militarization of the Arctic.4
(typically 3 or 4 months) and, depending       be monitoring and can be placed in the              •    Socio-economic turmoil driven by
on the talents of the researcher(s) devel-     workplace to help inform the organiza-                   technology.
oping the materials, may still be incom-       tion of the issues that are impacting their         •    Continuing global outbreaks of
plete when presented to management,            future. The inner circle represents indica-              COVID-19 and the aftermath global
who often have additional insights based       tors very close to the organization which it             impacts including the recent
upon their position in the organization        may have the most impact upon, the next                  development of virtual technology
and sphere of knowledge outside the            level are those more global indicators that              platforms and travel restrictions.
organization.                                  influence the organization, and the outer           •    Aftermath of the COVID-19
     As time goes on, managers (or policy      circle represents international indicators               pandemic on the INMM Annual
makers) will often start to add their own      that affect the future direction of the world.           Meeting and Workshop format and
information and knowledge to the Events               Current indicators that could be moni-            attendance.
or Indicators to enrich the discussion and     tored for their impact on the INMM include:         •    Success of student and diversity
further enhance the development of the            •    Iran’s nuclear activities and the                initiatives, membership educational
strategic implications. The events identi-             renegotiation of the Joint Compre-               opportunities and other factors to
fied link back to the scenarios that were              hensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).                  promote the growth and prosperity
developed, where the organization specu-          •    North Korea Nuclear program                      of the Institute.
lated on what events might take the world              – and the potential restart of                  Some of these Indicators have been
into a possible future. The Indicators also            diplomatic discussions.                  significantly influenced by the change
are established in the scenario process for       •    Russian nuclear weapons mod-             in U.S. Administration under President
the organization and represent the top-                ernization program, deployment of        Biden, as well as the on-going COVID-19
level “watch areas” that a particular focus            new technologies, and threats to         pandemic.
should be placed on for the research that              Ukraine.                                        In a previous column5 I had identified
is performed. An example of a “Scenario           •    China nuclear weapons modern-            two orthogonal axes (Figure 2) that might
Indicator Wheel” (Figure 1) developed                  ization, aggression in the East and      serve as the basis for an organizational
more than two decades ago for a client                 South China Seas, and threats to         scenario construct for the INMM:
in the U.S. DOE is shown in the adjacent               Taiwan.                                     •    The Advancement and Control of
figure.                                           •    Programmatic decisions for the U.S.              Nuclear Technology
                                                       nuclear weapons modernization               •    Global Nuclear Security Threats
                                                       program, and updates to the U.S.                Developed in 2016, these two axes are
                                                       Nuclear Posture Review.                  still applicable today as potential orthogo-
                                                  •    Middle East tensions.                    nal topics, with some new elements added
                                                  •    Increased use of cyber-attacks and       with respect to the development of hyper-
                                                       disinformation.                          sonic delivery vehicles, nuclear powered
                                                  •    Developments associated with the         cruise missiles and underwater ordinance,
                                                       implementation of BREXIT.                offensive cybersecurity actions, as well as
                                                  •    Deployment of new Nuclear Power          the development of Artificial Intelligence
                                                       Plant (NPP) technologies, including      with respect to nuclear launch-decisions.
                                                       Small Modular Reactors (SMRs).

          Figure 1. Scenario Indicator Wheel

Journal of Nuclear Materials Management                                                                         2021 Volume XLIX No. 1       153
Figure 2. Vector Diagram of Two Orthogonal Axes Representing the Basis for an Organizational Scenario Construct for the INMM

      A typical vector analysis resulting from     better fit the mindset of management as             multiple nation-states to test the mettle of
research conducted against the indicators          well as the reality of the current world they       the new U.S. Administration in the current
shown earlier and events is shown notion-          are in, all the while bringing further insight      delicate balance that exists worldwide,
ally in the adjacent figure to demonstrate         into the global events that are influencing         pushing the world into an unfavorable
the visual impact that can result using this       the future of the world.                            quadrant of our scenario construct that
tool. The strength and direction of the                                                                shows increasing Global Nuclear Security
vectors is shown qualitatively based on the
                                                   The Alignment of Vectors in                         Threats and the Advancement of Nuclear
importance of the strategic implications of
                                                   Our Current World: Creating                         Technology. These include:
each research area. It is not uncommon
                                                   the Perfect Storm                                       •   Increasingly aggressive behavior
                                                        In our current world there has been
when a scenario researcher presents this                                                                       by China with respect to the East
                                                   a disturbing alignment of indicators and
information to the organization leaders                                                                        and South China seas as well as
                                                   events, leading to strategic implications
they will immediately jump in and offer                                                                        Taiwan.7
                                                   that have been noted by some analysts.6
their opinions and perspectives. This typ-                                                                 •   The growth and modernization of
                                                   These implications lead to speculation on
ically will lead to very rich strategic discus-                                                                China’s nuclear stockpile.8
                                                   the simultaneous confluence of threats by
sions that can help shape the analysis to                                                                  •   Continued Russian nationalistic

