The Dallas Morning News - Graphics Stylebook

Page created by April Edwards
The Dallas Morning News
     Graphics Stylebook

           October 2005

                  Philosophy                     3
                  Gotham                        4
                  Use of Miller                  8
                  Graphic boxes and headlines   10
                  White space and alignment     11
                  Color palette                 13
                  Fever charts                  16
                  Bar charts                    17
                  Pie charts and tables         18
                  Map elements                  19
                  Locator maps                  21
                  Icon family                   24
                  Wire services                 25
                  Workflow                      26
                  Newcomers                     27
                  Around the building           28

The Dallas Morning News                              Graphics Stylebook   2


            This stylebook marks the beginning of        specifications of headline sizes. This
            a new phase for graphics at The Dallas       should allow us to emphasize different
            Morning News. We are committing to a         levels of hierarchy and help make our
            higher standard in our graphic identity      graphics easier to navigate. We will also
            and to a better visual integration with      strive for graphics with smaller amounts
            the rest of the paper. This stylebook        of text if possible, to make them a faster
            will define that look and its                and more attractive read. In a nutshell,
            implementation.                              we re aiming at simplicity, minus the
                                                         gimmicks. As a general rule, whenever
            In the following pages you will find         you re in doubt, if there s no one around
            more than just specifications of our         for you to ask an opinion, choose the
            graphics style; you ll find guidelines       simplest solution possible.
            that should be considered for every
            graphic you make as well as clarity of       Finally, this document is not exactly a
            graphic choices. The commitment to            bible for our graphics. It is more a set
            this set of rules by each member of our      of guidelines for your graphic work. The
            staff is essential for the success of this   style is strong, but it s flexible. It can
            project. From now on, we expect you to       bend, but it shouldn t be broken. There
            think about style whenever you re doing      will be many occasions that could never
            a graphic.                                   be foreseen (and actually, that shouldn t
                                                         be foreseen). The truth is that ultimately
            Our main goal is to make our graphics        it all comes down to a moment when we
            more attractive and useful to the            have to rely on the judgment and talent
            reader. To that end, one of the primary      of our staff. But to start, here is a new
            goals is to increase the amount of white     way of creating valuable graphics for
            space in our work. If there s too much       this paper, all within a new, clean,
            information, make the graphic bigger.        organized style.
            If the space is tight, cut something out.
            We need to remember that compressed
            graphics tend to be unattractive and
                                                                   Chris Morris
            uncomfortable to read. And if the
                                                               Presentation Director
            reader doesn t look at it, we have lost
            an important opportunity to make an                    Layne Smith
                                                                 Graphics Director
                                                                 Sergio Pecanha
            Another change that comes with the                Design Editor/Graphics
            new style is on the various

The Dallas Morning News                                                                        Graphics Stylebook   3

 1 & 2 COL GRAPHIC HEAD 16PT             Graphic heads are
                                         always UPPERCASE.
                                                                                  GOTHAM WE USE
                                                                                  ■ Gotham Condensed bold:
Gotham Cond Bold 16pt/19, AV30, T 110%
                                                                                  Only for graphic heads, with
                                                                                  proper tracking and spacing.
                                                                                  Nowhere else.

3 & 4 COL GRAPHIC HEAD 20PT                                                       ■ Gotham Book (intro chatter,
                                                                                  source line, long callouts, labels
Gotham Cond Bold 20pt/24, AV30, T 110%                                            etc.)
                                                                                  ■ Gotham Book italic (rivers,
                                                                                  landmarks etc)
                                                                                  ■ Gotham Bold (subhead,

5 & 6 COL GRAPHIC HEAD 24PT                                                       callouts)
                                                                                  ■ Gotham Bold Italic
Gotham Cond Bold 24pt/29, AV30, T 110%

                                                                                  GOTHAM WE DON’T USE
                                                                                  We don t use any other version
                                                                                  of Gotham on graphics. Special
                                                                                  attention to these:
                                                                                  ■ Gotham Condensed (all
                                                                                  versions). Reason: the font is
GRAPHIC SUBHEAD                          UPPERCASE                                too condensed to read in small
                                         Gotham Bold 9pt/11
                                                                                  ■ Gotham Ultra and
                                                                                  Condensed Ultra. Reason: so
                                                                                  bold the fonts merge.

Intro copy lorem ipsum dolor sit         Gotham Book. Sizes can vary. Examples:
amet, consectetuer adipiscing            ■ 8pt/10 (intro copy, 1 and 2 columns)
elit. Fusce placerat volutpat
                                         ■ 9pt/11 (intro copy, 3 columns & up)
mauris. Aliquam sit amet dolor.
Donec elit magna, faucibus vel,          ■ 7pt/8 (most labels)
congue sit amet,

 The Dallas Morning News                                                                      Graphics Stylebook   4

 Font   Callout font: 8/9pt Gotham Bold                            1     2    3   10 22         CALLOUTS
                                                                                                ■ Callouts are generally going
     4pt square, 100M, 100Y, 25K                                                                to be the haviest element you ll
                                                                   1     2    3   10 22
                                                                                                use in a graphic. So, avoid
     Pointer stroke is .5pt, black
                                                                   Number labels:               making callouts that are too
                                                                   Gotham Bold 8/9pt.
     Dotted pointer line .65pt, black, dash 0.2 - 2pt
                                                                   Don’t make it smaller than
                                                                                                long or having too many of
                                                                   this. But you can make it    them in the same graphic.
     4pt circle, .35pt black stroke
                                                                   bigger, as needed.

