THE - District Council of Streaky Bay

Page created by Eva Rojas
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay


          C O N N E C T I NC
                             nUnRe cCtOi nMgM C
                                              UNo Im
                                                   T Im
 Annual Business Plan            Employment         SA Ambulance Volunteers
                                 Opportunities       needed in Streaky Bay

       Page 3                    Page 5, 9, 10              Page 11

                                                 Photo Credit - Brooke Montgomerie

                         Streaky Bay Visitor Centre
     T (08) 8626 7033   F (08) 8626 1990 E
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
Newsletter Contacts                                             Council Elected Members
We welcome you to your community Newsletter!
                                                                      Barber Travis – Mayor (Flinders Ward)
Information, articles, and letters printed in the                     P// 0409 945 927
Criterion that are provided by members of the                         E:
community do not represent the thoughts or views of
the Council.                                                          Gunn, Graham – (Eyre Ward)
The Criterion is available from the first Saturday of                 P// 0427 255 188
every month and copies are available from.                            E:

   •    Streaky Bay Australia Post Office
                                                                      McGowan, Trudy – (Eyre Ward)
   •    Streaky Bay Newsagency
                                                                      P// 0427 549 844
   •    Streaky Bay Visitor Centre
   •    Haslam
   •    Wirrulla General Store
                                                                      Trezona, Neville – (Eyre Ward)
   •    Poochera Hotel
   •    Port Kenny General Store                                      P// 0488 028 347
Or it can be viewed and downloaded from the Council
website at                                  Limbert, Greg – (Eyre Ward)
                                                                      P// 0428 816 837
If you would like to advertise your business, please                  E:
contact the friendly staff at the Visitor Centre.
                                                                      Pudney, Cliff – (Flinders Ward)
                                                                      P// 0412 172 232
T: (08) 86267033
Deadline for submitting articles for the October
edition is 5pm, Friday 24th September 2021.                           Redding, Nick – (Flinders Ward)
                                                                      P// 0427 261 061
WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! Your community                                 E:
criterion is forever growing, and we would like to
hear your thoughts on what we can do to improve –                     Trezona, Sally – (Flinders Ward)
please email or call                   P// 0459 499 454
into the Visitor Centre and speak with the staff.                     E:


 Lyn Sweet             JP 31939   0400 655 647   Streaky Bay
 Peter McNicol         JP 14129   8626 1328      Streaky Bay
                                  0427 261 328
 Trevor Berry          JP 20951   0429 164 883   Streaky Bay   PORT KENNY
                                                               Ian Gunn         JP           8625 5052      Mt Cooper
 Jim Lange             JP 30786   0428 261 776   Streaky Bay   Hon. Graham      JP           8625 5056      Port Kenny
 John Rumbelow         JP 15772   0400 222 929   Streaky Bay   Craig Haslam     JP           8687 0411      Port Kenny
 Sue Rumbelow          JP 30632   0427 468 000   Streaky Bay   WIRRULLA
 Andrew Starkey        JP         0491 442 682   Streaky Bay   Denise Watson    JP 20492     8626 8046      Wirrulla
 John Wharff           JP         0428 846 046   Streaky Bay   Mark Slattery    JP 32678     8626 8065      Wirrulla
                                                                                             0427 715 848
 Susan Ramsey          JP         0417 855 931   Streaky Bay   POOCHERA/CHANDADA
                                                               Dot Brace     JP 31699        8626 3072      Poochera
 SCEALE BAY / CALCA                                            Eileen Lynch  JP 31573        0427 263 060   Poochera
 John Cash            JP          8626 5025      Calca         W (Bill) Carey   JP 10990     8626 3109      Chandada

Group Chairman: Mr John Rumbelow 0400 222 929
   Council Elected Members
Group Secretary: Mrs Susan J Rumbelow, 4 Redlyn Court, Streaky Bay SA 5680, 0427 468 000
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
Council’s Annual Business Plan focuses on key projects, services,
budgetary impacts and short term objectives for the 2021-2022
financial year.
Council has identified the following key projects       Council’s 2020-2021 financial and operating
and ongoing services for 2021-22:                       performance will be detailed in the Annual
NEW PROJECTS                                            Report, due to be published in November 2021.
                                                        Councils proposed objectives for the 2020-2021
Skate Park Development
                                                        are listed below with revised status:
Principal Council Office Lift to Chambers
                                                        Principal Office - IT Magiq, Telephone System      Completed
RV Park & Perlubie Dump Point Installation              Principal Office - Airconditioner                  Completed
Community Waste Management System Telementry System     Depot - Traffic Counters                           Completed
Streaky Bay Cemetery Extension                          Depot - Bitumen                                    Withdrawn
Council Depot Relocation Planning                       Streaky Bay Foreshore Tourist Park Development     Ongoing
Waste and Recycling Management Infrastructure           Streaky Bay Foreshore Tourist Park - Landscaping   Completed
                                                        Tractors Beach Campground Development              Ongoing
Plant Replacement
                                                        Public Amenities - CBD Streaky Bay                 Withdrawn
WORKS IN PROGRESS                                       Events Trailer and Equipment                       Ongoing
                                                        Streaky Bay Hall Airconditioning                   Ongoing
Streaky Bay Foreshore Tourist Park Development          Tourism Signage                                    Ongoing
Tractor Beach Campground Development                    Stormwater Management Plan Review                  Ongoing
Streaky Bay Hall Airconditioning Installation           Lions Park - Development                           Ongoing
Principal Council Office Generator Installation         Poochera Changerooms and Courts Resurfacing        Ongoing/Completed
Tourism Signage                                         Wirrulla Courts Resurfacing and Oval Irrigation    Completed
Streaky Bay Jetty Pool Shade and Extension              Jetty Pool - Shade and Extension                   Ongoing
                                                        Moores Boat Ramp - development                     Completed
Poochera Complex Changerooms
                                                        Bicycle Track - Montgomerie Terrace - planning     Withdrawn
OPERATIONAL                                             Sealed and Unsealed Roads                          Ongoing
                                                        Canter Tipper with Attachments - replacement       Replaced
Tree Management - Removal and Replacement
                                                        Tailgate Loader - replacement                      Ongoing
District Management Planning - Review                   Kluger - Senior Management SUV replacement         Completed
Asset Management Plans - Stormwater Management Plans    Garden buggy - 4WD with spray                      Withdrawn
Aerodrome Masterplan                                    Grader - replacement                               Completed
IT Development                                          4WD Operations Supervisor - replacement            Ongoing
                                                        Mower - purchase                                   Completed

