The Catholic Parishes of St. Mary's = Ss. Mary & Martha = Our Lady of the Snow

Page created by Allan Lowe
The Catholic Parishes of St. Mary's = Ss. Mary & Martha = Our Lady of the Snow
The Catholic Parishes of
   St. Mary’s V Ss. Mary & Martha V Our Lady of the Snow
Saint Mary’s
15 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021                  Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Tel: 315-252-9545
Office: Mon-Thu 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Secretary: Delia Westmiller
Saints Mary & Martha
(St. Francis & St Hyacinth)
299 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021
Tel: 315-252-7593
Office: Mon & Wed 9:00 am to 1 pm
Secretary: Donna Malinowski,
      Angie Gasparro
Our Lady of the Snow
(St. Joseph & St. Patrick)
℅ 15 Clark Street, Auburn, NY 13021
Tel: 315-252-9545
Remote Office: Mon-Thu
 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Parish Staff
Fr. Frank E. Lioi, Pastor & Dean
Fr. Joseph P. Maurici, III, Parochial V icar    Jesus summoned the twelve and began to send them out two by two.
Dcn. Dennis Donahue, Evangelization            FROM THE PASTOR                                            11 July 2021
Mr. Carlo Stebbings, Faith Formation                  All of us here have responded to the call of the Lord by gathering                   together in this holy place to worship God, to listen to the Word, and to
Chelsea Barton, DMA, Music Director            share in the Eucharist. When we leave, we are asked to go forth as                    changed persons, nourished by the Lord so that we can witness to our
Shawn Gillen-Caryl, Finance Director           faith outside these four walls. In today’s Gospel, Jesus sent the
Greg Lawson, Dan Preuss, Facilities            disciples out to carry on his mission, empowering them with his
Richard Bortz, Bulletin Editor                 authority. In baptism, we have been empowered by Christ to carry on
                                               his mission as well.
Sunday Mass Schedule
 4:00 pm Saturday at St Hyacinth                     From Amos to the twelve apostles, God calls people of faith to
 5:30 pm Saturday at St. Mary’s                serve others. Amos, a shepherd and horticulturist, was called to
 7:00 am Sunday at St. Mary’s
 8:30 am Sunday at St. Patrick                 prophesy to Israel instead. Saint Paul was called to bring Christ’s
 8:45 am Sunday at St. Francis                 message to Gentiles all around the world. The twelve were sent by
10:30 am Sunday at St. Joseph                  Jesus in pairs to heal the sick and drive out demons.
10:45 am Sunday at St. Mary’s
                                                     Those sent out were told to take no food, no change of clothes,
Reconciliation (Confession)                    no bag, no money. But what they brought was much greater. They
 8:30 am Friday at St. Hyacinth
 3:00 pm on Saturday at St. Hyacinth
                                               brought the authority to drive out evil and to heal the sick. By not
 4:00 pm on Saturday at St. Mary’s             being dependent on material things, they could place their dependence
 8:00 am on Sunday at St. Patrick              on God. God gave them the authority they needed to carry out their
Faith Formation Office                         mission and obviously that was enough, for their mission was
59 Pulaski Street 315-252-3439                 successful.
Regional Finance Office
90 Melrose Road 315-252-7111                         How might God be calling us to give witness to the Gospel! We
Baptism & Marriage,                            should not concentrate on what we don’t have, but on what we do have,
Communion to Homebound &                       which St. Paul beautifully details: adoption as a child of God,
New Parishioners                               redemption by Christ’s blood, and a share in God’s glory forever.
contact parish office                                                                             Fr. Lioi
Tyburn Academy of Mary Immaculate
17 Clymer Street 315-252-2937
Website:                      Page 1    V    11 July 2021
The Catholic Parishes of St. Mary's = Ss. Mary & Martha = Our Lady of the Snow
St. Mary’s
                                           Saint Mary’s Parish                                       YouTube
                        Mass Times                            Trustees         Pastoral Council
                        Saturday   5:30 pm                    Bill Jacobs      Penny Goodsell
 St. Mary’s Church      Sunday     7:00 am, 10:45 am          Sheila Giangreco                       St. Mary’s
  15 Clark Street       Monday-Friday 7:00 am                                  Finance Council        Website
    Auburn, NY                                                                 Jim Hanley
Lectors for July 18: 5:30 pm S. Lent; 7:00 am P. Goodsell; 10:45 am D. Gove.
EMHC for J uly 18: 5:30 pm A. Saphar a, J . Bouley; 7:00 am C. Manning, M. Manning,10:45 am L. Bear dsley, K.
Prayer Line for those r equesting pr ayer s, call Mar lene J acobs at 315-252-3603.
Attendance for July 4: 5:30 pm 122; 7:00 am 295; 10:45 am 255.
Food Drive: Pork and beans, boxed mac and cheese, apple sauce, peanut butter & tomato soup for Cayuga Action.

