The Initial Evaluation of Patients After Positive Newborn Screening: Recommended Algorithms Leading to a Confirmed Diagnosis of Pompe Disease

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The Initial Evaluation of Patients After Positive Newborn Screening: Recommended Algorithms Leading to a Confirmed Diagnosis of Pompe Disease
The Initial Evaluation of Patients
After Positive Newborn Screening:
Recommended Algorithms Leading to a
Confirmed Diagnosis of Pompe Disease
Barbara K. Burton, MD,a David F. Kronn, MD,b Wuh-Liang Hwu, MD, PhD,c Priya S. Kishnani, MD,d
on behalf of the Pompe Disease Newborn Screening Working Group

               abstract               Newborn screening (NBS) for Pompe disease is done through analysis of acid α-glucosidase
                                      (GAA) activity in dried blood spots. When GAA levels are below established cutoff values,
                                      then second-tier testing is required to confirm or refute a diagnosis of Pompe disease. This
                                      article in the “Newborn Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment for Pompe Disease” guidance
                                      supplement provides recommendations for confirmatory testing after a positive NBS result
                                      indicative of Pompe disease is obtained. Two algorithms were developed by the Pompe
                                      Disease Newborn Screening Working Group, a group of international experts on both NBS
                                      and Pompe disease, based on whether DNA sequencing is performed as part of the screening
                                      method. Using the recommendations in either algorithm will lead to 1 of 3 diagnoses: classic
                                      infantile-onset Pompe disease, late-onset Pompe disease, or no disease/not affected/carrier.
                                      Mutation analysis of the GAA gene is essential for confirming the biochemical diagnosis
                                      of Pompe disease. For NBS laboratories that do not have DNA sequencing capabilities, the
                                      responsibility of obtaining sequencing of the GAA gene will fall on the referral center. The
                                      recommendations for confirmatory testing and the initial evaluation are intended for a
                                      broad global audience. However, the Working Group recognizes that clinical practices,
                                      standards of care, and resource capabilities vary not only regionally, but also by testing
                                      centers. Individual patient needs and health status as well as local/regional insurance
                                      reimbursement programs and regulations also must be considered.

aDepartment of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and the Division of Genetics, Birth Defects, and Metabolism, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital,

Chicago, Illinois; bDepartment of Pathology and Pediatrics, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York; cDepartment of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics, National Taiwan University
Hospital, and National Taiwan College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan; and dDivision of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

All authors analyzed and interpreted the data, critically reviewed and revised the manuscript, and approved the final manuscript as submitted; all authors are
members of the Pompe Disease Newborn Screening Working Group and have experience in newborn screening and in treating and caring for patients with Pompe
disease; and all authors provided input and reviewed and approved the content for all articles of the supplement.
Accepted for publication Mar 8, 2017
Address correspondence to Priya S. Kishnani, MD, Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, 595 LaSalle St, Durham, NC
27710. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

  The guidelines/recommendations in this article are not American Academy of Pediatrics policy, and publication herein does not imply endorsement. 2017;

