The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad

Page created by Veronica Henderson
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
The Modern School
                       BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
                              THE BEACON
VOLUME:II                                 ISSUE: II               July, 2021-September, 2021

                   Our Students make us Proud!

Politically Correct!

For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.‖- ― Aristotle There is
no better way to learn about human society than by studying the different people in different times and
places. Students of The Modern School, Faridabad, Humanities Stream , presented some very interest-
ing facts and cases from the world politics. They put forth their views on important topics like peace,
war, globalisation and international relations. Students presented the Alternative Power centers
through PPTs on BRICS and ASEAN and explained the present situation of Israel along with historic
context. The experience helped students to have a better insight of the delicate and dynamic relations
in world politics
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
Roman Numbers
Ancient Romans used a special method of showing numbers. Roman Numbers have a great cultural
relevance. Though its usage in Mathematical calculations is limited, it is essential to teach children the
concept of Roman Number because there is still value in it and because it is a fun way to integrate
math into Social Science lessons, reinforce other math concepts and develop children's math stamina,
resilience and interest. Students of Grade P3 enjoyed the activity of writing birth dates of their parents
in Roman Numerals using match sticks/broomsticks. They reinforced the concept of Addition and
Subtraction as Roman numerals are formed by adding and subtracting symbols. Such activities help in
enhancing mental math abilities of students.

                                                        Summer of 2021

                                                        Learning about seasons helps the children under-
                                                        stand the passage of time and teaches them the
                                                        transit from one climatic condition to other. Out of
                                                        the four seasons, summer is the hottest. Plenty of
                                                        leaves on the trees and lots of plants with beautiful
                                                        fruit bearing flowers add to the charm. To learn the
                                                        facts about this season, students of Grades Nursery
                                                        and Kindergarten participated in summer fun activi-
                                                        ties. They recited rhymes and enjoyed making of
                                                        soothing drinks. They were also told about different
                                                        fruits and vegetables related to this season. Fun
                                                        learning methodology makes conceptual learning
                                                        easy and enjoyable.
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
The Modern School firmly believes in holistic development of a child and put humongous efforts on co
scholastic activities to develop the confidence in children. With this view various competitions on a regular
basis. Keeping same in mind Inter house Competitions in various categories were held in which students
took part actively and came out with flying colours
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
Let‟s Learn HCF
Mathematical concept of HCF of two numbers was explained through real objects such as sketch pens,
crayons, match sticks and leaves in Grade S1 making the dreaded Math class a fun class. Students en-
joyed the activity and were able to enhance their understanding and application skills. They were also
able to find factors of given numbers and also Highest common factor (HCF) of two or more numbers.

  Sense of taste:
  Tongue plays an important role in determining the flavors. Our sense of taste gives us an indication of
  whether a food item is sweet, salty, sour and bitter in taste. Students of Grade Nursery experienced sense
  of taste while preparing a summer drink ―Lemonade‖ where they tasted three different flavours together
  vis-a-vis sweet, salty and sour. Such activities enhance their taste buds and develops their sensory skills.
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
H and I

When a child is set free to explore, his understand-
ing deepens‖.

Students of Grade Nursery and Kindergarten learnt
letters ‗H and I‘ through fun filled activities.
Letters were introduced through real objects and
pictures .During hands on activity session students
of Grade Nursery made a hat and an insect hand
band and students of Grade kindergarten pasted
hay to make roof of a hut and drew Iguana to learn
letter i . Such activities develop their eye-hand
coordination and cognitive skills.

                                                            Garbage Disposal Activity - P3
                                                            Science is what we do to find out about the
                                                            natural world. Based on the topic of 'Home
                                                            Sweet Home', students of P3 did an art Inte-
                                                            grated activity, wherein they showed disposal
                                                            of waste in 3 types of bin. They showed dis-
                                                            posal of Biodegradable and Non - Biode-
                                                            gradable waste. They learnt how to keep their
                                                            surroundings clean inside and outside the

 Learning Letters Z
 Students of Kindergarten were introduced to letters z through objects and stories related to the same.
 Further, to clear the concept, they did hands on activity of making zebra with hand impression for letter
 ‗z‘ Such fun filled activities help in improving the fine motor skills and kinesthetic skills.
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
Cleanliness week :12.07.21 to 16.07.21
A sound mind resides in a sound body. Being healthy is of utmost importance. One of the ways of being
healthy is through cleanliness- of self and surroundings. In order to bring cleanliness into our daily
routine, Cleanliness Week was celebrated virtually by the Grades Nursery and Kindergarten, where the
students participated in different activities. They were taught about good habits, different dustbins and all
the things that can be done to keep our surroundings clean. The week began with the paper bag making
activity using old newspaper, They made a multipurpose hanging (a stationary kit, tissue paper holder)
using waste material. Last but not the least, healthy hand wash session marked the end of the cleanliness