     Arrow when needed                                                                          ■ Black callout is the standard.
                                                                                                But if the map has more than
                                                                                                three callouts you might need
                                                                                                to use white callouts to help
                                                                                                prevent clutter.

For city in a state map                 For points inside a city

 Name of the city                        Site of construction          Callout font: 8/9
                                                                       Gotham Bold

For Business charts

 Thursday’s close: 985.7                 10.120,10

Note: Avoid using too many black callouts in the same graphic. If you do that,
you might clutter the graphic and not highlight anything. Here are some options
for when you need to point to multiple spots:

 Site of construction                Name of the city                  Gotham Bool

                                                                       Gotham Bold 8/9pt
Name of the city

 Loren fusce place                    Loren fusce place                Gotham Book

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                   Graphics Stylebook       5

                                          Type box font: Gotham Book 7.5/10   LONG CALLOUTS
                                                                              ■ You have editing powers.
Type lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con                                          Work with reporters, editors
                                          0.25pt, 100k stroke
sectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce place
                                                                              and copy editors to avoid
                                                                              callouts and type boxes from
                                          0.5pt, 100k stroke                  being too long in your graphics.
                                                                              No more than 20 words (130

                                                                              ■ Don t cheat on font size,
                                          Gotham Bold 7.5/10                  tracking or leading. Specially:
                                                                              don t make fonts smaller.
Highlight: Type lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fus                                       Remember that an illegible
                                                                              graphic is useless.

 3 Type lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing

                                          Gotham Bold 7.5/10

 3 Type lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consect etuer adipiscing

Type lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit.

                                          0.65pt, 100k stroke
                                          dash 0.2 - 2pt

ITC Zapf Dingbats 7.5/10

■ Type lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consect etuer adipiscing

The Dallas Morning News                                                                 Graphics Stylebook      6

                          Gotham Bold 9/11
                                                                                   TYPE BOXES
                                                                                   ■ Try to keep type boxes one
                          Intro copy lorem ipsum dolor sit                         column wide or shorter. Avoid
                          amet, consectetuer adipiscing                            as much as possible to spread
                          elit. Fusce placerat volutpat                            blocks of type along two
                          mauris. Aliquam sit amet dolor.
                          Donec elit magna, faucibus vel,                          columns or more.
                          congue sit amet. Intro copy
                          lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,                              ■ Break long blocls of copy in
                          consectetuer adipiscing elit.
                                                                                   small pieces. That will help the
                          Fusce placerat volutpat mauris.
                          Aliquam sit amet dolor. Donec                            reader to digest. Use subheads
                          elit magna, faucibus vel, congue                         if you have blocks of copy
                          sit amet.
                                                                                   longer than 15 lines.

Break long blocls of      SUBHEAD
copy with subheads        Intro copy lorem ipsum dolor sit                         ■ Don t wrap text around
every 10 to 15 lines.     amet, consectetuer adipiscing                            illustrations (avoid examples
                          elit. Fusce placerat volutpat
                                                                                   like in the bottom left). It
                          mauris. Aliquam sit amet dolor.
                          Donec elit magna, faucibus vel,                          generally makes the graphic
                          congue sit amet. Intro copy                              look bad and steals breathing
                          lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
                                                                                   space. Treat type boxes the
                          consectetuer adipiscing elit.
                          Fusce placerat volutpat mauris.                          simplest way possible. In most
                          Aliquam sit amet dolor.                                  cases, it should be a square

                          Don’t wrap text like this

                          Intro copy
                          lorem ipsum
                          dolor sit amet,
                          adipiscing elit.
                          Fusce placerat
                                                             Illustration shape
                          volutpat mauris.
                          Aliquam sit amet
                          dolor. Donec elit
                          magna, faucibus vel,
                          congue sit amet. Intro
                          copy lorem ipsum dolor
                          sit amet, consectetuer
                          adipiscing elit. Fusce
                          placerat volutpat mauris.
                          Aliquam sit amet dolor.
                          Donec elit magna, faucibus vel, congue sit amet. Intro
                          copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                          adipiscing elit. Fusce placerat volutpat

The Dallas Morning News                                                                      Graphics Stylebook       7

                          Use this mostly for
                                                     HEADLINE AND DECK
                          feature graphics           Gotham is the headline font on
                          Miller Deck Cond           graphics. However, on pages
                          Roman 90pt
                                                     where the graphic plays the
                          (Suggested starting size
                          for full page graphics)    lead image (taking at least half
                                                     of the page), graphics can use
                                                     Miller Deck on the headline.

Deck copy goes            Miller Display Cond
                          light 24pt
                                                     ■ Full page graphics must have
                                                     Miller on headline.

Page subhead
                                                     ■ As a general rule, headlines
                          Miller Display Cond        and decks on graphics follow
                          light 37pt
                                                     the same rules of the section
                                                     where the graphic is going to be

                                                     ■ Never use a box if you use
                                                     Miller on the headline.