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SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE                                                                                       PEDIATRICS Volume 140, Number s1, July 2017:e20160280
Delays in the clinical diagnosis of              reports from the newborn screening               with decreased GAA activity in the
Pompe disease are frequent due                   (NBS) pilot program in Taiwan, when              blood (leukocytes, DBSs, isolated
to the rarity of the disorder, its               compared with patients with classic              lymphocytes) or another tissue with
heterogeneous clinical presentation,             IOPD diagnosed clinically, where                 the presence of 2 known pathogenic
and overlap of signs and symptoms                delays in diagnosis clearly lead to              GAA variants in trans. A probable
with other neuromuscular disorders.              a more guarded prognosis.2,3 With                diagnosis of Pompe disease can be
These delays range from a few                    LOPD, patients diagnosed early in                made if there is decreased enzyme
months in patients with classic                  the presymptomatic phase of the                  activity, but molecular studies are
infantile-onset Pompe disease (IOPD)             disorder will benefit from avoiding              ambiguous due to the presence of
to many years in patients with                   the many years of diagnostic odyssey             molecular variants of unknown
late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD).                 they follow after they present with              significance (VUS). In IOPD, the
A published analysis of data from                signs and symptoms of LOPD. Patients             presence of clinical findings of Pompe
1003 patients in the Pompe Registry              identified through NBS can be started            disease in the presence of decreased
reported diagnostic delays of 1.4                on ERT when there is early evidence of           enzyme activity is a confirmation
months in patients with classic                  disease progression.                             of diagnosis. In cases of LOPD
IOPD, 12.6 years among non-classic               NBS for Pompe disease is done                    where there is confirmed decreased
infantile and juvenile patients, and             through analysis of GAA enzyme                   enzymatic activity, patients will
6 years for patients with LOPD.1                 activity in dried blood spots (DBSs). If         need to be managed closely for the
With the availability of enzyme                  levels of GAA are found to be normal,            development of signs or symptoms
replacement therapy (ERT) with                   then the patient is classified as                of disease, even when molecular
alglucosidase alfa (recombinant                  unaffected and no additional testing             changes are known because there is
human acid α-glucosidase [rhGAA])                is required or performed. If the GAA             considerable variation in how and
for Pompe disease and new                        levels are below established cutoff              when patients will present.
treatments on the horizon, timely and            values, molecular testing of the GAA             Sometimes in patients suspected
accurate diagnosis can lead to early             gene may be performed on second-                 to have LOPD, only 1 pathogenic
initiation of ERT before the onset               tier screening.                                  variant is found along with low
of irreversible pathologic changes.
                                                 Here, 2 algorithms for confirmatory              GAA activity. In these cases, if
Classic IOPD is rapidly progressive,
                                                 testing that will confirm or refute              the low GAA level is not due to a
and any delay can have a negative
                                                 a diagnosis of Pompe disease are                 pseudodeficiency allele, which can
impact on outcomes. Even in cases
                                                 provided, based on whether DNA                   cause low GAA activity measured in
of LOPD that are considered to be
                                                 sequencing is performed by the                   enzyme assays, but is not associated
in the early stages of the disease
                                                 NBS laboratory (Figs 1 and 2). The               with Pompe disease, then measuring
clinically, there often is significant
                                                 confirmatory testing discussed                   GAA activity in another sample (eg,
damage to the muscles as noted by
                                                 includes recommended clinical                    blood, fibroblasts, or muscle biopsy
studies such as whole-body MRI
                                                 and laboratory procedures. The                   tissue) may be necessary to confirm a
and muscle ultrasound. Thus, any
                                                 recommendations for confirmatory                 diagnosis.4,5
delay in treatment initiation can be
significant, even for cases that are             testing after a positive NBS result              Nomenclature for classifications of
felt to be identified early or those in          and the 2 algorithms were developed              patients with Pompe disease has
which the patients appear to be in               by the Pompe Disease Newborn                     been problematic, confusing, and
good clinical condition.                         Screening Working Group, a group                 used inconsistently and variably in
                                                 of international experts on both NBS             the published literature and within
                                                 and Pompe disease.                               the medical community. Pompe
NEWBORN SCREENING AND POMPE                      These guidelines and                             disease must be considered as a
DISEASE                                          recommendations do not necessarily               continuum of disease that varies
In March 2015, the US Secretary of               reflect the policy of the American               by age of onset, symptoms, organ
Health and Human Services decided                Academy of Pediatrics, and                       involvement, and degree of muscle
to adopt the Advisory Committee on               publication herein does not imply                involvement and pathology.6–8 The
Heritable Disorders in Newborn and               endorsement.                                     subtypes of Pompe disease are not
Children recommendation to add                                                                    always clearly delineated based
Pompe disease to the Recommended                                                                  on age at presentation because of
Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP).                  WHAT CONSTITUTES A DIAGNOSIS OF                  the heterogeneous nature of the
Early detection of patients with classic         POMPE DISEASE?                                   disease. Clinical presentation and
IOPD and initiation of ERT have clear            Ideally, a diagnosis of Pompe                    manifestations, therefore, also
benefits as seen in these patients in            disease is confirmed in a patient                must be carefully considered and

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, Number s1, July 2017                                                                                             S15
Diagnostic algorithm for Pompe disease with DNA sequencing as part of the NBS laboratory protocol. Modified from the New York Mid-Atlantic Consortium
for Genetic and Newborn Screening Services (NYMAC) Pompe Disease NBS Symposium 2013. a Obtain as a baseline for monitoring response to treatment;
can also be postponed until a definitive diagnosis is obtained. b The diagnosis of LOPD based on enzymatic and molecular analyses remains a clinical
challenge, because these patients by definition will be normal at the time of diagnosis. Patients will need to be followed closely for the development of
clinical signs and symptoms; however, currently, we do not know if all patients with enzymatic and molecular variants suggesting LOPD will actually go
on to develop disease. Patients with low GAA activity and molecular variants in trans previously identified in patients with LOPD will be at very high risk of
developing LOPD, although patients with low GAA activity and molecular variants not previously identified have less certain clinical outcomes. There are
also patients with low GAA activity above the range seen in previous LOPD patients with VUS (not a pseudodeficiency allele) who will need to be followed for
possible LOPD. In situations where greater ambiguity exists, analysis in another tissue, as noted, may help to more clearly delineate the patients’ disease
status. c Includes VUS with borderline low GAA activity.

