The Fall of the Berlin Wall - Stories Between East and West Der Mauerfall - Frankfurter ...

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The Fall of the Berlin Wall.
Stories Between East and West

Der Mauerfall.
Stories zwischen Ost und West
Top German Titles Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Compiled by Alyson Coombes and Rosie Goldsmith

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Finale.                                    The Dream Is Over.          Cross Over Then!
The Last Year of the GDR                   But We‘d Give Everything    An East-West Reader and
                                           to Make it Real. 4th Novem- its History
                                           ber 1989 and the Story
                                           Behind it

Finale.                                    Der Traum ist aus. Aber wir             Geh doch rüber!
Das letzte Jahr der DDR                    werden alles geben, dass                Ein Ost-West-Lesebuch
                                           er Wirklichkeit wird.                   und seine Geschichte
                                           Der 4. November 1989 und
                                           seine Geschichte


In this updated and extended edition       The dates 9th October and 9th No-       First published in 1986, edited by
of the seminal work Chronik der Wende      vember have been burned into Ger-       psychologist Frank Blohm, Geh
(first published in 1994), Bahrmann        man memory, but 4th November            doch rüber! is a collection of texts
and Links use photos, documents and        1989 is often forgotten. On this day,   by various writers about the real-
eyewitness accounts to explore the         500,000 people gathered in East         life relationships between people
events of the year from 7th October        Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, with speak-    on both sides of the wall. As a stu-
1989 to 3rd October 1990, when Ger-        ers ranging from writer Christa Wolf    dent, Blohm (himself living in West
many was reunified. March 1990             to ex-Stasi General Markus Wolf         Berlin) had been keen to prove that
saw the only democratic vote in GDR        and Politbüro member Günter             the two Germanys were not com-
history, after which the victorious East   Schabowski. They all believed a         pletely estranged; following publi-
German conservative party alliance,        new East Germany was possible.          cation of the book, even under a
supported by West German chan-             But after the wall fell, the group      pseudonym, he was monitored closely
cellor Helmut Kohl, pushed through         dispersed. Journalist and author        by the Stasi. In this updated version,
their plans to reunify Germany without     Patrick Bauer gathers recollections     Blohm tells the story behind the cre-
delay. This is a vital record of the end   from those who lived through one        ation of the book and some of the
of the GDR and the technicalities of       of the most significant but over-       original contributing authors discuss
reunification.                             looked days in German history.          how life has changed over the last
                                                                                   30 years.

Ch. Links Verlag, 978-3962890612,          Rowohlt Verlag, 978-3498001513,         Lukas Verlag, 978-3867323260,
2019, 320 pages, HC                        2019, 368 pages, HC                     2019, 231 pages, SC
18.00 €                                    20.00 €                                 19.80 €


____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Literary History of German                The Berlin Wall.                          How it All Stays Different.
Unification 1989-2000.                    History of a Political                    Stories from East Germany
Foreignness Between East                  Structure
and West

Literaturgeschichte der                   Die Berliner Mauer.                       Wie alles anders bleibt.
deutschen Einheit                         Geschichte eines                          Geschichten aus Ost-
1989–2000.                                politischen Bauwerks                      deutschland
Fremdheit zwischen Ost
und West

ARNE BORN                                 THOMAS FLEMMING                           JANA HENSEL

How has literature responded to           The division of Germany was most          Jana Hensel, bestselling author of
German reunification? In the first        keenly felt in the capital, Berlin. In    Zonenkinder, has spent years re-
comprehensive overview of the             Die Berliner Mauer, historian Thomas      searching the life of East Germans
canon of ”reunification literature“,      Flemming tells the story of this city,    and the GDR, producing numerous
Born is able to demonstrate how           starting from the Berlin Crisis in 1948   articles, essays and interviews. Her
German unity was the dominating           and ending with efforts to protect        new book explores the situation 30
theme of German literature in the         the remaining parts of the wall fol-      years on from the fall of the wall to
1990s. Featuring voices from both         lowing reunification. Using photos        show how the former East Germans
sides of this debate, he charts the       and documents from the time,              see themselves today. Drawing on
evolution from political writings to      Flemming shows the evolution of           personal experiences and those of
more reflective, personal accounts.       the wall from barbed-wire fence to        some prominent East German citi-
The result is a highly original and       the planned electric ”high-tech           zens, such as Angela Merkel, Hensel
fascinating insight into a subject that   border“. He brings to life the dra-       provides a captivating account of
has become a crucial and popular          mas and escape attempts along             a unique country – which disap-
topic for writers over the last three     what was then the world’s most            peared.
decades.                                  heavily armed border.

