The Gigabit Island Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast broadband - fit for the 21st Century - Wightfibre

Page created by Daniel Reid
The Gigabit Island Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast broadband - fit for the 21st Century - Wightfibre
Gigabit Island

Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast
broadband - fit for the 21st Century.
The Gigabit Island Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast broadband - fit for the 21st Century - Wightfibre
Wightfibre - Gigabit Island


                                  WightFibre is the island’s only independent network operator. WightFibre
                                  owns and operates its’ own telecommunications infrastructure entirely
                                  independently of BT. The network currently passes 13,000 of the 61,000
                                  homes on the island, covering Cowes, Newport and parts of Ryde.

The Gigabit Island Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast broadband - fit for the 21st Century - Wightfibre
Wightfibre - Gigabit Island


Over the last decade, the evolution of digital technologies has radically changed the way in which we both live and
work. This has also changed the demands that islanders, business, the Council, the NHS and other organisations
make upon the communications networks we have today.

Many areas of the island face severe bottlenecks in these networks when it comes to taking advantage of the huge
benefits of technology. For many they are limited to using broadband services that run, at least in-part, over BT’s
copper-based networks. Even those able to access new, part ‘fibre’ networks soon find the service frequently fails to
deliver the promised improvements to their online experience.

Poor digital infrastructure is significantly and widely inhibiting innovation, economic and social growth across the

  Your Home
  or Business                           Copper                             Internet

                            ISP Bandwidth Bottleneck

The Gigabit Island Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast broadband - fit for the 21st Century - Wightfibre
Confidential - Wightfibre Investment Proposal: Full Fibre Network Rollout, Islandwide.

Just as certain communities rose to prominence in the industrial age due to their connection via roads, canals and railways, the emerging centres of
economic activity and prosperity in a digital age will be those that enjoy access to state of the art broadband infrastructure. Currently this is in short
supply, particularly on the island.

It is generally accepted that the only future-proof digital infrastructure is a pure fibre optic network. Pure, 100% fibre networks operating at Gigabit
speeds are 5 times faster that today’s fastest broadband and 40 times faster than the island’s average broadband speed. What’s more, they are
capable of supporting data uploads as fast as downloads.

1000 Megabits (one Gigabit) of pure fibre bandwidth, both up and downstream, is a ‘step-change’ even more dramatic than the shift from dial-up to
broadband. Speeds of 10,000Mb (10Gb) or even higher are possible on such networks, even in the short term, should demand require it.

In addition to the vastly improved speeds, a pure fibre network is an elegantly simple, future-proof solution to the island’s unrelenting and increasing
appetite for bandwidth. With no copper to interrupt the data passing at the speed of light through the fibre, increasing bandwidth availability in the
future, simply involves upgrading the equipment at each end - leaving the fibre network untouched.

The Gigabit Island Full-fibre, future-proof, ultrafast broadband - fit for the 21st Century - Wightfibre
Wightfibre - Gigabit Island
Wightfibre - Gigabit Island

True full-fibre broadband across the island is currently very limited. In most cases, what’s                    While these Fibre-To-The-Cabinet services are undoubtedly better than older technology, they
branded as ‘fibre broadband’ actually still involves copper cable. This technology is known as                  cannot compare with the new era of gigabit speeds and are not able to adequately support the
‘Fibre to the Cabinet’, but it relies on a final leg of copper wire, from the cabinet into the prem-            crucial uploading of data, leaving users as largely passive participants of the digital age.
ises. This slows data down and causes congestion.

                      Traditional fibre broadband                                                                                                            broadband
           Local telephone exchange

                                                                                    Your home or business
                                                                                    Your home or business                                                                          Your home or business

                                                Street Cabinet
                                                Street Cabinet                                                                                          Street Cabinet

                            Fibre optic cable                    Traditional BT copper cable

                            Fibre optic cable                    Traditional BT copper cable                                                                     optic cable

Wightfibre - Gigabit Island


Past visionaries saw the need to invest in infrastructure to bring
order to industrialisation chaos. Road, and railway networks, water
and electricity grids are all examples of infrastructure that facilitated
growth and improvement in our lives. Now a similar vision is needed
to support the next step-change in our lives, societies and businesses
– gigabit broadband.

