The Changing Face of the Aerospace & Defense Industry - A review of key segments and emerging trends

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The Changing Face of the Aerospace & Defense Industry - A review of key segments and emerging trends
Aerospace & Defense   the way we see it

The Changing Face of the
Aerospace & Defense Industry
A review of key segments and emerging trends

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     Body-Text; Berkeley Book 10/12pt; 12pt space after. Quinquennalis chirographi
     optimus infeliciter amputat cathedras, utcunque Augustus fermentet umbraculi.
               Industry Overview
     Fragilis concubine     vix frugaliter miscere ossifragi, semper lascivius saburre 4 iocari
     Caesar. Syrtes satis libere vocificat pessimus gulosus oratori. Agricolae corrumpe-

     ret                            Industry deciperet
         tremulus oratori, et quadrupei       Growth Drivers
                                                          apparatus                    5
                                                                     bellis, etiam matrimonii
     verecunde corrumperet plane adfabilis umbraculi, iam vix fragilis suis comiter
     miscere Augustus.
                          divinus Analysis
                                   vocificat bellus rures, quamquam quadrupei plane    8    ver-
     ecunde insectat concubine. Umbraculi senesceret matrimonii, semper concubine
     			    libere insectat pessimus    fragilis
                                    Large         rures, Aircraft
                                           Commercial     quod fiducias   adquireret apparatus
                                                                  (LCA) Segment        8
     bellis. Fiducias neglegenter agnascor matrimonii, ut adfabilis syrtes amputat
     			        et parsimonia syrtes     senesceret
                                    Regional   Aircraftlascivius
                                                                     		    utcunque optimus
     adfabilis oratori suffragarit agricolae.
     			          miscere parsimonia     rures,Jets
                                    Business     et cathedras
                                                     Segment			  amputat umbraculi. Saburre
     lucide insectat suis, quamquam saburre suffragarit rures, semper plane pretosius
     			          fermentet matrimonii.      Adlaudabilis
                                    Helicopter  Market				   rures deciperet syrtes, quamquam
     concubine praemuniet zothecas.
     			   iocari utilitas apparatus   bellis.
                                    Global  Defense Market			                          15
     Umbraculi divinus agnascor fragilis rures, quod cathedras libere fermentet satis
     perspicax apparatus bellis.
     Saburre imputat
               Aerospace parsimonia   ossifragi,
                             Supply Chain          et umbraculi fermentet quadrupei,17quam-
     quam verecundus ossifragi deciperet tremulus.
     			                          Supply Chain Analysis			                          17

     			                          Key Components of the Aerospace Supply Chain 18

     			                          Aircraft Engines				                              18

     			                           Avionics 				                                    18

     			                           Global Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) 19

              Future Trends						                                                   20

     			                          Increasing Usage of Composites		                  20

     			                          Optimized Usage of Turboprops and Jets            20

     			                          Alternate Fuels				                               20

     			                          Globalization				                                 21

              Conclusion						                                                      22
The Changing Face of the Aerospace & Defense Industry - A review of key segments and emerging trends
Aerospace & Defense       the way we see it

The global Aerospace & Defense               This Capgemini research study assesses
industry has experienced transformation      the global Aerospace & Defense
in the past 18 months. Following a           industry and identifies both the
decline in orders and backlogs in 2008       challenges and opportunities the market
and 2009 aircraft manufacturers are          presents for manufacturers. The report
seeing phenomenal growth in 2011.            examines five key industry segments:
This strong recovery is being driven by      Large Commercial Aircraft, Regional
the commercial aviation segment as           Aircraft, Business Jets, Helicopter and
global passenger traffic increased           Defense. In addition, it provides an
sharply by 8% to 10% year-on-year.           analysis of the aerospace supply chain.
Also contributing to the industry’s          Also contained in the report are key
growth are the overall improvement of        market observations, substantiated by
the global economy, the emergence of         relevant market sizing and forecast
low-cost carriers, and increasing            figures, and an overview of future
demand for aircraft from the developing      trends and recommendations, which are
economies of China and India.                designed to inform and inspire
                                             manufacturers as they develop their
The two primary players have already         go-to-market strategies.
raised their production plans: Airbus
increased the A320 rate to 36 per
month by the end of 2010 and
expected to reach the figure of 40 per
month in the first quarter of 2012.
Boeing is ramping up its production
rate of the 737 to 38 per month by
2013, and there have been reports of
it going higher.

However, despite the optimism, fuel
prices remain a major concern still
hampering the recovery and with the
potential to affect industry growth. The
International Air Transport Association
(IATA) has reduced its forecast for
airline industry profits (net post-tax) in
2011 from US$9.1 billion to US$8.6
billion due to the recent surge in oil and
jet kerosene prices.

In terms of regions, weak domestic
markets are affecting the European
airlines, although business travel and
outbound freight look positive. Asia
Pacific, Latin American and African
airlines are benefiting from the strong
economic growth and are experiencing
significant gains in traffic. For
manufacturers, Asia Pacific is the largest
source of order backlog.

The Changing Face of the Aerospace & Defense Industry - A review of key segments and emerging trends
Industry Overview
    The Aerospace & Defense (A&D)                                              growth with an anticipated CAGR of
    industry is comprised of manufacturers                                     5.3% for the period 2009 to 2014,
    from civil and military aerospace and                                      reaching a market value of US$1,190.5
    defense procurements. The defense                                          billion. This growth rate is expected to
    procurements segment comprises                                             be driven by the Commercial segment
    revenues earned from defense                                               due to a more positive economic
    electronics and military aerospace;                                        outlook, rising income levels and the
    whereas the civil aerospace segment                                        booming Commercial Aviation segment.
    includes revenues earned from civilian                                     However, the demand outlook from
    planes (but excludes military aircraft                                     Defense will be under pressure as many
    and related items). Globally, the A&D                                      defense programs are experienceing
    industry recorded total revenues of                                        budget cuts.
    US$771 billion in 2010 and registered
    year-on-year growth of 4.8% from                                           A&D companies will also continue to
    US$744 billion in 2009. Defense                                            face the challenges of improving
    occupied the largest share of the                                          productivity and responding to ever-
    spending pie with 71.8% at US$660.8                                        increasing government regulations.
    billion in 2009.                                                           The United States is, by far, the
                                                                               world’s largest Aerospace & Defense
    Globally the A&D industry has been                                         market, with revenues close to
    forecasted to record an accelerated                                        US$543 billion. The U.S. market is
                                                                               followed by the European market with
    Figure 1: A&D Market Size Values by Region, 2009                           an estimated share of about 27%.
                       100% = US$743.9 billion                                 Even though Asia falls behind the U.S.
                                                                               and the European markets it is
                                                                               considered to be the fastest-growing
                          Asia,                                                market for A&D products.
                                                                               Boeing and Airbus continue to
               Europe,                United                                   dominate the Large Commercial
                22%                   States,                                  Aircraft market space while Embraer
                                       59%                                     and Bombardier dominate the smaller
                                                                               aircraft segments, which include
                                                                               Regional and Business Jets.
    Source – Datamonitor

