Page created by Barry Moran


    0    BY-LAWS



    Article I
                     Name .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 1

    Article   II                                                                                            .
                     Purposes and Powers . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 1

    Article III
                     Membership and Voting Rights .....................................................                                                                              4
                          Section 1. Membership ........................................................                                                                             4
                          Section 2. Voting .................................................................                                                                        5
                          Section 3. Meetings of Members .........................................                                                                                   6

    Article   IV
                      Corporate Existence . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 7

    Article     V
                     Directors .......................................................................................... 7
                             Section 1. Management by Directors ................................... 7
                             Section 2. Initial Board of Directors .................................... 7
r                            Section 3. Election of Members of Board of Directors .... ...8

    Article     VI
                       Officers ..........................................................................................                                                             8
                              Section 1. Offkes Provided For ..........................................                                                                                8
                              Section 2. Election and Appointment of Officers.. ............                                                                                          .8
                              Section 3. First Offkers .......................................................                                                                         9
Article   VII                          ./
                    By Laws ...........*.........................................................*...................

Article   VIII
                  Amendments ..................................................................................10

Article   IX
                 Indemnification ................................................................................10

Article   X
                   Registered Agent ............................................. ..............................11

Article   XI
                   Incorporator ...................................................................................11
                                                    OF INCORPORATION
                                                      OF                                                                                            /p
                                  THE EAGLES MASTER ASSOCIATION,                                                     INC.                           "c-- 4
                                                                                                                                         ,-' c:?,
                                     (A Corporation    Not-for-Profit)                                                                    -.>:g.. $$ @p+
                                                                                                                                                *e.'.-' : .* -$ Y,*
                                                                                                                                                '.,; .                     .:-.I
         The-undersigned                            incorporator,                     desiring                 to form             a corpora
‘\            obligations                         of          the         Association,                           in          accordance                      with              the
               Declaration,                     including                  but        not     limited              to        the      following:
                          (a)            To make and collect                                 assessments                      against            members                of      the
               Association                    as provided                    for       in     the Declaration                            for      the         purpose             of
               defraying                 the       charges             and expenses                    of the                common areas                     and common
               facilities                     as        well          as         of    .the          administrative                            affairs                  of      the
               Association.                        Assessments                     paid       by members                      shall         be held                in        trust
               by       the         Association                      and         used         solely              to         pay:           (1)        the         cost           of
               operation,                     maintenance,                       preservation,                         enhancement-                   or       repair                of

               the'      common areas                          and common                   facilities                   and other                   costs           related
               thereto,              and           (2) the            cost         of administration                            of       the      affairs                of     the
               Association,                     including                   but        not         limited              to     payment               of       applicable
               taxes          and fees,                  management                   and professional                             fees,        and the              preser-
.-.,\          vation               of         the        Association's                            existence.                       To         the         extent               not
               expended              in        the       year         in which               paid,       assessments                        shall          continue                  to

               be       held             in     trust            by        the         Association                      for         the         benefit                 of      the
               members              to be expended                         solely            for      the purposes                       set         forth         herein.
                            (b)           To use              the      proceeds               of      assessments                      in      the         exercise                  of
               its      powers                and duties.
                            (cl           To maintain,                       repair,                replace              and          operate                all        of       the
               common areas                     and common facilities.
                            (d)           To purchase'                                  covering              the         common areas                       and the
               common             facilities                    and all               properties                  the         Association                     shall            hold
               and        insurance                     for          the         protection                  of         the         Association                      and         its
                              (e)         To improve                  the          common areas                    and common                   facilities                     and,

          _'    after         casualty,                  to reconstruct                        improvements.

(f)       To enforce                 by         &egal         means             the      regulations              for         the    use
of    the         common areas                 and common facilities.

            (9)       To contract                     for         the     management,                   including            maintenance,
repairlt           *replacement                 and         operation                 of       any      and all         of         the      common
areas         and common                  facilities                    and to             delegate           to      a contractor                   or
contractors                 all     powers             and duties                    of this           Association.
            (h)       To enter                 into         contracts                 or      agreements              for         the     mainte-
nance         of      accounting                 and bookkeeping                            records           and      for         the     use       of
data       processing                facilities                   or services.
            (i)       To          enter          into              such         other              contracts            or          agreements
reasonably                 necessary             or convenient                        for         the proper           exercise             of      the
rights,            powers,          duties             and functions                        of the Association.
            Cj)        To employ                all         personnel                reasonably              necessary              to perform
the       services               required             for         proper          exercise              of    the      rights,             powers,
duties            and functions                  of         the     Association.
             (k)       To         exercise               any            .and      all            common        law       and            statutory

powers,            although              not      specifically                       recited           above,         of a corporation
not-for-profit,                         reasonably                  necessary                 or     convenient              to         carry       out
and perform                   the        purpose              for        which             the     Association                is        organized
and its             enumerated                powers.
            Owners,               the        Association                   and          its        members,.           other             than       The
Eagles,             Ltd.,         or its          successors                   and assigns,                   shall      have           no rights
whatsoever                  to      such          golf            courses             -as        may     be        located           within          or
 adjacent             to     the        Eagles           except            such         license           of use as The Eagles,
 Ltd.,            may give              by     separate                 written               authorization                 and         such     golf

 courses              may          be          sold,              transferred,                       mortgaged               or          otherwise

-‘\        encumbered                 as The Eagles#                            Ltd.,             its          successors              and        assigns,              may
           in their             sole         right            determine.

                        $ a.                                                    ARTICLE                 III

                                                        Membership                    and Voting                      Rights
                     Section                 1.         Membership.                          The          Developer,                  every         owner         of          a
           single-family                     lot        that          is       subject                 to assessment,                     every         owner      of         a
           multi-family                    dwelling                   unit           that          is         subject           to     assessments,                     the
           owner        of the golf                     courses                that         are         subject            to assessment,                   and the
           owner        of       commercial                        property                that         is      subject          to         assessment             is         a
           member         of         the      Agsociation.                            If         ownership               of     a single-family                         lot
           or      multi-family                        dwelling                 unit              is          held       by     more             than     one           (1)
           person,             all        such persons                        are members.                           An owner          of        more     than          one
      ./   single         family              lot            or multi-family                             dwelling              unit         is     entitled              to
           one membership                         for         each            such         lot         or dwelling               unit            upon     which          it
           is      based             and          is         .transferred                         automatically                      by         conveyance               of
           ownership                 of      that            lot         or    dwelling                   unit.            The owner               of     the      golf
           courses             shall         be entitled                       to one vote                      for      each acre               owned up to a
           total        of       200 acres.                          The owner                    of      the         commercial             property             shall
           be entitled                    to two              (2) votes.                     No person                  other         than        an owner              may
           be       a    member                   of         the          Association,                          and        a     membership                  in         the
           Association                    may          not          be        transferred                      except           by        the      transfer              of
           ownership                 of       a        lot          or        dwelling                  unit;           provided,                however,               the
           foregoing                 shall             not         be construed                         to      prohibit              the        assignment              of
           membership                 and voting                     rights           by an owner                      who is         a contract                seller
           to his        vendee              in possession.

