Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG

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Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
Precious Metals Report 2021
Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium!
Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG

    Dear reader,                                           tee of a particular price development of the menti-        and micro cap companies and low capitalized secu-         publication will result in an investment advice cont-       source Capital AG nor the respective authors will        ges of foreign exchange rates, fluctuations of com-
                                                           oned financial instruments or as a trading invitation.     rities like derivatives and leveraged products should     ract or investment brokerage contract between               guarantee that the expected profits or mentioned         modity prices, delays by project developments and
   Please read the complete disclaimer in the fol-         Every investment in securities mentioned in publica-       only be as high that, in case of a possible total loss,   Swiss Resource Capital AG or the respective author          share prices will be achieved. Neither Swiss Re-         other factors.
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We point out the following:                                exploration and resource companies which are dis-          and all Swiss Resource Capital AG employed or en-         tions for example additional payment liabilities. Any       duct and recommendations of the German press             source estimates, fluctuations of the gold price,
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   Swiss Resource Capital AG and the authors of            tal AG and are exclusively suitable for speculative        all of the published contents with the greatest pos-      other financial products bears an extremely high            ting and within the scope of its responsibility will     ration, development and mining, risks regarding the
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Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
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Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
Table of Contents                                                                                                      Imprint

                                                        Disclaimer                                                                                                     02     Editor
                                                                                                                                                                               Swiss Resource Capital AG
                                                        Table of Contents | Imprint                                                                                    07     Poststr. 1
                                                                                                                                                                               9100 Herisau, Schweiz
                                                        Preface09                                                                                                             Tel : +41 71 354 8501
                                                                                                                                                                               Fax : +41 71 560 4271
                                                        The corona year 2020 has left its mark on the precious metals – for                                          
                                                        investors definitely rosy! ................................................................................ 10
                                                                                                                                                                               Editorial staff
                                                        Expert interview with Christian Brenner, Managing Director philoro                                                     Jochen Staiger
                                                        EDELMETALLE GmbH Germany – Precious metals remain indispensable                                                        Tim Rödel
                                                        for storing value................................................................................................ 21
                                                        Interview with Prof. Dr. Torsten Dennin                                                                                Frauke Deutsch
                                                        Founder and CEO of Lynkeus Capital LLC������������������������������������������������������ 23
                                                                                                                                                                               All rights reserved. Reprinting

    The Gold Standard
                                                                                                                                                                               material by copying in electronic
                                                                                                                                                                               form is not permitted.
                                                        Company profiles
                                                                                                                                                                               Editorial Deadline: 04/30/2021

     of Gold Research
                                                        Caledonia Mining���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
                                                        Condor Gold����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32   page 13: pixabay
                                                                                                                                                                               page 16:
                                                        Eskay Mining���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36   page 19:
                                                                                                                                                                               page 20: Sibanye-Stillwater
                                                        First Mining Gold���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
                                                                                                                                                                               All pictures and graphics have been
                                                        Mawson Gold��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44     provided by the companies, unless
                                                                                                                                                                               otherwise stated.
                                                        Novo Resources����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
                                                        OceanaGold����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53    1: Osisko Mining
                                                                                                                                                                               2: Sibanye-Stillwater
                                                        Sibanye-Stillwater�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58     3: © Elionora Henzler
                                                                                                                                                                               4: ©corlaffra/
                                                        Velocity Minerals���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
              Free download:                                                                                                                          Charts: 05/11/2021
                                                                                                                                                                               by JS Charts by amCharts

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Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG

                          The whole world of
                          commodities in one App:
                                                                                                                           Dear Readers,

