The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church

Page created by Joan Jennings
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
The Beacon
Sunrise Presbyterian Church                        March 2021 Newsletter

             LENT is a journey that moves us
                         closer toward the cross
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
From the Pastor’s Desk                                                                        Rev. Vance Polley

Turning the calendar to March 1st took my breath away – a year ago this month everything suddenly changed. It is
hard for me to recall life before our present masking and social distancing. Looking back over the last year, I find it
difficult even to reconstruct each of the steps we have taken on this interminable journey, and we still face an
unknown timetable. Which got me thinking about how Jesus’ disciples faced their unknown timetable.

We read the scriptures with 20/20 hindsight, already knowing how the events unfold. I am reminded of the many
times that the disciples questioned Jesus, the purpose of his ministry, and its timetable. In an odd way, I now find
myself much more aware of their struggles and confusion.

As we approach our second Easter under the shadow of the pandemic, I find myself looking back to last Easter and
looking forward to this year’s celebration. Last year, there was no in-person worship option. This year, we have the
option with limited seating. Reserving a seat is obviously required. In this month’s issue of the Beacon, you will find
the link to the two services or you may call the church office. If you call the church office, please remember that you
must speak with Hannah for your reservation to be confirmed.

There is no Community Sunrise Service again this year (Sullivan’s Island’s mask and distancing mandates make this
gathering impractical). Once again, I will live-stream sunrise over Breach Inlet on Easter morning, playing Heidi and
Kent Kenyon’s rendition of Jesus Christ Has Risen Today and reading the Gospel of John’s account of Mary
Magdalene’s encounter with the Risen Lord.

Looking back over the last year, I realize we have moved from a sense of a brief break in the physical life of the
church to what your church staff and leaders have begun calling the pandemic pause. I am deeply grateful for the
patience and commitment of our church leaders. They have continued to serve you during this pause. Of special note
is our treasurer’s faithfulness. Cal McRae has overseen the financial life of Sunrise during extraordinary times.
Please read his report. It gives you a remarkable overview of 2020 and looks with hope to 2021. Anticipating a fall
and winter with increasing in-person activities, we are laying plans for a bright future.

Recalling Jesus’ disciples, there is a deep element of trust that he asked of them. He gave them glimpses of what God
had in store, but the reality was beyond their full comprehension. What he told them confused them because it so
transcended anything they had ever known.

The lesson for me in their struggle is the confidence they experienced and embraced after the Resurrection. You can
hear it in their voices and see it in their actions. It was not as if all uncertainty had vanished; what they discovered
was God’s profound presence in their daily lives.

The lesson of this last year for me is to trust God’s plan more deeply. The unknown timetable requires planning that
is always nimble and changeable. It has caused me to be more patient and attentive.

                                                      In God’s grace,
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Holy Week Schedule
Sunday, March 28         9:00 a.m.      Family Service (ZOOM)
                         10:00 a.m.     Palm/Passion Sunday Service

Thursday, April 1        Maundy Thursday Service - Passover Seder ~ Available On-Line

Friday, April 2           7:30 p.m.     Good Friday Service of Shadows

Sunday, April 4          Sunrise is at 6:29 a.m. ~ Watch On-Line sunrise over Breach Inlet on Easter
                         9:00 a.m.    Celebration of the Resurrection (reservations required for in
                         person worship)
                         Family Service (ZOOM) ~ Between Services
                         11:00 a.m. Celebration of the Resurrection (reservations required for in
                         person worship)

                                      Sunrise Church will have two Easter morning services at 9
                                      & 11 am. There is limited in person seating in the Sanctuary
                                      per service. Masks and appropriate social distancing are
                                      required. Please use the signup link below for the service
                                      time of your choice and the amount of people in your family
                                      attending or you may reserve your seats by contacting the
                                      church office at (843) 883.3888 or


                                                          Daylight Savings
                                                            Time Begins
                                                         Sunday, March 14th.
                                                            Don’t forget to set your
                                                          clocks AHEAD 1 Hour on
                                                                   the 13th!
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
2020 Treasurer’s Annual Report
                                         Cal McRae – Treasurer

Hi friends, I hope everybody is doing well, and making the most of the coronavirus situation! With the
vaccines being rolled out, let’s all hope that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, and we can be gathering
again in earnest in the not too distant future!