Section                2.           Voting_./                 The         Association                            has         two          classes               of
    voting         membership:
               (a)        Class            A:         Class              A members                        are           all         owners              of      lots          or
    dwelling          ,units               in        the        Villages                     of           the      Eagles                 except              Developer

    and,       each         owner               is         entitled               to          one           (1)           vote            for         each           lot      or

    dwelling           unit           owned.                   The owner                of        the           golf          courses,                which          may be
    the      developer,                   shall            be a Class                   A member                   and shall                    be entitled                   to
    one      (1)      vote            for         each          acre         owned                 up to                a total                 of      two      hundred
    (200)       acres.                    The owner                   of     the             commercial                        property                 shall              be a
    Class       A Member                     and           shall           be     entitled                        to          two         (2)        votes.                Upon

    termination                 of        Class             B membership,                            Class               A members                    shall          be all
    owners           of      lots            or         dwelling                 units,                    including                  Developer                      or     its
    assigns,              the        owner            of        the        commercial                           property              and            the       owner          of

"   the      golf         courses.                    If       more         than             one           (1)          person            owns          an interest
    in     any lot              or        dwelling                 unit,          all             such            persons                 are         members,              but
    the      vote          with            respect                 to       such             lot           or           dwelling                 unit          shall          be
    exercised              only            by        that          one       person                  designated                      in         writing              by     all

    such       members,                    and        no        split            vote                is         permitted.                           Prior           to     any

    meeting           at which                  a vote              is      to    be taken,                        each             co-owner                 shall         file
    the       name           of           the        voting                co-owner                       with            the         Secretary                      of     the

    Association                   to be entitled                           to vote                 at       such meeting.                              Such general

    voting           authority                  filed           with        the         Secretary                        shall        remain                 applicable
    to all           votes           until           rescinded,
               (b)         Class             B:         The Class                 B member(s)                            is     the        Developer                  and is
                                      .                 I-.\       ---L--         5-e              -3-h           lnt          or         dwellina               unit             or

 .<    cease      and be converted                            to/Class                   A membership                       on the              happening                  of
       either       of the               following                events,                whichever                  occurs             first:
                              (i)         When the                 total                votes        outstanding                        in       the        Class             A

       membership                  equal         the         total                 votes           outstanding                         in       the         Class             B

                              (ii)        December                31,        2010;            or
                              (iii)When              Developer                     shall           sooner            elect             to terminate                     its
       rights       as a Class                   B member.
                 Whether              as       a Class                 B or              Class           A member,                     as. long                  as     the
       Developer              or its           assigns              or        any of               them        is     the         owner          of         the        golf
       courses,            the           Developer                or         its         assigns           shall                 be entitled                      to       no
       less      than         two hundred                    (200)           votes.
                  (c)         Resignation                    of        Golf             Course           Owner.                  The owners                      of     the

'7     golf       courses                at     such         owners                 sole           discretion,                        may       at         any         time
       resign           and terminate                    owner's                   membership                   in         the        Association                      upon
       delivery           of         such        resignation                        and         termination                      in         writing              to     the
       Board       of         Directors.                     Upon            delivery               of     such             written               resignation
       and        termination                        such                owner                  shall               be           relived                    of          all

       responsibilities                        of any kind                         to the          Association                    and shall                  have          to
       further           rights            as a member                   of the               Association.
                 Section                 3.        Meetings                        of         Members.                     The.         Bylaws               of         the
       Association                   shall       provide                 for            an annual               meeting                 of      members,                and
       may make provision                              for        regular                 and        special                meetings                  of     members
       other       than            the        annual         meeting.                      A quorum                  for         the         transaction                   of
       business               at      any       meeting                 of         the        members                shall             exist           if         thirty
       percent           of        the        to-k 1 number                  of members                   in         good standing                          shall          be
       present           or represented                       at the                meeting.

E5301% 285
                                                                           / ARTICLE              IV

                                                                        Corporate            Existence
                        The corporation                           shall          have       perpetual              existence.

                            ?   l   .

                                                                                  ARTICLE              V
                        Section                l..Management                     by Directors.                       The property,                business
               and     affairs                of        the      Association                 shall           be managed              by        a Board       of
               Directors,                which            shall           consist           of     not        less       than        three        nor     more
               than      nine           persons,                but       as may persons                      as the       Board          of     Directors

               shall        from             time        to      time      determine.                      A majority           of     the       directors

               in      office                shall            constitute                a    quorum               for    the         transaction              of
               business.                 The            Bylaws           shall      provide                 for     meetings           of       directors,

          :    including                the        annual             meeting.
                         Section                   2.         Initial            Board            of        Directors.               The        names        and

               addresses                of     the       first          Board       of Directors                    of the Association,                      who
               shall       hold          office               until       qualified               successors             are duly              elected       and
               have taken                office,               shall        be as follows:

                                        Name                                                                             Address

                         Constantine                      Peter          Lambos                                   29 Broadway
                                                                                                                  New York, New York                     10006

                         Alfred               A. Giardino                                                         29 Broadway
                                                                                                                  New York, New York                     10006

                         Mary           D. Xaufenberg                                                             16101 Nine Eagles Drive
                                                                                                                  Odessa, FL 33556

                         Robert               G. Peters                                                           16101 Nine Eagles Drive
                                                                                                                  Odessa, FL 33556

                         Rodger               F. Seckinger                                                        16101 Nine Eagles Drive
                                                                                                                  Odessa, FL 33556

Robert            B. Hutchinson/                                                       16101 Nine Eagles                             Drive
                                                                                                        Odessa, FL 33556

                 Section              3.      Election                   of         Members             of'      Board               of      Directors,
      Except?           for         the     first           Board              of        Directors,                  directors                    shall                 be
      elected            by the            members           of     the            Association                  at    the        annual               meeting                i
      of      the      membership              as provided                         by the          Bylaws            of        the        Association,
      and        the        Bylaws          'may       provide                 for          the        method             of     voting                 in         the
      election              and for         removal               from         office             of directors.                       All         directors
      shall            be      members          of          the      Association                        or        shall              -be 'authorized
      representatives,                      officers,               or employees                        of the            Developer.
                 Section              4.      Duration                   of        Office.                 Members              elected                    to      the
      Board         of        Directors             shall          hold            office          until          they          resign             or           until
      the       next           succeeding              annual             meeting                 of     members,                and         thereafter
  1   until            qualified              successors                      are         duly          elected                and          have                taken
                 Section             5.     Vacancies.                    If         a director                 elected              by the            general
      membership                   shall      for           any      reason                 cease          to        be        a director,                         the
      remaining                directors             so elected                    may elect                 a successor                    to      fill           the
      vacancy            for       the balance               of the                unexpired               term.