                          Commodity-TV                                                                                     Now in our sixth year of publication, it is with
                                                                                                                           great pleasure that we present our special re-
                                                                                                                           port on precious metals, which follows our
                                                                                                                                                                               the necessary basic knowledge by means of
                                                                                                                                                                               our general part, so that you can make your
                                                                                                                                                                               own decisions.
                                                                                                                           successful battery metal and uranium reports.
                                                                                                                           Precious metals have become indispensable           Swiss Resource Capital AG has set itself the
                                                                                                                           for one‘s own (crisis) provision and wealth         task of providing up-to-date and compre-
                                                                                                                           preservation. Not to be forgotten is the un-        hensive information on a wide range of raw
                                                                                                                           conditional benefit of precious metals as a         materials and mining companies to raw ma-
                                                                                                                           store of value and money substitute as well         terial investors, interested parties and those     Jochen Staiger is founder and CEO
                                                                                                                           as a hedge for bad times. Especially in to-         who would like to become such. On our              of Swiss Resource Capital AG,
                                                                                                                           day‘s corona virus craze, gold is essential to      website you will           located in Herisau, Switzerland. As
                                                                                                                           park cash wisely. The central banks‘ money          find more than 30 companies and a lot of in-       chief-editor and founder of the first
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                                                                                                                           Christine Lagarde succeeding Mario Draghi,                                                             Commodity-TV and its German
                                                                                                                           things have gotten worse rather than better.                                                           counterpart Rohstoff-TV, he reports
                                                                                                                           The U.S. Federal Reserve has already lowe-          We would like to give you the necessary insights   about companies, experts, fund
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                                                                                                                           zombie companies. The banks, which are un-
                                                                                                                           der pressure anyway, will not be happy about        My team and I hope you enjoy reading the
                                                                                                                           this. Please remember that in case of emer-         Special Report on Precious Metals and hope
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Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz | |
Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
The corona year 2020 has left its mark on the preci-
ous metals – for investors definitely rosy!

             Gold: Postponed is not canceled –                   sult, the price per ounce fell to below US$600.    Gold:
             Platinum/Palladium: Rising supply                   Since the third quarter of 2020, however, the-     Number 1 store of value for thousands of years
             deficits will remain for the time                   re have been signs of a renaissance. Howe-
             being despite rising prices                         ver, the major demand driver will not be fuel
                                                                 cells or hydrogen, which are still some years
             Precious metals investors are still in pole po-     away, but initially the substitution of palladi-   Gold is a chemical element with the element         placer deposits. Up to 20% of the gold mined
             sition, precious metals have so far come th-        um, which is now more than twice as expen-         symbol Au and the atomic number 79. Due to          annually is extracted as a by-product, mainly
             rough the Covid 19 crisis the best of all asset     sive, by platinum. The supply deficit, which       its moderate melting temperature, it is very        from copper, nickel or other precious metal
             classes. It sounds like a cliché, but gold and      has already existed since 2019, even wide-         easy to work mechanically and does not cor-         mines.
             silver (covered in a separate report) are again     ned again in 2020 and is likely to lead to a       rode. It is extremely rare, and its yellow luster
             in demand as „safe havens“, as massive in-          further speculative increase in the price of       is also durable, which is why it is considered
             flows into ETFs and sold-out bullion traders
             impressively prove.
                                                                 platinum.                                          imperishable and is therefore largely proces-
                                                                                                                    sed into jewelry or used in coin or bar form to
                                                                                                                                                                        Supply situation
                                                                 For both platinum and palladium, a drastic         store value. Gold is also considered easily al-
             In August 2020, the gold price reached a new        drop in supply is to be expected in the co-        loyable, which makes it very attractive as a        According to the World Gold Council, a total
             all-time high of more than US$2,060, which          ming years, as the important South African         material.                                           of 3,400.8 tons of gold was mined in 2020
             was mainly the result of (impending) fiscal         mines in particular will not be able to maintain                                                       and 1,297.4 tons was recovered from recy-
             and geopolitical upheavals and a certain            their production to the usual extent. Even ri-                                                         cling. Thus, the total gold supply (including
                                                                                                                               [Xe] 4f145d106s1       79