                                    Saint Mary & Martha Parish
                        Mass Times                            Trustees         Pastoral Council
                        Saturday    4:00 pm at St. Hyacinth Paul Vitale        Cathy Streeter
St. Francis Church      Sunday      8:45 am at St. Francis    Sue Gatto                             St. Hyacinth Church
 303 Clark Street       Mon & Fri 9:00 am St. Hyacinth                         Finance Council        63 Pulaski Street
    Auburn, NY          Tue & Thu 9:00 am at St. Francis                       James Biernet             Auburn, NY
Lectors for July 18: 4:00 pm P. Sikora; 8:45 am D. Wayne.                                            Ss. Mary &
EMHC for J uly 18: 4:00 pm F. Mucedola, J. Falcone, D. Wawro; 8:45 am D. Wayne                         Martha
Attendance for July 4: 4:00 pm 168; 8:45 am 120.                                                      Website
Food Drive: Personal care items, small containers of coffee, mac and cheese & tomato soup for St.
Alphonsus Pantry.

                                    Our Lady of the Snow Parish
                        Mass Times                            Trustees          Pastoral Council
                        Sunday      8:30 am at St. Patrick    Tom Daly          Diane Case
 St. Joseph Church                 10:30 am at St. Joseph     Judy Ward                              St. Patrick Church
 8831 S. Seneca St.     Wednesday 9:00 am at St. Patrick                        Finance Council     2576 E. Mechanic St.
 Weedsport, NY                                                                  Ed O’Neil                Cato, NY
Lectors for July 18: 8:30 am C. Murray; 10:30 am M. Knapp.
Attendance for July 4: 8:30 am 74; 10:30 am 61.                                                      Our Lady of
St. Patrick Food Drive Canned food items, peanut butter and jelly (2022 or later expiration).         the Snow
St. Joseph Food Drive Juice boxes, tuna, crackers and spices for Weedsport/Sennett Pantry.             Website

          Sunday Collection for 4 J uly, 2021
 St. Mary’s Ss. Mary & Martha Our Lady of the Snow
 $8,785.00        $4,513.50              $2,270.25