                                                                    ARTICLE                 VI
                 Section              1.      Offices               Provided                     For.           The       Association                           shall
      have          a President,                a Secretary,                         and a Treasurer,                            and         such               other
      officers              as the         Board        of Directors                        may from             time          to time              elect.
                 Section              2.       Election                   and            Appointment                  of         Officers.                         The
      officers                of     the     Association,                       in       accordance                  with         any            applicable

- *.    provisions               of        the         Bylaws,                 shall         be      elected              by       the        Board            of
        Directors               and        serve              at         the     pleasure              of         the        board        and        until
        qualified            successors                  are duly                elected            and have taken                   office.               The
        Bylaws       mey provide                      for      the         method           of voting              in     the      election,               for
        the      removal              from           office              of      officers.               The        President                 and        Vice
        President               shall         be directors;                        other           officers             may or           may not               be
        directors            of         the' Association.                              If    the      office            of     President             shall
        become vacant                   for         any reason,                  or if        the President                     shall         be unable
        or      unavailable                   to      act,           the        Vice         President              shall          .automatically
        succeed         to        the         office                or        perform         its       duties               and     exercise              its
        powers.            If         any          office            other         than        that          of     the        President              shall
        become vacant                   for         any reason,                  the        Board      of Directors                     may elect              or
        appoint        an individual                          to fill            such vacancy.

   \              Section             3.         First             Officers.                The names and addresses                                 of     the
        first        officers               of       the           Association,                who       shall           hold        office           until
        the      annual           meeting                of        directors                and      until          successors                are         duly
        elected        and have                  taken         office,             shall           be as follows:

                  Office                                              Name                                          Address
                  President                            Mary           D. Kaufenberg                           16101 Nine Eagles                          Dr.
                                                                                                              Odessa, FL 33556
                  Secretary/                             Rodger            F. Seckinger                       16101 Nine Eagles                          Dr.
                  Treasurer                                                                                   Odessa, FL 33556
                                                                           ARTICLE           VII
                    The Board                 of      Directors                  shall         adopt          Bylaws            consistent                with
         these       Articles                 of       Incorporation.                          Such          Bylaws            may       be    altered,

amended or repealed                           by thR3 membership                              in     the           manner        set          forth      in
the Bylaws.

            $   .-
                                                                ARTICLE     VIII
           Amendments               to        these             Articles                 of         Incorporation                        shall    be
proposed               and approved                  by        the      Board            of        Directors                   and     thereafter
submitted                  to a meeting                 of      the      membership                      of        the     Association                  for
adoption              by a vote              of     two-thirds                  (2/3rds)                 of        the     members             present
and voting.

                                                                ARTICLE             IX
           The         Association                  shall            indemnify                 every                officer,             committee
member               and     director              against               any        and            all         expenses,                 including
counsel              fees,     reasonably                    incurred            by or             imposed                upon       any officer
or director                  in connection                    with       any action,                      suit           or other             proceed-
ing       (including              settlement                   of      any      suit           or proceeding                         approved            by
the Board)                 to which-he                  or     she may be a party                                   by reason             of       being
or     having              been    an        officer,                 director                or         committee               member.               The
officers              and directors                     shall           not      be liable                         for     any        mistake            of

judgment,              negligent             or otherwise,                     except               for        their           own individual
willful              misfeasance,                 malfeasance,                   misconduct                        or     bad        faith.            The
officers               and     directors                  shall           have           no        personal                liability                  with
respect              to any contract                    or other              commitment                   made by them,                       in good
faith,          on behalf               of        the        Association                  (except                  to     the     ,extent             that
such        officers               or             directors                   may        also                 be         members              of       the

Association)                   and the Assoyiation                       shall         indemnify           and forever                hold
      each        such        officer           and director              free         and harmless               against          any and
      all         liability               to     others          on      account              of     any      such       contract              or
      commitment.                     Any       right       to        indemnification                      provided         for        herein

      shall          not       be exclusive               of     any other                 rights      to     which       any      officer

      or      director              or       former      officer          or     director             may be entitled.                       The
      Association                   shall,       as A‘common              expense,             maintain          adequ@T;g&ral               ,-
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                                                                                                                                       '$g :
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      insurance                is    reasonably            available.                                                         *,.
-.         STATE OF FLORIDA             1       ?
           COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH           )
                 The foregoing    instrument        was acknowledge     before   me this


                                       ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                                THE EAGLES MASTER ASSOCIATION.                INC,
                                       (A Corporation Not-for-Profit)

                 Pursuant to the provisions of Article VIII of its Articles of Incorporation, the

    undersigned not-for-profit corporation hereby adopts the following Articles of Amendment

    to its Articles of Incorporation fded on the 24th day of December, 1987, and recorded on

    December 29, 1987, as an Exhibit to the Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and

    Easements by The Eagles, Ltd., in the Official Records of Hi&borough County, Florida, at

        Official Record Rook 5301, Pages 279 et. seq. ;

                 1.     Article III, Section 2(c) of the Articles of Incorporation of The Eagles

        Master Association, Inc., is hereby deleted in its entirety.

                 2.     Pursuant to Article VIII, the foregoing Amendments were approved by

        the Board of Directors on the 15th day of March, 1994, and were adopted by two-thirds (2/3)

        of the Association members present and voting on the

Filed      by:
      INWlTNESS      WHEREOF,       the undersigned President and Secretary of this Corporation

have executed these Articles of Amendment on this p

                                                  THE EAGLES MASTER ASSOCIATION,
                                                  INC.              :

                                                    Ma.r$ D,&aufenberg, President

                                                              C. Peter Lamb&, Secretary

state of Florida
County of Hillsborough

             The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this f? day of April,
1994, by Mary D. Kaufenberg and C. Peter Lambos, as President and Secretary, respectively,
of The Eagles Master Association, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, on behalf of the
corporation.           He/she       is personally           known       to    me U
-e=!            .    .    . anddi                                                   &F-f
is                   -                          take an oath.

                                    Sigiiature of P

                                    Name of acknowledger typed, printed or stamped

                                    Notary Public, State of

                                    Notarial Serial Number
INSTFt % 1999394001
                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                    OR BJK 09978 PG 0385
                                                                                                                        RECORDED 12/23/1499 01:iO PM
                                                                                                                        RICWlRD IWE CLERKOF CWRT
                                                              By-Laws of                                                HILLSEOAWGH  CWNTY
                               The Eagles                     Master Association,                                       b#! M+RKD R”pra*t

     Article I
           Definitions . ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .1

     Article II
           Location .. .. .. .. ... .. .... . ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. 1

     Article Ill
           Membership                .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ..-.. 1

     Article IV
            Board of Directors .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... ... .. ... .. .. ... . .. ... .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .2

      Article V
           Officers.. . .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . .. . ..4

      Article VI
            Meetings             of the Members . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. . ... . . .. .5

      Article VII
            Committees.....                  .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ..._...................... 7

      Article VIII
             Books and Papers . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .7

      Article IX
            Amendments                   .. ... ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . ..-. 8

      Article X
             Rules and Regulations ... .. ... . ... .. ... . ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .9

Prepared     by:         The       Eagles,            Ltd.                                                 Return

I      I
                                                                                              OR BK         09978            PG 0386

                                               AM&NDED    AND RESTATED
                                     THE EAGLES MASTER         ASSOCIATION.                       INC.
                                           (A Corporation     Not-for-Profit)

                                                             ARTICLE        I


             All defined     terms   used in these Bylaws            shall have the meaning              assigned     to them     in the

    Declaration     of Covenants,     Restrictions    and Easements              by The Eagles,     Ltd. , to which these Bylaws

    are attached,      (the “Declaration”).