                                  Figure 2 : Aerospace & Defense – Market Size and Forecast

                        1,000                                                                                                7%
                                                                                                      5.90%                  6%
                                                                                                                                  Y-O-Y Growth Rates

                                                                                       5.10%                         5.40%
                         700             4.80%                                                                               5%
         USD Billion

                         600                                                                                                 4%
                         500                            3.60%          3.60%                                  937.5
                         400                     771            798.7          839.8           839.4                         3%
                         300                                                                                                 2%
                            0                                                                                                0%
                                  2009           2010           2011            2012           2013           2014

                                                   A&D Market Size and Growth              Growth Rate

    Source – Datamonitor
    9F88-B9B3DC27A1F6 2010

The Changing Face of the Aerospace & Defense Industry - A review of key segments and emerging trends
Aerospace & Defense            the way we see it

Industry Growth Drivers                                       in the near future with increasing            carbon-neutral Aviation industry in
                                                              demand from developing economies              the future. However, progress towards
Economic Growth: The demand for                               like India and China, which will offset       that can only be achieved by replacing
aircraft is related to air travel, which in                   the relative slowdown in demand from          older aircraft with new, efficient
turn is linked to the increasing wealth,                      mature economies like North America           aircraft fleets, infrastructure,
increasing per capita income and                              and Europe.                                   operational improvements as well as
positive Gross Domestic Product                                                                             appropriate economic levers. The
(GDP) outlook. An increase in air                             Environmental Concerns Fueling                increase in environmental awareness
travel has occurred in the developing                         the Replacement Aircraft Market:              and regulations will have a positive
economies like India and China; both                          The environment has become a                  effect on demand for new, efficient
of these countries signify robust                             primary focus for any industry,               aircraft in the future.
optimism for the Aviation segment.                            particularly with the increased
Other factors leading to Civil Aviation                       awareness resulting from the                  Focus on Fuel-Efficient Aircraft:
growth include international trade and                        Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009.           The global economic recovery has
globalization. The global economy has                         The implications for the Aviation             boosted demand for oil across the
also shown gradual signs of recovery                          segment are significant, with engine          world, creating further pressure on
from the economic recession. As seen                          and airframe manufacturers along with         energy prices. Additionally, the recent
in Figure 3, IMF predicts that the                            airline operators in the limelight to         political turmoil in the Middle East
recovery is likely to continue and                            reduce their carbon footprints.               and North Africa has also added to
global GDP is expected to grow                                                                              the surge in prices. Even if the
between 4.4% and 4.6% until 2015.                             Despite the fact that carbon dioxide          political risk is reduced, the
                                                              emissions by aircraft account for only        anticipated economic growth will
An analysis by Boeing spanning the last                       2% of total global emissions, the             continue to justify the revisions in oil
50 years revealed that the best indicator                     Aviation segment is gradually taking          price forecasts for this year.
for measuring the performance of the                          steps towards carbon-neutral growth.
Aviation segment is the world Gross                           The airlines are committed to                 According to the International Air
Domestic Product (GDP). The Boeing                            improving average fuel efficiency by          Transport Association (IATA), jet
study further found that the downturns                        1.5% per annum until 2020. Beyond             kerosene prices have doubled since
experienced by the Airline industry                           2020, carbon dioxide emissions from           their low point in early 2009, reaching
typically match the worldwide                                 the Aviation segment are expected to          US$113 a barrel in early 2011. With
economic slumps. Given the present                            stabilize and then decline despite the        these costs representing around a
economic situation it is clear that the                       anticipated increase in traffic;              quarter of total operating costs this price
Airline industry will continue to recover                     achieving these targets will lead to a        rise has added some 25% to unit costs.

                                                                 Figure 3: Global GDP Growth

                  6      4.572        5.244        5.395                          5.01                                 4.627     4.667
                                                                                          4.401     4.513     4.54
   % Change


                  0                                                            -0.524

                  -2     2005         2006             2007   2008      2009     2010      2011     2012      2013      2014      2015


The Changing Face of the Aerospace & Defense Industry - A review of key segments and emerging trends
Over the same period the average return                                                                                                               However, with heavy traffic growth in
                                                                                                            fare, excluding fuel surcharges, has risen                                                                                                            developing regions, airlines are
                                                                                                            by 20%. To date the airlines have been                                                                                                                exploring options to add capacity in
                                                                                                            able to manage the impact of the                                                                                                                      these new routes. Recently IndiGo, an
                                                                                                            increasing input costs by adding                                                                                                                      India-based airline, launched eight new
                                                                                                            surcharges, which in effect offset their                                                                                                              direct flights from Lucknow to
                                                                                                            increase in revenue over the same                                                                                                                     Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. This
                                                                                                            period. However, in the long run,                                                                                                                     route expansion followed the induction
                                                                                                            aviation companies will be forced to                                                                                                                  of the new Airbus A320 into its fleet.
                                                                                                            undertake premature retirement of
                                                                                                            aircraft and will explore more fuel-                                                                                                                  Continual Growth of Low-Cost
                                                                                                            efficient options. This will create a                                                                                                                 Carriers (LCCs) in Developing
                                                                                                            growth opportunity for aerospace                                                                                                                      Economies: The low-cost carriers
                                                                                                            manufacturers in both the short and                                                                                                                   have proved to be strong, particularly
                                                                                                            medium term.                                                                                                                                          in the developing economies of Asia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Latin America during the 2008-
                                                                                                            Capacity for Network Expansion:                                                                                                                       2009 economic downturn. Double-
                                                                                                            Airlines are highly dependent on the                                                                                                                  digit growth has been the norm for
                                                                                                            strength of their network to register                                                                                                                 these carriers over the last couple of
                                                                                                            revenues. Therefore, they are                                                                                                                         years in the Asia Pacific region. The
                                                                                                            constantly making efforts to ensure                                                                                                                   highest growth in particular was in
                                                                                                            that their routes maintain an acceptable                                                                                                              the short-haul market around
                                                                                                            return for their investment. With this                                                                                                                Southeast Asia, India and Australia. In
                                                                                                            in mind, airlines are often                                                                                                                           India, a country the size of Southeast
                                                                                                            strengthening their networks through                                                                                                                  Asia, low-cost carriers SpiceJet and
                                                                                                            the addition and deletion of routes as                                                                                                                IndiGo continue to grow as they
                                                                                                            well as strong code share relationships.                                                                                                              replace the likes of Air India, Jet

                                                                                              Figure 4: Oil Prices – Tracked Week by Week

    US$/ Barrel

                               Jan 06,1978
                                             Jan 06,1989
                                                           Jan 05,1990
                                                                         Jan 04,1991
                                                                                       Jan 03,1992
                                                                                                     Jan 01,1993
                                                                                                                   Jan 07,1994
                                                                                                                                 Jan 06,1995
                                                                                                                                               Jan 05,1996
                                                                                                                                                             Jan 03,1997
                                                                                                                                                                           Jan 02,1998
                                                                                                                                                                                         Jan 08,1999
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jan 07,2000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jan 05,2001
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jan 04,2002
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jan 03,2003
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Jan 02,2004
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jan 07,2005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jan 06,2006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jan 05,2007
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jan 04,2008
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jan 02,2009
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jan 08,2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jan 07,2011

Source – EIA, Website

Aerospace & Defense                the way we see it

Airways and Kingfisher Airlines. Even
big fish like Jet and Kingfisher
converted 70% of their domestic
operations to the low-cost model in
the past couple of years.