             desire for security, which will keep the price of   sing prices are unlikely to contribute to an im-                                                       recycling and hedging) fell by about 187 tons
             the yellow metal at a high level and will cer-      provement.                                                                                             to 4,633.1 tons compared to 2019.
             tainly drive it even higher. In the vast majority                                                                                                          The main gold mining regions are currently
             of currencies, gold was trading at absolute                                                                                                                China, Russia, Australia, the USA and Cana-
             all-time highs in 2020, which will continue in      What are precious metals?                                                                              da, which together account for almost half of
                                                                                                                                  Melting Point 1337 K
             the face of rampant money printing orgies by                                                                         Boiling Point 3243 K                  the total annual output. They are followed by
             central banks around the world. In 2021, the        From a purely chemical point of view, preci-                                                           Peru, Ghana, South Africa, Mexico and Brazil,
             fear of inflation, which is already becoming        ous metals are metals which are corrosion-re-
                                                                                                                                         GOLD                           which, however, is only just ahead of Uzbe-
             apparent, will drive more people into gold,         sistant, i.e. which are permanently chemically                                                         kistan in eleventh place. In Europe, only Swe-
             which has been considered the number one            stable in a natural environment under the in-                                                          den and Finland can report significant gold
             store of value for thousands of years, and is       fluence of air and water. The group of preci-      Main properties: Appearance,                        production.
             likely to push the price up again. In addition,     ous metals primarily includes gold and silver,     corrosion resistance, good work­
             there is an investment backlog, primarily from      as well as the so-called platinum metals plati-    ability, good contact.
             the jewelry industry, which is likely to be me-     num, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium                                                             Gold production increases only
             rely postponed from the catastrophic year           and iridium. Mercury is also a precious metal.     Not only in the form of jewelry or coins, but       marginally – Gold peak reached?!
             2020 into the future and will additionally fuel     In addition, there are a number of so-called       also in medical applications, gold scores abo-
             demand.                                             semi-precious metals, including copper. A          ve all with its corrosion resistance. In dental     Since the turn of the millennium, gold produc-
                                                                 third group is formed by the so-called short-      prosthetics, for example, additional precious       tion has increased every year up to 2018, but
             Palladium, which was driven to new record           lived (radioactive) transition metals, such as     metals such as platinum are added to achieve        has recently been weakening more and more.
             highs of over US$2,800 per ounce in recent          Darmstadtium or Roentgenium, which, howe-          the necessary hardness. In industry, gold is        While around 2,862 tons of the yellow metal
             months mainly for speculative reasons, also         ver, play virtually no role in practice.           used primarily in the construction of circuits      were extracted from the earth worldwide in
             suffered only a brief dip and appears to be                                                            as a gold-plating additive for wires, printed       2011, the figure was 3,336 tons in 2015. Sin-
             continuing its record chase. Demand from the                                                           circuit boards, switching contacts and              ce then, production rose only marginally to
             automotive sector (use in gasoline catalytic                                                           connectors.                                         3,554 tons in 2018. In 2019, production then
             converters) plays a major role here. But also                                                                                                              fell for the first time to 3,531.8 tons, which
             the steadily declining production, as the exis-                                                                                                            could only be offset by an increased recycling
             ting supply deficit recently confirmed impres-                                                         Occurrence and extraction                           rate. Finally, in 2020, the slump to only 3,400.8
             sively.                                                                                                                                                    tons, mainly due to plant closures caused by
                                                                                                                    Gold occurs very rarely in nature, but it is        the Covid 19 pandemic.
             Until a few months ago, the situation for plati-                                                       pure. On average, there are only 4 grams of         Nevertheless, it can be assumed that the gold
             num was the opposite. The increasing discre-                                                           gold per 1,000 tons of rock in the earth‘s          peak, i.e., the annual gold production has re-
             diting of the diesel engine as a „dirty engine“                                                        crust. It is found in primary raw material de-      ached its peak in 2019.
             led to a drop in demand for platinum, which is                                                         posits as gold-bearing rock (gold ore) as well
             used in diesel catalytic converters. As a re-                                                          as in secondary deposits, among others in

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
Added to this is the current Corona crisis,
                                                                                          which has brought many mining activities
                                                                                          worldwide to a standstill and severely impac-
                                                                                          ted gold production – at least in 2020.