                                                     GENERAL RULE
                                                     The use of Miller on graphics
                          Use this mostly for news   should mimic the standards of
                          and sports graphics        the rest of the paper. Miller
                          Miller Deck Cond
                                                     headlines should never be in
                          Bold 86pt
                                                     uppercase or use kerning or
                                                     tracking that make the font

Deck copy goes
                                                     look different from what s
                          Miller Deck Cond           present on other parts of the
                          Roman 24pt

Page subhead              Miller Deck Cond
                          bold 35pt

The Dallas Morning News                                        Graphics Stylebook       8

 By REPORTER              Miller text bold 9/10                                        DROP CAPS
     Staff writer                                                                      Should take three lines of the
                          Miller text roman 7/9
                                                                                       depth and use same font of the
                                                                                       headline (either Miller Deck
                                                                                       Condensed Roman or Bold).

                                                                                       INTRO COPY, BYLINES
                                                                                       AND CREDITS
     Drop cap: Miller Deck Condensed Bold or Roman
                                                                                       ■ Repeat the style of the rest of
     (whatever is used on headline)
                                                                                       the paper.
                By REPORTER                          Byline is centered with intro
                    Staff writer                                                       ■ Intro copy can grow up to

                                                                                       11pt/16. Make it grow
            nderstanding the continuing
            allure of anabolic steroids is
            simple. They work, and they              Intro copy:                       ■ On full-page graphics, the
                                                     Miller Text 9.6/14
work fast. One recent study shows that                                                 artist s credit can be made like
                                                     with 95% character width
amateur athletes taking relatively low doses         and -10 tracking                  byline.
of testosterone made their biggest strength
gains in the first three weeks of use. In a
world where small advantages make big
differences, that s huge. In the Olympics, a
fraction of a second can be the difference
between sports immortality

Understanding the continuing allure of               Body copy:
anabolic steroids is simple. They work,              Miller Text 9.6/10.5
and they work fast. One recent study                 with 95% character width
shows that amateur athletes taking                   and -10 tracking
relatively low doses of testosterone made            (Use this specifications in
                                                     case you have to put a
their biggest strength gains in the first
                                                     story in your graphic.)
three weeks of use. In a world where
                                                     Text must be justified.
small advantages make big differences,
that s huge. In the Olympics, a fraction of
a second can be the difference between
sports immortality.

DEAN HOLLINGSWORTH/Staff Artist                      Credit for graphics and photos:
                                                     Miller Text Roman 7pt

The Dallas Morning News                                                                             Graphics Stylebook     9

Spacing for 1 and 2 column graphics: 8pt square (on all corners)
                                                                                                  DIFFERENT HEAD SIZES
                                                                                                  ■ Now we have three different
                                                                                                  graphic headline sizes: 16pt (1
  16PT 1 AND 2 COLS                            Graphic heads are always UPPERCASE.
                                               Gotham Cond Bold 16pt, AV30, T 110%                and 2 columns), 20pt (3 and 4
  Intro copy goes here. 8pt
                                                                                                  columns) and 24pt (5 and 6
                                               Gotham Book 8/10                                   columns).

                                               Box: 0.25pt, 100K
                                                                                                  ■ Each graphic size has a
  SOURCE: Dallas Morning News research                                                            different spacing on the borders
         SERGIO PE ANHA/Staff Artist           Miller Text LF 7/8                                 (represented by the gray boxes
                                                                                                  on the right). The boxes mark
 Gotham Book 5.5/7
                                                                                                  an imaginary line: all elements
                                                                                                  of the graphics should be
                                                                                                  contained inside this border.

                                                                                                  WHEN TO USE BOX AND
                                                                                                  WHEN TO USE MILLER
                                                                                                  ■ A box around graphics is
Spacing for 3 and 4 column graphics:                        Gotham Cond Bold 20pt, AV30, T 110%   standard. But it can be taken off
10pt square (all corners)
                                                                                                  in large graphics, if it works
                                                                                                  better on the page, and in small

  HEAD 20PT 3 AND 4 COLUMNS                                                                       graphics that will go inside CCI
                                                                                                  boxes. Discuss it case-by-case
  Intro copy goes here. 9pt on 11                                                                 with layout person and art
                                                         Gotham Book 9/11                         directors.

                                                                                                  ■ If the graphic is half-page or
                                                                                                  bigger, consider using
                                                                                                  Miller Deck Cond Roman or
                                                                                                  Bold at the headline. Font size
                                                                                                  should be 35pt & up. Full-page
                                                                                                  graphics must use Miller. Font
Spacing for 5 and 6 column graphics:                        Gotham Cond Bold 24pt, AV30, T 110%   size 80pt & up.
10pt square (all corners)

                                                                                                  ■ Never use a box if you use
                                                                                                  Miller on the headline.
  Intro copy goes here. 9pt on 11
                                                         Gotham Book 9/11

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                        Graphics Stylebook 10

■ Along with color palette and fonts,              ■ As a suggested spacing, try to                    ■ It s a mistake to compress excessive
spacing and alignment are the most                 leave at least one pica between                     information on small areas. Cluttered
important elements of the graphics                 elements of the graphic. Leave more                 graphics trend to be illegible,
at The Dallas Morning News.                        if you need.                                        unattractive and, ultimately, useless.

                                                                                                        Leave a white border between the
EXAMPLE OF GOOD SPACING                                                                                 graphic and the box of: 1 & 2 col. 8pt;
                                                                                                        3 & 4 col. 10pt; 5 & 6 col. 1 pica


          BACK TO BASICS
           Profit growth of companies in the basic materials industry has far outpaced the
           economy as a whole, as represented by the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.
           ■ Basic materials          ■ S&P 500          COMPARING WITH OTHER SECTORS
                                                         Profit growth of basic materials companies far outpaced all other
            120%                                         sectors in the third quarter.