evaluated when classifying diagnosed                  In patients with classic IOPD, there                  Wolff-Parkinson-White can develop
patients.                                             is minimal variability in the clinical                over time. The most prominent
                                                      phenotype as is seen and expected                     manifestation in LOPD is progressive
IOPD                                                  across the rest of the Pompe disease                  muscle weakness (neck, trunk,
                                                      spectrum.4,12 For most patients,                      arms, legs, and diaphragm).9,14,15
Throughout this article, classic IOPD                 follow-up testing will be done by DBS                 It must be recognized that there
will be used to describe infantile-                   or lymphocyte/leukocyte assay.13                      are other clinical presentations for
onset patients with cardiomyopathy.                   Few will have a skin biopsy as                        patients with LOPD.16 Patients with
The signs and symptoms in patients                    follow-up testing.
                                                                                                            LOPD generally have GAA enzyme
with symptom onset at ≤12 months
                                                                                                            activity levels that are 2% to 40% of
of age typically include prominent                    LOPD                                                  normal values in skin fibroblasts.9,17,18
cardiac involvement (cardiomegaly/
                                                                                                            Although unexpectedly low GAA
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy),                         In older children and adults (age of
                                                                                                            activity levels 12 months),
and hypotonia, delays in motor                        significant cardiac involvement                       noted in adults with Pompe disease,17
development, respiratory distress,                    is usually not observed, and in                       GAA activity levels >1% generally
feeding problems, and failure to                      the vast majority, there is no                        have not been noted in patients with
thrive.4,8–11 Patients with classic                   cardiac involvement. However,                         classic IOPD. Some patients have
IOPD have absent or low GAA activity                  cardiac involvement in the form                       symptom onset at ≤12 months of age
in DBS or lymphocyte specimens.                       of cardiac hypertrophy and heart                      but without cardiomyopathy. These
In skin fibroblast assays, classic                    rhythm disturbances, such as                          patients are often referred to as
IOPD patients have
diagnosis. Recommendations
                                                                                                     for good laboratory practices for
                                                                                                     biochemical genetic testing and NBS
                                                                                                     have been published by the Centers
                                                                                                     for Disease Control and Prevention
                                                                                                     and should be consulted.25