Grant me, O Lord and God, a mind to know you, a               The Third Sunday weekend, July 17/18, is designated for
heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing       food collection in our Auburn Parishes. Please refer to
to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a       individual parish information above.
hope of finally embracing you.
                           ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas
                                               Page 2   V     11 July 2021
        A = Antiphon V = Verse R = Refrain D = Doxology Bold italics indicates congregational response
     Organ Prelude Cantilene fr om Sonata X I by Rheinber ger; Organ Postlude: Maestoso-Marziale by Guilmant
ENTRANCE CHANT Ps 17                                                 world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he
                                                                     destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in
                                                                     accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of
                                                                     God’s grace that he granted us in the beloved. In him we have
                                                                     redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, in
                                                                     accord with the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us. In
                                                                     all wisdom and insight, he has made known to us the mystery
                                                                     of his will in accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a
 V O LORD, hear a cause that is just; *pay heed to my cr y.          plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in
 Turn your ear to my prayer: no deceit is on my lips. A              heaven and on earth. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to
 V Fr om you may my justice come for th. * Your eyes dis-            God.
 cern what is upright. Search my heart and visit me by night. *     ALLELUIA
 Test me by fire, and you will find no wrong in me. A               May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of
 V My mouth does not tr ansgr ess as other s do; † on account       our hearts, that we may know what is the hope that belongs to
 of the words of your lips, * I have avoided the paths of the       our call.
 violent. I kept my steps firmly in your paths. * My feet have
 never faltered. A
 V To you I call; for you will sur ely heed me, O God. * Tur n
 your ear to me; hear my words. Display your merciful love. †
 You who deliver from their foes * those who trust in your          GOSPEL Mk 6: 7-13
 right hand. A                                                      Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two
 V Guar d me as the apple of your eye. † Hide me in the shad-       by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He in-
 ow of your wings * from the violent attack of the wicked. A        structed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking
 D Gory be to the Father , and to the Son, * and to the Holy        stick— no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were,
 Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, *   however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He said to
 world without end. A men. A                                        them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you
                                                                    leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you,
 FIRST READING Amos 7: 12-15                                        leave there and shake the dust o your feet in testimony against
 Amaziah, priest of Bethel, said to Amos, “Off with you, vision-    them.” So they went o and preached repentance. The Twelve
 ary, flee to the land of Judah! There earn your bread by prophe-   drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many
 sying, but never again prophesy in Bethel; for it is the king’s    who were sick and cured them. The Gospel of the Lord.
 sanctuary and a royal temple.” Amos answered Amaziah, “I           Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
 was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets;
 I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The LORD took         OFFERTORY CHANT Ps 25
 me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to       To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I have
 my people Israel.” The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.         trusted; let me not be put to shame. Nor let my enemies exult
                                                                    over me; and let none who hope in you be put to shame.
                                                                    COMMUNION CHANT Cf. Ps 84

 V I will hear what God proclaims; * the LORD—for he
 proclaims peace. Near indeed is his salvation to those who
 fear him, * glory dwelling in our land. R
 V Kindness and truth shall meet; * justice and peace shall
 kiss. Truth shall spring out of the earth, * and justice shall
 look down from heaven. R
 V The LORD himself will give his benefits; * our land
 yield its increase. Justice shall walk before him, * and prepare
 the way of his steps. R
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the
heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the

                                                   Page 3     V     11 July 2021
Growing in Faith
                       Faith Formation Corner                    Did you know…?
                        LIFELONG AND ONGOING
                         Mr. Carlo Stebbings                     Wednesday is the Feast of St. Kateri Tekawitha. Her
                                                                 name, Kateri, is the Mohawk form of Catherine, which
Building a Community of Faith, Hope, and Love                    she took from St. Catherine of Siena.
St. Paul tells us this weekend that “In love [God] des-
tined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ.”
In baptism we are adopted by God and given our identity
as a child of God, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and a mem-
ber of the Catholic Church. However, this identity we            Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
receive in baptism is not enough to keep people affiliated       “Your Journey Of Conversion To Jesus Christ”
to the church. As we reflected upon last week, many peo-         Are you, or someone you know not baptized? Are you
ple disaffiliate from the church, whether slowly or quick-       baptized in another Christian church and wish to be-
ly, with many reasons for leaving. This week we look at          come Catholic? Are you an adult Catholic and have not
affiliation. Affiliation is defined as “the state or relation    yet been confirmed? Do you have a child age 7+ who
of being closely associated or affiliated with a particular      has not yet been baptized? We would like to journey
person, group, party, company, etc.” If someone come             with you as you come to experience Jesus in a deeper
up to you and said “who are you” how would you an-               way through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation
swer? Have you ever been asked why you are a Catho-              and Eucharist. Contact Carlo Stebbings at,
lic Christian? Why do you continue to come to church?   for mor e infor mation.
Why have you chosen to affiliate to your particular par-
ish? These are important questions for us to ponder and          When you come up and receive the sweet reward which
pray over this week. Again, if you would like to share           grace has wrought for us, then we shall thank and bless
with us your thoughts to these questions, we would               our Lord. . . . And that shall be a property of blessed
love to hear from you. St. Joseph Pray for Us! God               love that we shall know in God which we could never
bless!                                                           have known without woe going before.
Faith Formation                                                                                 ~ Julian of Norwich
Registration for the 2021-2022 Faith Formation year is           We glimpse upon the beauty that is laid up for us
now open and ongoing. Contact the Faith Formation                when we gaze upon the spiritual beauty your immor-
                                                                 tal will now creates within our mortal selves.
office with questions or if you would like to register.
                                                                                                ~ Saint Ephrem the Syrian