 Food is a fuel which gives us energy to work all through the day. It is always advisable to eat right
 amount at right time. Also, when we enjoy our plate the benefits we rope on are many fold. Students of
 Grade P3, shared information on the different types of food and what they relish to eat. They presented
 a wonderful platter of their favourite food items like kidney beans, rice, curd, milk, fruits, paneer, Idli
 and dosa etc. and explained about it. Also, they enjoyed having their favourite food with their friends
 though virtually. Such activities are a good way of improving inter personal communication skills and
 expression of feelings.
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
Inter house clay modelling competition
Clay modelling is a great way to help children develop imagination and enhance their creativity. Inter
House Clay Modelling competition was organised for children of Grades P1-P4 where they created var-
ious objects and models using their imagination, creativity and variety of colours to add volume to their
creation. It was worth watching children using their originality in crafting out something unique out of
the ball of clay. Such activities are a fine way to enhance the cognitive and kinesthetic skills of a child.

अगर मगर जगर आओ घूमे संज्ञा के नगर "

इसी कहावत को सच कयते हुए कऺा P5 के ववद्मार्थिमों ने सॊऻा की गततववर्ध के दौयान कऺा भें वस्तुओॊ

का प्रदर्िन कयके सॊऻा के ववषम भें अऩने- अऩने ववचाय व्मक्त ककए जजससे सबी ववद्मार्थिमों को सॊऻा

उऩववषम को औय अर्धक आसान तयीके से सभझने भें आसानी हुई औय इस गततववर्ध को फडे ही योचक

ढॊ ग द्वाया सबी ववद्मार्थिमों ने ऩूर्ि ककमा ।आगे बी इसी तयह से आबासी ऩटर गततववर्ध का दौय जायी
यहे गा ताकक फच्चों का ऩढ़ाई भे उत्साह फढ़ता यहे |
The Modern School BPTP Parklands, Sector 85, Faridabad
Bowl Balancing

Balance is a significant component of child development. It is the movement of small muscles which in-
volves co-ordination between hands and eyes. This balancing was practiced by the students of Grade Nurse-
ry through the bowl balancing game. It is because of these games that children at a very young age interact
and engage in the world around them. They made a tower by balancing the bowls on one above the other.
Such activities enhance their cognitive skill, kinesthetic skill and eye-hand coordination.

Effective Communication Skills

Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. To Improve
the Public Speaking Skills to become effective communicators and to evolve into leadership roles, students
of Grade S6 B did the activity where they prepared PowerPoint presentations and presented it in front of
the class with vivid explanation. It was heartening to see the participation and enthusiasm of students.

                                                          SINGULAR AND PLURAL
                                                          Art Integrated activities always help children
                                                          to learn concepts easily. Students of Grade P2,
                                                          did an art integrated activity where they learnt
                                                          plural of nouns by drawing ice cream scoops.
                                                          It was thoroughly enjoyed by the students
Winners Takes it All!

When little hands and creative minds dig into adobe, something magical is created. This was well proven
by the students of Primary Wing when they participated in Inter House Clay Modelling Competition and
created amazing objects. Outstanding performance was given by all the participants. But as it is said, if it a
competition , there has to be a winner. Congratulations to all the winners! Keep up the good work!
Art Integrated Activity :

An Art Integrated Activity was conducted with the
students of Grade P2 to clear the mathematical concept
of increasing and decreasing order of numbers where
students drew a Sipping Cup showing different numbers
and arranged the cups according to the numbers in
Ascending and Descending Order. It was a fun learning


   Symmetry is something that we observe in many places in our daily lives without even noticing it. It is
   easily noticeable in various arts, buildings and monuments. Nature uses symmetry to make things
   beautiful. The students of Grade P4 did the hands-on activity on the Topic – Symmetry where in they
   wrote their names in Capital letters on an A4 sized sheet and drew the lines of symmetry in each letter.
   They learnt about the letters that have the lines of symmetry and which do not have.
Why Series?

Science begins by asking questions and then seeking
answers. Young children understand this intuitively as
they explore and try to make sense of their surround-
ings. Questioning is part of learning and teaching pro-
cess. Encouraging questioning helps to bring the true
spirit of science into our educational system, and the art
of asking good questions constitutes an important skill
to foster for practicing scientists.

