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Page created by Danny Day
The Allergist - Oklahoma ...
The Allergist
       A newsletter from the Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic                               Fall 2021

Ragweed Pollen Allergy Strikes                                                     Start of Flu Season
                                                                                   Amid Rising Covid-19
in Late Summer, Fall                                                               Cases Causing Concern
Just when you thought summer al-                                                   of a “Twindemic”
lergies were, hopefully, beginning to
wane, a weed that LOVES to grow in
Oklahoma starts showing up in our
counts. With 17 species of ragweed
in the U.S., this pollen usually starts
reaching peak levels near the end of
August through October. Ragweed
pollen can cause seasonal allergic
rhinitis – commonly known as hay
fever – which affects as many as 23
million people.                           weeks before the beginning of rag-
Ragweed allergy symptoms include          weed season.
sneezing, runny nose, nasal conges-                                                          Laura Chong, M.D.
                                          To avoid pollen, know which pollens
tion, headaches, irritated eyes and       you are sensitive to and then check      Last year ended up being the mildest
itchy throat. Ragweed pollen can          pollen counts. In spring and summer,     influenza season on record. Howev-
also aggravate asthma symptoms,           during tree and grass pollen season,     er, health experts are warning about
leading to increased coughing and         levels are highest in the evening. In    a possible ‘twindemic’ where flu and
wheezing.                                 late summer and early fall, during       COVID-19 cases rise and overwhelm
How can you avoid exposure to             ragweed pollen season, levels are        hospitals, may be possible this fall.
ragweed pollen? Avoidance is the          highest in the morning.                  “We urge everyone to get their year-
easiest way but not so easy for those     Keep your windows closed at all          ly flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccina-
who like to spend time outdoors or        times, both at home and in the car.      tion,” said OAAC Allergist Dr. Laura
work outside.                                                                      Chong.
                                          Remember that pollen can be
Medication options include oral           tracked into your home via your          As students return to in person learn-
antihistamines, intranasal antihis-       clothes, your hair or your pet — so      ing and mask and social distancing
tamines, or nasal corticosteroids.        change your clothes after being out-     rules have been relaxed, disease ex-
Other options available are over-         side for long periods of time, shower    perts from Johns Hopkins and the
the-counter supplements that con-         before going to bed and wash your        CDC are concerned about the rise in
tain antihistamine properties.            hands after petting an animal that       flu and COVID-19 patients.
Immunotherapy (allergy shots) is          has been outside.                        In one week in August, the U.S. re-
another option. Traditional immu-         Oral Allergy Syndrome                    ported more than 1.05 million cases
notherapy desensitizes patients to                                                 of COVID-19 – amounting to 104
                                          Sometimes when people suffering
ragweed allergens and so they can                                                  cases every minute, according to
                                          from hay fever eat raw fruits, vegeta-
be exposed to it without symptoms                                                  John Hopkins data. Nationwide, ICU
                                          bles or certain tree nuts, they devel-
and can live a normal life. An FDA-                                                beds are filling and threatening hos-
                                          op an itchy mouth, a scratchy throat
approved tablet known as Ragwitk                                                   pital capacities.
                                          or swelling in their lips, mouth,
is also available that dissolves under
                                          tongue or throat. This can be a sign
the tongue and desensitize ragweed
allergens. Pills must be started 12               (continued on page 6)                    (continued on page 6)
The Allergist - Oklahoma ...
Yummy yet Nutritious Lunches for Food Allergic Children
Let’s be honest – packing school
lunches every day can be hard. As a
parent of a kid with food allergies,                                                    Using cookie cutters to
you want it to be:                                                                      cut shapes is another
•   Nutritious                                                                           way to make lunch
                                                                                              more fun.