                                                                                          Demand situation
                                                                                          Demand from jewelry sector
                                                                                          slumped, investment sector                                                                                                                                               Goldprice US$/oz
                                                                                          stronger than in a long time                                                                                                                                             (Surce: JS by amChart)

                                                                                          In 2020, global demand for gold was only
                                                                                          around 3,759.6 tons, almost 627 tons or               than in 2017, and in 2019 central bank                         until 2021. On the investment side, global
Gold-supply (blue) and -demand (grey)                                                     14.3% less than in 2019. The jewelry sector           purchases increased slightly to 668.5 tons.                    gold ETFs did show a net outflow of around
(Source: own representation)                                                              accounted for a large share of the decline in         Thus, a large amount of supply was taken off                   178 tonnes in the first quarter of 2021, but
                                        The reasons for a decline in gold                 demand, consuming 1,411.6 tons, a drop of             the market by central banks alone, once                        this was almost entirely in the US and UK.
                                        production are manifold                           almost a third compared to 2019 (2,122.7              again acting on the demand side rather than                    China, Canada, Japan and India, on the other
                                                                                          tons). This huge drop in demand from the je-          the supply side. In 2020, by contrast, central                 hand, recorded further inflows. By compari-
                                        Several factors contribute to this:               welry industry was partially offset by the in-        bank gold purchases fell to only 272.9 tons,                   son, in 2020, a net total of over 877 tons flo-
                                                                                          vestment sector. The latter increased gold            which was probably also due to certain dis-                    wed into global gold ETFs. Seasonally, the
                                        First, more and more deposits are reaching        demand by a whopping 504 tons to 1,773.2              tortions in government budgets triggered by                    inflow increases most in the months April to
                                        the end of their life. Those that have not yet    tons compared to 2019. Inflation fears and            the Corona pandemic.                                           August, which should also be the case for
                                        been fully exploited have to be expanded at       exuberant debt orgies of many central banks                                                                          2021.
                                        ever greater expense in order to access           worldwide are certainly to be named here as
                                        further gold-bearing material. Some mines al-     the main reasons for the flight of many inves-
                                        ready reach depths of 4,000 meters and            tors into physical gold. Despite Corona-rela-                                                                        Summary:
                                        more.                                             ted production losses, demand from the tech-                                                                         While supply is expected to in-
                                                                                          nology sector was also strong, falling from                                                                          crease only marginally, demand is
                                        The gold content continues to decline stea-       326 to 302 tons from 2019 to 2020, but in                                                                            heading for a record high
                                        dily. Currently, gold deposits are still being    percentage terms far less than the jewelry
                                        exploited at an average of just over 1 gram of    sector. This showed that gold is increasingly                                                                        For 2020, there is a supply surplus of a full
                                        gold per ton of rock (g/t). However, there are    finding its way into the electromobility sector                                                                      873.5 tons due to Corona. In 2021, things will
                                        already indications that this mark will fall to   in particular. A circumstance which, in view of                                                                      be exciting on both the demand and the sup-
                                        below 0.9 g/t in a few years for deposits that    an incipient electric (mobility) revolution, is li-                                                                  ply side. A lack of supply in the form of
                                        have not yet been developed.                      kely to lead to continued strong growth in de-                                                                       high-grade new discoveries and increasingly
                                                                                          mand from the technology sector in the future.                                                                       cost-intensive, as it is more difficult to mine,
                                        A third point is the (lack of) discovery of new                                                                                                                        are likely to lead to only a marginal increase in
                                        deposits. While more than one billion ounces                                                                                                                           supply, if any at all. Assuming that the invest-
                                        of gold were discovered in the 1990s, from        Central banks no longer quite so                                          Goldjewelry from India (Source: pixabay)   ment sector picks up in terms of demand in
                                        2000 to 2014, only slightly more than 600 mil-    active                                                                                                               the second half of the year, record demand
                                        lion ounces were discovered. Since then, new                                                            Conclusion:                                                    can be expected from the jewelry sector in
                                        discoveries have once again plummeted. This       Central banks are back on the buying side af-         The jewelry sector has pent-up                                 particular, especially from India and China.
                                        is mainly due to the fact that gold producers     ter decades of selling gold since 2010. Thus,         demand in 2021, while the invest-                              The Asian nations in particular seem to have
                                        have concentrated primarily on reducing mi-       especially in 2018 and 2019, many central             ment sector is likely to remain at a                           realized that gold will continue to be the num-
                                        ning prices in recent years because of the        banks have increased their gold reserves.             high level of demand                                           ber one store of value in a future medium to
                                        continuing slump in gold prices. Particular sa-   First and foremost, Russia, but also Turkey,                                                                         high inflationary phase.
                                        vings were made in exploration, which led to      India, Poland, Egypt, Brazil and Kazakhstan           For 2021, there are indications of record de-
                                        the fact that hardly any larger deposits were     bought gold heavily in 2018 and 2019. Thus,           mand from the jewelry sector, as the decline
                                        discovered in recent years.                       central banks increased their gold reserves           in demand triggered by the Corona pande-
                                                                                          by 656.6 tons in 2018. This was 73% more              mic is likely to have been largely postponed