I wanted to give you some feedback on our financial situation, since we’re not able to meet together at the

With the coronavirus pandemic upon us for the past year, plus the stock market slide and then rebound, it
has definitely been an interesting and challenging year. However, I would say for the situation we are in, we
wound up 2020 in pretty good shape!

Relative to 2019, our revenue was down about $50,000 to $302,421, however our non-personnel
expenses were also down about $30,000 to $141,946, so that certainly helped our position. Personnel
expenses were right about the same as 2019 and came in at $199,118, so the net effect was a deficit of -

It was mentioned a couple of times during the last year that we were able to apply for and obtain a Payroll
Protection Plan loan through the SBA for $36,472.50 last May. And, we were able to get that loan forgiven
in December, so applying that amount to the deficit above, we wound up with a net deficit of -$2,871.00.
All in all, I would say that’s pretty good, given the barriers we faced during the year!

Session met on February 25, and approved our budget for 2021. As you know, we did not have a pledge
campaign this past fall for 2021, so we are hoping that our revenue will not be any less than it was this
past year, and if we are lucky, maybe more! For 2021, we budgeted our revenue at $302,800. Total
expenses at $341,943. That will leave us with a deficit of -$39,143.

We applied for another PPP loan when the second round started in January, which we were awarded. The
amount is identical to 2020 at $36,472.50. Hopefully, we will be able to get it forgiven as well. Assuming
we do, and applying that to the budget deficit, would leave us with an actual deficit of -$2,671.00. We all,
obviously, would prefer to be in a more positive position, but all in all, I believe that is pretty good, if we
can achieve a bottom line in that range.

Bob Ingram, our bookkeeper, and I have continued to meet every Monday, and will continue to do so this
year to stay abreast of our financial situation. I would like to thank Bob for his continued excellent service!

Thank you again to our Counting Team volunteers who count the offerings each week and make a bank
deposit. There wasn’t much counting after March, but I’m sure they stand ready to continue on when the
timing is right. The dedicated members, some of whom have been counting for years, are Marty Belk, Phil
Riker, Ray Dickinson, Brady Long, John Shoemaker, Chip Blackwelder, Jack Heidenreich, and Cal McRae.

It’s been a pleasure serving as your treasurer over the past year. Thank you for your support, and I am
always here to answer any questions you might have.
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Join us Virtually for a Seder Passover Meal at Home
Join the disciples in the Upper Room for their celebration of the Passover with Jesus. This is Jesus’ Last Supper.
Around tables, we retell the events of the first Passover in a Seder Meal. The evening will close with communion.
This is a wonderful family event that recalls the story of the Exodus, as well as the historic context for Jesus’
institution of The Lord’s Supper.

This year, since sharing the Seder Passover Meal in the Fellowship Hall is not physically possible, we encourage you
to try something new with your family and host your own Seder Meal and Communion Service. It is very simple to
prepare. Below we have outlined the basics of what you need. On Maundy Thursday, April 1st, we will post a pre-
recorded service to accompany your meal. We hope you’ll try celebrating this special event in your homes!