The broadband infrastructure development on the island has largely
been in the hands of national companies who have a national
agenda that does not align with the interests of the island. It is time
to put the interests of the island first. Only WightFibre, a local island
company, has this truly local vision.

A bespoke and future-proof full-fibre deployment, built quickly to
minimise disruption and accelerate the benefits, will give the island
control of and transform its’ digital future. This deployment, funded
50% by private investment and 50% by the Government’s Digital
Infrastructure Investment Fund, will create the Gigabit Island.

The Gigabit Island will spark innovation and draw new investment;
it will enable new approaches to familiar services such as transport,
education, health, emergency services and social services and, where
appropriate, kick-start new ways of doing business that can take full
advantage of an increasingly virtualised global economy.

Wightfibre - Gigabit Island

                                                                                                                                       e 1
The new WightFibre full-fibre network is tailor-made to the island’s unique requirements. The island
wide deployment will begin in mid-2018, the physical installation of the cables and connection
of the island’s key towns and villages will take around three years. By the end of the project it is
estimated that around 50,000 of the island’s 61,000 homes and business premises will have a
full-fibre broadband connection available to them.

                                                                                                                                                                 es W
In Autumn 2018, first to connect will be businesses, innovation hubs, business parks and industrial
estates that rely on data in any form for their commercial existence followed closely by homes
                                                                                                                                                            C ow
with heavy internet use who will appreciate the benefits of full-fibre broadband. All homes on the
                                                                                                                                e n          s E ast
                                                                                                                           es C             e
WightFibre network will move to full-fibre within 5 years.
                                                                                                                       Cow              Cow
                                                                                                                  es                                           es
                                                  Date                                                      Cow st                                          Cow ral
                                                                                                                l Ea                                         Cen    Nor
 Phase 1: Cowes, Newport Upgrade                2018-19
                                                                                                       Ce  ntra                                        th
 Phase 2: Ryde, Bembridge, Nettlestone            2019
                                                                                                                                                  Sou                &M
 Phase 3: Sandown, Shanklin                     2019-20
                                                                                                                                          C ow
 Phase 4: Ventnor                                2020
 Phase 5: West Wight                              TBC
                                                                                                                           w es No
                                                                                                                        C o
 Business                                       2018-21

 Total                                                                                                                                                             Hub

Wightfibre - Gigabit Island


                                                     2018-19                                                                             Binstead East Swanmore                                                                                       2019
                                                                                                                                 Binstead West
                                                                                                                                                                           Ryde                     Ryde Central
                                                                                                                             Binstead North                                Central South                                  Ryde Central
                                                                                                                                                                                                    North West            North East
                   Cowes                Cowes Central
               Central East                                                                                                                                                Ryde
                                                     Cowes East                                                                                                            Central West
                                                                                 Cowes West         Gurnard                                                                                            Ryde
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Central West
                                                                                                                             Wootton East
                                                                             Cowes                Cowes
                                 Cowes North       Cowes South
                                                                             Central              South West
                                                                                        Northwood                             Wooton North                                                                                        Elmfield
                                                                                        & Medham                                                                                             North West                                                                                           Bembridge
                                                                                                                                                                  Wootton South                                                                               Seaview South                       North
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ryde Central
                                                                                                                                                 Wootton                                                                                              Nettlestone             St Helens
                                                                                                                                      High St. Church Rd                                                       Ryde
                                                                                                                                                                                                               O/S Car Park, Green St.
                                                                       Wight Fibre Cowes South East                                                                                                                                                              Seaview                        Bembridge
                                                                          Hub                                         East Cowes South                                                                         Jcn Station St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shanklin   Central
                                                                                                                                      East Cowes West                                                                                                          Ryde Central
                                                                                                                                            East Cowes West                                                                                                                                     South
                                              Horsebridge                                                                                                                                                                                O/S Bramley House,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bullen Rd
                                                                                                                                     East Cowes North
                                                                                                                East Cowes
                                          Newport North      Dodnor                                             Central                                       Yaverland   Sandown East
                                                             Industrial Estate                                                              Sandown North
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sandown South
                                            Newport North
                                            (Sylvan Drive)                                                                           Shanklin North                                   Lake