                                                                                                     Blood Assays
                                                                                                     Advances in diagnostic capabilities
                                                                                                     and laboratory methodology that
                                                                                                     measure GAA activity in blood
                                                                                                     (eg, enzyme assays by using DBSs,
                                                                                                     purified lymphocytes, and mixed
                                                                                                     leukocytes) have been developed.
                                                                                                     These assays are less invasive, more
                                                                                                     rapid, and easier to standardize
                                                                                                     than diagnostic methods measuring
                                                                                                     enzymatic activity in other tissues
                                                                                                     that have been used in the past.
                                                                                                     DBS samples are more stable than
                                                                                                     whole-blood samples. Measuring
FIGURE 2                                                                                             GAA activity in DBS samples is
Diagnostic algorithm for Pompe disease without DNA sequencing as part of the NBS laboratory          therefore valuable for the diagnosis
protocol. When pathogenic variants are detected, parental DNA analysis is recommended to confirm      of Pompe disease.26 Recent results
presence of variants in trans. a Blood-based assays include DBSs, purified lymphocytes, and mixed     have supported its reliability and
leukocyte assay methods. b Obtain as a baseline for monitoring response to treatment; can also
be postponed until a definitive diagnosis is obtained. c Need to ensure assay is being done in a      sensitivity.18 Many laboratories offer
laboratory with appropriate enzyme assay experience and capabilities and that the patient has not    lymphocyte assay of GAA from whole-
received a blood transfusion or other interventions that would result in normal GAA enzyme levels.   blood specimens. The sampling,
                                                                                                     shipping, and handling requirements
Cardiac involvement can occur,                     used to confirm a diagnosis of Pompe              of the testing laboratory must be
however, in some of these cases.19                 disease. These assays measure                     followed carefully for these samples.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,                       GAA enzyme activity in blood,                     However, enzymatic analysis is not
once thought to be limited only to                 cultured skin fibroblasts, or muscle              sufficient to confirm a diagnosis.2,27–29
patients with classic IOPD is being                biopsy specimens.4,18,22–24 Each has              A molecular test is needed to confirm
reported in patients who do not fall               associated benefits and drawbacks.                the diagnosis made by GAA
into the classic IOPD category.20,21               Because availability and standard                 activity.4,24,26,29,30 It is important
In this article, LOPD will be used for             practice are variable across different            to note that enzymatic analysis,
all patients diagnosed with Pompe                  geographic regions, not all methods               for example, in lymphocytes, is
disease other than those with classic              may be options for all laboratories.              generally less specific than results
IOPD and includes patients with                    Factors that need to be considered                obtained with skin fibroblasts, and
onset of symptoms at ≤12 months of                 when evaluating the results of GAA                so there can be a “gray zone” of
age without cardiomyopathy or with                 enzymatic activity testing include the            enzyme activity where one cannot
cardiac involvement (non-classic                   presence of a pseudodeficiency allele             differentiate classic IOPD from LOPD.
infantile-onset disease) and juvenile              that can alter the residual enzyme
and adult patients traditionally                   level in a screened infant and the                Skin Fibroblast Assays
classified as LOPD.                                possibility that the assay conditions             Measuring enzyme activity in skin
                                                   and procedures may not be optimal,                fibroblasts has long been the gold
                                                   leading to false-positive results. It is          standard for measuring GAA activity.
COMPONENTS OF SECOND-TIER                          therefore essential that molecular                An advantage of the skin fibroblast
CONFIRMATORY TESTING                               genetic analysis be done to confirm               assay is that it provides an accurate
                                                   or rule out a diagnosis of Pompe                  determination of residual enzyme
Enzyme-Based Assays
                                                   disease in the presence of low GAA                activity. Also, with appropriate
Biochemical assays used to                         activity and to ensure that treatment             informed consent, samples can
demonstrate deficient GAA enzyme                   with ERT is not started in patients               be banked and made available for
activity are the standard methods                  without a confirmed molecular                     future use if and when needed.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, Number s1, July 2017                                                                                                S17
Skin fibroblasts also allow for             Disease Laboratory of the Duke                 Confirmation of variants in trans
determination of the cross-reactive         University Biochemical Genetics                requires parental testing to confirm
immunologic material (CRIM)                 Laboratory. Detailed information               the phase of the variants. In cases
status.4,24,26 However, with the            about sample requirements,                     of classic IOPD, prediction of CRIM
availability of molecular testing and       testing, and shipping can be found             status is possible with genotyping
its ability to predict CRIM status, the     at                alone in close to 92% cases.4,5,24,37
skin fibroblast assay is not needed         divisions/medical-genetics/
                                                                                           The nature and site of the 2 variants
in most cases. Skin biopsy should           biochemical-genetics-laboratory/
                                                                                           in the GAA gene typically predict a
only be considered as a second-tier         glycogen-storage-disease-laboratory.
                                                                                           patient’s clinical course. Sometimes,
diagnostic tool when indeterminate
                                                                                           only 1 previously identified
results have been obtained by other         Non–Enzyme-based Confirmatory
                                            Methods                                        variant is found coupled with a
methods and when a patient has 1
                                                                                           novel, unclassified sequence VUS,
variant and low enzyme activity in
                                            Genotyping/Variant Analysis                    thus complicating the diagnosis
blood and assay of enzyme activity in
                                                                                           of Pompe disease. More than 400
another tissue is needed to confirm         Variant analysis of the GAA gene
                                                                                           pathogenic variants have been
a diagnosis. The time required to           is essential for confirming the
                                                                                           identified, in addition to numerous
culture skin fibroblasts to obtain          biochemical diagnosis of Pompe
                                                                                           polymorphisms and VUSs in the GAA
enough material for adequate                disease. A diagnosis is usually
                                                                                           gene. Pseudodeficiency alleles have
enzyme assay can be 4 to 6 weeks,           confirmed by documentation of
                                                                                           also been described. A database
which is too long to allow early            2 known pathogenic variants in
                                                                                           with a list of these variants (the
initiation of treatment in classic IOPD     trans identified through full gene
                                                                                           Pompe Center Mutation Database,
and limits the usefulness of this test      sequencing. In some instances,
                                                                                           Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam,
in the infantile setting.                   however, only 1 variant is detected
                                                                                           Netherlands) can be found at http://
                                            because the second variant could be
Muscle Biopsy Assays                                                             
                                            a deletion or duplication or could
                                                                                           pompe/mutations.html. Additionally,
GAA activity can also be measured           reside in a promoter region or deep
                                                                                           a database listing GAA gene variants
in fresh muscle tissue obtained             in the intron. In these cases, it is
                                                                                           (Duke Children’s Hospital and Health
by biopsy. Histologic examination           necessary to use other methods
                                                                                           Center) identified in CRIM-negative
may reveal the abnormal glycogen            to confirm a diagnosis, such as
                                                                                           patients with Pompe disease is
accumulation that is typical of the         measuring GAA enzymatic activity
                                                                                           available at https://pediatrics.duke.
disease. Although it provides reliable      in another tissue. This is especially
results, muscle biopsy is no longer         important in patients with LOPD.
recommended for confirmatory                Although current genetic testing is a
                                                                                           database.pdf. The lists continue to
testing because it is invasive and          reliable means for identifying IOPD
                                                                                           expand each year as new variants are
adds unnecessary discomfort for             patients, data for patients with LOPD
patients. The related risks associated      or not affected by the disease are
with the need for anesthesia also           less certain. Many new genotypes               The role of gene sequencing in NBS
must be considered, particularly in         are being identified through NBS               continues to expand. One laboratory
infants who have classic IOPD.4,24,26       with unclear phenotypes, making it             with DBS sequencing capabilities
Because of the variable and                 difficult to determine the percentage          can now have target turnaround
heterogeneous muscle involvement,           of cases not correctly identified              times (TATs) of 2 to 3 days. Variant
muscle histology cannot be used as a        through molecular genetic testing.             analysis can be done at the same
sole method of diagnosis, particularly      Only close and continued follow-up             time as the DBS is retested for GAA
for the juvenile or adult patient           will help to resolve these cases.              activity measurement to serve
in whom the extent of glycogen              Variant analysis is particularly               as a second-tier screening test.
accumulation is less and more               important in confirmatory testing for          Consistency has been demonstrated
variable than in the patient with           detecting a pseudodeficiency allele or         between measurements of GAA
IOPD.26,29 If muscle biopsies are done,     alleles, which can produce misleading          activity in DBSs and gene sequencing
it is important that they are handled       low levels of GAA activity and lead to         results. The latter is important for
by laboratories with experience with        false-positive results. Confirmatory           identification of pseudodeficiency
Pompe disease and with capabilities         testing is especially important among          allele(s) and determination of CRIM
to perform appropriate histologic           the Asian population in which the              status so that appropriate follow-up
analyses and recognize potential            GAA pseudodeficiency allele is seen            can be planned and unnecessary
hallmarks of the disorder,31–34             at a higher frequency (up to 4%)               screening avoided.38 A TAT of 2 to 3
such as the Glycogen Storage                compared with white populations.35,36          days for sequencing is necessary to