                                                            ARTICLE         II


             Section     1. The principal     office of the Association            shall be located      at Odessa,     Florida     or at

    such other place as may be established                from time to time by the Board of Directors.

                                                            ARTICLE        III


             Section     1. Membership        of the Association         shall be set forth in Article        III, Section      1, of the

    Articles of Incorporation        of The Eagles       Master     Association,       Inc.

             Section     2. The rights of membership                are subject       to the payment        of annual    and special

    assessments        levied   by the Association,       the obligation          of which assessment          is imposed       against

    each owner of, and becomes            a lien upon, the properties            against   which such assessments            are made

    as provided      by the Declaration.       Members       delinquent          in the payment      of such assessments            shall

    not be able to vote until all delinquent          sums        have been paid in full.

OR BK 09978                            PC 0387

                                                                ARTICLE          IV

                                                       BOARD       OF DIRECTORS

            Section      1.     After the initial      appointment            of directors       by the corporation’s                incorporator

pursuant      to the Articles           of Incorporation,       the directors         of the Association         shall be elected            at the

annual meeting          of the members           as specified      in the Articles        of Incorporation.         The election          shall be

decided      by majority        vote.

            Section     2. Any director          may be removed           from office at any time with or without                        cause by

the affirmative         majority        vote of the total Association                 membership,           provided      however         that the

directors     elected      by the Class B members                 including      those named          in the Articles       of Incorporation

may be removed                only by the Class B member.

            Section      3. The first meeting               of the duly elected          Board      of Directors,        for the purpose            or

organization,         shall be held immediately              after the annual         meeting    of members,           provided       the majority

of the members           of the Board elected           be present.           Any action taken         at such meeting               shall be by a

majority      of the whole Board.                If the majority      of the members             of the Board          elected       shall not be

present at that time, or if the directors                   shall fail to elect officers,         the meeting          of the Board to elect

officers shall then be held within thirty (30) days after the annual                                meeting      of members            upon three

(3) days’ notice in writing to each member                      of the Board elected,             stating     the time,     place and object

of such meeting.

            Section     4. Regular          meetings    of the Board of Directors               may be held at such place or places

on such days and at such hours as the Board of Directors                                may from time to time decide.                   All regular

and special meetings               of the Board of Directors           must be open to all members                      except       for meetings

 between        the Board         and its attorney           with respect        to proposed         or pending         litigation      where       the

 contents      of the discussion            would otherwise         be governed          by the attorney-client            privilege.

OR BK 09978                      PG 0388

            Section      5.         No separate        notice     shall be required         to be given to board members             of any

regular     meeting       of the Board        of Directors.        Notice       of all regular    and special   board meetings         must

be posted       in a conspicuous            place in the community               at least forty-eight   (48) hours in advance         of the

meeting,      except      in an emergency.             An assessment              may not be levied at a Board           meeting    unless

the notice of the meeting                includes    a statement       that assessments           will be considered     and the nature

of the assessments.

            Section      6. Special         meetings      of the Board of Directors               may be called    at any time       by the

President       or by any two members                  of the Board and may be held at such place or places as the

Board may from time to time decide.

            Section      7.     Notice    of each special         meeting       of the Board of Directors,      stating the time, place

and purpose           or purposes        thereof,    shall be given by or on behalf of the President                   or by or on behalf

of the Secretary          or by or on of any two (2) members                      of the Board to each member           of the Board not

less than three (3) days prior to the scheduled                         date of the special meeting             by mail or one (1) day

by telephone           or telegraph.       Special     meetings      of the Board may also be held at any place and time,

without      notice,     by unanimous           waiver of notice by all the directors.

            Section       8. Directors        may not vote by proxy or by secret ballot at board meetings,                          except

secret ballots         may be used in the election                 of officers.      The notice and voting        requirements       of this

Article shall also apply to meetings                   of any committee            or similar    body, when a final decision        is being

made       regarding          the expenditure        of association         funds, and to any body vested              with the power to

approve       or disapprove          architectural      decisions      with respect to parcels of residential            property    owned

by members             of the Association.

OR BK 09978                          PG 0389

                                                                 ARTICLE         V


            Section     1. Any officer may be removed                    at any time by the affirmative              vote of a majority          of

the Board of Directors             at any duly called          regular     or special      meeting      of the Board.

            Section     2.    The President           shall    be the chief executive                officer     of the Association.        The

President      shall preside        at all meetings           of the members             of the Association          and of the Board            of

Directors,     unless the meeting            shall select        another      to preside.       He shall have the general                powers

and duties of supervision             and management               of the Association           which usually         pertain    to his office,

and shall perform            all such duties     as are properly           required       of him by the Board            of Directors.

            Section     3. The Board         of Directors         may elect one (1) or more Vice Presidents,                         who shall

have such powers and perform                    such duties          as usually       pertain    to such office or as are properly

required     of such officer(s)       by the Board            of Directors.      In the absence          of disability    of the President,

the Vice President            shall perform      the duties and exercise                 the powers of the President.

            Section     4.    The Secretary           shall issue notices            of all meetings           of the membership          of the

Association      and the Board of Directors               where notice of such meetings                   is required     by law or in these

Bylaws.       The      Secretary     shall     keep     or cause         to be kept         the minutes          of the meetings          of the

membership            and of the Board of Directors.

            Section 5. The Treasurer             shall have the care and custody                     of all the monies          and securities

of the Association.            He shall enter         on the books            of the Association,              to be kept by him for that

purpose,      full and accurate        accounts        of all monies          received     by him and paid by him on account                     of

the Association.         He shall sign such instruments                  as require       his signature         and shall perform        all such

duties as usually pertain to his office or as are properly                           required    of him by the Board of Directors.
- .-

                                                                                                      OR BK 09978                     PC 0390

            Section      6. Vacancies           in any &ice         arising       from any cause may be filled by the Board                      of

Directors      at any regular         or special        meeting.

                                                                   ARTICLE         VI

                                                  MEETINGS            OF THE MEMBERS

            Section      1. The regular          annual      meeting     of the members               shall be held annually        during      the

month       of October          at such time and place as shall be determined                           by the Board of Directors.            The

election     of Directors         shall be held at or in conjunction                    with the annual        meeting.

            Section      2. Special         meetings      of the members           may be called for any purpose                at any time (1)

by the President,               the Vice President,          the Secretary          or Treasurer,         or (2) by any two (2) or more

members        of the Board of Directors,                 or (3) upon written request                of the members          who have a right

to vote one-fourth              (l/4) of the votes of the Class A membership.                         Business      conducted      at a special

meeting       is limited        to the purposes         described      in the notice of the meeting.

