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KAPITEL                                                                                           EDITORIAL

                                   With the 19.2 release, we are
                                   focussing on our customers’
                                       needs and give them
                                         the opportunity
                                    to actively take part in the
                                      product development.
                                                     Vasilios Triadis
                                                        CEO P&I AG      DEAR READERS,

                                                                        We no longer need to speculate,              The customer makes sure the soft-
                                                                        because we now definitely know: the          ware and product development are
                                                                        economy has changed radically, and it will   streamlined to precisely meet his
                                                                        continue to change. Information technol-     needs. With our digital platform
                                                                        ogy and the associated software products     P&I HR-BIGDATA, we more than live up
                                                                        are now more important than ever. In fact,   to our transparent and collaborative
                                                                        they are the main production factor these    approach.
                                                                        days. In the software industry, the focus    Especially in this digital age, the enthu-
                                                                        is no longer on constantly refining an       siasm of the people and the direct con-
                                                                        existing solution. Instead, manufacturers    tact to the customer are hugely impor-
                                                                        need to improve in an ongoing process        tant. That’s why from the 19.2 release
                                                                        and be prepared to replace solid prod-       onwards, our customers will always be at
                                                                        ucts with new and innovative solutions       the centre of everything we do.
                                                                        in good time. “In good time” means not       This is what sets our company apart
                                                                        to wait until the market deems a product     from other HR software suppliers.
                                                                        antiquated.                                  Although we can look back on a long tra-
                                                                        With P&I LogaAll-in, we are aiming           dition, we have never worked in a tradi-
                                                                        to change the way payroll and salary         tional way. Working in a traditional way
                                                                        accounting is conducted. This is both a      always involves relying on established
                                                                        great challenge and a huge opportunity.      formulas of success, keeping to set proce-
                                                                        P&I LogaAll-in is not only an improvement    dures and sticking to the tried and tested.
                                                                        to our product portfolio that helps people   Tradition at P&I is limited to the company
                                                                        get things done a little more efficiently,   and its core values.
                                                                        but a whole new dimension in terms of        I hope you’ll enjoy reading this edition of
                                                                        flexibility, on-time delivery and higher     our customer magazine.
                                                                        product quality. With the 19.2 release,
                                                                        our customers now have the opportunity –     Yours
                                                                        via the digital platform P&I HR-BIGDATA –    sincerely,
                                                                        to get directly involved in technical and
                                                                        functional developments of our products.
                                                                        This involvement is more than customer
                                                                        feedback. We systematically include the      Vasilios Triadis
                                                                        customer in the development process.         CEO P&I AG

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Just P&I

                                                                                                            50 YEARS P&I
                       CONTENT                                                       THE BIG ANNIVERSARY WEEK

                       P&I SPECIAL                                               2018 was an extra special year for P&I: the company celebrated its 50th anniversary.
                                                                                          We marked this milestone with a series of events in September:
                       THE BIG P&I CHALLENGE                               08
                       From Iserlohn to Wiesbaden by bike                          things kicked off with the P&I Challenge, followed by the P&I User Conference
                       REVIEW OF THE P&I USER CONFERENCE 2018              14   2018 and, finally, the anniversary celebration for the employees. In this magazine,
                       Transformative technologies on the rise                      we would like to take a look back the anniversary week and reminisce about
                       ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS                            16                                the good times we all had.
                       P&I celebrates a milestone
                       P&I COLLEAGUES REPORT                               20
                       How our employees experienced the anniversary week

                       P&I DEVELOPMENT
                       THE NEW CUSTOMER RELEASES                           22
                       A focus on the customer

                       P&I NEWS
                       P&I ACADEMY                                         29
                       Welcome to the new P&I training rooms

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                   THE BIG
                                                                                                                                              The goal was to complete the        to complete the entire course        THE ROUTE
                                                                                                                                              entire course in as short a time    together with Thomas Binggeli        OF THE P&I CYCLING RACE
                                                                                                                                              as possible, because not the        von Thömus – independent of
                                                                                                                                              first to cross the finish line in   the teams.                              Start