Wehrhahn Verlag, 978-3865256393,          be.bra Verlag, 978-3898091657,            Aufbau Verlag, 978-3351034825,
2019, 656 pages, HC                       2019, 240 pages, HC                       2019, 317 pages, SC
39.80 €                                   22.00 €                                   16.00 €


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Immediately, Without Delay. Make Yourselves Heard!                                1989 in Germany.
Chronicle of the Fall of    Women for Peace in East                               Sites of the Peaceful
the Wall                    Berlin                                                Revolution

Sofort, unverzüglich.                    Seid doch laut!                          1989 in Deutschland.
Die Chronik des Mauerfalls               Die Frauen für den Frieden               Schauplätze der
                                         in Ost-Berlin                            friedlichen Revolution


Hans-Hermann Hertle is an award-         In March 1982, the GDR passed a          The Peaceful Revolution of 1989 –
winning historian and political scien-   law that allowed women to be             when protests rose up across the
tist. First published in 1996, and now   called up for military service. But      GDR – is one of the most important
expanded and updated, this book          not everyone was happy to fall in        events of the second half of the twen-
covers the events of 9th and 10th        line – seven women, among them           tieth century. Author and political
November, when SED Politbüro             Almut Ilsen, organised a petition,       scientist Ingo Juchler takes readers
member Günter Schabowski inad-           marking the start of the group           to some of the main locations, from
vertently announced at a press con-      ”Women for Peace“, which would           Leipzig, Berlin and Dresden to Pots-
ference that the wall would open         become one of the longest-run-           dam, Jena and beyond. Packed
”sofort, unverzüglich“ (”immediately,    ning opposition groups in the GDR.       with informative texts on the back-
without delay“) instead of the next      35 years on, 18 of the women look        ground to the events as well as nu-
day, as planned. Thousands of East       back at the action they took. Ilsen      merous photos, this is a valuable
Germans stormed the wall and             and Leiserowitz present their personal   source for those wanting to explore
entered the West. Using thorough         take on the events alongside previ-      one of the most crucial periods of
research and hundreds of eye-            ously unpublished photos, documents      modern German history.
witness interviews, Hertle paints a      and extracts from Stasi files.
vivid picture of the events of that
extraordinary night.

Ch. Links Verlag, 978-3962890605,        Ch. Links Verlag, 978-3962890650,        be.bra Verlag, 978-3898091589,
2019, 368 pages, HC                      2019, 304 pages, SC                      2019, 128 pages, SC
20.00 €                                  30.00 €                                  14.00 €


____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

And Where Were You?                      I Hoped We Could Fly                       David and Goliath.
30 Years Since the Fall of                                                          Memories of the Peaceful
the Berlin Wall                                                                     Revolution

Und wo warst du?                         Ich hatte gehofft,                         David gegen Goliath.
30 Jahre Mauerfall                       wir können fliegen                         Erinnerungen an die
                                                                                    Friedliche Revolution

FREYA KLIER                              CAROLINE LABUSCH                           BERND-LUTZ LANGE & SASCHA LANGE

The fall of the wall had a profound      Caroline Labusch, a scriptwriter           On 9th October 1989, the Leipzig
and lasting impact on post-war           and playwright, first brought this         police faced 70,000 pro-democ-
German history. But how did people       true story to life as a theatre pro-       racy demonstrators – but failed
on both sides spend that extraor-        ject in 2015, then as an award-win-        completely to prevent their peace-
dinary day when the Berlin Wall fell?    ning radio play. In spring 1989, in East   ful protest. It was a key turning point
What dreams and fears did they           Berlin, a young couple hatch a plan        in the end of the GDR. As one of
have as the wall came down? And          to fly over the wall in a home-made        the ”Leipzig Six“ freedom fighters,
what became of those dreams –            hot air balloon. But the day after the     Bernd-Lutz Lange helped write a
and of the nightmares? Civil rights      escape attempt, West German                radio appeal to ensure the protests
campaigner and film-maker Freya          police find the man’s body in a garden.    remained peaceful. They did. 30
Klier interviews 23 eyewitnesses, from   There is no trace of his wife. More        years on, together with his historian-
politicians to former Neo-Nazis and      than 25 years later, Labusch reopens       son Sascha, Lange looks back at
RAF terrorists, as well as those who     the case – and discovers the story         those demonstrations and with the
helped the refugees. By asking them:     of a tragic flight to freedom, and a       help of Stasi files reveals the lengths
”And where were you?“ Klier provides     love that is put to a heartrending         the socialist state planned to go to
a colourful panorama of German-          test.                                      in order to prevent its citizens from
German history.                                                                     fighting for freedom.