            100                                          Sector                        Earnings growth rate
                                                         Basic materials                                                  84%
                                                         Consumer discretionary                 21
            60                                           Consumer staples                   8
                                                         Energy                                               56
            40                                           Financial                      3
                                                         Health care                        8
                                                         Industrials                            23
            0                                            Technology                                   39
                    4Q     1Q   2Q      3Q   4Q*         Telecommunications             2
                  2003     2004
                                                         Utilities                -1
            * Estimated.
           SOURCE: Thomas Financial

                                                                                                     SERGIO PE ANHA/Staff Artist

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                                 Graphics Stylebook 11


          Profit growth of companies in the basic materials industry has far outpaced the
          economy as a whole, as represented by the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.

          ■ Basic materials          ■ S&P 500             COMPARING WITH OTHER SECTORS
                                                           Profit growth of basic materials companies far outpaced all other
           120%                                            sectors in the third quarter.

           100                                             Sector                            Earnings growth rate
                                                           Basic materials                                                        84%
                                                           Consumer discretionary                       21
           60                                              Consumer staples                         8
                                                           Energy                                                    56
           40                                              Financial                          3
                                                           Health care                              8
                                                           Industrials                                  23
           0                                               Technology                                         39
                   4Q       1Q   2Q       3Q    4Q*        Telecommunications                   2
                 2003       2004
                                                           Utilities                    -1
           * Estimated.
         SOURCE: Thomas Financial

                                                                                                             SERGIO PE ANHA/Staff Artist

         BACK TO BASICS                                                                                         BAD SPACING
         Profit growth of companies in the basic materials industry has far outpaced                            ■ In this case the
         the economy as a whole, as represented by the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.                             graphic needed to grow
        120%                ■ Basic materials    Profit growth of basic materials companies                     one column to have the
                            ■ S&P 500            far outpaced all other sectors in the third                    proper spacing. If the
        100%                                     quarter.
                                                                                                                space is tight, the
                                                 Sector            Earnings growth rate
         80%                                     Basic materials                          84%                   information needs to
                                                 Consumer discretionary        21%                              be edited.
         60%                                     Consumer staples            8%
                                                 Energy                               56%
                                                 Financial                  3%
         20%                                     Health care                 8%
                                                 Industrials                    23%
            0                                    Technology                        39%
                 4Q            2Q 3Q     4Q*
                2003             2004            Telecommunications         2%
         * Estimated                             Utilities              -1%
         SOURCE: Thomas Financial
                                                                                   Staff Graphic

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                                         Graphics Stylebook 12

                               C     M     Y      K                                     WHY DOES IT MATTER?
LAND                          0      0     10     15                                    ■ Color palette is not just a

                                                               Maps                     rule. Colors are essential to
WATER                         15     0     0      0
                                                               These colors can be      build a family structure to the
                                                               converted to black and
NEIGHBOR                      0      0     10     25                                    graphics at the DMN. Use these
                                                               white automatically.
                                                               But always double        colors as a starting point for
PARK                          10     0     10     20
                                                               check automatic          every graphic you do.
COUNTRY                       0      0     15     35           convertions.

PINK                          0     20    20     20                                     CREATING VARIATIONS
                                                                                        ■ On Illustrator, go to Filter,
SILVER                        5      0     0      15
                                                                                        Colors, Saturate.
RED                           0     100   100     25                                    ■ Always double-check
                                                                                        automatic convertions to
BLUE                          50     0     0      35
BEIGE                         0      0    30     20            Charts

OCRE                          0     20    70     20

GREEN                         25     0    40      55

ORANGE                        0     50    100     0

Using a 0.25pt, 50K stroke can help to distinct areas of similar colors.

         0C, 0M, 5Y, 5K                         0C, 0M, 15Y, 30K

         0C, 0M, 10Y, 10K                       5C, 0M, 10Y, 10K

         0C, 0M, 10Y, 15K                       10C, 0M, 10Y, 20K

         0C, 0M, 10Y, 20K                       10C, 0M, 15Y, 20K

How do they look with automatic grayscale convertion

The Dallas Morning News                                                                              Graphics Stylebook 13

Saturation example:                                                           CREATING VARIATIONS
                                                                              ■ On Illustrator, go to Filter,
Land             50% saturation       100% saturation       -50% saturation
                                                                              Colors, Saturate.

                                                                              ■ Colors you create can’t be
                                                                              automatically converted to
                                                                              grayscale. Always double-check
                                                                              automatic conversions.

If you blend similar colors, you can have a wide range of tones
in between and still be in the same family:

  Land                                                    Country

 Water                                                    Blue

  Park                                                    Green

   Pink                                                   Red

 Beige                                                    Ocre

The Dallas Morning News                                                                 Graphics Stylebook 14

Fever charts                                                                                       COLORS FOR PIE, FEVER
5pt circle     3pt stroke                                                                          AND BAR CHARTS
1.5 stroke                                                                                         ■ Fever and bar charts should
White fill
                                                                                                   always start with red line or
                     1. RED                                                                        bar. If you need more colors,
                                                                                                   follow the order they appear on
                     2. BLUE                                                                       the left.