•   Tasty
•   Portable
•   Kid-friendly
•   Free of your child’s food aller-
But these types of lunches take time
to prepare. Busy days make it easy
to fall into a rut where you find your-
self sending the same lunch with
your child every day.                     to using pepitas (pumpkin seeds),          into fun shapes. Fill them with your
Kids With Food Allergies (KFA) is         parsley or sorrel leaves, basil, garlic,   child’s favorite taco fillings, such as
here to help make packing lunches         olive or grapeseed oil, lemon juice,       refried beans, taco meat, chorizo,
a little easier with some creative tips   and nutritional yeast (optional).          and regular or milk-free cheese. Or
and recipes from our staff and food       Sundried tomato spread – There are         make pizza-dillas filled with pizza
allergy community members. Check          a lot of different ways to use sun-        toppings like sausage, pepperoni,
out these allergy-friendly lunch box      dried tomatoes. You can do a “tap-         pizza sauce, and regular or milk-free
hacks!                                    enade” or even mix it with a safe          cheese. Use cookie cutters to cut
                                          cream cheese.                              them into fun shapes. Add toppings
Sandwiches and Wraps                                                                 like olives, bell peppers, mushrooms,
Let’s start with sandwiches – the go-     “Cream cheese” and jam sand-               and more to add faces or decoration
to for kids’ lunches. They are simple     wiches – If your child has a milk al-      to cutouts.
and customizable. If you’re look-         lergy, pair a safe jam with a milk-free
                                          “cream cheese.”                            But don’t stop there. Cut fruit slices,
ing for some ideas outside of lunch                                                  pancakes, flatbreads, homemade
meat or nut- or seed-free butters,        You can turn just about any sand-          brownies, and Rice-Only Crispy Ce-
try these sandwich spreads free of        wich into a wrap by using a safe tor-      real Treats into fun shapes.
milk, soy, egg, gluten, peanut, tree      tilla or flatbread. To add some fun,
nuts, and sesame from Melanie             send salsa, guacamole, or a home-          Bento Boxes
Carver, chief mission officer of the      made sauce with it for dipping.            Nothing gives you endless options
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of          Crazy Cutouts                              like a bento box. A bento box is a
America (AAFA):                                                                      type of lunch box that holds a single-
                                          Since we’re talking about sand-            serving meal. They are a great way
Chickpea-free and sesame-free             wiches, let’s talk about presenta-
hummus – Use great Northern white                                                    to give your child a varied, nutritious
                                          tion. Sometimes adding a little fun        lunch.
beans instead and blend with lemon        is enough to make a common lunch
juice, olive oil, garlic, and salt.       more entertaining for little ones.         You can buy bento boxes that come
Olive tapenade – Blend up olives, ca-     Use cookie cutters to turn any lunch       with separate food compartments.
pers, olive oil, and add herbs and/or     into a themed lunch. You can cut           If you don’t have a bento-style box,
garlic as well.                           sandwiches into shapes to go along         you can make your own with a large,
                                          with holidays, seasons, or your kid’s      reusable food container. Use cup-
Artichoke tapenade – Blend ar-                                                       cake liners or smaller food contain-
tichoke hearts with lemon juice,          favorite animals.
                                                                                     ers to hold individual food items.
herbs, and olive oil.                     Quesadillas are also a versatile op-
                                          tion that can be customized accord-        The internet is full of bento box ideas
Pesto – You can make your own pes-
                                          ing to your child’s allergies and cut              (continued on page 4)
The Allergist - Oklahoma ...
Well-Controlled Asthma Patients See Less Severe COVID-19
Outcomes than those with Uncontrolled Asthma in New Study
New research published in The Jour-                                                        group. Patients in the inactive asth-
nal of Allergy and Clinical Immunol-                                                       ma group saw no increased risk for
ogy in Practice (JACI: In Practice),                                                       any of the four COVID-19 outcomes.
the official journal of the American                                                       According to the study author, Anny
Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Im-                                                           Xiang, PhD, the study found that
munology, found that those with                                                            even in patients with active asth-
asthma who needed clinical care for                                                        ma – if using asthma medications
their asthma within 12 months prior                                                        – their odds of worsened COVID-19
to their COVID-19 diagnosis had an                                                         outcomes decreased, which dem-
increased risk for severe COVID-19                                                         onstrates just how important these
outcomes. The study results rein-                                                          medications are.
forced how important it was for any-
one with asthma to work with their                ers separated more data with the         Patients in the active asthma group
healthcare provider to ensure their               active group accounting for any          who were using asthma medica-
asthma is well controlled, especially             patients who had a clinical visit for    tions were more than 25 percent
during the ongoing pandemic.                      asthma in the last 12 months and an      less likely to have several COVID-19
                                                  inactive group accounting for those      outcomes compared with those
Researchers collected data on COV-                                                         not taking asthma medications. The
ID-19 patients using electronic med-              who had not.
