The History - - Lufthansa Technik

Page created by Tom Bishop
The History - - Lufthansa Technik
The History
The History - - Lufthansa Technik
The History - - Lufthansa Technik
Lufthansa Technik
                                                                                                                   The History


04   Events 1951 to 1955                     28   Events 1975 to 1984                  50   Events 1995 to 2004
     Warm-up                                      Steep Climb                               The Technik Group

	Before the re-establishment of             	During the third decade of              	Separating Lufthansa Technik as an
  Deutsche Lufthansa, work com-                Lufthansa’s maintenance, repair           independently operated compa-
  menced on the construction of                and overhaul activities there was         ny took place at a time when the
  a maintenance base for the new               a significant increase in business        market was becoming increasingly
  airline. When the first aircraft ar-         from other international customers.       difficult. But the new company ’s
  rived, the maintenance and repair            On the European aircraft market,          response was rapid and effective –
  installations were ready for use.            Airbus Industrie emerged as a se-         new products and the development
                                               rious competitor to the Boeing and        of a global network. This strategy
12   Events 1955 to 1964                       Douglas monopoly, with technical          proved to be correct: Ten years later
     Take off                                  support from Lufthansa.                   Lufthansa Technik is a world-leading
                                                                                         provider of technical services for
	The new Lufthansa company                  38   Events 1985 to 1994                    commercial aircraft.
  began flight operations on 1 April              Maintain Flight Level
  1955. During those first years Ham-                                                  64   Events 2005 to 2014
  burg was not only the chief main-          	Over the years Lufthansa’s engi-             Global Expansion
  tenance base, but also the main              neers and technicians introduced
  hub for the company’s international          significant improvements to the de-     	The 50th anniversary of the founda-
  services. The jet age arrived for            sign and maintenance procedures           tion of the Lufthansa Group and the
  Lufthansa in 1960 with the Boeing            for commercial aircraft. In the early     tenth birthday of Lufthansa Technik
  707.                                         1990s the company made large              AG in 2005 marked the beginning
                                               investments in a major expansion          of a decade of global expansion.
20   Events 1965 to 1974                       program of its Hamburg facilities.        Important milestones were the
     Full Thrust                                                                         opening of new sites in the growth
                                                                                         markets of Asia and America along
	In the 1960s jet aircraft changed                                                      with a stronger focus on the estab-
  the world of civil aviation. They car-                                                 lishment of partnerships with the
  ried twice as many passengers as                                                       original equipment manufacturers
  propeller aircraft and reached their                                                   (OEMs) of engines and compo-
  destinations in half the time. At first,                                               nents. Furthermore, the funding of
  jets dominated long-range services,                                                    innovation projects, such as new
  and then quickly conquered medi-                                                       products, services, and technolo-
  um- and short-range routes as well.                                                    gies, set the course for a profitable
                                                                                         future for the world’s leading pro-
                                                                                         vider of technical aviation services.

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
1951                                          1953                                         1954
29 May                                        6 January                                    24 May
German Minister of Transport                  A new company – the Luftag Corpora-          Topping-out ceremony for the first office
Hans-Christoph Seebohm appoints               tion for air transport requirements – is     building.
pre-war Lufthansa executive Hans              set up in Cologne. Bongers runs the
M. Bongers to advise the Federal              commercial and Höltje the engineering        6 August
German Government on the future               side of the business.                        Luftag is renamed ‘Deutsche Lufthansa
commercial aspects of German civil                                                         Aktiengesellschaft’.
aviation. Another founding member of
the ‘Bureau Bongers’ was Dipl.- Ing.                                                       30 August
Gerhard Höltje who took on responsi-                                                       The first workshop and storage building
bility for the technical side of the future                                                has been completed.
                                                                                           4 October
                                                                                           Construction is completed of the first
                                                                                           half of a two-part aircraft hangar. Main-
                                              26 June                                      tenance technicians begin ‘dry training’
                                              Luftag places their first order for long-    in preparation for the arrival of aircraft
                                              range aircraft, four Lockheed Super          on order.

16 January
The Bureau Bongers presents its
first report, ‘The technical basis for a
German airline’. Written by Gerhard           21 July                                      1 November
Höltje, the report describes the technical    Construction machinery starts work           The Lufthansa Hamburg staff roll lists 36
requirements for a maintenance base,          preparing the land for a maintenance         salaried and 86 weekly-paid employees
plus systems for maintenance and              base on the southwest corner of Ham-         – with an upward trend.
overhaul.                                     burg’s Fuhlsbüttel Airport, on the site of
                                              a former horserace track.                    29 November
28 August                                                                                  Lufthansa’s first two Convair 340 aircraft
The Hamburg State Government – the            28 September                                 arrive in Hamburg.
Senate – gives the Bureau Bongers its         An order is placed for four short-range
support for the construction of a main-       Convair 340 airliners.
tenance base. The letter was signed by                                                     1955
a young official named Helmut Schmidt.                                                     1 March
He later became Federal German                                                             Lufthansa begins route-proving trial
Chancellor.                                                                                flights to prepare for domestic services.

26 September                                                                               31 March
The German Cabinet decides on a                                                            Official entry into service of the first
company to plan and prepare the                                                            section of the maintenance hangar
resumption of civil air transport.                                                         at Lufthansa’s Hamburg base. Each
                                              2 December                                   section is designed to accommodate six
30 October                                    Luftag signs a lease with the Hamburg        aircraft.
Another report from the Bureau Bongers        Senate for the workshops and storage
recommends Hamburg as the location            facilities already under construction and
for a maintenance base.                       those to follow.

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
The History

Before the re-establishment of Deutsche
Lufthansa, work commenced on the con-
struction of a maintenance base for the
new airline. When the first aircraft arrived,
the maintenance and repair installations
were ready for use.