        Deacon’s Corner                                         WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART
     Deacon Dennis Donahue                                      Amos denies his critic’s claim that he is a professional
                                                                prophet; he insists he was unexpectedly called by God,
    In today's Gospel Jesus does not allow rejection by his     just as the 12 apostles were and just as each of us is, so
community to stop him from fulfilling the Father’s Will to      that, in the words of Saint Paul, “we might exist for the
bring a new righteousness into his community. Jesus             praise of God’s glory.” Think about your own call:
response to his family, friends and neighbors lack of faith
to adapt to the necessary change was not to ignore or walk      * What did you feel called to do? In what ways is your
away but rather to send out pairs of disciples among them           call a source of joy for you? A source of frustration?
to be living examples of the power of change. Had Jesus         * Jesus instructed the 12 apostles to take nothing on
sent these first missionary disciples out individually they         their journey but a walking stick and sandals. What
could have simply talked the talk but in pairs they had to          resources do you feel you need to do your ministry?
show others how to walk the talk.                                   Can you do with less? Or should you ask for more?
    Today's Gospel should remind us all that during our         * Like the psalmist, do you believe that love and truth
present time of community transition we are all being               will meet and justice and peace kiss? What role can
called by Christ to be true missionary disciples who                you play in bringing that about?
demonstrate by both word and deed our willingness to            * Paul tells us that God chose us to be holy and without
adapt in faith to strengthen God's community around us.             blemish before him. What is your definition of holi-
Over the course of this summer plan with your family or a           ness? Think of a moment in your own life where you
friend to attend Sunday Mass in each of the Church's in             know you truly lived out God’s call to holiness. Be
the two Auburn and Northern Cayuga clusters.                        aware of your own holiness and the holiness of others
                                                                    in the week to come.