             Section       3.      Notice      of meetings         of the members                may be given to the member                  either

personally,       or by sending         a copy of the notice through                     the mail, postage        thereon     fully paid, to his

address       appearing          on the records        of the Association.              Notice    of a special     meeting      must include          a

description       of the purpose            or purposes      for which the meeting               is called.    Each member        shall register

his address           with the Secretary,          and notices         of meetings         shall he mailed         to him at such address.

Notice      of any meeting,          regular     or special,       shall be mailed         or personally        delivered    at least fourteen

(14) days in advance                of the meeting          and shall set forth the general                   nature of the business          to be

transacted;           provided,      however,          that if any business              of any meeting          shall involve     any       action

governed        by the Articles of Incorporation,                  notice of such meetings              shall be given or sent as therein


OR BK 09978                        PG 0391

           Section      4. The presence,         in person or by proxy, at any meeting              of members      entitled    to cast

thirty percent         (30%) of the Class A membership                  votes shall constitute        a quorum      for any action

governed        by these Bylaws.

           Section      5. Any member          may tape record or videotape              meetings     of the Board      of Directors

and meetings           of the members.         The Board of Directors            may adopt reasonable      rules governing          the

taping   of meetings         of the Board and the membership.

             Section    6. The Association         may suspend        the voting rights of a member         for the nonpayment

of regular annual          assessments        that are delinquent       in excess of 90 days upon a majority              vote of the

Board of Directors.

                                                             ARTICLE       VII


             Section      1. The Architectural          Control     Committee        shall be a standing         committee       of the

Association.         The Board of Directors           may appoint      such other committees          and assign      to them     such

duties as the Board deems                advisable.

             Section     2. The Architectural          Control    Committee        shall be appointed,     shall serve and shall

have the duties and functions                 as described       in the Declaration.     A party aggrieved         by a decision       of

the Architectural          Control   Committee        shall have the right to make a written request to the full Board

of Directors,        within thirty (30) days of such decision,            so that the Board of Directors          may review such

 decision.       The determination            of the Board        of Directors,      upon   reviewing     such decision          of the

 Architectural         Control   Committee,       shall in all events be dispositive.
OR BK 09978                      PG 0392

                                                              ARTICLE           VIII

                                                         BOOKS        AND PAPERS

            Section     1. The official books,            records and papers of the Association                        shall be maintained

within      the state     and shall at all times,             during       reasonable         business        hours,     be subject    to the

inspection      and available        for photocopying         by any member              of the Association       or such members          duly

authorized       representatives            within     ten (10) business           days after receipt          of a written      request     for


            Section     2. The Association              may adopt reasonable               written    rules governing        the frequency,

time,    location,      notice,    and manner           of inspections,         and may impose              fees to cover the costs of

providing      copies of the official            records,     including,        without     limitation,      the cost of copying.          The

Association       shall maintain        an adequate          number        of copies of the recorded              governing      documents

to ensure their availability           to members          and prospective             members,       and may charge          only its actual

costs for reproducing             and furnishing         these documents               to those entitled      to receive      them.

            Section     3. The Association              shall prepare         an annual     financial      report within sixty (60) days

after the close of the fiscal year.                  The Association       shall provide        each member            a copy of the annual

financial     report or a written notice that a copy of the report is available                              upon request       at no charge

to the member.

                                                               ARTICLE           IX


            Section     1. These Bylaws may be amended,                        at a regular or special meeting             of the members,

by a vote of fifty-one            percent     (51%) of members             present        in person       or by proxy, provided       that the

notice to the members              of the meeting         disclosed     the information           that the amendment           of the Bylaws


                                                                                              OR BK 09978                        PC 0393

was to be considered;              provided,    hodever,      the provisions         which are governed               by the Articles      of

Incorporation          of this Association        may not be amended                 except     as provided          in the Articles       of

Incorporation          or applicable    law; and provided        further that any matters          stated     herein      to be or which

are in fact governed           by the Declaration      may not be amended               except as provided           in the Declaration.

Notwithstanding.anything               herein to the contrary,       the Class B member                as described       in the Articles

of Incorporation          of the Association      shall be permitted         to amend         these Bylaws       at any time and no

amendment           of these Bylaws may be made without                    the consent        of the Class B member.

             Section 2. Any amendment             shall become       effective      upon recording        of such amendment             with

the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hillsborough                   County.

             Section     3. In case of any conflict between              the Articles      of Incorporation          and these    Bylaws,

the Articles shall control; and in the case of any conflict between                         the Declaration          and these Bylaws,

the Declaration           shall control.

                                                            ARTICLE          X

                                                 RULES     AND REGULATIONS

             Section      1.     The Board      of Directors       shall    have the authority           to promulgate           rules and

    regulations     not inconsistent       with the Amended       and Restated          Declaration,      Articles     of Incorporation,

    and Amended         and Restated        Bylaws, to enforce and implement                the provisions       of said documents.

    The rules and regulations          shall be in writing and shall be adopted                 by a majority         vote of the Board

    of Directors.

             Section 2. The Board of Directors              may suspend,           for a reasonable         period     of time, the rights

    of members         or a member’s        tenants,   guests,     or invitees,       or both, to use the common                  areas or

    facilities and may levy reasonable            fines, not to exceed           $100.00    per violation,      against     any member

    or any tenant,        guest or invitee.      A fine may be levied             on the basis of each day of a continuing

OR RK 09978                      PG 0394

violation,     with a single           notice     and opfiortunity      for hearing,        except that no such fine shall exceed

$1 ,OOO.OO in the aggregate                 unless otherwise         provided      in the Declaration,         Articles     of incorporation,

or these Bylaws.

             Section     3. A fine or suspension             may not be imposed              without notice of at least fourteen             (14)

days to the person              sought          to be fined or suspended           and an opportunity             for a hearing        before a

committee        of at least three (3) members                 appointed        by the Board who are not officers,                    directors,

or employees              of the Association,              or the spouse,        parent,      child, brother,         or sister of an officer,

director,      or employee.             If the committee,        by majority       vote, does not approve                 a proposed      fine or

suspension,            it may not be imposed.

                                                                                   /?ii#d& mJ ‘4V


         I hereby    certify                 that     on   this    day before   me,                 C.P.  Lambos,         a General      Partner
of The Eagles,         Ltd.              appeared        before     me and executed                    the foregoing          instrument         and
acknowledge       before                me that        he executed     the same.

      Witness             my hand          and official          seal      in    the       County       and   State       aforesaid       this
20t h day of             December,           1999.