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
The History

         he early days of Lufthansa’s       from the Hamburg State, Lufthansa went
         operations in Hamburg were         ahead with setting up the new mainte-
         not exactly spectacular: The       nance organization.
         Hamburg Senate (State Gov-            This followed an extended period
ernment) advised Lufthansa in under-        of preparation. Although large parts of
stated tones, that “it would be possible    Germany still remained severely dam-
to meet your requests in reasonable         aged or destroyed by wartime bombing,
measure”.                                   shortly after the Federal Republic of
                                            Germany was constituted in September
A Letter from Helmut Schmidt                1949 there were the first signs of a rapid    With enterprise and initiative
The letter was signed by one Helmut         economic recovery. One of the essential       by Helmut Schmidt
Schmidt, aged 33 and the official in        prerequisites for this recovery process
charge of the State’s transport office.     – later called the ‘German economic           My first visit to Hamburg airport was
Schmidt was on the threshold of a           miracle’ or ‘Wirtschaftswunder’ – was         about 1931 or 1932 when I was 12 or
high-flying career; 22 years later he was   the establishment of links to potential       13 years old. You had to hang about
elected Federal Chancellor of Germany.      foreign markets. For this reason, in the      for hours until an aircraft landed – a
                                                                                          major sensation. Delighted, I walked
   The letter was addressed to the          same year the then Federal Minister of
                                                                                          back to the underground railway and
Bureau Bongers in Cologne, where            Transport Hans-Christoph Seebohm
                                                                                          then traveled home, happy that I had
a small group of pre-war Lufthansa          asked the occupying allied powers that
                                                                                          been given a small Lufthansa badge
executives were quietly planning the        Germany should henceforth recover             with the crane bird logo.
establishment of a new German airline.      ‘full decision-taking powers with respect
At that time the young Federal Republic     to all issues affecting transport’. This      My second visit to the airport was 20
of Germany had not regained sover-          included recovery of full sovereignty         years later when I was in charge of
eignty of its own airspace, and the work    of the air and operation of a national        Hamburg’s transport management of-
was undertaken away from the glare of       airline.                                      fice. The airport and aviation fell under
publicity.                                                                                my responsibility.
   On behalf of the Hamburg State,          Recovery of sovereignty
                                                                                          I remember Hans Bongers and Ger-
Helmut Schmidt’s letter also answered       of the air
                                                                                          hard Höltje very well, and the problems
Bureau Bongers’ question: ‘What costs       The Federal German Government soon
                                                                                          we had to overcome at the time. It
were likely to be                                       found it was knocking on the
                                                                                          wasn’t until 1955 that the Allies gave
faced by a new                                           Western Allies’ open door.       us the green light. Hereafter, the new
airline if renting                                       Consequently, the Bonn           operation was set up with much enter-
buildings and                                             Government made budget          prise and initiative. What an example
equipment to set up                                       provisions for a new begin-     for today!
a new maintenance                                          ning. And on 29 May 1951,
center in Hamburg?’                                        Minister Seebohm wrote         At that time all the major cities in
Another important                                           to the Bureau Bongers         Germany were vying to become the
question was wheth-                                         that it ‘should advise the    main location for the expected new
                                                                                          Lufthansa. I was very proud of the fact
er suitable accommo-                                         Federal Government on
                                                                                          that I managed to get the decision
dation could be made                                         issues relating to the
                                                                                          made in favor of Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel
available quickly for                                         future of air transport
                                                                                          for the new maintenance base. It was
essential personnel,                                          and act as a consultant     plain to me then, that as time went on,
but without liability to                                       in these matters’. In      it would bring thousands of new jobs to
pay rental surcharges                                           plain language, The       Hamburg. And so it did.
for private residential                                         Bongers team was to
property which was                                               plan and prepare the     Extract from a speech given by the
common in post-war                                               establishment of a       former Federal Chancellor of Germany,
Germany.                                    new German airline.                           Helmut Schmidt on 31 March 2005, at
   After receipt of the basic green light     This letter effectively triggered the fu-   Lufthansa Technik’s Hamburg Base.

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
ture division of labor within the Bongers
team, which was then located in the
sparsely furnished first floor of a house
in Cologne’s city center. Bongers (53)
was a businessman and he therefore
looked after the commercial aspects,
while Höltje (44) was an engineer
and as such responsible for technical
                                                                                                                        Steel scaffolding deno-
matters.                                                                                                                tes the new construction
   As early as January 1952 Höltje pre-                                                                                 site in Hamburg; the
                                                                                                                        old trees are still there
sented Transport Minister Seebohm with
a 37-page study entitled: ‘The technical
basis for a German airline’. His far-sight-
ed report set out the maintenance and
repair systems requirements for a new
German airline. He defined the neces-
sary buildings and equipment and item-
ized the likely costs. In addition Höltje set
out in careful and diplomatic language
his first thoughts as to which airports
might be suitable for this purpose.
   At that time the operational situation
indicated that a location close to the
German border would be most suita-
ble as a main base, both for flight and
maintenance operations. On the flight
operations side, long-range flights could                                                                               The first building of the
                                                                                                                        technical base was a
make an intermediate stop elsewhere to                                                                                  hangar, still in operation
pick up more passengers. This consid-                                                                                   today.
eration reduced the suitable locations
to Hamburg and Munich. Behind the
scenes there ensued a heated argument
between the two cities as to which one
would have the maintenance base and
the jobs that would follow.
   In October 1952 the Cologne plan-
ning team presented a list of detailed
arguments that clearly favored Ham-
burg. Firstly, maintenance should be
concentrated at an airfield where aircraft
were usually concentrated for an over-
night stop. It was further argued that an
operation based in Munich (1712 ft above
mean sea level) would cost 2 million
DM more than Hamburg (53 ft MSL). In
addition, temperatures at Munich Riem
Airport were often very high; therefore
aircraft would not always be able to take
off with a full payload. 
                                                Luftag’s founding fathers shake hands on the company’s first day: Chairman Hans M. Bongers, Fed-
                                                eral German Minister of Transport Hans-Christoph Seebohm, Technical Director Gerhard Höltje, and
                                                Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Kurt Weigelt (l. to. r).

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
The History

                                            Decision                                     Unusual
                                            for Hamburg                                  working conditions
                                            The team concluded: ‘Hamburg airport         The first 20 Luftag staff members were
                                            meets practically all the requirements       cramped inside an airport workshop;
                                            in terms of efficient airline timetable      the conditions under which they
                                            planning and a maintenance base.’            worked were most unusual, even for
                                            This conclusion was supported in all         those early post-war years. Although
                                            aspects by Cologne University’s Faculty      the first aircraft were on order and the
                                            of Transport.                                maintenance buildings were under
The Bureau Bongers                             The Hamburg Senate remained               construction, the whole business was
Hans Max Bongers was an airline man         keen for Lufthansa to be based in their      barely legal since Germany had not
to the core who had developed his           city, as confirmed in the letter men-        regained full sovereignty.
passion while working for the Junkers       tioned above from Helmut Schmidt,               From time to time there were spot
aircraft company in Dessau. Prior to        with whom Höltje had held preliminary        checks by a British officer dressed in
the end of WW2 he had become head           discussions. When Schmidt had signed         ‘civvies’. On one occasion he saw tech-
of operations for the original Lufthansa    the letter, he flew to the Farnborough       nical drawings and suspected he had
company. He acquired the nickname
                                            Air Show in England to hold talks with       tumbled upon plans to build new war-
‘Beko’ (Betriebskosten = operating
                                            the Bongers team about specific next         planes, of course absolutely forbidden.
costs) Bongers because of his con-
                                            steps.                                       One of those present said later: „We
stant focus on efficient operations.
After Lufthansa ceased operations              Hamburg offered to construct the          had great difficulty in convincing him
in 1945, he found himself in Bavaria        necessary buildings and let them to          that he was looking at American-sup-
thinking about resurrection of German       the new airline at an attractively priced    plied drawings for the Convair 340s on
civil air transport. His initial approach   rent. At that time the initial estimate      order.“
to the American Military Government         was for capital investment of nearly 12         At this time Gerhard Höltje assem-
was met with a point blank refusal. But     million DM. The city offered additional      bled a team of senior managers who
                             at least his   support for the first years in the form of   left their marks on Lufthansa’s mainte-
                             name had be-   a stepped reduction in rent and local        nance operations for many years.
                             come known
                                            payroll tax.                                    For example, Joachim Alpheis had
                             to those who
                                               At the beginning of 1953 the semi-        studied with Höltje and worked in the
                                            official Bureau Bongers was absorbed         Bureau Bongers; he became the main
                             He subse-
quently worked as an economics              into the Government-owned ‘Luftag’.          driving force in the subsequent devel-
consultant at Bitburg in the Eifel moun-    Bongers was appointed Commercial             opment of the Hamburg maintenance
tains, before moving to Cologne a           Director, Höltje was named Technical         operation. His tall figure and broad
few miles north of the provisional new      Director. This was followed by initial       shoulders were always highly visible,
German capital, Bonn. The ‘Bureau           employee appointments, and orders            both in the workshops and at official
Bongers’ became – more or less              were placed for the first aircraft: four     functions.
officially – the meeting place for those    long-range Lockheed Super Constel-              The team was soon joined by Kurt
who were planning a new German              lations and four short-range Convair         Ihssen who had been Lufthansa’s
airline. First to join was graduate engi-
                                            340s. The Luftag supervisory board           maintenance base manager at Rio de
neer Gerhard Höltje, another from pre-
                                            then decided that the company’s main         Janeiro until 1942. After WW2 he was
war Lufthansa. After the war he had
                                            base would be in Hamburg.                    responsible for the development and
first worked on the maintenance of
American aircraft at Berlin’s Tempelhof        This decision was taken in May 1953       expansion of the maintenance and
Airport, so he was well up to speed         and the State of Hamburg reacted             repair facilities for Brazilian national
with current technology.                    quickly. Two months later construction       airline Varig. He was rapidly promoted
In May 1951 Minister of Transport Hans      machinery was at work clearing a for-        and placed in charge of aircraft mainte-
Christoph Seebohm engaged the               mer horse racetrack next to the City’s       nance and repair. 
Bureau Bongers to ‘provide advice on        Fuhlsbüttel airport as a building site for
the economic and technical aspects of       the first maintenance hangars, work-
future German civil air transport.’         shops and office building.