Despite LCCs opting for
predominantly wide-body aircraft,
Boeing and Airbus both forecasted
that the demand for single-aisle
aircraft in the region is expected to
accelerate in the coming years. Boeing
and Airbus also predicted that the
companies will require approximately
5,200 new airliners in the 100 to 210
seat category, such as the best-selling
A320 family. This increase in demand
will be driven primarily by the growth
in fleet size of the LCCs along with
the opening of new secondary short-
haul routes, especially in China, India
and Southeast Asia.

In 2010 low-cost carriers like
IndiGo, SpiceJet and JetLite ordered
46 new aircraft, which are to be
delivered by 2014.

           Figure 5: Historical Distribution of US Domestic Seat Share                                 Figure 6: Historical Distribution of EU Domestic Seat Share

   100%                                                                                         100%
                                                                                                              19%        18%       17%       16%       15%           15%
                  21%          23%          23%         23%          24%          25%
    80%                                                                                          80%
                                                                                                              17%        20%       24%       28%       31%           32%
                  22%          23%          25%         27%          29%          29%
    60%                                                                                          60%

    40%                                                                                          40%
                                                                                                              64%        62%       59%       56%       54%           53%
                  57%          54%          52%         50%          47%          46%

    20%                                                                                          20%

      0%                                                                                              0%
                 2004         2005         2006         2007         2008        2009                        2004       2005      2006       2007      2008       2009

              Mainline                     Regional                  Low Fare                              Mainline               Regional             Low Fare
Source – OAG Aviation Solutions & Bombardier Commercial Aircraft Market Forecast, 2010–2029, Page 8

Market Segment Analysis
                                                            The A&D industry can be segmented                             along with rising fuel costs took a
                                                            into Large Commercial Aircraft,                               major toll on airline finances during
                                                            Regional Aircraft, Business Jets and                          2009. According to the March 2010
                                                            Helicopter. However, with changing                            IATA estimate, globally airlines lost
                                                            industry dynamics these segments are                          approximately US$9.4 billion in 2009.
                                                            gradually blending into one another.                          Albeit even with the recovery, IATA
                                                            The following section includes                                expected the industry to lose US$2.8
                                                            detailed descriptions of these                                billion in 2010. However, the growth
                                                            segments in order to provide a view of                        prospects for the global passenger
                                                            the future outlook for the A&D                                outlook remain at an all-time high
                                                            industry as a whole.                                          for the near future.

                                                            Large Commercial Aircraft (LCA)                               Aircraft manufacturers also
                                                            Segment                                                       experienced a sudden drop in orders
                                                                                                                          for new aircraft as a result of the
                                                            The Aviation industry as a whole is                           economic downturn. Overall the
                                                            highly sensitive towards the economic                         Aerospace industry generally lags
                                                            situation; this was reflected in the                          the economic cycle by
                                                            direct effect the economic downturn                           approximately two years.
                                                            had on the industry during 2009. It
                                                            triggered one of the biggest declines                         However, Aircraft manufacturers were
                                                            in passenger traffic since World War                          able to manage the slowdown because
                                                            II. However, with the stabilization of                        of geographically balanced backlog of
                                                            the economy, airlines are gradually                           2005-07. The industry was also able
                                                            experiencing relative improvement in                          to handle the overall backlog in an
                                                            the air traffic. Low passenger yields                         efficient way by shifting the delivery

                                    Figure 7: Order and Delivery Trend Analysis – Boeing and Airbus, 2006 - 2010

    Number of Aircratf

                         1,200                              1,282
                                           824                                                        900
                                                                                          608                                                   625         644
                          600        398         434             441         453                            483               481         498         462         510
                                                                                                375                                 310
                          300                                                                                           263
                                         2006                       2007                          2008                            2009                 2010

                                                             Boeing Aircraft Order                          Boeing Aircraft Deliveries
                                                             Airbus Aircraft Order                          Airbus Aircraft Deliveries

Note – According to the 2010 company annual reports, Airbus had 310 orders in 2009, down from 900 in 2008, while Boeing’s new orders
declined to 263 in 2009 from 608 in 2008.

Source – Boeing and Airbus Websites

Aerospace & Defense                      the way we see it

time slots as well as switching                                Pacific region, while North America                  be environmentally progressive in
deliveries among its customers.                                and Europe will contribute 23% each.                 nature and will adhere to North
                                                                                                                    American and European airlines’
However, with the improved                                     In the near future Airbus and Boeing                 environmental strategy.
economic outlook, global airline                               are expected to face increasing
traffic is expected to grow 4.7% on                            competition from manufacturers like
average every year from 2009 to                                Bombardier CSeries, Embraer, Russian
2028, with the highest gains in Asia                           MS-21, Sukhoi SuperJet and Comac
Pacific and the Middle East, according                         C919. Though late to arrive, these
to the Airbus Global Market Forecast.                          players have realized the potential
Over the next 20 years, Airbus                                 economic opportunity that
foresees a demand for around 25,850                            commercial airplanes and related
passenger and freighter aircraft, worth                        services will represent in the future.
approximately US$3.2 trillion and                              This dynamic was reinforced in the
Boeing forecasts demand of 28,980                              forecasts of both Airbus and Boeing.
aircraft at US$3.5 trillion.                                   Airbus projected an increasing
                                                               demand of 16,977 single-aisle aircraft
This growing demand is expected to                             in 2009 while in 2010 it saw a
be driven by developing economies                              demand for 17,870. Boeing saw a
like India and China, which are                                demand for 19,460 single-aisle aircraft
expected to witness a surge in air                             in 2009 while in 2010 it was close to
traffic in the near future. Observing                          21,150.
the forecasted numbers in Figure 8
and Figure 9 of both Boeing and                                In addition, demand for fuel-efficient
Airbus, 33% and 34% of this growth                             airplanes will continue to push
is expected to originate from the Asia                         companies to create designs that will