               P&I CHALLENGE
                                                                                                                                              Wiesbaden, but the team with        Right from the start, the whole
                                                                                                                                              the best overall time would win.    event was about team spirit.                       Stage 1
                                                                                                                                              Condition for taking part was       Which is why the cycling race
                                                                                                                                              that each athlete would com-        was planned as a shared expe-
                                                                                                                                              plete his or her assigned section   rience, aimed to promote long-                      Stage 2
                                                                                                                                              on a bike and without any aux-      term communication and coop-
                                    From Iserlohn to Wiesbaden by bike                                                                        iliary propulsion technology. Any   eration among employees. The
                                                                                                                                              cyclists not competing a stage      individual teams, for instance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Stage 3
                                                                                                                                              would be transported in the         had to organise the transport
                                                                                                                                              support vehicles. The support       of their members and bikes in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Stage 4
                                                                                                                                              teams would also be respon-         advance. To further strengthen
                                                                                                                                              sible for ensuring a punctual       the sense of belonging and at
                                                                                                                                              and smooth transition of the        the same time advertise it to the                  Stage 5
                                                                                                                                              cyclists at the swap-over points    world, all riders were provided
                                                                                                                                              and provide on-track help,          with professional cycling kit in
                                                                                                                                              including navigation, where         the P&I anniversary design. So,                           Stage 6
                                                                                                                                              needed. CEO Vasilios Triadis,       everyone was perfectly prepared
                                                                                                                                              a keen cyclist in his spare time,   for the big race and ready to give
                                                                                                                                              also wanted to take part in the     it their all.
                                                                                                                                              challenge. However, he wanted

                                                                             The first riders of each team at the starting line in Iserlohn

                 At the start of the big P&I anniversary week, P&I showed off its athletic side                                                      One stage led through
                  and organised a cycling race from Iserlohn to Wiesbaden. In mixed teams,                                                           the beautiful Rheingau
                 the employees competed against the clock, and with endurance and stamina
                                   the teams mastered the individual stages.

              THE PLAN
              The big P&I Challenge was held on 9 September 2018:     290-kilometre course should be divided into six
               a cycling race from the P&I location Iserlohn to the   stages. Each cyclist was to compete in one of the
              company headquarters in Wiesbaden-Erbenheim.            first five stages, before everyone would complete
              Planning for this unique event started weeks in         the final stage. The teams were randomly assigned
              advance in collaboration with the Swiss bicycle         across departments and locations in order to promote
              manufacturer Thömus, an expert in the field of          internal company exchange and strengthen ties.
              bicycle racing.                                         The result was a bunch of wonderfully mixed inter-
              We decided that we should have a total of ten teams     national teams. When allocating participants, we
              – each consisting of five cyclists and two com-         also tried to create groups that would be similarly
              panions to drive the support cars – and that the        strong for maximum competition.

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              RACE DAY                                               The following day, after a small breakfast, the              The penultimate stage ended at the swap-over         the finish line cheered on excitedly by col-
              Long before the actual race, people were already       starting gun was fired at 7 am sharp, and the first          point in St. Goarshausen, where all competitors      leagues and waiting relatives. In the evening,
              buzzing with anticipation. Once the teams and          ten riders set off to tackle the mountain stage from         prepared to cycle the last stretch to Wiesbaden-     everyone      enjoyed     a    relaxed   barbecue
              stages had been allocated, the internal exchange       Iserlohn to the swap-over point in Meinerzhagen.             Erbenheim together. The final stretch ran            on the P&I car park – the perfect end to a per-
              about individual travel planning, a possible           Once there, the teams had the opportunity to stock           through the Rheingau, past castles and pal-          fect day. At the subsequent award ceremony, the
              team strategy and the event itself began. Highly       up on food and other supplies. The subsequent hill           aces, and was completed by all fifty participants.   team times were announced, and each group was
              motivated, many participants started imme-             stage was completed by the second rider of each              In Rüdesheim, other P&I employees and mem-           awarded an original Swiss cow bell. In addition, all
              diately with their training – some in groups –         group and ended at the next swap-over point in               bers of their families joined in on their bicycles   participants received a trophy as a memento of this
              to prepare for the race and to ensure they would       Windeck. Here, the athletes had a second break-              to support the teams on the final few meters as      special event.
              achieve their personal best. People were increas-      fast before the race continued for group number              part of a “pleasure ride” independent of
              ingly eager for the race to begin, counting down the   three, who had to master the hill stage to Neustadt          the race. With a delay of just under an hour
              days. On 8 September 2018, the eve of the race, the    (Wied). After another change-over, the next stage            (due to a traffic jam), the first athletes – led
              teams all travelled to Iserlohn, where they enjoyed    took the teams to Vallendar, where they all had              by Vasilios Triadis and Thomas Binggeli –
              a joint meal and got a final briefing from Thömus.     lunch together.                                              arrived at the P&I headquarters in Wies-
                                                                                                                                  baden-Erbenheim at around 7.30 pm, crossing

              The competitors during the second stage

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The arrival
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the competitors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    was celebrated in

                                                                                                                            The team support members were there to
                                                                                                                                         help every step of the way

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                                                                                                                                                                           P&I SPECIAL

              THE TEAM RANKING
              Everyone did their very best, and all teams
                                                                 THE VICTORY CEREMONY                                                                                                         at the P&I headquarters

              successfully completed the entire course of
              around 290 kilometres. Every competitor sailed
              through their section of the race – a good
              reason to be proud!

