The KSA Real Estate Market - Research | Q2 2021 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Daryl Ruiz
The KSA Real Estate Market - Research | Q2 2021 - Amazon AWS
The KSA Real Estate Market
Research | Q2 2021
Riyadh                                                                                                                            DMA

                                                                                             Y-o-Y                                                                                                                          Y-o-Y
     4.4m                                             340k                                                                               948k                                        10k
     sq m GLA                                        sq m GLA                               0%                                          sq m GLA                                   sq m GLA                                -3%
    Total stock                                 H2 2021 Expected                          Average                                                                             H2 2021 Expected                            Average
                                                                                                                                        Total stock
                                                    deliveries                        Grade A & B rents                                                                           deliveries                          Grade A & B rents

Jeddah                                                                                                                            Makkah

                                                                                            Y-o-Y                                                                                                                           Y-o-Y
    1.1m                                               27k                                                                               303k                                       2.2k
    sq m GLA                                         sq m GLA                              -5%                                          sq m GLA                                   sq m GLA                              -14%
   Total stock                                  H2 2021 Expected                          Average                                       Total stock                            H2 2021 Expected                          Average
                                                    deliveries                        Grade A & B rents                                                                            deliveries                        Grade A & B rents

Looking at the handover of office space in the Kingdom,          In the Capital city, Riyadh, demand for secondary offices        As a result, asking rents in Riyadh recorded mixed             As for Jeddah and DMA, as companies started migrating to
only 7,900 sqm of office GLA was handed over across the          remained sluggish, while demand for high quality grade A         performance in Q2 2021, with Grade A rents increasing by       Riyadh and adopting new, hybrid working models, most
four main Saudi cities. As such, we expect that many of          office spaces continued to improve during the second quarter,    2.6% to SAR 1,380 per sq m, whilst Grade B rents declined by   companies have reconsidered their current office spaces and
the projects due for delivery within the year to experience      with the Healthcare/Pharma sector being the most active          3.2% to SAR 970 per sq m. Vacancy rates across the city have   downsized. This placed downward pressure on landlords,
further delays. Nevertheless, during the second half of the      amongst corporate occupiers. Additionally, demand coming         remained stable at 5% for the first half of 2021. However,     as they were forced to compromise and lower their rates or
year, the office supply in Riyadh is expected to witness a       from government sector remains strong, with a preference for     these rates are expected to rise as new supply enters the      offer incentives to maintain occupancy levels.
significant addition of Grade A quality office buildings, with   large, standalone office buildings located in Northern Riyadh,   market.
the handover of approximately 340,000 sq m. However,             where the city is migrating.                                                                                                    Looking ahead, the demand for office space is expected
given historical materialization rates, we remain cautious
                                                                                                                                  As for the rest of KSA, in Makkah, where most offices were     to remain strong, as several multinational occupiers are
and expect some delays in handover.
                                                                                                                                  occupied by Hajj and Umrah agencies, occupancy levels          considering relocating their regional offices to KSA due to
Elsewhere in the kingdom, only a number of standalone                                                                             decreased due to the temporary suspension of International     the incentives offered by the government. However, the
office towers are scheduled for completion in the remainder                                                                       religious tourism in the country. This placed severe           impact will mainly be concentrated in Riyadh, where the
of the year, as landlords delay the delivery of projects until                                                                    downward pressure on landlords and resulted in a steep         majority of the workforce will be located.
market conditions improve.                                                                                                        decrease in average rents.
Riyadh                                                                                                                           DMA

                                                                                     3%                         0%                                                                                -2%            -3%
   1.36m                                            23k                             Y-o-Y                       Y-o-Y                  366k                                         8k            Y-o-Y          Y-o-Y

       units                                         units                                                                                units                                     units
                                                                                  Average                     Average                                                                           Average        Average
                                             H2 2021 Expected                    sale prices                rental rates                                                    H2 2021 Expected   sale prices   rental rates
    Total stock                                                                                                                        Total stock
                                                 deliveries                                                                                                                     deliveries
                                                                                                            Source: MOJ                                                                                      Source: MOJ

Jeddah                                                                                                                           Makkah

                                                                                     0%                        -10%                                                                               -9%            -4%
     840k                                           11k                              Y-o-Y                      Y-o-Y                  404k                                         7k            Y-o-Y          Y-o-Y

       units                                         units                                                                                units                                     units
                                                                                   Average                    Average                                                                           Average        Average
                                              H2 2021 Expected                    sale prices               rental rates               Total stock                          H2 2021 Expected   sale prices   rental rates
    Total stock
                                                  deliveries                                                                                                                    deliveries