Figure 8: 2010 - 2029, New Airplane Deliveries, Boeing and Airbus Forecast                     Figure 9: 2010 – 2029, New Airplane Deliveries, Boeing and
                                                                                                            Airbus Regional Demand Forecast

30,000                        28,980
                                                                                                                   Other, 12%                        Other, 14%
29,000                                                                                                            Middle East,                      Middle East,
                                                                                       80%                            8%                                7%

28,000                                                                                 70%                        Europe, 23%                       Europe, 23%

                                                                25,850                 60%
                                                                                       50%                          North                             North
                                                                                                                  America, 23%                      America, 23%
26,000                                                                                 40%
25,000                                                                                 20%                        Asia Pacific,                     Asia Pacific,
                                                                                                                      34%                               33%
                             Boeing                             Airbus                  0%
                                                                                                                  Boeing                             Airbus

Source – Boeing and Airbus Global Market Forecast, 2010-2029                           Source –

Regional Aircraft Segment                     estimated to be for turboprops, 3,700
                                                                                                        will be in the 20 to 99 seat category,
                                                          Global manufacturing of regional jets         while 6,700 will be in the 100 and
                                                          is dominated by two manufacturers—            149 seat segments.
                                                          Canada’s Bombardier and Brazil’s
                                                          Embraer. Typically regional jets are          In the coming years turboprops are
                                                          considered to be commercial aircraft          expected to play a crucial role in the
                                                          with fewer than 100 seats. However,           regional aircraft market of fewer than
                                                          this traditional definition has evolved       100 seats primarily because regional
                                                          with the changing market dynamics             airlines are facing the stiff challenge
                                                          as large regional jet manufacturers are       of managing rising fuel costs. The
                                                          producing jets that are comparable            low fuel consumption of turboprops,
                                                          to the smallest aircraft of Boeing and        compared with equal size regional
                                                          Airbus. The demand for regional jets          jets, provides room for airlines to
                                                          grew swiftly in the 1990s as airlines         maintain capacity while reducing
                                                          used them to fill a niche.                    fuel bills and effectively curbing their
                                                                                                        carbon footprint.
                                                          However, due to the recent economic
                                                          downturn, deliveries of smaller               Large regional jets having fewer than
                                                          regional aircraft slowed, creating            100 seats provide opportunities
                                                          a new regional aircraft segment of            for airlines to fly long routes with
                                                          100 to 149 seats. Bombardier (2010            optimized seating capacities, while
                                                          Commercial Aircraft Market Forecast           reducing costs without compromising
                                                          Report) estimates that 12,800 new             too much on passenger comfort.
                                                          aircraft worth US$612 billion are             Bombardier forecasted that the
                                                          expected to be delivered between              demand for regional jets will outpace
                                                          2010 and 2029 in the 20 to 149                turboprops in the near future.
                                                          seat category. Of these, 2,400 are            Bombardier also forecasted that 61%

                                       Figure 10: Aircraft Delivery Trend Analysis - Embraer and Bombardier



                           197                                                           162
     100                                              138               130                                                                121
                   120                                                             112         128             122 110
      50                                       98                                                                                    100
                      2005                       2006                      2007            2008                  2009                 2010

                                Embraer Aircraft Deliveries                              Bombardier Commercial Aircraft Deliveries

Note – Bombardier Commercial Aircraft is categorized under Regional Aircraft Segment
Source – Embraer Website and Bombardier Annual report, 2011, Page 62

Aerospace & Defense                     the way we see it

of aircraft deliveries having fewer                          North America and Europe will
than 100 seats will be for regional jets                     decline. However, that will be offset
while the remaining balance will be                          by growing demand from emerging
for turboprops.                                              markets. In 2009, Asia Pacific,
                                                             including India and China, captured
An additional opportunity is predicted                       16% of the total market, whereas this
to arise for the replacement market as                       figure is forecasted to increase to 22%
the 100 to 149 seat category currently                       in 2029 (Figure 13).
is dominated by an aging fleet of
aircraft. Also, many of the aircraft
in these segments are derivatives
                                                                   Figure 11: Bombardier 2029 Forecast                            Figure 12: Embraer 2029 Forecast
of larger aircraft and not optimally
                                                                          (20 – 149 Seat Aircraft)                                     (30 – 120 Seat Aircraft)
designed to meet the requirement
for the 100 to 149 seat category.
The added weight and drag produce                              20,000                                                       12,000
inefficiencies related to higher fuel                                                             Retained Fleet                                            Retained Fleet
burn and more CO2 emissions                                                                       Retirement                10,000                          Retirement
                                                                                   4,500                                                       1,725
                                                               15,000                             Growth                                                    Growth
North America and Europe are the                                                                                              8,000
two primary markets for regional                               10,000              6,700                                                       4,690
jets, representing 41% and 28% of
the current fleet in the 20 to 149
                                                                                                 11,200                       4,000                         6,415
seat aircraft category, respectively.                            5,000
As seen in Figure 13, Bombardier                                                   6,100                                      2,000            4,450
forecasts that North America will                                    0                                                             0
continue to be the largest market in                                               2009           2029                                         2009          2029
terms of deliveries in the fewer than
150 seat category. By 2029, demand                           Source – Embraer and Bombardier Global Market Forecast, 2010-2029
for fewer than 149 seat aircraft from              

                                     Figure 13: Worldwide Distribution of Regional Airlines Fleet, 2010 - 2029

                    100%                                            China, 5%                                             China, 7%
                     90%                                    Africa & Middle East, 6%                               Africa & Middle East, 7%
                                                               Latin America, 8%
                     80%                                                                                             Latin America, 12%
                     70%                                       Asia Pacific, 11%
                     60%                                                                                              Asia Pacific, 15%

                     50%                                         Europe, 28%
                                                                                                                        Europe, 19%
                     20%                                      North America, 41%                                    North America, 40%

                                                                  2009*                                                   2029

Note –*Sum does not add to 100% as figures were rounded
Source – Bombardier Commercial Aircraft Market Forecast, 2010-2029

Business Jets Segment                   However, with the gradual recovery of
                                                                                                       the economy, business jet usage has
                                                               Demand for business jets soared in      increased and pre-owned inventory
                                                               2008 as U.S. companies registered       has started declining. According to
                                                               record profits and the overall          the General Aviation Manufacturers
                                                               business sentiment was at an all-       Association (GAMA) the used business
                                                               time high. However, with the            jet inventory in December 2010 was
                                                               collapse of the financial markets,      14.8% of the active fleet, which was
                                                               the Business Aviation segment as a      1.5% lower than in December 2009.
                                                               whole started facing stiff challenges   With recovery visible, the average
                                                               by the end of 2008. Overall order       business jet inventory is still above the
                                                               activities recorded a downfall          historical average.
                                                               during the last quarter of 2008.
                                                               Inventories of pre-owned aircraft       Credit availability has started to
                                                               increased significantly with residual   recover, improving the ability of certain
                                                               values taking a hard hit. Moreover,     operators to finance their business jet
                                                               Original Equipment Manufacturers        purchases. GAMA recorded a drop in
                                                               (OEMs) were having a tough time         worldwide shipments of business jets
                                                               between order cancellations and         for the third year - in 2010, 763 units
                                                               deferrals. Bombardier estimated         of planes were delivered around the
                                                               that more than 800 net orders           globe, compared with 870 units in
                                                               were cancelled in 2009 in the Light     2009, a 12% decline.
                                                               to Large categories (Bombardier
                                                               Business Jet Market Forecast). This     However, business jet manufacturers
                                                               market situation pushed OEMs to         are witnessing gradual improvement
                                                               cut their production targets.           in demand, but there is contraction