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
On 29 November 1954: Luft-       Topping-out cerem-
hansa’s small work force and     ony for Hangar 1/2:
a lot of curious guests admire   first visible sign of
the company’s first two brand    the new home base
new Convair CV-340.              for the Lufthansa
                                 fleet, with the Crane
                                 bird logo on the fin.

As yet not much is happening
in the new air craft hangar –
just two Convair airliners at
the back.

The History - - Lufthansa Technik
The History

              Left: A big welcome in Hamburg
              for Lufthansa’s first two Convairs
              on 29 November 1954.

              Right: Engine maintenance is one
              of the first jobs required at the
              Hamburg maintenance base.

              Hamburg Senator Professor
              Karl Schiller, Airport Director
              Max Wachtel and Luftag
              Board Member Gerhard
              Höltje (seated, l. to r.) sign
              the rental agreement for the
              Hamburg base.

              A Convair CV-340 parked in
              front of the Hamburg hangar.

              Left: Pilot training: First training cour-
              se in Hamburg, relocated to Bremen
              in 1956.

              Right: Propeller overhaul requires a
              combination of physical strength and
              great care.

Whilst the construction machines          Initial training
were shifting earth at the former            in form of dry runs
racetrack, the lawyers were drawing          There was the additional problem of
up official documents. The rental            ‘over-qualification’. American mainte-
agreement for the Hamburg base was           nance handbooks had to be some-
finally signed on 2 December 1953.           what simplified because German
However, all the movable inventory,          craftsmen were well educated and the
machines and tools were the property         English text was excessively detailed.
of the new company.                             As far as the practical aspects of
   The first buildings consisted of work-    the work were concerned, much initial       Gerhard Höltje
shops and a double aircraft hangar,          training was in the form of ‘dry runs’.
both of which were ready for use dur-        The workshops were equipped with            So well was Gerhard Höltje known
ing the course of the following year.        many components, motors and other           throughout the world of civil
The first office building was deliberate-    equipment, but not the most impor-          aviation, that his nicknames were
ly set apart from the maintenance and        tant training device of them all – the      an accolade in their own right. He
repair facilities.                           aircraft.                                   was described as a pacemaker of
                                                                                         modern aviation technology, and as
   Even today, there remains a small            That all changed on 29 November
                                                                                         the underlying driving force behind
copse of oak trees between the two           1954 when the new Lufthansa’s first
                                                                                         the Boeing 737. His Lufthansa col-
oldest buildings. It was Höltje who          two aircraft arrived at Hamburg’s Fu-
                                                                                         leagues simply called this enthusias-
called for their preservation: “The trees    hlsbüttel Airport, flushed in the drizzle   tic engineer who was later appointed
give protection from wind, give shade        with which the city is so familiar. The     Professor ‘Mr. Boeing’, because he
in summer, and pleasure to our work          Convair 340s, registered D-ACAD and         laid the foundation for close cooper-
force.”                                      D-ACOH, bore the German flag on             ation with that company. By contrast,
   In the summer of 1954 the new             their fins.                                 in American aviation circles he was
Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft           They were delivered by American          known as ‘Mr. Lufthansa’.
emerged from the plans forged by             pilots, but they were accompanied by
Luftag, employing just over 100 people       two experienced pre-war Lufthansa           Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Höltje was one of
                                                                                         the founders of the new Lufthansa
in Hamburg. For most of them, civil          Flight Captains, Walter Blume and
                                                                                         and was a member of the Board
aviation was an entirely new career.         Rudolf Mayr, who was later to become
                                                                                         from 1953 to 1972, where he was re-
   The airline had entered into an           chief pilot. Mayr was from Miesbach in
                                                                                         sponsible for technical issues. Long
agreement with the State of Hamburg          Bavaria; that is why he was known by        before Lufthansa ordered its first
that it would only recruit senior salaried   the nickname ‘Miesi’.                       aircraft, he had drafted a detailed
employees and master craftsmen                  The next day the maintenance             plan describing the technological
from the ranks of the old Lufthansa. All     crews could at last get to work on          structure that would be required for
others were to be hired and trained in       real aircraft. Then everything rapidly      an airline. The consequence was the
Hamburg for their new jobs; so it was        gathered speed, with more recruitment       choice of Hamburg for a mainte-
that blacksmiths, precision mechanics,       and training.                               nance base.
welders and turners sat side-by-side on         In March 1955 Lufthansa began
                                                                                         Without him, the most successful
three-month intensive training courses.      route-proving trials, though without
                                                                                         commercial airliner of all time – the
   Even long-time employees from the         paying passengers. On 31 March the
                                                                                         Boeing 737 – would have stayed
old Lufthansa had to attend training         first half of the double hangar in Ham-
                                                                                         on the drawing board. He took early
courses run by airlines in the UK and        burg was ceremonially handed over.          decisions in favor of the Boeing 707
USA. Germany’s isolation after WW2           The following day came the first real       and 727 long-range and medium
had cut them off from much of the            test, when Lufthansa began regular          range aircraft for Lufthansa’s future
technical development. By this time          services.                                   fleet. Under his auspices Lufthansa
the British and Americans were in                                                        was the first non-American airline
the technical lead, and Lufthansa had                                                    to order the Boeing 747 wide-body
a gap to make up of more than ten                                                        jet, and the first carrier worldwide to
years.                                                                                   order the 747F freighter.