                     3. OCRE

                     4. GREEN                                     30K
                                            100K, 2 dash, 2 gap

                     5. BLACK
                                            60K, 2 dash, 2 gap

Bar charts

                     C      M       Y      K
1. RED               0      100   100      25         1st color

2. BLUE              50       0     0      35         2nd

3. BEIGE             0        0    30      20         3rd

4. OCRE              0      20     70      20         4th

5. GREEN             25     40      0      55         5th

Pie charts

                                                                        Note: You can make pies
1st slice                         Country       1st slice
                                                                        with shades of one color
                                                                        if you have too many
                                                                        colors going on. But
                                  Land          2nd
                                                                        prefer to use pastel
                                                                        colors and use a color
                                                                        from the color palette
                                  Park          3rd
                                                                        as a starting point.

                                  Silver        4th

                                  Neighbor 5th

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                        Graphics Stylebook 15

Gotham Cond Bold 16pt, AV30, T 110%                           Stroke 0.25 pt
                                                              100 K
                                                                                          INTRO COPY
                                                                                          ■ Intro copy and footnotes

8pt space                                                                                 should be as short as possible:
                     FEWER TAKERS                             Intro copy font
                                                                                          less than 20 words (130
                      Since 2000, the number of               Gotham Book
                                                                                          characters). If you need more
                      active-duty soldiers joining            8pt/10                      than that to explain a graphic,
                      the Army National Guard                 (1 & 2 col.)
Gotham Book                                                                               you should consider whether or
                      has dropped.
6/7pt                                                                                     not it s worth doing a graphic
                                                              Strokes 50% K
                                                              0.25pt                      that needs so much
3pt stroke            7,000                                                               explanation.
100M, 100Y, 25 K      6,000

                      5,000                                                               ■ Fever charts with only one
Beige                 4,000                         2,877     Gotham Bold                 line should have beige box.
10 Y, 10 K                                                    8/9pt
                      3,000                                                               Charts with more than one line
                                                              5pt circle
                      2,000                                                               shouldn’t.
                              2000 ’01    ’02    ’03   ’04    Gotham Book
                      SOURCE: Army National Guard
                                                                                          USE COLORS ON
                             DAMEON RUNNELS/Staff Artist                                  THIS ORDER

                              Credit: Miller Text Roman 7pt                                               C    M    Y       K

                                                                                           1              0   100   100    25

                                                                                           2             50    0    0      35

                                                                                           3              0   20    70     20

                      SINGLE HOMEBUYERS                                                    4             25    0    40     55

                      ON THE RISE                                                          5              0    0    0     100

                      While they're still in the              Intro copy should be
                      minority, single homebuyers             kept as short as possible
                      have become a larger                    (less than 20 words in
                      percentage of the Dallas-               1 col. charts)
ITC Zapf              Fort Worth housing market.
8/12                  ■ Total loans (in thousands)            Gotham Book
                      ■ Loans for single applicants           7/8pt



Align to left          60 72,038
Gotham Book                  26,632

                             ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01      ’02 ’03

                      Note: Numbers indicating single          Foot notes should be
Gotham Book           homebuyers represent approved            kept short (also less
7/10pt                conventional home loans with             than 20 words).
                      only one applicant identified.
                      SOURCE: Dallas Morning News research

                                JAMES A. BLACK/Staff Artist

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                Graphics Stylebook 16

                         UNEMPLOYMENT                                                             ■ If you use a scale (axis) on the
                         Here is a look at the change                                             graphic, don t put numbers on
                         in nonfarm payroll                                                       the bars (except the callout). If
Gotham Book Ital.                                                                                 you put the numbers on the
7/10pt                   (In thousands)             169,000                                       bars, delete the scale.

                          250                                            5pt stroke               USE COLORS IN
                                                                                                  THIS ORDER

                          150                                                                                   C     M     Y     K
100M, 100Y, 25 K                                                                                  1             0    100    100   25

                          50                                                                      2            50     0     0     35

                          0                                                                       3             0     0     30    20
Gotham Book                     A S ON D J F MAM J J A                   Gotham Book 6/7pt
7/8pt                           2004         2005                        (Smaller size allowed,
                                                                         avoid using it.)         4             0    20     70    20
                          SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor
                                                                                                  5            25     0     40    55
                                                 Associated Press

  If you use a scale (axis) on the graphic, don’t
  put numbers on the bars (except the callout).

   Gender breakdowns for single homebuyers in the area.
   ■ Single applicants ■ Single male ■ Single female






           1998         1999          2000        2001        2002       2003
   Note: Numbers indicating single homebuyers represent approved
   conventional home loans with only one applicant identified.
   SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor

                                                             BETSY BOCK/Staff Artist

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                     Graphics Stylebook 17

                                                                                               7 PICAS CIRCLE
 OIL RESERVES                                                                                  ■ For one-column charts, make
 Saudi Arabia                      Japan           Gotham Book 7.5/9                           the pie 7 picas circle.
 22%                                 22%           (All pointers outside
                                                   the pie)
                                                                                               ■ All callouts should be outside
                                                                                               the pie. Use 0.5pt black stroke
                                                                                               to point to the slices.
                                                   0.7 pt white stroke
                                                   between slices
                                                                                               ■ Pies with more than five
                                                                                               slices should be treated as bar
                                                   Stroke 0.5 pt
 Brazil            U.S.           Jamaica
                                                   100 K                                       chart or table.
 22%               22%               22%
 SOURCE: Army National Guard
                                                                                               USE COLORS IN
            TROY OXFORD/Staff Artist                                                           THIS ORDER

                                                                                                            C     M      Y    K

                                                                                               1            0      0     15   30
    Gotham bold
                                                                                               2            0      0     10   15
                                                                                               3            10     0     10   20
                                                    Strokes 50% K
Column widths                                                                                  4             5     0     0    15
1 col.                             11p
                                                                                               5            0      0     10   25
2                                  22p9.6
3                                  34p7.2
                                                                                               Note: You can make pies with
4                                  46p4.8
                                                                                               shades of one color if you have
5                                  58p2.4           Gotham book 7.5pt/14
                                                                                               too many colors going on. But
6                                  70p                                                         prefer to use pastel colors and
                                                                                               use a color from the color
                                                                                               palette as a starting point.