                                                                                           odds for hospitalization were still
ical records from Kaiser Permanente               The studied group consisted of           higher for those with IRS and ICU
Southern California from March                    2,751 in the inactive asthma group       admission than those in the inac-
1-Aug. 31, 2020. Medical codes                    and 2,775 in the active asthma           tive group. The study demonstrated
were used to see if these patients                group. Additionally, 820 patients        how important asthma medications
had asthma or chronic obstructive                 had a history of COPD. Those with        are for improving asthma control
pulmonary disease (COPD) prior to                 active asthma had higher odds of         and therefore COVID-19 outcomes.
their COVID-19 diagnosis. Research-               being hospitalized, a need for inten-    Future research is needed to take a
                                                  sive respiratory support (IRS) and       closer look at asthma care, including
 “The Allergist” is published quarterly by the
 Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic. Contents
                                                  ICU admission within 30 days of CO-      medications and how those factors
 are not intended to provide personal medical     VID-19 diagnosis compared to those       impact COVID-19 severity.
 advice, which should be obtained directly from   with no history of asthma or COPD.
 a physician.
                                                  A history of COPD was associated         Those with asthma should continue
 “The Allergist” welcomes your letters,           with a higher risk of hospitalization,   to work with their healthcare pro-
 comments or suggestions for future issues.       IRS and mortality within 60 days         vider to ensure they are getting the
 Send to:
                                                  from COVID-19. Researchers didn’t        best treatment for their asthma,
 The Allergist
 750 NE 13th Street                               see a higher likelihood of mortality     which leads to better control and
 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5051
                                                  within 60 days for the active asthma     decreases the likelihood of severe
 Phone: 405-235-0040                                                                       COVID-19 outcomes.

 Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic
 Editorial Advisory Board
                                                                                                  Happy 30th
 Dean A. Atkinson, M.D.
 Laura K. Chong, M.D.                                                                             OAAC Work
 Scott B. Dennis, MHA
 Maya N. Gharfeh, M.D.
 Richard T. Hatch, M.D.
 Bret R. Haymore, M.D.
 Gregory M. Metz, M.D.                                                                            to Dr. Patricia
 Patricia I. Overhulser, M.D.
 Shahan A. Stutes, M.D.
 Karen L. Gregory, DNP
 Chelsea E. Robinson, APRN-CNP
 Stefanie E. Rollins, APRN-CNP, AE-C
 Elisa C. Thompson, APRN-CNP
The Allergist - Oklahoma ...
FAQs about the Covid-19 Vaccine
Why should I receive a vaccine               second dose of the Pfizer vaccine is       severe allergic reaction) after getting
against COVID-19?                            administered 18-23 days after vacci-       a COVID-19 vaccine. These are rare,
Protection. A COVID-19 vaccination           nation. The Moderna vaccine is ad-         occurring less than once for every
will help keep you from getting CO-          ministered 28 days after the vaccina-      200,000 injections. Please visit with
VID-19 or keep you from becoming             tion. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine        your OAAC allergist before you get
seriously ill if you get it. Having ev-      uses an adenoviral vector that can’t       the vaccine if you have a history of
eryone getting the COVID-19 vacci-           replicate and contains DNA for the         anaphylaxis or have any concerns
nation is the pathway towards stop-          spike protein. The muscles cells pro-      about receiving the vaccine.
ping the pandemic. For most people,          duce the spike protein which stimu-        Should I take my allergy and asthma
the benefits far outweigh the risks.         lates the immune system to make            medicine the same day as I receive
                                             protective antibodies. The vaccine         my COVID vaccine?
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?              only requires a single dose.
Currently the only contraindication                                                     Yes, take your routine medicines on
                                             What if I don’t get the second vac-        the same day as getting the vaccine.
(medical issue) is a history of a se-        cination within the window of time
vere allergic reaction to any of the                                                    Questions? Visit with your physician.