              The team ranking shows the total time each
              group took: all teams took less than 11 hours.

              PLACE | TEAM                                TIME

                                                                 Team “Mirüssler” together with Vasilios Triadis                                                                                                        Team “No pain, no gain”
                 1.      Mirüssler                   8:25:41

                 2.      P&I Dynamos                 9:29:26

                 3.      The Fantastic 5             9:30:57

                 4.      Roadrunner                  9:50:26

                 5.      Green PIrates               9:53:37

                 6.      HRBC (HR-Biking Club)       9:54:30

                 7.      PURE FaHRfreude            10:10:11     Team “The Magnificent Seven (TM7)”                                                                                                                          Team “Roadrunner”
                                                                                                                                    Thomas Binggeli presents the honorary bell to Vasilios Triadis

                 8.      No pain, no gain           10:12:28

                 9.      The Magnificent Seven (TM7) 10:33:59

                10.      The Glorious Seven         10:59:38

                                                                 Team “P&I Dynamos”                                Team “PURE FaHRfreude”                          Team “HRBC (HR-Biking Club)”                          Team “The Fantastic 5”

                 The entire event was accompanied by
                 a professional film team that captured
                 the best moments of the day and
                 created a short video:
                                                                                                                                                                 The participants of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       “pleasure ride” also
                                                                                                                                                                                                       received a trophy
                                                                              Team “The Glorious Seven”                           Team “Green PIrates”

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                    REVIEW OF THE
              P&I USER CONFERENCE 2018
                           Transformative technologies on the rise

               The P&I User Conference 2018 represented the second part of the event series
               and also formed the link between tradition and future in the anniversary year.
              Together with approximately 700 customers, we looked at our history as well as
                                                                                                                         Vasilios Triadis giving his keynote speech
                          the developments we’re planning for the coming years.

                                                      This year’s event was preceded by the release infor-       honour of the 50th company             intelligent monthly production,        also explained how HR can help
                                                      mation day 18.10, which included discussions on            anniversary in the completely          the increased use of HR self-ser-      with this change and thus cre-
                                                      legal changes in the notification procedure, changes       renovated P&I headquarters in          vice platforms and invisible HR        ate the greatest possible added
                                                      in the public sector and P&I LOGA (web). The sub-          Wiesbaden-Erbenheim. A live            management were discussed as           value. The final topics delved into
                                                      sequent P&I User Conference 2018 was opened                band provided musical entertain-       part of various live presentations.    at the P&I User Conference 2018
                                                      by Wiebke Steger, who of course talked about the           ment, and various catering sta-        A talk on the new role of HR           concerned the digital transfor-
                                                      anniversary, touched on the individual topics of the       tions invited guests to explore        touched on the subject of              mation of P&I LogaAll-in.
                                                      event and gave a first insight into the intelligent pro-   the building and to get to know        P&I LOGA DataMining – here, the
                                                      duction and the increased importance of HR man-            P&I even better. Thanks to the         user himself / herself can create
                                                      agement. Then, CEO Vasilios Triadis explained in his       bright sunshine, the Summer            evaluations and analyses within
                                                      keynote address how transformative technolo-               Lounge on top of the car park          the system without needing
                                                      gies will shape the future. Due to the structural          was a particularly popular meet-       expert knowledge to do so. The
                                                      changes that the growing cooperation between               ing place, and guests relished the     possibilities and advantages of
                                                      man and machine will sooner or later bring in              Greek delicacies and the typical       transformative technologies for
                                                      all companies and administrations, the exist-              American food from a food truck        dealing with data and for gener-
                                                      ing business models are increasingly adopting              served out here. On the second         ating corresponding reports were
                                                      the platform concept. This means that more and             day of the P&I User Conference,        also showcased. The speaker
                                                      more HR departments will offer HR as a service,
                                                      thereby helping companies with the digital
                                                      transformation. Thus, in future, two main cri-
                                                      teria will be crucial for the success of a soft-
                                                      ware: it needs to be instructive and anticipatory.
                                                      This is what P&I LogaAll-in is based on – on
                                                      the one hand, it relies on the wealth of experi-
                                                      ence we accumulated in the past, on the other
     The evening event                                hand, it represents a completely revolutionary
                                                      development. This is why it can withstand the
     took place at P&I
                                                      rapid technological changes and meet the require-
                                                      ments of the users so perfectly. Another highlight
                                                      this year was the evening gala, which was held in          Kurhaus Wiesbaden: between tradition and the future                          The Summer Lounge on the P&I car park

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                                                           The big anniversary celebration on 15 September 2018 at the company
                                                       headquarters in Wiesbaden was the final highlight of the P&I anniversary week.
                                                         All P&I employees from all locations plus their relatives and several former
                                                                                  employees were invited.