Alignement             Gotham bold                Units only
to the left            7.5pt                      in the first

Sector                 Earnings growth rate                      Profit
Basic materials                                  84%             $ 70 million
Consumer                           21                            $ 30.5
Consumer staples              8                                  $ 2.3
Energy                                      56                   $ 13.7
Financial                 3                                      $ 1.7

                       Gotham book                                        Strokes 50% K
                         7.5pt/14                                         0.25pt

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                   Graphics Stylebook 18

Land                         Water                                          MAP COLORS
           10Y, 15K                  15C, .25pt 50K outline
                                                                            AND LABELS
                                     Label: Gotham Book Ital 7/8            ■ If you use the colors on the
                                                                            right, locator maps should
                                                                            easily convert to grayscale.

Use the colors below to differentiate states,
                                                                            ■ Despite that, when you
countries and to and highlight areas of the map
(malls, universities, amusement parks etc.)                                 convert to black and white,
                                                                            always check to see if the
       C       M      Y       K                                             graphic elements are still
       0       0      10     25      (neighbor states)                      clearly different.

       0       0      15     35      (neighbor country)

    10         0      10     20      (parks: .25pt 50K outline)

       0       20     20     20      (site of construction)

Patterns and strokes can also be used to
highlight areas:

            Dotted line (100M, 100Y, 25K, 2pt dash)

   Capital (8 pt circle; Gotham Book 7/8)

   City (4pt circle, 0.25pt 100K stroke; Gotham Book 7/8)

                              County line: 0.35pt, 50K, dash 3pt, gap 4pt
                              Label: Gotham Book Ital 5.5/6.5

             Detail        2pt rule, RED
                           Gotham Bold 8/9

The Dallas Morning News                                                               Graphics Stylebook 19

                                                                                          ROAD STROKES
          Major 2.5pt white (label Gotham Book 7/8)                                       ■ If the map only shows one
                                                                                          level of roads (example: only
          Secondary 1.5pt white                                                           interstate highways), use 1.5pt
                                                                                          stroke. Other than that, use the
          Tertiary 1pt white
                                                                                          hierarchy on the right.

          Rivers 1.5pt, 20C (Label Gotham Book Ital 7/8)
                                                                                          ■ If the map has so many small
                                                                                          roads that white areas are
                                                                                          covering most of the land,
                                                                                          consider making the small
                                                                                          roads using at 0.5pt, 40%
                                                                                          black. Leave major roads white.
Railroad tracks
One rule on top of another:

                                                       1.5pt, 50K, dashe .35pt, gap 6pt

                                                       .5pt, 50K

State Highways                      Interstates                     Rural or farm roads

75        175   287                 635      35E      35W            423     22    12

360       121   26    5             30       20       10


Gotham Book 5.5                30
                                         Stroke: 0.3pt, 100K

                                                            2pt stroke

 100 miles                                100 miles         Gotham Book 6pt/7

      N                   Gotham medium 6pt/7
                          Note: We only indicate north if it’s essential
 100 miles                for the information. Otherwise, we don’t.

 The Dallas Morning News                                                                            Graphics Stylebook 20


         Gotham Book 7pt/8, uppercase                                        Stroke 0.25 pt, 100 K            DALWORTH
                                                                                                              ■ Place Dalworth always on the

                                                  OKLAHOMA                   10Y, 20K neighbor land
                                                                                                              bottom of the locator.

Gotham Book                                                                                                   ■ Always double-check the
7pt/8                         Fort Worth Dallas                              Gotham Bold 7pt/8                automatic conversion to black
                                                                                                              and white.
                        20                                                   10Y, 15K land
Gotham Bold
                                           Waco            45
8pt/9,                                                                                                        ■ Use map colors as a starting
uppercase              TEXAS                              Prairie View       Gotham Bold 8pt/9
                                                                                                              point for bigger maps, but you
                                                                             Callout stroke .5pt/K
                                                                                                              can change it according to the
8pt black circle,                                                                                             needs of each case.
                                                                             4pt circle, 0.35pt 100K stroke
white star inside                                                 Houston
                             San Antonio                                     15C water; 0.5pt stroke, 50K
1.5pt white                                                                                                   COLORS OF EASY
                                                                   Gulf of
                        100 miles                                  Mexico
                                                                                                              CONVERTION TO
                                                                             7pt/8 Gotham Book It
                                                                             For water, region, park
                                           CHRIS VELEZ/Staff Artist
                                                                                                                           C    M      Y    K

                                                                                                                           0    0      10   15
                    Gotham Book 6/7pt
                                                                                                                           15   0      0    0