                                             that is recommended?
vaccine components, including a                                                         If I have a food allergy or a stinging
sensitivity to PEG (polyethylene gly-        According to the CDC, the second           insect or allergy injected caused a
col) and/or polysorbate, which cross         dose should be administered as             reaction, should I be vaccinated?
reacts with PEG. Children under age          close to the recommended interval
                                             as possible. However, if not possi-        Allergic reactions to foods, medi-
12 are not currently approved yet                                                       cines, or bee stings are not reason
for the COVID-19 vaccines. Safety            ble, the second dose of the Pfizer or
                                             Moderna vaccines can be scheduled          to avoid the vaccine. If you have a
and efficacy studies in children and                                                    history of anaphylaxis, it is recom-
adolescents are underway.                    for up to 6 weeks or 42 days after
                                             the first dose.                            mended your vaccination take place
Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?                                                           in a facility that can treat allergic re-
                                             Do both doses need to be the same?         actions and that you are observed
More than 110,000 people partici-
pated in U.S. clinical trials prior to the   Yes, if possible. The CDC says every       for 30 minutes after receiving the
approval of the current COVID-19             effort should be made to determine         vaccine.
vaccines. More than 434 million              which vaccine product was received         Should I still get a seasonal influen-
people have received the COVID-19            as the first dose. In exceptional situ-    za vaccine annually?
vaccine and more than 172 million            ations in which the Pfizer is not avail-
                                             able, any available Moderna vaccine        Yes, it is very important to get the
have received both doses. Safety has                                                    influenza vaccine since flu can cause
been demonstrated across a broad             may be administered at a minimum
                                             of 28 days.                                symptoms similar to COVID. Reduc-
range of the population across dif-                                                     ing the number of people who get
ferent ages, races and those with            When can I get a COVID-19 vaccine          severe influenza and require hospi-
different medical conditions.                booster?                                   talization will also help ensure the
Is the vaccine free and where can I          Currently, immunocompromised pa-           health care system, hospitals and
get it?                                      tients are eligible for a booster. It is   intensive care units will not be over-
There is no cost to get the vaccine          recommended 8 months after the             whelmed should the number of CO-
and many options are available at            2nd dose of Pfizer or Moderna vac-         VID cases increase during flu season.
local hospitals, pharmacies and the          cine. People who have received the         The CDC says now that COVID-19
Oklahoma County Health Depart-               Johnson and Johnson vaccine likely         vaccines and other vaccines can be
ment.                                        need a booster, but the CDC does           administered without regard to tim-
                                             not have specific recommendations          ing.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are
very similar and are equally safe and        What about an allergic reaction to         For the compete article - https://
effective. They have both met the            the vaccine?                     
rigorous safety standards set by the         There have been reports of a few           patient-questions-about-covid-19-
FDA. The only difference is that the         patients experiencing anaphylaxis (a       vaccine
The Allergist - Oklahoma ...
School Lunchbox Ideas...
       (continued from page 2)
to inspire you. AAFA Content Man-
ager and Editor, Tanya Bumgardner,
recommends keeping it simple by
giving a purpose to each section in
the box.
“I like to have one section for the
main protein or entrée, one for a
vegetable, one for a fruit, one for a
carb, and one for a dip,” Tanya says.
It takes away the guesswork by mak-
                                          you heat up the food. Then empty          Use small food containers from the
ing it easy for me to choose one item
                                          the food jar and fill.                    camping department to hold sea-
in each category each day.”
                                          Allergy-Friendly Foods and Recipes        sonings and spices. Kathy notes that
Lunchables® are similar to bento                                                    putting salt on vegetables ahead of
boxes and a popular lunch for many        When you’re planning lunches,             time draws out the water and can
kids. Create homemade versions by         check out KFA’s Allergy-Friendly          make them soggy come lunchtime.
putting safe crackers, lunch meats,       Food Finds for lunch foods you can
                                          buy. You can search for foods free        Try breakfast for lunch. For a change,
regular or milk-free cheese, and
                                          from the allergens you are avoiding.      send breakfast foods for lunch.
cookies into bento box.
                                          Our collection includes lunch-friend-     Breakfast burritos, breakfast muf-
Hot Foods                                                                           fins, and overnight oatmeal make
                                          ly foods like granola and snack bars,
An insulated food jar, like a wide-       protein bites, chips, trail mix, torti-   easy lunches you can customize ac-
mouth Thermos, can be used for            llas, cookies, and more.                  cording to your child’s allergens.
much more than soup. Pack it with                                                   Involve your child. If your child is
                                          You can also find almost 1,500 reci-
preheated leftovers, such as last                                                   old enough to help pack their lunch-
                                          pes in our Safe Eats® Allergy-Friendly
night’s stew, chili, or leftover pasta                                              es, have them help. Let them pick
                                          Foods collection. It includes recipes
and sauce.                                                                          cookie cutters and cut their own
                                          submitted by our KFA community
Many of our community members             members free of many of the most          sandwiches the night before. Store
like to use a food jar to keep foods      common allergens. You can search          a variety of single-serving snacks in
like hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and       for recipes based on the allergens        the pantry or refrigerator and let
fish sticks warm. Heat them, and          your child needs to avoid, or you can     them choose their snack each day.