 MY commission              expires:

 Per ‘sona     11 y     known


OR BK 09978              PG 0395

                                                TABLE            OF CONTENTS

                      DECLARATION                      OF COVENANT,                       RESTRICTIONS
                                 AND        EASEMENTS                    FOR THE EAGLES

Article    I
          Definitions .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. . ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .... .. .. ... .. ...   1

Article     II
          General         Development       Plan ._................_......._..........._     .
                       Planned Community ...__...._...._....__........__......_.
                       Villages at The Eagles .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .._...............
                       Golf Courses .. .. .. .. . .. .._....................................
                       Utilities; Irrigation; Cable/Community                     Television

Article     Ill
          Covenants.. ...............................................................                                 8
                 Residential Use ..............................................                                       8
                Village Association.. .......................................                                         9
                 Single Family Dwelling Unit and Multi Family
                 Building Construction and Contract thereof ....                                                      9
                 Water and Sewer.. .........................................                                          10
                 Irrigation .........................................................                                 IO
                 Temporary Buildings and Building Materials ..                                                        11
                 Garages Required.. ........................................                                          11
                 Fences, Walls and Hedges ............................                                                12
                 Trees.. ............................................................                                 12
                 Artificial Vegetation ........................................                                       12
                 Tennis Court.. .................................................                                     12
                  Docks .............................................................                                  12
                  Roadways ......................................................                                      13
                  Lakes, Wetland Regulations ..........................                                                13
                  Atennas ..........................................................                                   13
                  Clothes Hanging and Drying ..........................                                                13
                  Vehicles and Parking .....................................                                           14
                  Motorcycles.. ..................................................                                     14
                  Animals and Pets.. .........................................                                         14
                  Maintenance of Lots and Landscaping.. ........                                                       15
                  Lawns .............................................................                                   15
                  Boarding Up Residences.. .............................                                                15
OR BK 09978          PC 0396

Article    111
          Covenants.. ................................................................            8
                Mining and Quarrying .....................................                        16
                Guns ...............................................................              16
                General Prohibitions.. .....................................                      16
                Collection Via Liens ........................................                     16
                 Fines and Financial Damages.. ......................                             16

Article    IV
          Membership         and Voting Rights . .. .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .   17

Article    V
          Developer’s Rights ....................................................                 17
                 Assignment by Developer ..............................                           17
                 Developer’s Right to Repurchase.. .................                              17
                 Sales Agency.. ...............................................                   18
                 Future Development Parcels ..........................                            19
                 Variences .......................................................                19
                 Additions to Existing Property.. ......................                          20

                               (a) Additions to Existing Property........                         20

                               (b) Procedure for Making Additions to
                                   the Existing Property . ... ... .. . ... . ... .. . .          21

                                          (i) Additions in Accordance with
                                              a General Plan of Development                       21

                                          (ii) Mergers .. ... ... ...*....................        22

                                          (iii) Developer         Additions . .. . .. ... . ..    22

                               (c) General Provisions Regarding
                                   Additions to the Properties . .. .. .. .. .. .                 22

                               (d) Voting Rights of the Developer as
                                   to Additions to the Existing Property..                        24

OR I3K 09978             PG   0397


                                     (e) Voting Rights of Owners Other than
                                         the Developer as to the Additions to
                                         Existing Properties.

                          Appointment            of the Board of Directors . .. .. .. . .. .                 25

    Article     VI
               Master Association -
                      Covenant for Maintenance Assessments.......                                            25
                             Creation of the Lien and Personal
                             Obligation for the Assessments .. .. .. .. .. .                                 25
                             Purpose of the Assessment ... ... .. .. .. . .. ..                              27
                             Date of Commencement and Due Dates..                                            28
                             Special Assessments . .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. . ..                       28
                             Trust Funds .. .. .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. . ...           29
                             Effect on Developer and Golf Course
                             Owner . .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. . ..   30
                             Roster; Notice; Certificate .. ... .. ... .. .. .. . .. .                       30
                             Collection of Assessment; Effect of Non-
                              Payment of Assessments; The Personal
                              Obligation of the Owner; The Lien;
                              Remedies of the Master Association...                                          30
                              Subordination           of the Lien to Mortgages                               32
                              Exempt Property . ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .               33

     Article    VII
                Master Association -
                       Rights and Obligations ...................................                            33
                              Common Areas Obligations.. ...............                                     33
                              Services.. .............................................                       34
                              Capital Improvements.. ........................                                35
                              Personal Property.. ..............................                             35
                              Rules and Regulations.. ......................                                 35
                              Implied Rights ......................................                          36
                              Acceptance ..........................................                          36
                              Maintenance and Repair by Master
                              Association.. ........................................                          36
                              Litigation.. ............................................                       36

OR BK 09978                PG 0398


Article     VIII
           Architectural Control .................................................                                      37
                   Architectural Control Committee.. ..................                                                 37
                   Members of Committee.. ................................                                              37
                   Meeting of the ACC ........................................                                          37
                   Compensation ................................................                                        38
                   Non-liability of ACC Members.. ......................                                                38
                   Developer’s Exemption.. ................................                                             38
                   Attorney’s Fees.. ............................................                                       38
                    Required Approval by the ACC.. ....................                                                 39
                    Preliminary drawings ......................................                                         39
                    Submission of Plans .......................................                                         40
                    Statement of Approval.. ..................................                                          40
                    Exemption of U.S. Home.. ..............................                                             41

Article     IX
           Easements ................................................................                                   41
                 Reciprocal Easements ...................................                                               41
                 Common Area Easements.. ...........................                                                    42
                 Perpetual Easements .....................................                                              43
                 Golf Courses Use Easements.. ......................                                                    44
                 Lake Maintenance Easements.. .....................                                                     45
                 Dock; Waterway; and Adjacent Properties .....                                                          46
                 Encroachments.. ............................................                                           47
                 Permanence.. .................................................                                         48
                 Nine Eagles ....................................................                                        48

 Article     X
            Resubdividing       . ... .. .. . .. .. .... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ..    48

 Article    Xl
            General Provisions ....................................................                                      49
                   Duration.. ........................................................                                   49
                   Remedies for Violation.. .................................                                            49
                   Severability .....................................................                                    50
                   Usage .............................................................                                   50
                   Perpetuities.. ..................................................                                     50
                   Golf Balls.. ......................................................                                   51
                   Amendment.. ..................................................                                        51

OR BK 09978                   PC 0399

                                 AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            AND EASEMENTS FOR THE EAGLES

        This DECLARATION           is made this 20th day of December,             1999, by The Eagles Ltd.,

a Florida limited partnership,      which owns the real estate described               in Exhibit A attached

hereto and by reference          made a part hereof which property               is situated    in Hillsborough

County, Florida, (the “Villages of the Eagles on Top of Tampa                    Bay”) and hereby declares

that said real estate, together with the real estate described                 in Exhibit A-l, is and shall be

held,   transferred,      sold, conveyed      and occupied           subject    to covenants,        conditions,

easements      and restrictions set forth below.