1955                                                                                           1962
1 April                                          16 December                                   1 February
Lufthansa starts domestic flights, with return   The first batch of co-pilots trained by       In Hamburg Lufthansa starts operation
services between Hamburg and Munich.             Lufthansa commence regular flight             of the first engine noise reduction test
                                                 operations.                                   hangar in Germany.
19 April
Delivery of the first Lockheed L-1049G                                                         5 November
Super Constellation, fondly remembered           1958                                          A major success and international rec-
as the ‘Super Connie’, carrying 77 pas-          2 March                                       ognition for Lufthansa’s maintenance and
sengers and cruising at up to 530 km/h           Lufthansa establishes a local technical       overhaul services: the American Federal
(330 mph).                                       liaison office with the Boeing works in       Aviation Administration (FAA) gives for-
                                                 Seattle to monitor production and hando-      mal permission for Lufthansa to perform
8 June                                           ver of the 707.                               maintenance and overhaul on US-regis-
First intercontinental flight with a Super                                                     tered airliners and their engines.
Constellation from Hamburg to New York           17 March
via Düsseldorf and Shannon.                      Lufthansa begins transatlantic flights with
                                                 the Lockheed L-1649A ‘Super Star’, which      1963
                                                 was at that time the most advanced civil
                                                 air transport type in service.

1 October                                                                                      1 April
Lufthansa begins its first pilot training                                                      Inauguration of a low-cost ‘Airbus’ walk-
course in Hamburg.                                                                             on shuttle air service between Hamburg
                                                 1959                                          and Frankfurt. The Super Constellations
                                                 11 January                                    fly at regular times; tickets are sold on
1956                                             Lufthansa Super Constellation D-ALAK          board; there is no on-board catering
11 February                                      accident in Rio de Janeiro, killing 29        or reserved seats. The shuttle service
Letter of intent signed for the purchase of      passengers and seven of the ten crew          continues until 1966.
four Boeing 707s.                                members.
3 April                                                                                        21 March
The first group of Lufthansa technical           1960                                          The first Boeing 727 arrives in Hamburg.
apprentices begin their training.                2 March                                       Named the ‘Europa Jet’ by Lufthansa’s
                                                 Lufthansa enters the jet age: the first       marketing department, it is easily iden-
2 May                                            Boeing 707 lands in Hamburg                   tified by its high tailplane and three jet
Lufthansa opens its commercial pilot                                                           engines in the rear fuselage.
training school in Bremen.                       17 March
                                                 The Boeing 707 starts service on the
15 June                                          North Atlantic route.
Contract placed for seven Vickers
Viscounts. These four-engined turbo-
prop aircraft remained in service with
Lufthansa from late 1958 to March 1971.

5 November
Lufthansa starts ‘Paper Jet’ study to
simulate jet aircraft flights over the North
Atlantic.                                        1961
                                                 23 January
                                                 Lufthansa begins operating Boeing 707
1957                                             routes to the Far East (Bangkok - Hong        16 April
5 September                                      Kong - Tokyo).                                The Boeing 727 enters regular service.
A Super Constellation flight deck simula-
tor starts operation in Hamburg. Further         20 May                                        31 December
simulators follow for the Vickers Viscount       The Boeing 720B begins service, a             Hans M.Bongers retires.
and Boeing 707.                                  smaller long-range version of the 707.

The History
                                                       Take off

Take off
The new Lufthansa company began flight oper-
ations on 1 April 1955. During those first years
Hamburg was not only the chief maintenance
base, but also the main hub for the company’s
international services. The jet age arrived for
Lufthansa in 1960 with the Boeing 707.

The History
Take off

            n 1 April 1955 the Lufthansa      propeller, earning her the nickname of
            flag was fluttering over the      ‘the world’s best tri-motor’. This phe-
            airports at Hamburg and Mu-       nomenon was by no means exclusive
            nich. Almost simultaneously,      to Lufthansa; other airlines had exactly
Convair 340s bearing the company’s            the same problem.
Crane bird logo on the fin, took off             The engine manufacturer specified
from each airport – Lufthansa’s regular       a time between overhauls of 1100
services started with flight numbers 101      hours, but in reality the interval was     „As if inside a wild animal“
and 102.                                      closer to 800 hours. For comparison, a
    Further domestic and foreign desti-       record-setting General Electric CF6-50     The simultaneous first
nations followed at short intervals. The      powering a Lufthansa Boeing 747-200        Lufthansa flights between
first intercontinental service was flown      remained on the wing for more than         Hamburg and Munich made
by a Super Constellation on 8 June            26,000 hours.                              intermediate stops; the flight
from Hamburg to New York via Düssel-                                                     from Hamburg landed at
                                                                                         Düsseldorf and Frankfurt,
dorf and Shannon. The flight time was         Early diagnostic
                                                                                         while that from Munich also
17 hours.                                     methods                                    landed at Frankfurt and
                                              Even during the early years Lufthansa      Cologne.
Super Connie:                                 maintenance crews were resourceful in
A ‘diva’                                      their choice of diagnostic methods. The    The head of public affairs
The Lockheed Super Constellation              engine condition monitoring now in         for the Bavarian State
was fondly known by its fans as the           use has a simple precursor.                Government was one of 17
‘Super Connie’ and admired as the                A sample of engine oil was drained      passengers on the first flight
most beautiful aircraft of all time. The      through a coffee filter paper, leaving     from Munich to Hamburg.
Super Connie had a three-fin tailplane        a variety of metal grains. If inspection   He was ecstatic and wrote in
and long-range wingtip tanks; she was         revealed high aluminum content, the        a newspaper article:
without doubt the most modern aircraft        finger of suspicion was directed at a
                                                                                         “Before take-off, the pilot
of the era. For the flight and mainte-        particular bolt which was promptly re-
                                                                                         runs up both engines for a
nance crews, however, this was no             placed before engine damage ensued.        final test at full power. Barely
protection from her ‘diva’ foibles.              In the first years of the new           restrained, the aircraft vi-
   This was particularly true of the four     Lufthansa, Hamburg Airport was not         brates. It feels as if one were
Curtiss- Wright 18 cylinder twin-banked       only the main maintenance base but         sitting inside a wild animal
radial engines, each weighing more            also the main hub for intercontinental     about to leap.
than two tons. At that time, large aircraft   flight operations. With the growth of
variable-pitch propeller technology was       the international route network and        There is a brief jerk, then
well developed, right down to the last        frequency of services, the maintenance     the aircraft hurtles down
detail. Each engine consisted of no less      facilities grew very quickly.              the runway. As the Convair
                                                                                         rotates, the passenger is
than 14,000 individual components.               When the first aircraft arrived to
                                                                                         pressed gently into the foam
   For example, there were exhaust            begin service there were 124 employ-
                                                                                         rubber seat cushions and
gas turbines, more correctly known as         ees in Hamburg. By the end of 1955         barely notices he has left the
‘power recovery units’. Engine mechan-        this number had grown to 651. By           ground.”
ics soon began referring to them sar-         1960, Lufthansa’s technical department
castically as ‘parts recovery units’. Any     employed 2,460 engineers, technicians,     The same day, Pan Amer-
tiny screw or metal fixture that became       white collar workers and secretaries in    ican World Airways took
detached from somewhere within the            Hamburg. The terms of employment           display ads in German
engine, fell with the exhaust gases into      were set down by an agreement in           newspapers welcoming the
the turbine, which then self-destructed.      1955; hourly wages ranged from 1.48        arrival of its new competitor:
   It was not at all unusual for a Super      DM to 2.15 DM in the highest-paid          “Blocks Away!”
Connie to arrive home with a feathered        group. 