                            Figure 14: Worldwide Business Jet Shipments – 2005 - 2010 Analysis - Embraer and Bombardier

                            27%                                         28%             16%
  1,500                                                                                                                                   40%
                                                                       1,136            1,313          870
                                                    886                                                                        -12%
     500                   750                                                                                                            -20%
                                                                                                              -34%       763
       0                                                                                                                                  -40%
                          2005                     2006                 2007            2008           2009             2010

                                   Total Number of Airplanes                                 Growth Rate

Source – 2010 GAMA Statistical Databook & Industry Outlook, Page 17

Aerospace & Defense              the way we see it

in new aircraft prices, which will       to 700 aircraft in 2019. The Indian
continue to remain low until the         business jet fleet is expected to grow
end of 2011. The recovery for            at a CAGR of 13% over the next
business jets usually lags a rebound     couple of years and will account for
in the general economy by 18 to 24       an estimated 440 aircraft in 2019.
months. Gulfstream is making efforts
to focus on the large-cabin aircraft
market, which has recovered from the
economic crisis earlier than the mid-                                  Figure 15: 2010, Business Jet Delivery by region, 2010
cabin market.
                                                                                                  100% = 763 Units
According to GAMA, in 2010, 42.1%
of business jet deliveries were to
                                                  Africa & Middle East, 9.0%
North American customers, compared
with 49% in 2009. Europe accounted
for 22.8% of the shipments in 2010,
                                           Latin America,14.3%
Latin America followed with 14.3%,
Asia Pacific at 11.8% and the Middle
East and Africa with 9.0%.                                                                                                          North America, 42.1%

The worldwide business jets fleet
consisted of 14,200 aircraft at the          Asia Pacific,11.8%
end of 2009 and is forecasted to
grow at 3.6% CAGR to an estimated
29,000 aircraft by 2029. Bombardier
forecasted that the business jet                              Europe, 22.8%
shipments will increase to 10,500
by 2019 and to 15,500 by 2029.                Source – 2010 GAMA Statistical Databook & Industry Outlook, Page 16
Shipment of 10,500 business jet     
units is expected to garner revenues
worth US$254 billion until 2019 and
US$407 billion by 2029. Bombardier              Figure 16: 10-Year Delivery Outlook –                            Figure 17: 2010 – Business Jet Industry,
also predicted delivery to increase to                  Regional Perspective                                             20- Year Delivery Outlook
1,600 business jet units per year.
                                                                   North America
Further, according to the Bombardier                                   41.9%
forecasts, North America is estimated                                                        Latin America       15,000
                                         Russia & CIS*
to occupy the maximum share of                                                                                   12,500
the market with 4,400 units of jets                           6.20%                7.4%

being delivered between 2020 and                                                                                 10,000
2029. Europe will follow with the                         13.60%      7.10%          23.8%                           7,500
second-largest business jet delivery
                                           Asia Pacific                                        Europe
of approximately 2,500 units. Asia                                                                                   5,000
Pacific will also register significant
business jet fleet growth with                                         MEA

increasing demand from developing                                                                                        0
                                                                                                                             2010-2019      2020-2029
economies like India and China. The
Chinese business jet fleet is expected
                                              Note –*CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States
to grow at a CAGR of 20% amounting            Source – Bombardier Business Jet Market Forecast, Page 25 & Page 6 respectively

Helicopter Market                                       ways of monitoring health and usage,
                                                                                                                       enhanced situational awareness tools,
                                                               The financial crisis had a deep impact                  workload-reducing automatic flight
                                                               on the Helicopter segment, but with                     control systems and maintenance-
                                                               the worst of the economic downturn                      saving vibration-reduction
                                                               coming to an end, optimism is back                      packages. Manufacturers: such as
                                                               for the market. However, in the near                    AgustaWestland are also investing
                                                               future, the enduring credit crunch                      in advanced technologies as product
                                                               along with high inventories of used                     differentiators. A key goal has been
                                                               production models will continue to                      to develop technologies for providing
                                                               hamper fresh order intake.                              jet-like smoothness in helicopters
                                                                                                                       with active vibration control of
                                                               According to the projections in                         structural responses.
                                                               Honeywell’s 13th Turbine-Powered
                                                               Civilian Helicopter Purchase Outlook                    New civilian helicopter deliveries are
                                                               Report, global deliveries of new                        expected to reach 4,200 to 4,400
                                                               civilian-use helicopters are expected                   during 2011-2015. The vast majority
                                                               to increase 5% during the period                        of the global Civil Helicopter market
                                                               2011–2015. Along with the more                          is highly polarized among three
                                                               positive economic outlook, the                          manufacturers: Eurocopter, Bell
                                                               introduction of new technologies is                     Helicopter and AgustaWestland.
                                                               generating increasing interest among
                                                               customers.                                              Observing the geographic
                                                                                                                       segmentation in Figure 18, North
                                                               Helicopter manufacturers are making                     America and Europe continue to
                                                               efforts to introduce safety-enhancing                   occupy the largest regional market
                                                               technologies, which include new                         share for new helicopters, accounting

         Figure 18: 5-year Delivery Outlook – Regional Perspective                                Figure 19: Civilian Helicopter Market Outlook – 2011 - 2015

                          100% = 4,200 - 4,400 Units
     Latin America, 21%
                                                      Africa & Middle East, 6%                 4,500                                          4,200 - 4,400

                                                                 North America, 30%


                                                        Europe, 30%

     Asia Pacific,13%

                                                                                                                 2006-2010                    2011-2015
Source – Honeywell, Helicopter Market Outlook, Page 6

Aerospace & Defense                   the way we see it

for 60% of planned purchases.
However, according to Honeywell,
buying plans in 2010 fell 26%,
compared with 2009. Asia Pacific,
Africa and the Middle East are
expected to capture a 19% global
share of the five-year market (2011-
15) demand.
                                                    Figure 20: Regional Split of Global Defense                                 Figure 21: Defense Spending as %
Global Defense Market                                           Expenditures, 2010                                                        of Country GDP