        THAT WHEREAS,            in order to promote the uniform development                   of the Villages of

the Eagles on Top of Tampa               Bay (“The Eagles”);        to insure that only residences            and

appurtenances          and improvements       servicing       the residences     of the highest      quality are

constructed     and maintained      therein; that the quality and security of the neighborhoods

within The Eagles will be preserved          and maintained;        and that the common          properties   and

easements       are properly operated        and maintained,         the Developer       has created      certain

covenants      and conditions;    and

        WHEREAS, The Eagles, Ltd., has previously                  caused the Declaration         of Covenants,

Restrictions     and Easements          for The Villages       of Eagles on Top of Tampa              Bay to be

recorded in 0-R. Book 5301, pages 230 et. seq., Public Records of Hillsborough                           County,

the terms of which are deemed              to run with the land and binding            upon and inure to the

OR RK 09978                  PG 0400

benefit of all owners of real estate within The Eagles including without limitation all present

and future owners of any lot, property, commercial                  property, or dwelling unit located within

The Eagles and which may be amended                      or supplemented      from time to time as hereinafter

provided;    and

        WHEREAS,          The Eagles, Ltd. subsequently             modified     said Declaration       pursuant    to

Amendments          to Declaration       recorded      in O.R. Book 681 I, page 875, et. seq.; Second

Amendment          to Declaration      rerecorded        in 0-R. Book 7660, page 1500, et. seq.; Third

Amendment to Declaration             recorded      in 0-R. Book 7517, page 1866, et. seq., Supplemental

Declaration of Covenants            and Restrictions      recorded in O.R. Book 7946, page 715, et. seq.;

which included         the property      in Nine Eagles Subdivision             No. 1 within the term of this

Declaration and Fourth Amendment                  to Declaration    recorded in O.R. Book 8051, page 640,

et. seq.; and

        WHEREAS,            The     Eagles,       Ltd. does desire       to incorporate      the Declaration        of

Covenants,         Restrictions      and Easements          and the subsequent             amendments       thereto,

including those contained           herein, into a single document           with exhibits to be known as the

Amended       and Restated          Declaration     of Covenants,       Restrictions   and Easements         for The

Eagles (the “Declaration”           or “Amended          and Restated     Declaration”).

        NOW THEREFORE,                  under the authority granted to the Declarant              pursuant to the

Declaration        of Covenants,         Restrictions,      and Easements          by The     Eagles,      Ltd., and

amendments          thereto, Declarant        hereby amends and restates the covenants,                 restrictions,

and easements          for The Eagles in the manner set forth hereinbelow,                   as follows:

OR BK     09978          PG    0401

                                                ARTICLE       I


       The following       words,     when    used in this Declaration           shall have the following


       1.        “The Eagles” is the name given to the development                 hereinabove     described,

a planned single family and multiple-family          subdivision.

       2.        “Association”      or “Master Association”        shall mean and refer to The Eagles

Master Association,       Inc., a Florida corporation       not-for-profit,    of which the Developer       and

all owners,     as such terms are hereinafter           defined,     shall be members.        A copy of the

Association’s     Articles of Incorporation     and the Bylaws are attached hereto as Exhibits B

and C, respectively.

       3.        “Commercial        area” means the real estate described             in Exhibit A-l attached

hereto together     with all improvements       thereon     including without limitations,       all buildings,

stores, parking lots and appurtenances           thereon.

       4.        “Common       areas” means all real estate outside the border lines of (1) the real

estate constituting     the area in which the single family lot owners have a legal ownership

interest, (2) the real estate constituting       the area in which multi-family          unit owners have a

legal ownership     interest, (3) the real estate constituting          the commercial      area, (4) the real

estate separately      dedicated    for the use and maintenance           by Village Associations,      and (5)

the real estate constituting       the golf courses of The Eagles, together with all improvements

thereon. Such common             areas, sometimes    referred      to in the Declaration     as “common


                                                                                OR BK 09978                  PG 0402

facilities”, include, without limitation, all structures, recreational              facilities, offstreet    parking,

private roads and streets, sidewalks, streetlights,                  gatehouses     and entrance       features,     but

excludes         any public utility installation      and easements,          cable television     installation     and

easements,         or golf course maintenance             installations    and easements     thereon.

        5.           “Association      property”   means such portions of the common                   areas as are

dedicated        or conveyed       to the Association.      Unless and until those portions        of the common

areas are dedicated             or conveyed    to the Association,        under such terms and conditions             as

the dedication        or conveyance        may contain, same shall not be deemed                 to be Association


         6.          “Developer”      shall be construed in the singular or plural as is necessary,                 and

means The Eagles, Ltd./U.S. Home, Inc., during that period when the first 877 single family

lots covered        by the option agreement          between the parties being built and sold as well as

such further period, as such parties may agree to extension of the option agreement                                 and

at the end of such option agreement                   “Developer”         shall mean The Eagles,        Ltd., for the

 remaining development              of The Eagles, together with their respective          nominees,     successors

 and assigns.

            7.        “Single family lot” means a portion of The Eagles upon which not more than

 one (1) single family dwelling unit may be constructed                      and exist at any time according            to

 the restrictions       contained      in this Declaration.

            8.        “Multi-family     lot” means a portion of The Eagles upon which multi-family

 dwelling        units are permitted        to be constructed        and exist at any time according               to the

 restrictions       contained      in this Declaration.

UR l3.K 09970                EG 0403

        9.         “Undeveloped        lot” means a lot upon which no dwelling unit was issued a final

Certificate      of Occupancy       by the appropriate    governmental      authority.

         10.       “Dwelling    unit” means an abode for one (1) family whether            constructed      on a

single family lot or a multi-family          lot.

         11.       “Single family lot owner” means the owner or owners of a single family lot and

includes the Developer             for so long as the Developer       is the owner of such lot.

         12.       “Multi-family     dwelling unit owner” means the owner or owners of a portion of

a multi-family      lot as shall constitute a dwelling unit and includes the Developer               for so long

as the Developer         is the owner of a dwelling unit.

         13.        “Golf courses”       means that portion of the real estate of The Eagles now

operated       as a thirty-six hole golf plant with four nine hole courses, (known as “The Eagles

Golf & Country Club”) and shall be expanded                    to mean such additional     golf holes as may

be constructed       from time to time, if any, together with all improvements             thereon     including

without limitation, all lakes, ponds, clubhouses,              tennis courts, swimming   pools, recreational

facilities, cartbarns,      offices, lodges, buildings,        sheds, parking areas and appurtenances.

No rights to the golf courses or their use is granted                  by this Declaration.      Membership,

playing privileges       and rights to use the golf courses are totally within the discretion              of the

owners of the golf courses.

           14.      “Multi-family      building”    means the structure     within which      the multi-family

dwelling units are contained.

OR        BK     09978         EC     0404

       15.       “Village Association&     means the separate portions of The Eagles that have

been created by the Developer        within the boundaries          of the Project and which are subject

to this Declaration        and are additionally      subject       to a declaration          of covenants      and

restrictions for the property of each separate          Village.