Herder, 978-3451385537,                  Penguin Verlag, 978-3328104117,            Aufbau Verlag, 978-3351037871,
2019, 272 pages, HC                      2019, 304 pages, SC                        2019, 221 pages, HC
20.00 €                                  14.00 €                                    18.00 €


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The Zookeepers‘ War.                            Post-Reunification Children. Unsigned Letters.
An Incredible True Story                        The GDR, Our Parents and How a BBC Broadcast
from the Cold War                               the Big Silence              Challenged the GDR

Der Zoo der Anderen.                            Nachwendekinder.                       Briefe ohne Unterschrift.
Als die Stasi ihr Herz für                      Die DDR, unsere Eltern und             Wie eine BBC-Sendung
Brillenbären entdeckte &                        das große Schweigen                    die DDR herausforderte
Helmut Schmidt mit
Pandas nachrüstete

JAN MOHNHAUPT                                   JOHANNES NICHELMANN                    SUSANNE SCHÄDLICH

The people of West Berlin – an is-              Born in Berlin in 1989, Johannes       From the late 1940s to 1974, BBC Ra-
land in Germany, behind the wall                Nichelmann is an author and jour-      dio’s German Service broadcast
and constantly watched by the rest              nalist. In Nachwendekinder he tells    a programme called ”Briefe ohne
of the world – often described their            the story of three young people, all   Unterschrift“ (”Unsigned Letters“).
lives like living in a zoo. In fact, Berlin’s   born around 1989, who are trying to    Each week, East German listeners
two zoos quickly became symbols                 find out their families’ East German   were given a new address to write
of the divided city’s two halves.               pasts, and to come to terms with the   to in West Berlin, and various letters
The head zookeepers, both East                  part they played in this chapter of    would be read out – both from sup-
and West, began a competition to                history. Through numerous discus-      porters and critics of the regime.
collect the most animals; politicians           sions and interviews, Nichelmann has   The letters were anonymous, as
on both sides began discussing zoo              produced a sensitive book and star-    listening to the BBC was ideologi-
policy in order to persuade their cit-          ted an honest debate about how         cally unacceptable in the GDR. This
izens that having the best zoo proves           we can explore the legacy of memory    highly readable and engaging book
they had the best political ideology            and identity and accept the past in    contains direct quotes from the letters
too. This is an extraordinary, true story       a world where nothing is ever black    as well as from the Stasi’s reports of
of desperate rivalries within a bitterly        or white.                              the programme.
divided nation.

Hanser Verlag, 978-3446255043,                  Ullstein fünf, 978-3961010349,         Knaus Verlag, 978-3813507492,
2017, 302 pages, HC                             2019, 272 pages, SC                    2017, 288 pages, HC
20.00 €                                         20.00 €                                19.99 €


____________________________ ____________________________

Over There and Over There. The Uncanny Lightness of
Two German Childhoods      the Revolution.
                           How a Group of Young
                           People in Leipzig Dared
                           to Rebel in the GDR

Drüben und drüben.                       Die unheimliche Leichtigkeit
Zwei deutsche Kindheiten                 der Revolution.
                                         Wie eine Gruppe junger
                                         Leipziger die Rebellion in
                                         der DDR wagte


Writers Jochen Schmidt and David         Peter Wensierski, a West German jour-
Wagner were born a few months            nalist and documentary film-maker,
apart – Wagner in the West and           was a regular reporter from inside
Schmidt in East Germany. They de-        East Germany. In this book, he tells
scribe their childhoods; watching        the true story of a group of fearless
TV, riding bikes, stealing sweets from   young people from Leipzig who fought
their siblings. At school, they were     back against the state, spending
both told that life on the other side    their days printing clandestine leaf-
– ”drüben“ – was not nearly so good.     lets and standing on the picket line,
In this entertaining and honest book,    and their nights partying in illegal
two of Germany’s most successful         bars and sleeping in derelict build-
contemporary authors explore what        ings. Determined to challenge the
growing up on their side of the wall     system, they were the leaders of
meant for them. How much were            Germany’s first successful revolu-
German children aware of the politics    tion, a fight so many others thought
that dominated their countries?          was futile, but which ultimately
                                         proved worthwhile.