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S18                                                                                                                     BURTON et al
avoid delays in initiating treatment             values do not exclude a diagnosis of             assays. Increases in Hex4 are often
in cases of classic IOPD, for which              LOPD39 because ∼5% of patients with              noted to precede muscle weakness
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is                   LOPD have normal CK levels.22,40,41              and, as such, Hex4 is a sensitive
usually present by birth. A fast TAT                                                              marker of disease activity in patients.
is especially important in states                Other Serum Enzymes                              However, careful assessments by
where GAA sequencing is not part                 AST, ALT, and, to a lesser extent,               a trained physical therapist can
of the NBS second-tier test. Parents             lactate dehydrogenase serve as                   often capture subtle changes that
should provide informed consent for              serum enzyme biomarkers of muscle                are missed by motor milestone
testing because nonpaternity can be              damage in Pompe disease. AST                     assessments. Patients with LOPD
detected through molecular genetic               levels typically are higher than those           who eventually need treatment tend
testing. Depending on the geographic             of ALT. As is true of CK, levels of              to have Hex4 levels at the upper level
location, written consent may be                 these enzymes occasionally may be                of normal or above, suggesting that
required.                                        within normal limits in patients with            Hex4 levels, combined with other
                                                 LOPD.13                                          laboratory results (such as CK, AST,
Laboratory Analyses                                                                               and ALT) and the patient’s clinical
In addition to measuring GAA
                                                 Urine Hexose Tetrasaccharide                     picture can be useful in cases of
enzyme activity and gene sequencing,             Glc4 has been found to be elevated               LOPD.
there are a number of serum enzyme               in both urine and plasma in patients
biomarkers that are indicative of                with Pompe disease. Measurements
tissue damage, including creatine                in urine are more reliable and easier            Cardiac Evaluation
kinase (CK), CK-MB, aspartate                    to obtain for follow-up. Glc4 can
aminotransferase (AST), and alanine              also be measured in urine as the                 Assessments for cardiac
aminotransferase (ALT), and urine                total hexose tetrasaccharide (Hex4)              involvement (eg, cardiomegaly and
biomarkers, including urine glucose              fraction, a breakdown product of                 cardiomyopathy) are necessary for
tetrasaccharide (Glc4), that can be              glycogen. Here, Glc4 measurements                diagnosis of patients with classic
helpful when trying to establish a               will be reported as Hex4. Hex4 serves            IOPD and for distinguishing them
diagnosis in a patient with a positive           as a useful biomarker of glycogen                from patients with LOPD (including
NBS result for Pompe disease.13,39               storage, which is helpful in assessing           non-classic IOPD). Components of
However, clinicians need to bear                 severity and overall disease burden              the cardiac evaluation should include
in mind that although helpful                    and may be useful as an adjunctive               an electrocardiogram (ECG) and
diagnostically, these findings are               diagnostic biomarker in infants with             echocardiogram (ECHO). Where
not specific to Pompe disease and                a positive newborn screen. Levels of             cardiac evaluation is not immediately
individually have limited prognostic             excretion are higher in infants and              available, a chest radiograph
value.                                           those with significant disease burden            looking for an enlarged cardiac
                                                 and are correlated with muscle                   shadow may be a useful initial
Serum CK                                         biopsy glycogen content. Hex4 is also            evaluation. Although not typically
Serum CK is uniformly elevated                   useful for monitoring the clinical               seen in patients with LOPD, cardiac
in patients with classic IOPD and                response to treatment.13,43 Although             involvement is starting to be found
in children and juveniles with                   also elevated in other glycogen                  more frequently in patients who do
symptomatic Pompe disease and                    storage disorders, diagnostically,               not have classic IOPD.4,45,46 Typical
therefore is an important part of                Hex4 is close to 100% sensitive in               findings during cardiac evaluation
confirmatory testing. CK elevation               identifying patients with classic                for Pompe disease are summarized
is a sensitive although nonspecific              IOPD. This was confirmed by Chien                in Table 1. If cardiomyopathy is
marker of muscle damage.22,40,41                 et al44 who reported baseline urinary            present at the initial evaluation,
For example, in the NBS setting, CK              Hex4 concentrations in patients                  this confirms the infant has classic
levels may be falsely elevated as a              with classic IOPD, LOPD, and a                   IOPD, and CRIM status should be
result of trauma associated with                 pseudodeficiency allele identified               determined as quickly as possible
birth. A more significant elevation is           through NBS in Taiwan. Baseline                  before initiation of ERT. If the results
usually found in patients with classic           Hex4 was not elevated in the LOPD                of the cardiac evaluation are normal,
IOPD.42 Elevated CK levels may be                and GAA pseudodeficiency cohorts                 then the diagnosis of LOPD is more
the only manifestation in patients               but was elevated in the patients                 likely, although some patients with
with “asymptomatic” LOPD, but data               with classic IOPD. Negative results              non-classic IOPD have developed
on the age at which CK levels rise in            therefore may be helpful in ruling out           cardiomyopathy after several
presymptomatic patients are lacking              the diagnosis of classic IOPD when               months.19–21 Therefore, patients with
at this time. However, normal CK                 combined with results of enzyme                  low enzyme activity will have to be