                                                                             For a full copy of Councils 2021-2022
                                                                             Annual Business Plan visit our Website
                                                                             or collect a hard copy from the Council
                                                                             Office or Visitor Centre
                  $7.9M              $10.23M            OPERATING
                                  OPERATING INCOME

Image credit: Rebecca Sampson
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
The 2021-2022 Annual Business Plan aims to strike a balance between
the level of services the community has expressed a desire for, and the
need to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of Council. The
primary source of income for Council is property-based tax (rates).
RATES AT A GLANCE                                                         RATE REBATE
Comparing rates between Councils is difficult as each Council has         A rebate of rates of any ratable land in the Council area will be in
different attributes and provides varying services or similar services    accordance with the Local Government Act 1999 and Council’s Rate
at different standards. The District Council of Streaky Bay delivers an   Rebate Policy.
extensive range and level of services with the greater part determined
by the expectations of our community.                                     SERVICE CHARGES
                                                                          EFFLUENT MANAGEMENT
METHOD USED TO VALUE LAND                                                 Council maintains and manages a Community Wastewater Management
All land within a Council area, except for land specifically exempt       System. A charge is applied to each property that is serviced by this
(e.g. Crown land and Council occupied land) is rateable. Council has      system. Council has increased this service charge by 3% to $491 for
decided to continue to use site value (the value of the land and any      the 2021-2022 financial year.
improvements which permanently affect the amenity of use of the land,
                                                                          KERBSIDE COLLECTION
such as drainage works, but excluding the value of buildings and other
                                                                          The Council charges a service fee to offset the cost of kerbside waste
improvements) as the basis for valuing land within the Council area.
                                                                          collection. Council has not increased this for the 2021-2022 finan-
The site value is determined by the Valuer-General, not by Council.
                                                                          cial year. The service charge per 140 litre bin is $200.00 per annum.
Council considers this method of valuing land provides the fairest
method of distributing the rate burden across all ratepayer.              REGIONAL LANDSCAPE LEVY (RLL)
                                                                          The Regional Landscape Levy, formerly the ‘Natural Resource Man-
GENERAL RATES                                                             agement Levy’. Council is required to collect this levy on behalf of the
                                                                          State Government for no net gain to Council.
Council sets differential general rates by the following zones:
                                                                          The rates are as below:
Neighbourhood, Town Activity Centre, Strategic Employment, Rural
                                                                          Residential and Other       $79.43
Aquaculture, Rural, Employment (Bulk Handling), Deferred Urban,
                                                                          Commercial and Industrial $119.14
Caravan Park and Tourist Park, Township, Rural Settlement, Rural
                                                                          Primary Producers           $158.86
Shack Settlement, Conservation Visitor Experience, Rural Living, Rural
Neighbourhood and Recreation. These differential general rates are
                                                                          For further information on how your rates are calculated please visit Council’s
further divided between land uses. A fixed charge of $640.00 will be
                                                                          website at
levied against each separate assessment with only one fixed charge
levied against two or more pieces of adjoining land. An overall rate
Increase of 2.85% has been applied. The actual increase payable by                                               RATE INSTALMENT
any individual rate payer may be more or less than this, depending on                                               DUE DATES
                                                                                                                     1ST QT - 15/09/21
the movement in the site value of each property.                                                                    2ND QT - 15/12/21
                                                                                                                    3RD QT - 16/03/22     3.34 MILLION-
                                                                                      2.85%                         4TH QT - 15/06/22      RATE REVENUE RAISED

                                                                                  RATE INCREASE

 Image credit: Dale Montgomerie
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
Community Discussion
Infrastructure and Civil Works

Road Damage Caused by Ribbed Rollers
Managing the life cycle of our road network is a tricky business, balancing costs against rates while
trying to keep our road users safe. One issue that comes up regularly is the towing of ribbed rollers
on our unsealed roads. This practice is illegal and has a significant impact on the life of our roads. As
the attached photos highlight, the rollers break the hard surface resulting in accelerated wearing, and
eventually potholes, particularly on the crown where most traffic travels.

There may be simply a lack of awareness in the community. We’ve had rollers towed past our
working graders on a couple of occasions. The fact is that these types of plant need to be floated or
driven along sidetracks. We can no longer bear the cost of this happening to our roads.

Please feel free to contact the Infrastructure and Civil Works Team on (08) 8626 1001 or email should you have any queries.

Deliberate Damage Caused to Road Safety Signs
 Sometime between the afternoon of Saturday the 14th of August, and the morning of Monday the 16th of
 August, a set of Road Safety Signs were deliberately run over and destroyed in the Wirrulla area.

 This resulted in several potentially unsafe areas being left unidentified, exposing residents and road
 users to considerable risk. There is also the additional cost to ratepayers for the replacement of the
 signs and time lost, when we should be working on our roads.

 The District Council of Streaky Bay will not tolerate people deliberately placing the wellbeing of others
 at risk. If you have any information about the incident we would be pleased to hear from you so that we
 can try to ensure this doesn’t occur again.