154    Journal of Nuclear Materials Management                                                                                2021 Volume XLIX No. 1
posturing in the Middle East, and         about how the Institute and its mem-                the Long View,” can still be obtained
        the Ukraine.  9
                                                  bership might be able to adapt to, and              online (
   •    Development of nuclear technolo-          perhaps, influence the future.                      Art-Long-View-Planning-Uncertain/
        gies, including hypersonic delivery            This column is intended to serve as            dp/0385267320).
        vehicles.10                               a forum to present and discuss current         3.   Those steps included: 1) Identifying
   •    Unrest in the Middle East.11              strategic issues impacting the Institute            a Focal Issue or Question (what the
   •    Cyber-attacks and disinformation          of Nuclear Materials Management in                  most important long-term influence
        campaigns.12                              the furtherance of its mission. The views           would be on the organization); 2)
   •    Iran’s nuclear activities and the         expressed by the author are not neces-              identifying key external drivers and
        JCPOA.13                                  sarily endorsed by the Institute but are            environmental forces; 3) identifying
   •    North Korea missile and nuclear           intended to stimulate and encourage                 what the most critical and most
        weapons activities.14                     JNMM readers to actively participate in             uncertain drivers of the future will be
   •    Changes to U.K. nuclear policy to         strategic discussions. Please provide               (critical uncertainties); 4) developing
        address emerging technologies.15          your thoughts and ideas to the Institute’s          the scenario logic diagram—four
   •    Continuing domestic strife in the         leadership on these and other issues of             worlds that will challenge the mindset
        United States, immigrations issues,       importance. With your feedback we hope              of management, through the identifi-
        deficit spending, and recovery            to create an environment of open dia-               cation of orthogonal axes; 5) identi-
        initiatives as the nation emerges         logue, addressing the critical uncertainties        fying indicators and potential events
        from the COVID-19 pandemic.               that lie ahead for the world, and identify          in each future world that would drive
       A preliminary vector analysis of these     the possible paths to the future based on           it in that direction; 6) developing
and other indicators point to an emerging         those uncertainties that can be influenced          stories of each future that will capture
threat to global stability that could have a      by the Institute. Jack Jekowski can be              the imagination of management and
dramatic impact on the technical and sci-         contacted at                    others; 7) developing strategies to
entific work performed by Institute mem-                                                              survive or prosper in each world, or
bership. In this future world, adversary          Endnotes                                            alternatively, allow the organization
nation-states, leveraging the domestic            1.   For a discussion of past Scenario-re-
                                                                                                      to change the actual direction of the
and economic turmoil in the United States,             lated columns, see: Jekowski J. 2020.
                                                                                                      future world, including the identifica-
will push forward their agendas, perhaps               Taking the Long View in a Time of
                                                                                                      tion of “robust strategies” that might
waiting for the first “domino” to fall, result-        Great Uncertainty – Scenario Plan-
                                                                                                      be common to all future worlds; and
ing in a global disruption that could result           ning in the Age of COVID-19. JNMM,
                                                                                                      8) publicizing the stories to garner
in the United States having to make unde-              Vol. 48, No.1, pp. 32-36.
sirable foreign policy trade-offs.                2. Peter Schwartz was a scenario
                                                                                                 4.   See “It Would be a Mistake to Under-
                                                       planner for Royal Dutch Shell during
                                                                                                      estimate Russia: The New Cold War
Where Do We Go from Here?                              the energy crisis of the 1970’s and
                                                                                                      That is Emerging in the Arctic,” https://
       In future columns I plan to present             formed his own company, Global
additional research and analysis on this               Business Network (GBN), to offer the
topic including the further development of             powerful scenario planning tool to
the INMM scenario construct, to continue               industry and government. His efforts
to research topics against indicators and              in leading the major scenario plan-
                                                                                                 5. See: Jekowski J. 2016. Taking the
current events, and apply the vector anal-             ning effort in South Africa called the
                                                                                                      Long View in a Time of Great Uncer-
ysis process to demonstrate the power of               Mount Fleur Scenarios contributed
                                                                                                      tainty – Rehearsing Possible Futures.
the scenario planning tool. Such a devel-              to the elimination of Apartheid in that
                                                                                                      JNMM, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.58-61.
opment can lead to strategic discussions               country. His seminal work, “The Art of
                                                                                                 6. The U.S. National Intelligence Council