Letters „p and g‟

Experiential learning always helps in better understanding. Learning of Letters p and g was introduced to
the students of Grade Kindergarten through letter stories and the rhymes. While learning about letter g
students visited a grocery store virtually and then had fun in creating their own grocery basket. They
spread awareness about not using plastic while learning letter p. Such activities help in developing the
kinesthetic skills of children and make them aware about the surroundings.

  Role Play:
  ‘The essence of role playing activity is that it is
  a group, cooperative experience‘. Learning be-
  comes fruitful only when we are able to use it
  to solve our problems. To enable the students
  to learn to apply the theoretical concepts to
  solve real life situations, a role play activity
  was conducted with the students of Grade S6
  and S7 (commerce stream). Students not only
  got the insight into real life situations but also
  learnt to work in team.
Making Us Proud!

Once again the students of The Modern School Faridabad have added another feather in the cap by
winning accolades for the school. Heartiest congratulations to all the winners. keep reaching out for the
sky!!! Once again the students of The Modern School Faridabad have added another feather in the cap
by winning accolades for the school. Heartiest Congratulations to all the winners. keep reaching out for
the sky!!!
“Plants   are the soul of our Earth.”
They are the beautiful creations of God. They are
essential for the planet and for all living things.
Students of Kindergarten learnt about plants. They
learnt about its parts, uses, types and germination
through various activities. They did leaf printing to
make a tree and then pasted the different things we
get from the plants on that tree. The best part was
that each student promised to plant a sapling on
their birthday. Such activities help them to learn
about their environment and enhances their
kinesthetic skills.

                                                        E and F
                                                        Students of Grade Nursery learned letters E and
                                                        F through different picture cut-outs, stories and
                                                        rhymes. Students enthusiastically participated in
                                                        the hands on activity where they made the letter E
                                                        with kit-kat chocolate and did fork printing to
                                                        make a bouquet of flowers related to letter F. Such
                                                        activities help in improving their cognitive and
                                                        kinesthetic skills.

 Art Integrated Activity
 An Art Integrated Activity was conducted in English. It was based on the Chapter- 'The Lost Laugh'.
 Students were asked to draw the Hyena, who lost his laugh in the story. This Art Integrated Activity was
 conducted to help students know about the animal.
Winning at Sports!

Sports is an integral part of student's life. It helps be to be fit and healthy. Following the new normal ,
the school conducted an Inter Class Competitions in various categories for the students of Grades P1-P4.
Enthusiastic participation by the students proved it right that they are well aware of importance of being
fit. Heartiest Congratulations to all the winners!!
Conflict Resolution

Most people dread conflict–they experience it as uncomfortable and stressful, something to fear. As a result,
we learn to avoid, suppress or withdraw from conflict or even act as though it doesn‘t exist. Rarely do we
choose to see the existence of conflict as positive and see that it presents an opportunity for us to move for-
ward if only we are willing to face it and deal with it effectively.

Conflict is inevitable, both within ourselves and in our relationships with others–at work, at home, every-
where and dealing with it effectively is essential if we are to live up to our capabilities This was highlighted
beautifully by the School Counsellor , Ms. Neeru in the session organized for the teaching and the Adminis-
trative staff in a webinar titled ‗Inner Conflict Resolution‘ on the 10th of July,2021.Ms. Neeru shared
amazing techniques to overcome the inner conflict and be at peace with self. It was an enriching and mean-
ingful session.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan
On 2nd October, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, launched a nation-wide cleanliness
campaign on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary- Swachh Bharat as Gandhiji, dreamt
of a clean India ,which is still unfulfilled. Cleanliness is most important for physical well-being and a
healthy environment. Students of Grades P1-P2, gave the class presentation highlighting the essential of
cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and hygienic conditions. The habits learnt at a young age get embedded
into one's personality, was the message that was imparted through the song, dance, Nukkad Natak and
You Can Count on Me ,Like 1, 2, 3…….I‟ll be
There is something about childhood friends that
you just can‘t replace!‖ In tune with the spirit of
the occasion, people dedicate Friendship Day to
their best friend. Students of Grades Nursery to
P4 celebrated the day with varied activities.
Students of Grades Nursery and Kindergarten,
made beautiful cards for their friends They sang
songs and made merry. Students of Grades P1 to
P3 made attractive friendship bands to express
their love for their friends. The students of Grade
P4 made cards using quilling technique, as a
special gift to thank their friends for their
wonderful presence in their life.