                                              Newport Town Centre North                               Fairlee
               Carisbrooke                                                                                                                                                            Shanklin North
                                                                                                                                     Sandown West
                     North                                                                   Staplers North / East
                                                 Newport Town Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                  Shanklin East                                   Shanklin
                            West             Newport South                             Staplers                                 Sandown Scotchells Brook                                                                          Landguard manor Rd. Opp.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Haven Holiday Park
                                 Carisbrooke                                                                                                                      Lake                                                                         Shanklin Central East
    Yarmouth                                                                                                                                                      Scotchells Bridge
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Shanklin South
                                                              Shide                                                                                                                                                                                  Shanklin South East
  Freshwater                                                                                                                                                                                   Shanklin South West                                   Ventnor South

                                        Carisbrooke West
  Brighstone          Shorwell                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ventnor Central
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ventnor East

      TBC                                                                                                                          2019-20                                                                                  Ventnor North
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ventnor West
                                                                                       ACTUAL DATES AND LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION.

            Newport Industrial Estate                        Ryde                                  Wootton
            Ventnor                                          Newport                               Bembridge
            Sandown / Shanklin                               Cowes                                 West Wight
Wightfibre - Gigabit Island


Future-proof, full-fibre, ultrafast infrastructure at                                    In addition, the Blue-Light services and es-
the heart of our Gigabit Island will bring signifi-                                      sential utility and transport operators can
cant, measurable benefits:                                                               also manage in better and more cost-ef-
                                                                                         ficient ways, using high-definition CCTV,
Economic                                                                                 video-equipped emergency services, and
With readily available full-fibre broadband in               Public Sector:              the ever-growing range of alarms and
place, businesses and the public sector can                                              sensors to deliver rresponses faster, more
become more nimble and efficient, while the                                              intelligently and with greater effeciency.
Gigabit Island becomes a magnet for new busi-
ness development and investment - creating                                               Public WiFi
new jobs and opening up fresh opportunities                                              One vital building block of public WiFi
                                                             Additional Public Sector:
for small companies and start-ups to compete                                             projects involves placing antennas on
on a level playing field nationally and interna-                                         street lights, advertising hoardings and
tionally.                                                                                inside public premises such as shops and
                                                                                         sports centres. With a full-fibre infrastruc-
Social                                                                                   ture in place, antennas can be connected
The Isle of Wight Council has already im-                    Businesses:                 directly to the network, instantly solving
plemented many E-Government initiatives,                                                 their need for high-bandwidth connectivity
transforming the ways that islanders access                                              and providing a new experience in public
and pay for services, while simultaneously                                               WiFi access..
lowering operating costs in the process. With
Gigabit Island, these strategies can be extended                                         In the Home
much further, linking schools, libraries, commu-             Homes across the island     Many islanders are unconcerned about
nity centres and others - to eliminate the digital                                       technology – but they do care about
divide that currently affects all ages.                                                  getting faster, better, and more reliable
                                                                                         access to the online services that inform
Health and Security                                                                      and entertain them. Currently, many are
Building on the Gigabit Island platform,                                                 trapped with slow and unreliable broad-
E-Health, M-Health, Telemedicine and Wellness                                            band connections that just aren’t good
projects can be quickly introduced to bring a                                            enough. The Gigabit Island will enable a
range of new, emerging technologies to better                                            revolutionary new era of services bases-
diagnose, treat, monitor and support patients                                            don fibre-to-the home technology which
- helping to improve the overall health of the                                           will forever change the way in which
entire population.                                      10                               islanders can use the internet.
Wightfibre - Gigabit Island

                                   As the island’s only independent network operator, WightFibre will build and operate the
                                   future-proof, full-fibre, ultrafast broadband network that will bring the benefits of Gigabit speed
                                   connectivity to the island from our dedicated centre in Cowes.

                                   The project will create up to 20 new full time permanent jobs at WightFibre and 12 more
                                   temporary jobs during the build of the new network. Around a further 100 temporary jobs will be
                                   created by the civil engineering subcontractors building the network.

                                   With the network planned to reach around 50,000 of the 61,000 homes and business on the
                                   island, WightFibre are helping the island to compete globally by creating an infrastructure with
                                   unlimited potential for the future, enabling new services in the public, private and residential

                                    If you would like to find out more about WightFibre’s Gigabit Island please get in
                                   touch. We’d love to hear from you.

                                   Tel 295050

Contact Information:,, Tel 01982 295050
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