The global military expenditure                                      100% = US$1,559 billion
                                                                                                                         Saudi Arabia                                            11.20%
slowed considerably and is expected                  Middle East, 6.3%                              Africa, 1.8%
                                                                                                                            Oman                                            9.70%
to stay flat in the near future,                                                                                             UAE                                         7.30%
primarily because of U.S. defense                                                                                        Timor Leste                               6.80%
budget cuts. Cancellations along with
                                                                                                                            Israel                               6.30%
delays of major weapons programs
                                                                                                                            Chad                               6.20%
will have a major impact on any
                                                                                                                           Jordan                          6.10%
additional defense-related spending
                                                                                                                           Georgia                       5.60%
across the world. Even then, global
defense spending was close to 2% of                                                                                          Iraq                   5.40%

GDP, with Saudi Arabia, Oman and                                                                                                                 4.70%

                                                     Europe, 24.1%       Asia & Oceania, 18.5% Americas, 49.3%
UAE spending proportionately higher
                                                                                                                                        0.00%   4.00%              8.00%         12.00%
amounts. According to the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute                Source – SIPRI Market Forecast
(SIPRI), global military expenditures       
accelerated in 2010 by 1.3% in

                                            Figure 22: Global Military Expenditures, 2006 - 2010

              1,800                                                                                                                                 1,559*
              1,600                                    1,375*                             1,446*
              1,400                                                                        25.6                                                          98.6
                                                          23.2                                                             97
                                   22.3                                                        93
              1,200                                       96.8
     US$ Bn

                                   91.9                                                                                                                  376
              1,000                                       367
               800                                                                                                                                       288
                                                                                           258                            284
               600                  227

                                    626                  644                               692                            745                       767.7
                                   2006                  2007                             2008                           2009                        2010
                                 Americas               Asia & Oceania                                 Europe                    Middle East                        Africa

Source – SIPRI Market Forecast

real terms to reach US$1.6 trillion,                          vendors are making efforts to bridge                           military aircraft sales recorded a sharp
albeit the figure represented the                             gaps in their product offerings.                               8% growth to reach US$64.5 billion.
lowest growth rate since 2001 and a
remarkable slowdown from the global                           Boeing in particular has been active in                        Industry backlogs were stable
spending increase of 5.9% in 2009.                            this space, having acquired Argon ST,                          despite the fact that many contracts
                                                              a developer of intelligence equipment,                         were terminated, showing only a
The United States decreased its                               and Narus, a real-time network traffic                         modest plunge.
military investments in 2010 but still                        and analytics software supplier. Boeing
remained the largest defense spender                          further strengthened its position in the                       However, in the long run factors like
in the world. U.S. defense spending                           logistics command and control business                         U.S. defense budget cuts, growing
increased by a mere 2.8% in 2010                              areas by acquiring CDM Technologies,                           instability in the Middle East, piracy
amounting to US$698 billion after                             a software company specializing in                             in the commercial shipping lanes of
registering an average growth of                              real-time transportation and logistics                         Somalia, North Korea’s continued
7.4% from 2001. European military                             planning systems for the U.S. military.                        long range strike and nuclear arms
expenditures fell by 2.8% in 2010                                                                                            development will continue to hamper
due to government efforts to reduce                           Many defense suppliers are also                                global stability, which in effect will
costs to address rising budget deficits.                      entering into partnerships with                                influence the global defense spending.
In Asia, defense expenditures grew                            competitors to improve their
by only 1.4%, with China leading the                          prospects to win major contracts.
way with an estimated US$119 billion                          Boeing and Northrop Grumman
defense expenditure in 2010.                                  entered into a strategic partnership to
                                                              chase the competitive development
Globally defense contractors are                              and sustainment contract for future
witnessing a gradual shift in spending                        work on the Ground-based Midcourse
patterns. Most of the defense                                 Defense (GMD) system for the U.S.
procurement appears to have shifted                           Missile Defense Agency (MDA).
to high-tech intelligence equipment,
replacing demand for conventional                             In 2010, defense aircraft sales were
big guns and heavy armor. As a result,                        boosted by higher demand from
consolidation is becoming evident as                          international customers. In 2010,

                                                                Figure 23: Global Defense Expenditure

US$ Billion			                                              31/12/2010		                                      31/12/2009                                         31/12/2008

EADS Defense		                          		                      79.7				                                           76.2				                                           70.4

Lockheed Martin			                                              78.2				                                           77.2				                                           80.1

Finmeccanica				                                                65.0				                                           65.0				                                           61.8

Boeing Defense, Space & Security                                48.3				                                           46.0          			                                  45.2

Northrop Grumman			                                             64.1				                                           69.1 				                                          76.4

Source – EADS Registration Document, Page 27; Lockheed Martin Annual Report, 2010, Page 20; Femonica Annual Report, 2010, Page 9; Boeing Annual Report, Page 17; Northrop Grumman,
Annual Report 2010, Page 49 & Annual Report 2009, Page 47

Aerospace & Defense                       the way we see it

Aerospace Supply Chain Analysis

Supply Chain Analysis                                          according to the Tier 1 suppliers’
                                                               specifications. Tier 3 suppliers are
The overall Aerospace supply chain                             responsible for providing basic
can be classified among OEMs, Tier                             components required by other
1 suppliers, Tier 2 suppliers and                              vendors that are present higher in the
Tier 3 suppliers. Traditionally, large                         value chain.
aircraft manufacturers, often referred
to as OEMs, will specify their needs                           However, with the changing
to the Tier 1 suppliers. OEMs are                              dynamics in the industry, airframe
responsible for overall designing                              manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers
and manufacturing, which are                                   are gradually becoming large
often referred to as the most critical                         integrators of airplane production.
component of the value chain and                               New strategies adopted by the
frequently face entry barriers due                             Aerospace industry to achieve
to high investment requirements                                greater efficiency and reduced costs
and technological capabilities.Tier                            are increasing OEMs’ dependence
2 suppliers produce aircraft parts                             on Tier 1 suppliers. This enhances

                                   Figure 24: Aerospace Supply Chain

                                                      Aircraft Demand- Passenger, Cargo, Military

                                                                  Demand Fulfillment

                                                      Airframe Manufacturers - OEM, Jumbo Jets,
                                                      Twin Aisle, Single Aisle, Regional Jet & Rotary

                                                                      Tier 1 Suppliers
       Special Processing Shop                        (Aero Structures, Avionics Systems, Engines,
                                                       Aircraft Interiors, Landing Gear, Actuators)
       Raw Material Suppliers/Stock List
                                                                       Tier 2 Suppliers
       Jigs & Tools Suppliers                          (Aero Structures, Avionics Systems, Engines,
                                                        Aircraft Interiors, Landing Gear, Actuators)

        Standard Parts Suppliers

                                                                     Tier 3 Suppliers
                                                                  (Components & Parts)