James C. Fitzmaurice, Dr. Hans-Christoph Seebohm und Hans M. Bongers (r. to l.)       The first cabin crew members were ready for flight operations in February 1955;
in New York, on the occasion of the first intercontinental scheduled flight between   they started work with route proving flights in March.
Hamburg and New York.

The Vickers V-814 Viscount flew                                                                         The cockpit of the Vickers Viscount
with Lufthansa until 1971.                                                                              was state-of-the-art in 1958.

From 1958 the Vickers Viscount
turboprop airliner was a regular
visitor to the Hamburg main-
tenance shop.

The History
Take off

Construction                              Even then, there were some unu-           chased aircraft so to speak ‘off the
1955 - 1964                            sual non-wage benefits: On 15 April          peg’. For instance, the company’s
                                       1955 employees were provided with            choice of jet engines differed from that
After the first aircraft hangar was
                                       a load of tasty apples free of charge.       made by most other companies, but
officially handed over in March
                                       Fresh fruit in April was a sensation in      was important and correct.
1955; there followed a period of
rapid construction of Lufthansa
                                       Germany at that time. The secret was            The standard powerplant for the
maintenance facilities.                that on its delivery flight from Burbank     707 was the American-made Pratt &
                                       in California, the company’s first Super     Whitney JT4A. Lufthansa, however, held
Hamburg                                Constellation had brought cases of           back the decision until the British com-
1955 Test cells for piston and         fresh apples.                                pany Rolls-Royce had finished devel-
turboprop engines                         In the first few years Lufthansa’s        opment of the Conway engine. It was
                                       Hamburg operation looked more like a         both lighter and quieter than the JT4A,
1957 Simulator Building                building site than a maintenance base.       was less expensive and consumed
                                       In a very short time the company had         less fuel. With the same amount of fuel,
1958 Engine shop with appren-
                                       to erect new buildings and essential         the Conway powered 707 could either
tice training facilities; additional
                                       equipment – docks for airframe access,       carry a bigger payload or fly further.
                                       machines, test gear and tools.               Thus, Lufthansa became the first airline
1959 Hydraulics workshop                                                            to fly a full payload Frankfurt- Chicago
with test stand; extension of          Advent of                                    non-stop.
the existing powerplant shop to        the jet age                                     In order to prepare for all aspects
accommodate jet engines.               But even though the world was still          of operating the next generation of
                                       buying propeller-driven aircraft, all eyes   aircraft, in November 1956 Lufthansa
1960 Second double hangar              were on the horizon and the advent           started a ‘Paper Jet’ study to simulate
building, further workshops.           of the jet age. In 1959 the powerplant       flight operations between Frankfurt and
                                       maintenance and repair workshops             New York using performance figures
1962 Noise-protection hang-
                                       were extended to make provision for jet      for the Boeing prototype.
ar, canteen, equipment repair
                                       engines.                                        These were combined with meteor-
                                          It was self-evident that Lufthansa        ological data such as wind speed and
1963 Jet engine test stand.            would order jet-powered aircraft as          direction, flight visibility and air traffic
                                       soon as these became available. After        density at the destination. The study
1964 Materials warehouse with          careful consideration of all the pros        produced data which subsequently
administration building.               and cons, Lufthansa decided against          proved to be quite realistic on such
                                       the Douglas DC-8 and in favor of the         vital matters as take-off weight, cruise
Frankfurt                              Boeing 707.                                  altitude, flight duration and fuel con-
1960 Official handover of the             The famous Dash 80 prototype of           sumption.
‘Butterfly Hangar’, at that time       the Boeing 707 had made its success-
the biggest aircraft maintenance
                                       ful first flight in the summer of 1954.      Maintenance
building in the world.
                                       Eighteen months later Lufthansa signed       base Frankfurt
                                       a letter of intent for the purchase of its   The introduction of jet aircraft was
                                       first Boeing 707s. The arrival of jet-pow-   accompanied by far-reaching chang-
                                       ered passenger airliners represented a       es because Frankfurt was chosen as
                                       quantum leap in civil air transport. Not     Lufthansa’s main base for the jets’ line
                                       only did they fly twice as fast and high     maintenance and flight operations. The
                                       as their propeller-powered predeces-         jets offered much more range than
                                       sors; they carried double the number         piston-engined aircraft. Therefore, the
                                       of passengers over much greater              factors which, years before, had resulted
                                       distances.                                   in the original choice of Hamburg as the
                                          Now Lufthansa would not be                main operational base no longer held
                                       Lufthansa, if its engineers had pur-         good. 

Even today, the
Lockheed Super
Constellation is still
seen by its fans as the
most beautiful aircraft
of the era.

                                    The Curtiss-Wright double-banked radial piston engine was highly
  Not only good-looking,            complex, but not particularly reliable; for which reason airline people
  the Super- Connie’s               referred to the Super Connie as ‘The world’s best trimotor aircraft’.
  long-range tip tanks.

    Four ‘Super Connies’ are
    prepared in Hamburg for
    their next long-range flight.

The History
Take off

   The advent of jets meant that
Lufthansa technicians had to take in an
enormous amount of new information
and training, for at that time very few
people in Germany had experience
of jet aero engines. After the war the
victorious allies had put a full stop to
German involvement in jet engines.
During their studies, young engineers
might have gained some experience of
simple steam turbines, but no more.
   Then there were new technologies of
airframe construction and pressurized
cabins. Jet engines made a lot more         ADELE (automatic data-logging by punch card entry) was the
                                            precursor of modern computer systems.
noise than piston engines; so the com-
pany built a noise-insulated engine test
                                            The centerline engine in the Boeing 727 rear fuselage under
cell and even a noise-insulated hangar      maintenance.
for ground testing of aircraft engines
in order to minimize the impact on the
neighboring community.