You will need a large plate and muffin cups or tea cups or any little cup to put each of the items
listed below in.
 • Zaroa/Shankbone - this will not be eaten, it is purely symbolic of the passover sacrifice in the time
   of the temple, you can use a roasted chicken bone or lamb shank bone or even take a piece of tin
   foil and shape it to look like a bone.
 • Charoset - symbolizing the mortar the Jews used when slaves in Egypt is almost like a chutney.
    Most commonly made from a mix of apples, nuts and wine.
 • Beitzah/Egg - the egg should be hard boiled and roasted. It symbolizes the regular holiday
 • Karpas/Vegetable - this can be any green vegetable, but is most commonly parsley or celery, which
   we dip in salt water.
 • Maror/Bitter Herbs - this is to symbolize the bitter taste of slavery. We like to use fresh
   horseradish for this, but you can also use a bitter lettuce.
 • Chazeret - this is another form of bitter herb. You can use ground horseradish or Romaine lettuce
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
2021 Women’s Evening Bible Study
On February 16 we wrapped up our 12 month study of the Gospel According to Luke. Our next series,
which will last for nine months beginning in March 16, will be entitled Midrash: Women in the Bible.
Midrash may not be a term with which you are familiar, but I think it’s a concept you’ll find really
interesting, I know I do! It has been defined as “a Jewish mode of interpretation that not only
engages the words of the text, behind the text, and beyond the text, but also focuses on each letter,
and the words left unsaid by each line.”

You see, there are LOTS of women referenced in the Bible, but for the most part their stories are not
given nearly as much emphasis as are men’s. Think about the story of David and Bathsheeba. We
hear David’s words, we are privy to his thoughts, we get a full picture of who he is. The Bible makes
David a real, three dimensional character. Not so much with Bathsheeba. She is a passive character,
going along with whatever happens. Now part of that we can chalk up to the fact that women didn’t
have a whole lot of autonomy during those times. But women did speak, they did act, and they did
have thoughts...we just don’t always have as much access to it in scriptures. That’s where Midrash
comes in! Rabbis and other scholars over the centuries have reimagined biblical narratives, not to
replace them, but to dig deeper, ask questions, and use their “sanctified imagination” to develop
richer, more complex stories.

Each month we will look at a Midrash of a different female biblical character (starting with Leah in
March). During our final two meetings in October and November (we take a break in December) we
will discuss Sue Monk Kidd’s, THE BOOK OF LONGINGS. It is a full length novel that, in my mind, is a
sort of Midrash of the New Testament. Shout out to Mary Anne Lake for introducing it to me!
We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. For the time being we are meeting via Zoom,
but I pray we will be able to resume face-to-face meetings at some point this year...safely, of course!
If you are interested in participating in this year’s study please shoot me an email
( and I’ll send you the materials for March’s session.
I look forward to another year of fellowship, laughter, and learning! -Reece

                                Help decorate our Sanctuary for Easter Sunday! Lily and Music
                                Dedication forms can be found in your Sunday Service Bulletin, in the
                                Narthex, or you may give online at
                                with “Easter Lily” in the memo line and email your dedication to
                       Lilies are $8 each. The order
                                deadline is March 28th.
The Beacon - LENT is a journey that moves us closer toward the cross - Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Virtual/In-Person Communion ~
       Sunday, March 7th as part of the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service
                 We will be repeating our virtual communion service the 1st Sunday in March. For
                 those worshipping in-person, special preparations have been made for taking
                 communion in the sanctuary during worship.

                 To prepare for sharing communion at home, you will provide your own bread and
                 grape juice. In this way, we can share The Lord’s Supper, even though we are
                 physically separated.

                                     March Calendar
Sunday Worship Service ~ Online and In-Person at 10 am (NO FELLOWSHIP)
Family Service ~ Sundays at 9AM (ZOOM)
Adult Sunday School ~ Sunday evenings at 5 pm (ZOOM)
Women's Evening Bible Study ~ 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm (ZOOM)

Please contact the church office at if you'd like an invite.