 Please feel free to contact the Infrastructure and Civil Works Team on (08) 8626 1001 or email should you have any queries.
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
Community Consultation
Western Transit Loop Concept Designs
(Streaky Bay)

Welcome, and we can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Wells Street (Fleming Terrace to AB Smith Road)
Following many concerns raised in recent times, Council has sought to develop concept plans to
improve traffic flow, parking and safety along this section of Wells Street.
Staff and Elected members have been working closely with key stakeholders and design engineers
to establish the following concept plans.
To view the full set of plans, visit the Council website or pop into the Visitor Centre, Main Office or

AB Smith Road, Alec Baldock Drive and Wallschutzky Road (By Pass)
Following concerns raised by industry and residents alike Council is seeking to improve road safety
for heavy vehicles and large towing trailers.
Staff and Elected members have been working to establish the following concept plans.
To view the full set of plans, visit the Council website or pop into the Visitor Centre, Main Office or

We are now seeking your input to enable final design and engineering plans to be established.

There are a few ways you can let us know!
  • Hard Copy Feedback - available at the Visitor Centre, Main Office or Library
  • Electronic Feedback - available online on the Council website

Please provide your feedback by Sunday, September 12, 2021, 5.00pm.

If you want to know more about the project details please call Darren Walker (Manager,
Infrastructure and Civil Works) on (08) 8626 1001.
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
\        Community Grants                                 Regional Events Fund
                                                          The South Australian Government recognises the
                    COMMUNITY                             huge impact that COVID-19 has had on the events
                                                          sector in South Australia.
Strengthening Rural Communities
The Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) program         The Regional Event Fund is designed to strengthen the
aims to give the thousands of small rural, regional and   state’s regional events calendar and drive economic
remote communities across Australia an opportunity        stimulus across the regions beyond the traditionally
to access funding to support broad community needs.       peak summer tourism period.
Ongoing. For more visit:    Through the South Australian Tourism Commission,
communities/                                              the State Government is committing an additional $1
                                                          million to South Australia’s regional events in 2021/22
                                                          to strengthen the regional events calendar by
2021 Community Achievement Awards
                                                          encouraging the development of new and innovative
The South Australian Community Achievement
                                                          regional events, grow existing events, and drive
Awards began in 2010, and are designed to
                                                          increased visitation and economic stimulus to the
encourage, acknowledge and reward the valuable            regional economy. The Regional Event Fund aims to:
contributions individuals, communities, and
businesses are making throughout the community in             •   Strengthen the regional events calendar
South Australia. These awards aim to recognise their          •   Drive regional visitation in the immediate
success and achievements, which contribute to                     term and lead to repeat visitation
making South Australia a better place. Nominations            •   Increase event specific visitor expenditure,
close: 12 August 2021 Awards presentation: 20                     particularly from interstate
November 2021 To nominate visit:                              •   Assist in COVID-19 recovery – recognising that                  events provide a vibrant and positive social
-awards/sa/                                                       environment for communities
                                                              •   Promote a year-round calendar of regional
Bite-sized Grants
                                                              •   Encourage sustainable event opportunities to
Funding of between $200 and $1000 is available for
                                                                  build long term capability
community groups and not-for-profit organisations for         •   Increase collaboration and partnerships
small, short-term projects. Available all year round,             among regional event stakeholders,
applications are assessed, and grants allocated                   government and commercial partners to
monthly. The program is funded through the Northern               deliver stronger outcomes for regional events.
and Yorke Landscape Board to deliver positive
environmental and landscape management outcomes,          Applicants can seek funding grants from $5,000 to
such as garden development, weed control and              more than $50,000 (excluding GST). For more visit:
revegetation projects. For further information visit:                   fund
                                                          Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
                                                          The program is designed to preserve Australia’s
                                                          wartime heritage; involve people around the country
                                                          in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight
                                                          the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service
                                                          personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations; and
                                                          promote appreciation and understanding of the
                                                          experiences of service and the roles that those who
                                                          served have played in shaping the nation.
                                                          Applications close on Tuesday, 8 February 2022. For
                                                          more visit:
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
Community Grants
Nature-based Tourism Co-investment Fund                   Heywire Storytelling Competition
                                                          Are you a young person with a great story to tell or
The South Australian Government is continuing to          know someone who is? The Heywire competition is
actively explore new partnerships to expand our           calling for stories about what it’s like growing up in
range of nature-based tourism offerings to help           regional Australia. The competition is now open and
position South Australia as a world-class eco-tourism     winners will have their story featured on the ABC.
destination. We believe there are still untapped          Entries close 16 September 2021
opportunities and we’re seeking outstanding, world-       For more visit :
class eco-tourism proposals to reaffirm South             Competition - Heywire - Heywire (
Australia as a ‘must-see’ destination. The Nature-
                                                          Assistance for businesses employing young people
based Tourism Co-investment Fund will be open until
                                                          YOUTH JOBS PaTH (Prepare – Trial – Hire) provides
June 2022 (or until the fund is exhausted).
                                                          funding to trial a young person aged between 17 - 24
Applicants can seek grants from $20,000 to $1 million     to find out if they’re the right fit for your business. If
and are expected to contribute at least half of the       the trial is a success and you hire the young person,
total financial costs of their project.                   you may be eligible for further funding. Grant funding
                                                          available of up to $10,000 for Australian businesses.
For further information visit:                         • Prepare: Young people will undertake Employability
                                                          Skills Training to prepare them for work.
History Trust Grant Funds
MaC Small Grants Among the key aims of The History        • Trial: You can trial a young person in an internship
Trust of South Australia is to keep building the          for between 4 and 12 weeks and receive a payment
evidence of our state’s rich and fascinating past and     of $1000 (GST inclusive) to help cover the hosting
to make it accessible to all. We offer two annual         costs. Interns will receive a $200 fortnightly incentive
grant programs that progressively add to South            payment on top of their income support and are
Australia’s history and bring it to life. These are the   covered by insurance, both paid by the Australian
South Australian History Fund (SAHF) and Museums          Government.
and Collections (MaC). The SAHF supports community
                                                          • Hire: If you hire the eligible young person, you can
and individual projects, publications and research,
                                                          receive a wage subsidy of up to $10,000 (GST
while the MaC fund supports groups who participate
                                                          inclusive). For further information visit:
in the MaC Standards and Funding Program.
Applications close on Friday, 10 December 2021
For further information visit:
                                                          Woolworths You Grow Girl Grants
                                                          Woolworths want to support netball clubs and
     SPORT, RECREATION & HEALTH, YOUTH                    associations across the nation by offering 125 x
                                                          $2,000 grants to netball clubs and associations who
Cricket Australia – Female Participation                  continue to seek funding to assist with developments
                                                          / improvements to their community. For more visit:
CommBank’s investment in Cricket Australia's    
Growing Cricket for Girls Fund is supporting this
growth, nurturing the current and future generations      Young Pink Sisters
of players at community clubs across the country.         providing immediate financial assistance up to $600
Clubs seeking more information on the Fund please         to those who are struggling to meet the financial
contact: For further             demands of breast cancer treatment. Ongoing
information visit:                                     assistance.html
THE - District Council of Streaky Bay
Community Grants
                     BUSINESS                             Jobs & Economic Growth Fund
                                                         The Economic and Business Growth Fund was
Business Support Package                                 established as part of the 2018-19 Budget to promote
 The new Business Support Package will assist an         economic growth in South Australia by encouraging
estimated 50,000 eligible* SMEs across the state,        growth of existing industries, developing new
including restaurants, cafes, hotels, and tour and       industries, building international connections, and
experience operators, affected by the new restrictions   attracting foreign and national direct investment.
to help stop the spread of the highly-contagious
COVID-19 Delta variant.                                  From 1 July 2021, the Fund will be renamed the Jobs
                                                         and Economic Growth Fund and will have funding
Grants will help businesses cover ongoing operating      capacity of $200 million over four years to focus on
costs such as rent, power bills, supplier costs and      supporting initiatives that create long-term
other fees, and help them to re-open when                sustainable jobs and economic growth.
restrictions ease.
                                                         For further information on eligibility, assistance
The major support package also includes a new            provided, the decision making process, assessment
$1,000 cash grant for eligible** small businesses who    and approval, please refer to the Jobs and Economic
don’t employ staff (e.g. non-employing sole traders).    Growth Fund Guidelines.