Rowohlt Verlag, 978-3499620478,          Penguin Verlag, 978-3328103493,
2014, 336 pages, HC                      2017, 464 pages, SC
12.00 €                                  12.00 €

Photo Volume


Years of Change.
Eastern Germany 1990-1995

Ostdeutschland 1990–1995


Daniel Biskup, one of Germany’s
most important contemporary pho-
tojournalists, was there when the
wall fell. He watched as East Germans’
initial euphoria gradually faded in-
to disillusionment, capturing key
periods such as the flood to the West
to find work – and their disappoint-
ment. In 400 photos, Biskup exposes
the reality of life for the majority of
East Germans who did not benefit
from reunification, and provides a
timely reminder that these early ex-
periences of feeling let down and
abandoned have contributed to
the current discontent and rise of
the far-right in Germany and Europe.

Salz und Silber Verlag,
2019, 360 pages, HC
45.00 €

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Crane Country                             Best Intentions                           The Last Red Year

Kranichland                               Beste Absichten                           Das letze rote Jahr

ANJA BAUMHEIER                            THOMAS BRUSSIG                            SUSANNE GREGOR

It is the 1960s in East Berlin and        Thomas Brussig is a prize-winning         Susanne Gregor was born in Czech-
Charlotte Groen is following in the       novelist whose works have been            oslovakia in 1981. In Das letzte rote
footsteps of her father, a committed      translated into 30 languages. Set         Jahr, three friends, Misa, Rita and
socialist. Charlotte’s sister, Marlene,   in East Berlin in 1989, Beste Absichten   Slavka, are living in the same building
yearns for freedom and eventually         tells the story of the members of the     in Slovakia in 1989, during the final
decides to flee to the West with her      band ”Die Seuche“ – the epidemic          year of the socialist regime. The girls
boyfriend. Decades later, Theresa         – who have only one fan (who is al-       each try to find their own feet as
Groen is surprised to hear she has        so their manager) and are strug-          they struggle through adolescence,
inherited a house from her sister         gling to get their big break when         while the precarious political situ-
Marlene, whom she’d always be-            suddenly the wall falls and every-        ation threatens to destroy every-
lieved had died as a girl. As Theresa     thing changes. This warm-hearted          thing they hold dear. Highly topical
investigates, she uncovers a web of       novel is a tribute to the music of a      even today, this beautifully written
lies and betrayals in this fascinating    bygone era and an exploration of          coming-of-age novel gives a valu-
family story spanning 80 years of         those pivotal moments when one            able insight into a corner of Eastern
German history.                           thing comes to an end and another         Europe and a fascinating period of
                                          begins.                                   history.

Rowohlt Verlag/Wunderlich,                S. Fischer Verlag, 978-3596297382,        Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt,
978-3499274015,                           2017, 192 pages, SC                       978-3627002633,
2017, 432 pages, HC                       10.00 €                                   2019, 224 pages, HC
10.00 €                                                                             22.00 €

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Confusion                                God of the City                           Punching at the World

Verwirrnis                               Der Gott der Stadt                        Mit der Faust in die Welt

CHRISTOPH HEIN                           CHRISTIANE NEUDECKER                      LUKAS RIETZSCHEL

Christoph Hein is a highly acclaimed     Set in the 1990s in a newly reunified     Lukas Rietzschel’s bestselling debut
author who grew up in the GDR.           Berlin, Der Gott der Stadt by author      tells the story of two brothers, Philipp
Verwirrnis takes readers from the        and theatre director Christiane           and Tobias, born in the 1990s in the
post-war years through to the 1990s      Neudecker is a tightly plotted literary   former GDR. At first their family seems
as the young student Friedeward          novel – and a study of evil. A group      to be making a success of life in re-
battles to come to terms with his        of fiercely competitive students at       unified Germany, but as the boys get
homosexuality, and later his lover’s     an elite acting school are staging a      older, their parents divorce and
decision to move to the West.            play based on Georg Heym’s obscure        Tobias falls in with a group of neo-
Against the backdrop of this turbu-      Faust fragment when they find a           Nazis determined to prevent refugees
lent and often dangerous period of       body on the stage. It is 16th January     from settling in their area, the future
history, Hein movingly explores a love   and the same date that Heym him-          looks less bright. This highly topical
that for years defies all odds – and     self drowned decades earlier while        novel offers an unusual take on the
provides a vivid panorama of Ger-        ice-skating. What is the cause of         ”GDR novel“ and provides a timely
man intellectual life.                   this uncanny death? Is it murder, sui-    insight into the rise of right-wing
                                         cide, or even a pact with the devil?      extremism in Germany and Europe