                                                      Sunshine and a great atmos-          founder Ingeborg Becker rem-        Chairman of the P&I Supervisory
                                                      phere marked the final event of      inisced about the beginnings        Board between 2005 and 2009,
                                                      the P&I anniversary week, which      of P&I and special events until     gave a fascinating insight into
                                                      kicked off in the early evening.     her retirement in 2004. She also    the very exciting time around the
                                                      Shortly after all the guests had     mentioned her husband, Egbert       start of the company’s strong
                                                      arrived, a number of welcoming       Becker, who passed away in          growth and told a few anec-
                                                      speeches, the only item on the       2014 and who had launched the       dotes about joint successes.
                                                      agenda that evening, were held       D.O.S. Data Organisation Ser-       Finally, developer Jörg Bidinger,
                                                      by people who helped shape           vice GmbH in 1968, the company      who celebrated his 30-year

                                                      P&I: in the all-green Atrium,        out of which P&I later devel-       company affiliation in 2018,
                                                      CEO Vasilios Triadis took to the     oped. Dr. Jörg Rockenhäuser,        said a few words. He, too, rem-
                                                      stage and talked about his time      head of Permira in Germany and      inisced about the past three
                                                      at P&I and the developments          P&I investor, gave a very posi-     decades and explained how he,

                                                      and values of the company. He        tive interim balance, emphasis-     as an employee, experienced
                                                      finished by detailing future pros-   ing the ever-productive coop-       the transformation of P&I into a
                                                      pects. Afterwards, company           eration. Next, Klaus C. Plönzke,    technology enterprise.

                         P&I celebrates a milestone

                                                                                                                              Numerous guests had come to celebrate

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Vasilios Triadis thanked the long-term employees for their loyalty                              The time tunnel displaying major milestones of the P&I history               The guests showed great interest in the tunnel      To date, P&I has 13 offices around the globe

               Another highlight and surprise for the guests came        In the back of the tent, visitors got the chance                                    shown from very different perspectives, creating a
               after the speeches: all employees who had worked          to relax and enjoy the chill-out area featuring                                     multifaceted picture.
               for P&I for 30 years or more received a special hon-      glass-covered fire tables. In addition, more des-                                   The evening’s entertainment included an exclu-
               our. First, short videos were shown, in which col-        serts, specialty coffees and a sumptuous Swiss                                      sive performance by a live band, which soon had
               leagues talked about each person and their tasks          cheese buffet enticed people to venture up to the                                   lots of people dancing in the atrium. Later, a DJ
               and recalled special moments together. Then, the          second floor. The drinks, too, reflected the interna-                               played a great mix of international party hits,
               guests of honour were invited to come up to the           tionality of P&I: there were at least two beers from                                so there was something for everyone’s taste in
               stage, where Vasilios Triadis presented them with         each country with a P&I office.                                                     music. A special moment was the sirtaki dance,
               a gift as a thank you for their enduring loyalty.         The theme of the decorations focussed on the his-                                   initiated by our Greek P&I colleagues, who
               After the speeches, visitors spread out to explore        tory of P&I, which differs from many other com-                                     quickly taught the other guests the right moves.
               the newly renovated P&I building and to enjoy             panies, because there have only been two CEOs                                       Any people standing about were quickly involved,
               the many culinary delights of the evening. Just           in its 50-year history. This unusual fact was mir-                                  and the atrium turned into one giant dancefloor.
               like at the evening event of the P&I User Confer-         rored in the anniversary logo, which was specially                                  Many P&I employees and their partners and families
               ence, the anniversary celebration also had numer-         designed for this series of events and which could                                  celebrated until the early hours of the morning –
               ous catering stations, which could be found in the        be found on numerous decorative elements. An                                        so, this unique event is sure to be remembered
               atrium, on the second floor and out on the car park. To   exhibition of the company’s history was set up in                                   fondly by everyone who attended.
               emphasise the international character of P&I, typical     the atrium in the shape of a walk-in time tunnel.
               food from each country with a P&I branch was served.      Here, people got the chance to explore the com-
               This meant that this event once again featured the        pany’s milestones of the past five decades. In
               popular food truck with typical American finger food      addition, large LED screens all around the build-
               as part of our Summer Lounge and a huge buffet            ing displayed quotes from long-standing custom-
               with Greek delicacies. Besides various grilled meat       ers and employees and gave an overview of the                                                                                                                         The big P&I sirtaki dance
               dishes, there was also a great selection of salads        P&I offices along with the years in which they
               and a range of deliciously decadent desserts.             opened. Thus, the origins of the company were

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                           P&I COLLEAGUES
                                                                                                                                        Celebrating P&I’s 50th anniversary together with all our employees and their
                                                                                                                                   families in the newly renovated headquarters was a great experience! The many
                                                                                                                                   culinary delights together with the relaxed atmosphere made this a really special
                                                                                                                                   evening. Celebrating with all our colleagues and creating these wonderful memo-

                                                                                                                                   ries will reinforce our team spirit for years to come. The future is ours!