International links
As in the early years of operation,
international links between technicians
helped the company through this chal-
lenging period. Other airlines such as
Air France, Sabena, Swissair and KLM
shared their technical knowledge with
Lufthansa on such matters as tooling
and equipment, laying the foundation
for subsequent technical cooperation
between members of the European
ATLAS Group of airlines.
   This technical assistance fell upon
fertile ground. Very soon the Hamburg
maintenance base had such a good
                                                 One of the first Boeing 7 27s in the
command of the new technology, that in           Hamburg maintenance dock.
1962 the US Federal Aviation Admin-
istration gave Lufthansa the formal
authority to maintain and overhaul
US-registered commercial airliners and
engines. This recognized the very high
standards achieved by the company’s
technical division.
   On 2 March 1960 the sirens
screamed over Lufthansa’s Hamburg
base, but were soon drowned by the
high-pitched whine of four turbine en-
gines when the first Boeing 707, finished

in Lufthansa’s blue-yellow-white house
                                                                                      livery, landed at Fuhlsbüttel Airport.
                                                               The jet age arrived
                                                               for Lufthansa with        At the controls of this 25 million DM
                                                               the Boeing 707, seen   aircraft registered D-ABOB were Chief
                                                               here shortly after     Pilot Rudolf Mayr and Captain Werner
                                                               landing in Hamburg.
                                                                                      Utter, who later joined the executive
                                                                                      board and was in charge of flight oper-
                                                                                         The Boeing 707 and (from 1961)
                                                                                      the slightly smaller 720B variant took
                                                                                      Lufthansa’s medium and long-range
                                                                                      routes by storm. But just around the
                                                                                      corner was the next in line: the Boeing

                                                                                      Boeing 727:
                                                                                      Unique appearance
                                                                                      The 727 presented a unique appear-
                                                                                      ance in the sky, with its high T-tail and
                                                                                      three jets in the rear fuselage. Very early
                                                                                      on, Lufthansa recognized the great po-
                                                                                      tential of this short- and medium-range
                                                                                      jet and was the first European airline
                                                                                      to place an order, for a batch of twelve.
                                                                                      The Boeing 727 entered scheduled
                                                                                      service in April 1964 and was an instant
                                                                                      success. Now Lufthansa was able to
                                                                                      offer its passengers the same degree
                                                                                      of speed and comfort on their Euro-
                                                                                      pean and Middle East routes that they
                                                                                      already enjoyed on long-range flights.
                                                                                      The 727 flew just as fast as the big 707,
                                                                                      had the same cabin cross-sectional
                                                                                      area, and hence exactly the same seat-
                                                                                      ing comfort. Even better, passengers
Lufthansa built Germany ’s first noise-reduction engine test                          liked the fact that the rear-mounted en-
hangar in Hamburg; it entered service in 1962.
                                                                                      gines minimized cabin noise and stress.
                                                                                         Lufthansa success was also reflected
                                                                                      in its financial results; for the first time
                                                                                      since its foundation the company made
                                                                                      a profit of DM37 million in 1963.

1965                                          1968
                                              10 February                                    1 November
                                              World Premiere: The Boeing 737                 The company’s Chief Pilot Werner Utter
                                              commences scheduled services with              joins the Lufthansa Board, the first Flight
                                              Lufthansa. Dubbed the ‘City Jet’, it rapidly   Captain so appointed.
                                              establishes short-haul services. establish-
                                              es shorthaul services.
                                                                                             16 February
19 February                                                                                  Lufthansa accepts its 100th Boeing jet, a
Lufthansa becomes the launch customer                                                        727. During the delivery flight the aircraft
for the Boeing 737, whose technical con-                                                     transports a cargo of 5,000 juicy steaks
cept has been significantly influenced by                                                    as a gift from Boeing for the personnel at
the company’s engineering team.                                                              the Hamburg maintenance base.

10 November
Delivery of Lufthansa’s first jet-powered
cargo aircraft, a Boeing 707, named
‘America’.                                    1969
                                              14 March
December                                      The ATLAS agreement is signed by
First fleet rollover: the four Boeing 720B    Lufthansa, Air France, Alitalia and Sabena,
aircraft are retired in favor of the larger   under which these airlines agree joint
and improved Boeing 707.                      maintenance arrangements for the Boe-
                                              ing 747. Iberia joins in 1972.                 November
                                                                                             The first global oil crisis. Lufthansa has
1966                                                                                         to cancel or merge flights. The oil crisis
25 January                                    1970                                           urges manufacturers to develop more
A Convair Metropolitan operated by            9 March                                        fuel-efficient jet engines.
Lufthansa stalls during an aborted landing    Lufthansa’s first Boeing 747-100 lands in
at Bremen, killing all 46 persons on          Frankfurt.
board. The cause of the accident is never                                                    1974
fully established..                           14 April
                                              The Lufthansa Board determines that all
27 June                                       jet engines in the company’s Boeing 727
The era of wide-body jets begins for          and 737 will be retrofitted with environ-
Lufthansa with an order placed for three      mentally friendly combustion chambers.
Boeing 747-100s.
                                              26 April
                                              The Boeing 747-100 begins scheduled
                                              services. It is the first Lufthansa aircraft
                                              to be fitted with an in-flight entertainment   14 January
                                              system for passengers.                         The first McDonnell-Douglas DC-10-30
                                                                                             enters service with Lufthansa. It is used on
1967                                                                                         long range routes for which the Boeing
1 May                                         1971                                           747 would be uneconomic.
The Lufthansa flight training school trans-   31 March
fers most of its non-academic operations      The era of propeller-powered aircraft          20 November
to San Diego in California, subsequently      comes to an end for Lufthansa; the last        Lufthansa Boeing 747 accident on takeoff
(1970) to Phoenix, Arizona.                   Vickers Viscount is retired.                   at Nairobi Airport. The aircraft’s leading
                                                                                             edge slats were not deployed. 58 occu-
6 October                                     19 April                                       pants die, 97 are injured.
The Super Constellation makes its last        Lufthansa becomes the first airline to op-
scheduled flight for Lufthansa.               erate the cargo version of the Boeing 747.

                                              1 July
                                              Dipl.-Ing. Reinhardt Abraham is appointed
                                              to Technical Director on the Lufthansa Ex-
                                              ecutive Board, succeeding Prof. Gerhard

The History
                                         Full Thrust

Full Thrust
In the 1960s jet aircraft changed the world of
civil aviation. They carried twice as many
passengers as propeller aircraft and
reached their destinations in half the time.
At first, jets dominated long-range services,
and then quickly conquered medium- and
short-range routes as well.