How to access business support:                          Boosting Apprenticeships
                                                         The Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage
    •   To register interest in Business Support         subsidy supports businesses and Group Training
        Package cash grants, complete the form at        Organisations to take on new apprentices and or email                  trainees, to build a pipeline of skilled workers to Applications       support sustained economic recovery.
        are expected to open within the next two
        weeks via and grants will     Through the subsidy, any business or Group Training
        be processed as quickly as possible.             Organisation that engages an Australian Apprentice
                                                         between 5 October 2020 and 31 March 2022 may be
*To be eligible for the one-off $3,000 emergency cash    eligible for a subsidy of 50 per cent of wages paid to a
grant, a business must, as at 12:01am Tuesday 20 July    new or recommencing apprentice or trainee for a 12-
2021:                                                    month period from the date of commencement, to a
                                                         maximum of $7,000 per quarter. There is no cap on
    •   Be located within South Australia                the number of eligible trainees/apprentices.
    •   Have an annual turnover of $75,000 or more       For further information visit:
        in 2020-21 or 2019-20, and be registered for
    •   Employ people in South Australia
    •   Have an Australia-wide payroll of less than
                                                         Tourism Industry Development Fund
        $10 million in 2019-20
    •   Have a valid Australian Business Number          This fund is designed to support and stimulate private
        (ABN)                                            sector investment in new and improved regional
    •   Experienced at least a 30 per cent reduction     accommodation, and the development of quality
        (compared to the week prior) in turnover due     tourism product and experiences. It aims to assist in
        to the restricted trading conditions             the COVID recovery of regional tourism by
                                                         encouraging regional operators to improve and
**To be eligible for the one-off $1,000 emergency        diversify so they can attract more visitors and get a
cash grant, a non-employing business must meet the       higher return on their offering. Closes 31 March 2022.
criteria listed above excluding the requirement to       For more visit:
employ people.                                 
Community Grants

Digital Solutions for Small Business
                                                                               TAFE SA COURSES
Offering support for: websites and selling online; social
media and digital marketing; using small business            Responsible        27 & 28 September         Pt Lincoln
software; online privacy and security.                       Service of         (over 2 evenings)
Enquire at             Alcohol
Or visit                                         8 October (day course)

Wage Subsidies                                               First Aid          15 September              Ceduna
Provides businesses with financial incentives of up to
$10,000 to hire and retain eligible job seekers in                              24 November               Pt Lincoln
ongoing and sustainable positions.
For more visit:                             23 November               Wudinna
                                                             Espresso Coffee
                  ARTS & CULTURE                             Making             5 to 7 October            Pt Lincoln

Quick Response Grant – Regional Arts Fund                    CPR
This grant is for Regional artists to access professional                       24 November               Pt Lincoln
arts development and training opportunities, or
organisations/communities with small project                                    23 November               Wudinna
opportunities that arise at short notice. Funding can
cover any reasonable costs such as artists fees, travel,            Ceduna Campus – TAFE SA     Ph: 8628 7055
and accommodation. For more visit:                            Port Lincoln Campus Courses – TAFE SA Ph: 8688 3600                         Whyalla Campus Courses – TAFE SA Ph: 8648 8788
funding/grants/quick-response-grant/                         Wudinna Campus Learning Centre – TAFE SA Ph: 8680 2212

Step Up Grant - Regional Arts Fund                                              CEG SCHEDULE
This category is available to applicants who have not        White Card          20 September 2021 Pt Lincoln
previously applied to or have been unsuccessful with
                                                             Confined Space      13 September 2021 Pt Lincoln
the Regional Arts Fund, it's for unique personal
                                                             Forklift            29-30 September      Pt Lincoln
development opportunities including mentorships,
residencies and artist-led initiatives in communities.
                                                             Working at Heights 14 September 2021 Pt Lincoln
                                                                      Contact Rebecca on 08 8682 6695
Step Out Grant - Regional Arts Fund
This category is available to support regional. remote
and very remote communities to partner with                                LOOKING FOR GRANTS?
professional artists and arts organisations to create
high quality arts projects, create activities that          If you are looking for a grant to help your organisation
develop cultural networks, build capacity for long          or community group, the following websites might
term benefits and increase professional development.        assist you:
Performers’ Trust Foundation                      
Established in 1975, the PPCA Performers' Trust   
Foundation provides grants to promote and
encourage music and the music-related performing
For further information visit:
Community Dates and Mee�ngs
      4 Sep               Western Eyre                     Netball and Football Grand Final           Ceduna Blues Ground