                    How our employees experienced the anniversary week                                                                                                                                                  Melissa Graupmann

                                                                                                                                                                   It was really a lifetime experience for me! Cycling teaches you to understand
                                                                                                                                                              the meaning of a team and gives balance in your life. When you have balance in
                                                                                                                                                              your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. The anniversary week
                                                                                                                                                              was a great occasion to celebrate among friends and to think not only of the past
                  The big P&I anniversary week 2018 was a real highlight, and many of our                                                                     but also of the future.

                employees took the opportunity to get to know their colleagues a little better.
                 We asked some of our colleagues what they liked best about the week and
                                   what they will remember most fondly.
                                                                                                                                   Georgios Karagiannis

                                              I took part in the cycling race as a member of the support team, and I’ve                 I was deeply impressed by the way the cycling race was organised. A lot
                                         got to say: everything was perfect. The weather, the atmosphere and, of course,           of thought had gone into every stage, and the timing was perfect. The stages
                                         my team. And I loved that the teams were so mixed. This way, I got to know                were very varied, and there was something for every level of ability. Especially
                                         colleagues I would never have met. From board member to trainee – we were                 the many less frequented roads were a great advantage for the cyclists, who all
                                         a proper team and gave it our best shot. One of the cyclists lent me his bike on          benefited from similarly well-chosen routes. The subsequent get-together with
                                         the final stage so that I could take part in the “pleasure ride” through the Rhein-       barbecue was the perfect opportunity to get to know the other teams a little
                                         gau together with the others – for me, this was the best part of the tour and             better and to share impressions of the race. The excellent weather was an added
                                         definitely my highlight of the day.                                                       bonus on this wonderful sports day!

               Aurelia Gezynska                                                                                                                                                                                            Leonardo Cioci

                   P&I’s 50th anniversary, and this incredible company has me cycle 154 kilo-                                                                      The events that made up our anniversary week all had their own special
              metres in just one day, and I’ve only been with them for one year! What I liked best                                                            charm. For me, the annual P&I User Conference at the beautiful Kurhaus marked
              about the anniversary week was that we celebrated together with all our families.                                                               the start of the 50-year anniversary. But the cycling race was the standout top
              My four young sons love the new slide at the headquarters in Wiesbaden, and they                                                                event. Perfectly organised, dynamic, challenging and team-building across hier-
              got to spend an unforgettable day at daddy’s office after the big bike challenge.                                                               archies, departments and countries. Such an event is truly extraordinary – and
              P&I rocks – for our customers, our colleagues, our families and our investors! I’m                                                              therefore ideal for P&I! And, last but not least, there was the official anniversary
              really impressed – and I’m already looking forward to the next 50 years!                                                                        celebration. Outside in the tent or inside the new atrium – the atmosphere was
                                                                                                                                                              relaxed and exuberant. In my opinion, three wonderful events!

                                                                                                          Ralf Hartings             Brigitte Goldmann

                                              For me, the anniversary week was this year’s highlight. First, there was                  The anniversary week was a very intense week with many new impressions.
                                         the company cycling race, in which colleagues from all P&I countries and                  The almost 300-kilometre long cycling race was my personal highlight. It was a
                                         departments covered a huge distance. It was all about morale, teamwork                    great show of team spirit, endurance and courage. Qualities that characterise P&I.
                                         and a strong sense of belonging. Then there was the P&I User Conference.                  Colleagues from various departments were teamed up, all with the same goal: to
                                         This was an incredibly important event, both for us and for our customers, and            bring out the best in everyone and to get to the finish line as a team. On such a
                                         it once again strengthened the ties we have. And then, finally, the anniversary           huge scale a new experience for me.
                                         celebration, which focussed on the company history and the people who helped
                                         shape it and made it the success it is today. All in all, a great week, and I’m already
                                         looking forward to the exciting times ahead.
                  Sanaa Falkou                                                                                                                                                                                                Emin Lukac

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                                                                                      THE NEW
                                                                                 CUSTOMER RELEASES
                                                                                                                 A focus on the customer