Suhrkamp Verlag, 978-3518470107,         Luchterhand Verlag, 978-3630875668,       Ullstein Verlag, 978-3548061030,
2018, 303 pages, SC                      2019, 672 pages, HC                       2018, 320 pages, SC
12.00 €                                  24.00 €                                   12.00 €


____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

All Done Properly                         One Clear Ice-Cold                     You Would Have Missed
                                          January Morning at the                 Me
                                          Beginning of the 21st

Alles richtig gemacht                     An einem klaren, eiskalten             Ich freue mich, dass ich
                                          Januarmorgen zu Beginn                 geboren bin
                                          des 21. Jahrhunderts

GREGOR SANDER                             ROLAND SCHIMMELPFENNIG                 BIRGIT VANDERBEKE

The third novel by acclaimed author       Nominated for the Leipzig Book         Set in West Germany in the early
Gregor Sander tells the story of child-   Fair Prize, this first novel by cel-   1960s, Ich freue mich, dass ich ge-
hood friends Thomas and Daniel.           ebrated playwright Roland              boren bin tells the story of a little
After the wall falls, they move to        Schimmelpfennig is a contem-           girl who arrives in the West from the
Berlin, fall in and out of love, and      porary Berlin fairy tale. Set in the   GDR with her parents. They are forced
Daniel disappears to the USA after        former East Berlin, the story opens    to live in a camp for displaced peo-
dealing in illegal art. When he re-       with a crash on the motorway.          ple – a common experience for East
turns out of the blue, he finds           When a wolf is captured on camera      German refugees. It’s a hard life:
Thomas struggling after being left        at the scene, after crossing the       her father is abusive, her mother
by his wife. Could Daniel have had        border from Poland, it is the first    negligent. In her novella, by revis-
something to do with it? And have         of many sightings that connect a       iting her own childhood, Birgit
either of them done anything right        series of individuals whose paths      Vanderbeke – whose debut Das
in their lives? Witty and warmheart-      intersect and diverge.                 Musschelessen won the Ingeborg-
ed, Sander’s novel is a story of a        Schimmelpfennig writes in powerful     Bachmann-Preis – shows how the
reunited Germany and, above all,          prose and has created a hypnotic       little girl escaped her own brutal
of friendship.                            and visually arresting novel.          reality with the help of a globe, as
                                                                                 she imagined distant countries and
                                                                                 faraway futures.

Penguin Verlag, 978-3328606673,           S. Fischer Verlag, 978-3596034765,     Piper Verlag, 978-3492311120,
2019, 420 pages, HC                       2016, 256 pages, HC                    2016, 160 pages, SC
20.00 €                                   11.00 €                                10.00 €



Balloon File.
Two Girls, One Wall, a
Friendship for Life

Akte Luftballon.
Zwei Mädchen, eine Mauer,
eine Freundschaft fürs Leben


In 1977, a young West German girl
attaches her address to a yellow
balloon and sets it free. She soon
receives an answer from a girl in East
Germany, and a correspondence
begins. This beautiful story of an in-
nocent friendship – which becomes
more complex as the girls reach ado-
lescence and begin to ask increas-
ingly difficult questions – is based on
Stefanie Wally’s own experiences of
a childhood friendship that tran-
scended all borders. In 2016, Wally
directed the stage adaptation of
Akte Luftballon.