                                                                                                     Streaky Bay Community
     10 Sep            West Coast Hawks              Senior Dinner- Tickets Only – Formal Dress

                     CWA -“Sharing & Caring                Meeting & Catch Up @10.30am
     14 Sep                                                                                            Streaky Bay RSL Hall
                         with Action”                          Handicraft @1.00pm

     16 Sep                  Probus                 General Meeting, Flinders Room @10.00am             Streaky Bay Hotel

     18 Sep                 Wudinna                                 Wudinna Show                      Wudinna Showgrounds

     21 Sep                      CWA                        Far Western Group Table Day                Streaky Bay RSL Hall

     25 Sep                      Kimba                                Kimba Show                        Kimba Rec Reserve

     Friday’s              Men’s Shed                           Meet Friday’s - 9am -3pm                77 Montgomerie St

     11 Oct             Hospital Auxiliary                     Hospital Boardroom – 2pm                Streaky Bay Hospital

                                                            Joeys - 4.00pm -5.15pm then
Alternate Tuesdays
                     Streaky Bay Scout Group                  Scouts - 5.30pm -7.15pm                 Scout Hall, Slidys Beach
 in School Terms
                                                        Alternate week Cubs - 5.30 -7.00pm

                         St Augustine’s                              Service Times:                         Streaky Bay
 Church Services
                        Anglican Church                        10am St Augustine’s Church                   29 Wells St
                                                            Monday & Tuesday 8.30am                         Streaky Bay
                                                           Thursday & Friday at 5.45pm                 (St Canute’s Church)
 Church Services        Catholic Parishes               Sat 8.30am / Sun 7.30am and 11am
                                                   Wed & Sun 9.00am (except 3rd Sun at Minnipa)        (St Michael’s Church)

Meals on Wheels Roster
       Monday                                                           Wednesday           15th       R Smith & A Kelsh

      Tuesday                                                            Thursday           16th     J Williams & S Gilmore

     Wednesday             1st           S Desira & D Johnson              Friday           17th        G & H Georgiou

      Thursday            2nd            H Flanigen & A Sidler            Monday            20th       G & H Ferguson

        Friday            3rd             P Pudney & V Benc               Tuesday           21st       P Hogan & L Lewis

       Monday              6th               B & M Black                Wednesday           22nd      J Hollitt & J Sherrah

       Tuesday            7th            A Tarrant & D Trevena           Thursday           23rd           G & M Lee

     Wednesday            8th             P Morgan & J Crabb               Friday           24th   S Montgomerie & K Johnson

      Thursday            9th              K Brace & C Smith              Monday            27th        L & G McCarten

        Friday            10th            P Morgan & V Benc               Tuesday           28th      K Trezona & R Giles

       Monday             13th             R Walker & B Fox             Wednesday           29th     K Amey & D Stephens

      Tuesday             14th              M & R Swanson                Thursday           30th          A & S Bignell

     POSITION VACANT                    POSITION VACANT                     POSITION VACANT

                                             URGENT                              REQUIRES
           HIRING                   STREAKY BAY AREA SCHOOL                DECKHAND / TOUR GUIDE
                                    SCHOOL CLEANER WANTED                  FOR THE COMING SEASON,
                                      Seeking a cleaner to do              1 SEPTEMBER TO 31 MAY
     RSA Preferred and              Monday - Friday 10am -1pm
     Weekend Availability                                                  Strong Swimmer Essential
                                    Employment will be through the
                                                                               First Aid Certificate
                                    Millennium Cleaning Company
  If you want to join their team
                                         For further information                 Please contact
        Please contact:                       please contact                      Alan Payne
                                              Mr Tim OReilly
 E:             P 86261202 or email                    P: 08 8626 5017

    POSITION VACANT                     POSITION VACANT                     POSITION VACANT

    STAFF WANTED!                      STAFF WANTED!                             REQUIRES
           Bar and                        Kitchen Hands                            CASUAL
          Bottleshop                      Chef & Barista                     PERSONAL BANKER
                                                                                Streaky Bay
       Immediate Start                    Immediate Start
                                                                             8 Bay Rd Streaky Bay
  Drop in your resume or email        No experience necessary                                                For more information
                                         Pop into Bayfunktion             Contact the Branch Manager
Enquiries ph Hoges on 8626 1008          or call 0428 861 242               Kathy on 08 7600 9100

      POSITION VACANT                               YARDHAND/ DELIVERY DRIVER
                                            Forklift Licence Essential
                                            HC Licence / MC Preferred
                                            Must be energetic
                                            Have good PR Skills and enjoy early morning starts
                                            Approx 25 Hours per week (flexible)

                                        For further information contact David McEvoy 8626 1602
                                        Email resume to:
Community News

         Betty Clarice Dunn (nee Smart)                         Streaky Bay Community Hotels Limited

                                                                           Notice to Members
                                                                         Annual General Meeting
                                                                  Will be held at the Streaky Bay Hotel
                                                                  Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 8pm

                                                           A printed copy of the Annual Report will be available to
                                                           member's from the Hotel's office from October 15
                                                           after 2pm and following then only during the hours
                   Thank You
                                                           of 9am -6pm Monday to Friday
                Nancy, Peter & Reata
                                                                                                       RD Stephens
         Wish to thank all those people that
                                                                                                 Company Secretary
   sent Cards -Flowers- Telephone calls and Visits
                                                                                                        PO Box 240
        on the sad loss of their beautiful sister
                                                                                               Streaky Bay SA 5680

          Herbert Basil Kammermann                                        Streaky Bay Golf Club
                                                                          Notice of Appreciation

                                                                Having had our Streaky Bay Mens Golf Open
                                                                 over the weekend of 21st and 22nd August ,
                                                                 a raffle was held as a fund raiser for the club.