          Feedback                                                                With customer release 19.2, P&I is ushering in a new era that is revolutionising
                                                                                    internal collaboration from the ground up, breaking up outdated structures.
                                                                                  Quality and customer satisfaction are still at the heart of everything, but we can
                                P&I LOGA                          Consultation    now fulfil the requirements and wishes of the users to an even higher standard
                                                                                                 thanks to our new approach to feedback processing.
                                          2. Q
                                              uality control /
                         Feedback            release
                                                                                 QUALITY THROUGH EXPERTISE
                                                                                 As announced at the P&I User Conference 2018,           This also guarantees a high level of quality for all
                                                                                 P&I 2019 will start with the planned quality            future releases. 500 feedback responses are pro-
                                    OWNER                                        boost, which will be realised in the shape of the       cessed per release – this ensures a constantly evolv-
                                                                                 three customer releases 19.2, 19.6 and 19.10            ing and improving product. The team members take
                                                                                 as well as the end-of-year release. The stated          a clearly defined role: every developer, for instance,
                                                                                 aim is to put users at the centre of the digi-          is responsible for processing at least ten feedback
                         Feedback         1. Quality control                     tal process and make them co-producers of the           responses. The team member responsible for qual-
                                                                                 P&I software. In order to completely fulfil their       ity assurance then subjects them to strict quality
                                                                                 requirements and wishes and thus achieve the            tests. In addition to prototyping – which helps find
                                                                                 highest customer satisfaction, we have devised a        solutions more quickly and improves communica-
                                     QS                                          new form of cooperation that outperforms all previ-     tion within the teams as well as with the custom-
          MANAGEMENT                                                             ous organisational structures. Based on the idea of​​   ers – these include comprehensive software tests.
                                                                                 the platform, it pursues an active approach: instead    This step is followed by a second quality review
                                                                                 of the previously prevailing department-based task      by the owners, who check and finally approve the
                         Feedback         Realisation
                                                                                 distribution, the 19.2 release adopts a cross-divi-     adjustments, especially with regard to the user
                                                                                 sional approach with teams of three processing the      requirements. The owners also represent the link
                                                                                 feedback. These have emerged from a total group         between P&I and the users with whom they are
                                                                                 of at least 50 owners, 25 quality assurers and          in direct contact. They listen to the customers’
                              DEVELOPMENT                                        50 developers. Thanks to their diverse job profiles     requests and wishes, understand them and then
                                                                                 and individual experience, the teams have a huge        communicate them internally to the respective qual-
                                                                                 level of competence and can therefore easily pro-       ity assurance colleague. He, in turn, passes the nec-
                                                                                 cess the customer feedback they have been given.        essary information to the responsible developer. 

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              This way, every team member knows exactly what          adopted and made generally available as part of        Furthermore, the use of this feedback system cre-     The users thus actively contribute to the improve-
              the customer needs and can take appropriate             the new release. This entire process is controlled     ates transparency: all persons involved can inde-     ment of the software and are virtually themselves
              measures whenever necessary. This also allows           by five managers who are responsible for the com-      pendently view and digest the original request and    “product owners” who have a direct influence on the
              us to check at any time whether the improve-            plete implementation of 100 feedback responses         each of its processing steps and easily communi-      further development and design of all modules of
              ments have been implemented seamlessly and in           each. Manager Stefan Schepp explains the new           cate with all persons involved. Thus, the customer    P&I LOGA. Michal Diačik, quality assurance expert at
              the interest of the users, before they are officially   structure as follows:                                  is always kept posted on how far his feedback has     the Bratislava-based P&I development centre, says:
                                                                                                                             been translated into the product.

                                       “Customer, owner, quality assurer, developer and manager
                                       collaborate to provide feedback. This structure ensures an
                                       effective communication with the customer, who can talk to                                                        “For the first time ever, the customer is truly the sole focus of
                                       the owner, a well-informed point of contact, who is directly                                                      the release. His requirements, his wishes, his feedback. Users are
                                       involved in the development. The quality assurer is in contact                                                    finally able to design their digital HR world themselves, thereby
                                       with the owner and the manager; the developer also liaises                                                        generating the most value for themselves and their employees.
                                       with these two plus with the quality assurer.                                                                     P&I gives them the real opportunity to actively participate in the
                                       The manager organises the implementation of the feedback                                                          software manufacturing process. I don’t know of any other soft-
              according to the prevailing standards of quality, reliability and punctuality. He also main-                                               ware company that collaborates so closely with its customers.”
              tains contact with the users in order to understand what they expect of the products and
              incorporate these needs into the solutions.”