                                                Page 4    V     11 July 2021
Liturgy Schedule                                                  Memorial Candles
SCHEDULE OF MASSES & CONFESSION                                                 Offering is $10 for an 8-day candle.
Saturday, July 10 ~ Blessed V irgin M ary
                                                                              Call the parish office to reserve a candle.
4:00 pm       StH      Leon “Butch” Bielowicz
                            by Bielowicz Cousins
                       Steven & Clara Perry                            St. Mary’s Church                St. Hyacinth Church
                            by Agnes & Ron Gasparro                    Tabernacle Candle               Blessed Mother candle
                       Jeanne Gurak & Tina Schmid                          in memory of                     in memory of
                            by Jeffrey & Peter Sikora                   Dr. Henry Romano                  Edward Malinowski
                                                                             by Joanne               by Jim & Donna Malinowski
5:30 pm*      StM      Francine Bouley
                            by Marsha Bisgrove & Family                St. Francis Church
                                                                       Tabernacle Candle                Sacred Heart Candle
Fifteenth Sunday, July 11                                                                                   in memory of
7:00 am       StM      Peggy DeChick                                       in memory of
                                                                    Paul, Carmella & Florence              Edward Tomski
                            by daughter Danielle DeChick
8:30 am       StP      Winona Schmitt by Family
                                                                      Luziani & Thomas Huff          by Jim & Donna Malinowski
                                                                             by Family
     8:45 am StF       Paul, Carmella & Florence Luziani &                                             St. Hyacinth Candle
                                                                     Blessed Mother Candles                    for the
                           Thomas Hoff by Family                           in memory of
                       Gerald L. Pettigrass by Carole & Family         Paul Cudahy Savage           Conventual Franciscan Friars
10:30 am      StJ      For the Growth & Strength of Our Parish          by Mom & Family                 St. Joseph Church
                       Mary Jo Dombek and Anne, William &                       and                     St. Joseph Candle
                       James Weatherstone by Family                        in memory of                     in memory of
10:45 am      StM      Harold & Agatha Baker &                           Anthony Tabone                William, Anne & James
                       Deceased Family Members by Family            by Emma Pisano & Family
                       Mary Ann Martin by Jim & Daisy Jacobs                                           and Mary Jo Dombek
                       Angelo Baglione by Tomasso Family                                                      by Family
Monday, July 12
7:00 am       StM      Bob Wallace & son Tom by Lydia Wallace
9:00 am       StH      Pam Cudahy Savage by Mom & Family                             REMEMBER IN PRAYER
                       Edward Malinowski                                                  Recently Deceased
                            by Jim & Donna Malinowski                                      Anita J. Burkhardt
                       Jeanne Gurak by Jane & Craig Westlake                                 Jane E. Stott
Tuesday, July 13 ~ St. Henry                                                   “Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.”
7:00 am       StM      Leon ‘Butch’ Bielowicz by Wawro Family
9:00 am       StF      Anthony Tabone by Emma Pisano & Family                             Banns of Marriage
Wednesday, July 14 ~ St. K ateri T ekak witha                          III - Mary Anna Ligowski & Alexander James Fallon
7:00 am       StM      Intentions of Michael & Jane Schultz             II - Taylre M. Perkins & Luke A. Morris
                            by Mickey & Johanna Dalton                   I - Heather A nn Taylor & Nicholas Scott Allen
9:00 am       StP      Fr. William Darling
                            by St. Patrick’s Altar Society
Thursday, July 15 ~ St. Bonaventure                                        EVENTS THIS WEEK & BEYOND
 7:00 am      StM      Theresa Anselmi DeRosa                      Sunday, July 11
                            by Ed & Joanne Szot                      Emerging Churches Collection
 9:00 am      StF      New Saints & Holy Vocations from Auburn
Friday, July 16 ~ Our L ady of M ount Carmel                       1:00 pm     Baptismal Prep at St. Hyacinth
7:00 am       StM      Dr. Henry Romano by Joanne                  6:00 pm AA Meeting at St. Mary
                       Intentions of Morabito & Geherin Families   7:00 pm Rosary at St. Francis
                            by Tom & Melissa Geherin               Monday, June 12
9:00 am       StH      Rose Wawrzaszek
                            by Rose & Karen Mierzwa                Tuesday, July 13
Saturday, July 17 ~ Blessed V irgin M ary                          6:30 pm Meeting with Bishop Matano at St. Francis
4:00 pm       StH      Joseph Lasagna by Wife & Daughter           Wednesday, July 14
                       Mary Walawender by Estate                   Thursday, July 15
                       Rose Wawrzaszek
                            by Teri Fredette & Mike                11:15 am Blood Drive at St. Mary’s
                            & Virg Wilczek                         6:30 pm Meeting with Bishop Matano at Holy Family
5:30 pm*      StM      Robert Catalano                             7:00 pm AA Meeting in Nacca Hall
                            by Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Buttarazzi       8:00 pm ARMA Mass on Chanel 12 or 31
                       Mary K. Dopko by Family                     Friday, July 16
Sixteenth Sunday, July 18
Jer 23: 1-6; Eph 2: 13-18; Mk 6: 30-34                             10:00 am Men’s Prayer Group at St. Mary’s
7:00 am       StM      Gary Fedigan by Pat & Family                Saturday, July17
8:30 am       StP      James Lunkenheimer & Living/Deceased        5:30 pm Live-Streamed Mass
                             Family by A Friend                    Sunday, July 18
8:45 am       StF      Janet Wawro 8th Anniversary by Family         Visiting Missionary at St. Mary’s & St. Francis
10:30 am      StJ      Fr. Bill Darling                            6:00 pm AA Meeting at St. Mary
                       by K of C Fr. John Guy #122231
10:45 am      StM      Bernard & Rose Oliver by Family             7:00 pm Rosary at St. Francis
                       Robert Murdock by Wife & Family             Tuesday, August 3
           * Denotes Livestreamed Liturgies                        7:00 pm Rachel Mass at St. Joseph Cemetery
               StM - St. Mary’s StF - St. Francis
     StH - St. Hyacinth StJ - St. Joseph StP - St. Patrick
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Items of Interest
PASTORAL PLANNING UPDATE: The r ecommendation of the                                             Q: What does it mean
Auburn and Northern Cayuga County Pastoral Planning Committee made                               to say that the Holy