                                                                 Our grounds and putting surfaces have had a
                                                                  distinctive upgrade that the towns people
                                                                and club members should be proud of, and are.
                A Huge Thank You                                The raffle that was conducted, could not have
      to the Streaky Bay Ambulance attendants                  happened if it wasn't for the generosity of many,
     Simone & Courtney, to Dee, Dr Rob & Brian                       having had the worst 18 months for
      who all assisted the day of Dads accident                       businesses and individuals alike.
and to the SB Hospital Staff who kept him comfortable.
                                                              David Olary , Nick Walker and Geoff Weedon of
            Thank you Kerry & Belinda too.                                OLARY WALKER WINES
                                                             Tracy and Jack McInnes of Crowders Streaky Bay
The kindness and sympathy to the family from so many,
                                                                Penny and Tony Hogan of Streaky Bay Hotel
 in so many different ways, told us how much he was
                                                                   Urshla and Dion Gilmore of Bay Funktion
      respected and loved within the community.
                                                                       Sara Goosay of Streaky Bay Surf
                 It means a lot to us.
                                                            Christie and Chris Kenny of Sail n Anchor Streaky Bay
Peter McNicol who ably led the private memorial service.    Marcel and Gary Pepper of Pelicans Rest Streaky Bay
                                                                             Streaky Bay Chemist
  Thank you to the lovely people who's Home Help,                         Streaky Bay Newsagency
 who's friendliness and laughter enabled his desire to                          Trevor Gilmore
                  remain independant.                                        Thursday Golf Group
                                                                                Stephan Shultz
          Grateful and sincere thanks from
                                                                              Pirramimma Wines
          Glenette & Laddie, Kathy & Roger
                                                                      And the Legend Graham Redding
       Shane & Tania, Belinda & Garry, James,
          Tamara & Ferg, Nerissa & Steve                                   A big thanks to everyone
                     and families                                                Dave Mayhew
Community News
STREAKY BAY INDOOR BOWLS                                   HOSPITAL AUXILLIARY

Indoor bowls activity has once again been an on and        Nice to have few new members at our August meeting.
off event due to the Covid-19 virus. No bowls were
played the first week in August but play was resumed       Big Thankyou to Guest speaker Carol Guidera who put
(with certain health rules) the following 3 Wednesdays.    a lot of work into her role urging us on the importance
Despite these occasional lay-offs the clubhouse is still   of having all things in place for our future life needs like
an inviting venue.                                         Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney,

Week in, week out Alan sweeps, mops, vacuums,              End of life requests etc and the endless forms needed
disinfects, takes out the rubbish etc and Wednesday        to attend to all these very important plans to be in place
the afternoon tea ladies prepare, serve and tidy-up.       in the event something happens suddenly.
Always of course there are the behind scene members
doing the paperwork to keep the club legal and             The priority to have your name and a number for
aboveboard.                                                ‘MY AGED CARE” in the system so that if the need
                                                           arises where help is needed you are already there will
Co-ordination is the key to a happy membership.            make it quicker and easier to access the packages and
Fifteen was the highest number of bowlers to attend        help for you and your family.
on any one Wednesday in August.
                                                           Another important priority is to have Ambulance cover.
On August 11 when there was a small attendance a           Carol has urged us all to get help to deal with this and
few players noticed the low shot figures recorded on       is more than happy to assist anyone to go through this
the scoreboard - all 4 teams each had a total of 6 after   maize of paperwork etc.
the first game. Next 8 ends finished with scores of
4, 5, 6 and 7 and each team sat on 1 win and 1 draw.       Anthony Ryan attended the meeting and requests for a
A big change came in the final game when one team          number of new TVs in the Hospital rooms was
bounced away to score 14 shots.                            discussed and approved by the meeting. Feeder bibs
                                                           were also requested and we thank Chris Noonan who
August 18 and an increase in attendance but the draw       has undertaken to make 12 new bibs and already has
was kept at 4 teams which allowed the centre mat to        this under control.
be vacant thus providing greater distance between
players.                                                   Due to the COVID issues some of the catering events
                                                           will not now be taking place.
This arrangement was continued the next Wednesday.
Birthdays in August were celebrated by club members        A Fathers Day raffle is to be undertaken over 2 days to
John 6/8, George 8/8 and Cheryl 9/8.                       help us to raise the money for the purchases requested
                                                           and will be on August 27th and the 3rd of September
Winning teams were=                                        Coralie is in charge of this and we thank those willing to
Aug. 4 no bowls played                                     help us sell the tickets.
Aug. 11 Jim P., Wayne
Aug. 18 Julie, Marlene, Alan, Owen                         Next Meeting is Oct 11th @ 2pm Hospital
Aug. 25 Connie, Gay, Bev.W.                                Boardroom. Hope to God things are a bit more normal
                                                           by then as in at least no masks.
Community News
STREAKY BAY MEN'S SHED                                      STREAKY BAY PROBUS

Our numbers have been down on what we usually have          Probus numbers have been averaging around 20 people
each week, but we are still getting items made or things    for the last couple of meetings which is not too bad given
restored.                                                   the weather and everything else going on.