The History
Full Thrust

           uring the 1960s the pace of         nance and pilot training.                                              The Saga
                                                                                                                      of the Rear
           aviation technology advanced           The negotiations with Boeing were
           at an enormous rate. Propel-        long and difficult. Both sides had
                                                                                                                      by Ernst
           ler-powered aircraft were rap-      known each other well since 1954,                                      Simon
idly left behind; fast jets ruled the skies.   when the first emissaries from Seat-
But then came a major new departure:           tle had made their attendance upon
wide-body jets, dubbed ‘Jumbo Jets’ by         the Bureau Bongers in Cologne. In
the popular press.                             addition, Lufthansa had become an
   But Lufthansa’s first job was to try        important customer.                            For about 40 years the rumour has
and persuade Boeing to build a new                But were these reasons enough to            been doing the rounds that I had
short and medium-range aircraft, the           design and build a totally new aircraft;       designed the rear door and air
737.                                           especially when Boeing itself was not          stairs for the Boeing 737-100. This is
                                                                                              a nice story, and flatters me greatly.
   In the mid-1960s Lufthansa was well         totally convinced?
                                                                                              Unfortunately, it is also incorrect.
equipped with medium and long-range               Back in Germany, criticisms were
                                                                                              The truth is :
aircraft in the shape of the Boeing 707        voiced in the media: a leading news
and 727. But the company’s technical           magazine said that the 737 devel-              For reasons of passenger conveni-
and commercial teams wanted a jet to           opment was out of line with market             ence, our sales people wanted the
replace propeller-powered short-range          requirements and was destined to be            737 to have side access doors with
aircraft.                                      a flop. But Lufthansa was convinced it         integral air stairs at both the front
   In theory that should not have been         was right and ignored the criticisms.          and rear. In those days there were
a problem. The French-built Caravelle          However, even the wildest optimists            few airports with the jetways now in
had been in service for several years,         would not have dared to predict that           general use.
the British had the BAC 1-11, and              the initially un-loved Boeing 737 would
                                                                                              In response to Lufthansa’s wishes,
Douglas in the USA had started series          become the most successful com-
                                                                                              Boeing designed an electric-pow-
production of the DC-9. All three types        mercial jet aircraft of all time – about
                                                                                              ered mechanical marvel. The door
had common features: five seats in             13,000 had been built so far.
                                                                                              opened inwards, while the stairs
each row (3 + 2) and two jet engines in                                                       naturally deployed outwards. Both
the rear fuselage.                             Grinding of teeth in Seattle                   the door and stairs were fairly
                                               It was not until Lufthansa let it be           heavy. On top of that, there was the
Demand on Boeing                               known it might switch to Douglas that          need for battery back-up. We found
However, Höltje and his team were not          Boeing gave in and began to design             all this additional weight unaccept-
happy with this arrangement. They want-        the 737, as one observer put it: “grind-       able.
ed an aircraft with the engines installed      ing their teeth and without enthusiasm”.
in pods under the wings because                The first 737 seated 86 passengers             At the time I happened to be in
                                                                                              Seattle and suggested to our
this gave more space in the cabin for                               and met all require-
                                                                                              American friends how they could do
passengers, six seats                                                ments of the Höltje
                                                                                              the job more easily and lighter: with
per row, and a                                                       team. In February        a door that opened outwards and
cabin with the                                                       1965 the Lufthansa       a hand-deployed staircase. That’s
same cross-sec-                                                       Supervisory Board       what they finally built.
tional area as the                                                     gave permission
Boeing 707 and                                                         to order 22 Boe-       Prof. Ernst Simon who was head of
727. In addition,                                                       ing 737-100 at a      Technical Project Engineering for
they wanted a two-                                                       price of exactly $   many years, sadly died in March
man cockpit with as                                                      2,983,936 each.      2014 at the age of 92. Although
much commonality                                                             The Lufthansa    he had been retired for quite some
                                                                                              time, his vast knowledge was still
as possible with the                                                      launch order
                                                                                              in demand by many. With him the
727. This design                                                           quickly trig-
                                                                                              international aviation business lost a
would make for great                                                       gered fol-         highly reputed insider.
synergies in mainte-                                                    low-on bookings

from others such as United, a leading     flight crews still fondly refer to the 737   and the thrust reverser on the Pratt &
 American airline. Subsequently, Boeing    as ‘Bobby’ – the name was borrowed           Whitney jet engines. Lufthansa post-
 produced many further variants.           from a children’s story book now long        poned acceptance of several 737s until
    Lufthansa replaced its 737 twin-jets   since out of print, ‘Bobby Boeing Earns      these problems were solved. At one
 several times in a series of ‘rollover’   His Wings’. This entertaining book tells     time there was a line of 737-200 aircraft
 programs and purchased a total of 140     the story of Bobby’s construction and        bearing the crane logo on their fins
 Boeing 737s of various types over the     his adventures in flight operations.         and parked outside the Boeing factory.
 years.                                       Like any new aircraft, the Boeing         There they remained until the autopilots
    From 1968 Lufthansa marketed the       737 had teething troubles. There were        had been modified to the satisfaction of
 Boeing 737 as the ‘City Jet’. Even now,   problems with aerodynamic details            the Lufthansa’s engineers. 

                                                                                                                         The Boeing 727
                                                                                                                         cockpit as seen
                                                                                                                         by the crew.

Two generations side-
byside; the Boeing 727 (l.)
rapidly displaced the older
Vickers Viscount.

The History
Full Thrust

                                         Boeing did not see Lufthansa as
                                      being the easiest customer to please.
                                      In 1958 the company had set up a
                                      liaison office with Boeing in Seattle. It
                                      was staffed by experienced and highly
                                      qualified technicians whose job was
                                      to monitor in detail the construction,
                                      assembly and testing of each aircraft
                                      destined for Lufthansa.
                                         Their objective was to ensure that an
                                      aircraft destined for Lufthansa service
                                      not only was technically perfect but
More construction                     also that the manufacturer adhered
1965 to 1973                          to the company’s quality guidelines
                                      during the entire construction phase.
                                      This cooperation within the Boeing
Hamburg                               factory was highly beneficial to both
1965 Seating and upholstery           sides; the local German team made
workshop                              many suggestions for improvements
                                      that were gladly incorporated into wider
1966 New engine shop
                                      series production.
                                         But even before the first flight of
1967 Energy Supply Center
                                      the Boeing 737, a new shape was on
1968 Office Building C, heating       the drawing board – the Boeing 747
central                               captured the imagination of engineers
                                      and the media alike. It was the first
1969 School of technical training     commercial wide-body jet.

1972 Electro-plating building,        Boeing 747 at the start
central workshop                      The origins of the 747 were simple
                                      and logical. The American Department
1973 High-rack warehouse
                                      of Defense had wanted a long-range
                                      heavy transport aircraft. The Boeing         nearly three years later, followed by
Frankfurt                             design was rejected, but the company         numerous bookings as long-range
1970 Widebody jet maintenance         decided to use its expertise gained          traffic became stronger. In March 1969
hangar. Like the ‘Butterfly Hangar’   at the C-5 project as the basis for the      Lufthansa was the launch customer for
built in the early 1960s, at that     construction of a completely new civil       the 747 freighter. By 2005, the German
time it was the biggest in the        aircraft which they named 747. Initially,    carrier had purchased a total of 61
world.                                few international air carriers showed        Boeing Jumbo Jets.
                                      interest; only the US flag carrier PanAm        Following the introduction of the first
                                      soon placed an initial order for 25.         generation of civil jet aircraft, the Boe-
                                         Otherwise, sales of the 747 were          ing 747 represented the second major
                                      slow in its early years. Although Höltje’s   revolution in air transport within hardly
                                      team was convinced that the wide-            more than a decade. The 70-metre
                                      body jet had a good future, Lufthansa        fuselage accommodated between 350
                                      initially hung back but later became         and 380 passengers, depending upon
                                      the first non-American carrier to order      the seat plan. The gross takeoff weight
                                      the Jumbo – three 747-100s. The next         was 300 tons and the range was 9,000
                                      Lufthansa orders for the 747 followed        km.