As conditions post-COVID stabilize, residential mortgages          This brings the total residential supply to 1.3 million and   On the other hand, the overall performance of the
registered an annual increase of 48%, with a total value           840,000 in Riyadh and Jeddah, respectively. While the total   residential market in Makkah and DMA remained subdued in
of SAR 71.4 billion, during the first five months of 2021          stock for Makkah and DMA stands at 404,000 and 366,000,       Q2 2021 as sale prices and rental rates recorded an average
according to the Saudi Central Bank. This is a result of the       respectively.                                                 annual decline of 7% and 3%, respectively. Meanwhile, sale
strong government support coupled with the low interest                                                                          prices in Jeddah stabilized whereas rents registered
rates.                                                             In terms of performance, asking sale prices for apartments    an annual decline of 10% for both villas and apartments.
                                                                   and villas jumped by almost 10% in West Riyadh when
Moreover, based on the high demand for residential villas,         compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile they also
as they represent 80% of total mortgages, the Ministry of          increased almost 12% in North of the city over the same
Housing (MOH) Sakani program provided 77,000 housing               period.
units to citizens during the first five months of 2021, which is
roughly 55% of the target of 140 thousand units by 2021.

Construction activity in the residential market remained
somewhat active, as various projects were delivered across
the main cities, with around 26,500 units handed over during
the first half of the year.
Riyadh                                                                                                                             DMA

                                                                                         -8%                      -2%                                                                                                           -6%                    -3%
      3m                                          220k                                   Y-o-Y                   Y-o-Y                 1.2m                                             161k                                    Y-o-Y                  Y-o-Y
    sq m GLA                                     sq m GLA                                                                              sq m GLA                                         sq m GLA
                                                                                   Average rental           Average rental                                                                                                Average rental          Average rental
                                                                                   rates in super          rates in regional                                                                                              rates in super         rates in regional
    Total stock                              H2 2021 Expected                      regional malls                malls                 Total stock                                 H2 2021 Expected                       regional malls               malls
                                                 deliveries                                                                                                                            deliveries

Jeddah                                                                                                                             Makkah

                                                                                         -4%                      -6%                                                                                                          -24%                    -8%
    1.6m                                         184k                                    Y-o-Y                   Y-o-Y                 1.3m                                              36k                                    Y-o-Y                  Y-o-Y
    sq m GLA                                     sq m GLA                                                                              sq m GLA                                        sq m GLA
                                                                                   Average rental           Average rental                                                                                                Average rental          Average rental
                                                                                   rates in super          rates in regional                                                                                              rates in super         rates in regional
   Total stock                               H2 2021 Expected                      regional malls                malls                Total stock                                  H2 2021 Expected                       regional malls               malls
                                                 deliveries                                                                                                                            deliveries

As restrictions ease and people adapt to the post pandemic        The increase in retail supply resulted in downward pressure      Looking ahead, the market is expected to remain tenant             Looking ahead, several Saudi retailers announced the adoption
reality, retail markets saw higher footfall in malls and retail   on landlords and an increase in market-wide vacancies.           friendly thus exerting further pressure on retail performance      of hybrid business models to cater to the growing demand
centers. According to the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA), point of     To retain tenants, most retail centers’ suspended lease          across the main cities. Moreover, with the significant             for online presence through adding fulfilment centres and
sale transactions have been increasing over the past few weeks,   escalations for the current year and preserved their rates, if   amount of retail supply expected to materialize over the           enhancing the digital customer experience. These reforms
and almost doubled compared to the same period last year. This    not decreased them.                                              next few years, including Riyadh Avenue and Mall of Saudi          came along with the notice that e-sales started increasing and
indicates that despite the change in consumer behaviors and                                                                        in Riyadh, pressure on performance is likely to persist. On a      hitting record highs in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, to sustain
the shift to e-commerce, many customers prefer the “physical      Apart from that, performance in community centers remain         positive note, the high footfall across malls and retail outlets   performance of brick-and-mortar retail, the upcoming supply
experience”.                                                      more resilient, as shoppers continue to spend more time in       indicate solid economic recovery, which may be reflected on        is focused on customer experience by offering unique lifestyle
                                                                  smaller developments.                                            performance.                                                       developments and digitizing the stores to enrich the overall
In terms of supply, over the first half of the year, Riyadh and                                                                                                                                       experience.
Makkah saw the delivery of 28,000 sqm and 57,000 sqm of retail
GLA, respectively. While Jeddah and DMA saw the delivery of
53,000 sqm and 12,000 sqm, respectively.
Riyadh                                                                                       YT May 2021
                                                                                                                                        DMA                                                                                         YT May 2021
                                                                               Occupancy                                                                                                                              Occupancy
                                                                                  Rate           46%                                                                                                                     Rate            49%