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Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
     The next upswing has already been initiated

     Platinum is not so much an investment ob-            Occurrence and extraction
     ject, but above all an important building ma-
     terial in the automotive industry. The sil-          Platinum occurs naturally in the form of ele-
     ver-gray metal is a chemical element with the        ments. Metallic platinum (platinum soap) is
     element symbol Pt and the atomic number              practically no longer mined today. Although a
     78.                                                  large proportion of the platinum mined is from
                                                          primary deposits in a few places, its extracti-
                [Xe] 4f145d96s1        78                 on as a by-product in the production of

                                                          non-ferrous metals (copper and nickel) is be-
                                                          coming increasingly important. There, the
                                                          platinum group metals are produced as a
                                                          by-product of nickel refining.
                   Melting Point 1768° C
                   Boiling Point 3827°C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Platinum-supply (blue)
                                                          Supply situation                                                                                                                                          and -demand (grey)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Source: own representation)
                                                          South Africa and Russia produce
     Main features: Forgeable, ductile,                   almost 80% of all platinum
     corrosion resistant.
                                                          There is extensive and significant primary pla-    recycling: 2.1 million ounces). In 2020, plati-     lytic converter construction. The jewelry indus-
     It has an extremely high density, but at the         tinum mining only in the Bushveld complex in       num supply fell to 6.53 million ounces (mi-         try demanded 1.58 million ounces. Demand
     same time it is very malleable and ductile. Its      South Africa, as well as in the Stillwater com-    ning: 4.88 million ounces, recycling: 1.64 mil-     from the rest of the industry reached 2.21 mil-
     gray-white color has fascinated people since         plex in Montana/USA and in Russia. 65.4% of        lion ounces). An increase in platinum produc-       lion ounces. The investment sector, whose de-
     time immemorial, probably also because pla-          the platinum mined worldwide came from             tion to the pre-crisis level in 2019 is currently   mand slumped from a net 361,000 ounces in
     tinum has remarkable corrosion resistance            South African mines in 2019. This was follo-       not in sight, as platinum extraction in South       2017 to only 67,000 ounces in 2018, experien-
     and therefore does not tarnish. Due to its high      wed by Russia with around 13.5%, and all           Africa in particular requires ever deeper and       ced a true renaissance in 2019, recording a
     durability, tarnish resistance and rarity, plati-    other countries with a total of around 20%.        therefore more expensive exploration, and a         real explosion in demand to 1.13 million oun-
     num is therefore particularly suitable for the       Overall, platinum mining is a relatively small     collapse in supply must be expected from            ces. Despite Corona, this trend was main-
     production of high-quality jewelry.                  sector, as, for example, only around 4.89 milli-   there in the coming years.                          tained, so that around 900,000 ounces of pla-
                                                          on ounces were produced in 2020.                                                                       tinum still flowed into the investment sector in
                                                                                                                                                                 2020. Overall, platinum demand fell from 2019
     Almost infinite uses                                                                                                                                        to 2020 by around 1.5 million ounces to 6.92
                                                          High recycling rate                                Demand situation                                    million ounces due to Corona. This results in a
     Platinum finds its way into a whole range of                                                                                                                supply deficit of around 390,000 ounces of
     very different applications. By far the most         Although a certain amount of gold is also recy-    Platinum has a hybrid function                      platinum for 2020, despite or precisely becau-