                                                                                                                             The basic idea behind this concept is the long-term   focus on a permanent and sustainable refinement
              In addition, further development managers as well       THE CUSTOMER – AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING              optimisation of the system. Rather than coming up     of the entire product range, which ultimately bene-
              as the CEO have agreed to resolve complicated           In order to clearly and unambiguously under-           with an indirect solution for individual users, we    fits all customers.
              issues and ambiguities together with the teams.         stand the interests of the user and to really
              Thus, every release undergoes multiple individual       meet his requirements, we agreed that any feed-
              tests before it is launched. This six-eye principle     back should come exclusively from the customer
              assures the highest possible quality and accom-         directly. This allows users to describe their issues     “The customer releases are a tremendous opportunity and give
              plishes the overall goal – customer satisfaction.       independently and not through the filter of their        us the chance to collaborate even more closely with our users,”
                                                                      P&I consultant, which means that everything is             owner Tom Heisterbach agrees. “We are also currently under-
                                                                      passed on and processed without unnecessary loss          going internal changes in the quality assurance process, which
                                                                      of valuable information.
                                                                                                                                means that we at P&I are now in a position to not only deliver
                                                                                                                               on schedule, but – most importantly – to deliver great products
                                                                                                                              and functions in outstanding quality. Thanks to P&I HR-BIGDATA
                                                                                                                             and the feedback system, our users are fully aware of which new
                                                                                                                             functions we are currently developing and who at P&I is personally responsible for them.
                                                                                                                                  This will once again strengthen our customers’ confidence in us, and I hope they
                                                                                                                                   will love being an active part of the software design process as much as I do.”


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              THE 19.2 RELEASE – THE NEW

              With customer release 19.2, the new feedback pro-
              cessing structure was successfully implemented
              for the first time. The teams took time to famil-
              iarise themselves with the feedback in advance,
              structure it internally and work out the best pos-
              sible solutions. So as to be as efficient as possi-
              ble for the final release in mid-February 2019, P&I
              internally divided the release into three, which
              structured and facilitated the process. Maria Zerva,
              developer at the P&I Ioannina office, is thrilled
              about the new approach:

                                          “The new pro-
                                          cessing structure
                                          makes all P&I                                                                                                                                    Vasilios Triadis giving his keynote speech
                                          employees work
                                          as one team and
                                          everyone gets to
                                          work in all differ-
                                          ent parts of our
                                                                                                                     Another important step for the 19.2 release           ity, which are essential for the new corporate and
                                          products.                                                                  was the Release 19.2 Conference: on 23 and 24         processing structures. He then stressed the need
                 This improves the internal cooperation                                                              November 2018, all teams congregated at the           for smooth and more focussed communication
                  within the company and tightens the                                                                P&I headquarters in Wiesbaden and contributed         between colleagues and with customers. After-
              relationship between colleagues. This new                                                              hugely to the optimisation of the editing pro-        wards, the individual teams congregated to discuss
                 structure will result in the construction                                                           cesses. The aim was to bring together the mem-        the feedback they had been given and to define their
                  of a durable bridge of communication                                                               bers from all our international locations, thereby    next moves so as to be able to coordinate with even
                between P&I and its customers by intro-                                                              permanently strengthening internal communi-           more precision. The second day started with a lec-
               ducing total transparency in the develop-                                                             cation as the basis for productive collaboration.     ture on quality assurance by Prof. Dr. Hans-Günter
                 ment procedure. Furthermore, now we                                                                 Against this background, a representative of each     Lindner. This was followed by presentations given
               are able to provide in a single release the                                                           of the four areas of responsibility gave a lecture,   by quality assurers and developers, who outlined
                                                                                                                     focusing in particular on what they need from the     their experiences with the implementation of the
                fulfilment of all the customers’ needs by
                                                                                                                     other team members in order to be able to fulfil      19.2 release thus far and explained their ideas for
              getting into their perspective, understand-
                                                                                                                     their own tasks as best they can. This way, each      the future. An open discussion followed, before
               ing their problems and giving our best to
                                                                                                                     area had the opportunity to present its approach      the event was officially wrapped up. The Release
                 develop products so that everyone will
                                                                                                                     to cooperation, propose improvements to every-        19.2 Conference formed a solid basis for the new
                    enjoy using in all future releases.”                                                             one and, in turn, understand everyone else’s point    feedback processing structure and led the teams
                                                                                                                     of view. The management and the owners kicked         to communicate directly and face-to-face, allowing
                                                                                                                     off the whole event, followed by CEO Vasilios Tri-    the different groups to better understand each oth-
                                                                                                                     adis’ keynote speech. Triadis talked about the        er’s views and needs. This way, a new type of inter-
                                                                                                                     progress made thus far in the implementation of       nal communication that will permanently optimise
                                                                                                                     this release as well as the need for optimisation     collaboration has been launched. The individual
                                                                                                                     within the teams. He also outlined the compa-         team members will thus continue to liaise in future
                                                                     The feedback teams make use of the networking
                                                                     opportunity at the Release 19.2 Conference      ny’s future goals. Furthermore, he appealed to        and, together with their customers, successfully
                                                                                                                     everyone’s team spirit and sense of responsibil-      advance the further development of P&I LOGA.