Our metal work gear is increasing in production.            We have had some good guest speakers over the last
We have orders for 5 hose reels and 5 pot plant holders.    three months.
On top of these items we have been asked to make
some metal hooks to pull boots on with.                     Starting with Joe Ranford from Andromeda Metals in
Rob Feibig bought a prototype down to see if we could       June, then Lyn Zipple in July and August we had
make it. After two attempts we think we have it sorted      Kylie Earl from Dementia Australia speak.
so will go into making them with the first lot being sold
                                                            Kylie’s presentation was in two sessions with the first on
to a place in Melrose South Aust.
                                                            memory loss held in conjunction with our probus meeting.
Thanks to Tony Schlink we have picked up some               The second session was about Dementia.
lawn mowers, whipper snippers, bikes and some wood.
                                                            Probus would like to thank those visitors that attended
We also had Len Dominey come and asked us if we
                                                            the first session and then some returned for the second
wanted some items from his garage that he is cleaning
                                                            session. From all the feed back two very informative
out and Margaret Mudge had some chairs in for us to
                                                            sessions. Thanks Kylie.
clean up and stain.
                                                            On the 16th & 17th August, 13 members of the
Thanks to those people that have purchased items
                                                            Streaky Bay Probus Club attended the annual Probus
from the craft shop. We have been told we need to
                                                            rally, hosted this year by the Kimba Probus Club.
make some more bird nesting boxes to sell.
                                                            Going by the pictures and feed back it looks like the rally
We have about 60 pairs of spectacles that we will send      was a great success.
to Port Lincoln Lion’s club for checking and sending

The Men’s Shed would like to thank those members
of the local Card group that donated $100 to us.

                                                                   10 days of Events, Encounters,
                                                                          and Experiences
                                                                   to celebrate our love of Nature
                                                                           in South Australia
Community News

Messages of Faith and Hope                                      “Sharing And Caring With Action”

Covid 19 with the Delta variant is certainly leaving its        A swap around of our August birthday bash and
mark on the human population of the world.                      September meeting was required given we were
                                                                restricted in numbers at a private home.
The Premier is telling the citizens of South Australia          The general meeting adopted the normal process
that it is inevitable that it will spread to South Australia.   and planning for the next few months.
NSW is having a huge increase in cases and Victoria
is not far behind. These lockdowns have a very negative         The display for the month was a timeless keepsake that
affect on people. Anxiety, despair set in and frustration       included some jewellery, decorative pill box, pure silver
set in people don’t know which way to turn.                     cutlery set, a prayer book blessed by the Pope, abacus,
                                                                Tupperware, etc.
It is the spiritual and emotional damage that needs to
be addressed. People are afraid.                                Congratulations to our member, Ann, for a Golden
Men and women do not control this world God our                 Wedding Anniversary milestone.
creator does God says, “do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you,     A third attempt at celebrating our branch 83rd birthday
I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right     bash is scheduled for 14/9/21, fingers crossed, as
hand.” Isaiah 41:10                                             we’re hanging out for some birthday tucker!!

The only way you will experience the peace these words          Our Far Western Group (that incorporates the Ceduna &
bring is to give your life into the hands of Jesus Christ,      Streaky Bay branches) will host a member craft
the source of all life. Jesus Christ rules with love.           competition on 21/9/21 (referred to as Table Day)
                                                                where members produce specific crafts, floral
That love is not like human love. It is sacrificial Jesus       arrangements and a couple of baked goods.
showed us this when He died on that cross 2000 years            A small affair but the public are able to come along from
ago for each one of us. Covid 19 and all the problems           1pm to the Streaky Bay RSL to have a look.
associated with it are already overcome.
                                                                Visitors and new Members always welcome.
Life does not come from this world it comes from God,           Contacts: General - Sharon 0400 622278
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, accept your forgiveness       Handicraft - Alison 0417 854883
turn away from your past and love and obey our Lord
Jesus Christ.

Rev’d Gavin Scantlebury, Parish Priest                          Meetings continue at the
                                                                Streaky Bay & Districts
                                                                Community Complex.

                                                                The next Meeting is on
                                                                Wednesday 15th September
                                                                Commencing @10am

                                                                You are most welcome to share a cuppa with us.
                                                                Catch up then time of worship and prayer.

                                                                Come and receive Gods Grace.
                                                                Through Jesus, of Eternal and Abundant Life.

                                                                Aglow is an Interdenominational Organisation for Mean
                                                                and Women to come together in Unity and Fellowship.

                                                                RSVP: Denise Coffey 0402 836 660
                                                                      Roland Peters 0488 568 434
To residents in and around Streaky Bay Council Area

We are writing to let you know about a new service offering faster internet in your area.
Wi-Sky is a small, local broadband provider building our own networks and delivering fast internet to people in country
areas who are unable to access other options.
Founded in 2015, we already operate more than 250 access towers across Southern NSW and Queensland and with
community support could setup a similar network in your area
How do I connect to Wi-Sky?
Via a single tower overlooking your area (and providing we have line of sight to your residence), we install a small dish
on your property and beam the signal directly into your home, connecting you to fast, reliable broadband internet.
It’s that simple.
For those without initial direct line of sight we offer a range of solutions to get connected.
Some of the benefits of Wi-Sky internet:
• Fast speeds (up to 30 mbps) - upload and download
• Unlimited downloads
• Low latency (response time after clicking your mouse) - 20 times faster than satellite
• Competitive plans - great for families with multiple devices
• All equipment is supplied and installed for you
• Local service, local knowledge, local technical support
We are keen to offer this service in the Pygery to Port Kenny and Sceale Bay areas and encourage those interested to
contact us.
Enquire about connecting to Wi-Sky today:
Streaky Bay Community Hotels Limited