My First Day...
                                                                                                                   by Wolfgang

                                                                                                                   At half past
                                                                                                                   seven in the
                                                                                                                   morning of 2
                                                                                                                   February 1970
                                                                                                                   I stood in the
                                                                                          office of Wolfgang Hergesell, then in
                                                                                          charge of Hamburg’s engine mainte-
                                                                                          nance. He was known world-wide by
                                                                                          the nickname of ‘Mr. Engine’. Within
                                                                                          the company he had the reputation
                                                                                          as an energy-charged full-blooded
                                                                                          Lufthansa man to the core. He was
                                                                                          a charismatic leader, respected and
                                                                                          feared alike.

                                                                                          There were jobs to be allocated but
                                                                                          there was no time to spare for pleas-
                                                                                          antries. While Hergesell was outlining
                                                                                          the responsibilities of a planning engi-
                                                                                          neer I raised my hand with a question
                                                                                          and he took it that I wanted this job.
                                                                                          So there was I, the new boy, thrown
                                                                                          right in the deep end.
                                                            Lufthansa’s first Boeing
                                                            747-100 arrives in Frank-     The cold water was refreshing, and
                                                            furt on 9 March 1970; it      the responsibility great. My first task
                                                            entered scheduled ser-        was to prepare the job sheets for
                                                            vice a few weeks later.
                                                                                          retrofitting thrust-reversers and heat
                                                                                          exchangers to the JT9 engines power-
                                                                                          ing the Boeing 747-200.

   Behind the cockpit and reached by         From 1974 it was operated on routes          I shared an office with a dozen col-
a spiral staircase, there was a short        where Lufthansa could not fill the 350       leagues. There were four telephones
                                                                                          and one typewriter. Nevertheless,
top-deck in which Lufthansa and other        seats in the 747.
                                                                                          with maximum concentration on the
airlines initially installed a lounge with      Lufthansa had long since determined
                                                                                          essential things and a tab of Tipp-Ex
a small bar for First-Class passengers.      that servicing its jet fleet – that is all   correction paper, it worked well. We
This arrangement was soon changed            the technical maintenance which can          were kept very busy and thoroughly
when it was realized that more seats         be performed without taking an aircraft      enjoyed our work.
would earn more profit. The bar was          out of circulation – should be located
removed. However, there were some            as close as possible to an operation-        From 1995 to 2000, Wolfgang May-
long-range routes for which the 747          al base. For this reason all regular         rhuber was Chairman of the Executive
was too large and the 707 too small.         maintenance up to the annual C-Check         Board of Lufthansa Technik AG. From
After long deliberations, Lufthansa’s        takes place in Frankfurt. In 1960 the        June 2003 until December 2010
commercial and technical teams               company therefore built a new mainte-        Chairman of the Executive Board and
                                                                                          CEO of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. In
decided to buy, for the first time, a jet    nance hangar, which at that time was
                                                                                          May 2013 Mayrhuber was elected to
aircraft not built by Boeing. The tri-jet    the biggest hangar in the world, on the
                                                                                          join the Lufthansa Supervisory Board
McDonnell-Douglas DC-10-30 was a             edge of Frankfurt’s Rhein-Main               of which he is chairman to this day.
250-seat twin-aisled wide-body aircraft.     Airport 

The History
Full Thrust

                                              Its unusual architecture earned the        End of an era
                                           name ‘Butterfly Hangar’; it was joined in     In Hamburg and Frankfurt the era of
                                           1970 by the ‘Jumbo Hangar’. Frankfurt         Lufthansa’s founding fathers came to
                                           is also the work station for the com-         an end in 1972. Reinhardt Abraham,
                                           pany’s technical pilot, who acts as an        an aviation and business engineer
                                           interface between flight operations and       who had been with the company since
                                           the maintenance organization. Ham-            1956, joined the Board as Technical
                                           burg became the main technical base           Director in succession to Prof. Gerhard
                                           and concentrates on overhaul.                 Höltje.
                                              This work embraces checks and                 Joachim Alpheis retired; under his
Supersonic? No Thanks!
                                           repairs to airframes, components, cabin       leadership the Hamburg Lufthansa
Lufthansa gave but brief serious           refurbishment, equipment, instruments         maintenance base had become an
consideration to the possibility of        and engines, for which a separate             internationally recognized technology
supersonic air traffic. In-line with the   workshop complex had been built.              center in less than two decades. He
times, the company took options on                                                       was succeeded by Dr. Alban Rupp,
three Concordes. However, given the        New principles                                who until then had been in charge of
rising cost of kerosene and massive        in maintenance                                the Frankfurt line maintenance opera-
protests from the environmental            The victory march of the jets and the         tions.
lobby about supersonic bangs, they         relatively rapid demise of propeller             Abraham and Rupp took on their
let the options lapse.
                                           powered aircraft brought commensurate         new tasks at a difficult time. The first
                                           changes to the company’s maintenance          world oil crisis had stalled the German
In the 1960s there were two possible
choices, the Anglo-French Concorde,
                                           operations.                                   economic miracle and in 1974 there
or the US Supersonic Transport                 There was a progressive change from       was a more than six percent decline
project initiated by President John F.     ‘life cycle’ and ‘fixed-interval’ mainte-     in Lufthansa passengers. In addition,
Kennedy. Both Lockheed and Boeing          nance to ‘on-condition maintenance’.          profits suffered from the progressive in-
drew up plans for a 250-seat aircraft.     This means that components are no             crease in international value of the DM.
The Lockheed design had a double           longer removed according to a strict             The de-facto progressive revaluation
delta planform, while Boeing went          schedule but when their condition calls       of the DM against the US dollar hit the
for a variable-geometry swing-wing         for action. Under the on-condition phi-       company’s maintenance operations
design, the 2707.                          losophy, a repair is made whenever a          hard. In Hamburg, a new business
                                           defect is to be expected or is at an early    sector had just begun a period of rapid
Prof. Ernst Simon was at that time
                                           stage. This may sound a little risky, but     growth: providing technical services for
responsible for aircraft evaluation
in Lufthansa’s engineering division.
                                           in reality poses no threat to safety. Every   airlines not belonging to the Lufthansa
He remembers: “All that was much           aircraft has a duplicate set of all vital     group, and private operators of civil
too complicated. As far as we were         systems; redundancy is a fundamental          airliners.
concerned the operating costs of the       principle of airliner construction.              Because of the international strength
American designs were much too                 Secondly, Lufthansa engineers have        of the German currency, labor costs
high, while the Concorde could only        developed effective monitoring and            increased disproportionately in relation
transport 100 First-Class passengers.      diagnostic procedures which provide re-       to the international standard method of
None of these designs could have           liable information on the point at which      invoicing in US dollars.
been operated by Lufthansa at a            problems may occur in the life cycle of
                                           an engine or other component, whether
                                           this be mechanical wear or failure, and
                                           their possible consequences.
                                               It is no exaggeration to say that
                                           Lufthansa’s maintenance engineers
                                           have been pioneers in developing
                                           on-condition maintenance, in which they
                                           retain a world-leading role.

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