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, Number s1, July 2017                                                                                            S19
TABLE 1 Cardiac Evaluations and Findings20,45,46                                                                                 radiograph, ECG, and ECHO, must
Evaluation                                                   Characteristic Findings                                             be performed to detect classic
                                              Classic IOPD                                             LOPD                      IOPD immediately. Where cardiac
                                                                                                                                 evaluation capabilities are limited,
ECG                     Large and tall QRS complex                                   Abnormalities, if present, less
                                                                                       severe than in IOPD                       valuable information can be obtained
                        Some have short PR interval                                                                              from just a chest radiograph and
                        Delta wave due to WPW, or other aberrant                                                                 ECG. Blood GAA activity needs to be
                           pathways                                                                                              measured to confirm GAA deficiency.
ECHO                    Cardiac involvement always detected. However,                Cardiac involvement generally
                           in NBS, LVM/LVMI may be just above the ULN;                 not detected, and, if present,
                           therefore, if LVM/ LVMI is normal, but there is             is much less severe than that
                           a high suspicion of involvement, a follow-up                seen in IOPD                              SUMMARY
                           ECHO is needed
                        Evidence of significant hypertrophic                          Cardiomyopathy typically not                The objective of the initial patient
                           cardiomyopathy                                               evident in LOPD but LV/cardiac           evaluation after a positive NBS
                                                                                        hypertrophy may be present in            result is to establish or refute the
                                                                                        some patients, especially those          diagnosis of Pompe disease and to
                                                                                        with non-classic IOPD
                                                                                                                                 categorize patients accurately. Once
                        Reduced left ventricular function (ie, EF and SF)            Increased LVMI
                           in later stages; hyperdynamic state usually                                                           these are established, it is then up to
                           seen in initial stages                                                                                the clinicians to determine whether
                        Increased LVM/LVMI and LVOT obstruction                      Reduced left ventricular function           the patient should be referred for
                                                                                       (ie, EF and SF) as cardiac                immediate treatment with ERT or
                                                                                       disease progresses
                                                                                                                                 should go into follow-up without
Chest radiograph        Enlarged cardiac shadow                                      Usually normal
                        Cardiomegaly                                                                                             treatment. Clearly patients with
                                                                                                                                 classic IOPD should be referred
EF, ejection fraction; LVM, left ventricular mass; LVMI, left ventricular mass index; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; SF,
systolic fraction; ULN, upper limit of normal; WPW, Wolff-Parkinson-White.                                                       for treatment with ERT. All other
                                                                                                                                 patients should be managed
managed closely for onset of cardiac                              POMPE DIAGNOSTIC ALGORITHM                                     closely, especially by monitoring
involvement.                                                      WITHOUT DNA SEQUENCING AS PART                                 the attainment of motor milestones
                                                                  OF NBS LABORATORY PROTOCOL                                     for any evidence of delays that may
                                                                                                                                 signify the onset of clinical LOPD.
                                                                  The algorithm in Fig 2 provides
POMPE DISEASE DIAGNOSTIC                                          recommendations for the stepwise
ALGORITHM WITH DNA SEQUENCING AS                                                                                                 The Main Challenges
                                                                  diagnostic evaluation that should
                                                                  be followed when variant analysis/                             The recommendations for
The algorithm in Fig 1 provides                                   DNA sequencing is not available as                             confirmatory testing and initial
recommendations for the stepwise                                  part of the NBS laboratory protocol.                           evaluation provided in this article for
diagnostic evaluation that should be                              For NBS laboratories that do not                               a broad global audience are based on
followed when mutation analysis/                                  have DNA sequencing capabilities,                              the clinical experience and expertise
DNA sequencing is available as part                               the responsibility for obtaining                               of the members of the Pompe Disease
of the NBS laboratory protocol.                                   sequencing of the GAA gene will fall                           Newborn Screening Working Group,
Recommended evaluations based on                                  on the referral center. Typically, the                         who are involved in the screening
a combination of low GAA activity                                 results of sequencing will not be                              and care of patients with Pompe
and the presence or absence of GAA                                available as quickly in this setting.                          disease and who are all coauthors
variants is provided. When followed,                              A TAT of 2 to 3 days for sequencing                            on sections in this NBS guidance
this algorithm will lead to 1 of 3                                results is ideal. The clinicians                               supplement. However, the Working
diagnoses:                                                        responsible for the follow-up of                               Group recognizes that clinical
                                                                  patients in these settings should                              practices, standards of care, and
• Classic IOPD                                                    consider contacting laboratories                               resource capabilities vary regionally
• LOPD (for all patients with a                                   that have experience with GAA                                  and by testing centers. Confirmatory
   confirmed diagnosis who are not                                gene sequencing and pathogenic                                 testing recommendations need to be
   classified as having classic IOPD,                             variants to explore faster TATs in                             in harmony with state or regional
   and includes patients with non-                                light of the crucial need for quick                            protocols, which are dependent
   classic IOPD and with LOPD)                                    results. The diagnosis of classic IOPD                         on local resources. Also, individual
                                                                  cannot be delayed by waiting for                               patient needs and health status must
• No disease/not affected/carrier/                                the sequencing result. Therefore,                              be considered along with local/
   pseudodeficiency.                                              cardiac evaluation, ideally by chest                           regional insurance reimbursement