to the Auburn pastors on May 31, 2021 was presented to the Most                                  Spirit has "spoken
Revered Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of Rochester, in early June, and on                          through the prophets"?
Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the Recommendation was shared with the Di-                             A: Already in the Old
ocesan Presbyteral Council in accordance with canon 515, §2 of the Code                          Covenant God filled
of Canon Law. Bishop Matano and the Council members acknowledged                                 men and women with
the quality and extensive work of the Planning Committee and expressed                           the Spirit, so that they
their deep appreciation to the members of the Committee for their consci-      lifted up their voices for God, spoke in
                                                                               his name, and prepared the people for
entious efforts over the past several months assessing the parish properties   the coming of the Messiah. (683-688,
and demographics in order to assure a vibrant Catholic presence in Au-         702-720)
burn and Northern Cayuga County.                                               In the Old Covenant God sought out
        As the Committee observed, the demographic changes in our com-         men and women who were willing to let
munities, the decline in Mass attendance, and the limits upon the Dio-         him use them to console, lead, and ad-
cese’s priest availability are indisputable. At the same time, the Bishop      monish his people. It was the Spirit of
and the Presbyteral Council clearly acknowledged that change will be dif-      God who spoke through the mouth of
ficult. Out of that abundance of care for the parishioners of the Auburn       Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and other
churches, Bishop Matano offered to come to Auburn to discuss the Plan-         prophets. John the Baptist, the last of
ning Committee Recommendations and the importance of finding a path            these prophets, not only foresaw the
                                                                               coming of the Messiah. He also met him
forward that is both gradated and clear. Therefore, Bishop Matano will         and proclaimed him as the liberator from
be coming to Auburn on Tuesday, July 13 at 6:30 pm in Nacca Hall at St.        the power of sin.
Francis of Assisi Church and on Thursday, July 15 at 6:30 pm in the gym
at Holy Family Church to listen to parishioners in an effort to continue the   Inspiration
                                                                               My father, Laurentius, was a person who
Mission of the Church and the Catholic Community in Auburn and North-          didn't fear God. Therefore my mother
ern Cayuga County. Parishioners from any of the parishes in Auburn and         named me Laurent Saviour, as I was
Northern Cayuga are invited to these meetings with Bishop Matano.              expected to be the saviour of my father.
                                                                               Just like John, which means "God is
COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL & EASTERN                                 Gracious," brought joy and miracle to
                                                                               his parents, I also hope that my existence
EUROPE is this weekend. Your donation helps r estor e the Chur ch              can be a blessing and salvation, not only
and build the future in more than 25 countries still struggling to recover     for my father but also for the people
from former communist rule. Funds from the collection support recon-           around me.
struction, education, formation, and poverty outreach. For more infor-                    ~ Laurent Saviour Tanujaya
mation, please visit
VISITING MISSIONARY: Next week Deacon Paul Bor k will be at St.                A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone
Mary’s and St. Francis for the annual missionary cooperative appeal and        who donated, worked or bought items
collection for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. Deacon Paul will            at our yard sale June 12th & 13th. With
speak at all the Mass today at these two churches. In June, Deacon Paul        your generosity, we made over
spoke at St. Hyacinth St. Patrick and St. Joseph Churches. The second          $1320!!! We appreciate your contin-
                                                                               ued support! Thank you from Our La-
collection next week at St. Mary’s and St. Francis will be for the work and    dy of the Snow church members.
ministry of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.
        The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers minister in 22 countries in
Asia, Central and South American, and Africa. Maryknoll’s task is to
share God’s Word throughout the world, especially to the Least of our
brothers and sisters. Maryknollers share the Gospel through evangeliza-
tion and through the actions of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mer-
        Deacon Paul Bork will give all of us an opportunity to take part in
the vital work of bringing Christ’s name and Christ’s message to all peo-
ple. Those who wish will be invited to sign up for the Maryknoll Maga-
zine. He will be happy to talk with any parishioners who are interested in
doing overseas mission work as a Maryknoll Priest, Sister, Brother or lay
                                             Page 6   V    11 July 2021
Items of Interest
ST. ALBERT THE GREAT ACADEMY is cur r ent-                       ALTAR SERVERS will be r etur ning
ly accepting applications for teaching positions. Please         during the summer months as we move
visit or call            toward greater normalcy in our liturgi-
us at 315-283-0555.                                              cal celebrations. Lectors have returned,
                                                                 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com-
                                                                 munion (EMHC) are returning ushers
is seeking teachers for full and part time positions in
                                                                 are returning, now it’s time for altar
the areas of Latin, English, Theology, High School
                                                                 servers. Choir & Schola will be com-
Science including Living Environment. Chemistry and
                                                                 ing in the future. Those altar servers
Physics, and Physical Education for grades 6-12. Ap-
                                                                 who had been serving prior to the pan-
plicants should be credentialed, experienced or certi-
                                                                 demic are welcomed to return. New
fied in the subject area for which they are applying.
                                                                 altar servers also are welcomed to ap-
Resumes are accepted in all academic areas as well.
                                                                 ply. Parents of boys or girls in the fourth grader or
Interested applicants should direct inquiries to the Prin-
                                                                 older who are interested, please call the parish office
cipal. 17 Clymer St., Auburn, NY or taoff-
                                                                 and leave your name and contact information.