              Give                    Please continue your financial support of the ministry
                                         and mission of Sunrise through the following ~
            Thanks                                       Mailing a check to:
                                                    Sunrise Presbyterian Church
             With                               PO Box 517, Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
                A                                                    Or
           Grateful                                                       Sundays
                                                        Give Securely Online at   at 10:00 a.m.
We are so excited to welcome your children to the 2021 Secrets of
                                 God's Creation VIRTUAL VBS at Sunrise Church! Children will discover
                                 the answers to some of the big questions about God as they sing, laugh,
                                 and craft. We will be using Zoom for live music concerts, Bible stories,
                                 and packets of easy to do at home crafts for the entire week (with all
                                 supplies included) will be mailed to you.

Mark these dates on your calendar: June 21st – June 25th. The fun starts at 9:30 am and will end at 11:00
pm. Call (843) 883-3888 or visit to register your children for this
fun adventure!

Daily Devotionals Available
March/April 2021 copies of the Upper Room and These Days are available in the Narthex and online.
If you would like us to mail you a copy, please contact the church office. You may also view an online
version by using the links below.

                         PRAYER LIST
Sunrise Church sends a meditation and prayer on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday via email and posts on
Facebook. If you’d like to receive these during this difficult time of uncertainty we are facing, you may
subscribe on our website at or by emailing the church
office at Please also continue to pray for those on the prayer list
Recent Prayer Concerns (Names are listed for a month): Cory Soal (Ross & Julie Heaton’s nephew),
Len & Denice Kowalski and their son Chris (friends of Betty Milner), Paige (niece of Alan & Melissa
Henderson), Lee Sarp, Robert Shahid, Mitch Wertz (John & Sue Worth’s son), Patrick McDougal, Brady
Moreau & Amy Wertz Moreau (John Wertz’s grandson & daughter), Catherine (friend of Melissa & Alan
Henderson), John Wertz.

Continuing Prayer Concerns: Linda Scott, Betty Hughes (friend of Shirley Joyner), Gladys Durand,
John Myatt, Bonnie Wells, Madelyn Knight (Kelly Long’s mother), Cherry Leslie (Shirley Joyner’s
friend), Leesa Phipps, Matthew Fullwood, Linda Hawkins, Les Smith (friend of Eric Lavender), Lynne
Smith, Mike McCarty (Pat Odom’s brother), April Towry (Billie McRae’s niece), Chuck Westall, Scott
Sawyer (friend of Kurt & Jayne Nendorf), Frank Godfrey, Victoria Jones, Peggy Wolford, Dorothy Rhyne,
Nancy Butler, Kerry Hardy, Betty Imsande, Lou Bovie, Shauna Nelson.
March Birthdays

 1 Roberta Blanchard     18 Molly Brinkley

 2 Bill Dawson           19 Sue Wertz

 2 Linda Nettles         20 Hieu Storey

 4 Mikayla Locke         20 Cathy Blackwelder

 6 Devin McDavid Jones   22 Joe Hager

 8 Robin Feerst          23 Dan Hancock

 8 Mary Anne Lake        23 Chris Luthy

 10 Lou Bovie            24 Gayle Nixon

 10 Barbara Dingle       24 Chris Lang

 11 Carly McDavid        25 Charlie Evans

 14 Chuck Lockhart       26 Ray Schmelter

 14 Brianna Hill         27 Walker Chalmers

 15 Elinor Varndell      28 Hope Murph

 15 Sarah Hooper         29 Tom Taylor

 17 Chip Blackwelder     31 Pat Latham

 17 Mark George          31 Bob Waller

                         31 Emily Fairchild
Church Office Hours:
                                         8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                                         Monday through Friday
                                         Phone: (843) 883-3888

                                         Sunrise Staff

    The Rev. Dr. Vance E. Polley                                             Reece Smith
              Pastor                                                    Commissioned Lay Pastor                                      

          Matthew Parker                                                  Heidi & Kent Kenyon
    Director of Music Ministries                                        Music and Vocals Ministry                                   

          Hannah Webster                  Andy Whitfield                     Bob Ingram
        Church Administrator              Youth Director                  Finance Administrator     

     Sunrise Presbyterian Church
     3222 Middle Street
     PO Box 517
     Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482
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