     19k                                      1.8k                                 ADR’s      USD147                                        9.5k                                      1k                                  ADR’s      USD113
       keys                                     keys                                                                                           keys                                   keys
                                                                                 RevPar’s                                                                                                                               RevPar’s
   Total stock                          H2 2021 Expected                                       USD67                                       Total stock                         H2 2021 Expected                                        USD55
                                            deliveries                                                                                                                             deliveries
                                                                                                               Source: STR Global                                                                                                                      Source: STR Global

                                                                                             YT May 2021                                                                                                                           YT May 2021
Jeddah                                                                          Occupancy
                                                                                                                                        Makkah                                                                        Occupancy
                                                                                   Rate          42%                                                                                                                     Rate           21%

     14k                                      1.5k                                 ADR’s      USD192                                         42k                                      4k                                  ADR’s      USD160
       keys                                      keys                                                                                          keys                                   keys

                                                                                  RevPar’s                                                                                                                              RevPar’s
   Total stock                           H2 2021 Expected                                      USD72                                       Total stock                         H2 2021 Expected                                       USD34
                                             deliveries                                                                                                                            deliveries
                                                                                                               Source: STR Global                                                                                                                      Source: STR Global

In comparison to the same period last year, the Saudi                 Elsewhere in the Kingdom, Riyadh saw the delivery of 590          The annual increases and improvements in performance           significant quality hotel projects are expected to materialize.
hospitality sector saw a slight improvement in performance.           Keys over the first half of 2021, while Jeddah saw the delivery   are due to the comparison with the peak of the pandemic        Additionally, with the return of International flights, and in light
Nonetheless, Makkah’s hospitality sector continues to face            of only one hotel, as most hotels delayed their openings to       and lockdowns during the year 2020. Despite the noticeable     of Riyadh becoming a hot business hub, business travels is
pressure as this year’s Hajj will be limited to those who reside in   the upcoming Formula 1 event, which is scheduled to begin         improvement, pre-pandemic performance is yet to be             expected to have major positive impact on hotel performance
Saudi Arabia, with a total of 60,000 domestic pilgrims.               on the 5th of December 2021.                                      achieved.                                                      moving ahead.

As such, performance levels in Makkah registered 21% in the YT        In terms of performance, Riyadh saw occupancy levels              On the other hand, DMA saw hotel occupancy levels drop         In the short term, domestic tourism is expected to boost
May 2021 compared to the previous year. Revenue per Available         drop by 17% compared to the same period last year. While          to 49% in the YT May 2021, compared to 51% in the YT May       with the launch of the Saudi Summer program “Summer
Room (RevPAR) dropped by 9% in the YT April 2021 compared             occupancy levels in Jeddah increased by 5%, compared              2020, average daily rates (ADR’s) increased by 4.5% from the   Vibes”, which aims to attract tourists to Saudi’s best summer
to the same period last year.                                         to the same period last year, likewise, Average Daily Rates       same period last year to reach USD 113.                        destinations from the shores to the colder mountain regions. In
                                                                      (ADR’s) and RevPAR saw slight improvements.                                                                                      addition to that, the Saudi Entertainment Seasons are expected
                                                                                                                                        Looking ahead, under Vision 2030, the hospitality industry     to return with larger than ever events, starting with Riyadh
                                                                                                                                        has a promising future. With the kingdom expecting to          season during the last quarter of 2021.
                                                                                                                                        host 100 million tourists by the year 2030, along with the
                                                                                                                                        numerous initiatives across different regions. Until then,
Definitions and methodology