                                                         Engineering Design Service Suppliers

                                                               Low-Cost Region Suppliers

   Source – Autodesk Whitepaper ‘Digital Prototyping for the Aerospace Supply Chain’, 2008

risk sharing between suppliers and                          range of components that vary in                                 with commercial aircraft makers
buyers (OEMs), including suppliers                          terms of specifications and functions.                           or OEMs. In many instances these
from low-cost regions in the value                          It is estimated that the airframe and                            manufacturers enter into joint-venture
chain, and increasing transparency                          engine constitute a quarter of the                               agreements to share high investments
into aircraft programs, plans and                           total aircraft production values while                           required for future engine design
schedules. Big players like Boeing                          systems and avionics combined                                    and development. In some cases,
and Airbus are focusing more on                             account for another quarter of the                               jet engine manufacturers are willing
integration and less on internal                            total value chain. The following                                 to sell their products at “no profit
production capability. These vendors                        section describes the dynamics of                                no loss” in order to capture future
are working towards a business model                        major components of the value chain.                             lucrative MRO business, which
where they will need to work with                                                                                            provides them with incremental
fewer Tier I suppliers, and decreasing                      Aircraft Engines                                                 income over the years. As a result,
direct interactions with Tier 2 and                         The Aircraft Engines segment consists                            companies in this segment tend to
Tier 3 suppliers.                                           of companies that primarily specialize                           have healthy profit margins.
                                                            in manufacturing jet engines. This
Another important component of                              market is dominated by three                                     Apart from the large OEMs and the
the value chain is the aftermarket                          companies: General Electric, Rolls-                              corresponding joint ventures (with a
industry, often referred to as                              Royce and Pratt & Whitney. Rolls-                                regional emphasis on the U.S.), there
Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul                            Royce is the current market leader                               are several suppliers in the global
(MRO), which provides support to the                        and is estimated to have about 50% of                            aviation engine market including
OEMs and airlines through day-to-day                        the new orders in the most lucrative                             MTU Aero Engines of Germany, Volvo
maintenance and required upgrades.                          wide-bodied aircraft market, while GE                            Aero of Sweden, Avio S.p.A. of Italy
                                                            holds about 40% of the new orders.                               and ITP Engines of the UK.
Key Components of the
Aerospace Supply Chain                                      In this segment intense competition                              Avionics
                                                            often results in price wars among the                            The Avionics market consists of
Aerospace manufacturing is an                               players. To avoid such situations,                               electronic aircraft systems like fly-
extremely complicated process,                              engine manufacturers typically enter                             by-wire (or even fly-by-light) flight
involving manufacturing of a wide                           into exclusive supplier contracts                                controls, system monitoring, anti-

                   Figure 25: Global MRO Market, 2005 - 2010                                               Figure 26: Global MRO Market Forecast, 2010, 2015 - 2020

          48                                                              15.0%                           70
          46                                                                                              60
                                             10.0%                        10.0%
          44                                                                                              50
                                  5.7%                                    5.0%                                        42.3
                                                                                  Growth Rate

          42     3.5%                                                                                     40
US $ Bn

                                                                                                US $ Bn

          40                                                              0.0%                            30

          38                                                                                              20
          36                                                      -7.4%
                 38.3      38.8     41        45.1   45.7      42.3
          34                                                              -10.0%                          0
                2005      2006      2007     2008    2009      2010                                                   2010             2015              2020

                                         Growth Rate

Source – TeamSAI Consulting.MRO Market Forecast

Aerospace & Defense                the way we see it

collision systems and pilot assistant/                 outsourcing of MRO-related activities                   intensive process with labor only
interface systems like communication,                  is gaining traction as airlines focus                   accounting for close to 30% of the
flight management systems, navigation                  on their core business of passenger                     revenue earned from this segment.
and weather forecast. After the                        transport while leaving non-core                        Engine manufacturers are increasingly
economic downturn the outlook                          activities in the hands of specialists.                 making efforts to raise their share of
for the Avionics software market                                                                               the engine maintenance market as it
continues to be difficult. However,                    However, the increasing global airline                  is a source of substantial incremental
the market is expected to follow                       fleet does not necessarily mean that                    revenue and profit. Components
the overall aircraft manufacturing                     the MRO market will also record                         contribute around 23% of the overall
cycle. Key players in this segment                     growth at par with the increasing                       MRO market.
include Thales, Honeywell and                          fleet size. Over time the maintenance
L3-Communications.                                     requirements of aircraft tend to                        The highest market share within
                                                       decline as new-generation aircraft that                 the MRO market is captured by
Global Maintenance, Repair and                         require less maintenance replace the                    the OEMs. They have an added
Overhaul (MRO)                                         older ones.                                             advantage with technical knowledge
Demand for MRO services is primarily                                                                           of products as they can be readily
driven by airline companies, which                     The global MRO market is expected                       adapted for maintenance-related
use in-house maintenance services                      to grow by 3.4% per annum through                       activities. Other associated services
or outsource these activities to third-                2015 and 4.4% through 2020. In                          like airframe, line maintenance and
party providers. As noted previously,                  terms of value, the MRO market is                       modifications contribute 15%, 21%
with the number of aircraft in                         predicted to reach US$50.1 billion by                   and 7%, respectively.
operation expected to increase across                  2015. In 2010, global MRO-related
all regions in the future, demand for                  expenditures fell by 7.5%, although
MRO services is set to grow. Airline                   they have registered growth of 2.1%
operators are also influencing the                     in 2011.
dynamics of the market through their
growing demand for quick turnaround                    The greatest share of MRO revenue
times in order to keep their planes                    is derived from engine maintenance
in the air as long as possible. Also,                  activities, which involve a material-

             Figure 27: Global MRO Market Regional Split, 2010                                    Figure 28: Global Air Transport MRO Market

                     100% = US$42.3 billion
 Latin America, 5%                                                                                           36%

                                                      Asia Pacific, 22%
                                                                            % of Sales

                                                                                                Line         20%

                                                         Middle East &
                                                          Africa, 10%
                                                                                            Airframe         15%

                                                   Europe, 30%

  North America, 33%                                                                     Modification        7%

                                                                                                        0%   5%       10% 15%   20%   25% 30% 35% 50%

 Source – TeamSAI Consulting.MRO market Forecast                                Source – Aero Strategy/OAG Aviation