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P&I DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                              P&I NEWS

   TEAM RELEASE 19.2                                                                                                                                                          The atrium is the ideal
                                                                                                           Large-scale trainings will take place in the atrium              place for a spot of lunch      P&I training room “Ioannia”

                                                                                                                         P&I ACADEMY
                                                                                                                           Welcome to the new P&I training rooms

                                                                                                   The time has come! Almost two and a half years after the start of the refurbishment
                                                                                                     measures, the P&I Academy is once again opening its doors and inviting users to
                                                                                                    take part in trainings and seminars to learn valuable information about P&I LOGA.

                                                                                                   The first event after the anni-           atrium was also declared free           seminar rooms, the atrium can
                                                                                                   versary      celebrations      was        to use for internal events on           be used for larger events with a
                                                                                                   also     the    official    reopen-       1 November 2018. Since then, it         greater number of partici­pants.
                                                                                                   ing of the P&I Academy.                   has become a central meeting            Here, a new LED screen can be
                                                                                                   On 30 October 2018, the new               place for P&I employees, who            used to project presentation
                                                                                                   training rooms were used to               like to spend their lunch break         contents. More intimate meet-
                                                                                                   host a partner workshop, which            here together with colleagues           ings can be held in the smaller
HOLÁK · HOLLSTEIN · HOMOLA · JÄGER · JAHNÁTEK · JAKUBÍK · JOHANNSEN · KALINKE · KARAGIANNIS        covered      the       topics    of       or exchange ideas over tea or           C-Lounge, which offers a varied
 KASZMIERSKI · KEDING · KHAN · KOBIDA · KOCH · KOLÁRIK · KOSSAKOWSKY · KOTULÁČ · KOUDELA           P&I HR-BIGDATA, LOGA Webcli-              coffee. Shortly after the official      range of seating options and
 KOVAČ · KRIEGER · KUBOV · KUNKOWSKI · LAPA · LUKAC · LUNGU · MAMALIS · MAMMIS · MANTZIOU          ent and P&I LOGA3. In addition            opening of the atrium, the P&I          modern design for a pleasant
MARGARITI · MAYER · MAZURKIEWICZ · MEIER · MICHAIRINAS · MOHR · MORAITIS · MÜLLER · MURÁRIK        to the joint exchange of experi-          Academy resumed its regular             and productive work atmos-
  NITSCH · OLŠAVSKÝ · OUNADJELA · PAPIGIOTIS · PAPPA · J. PARWANY · Z. PARWANY · PETROULIAS        ences, the many possible appli-           training sessions, and several          phere. Joint breaks can be spent
    PITZL · PRENTZAS · RADKE · REZETKOVÁ · RIHAYOVÁ · RIXEN · ROUMELIOTIS · SARLAK · ŠAVOL         cations of the different mod-             events have already been hosted         in the atrium, where a great
  SCHARTNER · SCHEPP · SCHINKO · SCHMIDT · SCHOLZ · SCHOLZEN · SCHULZ · SCHWARZ · SIMHANDL         ules as well as the new data              in winter 2018 in the new rooms         range of food and drinks is avail-
                                                                                                   protection regulation were dis-           “Ioannina” and “Bratislava” –           able. Larger groups are also wel-
                                                                                                   cussed. Following this successful         named after the P&I develop-            come to use the canteen, which
                                                                                                   first use of the new rooms, the           ment locations. In addition to the      has more tables.

                                                                                                      SPRING DATES
                                                                                                      A great range of LOGA seminars has once again been scheduled
                                                                                                      for this spring, and we welcome you to take part.
                                                                                                      As always, simply visit the P&I Academy section on our
                                                                                                      homepage to sign up. We are looking forward to your visit!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                JUST P&I FEB-2019 | 29

              PUBLISHER                                                COPYRIGHT
              P&I Personal & Informatik AG                             2019 by P&I AG, Wiesbaden. Reprint requires
              Kreuzberger Ring 56 | D-65205 Wiesbaden                  permission. All rights reserved.
              EDITORS                                                  For questions or suggestions about the magazine, please
              Marie-Christine Kegel | P&I AG                           emails us at
              Design and layout: brandcom Frankfurt GmbH     

              PRINT                                                    PHOTO CREDITS
              ColorDruck Solutions GmbH                                Photos used are subject to the right to use
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