Insel Verlag, 978-3458364337,
2019, 218 pages, SC
10.00 €

Graphic Novel

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Autumn of Decision.                     Children‘s Country.                     No Man‘s Land.
A History of the Peaceful               A Childhood in the Shadow               Actions Against the Wall in
Revolution                              of the Berlin Wall                      West Berlin 1989

Herbst der Entscheidung.                Kinderland.                             Todesstreifen.
Eine Geschichte aus der                 Eine Kindheit im Schatten               Aktionen gegen die Mauer
Friedlichen Revolution 1989             der Mauer                               in West-Berlin 1989

PM HOFFMANN & BERND LINDNER             MAWIL                                   DIRK MECKLENBECK & RAIK ADAM

Herbst der Entscheidung is a graphic    Winner of the Max & Moritz Prize for    Arriving in West Berlin from East Ger-
novel set in Leipzig in autumn 1989.    best German-language graphic            many in the late 1980s, full of op-
Seventeen-year-old Daniel has left      novel, Kinderland is a story of cour-   timism over their new-found free-
school and wants to go to univer-       age and friendship. In 1989 in East     dom, Dirk Mecklenbeck, Raik Adam
sity but must first serve in the army   Berlin, Mirco gets into trouble with    and two friends were shocked at
for three years. His parents are com-   the local Free German Youth group.      the indifference they encountered
mitted to the East German state         Only the strange new kid at school      in the West towards the wall and
and want him to do his duty, but        can get him out of this pickle. Mawil   conditions in the GDR. Keen to make
Daniel leaves home and ends up          uses personal recollections and care-   a radical statement, in June 1989
joining the Peaceful Revolution in      ful research to portray life growing    they threw several Molotov cocktails
Leipzig. With beautiful black-and-      up in the GDR, with ”disappearing“      over the wall, triggering a series of
white illus-trations by PM Hoffmann,    fathers and constant rumours of         protests against the GDR. In this ac-
this political coming-of-age story      escape attempts. A moving yet           claimed graphic novel, Mecklenbeck
will resonate with young people         entertaining book that really brings    and Adam tell the story of this protest,
who are beginning to shape their        the last few months of the GDR to       from idea to execution, and of their
own views in today’s turbulent times.   life.                                   desperate fight to secure freedom
                                                                                for their fellow East Germans.

Ch. Links Verlag, 978-3861537755,       Reprodukt, 978-3956401763,              Ch. Links Verlag, 978-3861539933,
2014, 96 pages, SC                      2014, 304 pages, SC                     2018, 96 pages, SC
15.00 €                                 9.95 €                                  10.00 €

Children’s Books

____________________________ ____________________________

It‘s All Just Sugar Sand                 No Man‘s Land

Alles nur aus Zuckersand                 Niemandsland

DIRK KUMMER                              MATTHIAS FRIEDRICH MUECKE

Director and screenwriter Dirk           Matthias Friedrich Muecke’s auto-
Kummer grew up in East Berlin.           biographical story is set in Pankow,
This story follows the lives of two      East Berlin, during the 1960s and
boys whose friendship is threat-         1970s. Two boys swear to always
ened by the harsh reality of life in     remain best friends, and as they
communist East Germany. When             grow up under the authoritarian
Jonas leaves the country, Fred is        regime they support each other
left alone to deal with the loss of      through thick and thin. But the de-
his best friend. The strict censorship   sire for freedom and adventure will
laws seem set to stop them writing       have disastrous consequences. In
to each another until Fred’s retired     this atmospheric and heartfelt true
neighbour, whose mail is not scru-       story, Muecke not only writes of his
tinised quite so closely, saves the      own childhood memories but illus-
day. Alles nur aus Zuckersand is a       trates them with his own black-and-
universal and moving story of the        white drawings. It was a fairytale
unbreakable bonds of friendship.         childhood, shaken by fear, in a long-
                                         forgotten era.

Carlsen Verlag, 978-3551553904,          Kunstanstifter Verlag, 978-3942795852,
2019, 144 pages, SC                      2019, 208 pages, HC,
12.00 €                                  24.00 €

Planning and Organisation
____________________________ ____________________________
Planning and organisation:     With support from:
Frankfurter Buchmesse          German Federal Foreign Office
Braubachstraße 16
60311 Frankfurt am Main                   ____________________________
____________________________   For questions please contact
Editing:                       Bärbel Becker.
Compiled by Rosie Goldsmith    E-mail:
and Alyson Coombes             Phone: +49 (0) 69 2102 258
Design, setting:               ve_stands        ____________________________
                               © Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH,
Proof reading:                 Frankfurt am Main 2020.
Katharina Gewehr,              No reproduction without prior
Frankfurt am Main              permission of the publisher.

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