"This Year the Board received a large number of          The Board is proud to confirm the successful
Grant requests for assistance from local worthy                 2021 Grant Fund Recipients
community organisations.
                                                         -STREAKY BAY SENIOR CITIZENS          $7,500
Unfortunately due to the financial impact on the         -STREAKY BAY CHILDRENS CENTRE         $2,000
Hotel's operations with COVID 19 and future              -POOCHERA SPORTS COMPLEX              $1,000
uncertainty of trading conditions the Board is limited   -STREAKY BAY MUSEUM                   $3,050
                                                          -STREAKY BAY SCOUT GROUP             $1,998
in funding.
                                                          -SA RURAL WOMENS                      $500
                                                         -STREAKY BAY GOLF CLUB                $5,000
We highlight in 2020 and 2021 the Community Hotel
                                                         -STREAKY BAY SEA DRAGONS                $800
Board also assisted the Streaky Bay Medical Centre        -WESTERN DISTRICTS TENNIS CLUB       $1,047
and donated to the all important RFDS $12,800.           -KARLCULTABY PLAYGROUP                $1,000
                                                         -STREAKY BAY RACING CLUB              $5,000
                                                         -STREAKY BAY SK8 COMMITTEE            $5,000
                                                         -STREAKY BAY TOURISM                  $5,000
                                                          -RFDS                                $2,000
                                                         -STREAKY BAY BOWLS CLUB               $2,000
                                                          -CWA                                 $1,000
                                                         -STREAKY BAY MEDICAL                 $20,000

                                                                                     TOTAL $63,895
BAY                      STREAKY BAY & DISTRICT
                 OP SHOP                        POWERHOUSE
                                           RESTORED ENGINE MUSEUM
         Opening Hours
        MONDAY 10am - 12pm
        TUESDAY 10am - 2pm
      WEDNESDAY 10am - 1pm
        THURSDAY 10am - 2pm
         FRIDAY 10am - 12pm
    SATURDAY 9.30am - 12.00pm

      Due to COVID-19 restrictions         OVER 400 ENGINES RESORTED &
     DONATIONS can only be left at            IN WORKING CONDITION
       THE SHED, Phillip Street on
                                                  OPENING TIMES
       Mondays 9.00am - 12.00pm                 TUESDAY & FRIDAY
 Please ensure your donations are clean,
                                           OR BY PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENT
   not stained or worn out, toys, linen,
    kitchen items are in good condition.      20-22 ALFRED TERRACE
It is illegal to leave ELECTRICAL GOODS.           STREAKY BAY

    Eyre Crafts
Community Craft Shop

We are open !
Located corner of Bay Road &
Montgomerie Terrace.

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
10am - 4pm
10am - 1pm
*Locally Made Crafts
*2nd Hand Books For Sale
*Wool & Haberdashery

We look forward to welcoming you
For your
 Property Maintenance needs

       • Slashing & mowing
          • Weed spraying
• General gardening & maintenance
   • Bobcat Work & Attachments

       Call Greg and Sonya
         0487 445 693
              10                     %

                                                                  PLANNING UPGRADES FOR YOUR
                                                                     KITCHEN OR LAUNDRY?
                                                                          FREE DESIGN & QUOTE.
                                                                              ASK US HOW!

                                                                    LET US HELP YOU DESIGN
                                                                  THE KITCHEN OF YOUR DREAMS!
                                                                              ✔ Cabinets built in Australia
                                                                    ✔ Italian soft-close hinges ✔ Soft-close doors
                                                                     ✔ 10 year warranty on cabinetry and doors

          PLUS                       PURCHASE A KITCHEN THROUGH US
                                     TO GO INTO THE DRAW TO WIN A
     Simply order a Principal Kitchen through Beck’s Streaky Bay Mitre 10 either
     via instore or online and go into the draw to win a 2 night stay at The Streaky Bay Beachside & Jetty View Apartments! See over for details.

STU03530_Becks Kitchen Promo_A4_R4.indd 1                                                                                                18/8/21 1:21 pm
                                                                                                                                               AND FEEL
                                                                                                                                                OUR INSTORE

                 Check out the full range & design your own kitchen at

         CHANCE TO WIN!

                        2 NIGHT STAY AT STREAKY BAY
             PURCHASE A PRINCIPAL KITCHEN                                                                                                                                   Check out our apartments
                                                                                                                                                                                    online at
             IN-STORE OR ON-LINE TO ENTER!                                                                                                                          
       Terms and Conditions: Offer only available at Becks Mitre 10 Streaky Bay from 23rd August – 30th November 2021 inclusive. Customers must register details and pay a minimum 30% deposit in full on all orders placed during the promotional period
       and then complete the purchase in full to receive the 10% discount. The 10% discount is from the final price of kitchen cabinetry and bench tops only. Excludes alfresco kitchens. Mighty Rewards points not applicable with the purchase of kitchens
       in conjunction with this deal. *To go into the draw to win a 2 night stay at the Beach Front & Jetty View Apartments, simply order and then complete a purchase of a Principal Kitchen during the promotional period through Beck’s Mitre 10 Streaky
       Bay either in store or online. Total prize valued up to $680 and not redeemable for cash, subject to conditions of the venue. Winner drawn on Wednesday 1st December at 12PM in store. The winner will be contacted via telephone within 24 hours
       of the draw taking place. If the winner cannot be contacted, a further draw will take place on Wednesday 8th December at 12PM in store. Staff of Mitre 10 and the supplier ineligible to enter. Mitre 10 reserve the right to correct any printing errors.

                               BECKS MITRE 10
                        12 BAY ROAD, STREAKY BAY
                             PHONE 8626 1002

STU03530_Becks Kitchen Promo_A4_R4.indd 2                                                                                                                                                                                                             18/8/21 1:21 pm
Chapel, Office, Garden and Crematorium

                                                    1123 Flinders Highway,
                                                      Port Lincoln 5606
         Peter Grose
         0418 833 072
Call for any Termite or Critter Treatment

Termite Inspections - Termite Treatments
 Crawling Insects - Rodents - Black Ants

     Specialising in Always Active     
       Termite Baiting System
                                                    Streaky Bay and Districts
   Email                       Representative
                                                         Peter McNicol

                                                    Telephone 0427 261 328
21 Jubilee Road, Streaky Bay   Contact Callan 0428 011 099
                   erom hcum & gnicivreS -
                      tnemngila leehW -
                           seryT -
                       gninoitidnoc riA-
ecalp eno eht ni sdeen ecnanetniam & lacinahcem ruoy lla roF

         9AM - 5PM
            COUNCIL OFFICE
              P 8626 1001

            VISITOR CENTRE
              P 8626 7033
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