Journal of Nuclear Materials Management                                                                           2021 Volume XLIX No. 1     155
recently published “Global Trends             can-the-united-states-prevent-a-           12. See “US Intelligence Report Warn
      2040,”         war-over-taiwan/?utm_source=-                  of Increased Cyber Offensive,
      global-trends-home, which describes           Sailthru&utm_medium=e-                         Disinformation Around the World,”
      a more chaotic and divided world              mail&utm_campaign=EBB%20             
      influenced greatly by climate change,         03.02.21&utm_term=Editorial%20-%20             us-intelligence-report-warns-of-in-
      technology, social and economic               Early%20Bird%20Brief (3/1/21).                 creased-offensive-cyber-disinforma-
      upheavals, and the COVID-19              8. See “The Number of Chinese                       tion-around-the-world/ (4/8/21).
      pandemic. In the report, four tense           Nuclear Warheads,” https://                13. See “Natanz Attack Hit 50 Meters
      and dark future scenario worlds are                  Underground, Destroyed Most of the
      discussed: “A World Adrift,” “Compet-         cles/2021/04/27/the_number_of_                 Facility,”
      itive Coexistence,” “Separate Silos,”         chinese_nuclear_warheads_774594.               dle-east/natanz-attack-destroyed-fa-
      and “Tragedy and Mobilization.” The           html?mc_cid=6fd87bd53b&mc_                     cility-50-meters-underground-664979
      report also provides a fifth scenario         eid=629ee69f92 (4/27/21).                      (4/13/21).
      that is more promising: “Renaissance     9.   See “What Will Russia Do With Forces       14. See “Kim Jong Un’s Record of April
      of Democracies” (in scenario par-             Massed on Ukraine’s Borders,” https://         Missile Tests Raises Prospects of
      lance, this would be called a “desir-           Launches,” https://www.nknews.
      able future” and is often included to         russia-do-with-forces-massed-on-               org/2021/04/kim-jong-uns-record-of-
      avoid turning participants away from          ukraines-borders/?mc_cid=2e907e-               april-missile-tests-raises-prospect-
      the overall scenario effort). For sum-        801b&mc_eid=629ee69f92                         of-launches-reveals/?mkt_tok=MD-
      maries of the report, see “The U.S.           (4/20/21) and “Ukraine Mulls Nuclear           k1LVBQVi04MTMAAAF8a-cn45ow-
      Intelligence Community’s Harrowing            Arms to “Guarantee” its Defense,”              fkAYs_ZPVqiSQONRSL-1zpfAFhw4P_
      Take on Our Possible Futures,”                     UXRKsnym_pr9F_cviOnGsJ-JGzE-          mulls-nuclear-arms-to-guarantee-               FGUX6ywtuT6V1cfGyYuByfkPEStL-
      articles/29583/for-u-s-intelligence-          its-1588352/ (4/15/21).                        WOC88Z9YaQWsybedg (4/13/21).
      threats-cloud-the-horizon-in-global-     10. See “Russia’s ‘Doomsday Drone’              15. See “Britain Changes Policy So It Can
      trends-2040 (5/4/21), and “Why Spy            Prepares for Testing,” https://www.            Use Nuclear Weapons in Response to
      Agencies Say the Future is Bleak,”                   Emerging Technologies,” https://www.           russias-doomsday-drone-prepares-for- 
      opinion/global-trends-intelligence-re-        testing-a70386                                 cy-so-it-can-use-nukes-in-response-to-
      port.html (5/4/21).                           (5/4/21); “Russia’s Skyfall Missile,”          emerging-tech.html (3/17/21).
7.    See “Washington is Avoiding the     
      Tough Questions on China and                  news/12657452/russia-skyfall-nucle-
      Taiwan,” https://www.foreignaffairs.          ar-missile-five-eyes-briefing/ (5/3/21);
      com/articles/asia/2021-04-28/                 and “Russia Plans New Hypersonic
      washington-avoiding-tough-ques-               Missile Test Amid Arms Race with U.S.
      tions-taiwan-and-china?utm_                   and China,” https://www.newsweek.
      source=Sailthru&utm_medium=e-                 com/russia-plans-new-hyperson-
      mail&utm_campaign=EBB%20                      ic-missile-test-amid-arms-race-us-
      04.29.21&utm_term=Editorial%20                china-1578678 (5/6/2021).
      -%20Early%20Bird%20Brief                 11. See “The Taliban Are Ready to Exploit
      (4/28/21), and “Can the United                America’s Exit,” https://en.haberler.
      States Prevent a War Over Taiwan,”            com/ukraine-mulls-nuclear-arms-to-            guarantee-its-1588352/ (4/14/21).

156     Journal of Nuclear Materials Management                                                                    2021 Volume XLIX No. 1
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