then wrap them in aluminum foil           browse by category.                       Also ask your child if they have any
before placing in the food jar.                                                     creative ideas for making lunches
                                          Other Lunch Prep Tips and Tricks          fun. Kids can be so creative and may
Some of our members recommend
                                          Plan lunches like you plan other          have ideas you haven’t thought of.
filling it with jambalaya or Asian
                                          meals. One community member               Involving your child in the process
dishes. You could even try a layered
                                          finds it easiest to “plan lunches the     helps them learn beneficial self-
Chipotle-style burrito bowl.
                                          same way I do dinner – protein,           management skills.
Kathy Przywara, AAFA’s Senior Com-        carb, fruit/veggie, nutritious drink,
munity Director, recommends that                                                    KFA is the food allergy division of
                                          and maybe a dessert or chips as a         AAFA
you get a quality food jar that will be   treat.”
sure to hold heat well so your child’s                                              Looking for more school lunch
                                          Consider your child’s preferences,        ideas? Join their online community
food doesn’t dip into an unsafe tem-
                                          lunch time, and eating style. For ex-     where you can share tips and tricks
perature range before lunchtime.
                                          ample, a “build your own” pizza or        with other parents of kids with food
Be sure to preheat your food jar be-      taco lunch may seem fun, but your
fore you put food in it. It will help                                               allergies. You’ll also get educational
                                          child’s eating time may be limited.       information, food allergy news, and
the food stay warmer longer. Put hot      They may not have time to both put
or boiling water in the food jar and                                                food recalls.
                                          their lunch together and eat.
let it sit for about 10 minutes while
The Allergist - Oklahoma ...
Ragweed Allergy...
       (continued from page 1)
                                          Twindemic...                             “We would like to strongly encour-
                                                                                   age the health measures from the
                                                  (continued on page 3)            pandemic continue on this fall,” said
tongue or throat. This can be a sign                                               Dr. Chong. “Wearing masks, washing
of oral allergy syndrome — when           While flu cases have not quite           your hands and staying home when
proteins in these raw foods are simi-     shown up yet, doctors are seeing an      feeling ill will help protect people
lar enough to pollen that they cause      increase in respiratory viruses that     from getting sick and possibly infect-
an allergic response by the immune        indicate conditions may be ripe for      ing those who are most vulnerable
system. Peeling, cooking or canning       spreading fall and winter flu viruses.   health wise.”
the fruit or vegetable may prevent        Physicians are seeing a rise in Re-
symptoms for those with oral allergy      spiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases
syndrome.                                 among children in Oklahoma which
Birch, grass and ragweed pollens are      is also causing concern.
common triggers of oral allergy syn-      RSV causes mild, cold-like symptoms
drome.                                    primarily in children according to the       Remember to Follow OAAC on
If you suspect you are allergic to rag-   CDC. It is the most common cause of          Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
weed, make an appointment to be           pneumonia in children younger than       In addition to posting pollen and mold
                                          1 year old in the U.S. Some children     counts each day, OAAC also uses social
tested. Your OAAC allergist can help
                                          hospitalized with COVID also have           media to post announcements or
you manage and treat your allergies
                                          a co-infection of RSV. While RSV           educational allergy news updates.
and come up with the best treat-                                                           Follow us on Facebook
ment that fits your needs and pref-       doesn’t predict flu transmission in
erences.                                  the fall and winter, children, who are
                                          efficient transmitters of the flu, are
                                                                                         Twitter @ okallergyasthma
                                          interacting more in social settings.                  Instagram @
Immediate appointments                                                                  oklahomaallergyasthmaclinic
    are available!
                       Board Certified
                       Allergist Dr.
                       Maya Gharfeh
                       is now seeing
                       patients at our
                       Midwest City
                       and Norman

Stefani Rollins,
  AE-C, is now
seeing patients
 on Mondays,
 Tuesdays and
Wednesdays in

                      Elisa Thompson,
                          has added
                         every other
                       to her current
                         schedule in
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