Future Supply                                                                                                            Retail
JLL estimates of future supply is updated on a quarterly basis and is based on primary research (physical                Supply
inspections) and secondary research (discussions with developers). The future supply is reflective of projects           The classification of retail centers is based on the Urban Land Institute (ULI) definition and based on their
actively under construction. It excludes projects that have been announced, where ground works have not                  Gross Leasable Area (GLA):
started. We remain cautious of the ability of some projects to meet their stated completion deadlines, with
significant delays in project delivery leading to a low materialization rate.                                            Super Regional Malls have a GLA of above 90,000 sq m
                                                                                                                         Regional Malls have a GLA of 30,000 - 90,000 sq m
Office                                                                                                                   Community Malls have a GLA of 10,000 - 30,000 sq m
Supply                                                                                                                   Neighborhood Malls have a GLA of 3,000 - 10,000 sq m
The current supply of completed office GLA is based on a comprehensive list of office buildings that have been           Convenience Malls have a GLA of less than 3,000 sq m
handed over for immediate occupation. This includes standalone office buildings and office space within mixed-
use buildings:                                                                                                           The current supply of completed retail GLA is based on a comprehensive list of mall-based retail that have been
In Riyadh, the areas covered include: CBD, North and East Ring Roads, Khurais, Mazer, and Sitteen Streets.               handed over for immediate occupation. Our project list excludes street retail and retail within mixed-use buildings.
In Jeddah, the areas covered include: Prince Sultan, Tahlia, King Road, Ibrahim Al Jaffali, Amanah Street, Madinah,
King Abdullah and Rawdah Streets. .                                                                                      Performance
                                                                                                                         Average rents are based on estimates from the JLL Retail team. It reflects the rents across a basket of primary and
Performance                                                                                                              secondary retail centers.
The weighted average rent (WAR)) is based on estimates from the JLL Offices and Business Space team. It reflects         Primary and secondary retail centers are identified based on their turnover levels. Primary Malls are the best
the WAR across a basket of Grade A buildings in the CBD.                                                                 performing malls with highest levels of turnover. Secondary Malls are the average performing malls with lower
Grade A buildings are defined as high quality office spaces, well located, with good access to infrastructure (metro)    levels of turnover.
and amenities including F&B and retail.                                                                                  Average rents represent the top open market net rent expected for a standard in line unit shop of 100 sq m in a
The WAR of Grade A buildings represents the top open-market, net rent (exclusive of service charge and incentives)       basket of regional and super regional centers. Given the variation in rentals, we quote percentage change for retail
for a new lease that could be expected for a notional office unit.                                                       rents rather than actual figures.
Vacancy rate is based on estimates from the JLL Offices and Business Space team. It reflects the weighted average        Vacancy rate is based on estimates from the JLL Retail team. It reflects the average rate across a basket of super
rate across a basket of buildings                                                                                        regional and regional centers.

Residential                                                                                                              Hotels
Supply                                                                                                                   Supply
The current supply of completed residential buildings is based on the National Housing Census 2010, and quarterly        The current supply of hotel rooms is based on data from our quarterly surveys, reflecting hotel rooms that have been
surveys of major projects and standalone developments in Riyadh and Jeddah. It is reflecting residential units that      handed over for immediate occupation. Our project list includes all graded supply and includes serviced apartments.
have been handed over for immediate occupation. Our definition of residential units includes apartments and
villas.                                                                                                                  Performance
                                                                                                                         STR performance data is based on a monthly survey conducted by STR Global on a sample of international
Performance                                                                                                              standard midscale and upscale hotels. Average Daily Rates (ADR) and Revenue Per Available Room (Rev Par)
Residential performance is based on two separate baskets, one for rental rates and the other for sale prices of villas   are the key performance metrics.
and apartments. The two baskets cover properties in selected locations across the cities.
Jeddah                                                      Riyadh                                                       Al Khobar

Jameel Square,                                              17th Floor, South Tower,                                     Level 21, Al Khobar
Level 2, Suite 209                                          Abraj Attawuniya                                             Gate Tower
Tahliya & Andalus                                           King Fahd Road                                               King Fahed Road
Streets Junction
                                                            PO Box 13547
PO Box 2091                                                 Riyadh,                                                      PO Box 32348
Jeddah,                                                     Saudi Arabia 11414                                           Al Khobar,
Saudi Arabia 8909 - 23326                                                                                                Saudi Arabia 31952
                                                            Tel: +966 11 2180 303
Tel: +966 12 660 2555                                       Fax: +966 11 2180 308                                        Tel: +966 1 3 3308 401
Fax: +966 12 669 40 30

With other MEA offices in:
Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Johannesburg and Casablanca

For questions and enquiries about the KSA real estate market, please contact:

Dana Salbak                                                 Abdullah Al Shabanat                                         Rana Mira
Head of Research, MENA                                      Research Manager, KSA                                        Research Analyst, KSA                                                   

This report has been prepared solely for information purposes and does not necessarily purport to be a complete analysis of the topics discussed, which are inherently
unpredictable. It has been based on sources we believe to be reliable, but we have not independently verified those sources and we do not guarantee that the information in
the report is accurate or complete. Any views expressed in the report reflect our judgment at this date and are subject to change without notice. Statements that are forward-
looking involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause future realities to be materially different from those implied by such forward-looking statements.
Advice we give to clients in particular situations may differ from the views expressed in this report. No investment or other business decisions should be made based solely on
the views expressed in this report.
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