Future Trends
     The A&D industry has always been          conventional metallic materials and
     known for its innovation capability       their derivatives continue to evolve
     in achieving extraordinary technical      to increase performance, there is little
     advances and also in allowing             doubt that the significant benefits of
     individual companies to remain            using composites are yet to be fully
     competitive in a rapidly evolving         exploited. As this understanding
     landscape. A few of the innovations,      develops, composite materials will
     like the Global Positioning System        play an increasingly significant role in
     (GPS), Boeing’s Joint Direct Attack       aircraft manufacturing.
     Munitions (JDAM), the Airbus A380
     and SpaceX’s Falcon 1, have altered       Optimized Usage of Turboprops
     the entire industry in terms of its       and Jets
     functioning. Several developing trends
     have similar potential.                   Aircraft and engine design play
                                               a crucial role in determining the
     Increasing Usage of Composites            airline fleet size for optimizing the
                                               networks as well as reducing the
     The composite class of materials has      fuel bills. Once again airlines have
     the capability to play an important       started embracing turboprops as a
     role in the Aerospace industry today      cost-effective way of serving short-
     and in the future. The key reasons for    haul markets. Turboprops not only
     composite materials’ attractiveness to    lower fuel burn but often play a
     aviation and aerospace applications       tangible role in decreasing emissions.
     are their exceptional durability          As environmental considerations
     and high stiffness-to-density ratios.     drive airline and passenger choices,
     Composite material generally consists     the advantages of turboprops are
     of relatively strong, stiff fibers in a   substantial. The propeller has been
     tough resin matrix. Other composite       used since the earliest days of
     materials that are often used in          powered flight; the concept has been
     aerospace include carbon- and glass-      refined over the years with significant
     fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP and        improvements in turbine efficiency
     GFRP, respectively).                      and propeller technology. In the
                                               future airlines will make an ongoing
     Usage of composite materials              effort to maintain the right balance
     is lucrative in aircraft because          between turboprops and jet numbers
     composites help in reducing the           to increase their profitability.
     overall weight of the airframe
     enabling better fuel efficiency.          Alternate Fuels
     Composites are estimated to enable
     a 20% saving in terms of weight           The Aerospace industry is exploring
     along with lower production time          the possibilities of alternative fuels
     and improved damage tolerance.            to decrease exposure to oil price
     Usage of composites in aircraft has       variations and reduce dependency
     gradually increased over the years.       on crude oil. The fuel crisis in 2008
     The A380 has used 20% to 22%              illustrated the industry’s sensitivity to
     composites by weight along with           rapidly rising fuel prices. Biofuels are
     extensive usage of GLARE (glass-          primarily developed from feed stock
     fiber-reinforced aluminum alloy). As      of one of two key sources, namely,

Aerospace & Defense   the way we see it

plants with high sugar content (e.g.,     Globalization
corn and sugar cane) and plants that
are rich in bio-derived oils (e.g.,       Globalization is a growing factor in
soybeans, algae). Biofuels produced       the A&D industry. With an
from plants high in sugar content,        established international customer
including ethanol, are generally          base, the sector is well positioned
referred to as first-generation           to overcome inherent globalization
biofuels and are ill-suited for high-     challenges and derive benefits from
end applications like aviation. On        the booming commercial markets
the other hand, second-generation         of Asia Pacific and defense markets
biofuels made up of bio-derived oil       in the Middle East and Asia.
can be chemically processed to make       Additionally, A&D supply chain
high-quality jet fuel and diesel.         markets are opening up in India,
                                          Brazil, Mexico and Turkey, as well as
Airline companies like Lufthansa,         China for commercial aerospace.
Ryanair and easyJet have already
signed a deal with Solena, an             For many A&D companies, their
American producer of aviation             customer base, production, and
biofuels, marking a step towards an       research and development are already
increase in this trend. In January        globalized and now their MROs
2010, Qantas also started working         are increasingly becoming global
with Solena to build a commercial-        in nature. Besides the U.S. some
scale aviation biofuel plant. Solena      other countries that are attractive
is also setting up a similar plant        for MRO-related investments are
in London, which is scheduled to          Singapore, China, UAE and Brazil.
produce biofuel from 2014.                These investments are changing the
                                          overall landscape of the aerospace
One reason for the sudden popularity      maintenance infrastructure and will
of biofuels is the latest technological   continue to change the dynamics in
advancement of deriving biofuels          the near future.
from waste; this has sidelined some
of the problems that have hampered
production of crop-based varieties
of biofuels. Tests have already been
conducted successfully by airlines,
including Qatar Airways, Continental,
United, Air New Zealand, Japan
Airlines and Lufthansa.

However, it is expected to take years
and more investment in R&D before
biofuels can replace the traditional
kerosene-based jet fuel mix for
extensive usage in civil aviation.
According to IATA an investment of
US$10-15 billion will be required

     This report makes it clear that the        those that have successfully managed
     Aerospace & Defense industry faces         their development in the MRO area.
     critical changes and challenges. In this
     increasingly competitive environment,      Reduce costs without conceding
     A&D companies more than ever must          quality: In most A&D companies
     excel in key strategic areas by taking     cost-reduction programs have been
     the following actions:                     running for a number of years. Yet
                                                there are still opportunities for
     Take advantage of new and                  additional reduction via approaches
     innovative technologies: In a context      such as Business Process Outsourcing
     where newcomers from developing            of some business functions like
     countries will aggressively launch         Technical Publications.
     their products to the market,
     innovation and new technologies can        This study presents an overview of key
     help traditional players stay ahead of     industry segments and critical trends.
     these new competitors.                     Yet there is much more that can be
                                                explored and applied to your own
     Reduce development cycles for new          organization. For additional
     programs: With strong pressure to          information about how Capgemini can
     reduce development cycles and the          help you address the trends and
     increasing importance of Tier 1            challenges, please visit our Aerospace
     suppliers in product design, OEMs          & Defense practice website at
     must rethink their concurrent    
     engineering process toward more            defense
     collaboration, while securing
     intellectual property. To address these
     challenges requires a new standard in
     Product Lifecycle Management that is
     nothing less than excellence.

     Secure the industrial ramp-up of
     programs: To meet the aggressive
     production targets of new or existing
     programs, A&D industrials must
     optimize their processes toward more
     integration both internally (from
     plants to final assembly line) and in
     the global supply chain (from Tier 1
     suppliers to final assembly line).

     Grow revenues from the services
     area: A&D industrials must
     increasingly make the shift from
     products towards services in order to
     create new revenue streams through
     added-value services in maintenance
     activities. The best performing
     companies in the coming years will be

Aerospace & Defense             the way we see it

                ­­About Capgemini

                Capgemini, one of the       balance of the best talent from multiple
              world’s foremost providers    locations, working as one team to create
of consulting, technology and               and deliver the optimum solution for
outsourcing services, enables its clients   clients. Present in 40 countries,
to transform and perform through            Capgemini reported 2010 global
technologies. Capgemini provides its        revenues of EUR 8.7 billion and
clients with insights and capabilities      employs over 112,000 people
that boost their freedom to achieve         worldwide. More information is
superior results through a unique way       available at
of working, the Collaborative Business
ExperienceTM. The Group relies on its
global delivery model called
Rightshore®, which aims to get the right    Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini


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