                                                                                                                           0    0      10   25

                                                                                                                           10   0      10   20

                                                                                                                           0    0      15   35

                                        Ledbetter                            On locators, always

                                                                             show a major road.
                                              Trail W

                                                                             Major road: 2.5pt
                                                                             Secondary: 1.5pt
                                                                             Tertiary: 1pt

                                              Marshall                        Lakes, parks, colleges
                      Dallas                  Recreation                      and other references,
                      Executive               Center                          Gotham Book Italic 7/8

                                              Bahama Beach

                      1,000 feet

                                                                             8pt space
                                                                             No more pointer
                                                                             balloons, just the space
Dalworth always                                             DALLAS
on the bottom           WORTH
                                                                             0.25pt black stroke
                                    SERGIO PE ANHA/Staff Artist

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                                 Graphics Stylebook 21

Neighbor color                            Gotham Bold 8pt/9                                                 STATE MAPS
0C, 0M, 10Y, 25K                                                                                            ■ Follow the example on the
Stroke: 0.5pt, 50K
                       NM                       OK                 AR           Gotham Book 7pt/8           left for reference on colors. Use
                                                                                                            50% black line for state and
                                                                                                            country limits.
Land                                                      Dallas                Gotham Bold 7pt/8
0C, 0M, 10Y, 15K                                20

Stroke: 0.5pt, 50K                        TEXAS
                                   10                      45

                                                 Austin                         Gotham Book 7pt/8

                       MEXICO                                                   Water
                                                            Gulf of             15C, 0M, 0Y, 0K
Country color          200 miles                            Mexico
0C, 0M, 15Y, 35K
                                        LAYNE SMITH/Staff Artist

15C, 0M, 0Y, 0K
Stroke: 0.25pt, 50K


                                          Detail          183

Gotham Bold                                               30
8pt/9                        FORT WORTH                            360


                                          35W             287

                       TARRANT CO.                                              County line: 0.35pt, 50K,
                                         TOM SETZER/Staff Artist                dash 3pt, gap 4pt

                      Gotham Book Ital 5.5/6.5pt

                                100K                                                    2pt stroke

 Gotham Book 5.5       30                                                100 miles      Gotham Book 6pt/7
                                Stroke: 0.3pt, 100K

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                               Graphics Stylebook 22

                                                                  EAR & WORLD MAPS
                                                                  ■ Ear maps are state maps with
                                                                  capital and callout with name
                                                                  of the city being located. This is
                  Detail                                 Detail   all the information that fits on
                                                                  that space.
                                                                  ■ For world locators, use the
                                                                  maps on the right. Don t use
                                                                  rounded globes or continent


                           Detail          Detail

                    Ear maps

 Make it fit in
 a 7p square


                    Land: 10Y, 15K
                    Stroke: 0.5pt, 100K
                    Shadow: 15K

The Dallas Morning News                                                     Graphics Stylebook 23

Small icons 27.5pt square                                                                  TWO SIZES
                                                                                           ■ Icons are always black, drawn
27.5pt square
100% black                                                                                 with 1pt white stroke.
                               White stroke: 1pt (always)
                                                                                           ■ 27.5pt and 4 picas square.

                                                                                           ■ No other variations on size.
                                                                                           Don t squeeze it, nor make it
                3 lines deep
                                          Sewage treatment:           Gotham Bold 7.5/10   bigger. If there s no space,
                                          Also shut down.
                                                                                           either cut the text or remove
                                          Floodwaters probably
                                  contaminated with sewage.                                the icon.

                                          Oil refineries:
                                          Inundated industrial
                                          facilities could expose     Gotham Book 7.5/10
                1 line space
                                  people to chemicals.

                                             Toxic waste sites:
                                             Contaminants could
                                             be washed offsite.

Large icons 4P square
                                                   4 picas square


                    Make the icon on the small size and blow
                    it up 173% with strokes scaled also

                                                     Large icons go on page ears

The Dallas Morning News                                                                                Graphics Stylebook 24

Provider                  Address                       Username   Password   AGENCIES
Associated Press   -----      -----      ■ Download KRT material only

AP Archive          -----      -----      froom, not from

Knight Ridder Tribune      -----      -----

NewsCom                 -----      -----
LA Times/Wash. Post          -----      -----

The Dallas Morning News                                                                Graphics Stylebook 25

 CREATING THE GRAPHIC                                                      CORRECTING AND SHIPPING IT

  1 Assigning editor places request                                         4 After the assigning editor checks the
 online via SCC. That request prints out                                   graphic, he is responsible for getting the
 of the editor's printer and a duplicate                                   proof to the layout desk.
 prints back in News Art.

                ASSIGNING                                                               NEWS/LAYOUT
                  DESK                                                                     DESK

  2 The editor walks his or
 her assignment (along with
 pertinent reference or
 resource material clipped to
 it) back to News Art.
                                                In basket
                                                            Fixes basket

                                                                                            5 After the copy desk
                                                                                           proofs the graphic, it is
                                                                                           returned to News Art. We
                                                                                           make the fixes and put the
          Artist, editor                     GRAPHICS
      A   and reporter                        EDITOR        GRAPHICS                       graphic in CCI.
          should talk                                        EDITOR

                                                                                    Fixes between editions: are brought
                                                                                    to News Art by a News Clerk or a
                                                                                    Copy Editor and can be placed in
                                                                           the Fixes basket at the Graphics Desk.
                                                                                     Suburban workflow: the artist
                                                                                     makes an Acrobat file and emails it
                  3 We assign it to the artist.                                      back to the assigning editor. After
                 Artist and assigning desk                                 the assigning editor has made corrections, a
                 should communicate. When                                  new printout is made, placed in the plexiglas
                 work is completed, it is given to                         bins in front of the Graphics Desk.
                 a News Art manager.