                                             Downloaded from by guest on November 4, 2021
S20                                                                                                                                                            BURTON et al
programs and regulations. Therefore,                  [time of the study]) and Shire                         of Washington (Seattle, WA); and
the recommendations should serve                      (Lexington, MA [current affiliation]);                 Kathryn J. Swoboda, Massachusetts
as guidance rather than as set or                     Olaf Bodamer, MD, PhD, Boston                          General Hospital (Boston, MA).
standard practices. Understandably,                   Children’s Hospital (Boston, MA);                      We thank Zsuzsanna Devecseri, MD,
adaptations will be needed and                        Barbara K. Burton, MD, Northwestern                    MBA, Joan Keutzer, PhD, and Susan E.
expected based on region-specific                     University Feinberg School of                          Sparks, MD, PhD, of Sanofi Genzyme
practices and capabilities.                           Medicine, and Ann & Robert H. Lurie                    for critical review of the manuscript
Pompe disease is a continuum                          Children's Hospital (Chicago, IL);                     and Marianne B. Zajdel of Sanofi
of disease, and our knowledge                         Debra Day-Salvatore, MD, St Peter’s                    Genzyme for medical writing support.
about it continues to improve                         University Hospital (New Brunswick,
as new information becomes                            NJ); Roberto Giugliani, MD, PhD,
available in both the clinical and                    Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre                      ABBREVIATIONS
laboratory settings. Therefore, the                   and Federal University of Rio Grande
                                                                                                                ALT: alanine aminotransferase
recommendations provided here are                     do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil); Wuh-
                                                                                                                AST: aspartate aminotransferase
based on our current knowledge and                    Liang Hwu, MD, PhD, National
                                                                                                                CK: creatine kinase
experience. Because we are currently                  Taiwan University Hospital, and
                                                                                                                CRIM: cross-reactive immuno-
in a dynamic phase in the field of NBS                National Taiwan University College
                                                                                                                        logic material
and lysosomal storage disorders,                      of Medicine (Taipei, Taiwan); Simon
                                                                                                                DBS: dried blood spot
recommendations will likely change                    A. Jones, MBChB, BSc, MRCPCH, St
                                                                                                                ECG: electrocardiogram
as we learn more about Pompe                          Mary’s Hospital, Central Manchester
                                                                                                                ECHO: echocardiogram
disease and as technology advances                    University Hospitals NHS Foundation
                                                                                                                ERT: enzyme replacement
and innovations occur over time.                      Trust, Manchester Academic Health
                                                      Science Centre, University of
Thus, we expect the need to revisit                                                                             GAA: acid α-glucosidase
and revise these recommendations as                   Manchester (Manchester, UK); Priya
                                                                                                                Glc4: glucose tetrasaccharide
appropriate in the next 3 to 5 years.                 S. Kishnani, MD, Duke University
                                                                                                                Hex4: hexose tetrasaccharide
                                                      (Durham, NC); David F. Kronn, MD,
                                                                                                                IOPD: infantile-onset Pompe
                                                      New York Medical College, Valhalla,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                                                                        disease
                                                      NY; Kimitoshi Nakamura, MD, PhD,
                                                                                                                LOPD: late-onset Pompe disease
The members of the Pompe Disease                      Kumamoto University (Kumamoto,
                                                                                                                NBS: newborn screening
Newborn Screening Working Group                       Japan); Torayuki Okuyama, MD, PhD,
                                                                                                                TAT: turnaround time
(in alphabetical order) are as follows:               National Center for Child Health
                                                                                                                VUS: variant of unknown
Andrea Atherton, MS, CGC, Children’s                  and Development (Tokyo, Japan);
Mercy Hospital (Kansas City, MO                       C. Ronald Scott, MD, University