     common use of platinum is in the automotive          cled, recycling accounts for a very high                                                               se of Corona, and thus even more than in
     industry, where it is used in the form of auto       percentage of platinum. In 2020, for example,      Similar to silver, platinum has a kind of hybrid    2019, when a record supply deficit of 301,000
     catalysts. In addition to the classic diesel oxi-    about 1.64 million ounces were recovered           function. This means that about two-thirds of       ounces of platinum was achieved.
     dation catalysts, platinum is also increasingly      from recycling. Recycling thus accounted for       total platinum demand comes from industry,
     finding its way into catalysts in fuel cells or as   25.1% of the total platinum supply for the year.   while the rest comes primarily from the jewel-
     a substitute for the far more expensive palla-                                                          ry industry and from investors in the form of       Hydrogen storage technologies as
     dium, which could be an enormous demand                                                                 bars and coins.                                     future demand drivers
     driver in the future. The second major area of       Supply 2020 slumped
     application in industry is the chemical sector.                                                                                                             In South Africa, research is already being
     Platinum is also used in alloys, for glass pro-      Overall, the global platinum supply in 2020        Main demand:                                        conducted into innovative hydrogen storage
     duction (crucibles), in the electrical sector in     really collapsed due to Covid 19. While            automotive industry and jewelry                     technologies. Power generation with plati-
     resistors and for medical applications and           around 7.8 million ounces of platinum were         manufacturing – investment de-                      num catalysts is the big topic here. Cost-ef-
     equipment.                                           available in 2013 (of which around 5.8 million     mand very high despite Corona                       fective hydrogen storage systems for fuel cell
     Another large field of application is the jewelry    ounces came from mining and just under 2                                                               vehicles and portable applications are still
     industry, where platinum is often alloyed with       million ounces from recycling), around 8.2         In terms of figures, it is the automotive sector    dreams of the future, but China alone plans
     other metals, mainly gold. The fourth major          million ounces of platinum entered the open        that demanded the most platinum in 2020.            to produce two million hydrogen fuel cell ve-
     area is the investment sector.                       market in 2019 (mining: 6.1 million ounces,        2.22 million ounces were used mainly for cata-      hicles by 2030. In Germany, the world‘s first

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15
Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
Palladium: Higher is always possible!
                                                                                                                                             Palladium is a chemical element with the ele-        jewelry sector; here especially in combinati-
                                                                                                                                             ment symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is           on with gold, resulting in so-called white
                                                                                                                                             considered by many experts to be a substitu-         gold. Palladium is also used as an electrode
                                                                                                                                             te for platinum in several applications, mainly      material for fuel cells and as a contact mate-
                                                                                                                                             in the production of catalysts, as it is very si-    rial for relays.
                                                                                                                                             milar to platinum in chemical behavior.
       Platinumprice US$/oz
     (Source: JS by amChart)                                                                                                                                                                      Occurrence and extraction
                                                                                                                                                        [Kr] 4d105s0           46