                  CONGRADULATIONS TO TIM LOCASTRO who was acquired by the New York Yankees.
                  An Auburn native, Tim played parts of three seasons with the Arizona Diamondbacks. He now
                  is on the team he rooted for growing up in Auburn. His family often made the 4½-hour trip from
                  central New York to the Bronx for games at Yankee Stadium. Now Tim will get an opportunity
                  to wear pinstripes and help the Yankees contend for a playoff spot. All the best to you Tim and
                  to your Auburn family and friends and fans!

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      126 Years of Commitment                                                                                                                                 Expert Alterations • Tailor on Premises
Owners: Steven Pelc • Christopher Audioun
                                                (315) 252-7223                                                                                                 284 Genesee St. W., Auburn N.Y.
42 East Genesee Street        315-252-0141      36 York St.                                                                                                              315-253-2197                   Auburn, NY 13021                                                                                    
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                                                                                                                                    13 Dill Street, Auburn
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                                                                                                                 Suite 502, 144 Genesee St., Auburn, NY       Mon. - Sun. 7am - 9pm
     CHECHE FUNERAL                                                                                             Brutus Liquor Store
        HOME INC.                                                                                                   Active Member of
    1778 Clark Street Road, Auburn, NY
                                                                                                                Our Lady of the Snow Parish
                                                                                                                   834-6837                                      CATO • NY | 626-6308
     P: 315-252-2842 • F: 315-253-4119
          Dedicated to the
      Dignity of Funeral Service                                                                                   2657 Erie Drive                                 Septic System Installations • Repairs • Pumping                                                                                       Weedsport                                    Mulch • Topsoil • Crushed Stone • Backhoe • Dozer

                       Thomas W. Gill, DVM      CATO’S                                                                                   An Authentic
                          Chief of Staff        EXPERIENCE PIZZA AT ITS BEST
                                                   … a Little Slice of
                                                                                                                                    Italian Restaurant
                         315.253.0240             Heaven in Every Bite!                                                             312 Clark St., Auburn
 85 Grant Ave. • Auburn, NY 13021               The Only Place for Dirty Wings and Jenny Wings!                            (315) 252-6194
                                                               (315) 626-2220                                    Duffy Mastropietro, Owner/Executive Chef                         11376 Main Street, Cato, NY (parking just around the corner.)
                                                                                                                   Wed-Sat Open@4:30 • Sun@3pm
                                                    MON. – THU. 11AM -10PM FRI. 11AM -11PM                              SAT. 12 -11PM SUN. 12 - 8PM.                                  Closed Mon. & Tues.

Active Members of Our Lady of the Snow Parish
       Christopher Audioun
   218 Main St., Port Byron

                                                                               255-1414                               Contact Lorne Searight to place an ad today!
        220 State Street                                                                                     or (800) 477-4574 x6460
       Auburn, NY 13021                                 CAR WASH
                                                      Corner of North & Seymour St.
              252-6261                             Auburn’s ONLY Professional Car Wash
                                                        Using All Soft Cloth Wash                     Locally Owned/Operated By The Kubarek Family

         Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                                                              St. Mary, Auburn, NY                                    06-0329
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