                                              ARTICLE         II

                                 GENERAL      DEVELOPMENT               PLAN

        1.       Planned     Communitv.       The     Developer         intends      to create      a residential

community development          of the highest quality together           with appurtenant         improvements

and amenities to be known as The Eagles.              The Master Association                and this Declaration

shall govern     and control “The Eagles”,          its development,           operation,     maintenance      and


        2.       Villaaes of the Eaales.      Each portion of The Eagles will be developed                     as a

Village of the Eagles. A Village may be either a subdivision                   of single-family    residential lots

or a multi-family or townhouse       cluster of residential        units. Each Village of the Eagles shall

have a Declaration      of Covenants      and Restrictions         to govern      its residents   and properties

in addition to the provisions of this Declaration.          With the exception            of Villages developed

and/or acquired by U.S. Home, its successors               or assigns, the size and configuration            of the

Villages and the type and content of the Declaration                    governing         each Village    shall be

determined      by the sole discretion of the Developer.           As to Villages being developed           and/or

acquired     by U.S. Home, its successors           or assigns, the size and configuration                  of the

Villages     and the type and content of the Declaration                governing         each Village    shall be

.                                                                                   OR BK 09970                   PG 0405

    determined          by the sole discretion’of      U.S. Home, its successors               or assigns.    Each such

    Village shall be created upon the recording                of the Declaration,      therefore     in public records

    of Hillsborough         County, Florida.

                3.       Golf    Courses.      The     golf    courses      and      related      improvements          and

    appurtenances          located within The Eagles are owned by the Developer.                     The owner of the

    golf courses         has membership        rights in the Master Association            and is responsible         for a

    proportionate        share of Association        expenses as defined          by this Declaration.       No rights to

    the golf courses or their use are granted by this Declaration                      to owners of lots or units in

    The Eagles.           Rights to use the golf courses and to grant membership                        and other uses

    privilege        for the property is the exclusive        right of the owner(s)      of the golf courses.         Such

    membership           and use rights may be granted or denied to the owners at The Eagles and to

    other non-owners            by the owners of the golf courses under such terms and conditions,                      and

    pursuant to such rules and regulations              as the owners of the golf courses may from time to

    time establish.

                4.        Utilities: Irriaation: Cable/Community         Television.     To provide utility and other

    services         to The Eagles and its residents,            the Developer         reserves     to itself and to its

    successors          and assigns the right to create easements,            to construct        improvements       and to

    maintain         systems for water and sewer service, irrigation,               cable or community           television

    service,         and outside lighting. The Developer           may, but is not obligated,           to provide     such

    utility and other services, and the Developer               further may, but is not obligated,           to assign the
OR    BK     09978        PG    0406

                                              ARTICLE      III


        1.         Residential   Use. The single family and multi-family        dwelling units subject to

this Declaration     may be used for residences         and for no other purpose.        No home located

on a single family lot may be divided       into more than one (1) dwelling unit and no more than

one (1) family shall reside within any dwelling          unit. No business or commercial           building

may be erected on any lot, and no business, occupation                or profession    may be conducted

from any dwelling unit, except that real estate brokers and owners, and their agents, may

show dwelling units for sale or lease.       Provided     further, that nothing contained herein shall

prohibit a member from maintaining           a home office where there are no business visitors

accessing the property and no external signage concerning                 the business on the property.

Notwithstanding       the foregoing    and notwithstanding        any other provision         hereof to the

contrary, Developer       and such contractors   as Developer       may approve       in writing, shall have

the right from time to time (1) to construct and operate model dwelling units in The Villages

of the Eagles and (2) to erect and maintain             administrative     offices, construction    storage

facilities, parking facilities, sales offices, field construction        offices and such other offices,

structures and facilities as may be appropriate          for use in the development         of The Eagles.

As provided     in Article V, Section 1 of the Declaration,        Developer        hereby assigns to U.S.

Home the above-mentioned           rights as they pertain to any lots or undeveloped           parcels to be

developed     or acquired by U.S. Home; provided,          however,      U.S. Home shall not thereby be

deemed       Declarant or Developer      of The Eagles.

.      .                                                                               OR E3K 09978               PG 0407

               2.       Villaae Association.       /All structures located or constructed             within the separate

    Villages        created      by the Developer,      in addition       to complying      with the covenants          and

    conditions hereof, shall additionally            comply with the covenants            and conditions      established

    for the Village in which such building              or structure      is located.     Each owner, guest, visitor,

    lessee or invitee entering upon the properties                    of The Eagles shall abide by the covenants

    and conditions contained             in this Declaration     and the Declaration        of each of the Villages of

    the Eagles to the extent that they are applicable,                    and any such person failing or refusing

    to so abide shall be subject to fines and to removal                    and eviction from The Eagles.

               3.        Sinale Familv       Dwellina    Unit and Multi-Familv            Buildina     Construction     and

    Contract Therefor.             Construction    of a single family dwelling          unit or a multi-family     building

    within the Villages of the Eagles shall only be permitted through a builder approved                              by the

    Developer,         unless the Developer         shall no longer operate        a program         limiting construction

    of single family dwelling units or multi-family               buildings to a limited selection of specifically

    approved         builders,     and, even then, only in accordance              with the Developer’s          approved

    plans and specifications,             and the prior approval          of the Architectural        Control Committee


               By signature on a purchase            agreement        or contract of sale for a single family lot, the

    single family lot owner(s)           agrees to commence             construction     within twelve (12) months of

    the signing of said purchase                  agreement      or contract     of sale unless the terms of the

    agreement or contract shall specify another commencement                            date. Commence        construction

    shall mean that a building             permit has been obtained            from Hillsborough         County, and that

OR BK 09978                   PG 0408

the first floor slab has been poured                or that the first floor framing      and deck have been


         All dwelling    units on single family lots within any Village shall have received                           a

certificate    of occupancy         within     eighteen    (18) months     of the signing          of a purchase

agreement      or contract of sale unless such agreement or contract shall provide                      otherwise.

         U.S. Home is exempt from the provisions                   of this Section.     Other single family lot

owner shall be excused for such reasonable                  times as may be appropriate        whenever       such

commencement           or such completion         is made impossible or would result in great hardship

to the single-family     lot owner, due to strikes, fires, national emergencies,             natural calamities,

or the impossibility     of obtaining        necessary     materials or reasonable      substitutions     therefor.

The unexcused       failure of the single family lot owner to commence construction                   as provided

in this Section shall subject such owner and lot to the provision                     of Article V, Section 2.

         4.      Water and Sewer.               All dwelling     units shall use and be connected            to the

central water and sewage            system made available           by Hillsborough      County.     No well shall

be drilled or utilized on any lot for any purpose and no septic tank shall be installed, used

or maintained     on any lot, without the written approval              of the Developer      and the approval

of any applicable       governmental          authority.

         5.       lrriaation.     Each single family residence shall have a central lawn sprinkler

system with 100% head-to-head                  coverage.    To the extent that a master re-claimed            water

irrigation    system for lawns          and landscaping          is made available       by the Developer             or

Hillsborough      County,       the Master Association,          Village Association      or other entity those

owners or occupants             within the service area of such master irrigation system desiring to

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