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Metallic palladium and palladium-bearing al-
                               hydrogen fuel cell train has entered service.              Summary:                                                                                                loys are mainly found in river sediments as
                               A major platinum company is already inves-                 2020 is not a benchmark, but                                                                            geological placers, but these have been lar-
                               ting in the development of hydrogen com-                   overall, it continues to move                                                                           gely exploited. Today, most of it is extracted
                               pression technology together with Shell                    toward an ever-increasing supply                                 Melting Point 1828 K                   as a by-product from nickel and copper mi-
                               Technology. These so-called platinum elec-                 deficit                                                          Boiling Point 3233 K                   nes.
                               tric vehicles, as the name suggests, need                                                                                      PALLADIUM
                               platinum as their basic raw material.                      Although the past year 2020 cannot be taken
                                                                                          as a benchmark due to the effects of the Co-
                                                                                          rona pandemic (lower production combined           Main properties:                                     Supply situation
                                                                                          with lower demand from all sectors, but            Low melting point, reactive,
                                                                                          especially from the automotive and jewelry         absorbent.                                           South Africa and Russia dominate
                                                                                          sectors), it can be stated quite clearly that                                                           palladium mining
                                                                                          the gap between supply and demand is wi-           Palladium has the lowest melting point among
                                                                                          dening and will thus continue to fuel the pla-     the platinum metals and is also the most reac-       South Africa and Russia have emerged as
                                                                                          tinum price in the medium term (after it has       tive. At room temperature, it does not react         the clearly dominant palladium producing
                                                                                          already increased by around 50% since Oc-          with oxygen. It retains its metallic luster in air   nations in recent years. In 2020, Russia ac-
                                                                                          tober 2020). Platinum demand can already           and does not tarnish, which makes it interes-        counted for 44.2% of total production, follo-
                                                                                          be halfway met only because of the very lar-       ting for jewelry and, to a lesser extent, for the    wed by South Africa with 31.4%. Most of the
                                                                                          ge share of platinum recycling in total supply.    investment sector. Its low melting point makes       remaining palladium production was shared
                                                                                          The recycling rate has recently risen again        it easier to process than platinum. Palladium        by the USA and Canada. Overall, platinum
                                                                                          somewhat and could accelerate again in             also has the highest absorption capacity of all      mining is a relatively small sector, with only
                                                                                          view of the millions of diesel vehicles ready      elements for hydrogen. At room temperature,          around 6.2 million ounces produced per year.
                                                                                          for scrapping. If the fuel cell becomes estab-     it can bind up to 3,000 times its own volume.
                                                                                          lished in the automotive industry alongside
                                                                                          the purely electric car, an increase in demand                                                          High recycling rate
                                                                                          can be expected from there. This will also be      Main applications:
                                                                                          the case for platinum producers, who are           Exhaust gas catalysts, alloys,                       Similar to platinum, a large recycling quota
                                                                                          now focusing strongly on substituting plati-       electrode materials.                                 for palladium also helps to meet most of the
                                                                                          num for palladium thanks to the large price                                                             demand. In 2020, a total of 3.12 million oun-
                                                                                          difference. Corresponding areas of applicati-      Finely divided, palladium is an excellent ca-        ces of palladium were recycled. This was
                                                                                          on are already out of the development stage        talyst for accelerating chemical reactions, in       33.6% of the total palladium supply.
                                                                                          and are in the mass application phase. Much        particular for the addition and elimination of
                                                                                          also stands and falls with the investment          hydrogen and for cracking hydrocarbons. By
                                                                                          sector, which is returning to its old strength,    far the most important application for palladi-      Supply decreases
                                                                                          also due to the currently still too low platinum   um is thus in the field of exhaust gas catalys-
                                                                                          price. From July 2020 to March 2021 alone,         ts for gasoline engines. About 86% of the            Palladium supply has shown stable to decli-
                                                                                          for example, the global platinum ETFs recor-       palladium demanded in 2020 was for cata-             ning trends over the past three years, accele-
                                                                                          ded an increase of 500,000 ounces to a re-         lytic converter construction. Furthermore,           rated by Corona-related production cuts, due
                                                   (Source:   cord value of 3.8 million ounces.                  palladium is frequently used for alloys in the       to three key factors.

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Precious Metals Report 2021 - Everything you need to know about gold, platinum and palladium! - Swiss Resource Capital AG
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