FUNDING: Sanofi Genzyme (Cambridge, MA) facilitated and provided financial support for the meeting of the Pompe Disease Newborn Screening Working Group to
discuss and develop the recommendations provided in all articles comprising the “Newborn Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment for Pompe Disease” guidance
supplement and also paid for editorial and writing support for this supplement. The recommendations and opinions expressed in this article and in all others in
the Supplement are those of the authors based on their clinical expertise and experience and do not necessarily reflect those of Sanofi Genzyme.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Barbara Burton, MD, received funding for clinical trials from Sanofi Genzyme, Biomarin, Shire, Synageva, and Ultragenyx, and
honoraria and/or consulting fees from Sanofi Genzyme, Biomarin, Shire, Hyperion, Alexion, and ReGenX Bio; David Kronn MD, is a member of the speakers bureau
of Sanofi Genzyme, and an investigator for the ADVANCE study, sponsored by Sanofi Genzyme; Wuh-Liang Hwu, MD, PhD, received research grants and consultation
fees from Sanofi Genzyme; and Priya Kishnani, MD, received consulting fees, honoraria, and/or research funding from Sanofi Genzyme, Amicus Therapeutics,
Baebies, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Alexion, and the Lysosomal Disease Network and is a member of the Pompe and Gaucher Disease Registry Advisory Boards for
Sanofi Genzyme.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, Number s1, July 2017                                                                                                 S23
The Initial Evaluation of Patients After Positive Newborn Screening:
Recommended Algorithms Leading to a Confirmed Diagnosis of Pompe Disease
Barbara K. Burton, David F. Kronn, Wuh-Liang Hwu, Priya S. Kishnani and on behalf
            of the Pompe Disease Newborn Screening Working Group
                             Pediatrics 2017;140;S14
                         DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0280D

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                Downloaded from by guest on November 4, 2021
The Initial Evaluation of Patients After Positive Newborn Screening:
Recommended Algorithms Leading to a Confirmed Diagnosis of Pompe Disease
Barbara K. Burton, David F. Kronn, Wuh-Liang Hwu, Priya S. Kishnani and on behalf
            of the Pompe Disease Newborn Screening Working Group
                             Pediatrics 2017;140;S14
                         DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-0280D

  The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
                          located on the World Wide Web at:

 Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
 has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
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