The Dallas Morning News                                                                             Graphics Stylebook 26


Here you ll find answers to a few questions you might have. While this might offer some basic help, don t hesitate
to ask these questions to anyone in the staff if you feel like you need to verbalize it.

How do I get in the system?              How can I get text from CCI?            How can I see production pages
Call extension 2911 for IT Help          There s a folder in the News Art        and get PDFs of my work?
Desk. They will help you to set up a     Server called Text_from_CCI.            On your browser, go to:
password and an email account.                                                   http://pagetracker
They also can get you a password for     How do I set up the News Art            Click on Archives and find the page
phone calls outside our area code.       printers (printer names, settings,      you want by date of publication.
                                         etc.)?                                  Click on the page thumbnail. To
What s the log-in information for        Call the Help Desk: 2911.               download the PDF, click on Web
the News Art server?                                                             PDF , on the top right.
Our files are stored in:                 How do I look for archived files?
afp://         We have CDs and DVDs with files         How can I get CCI on my machine?
Username: -------                        that go back to 1996. To find recent    Ask the Chris Morris. He can get the
Password: -------                        files, connect to server                right people in the Help Desk to do
                                         afp://         that for you.
Where should I store my files?           Click on the server Current Year. For
Look for the News Art Server. Chris      older files, ask James Black.           How can I get information about
Morris or Layne Smith will assign a                                              human resources?
folder in the the Daily Dump, the        How can I get staff and wire            For timecards, go to
place on the network where all files     photos?                        and click on
are saved.                               On your brownser, go to http://scc/      Kronos Workforce Timecards . For
                                         ( just type SCC and hit enter)          other questions, start by talking with
Where can I retrieve base maps?          Username: -------                       Lisa Patton. She knows everything
There s a folder in the News Art         Password: -------                       about everything and she ll tell you
server called New Graphics                                                       who you should look for.
Resources. Go there for base maps        How can I find out extensions and
and other resources. Talk to Tom         e-mail addresses of DMN s               How can I check my e-mail from
Setzer if you have questions.            employees?                              home?
                                         On your brownser, go to                 Log in to On the
How do I put a file into CCI?                           bottom of the page you ll find the
The graphics editor should do it         Click on Telephone Directory .          link Employee Login. You ll need
most of the time. But if you need to                                             your employee number (on your
do it, just drop the EPS file onto the   To who should I talk if I have          paycheck) and intranet password (set
icon NewsArtInOSX on your                questions about graphic style?          it up with the Help Desk). To call
desktop. The file will appear in CCI     Sergio Pecanha and Chris Morris.        Help Desk from outside the building:
in a few minutes.                                                                214-977-2911.

    The Dallas Morning News                                                                                Graphics Stylebook 27

Young St.                                                          Elevators       FIRST FLOOR
                                     Main entrance                                 ■ Advertising
                                                                                   ■ training rooms
                                                                                   ■ Security


    ADVERTISING                                      ADVERTISING




              machines, Fedex
              pickup point,
              stamps and               TRAINING


                                Back entrance

The Dallas Morning News                                                                     Graphics Stylebook 28

Young St.                                                            Elevators        SECOND FLOOR
                                       Front                                          ■ SportsDay
                                                                                      ■ Al Dia
                                                                                      ■ Reference
                                                                                      ■ Cafeteria

            DALLASNEWS.COM                                  AL DIA




                                                REFERENCE LIBRARY:
                                               Magazine and newspaper
                                                 collections. DMNs on
                                                  microfilm to 1800s

                (ice cream)
                                                              Headliner diner


The Dallas Morning News                                                                          Graphics Stylebook 29

 Young St.                                                                       Elevators       THIRD FLOOR
                                            Front                                                ■ News Desks
                                    Metro                                                        ■ Photography
                                    Conf.                                                        ■ Copy Desks
TEXAS AND                                                                                        ■ Art Department
                                                                                                 ■ Design Department
                                          METRO EDITORS


                              Order photos

                                   PHOTO                                            EAST
                                    DESK                                            WING


                WEST WING
                Conference                                                      NATIONAL
                                                         Photo studio
   IT             Room


                  1A layout
                                                     Photo's digital

             LAYOUT DESK           Page
                                                    Photographer's              NEWS
                                                         area                    ART

              Business                                 Newsroom
                                  QUICK               Group (NTG)
 Room            Vending



The Dallas Morning News                                                                                  Graphics Stylebook 30

Young St.                                               Elevators         FOURTH FLOOR
                                                                          ■ Editorial and Points
                                                                          ■ GuideLive

                                Main                                      ■ Feature magazines
                              conference                                  ■ Fashion Dallas
                                                                          ■ Travel









The Dallas Morning News                                                              Graphics Stylebook 31

Young St.                                                            Elevators       BASEMENT
                                                                                     ■ Ad Services
                                        Front                                        ■ Back Copies
                                                                                     ■ Imaging
                                                                                     ■ IT
                                                                                     ■ Maintenance



                AD SERVICES

                                                 BACK COPIES:
                                                Hard copies of old

                      AD SERVICES
Large format,


The Dallas Morning News                                                                       Graphics Stylebook 32
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