I am not afraid…..
The phobia of Mathematics can be removed when it is taught in an interesting and fun way. The subject
can be made enjoyable, if the right techniques are used for concept clarity. Students of Grade S2 under-
stood the concept of 'Data Handling' when it was correlated with real life examples. This way students not
only understood the concept well but also had fun while learning it.
Garden of Love

―You are closer to God‘s heart in a garden than
any other place on the Earth.
Students of Grade P1 expressed their ideas through
a vegetable printing activity related to their Eng-
lish Chapter- Grandma‘s Vegetable Garden. They
dipped the vegetables like potato, capsicum, lady‘s
finger in water colours and imprinted them on
sheets. They made emojis representing them
through vegetable printing. Importance of vegeta-
ble for healthy, happy and fit life was also dis-
cussed with the kids. This activity ignited the fire
of imagination in the children and taught them to
appreciate the nature for providing us with so
many valuable things. Such activities also develop
the fine motor skills.

                                                       Virtual Supermarket Shopping

                                                       Virtual world is a new normal and to be specific , a
                                                       reality in the present circumstances. We should ac-
                                                       cept it in a positive way and try to benefit from it.
                                                       Education beyond classrooms is what the school
                                                       believes in and going by it,t he students of Grade
                                                       P1 went for a virtual visit to a Supermarket. It was
                                                       followed by some interesting activities. Children
                                                       identified types of foods found there. A demonstra-
                                                       tion on how things are bought, billed and paid for
                                                       was given. On the whole it was a fun learning expe-
                                                       rience for each child. Such activities contribute a lot
                                                       to the cognitive development of a child .

 Green Colour Day

 ―Being Green and clean is not just an aspiration
 but an action‖
 Green is the most common colour in the world.
 Think of nature and see green in all its glory
 expressing renewal and life. Green is said to have
 healing power and is understood to be the most
 relaxing and restful colour for human eyes. Green
 colour is associated with growth, safety and
Let‟s Play and Learn!
                                                           Children learn as they play and we know it. So
                                                           we used play to introduce the letter W, to the
                                                           students of Grade Nursery. Its recognition, pro-
                                                           nunciation and related words like watch, wall,
                                                           watermelon, weather etc were shown to them.
                                                           To help children memorise it even better, we
                                                           made them cut strips of paper and stick it on a
                                                           sheet of paper to form the Letter W and on top
                                                           of it drawing various weathers.
                                                           Such activities help in enhancing their vocabu-
                                                           lary, fine their motor skills, cognitive skills,
                                                           pincer grip and learn more about the environ-

“San Sattavan ki Goonj‟
Independence Day was celebrated with great
enthusiasm and patriotic fervor on August 12, 2021 to
mark the 75th year of freedom from the British rule.
The programme started with flag hoisting by the Chief
Guest Dr. Vinay Gupta, Civil Surgeon, Faridabad,
followed by the national anthem. Among other
dignitaries present virtually were Mr. Ashok Pratap
Singh, Senior Member, Board of Trustees, Modern
School, Ms. Mira Pradeep Singh, Chair Person, The
Modern School, Faridabad, Ms. Ambika Pant,
Honorary Secretary, Board of Trustees, Modern
School, Ms. Abha Sadana, Principal, The Modern
School, Kundli and Ms. Priyanka Kharbanda, HM,
Modern Early Years, Deepali.
A heart wrenching, dance drama titled ―San Sattavan ki
Goonj‘ that showcased the magnificent life of the brave
Rani of Jhansi- Rani Lakshmi Bai. It was an excellent
blend of a gamut of human emotions and qualities-
bravery, melancholy, exhilaration, patience, pride, pat-
riotism and dedication. It invigorated the audience in
the beginning and left them spell bound towards the
end. The musical rendition by the school choir awak-
ened everyone‘s feelings towards the motherland.
―Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released”- Robin Moore.
To help children learn how to imagine and narrate a story, and develop a fundamental instrument of thought
we conducted a storyboarding session for students of S6 B and S7 B.

Beginning with the Basics.
Through the play way method, students of Kindergarten were introduced to vowel sounds. They leant
how to enunciate the vowels and the difference between vowels and consonants. The children also
enjoyed a story about the vowels

Let‟s Enact and Learn!

A role play activity was conducted to teach children the importance of various community helpers like
Firefighters, Doctors and Nurses, the Police, the Milkman, Teachers, Cab Drivers, etc. Such sessions help
children develop a sense of gratitude and harmony towards others.
Science is Fun!
 To make the students of Grade S3 acquaint
 with the concept of water pressure, a fun
 activity was taken up virtually through the
 Science Lab on August 13, 2021 (Friday).
 Such activities give wings to their creative
 impulse and help unleash their artistic tal-
 ents and expressions. Seeing children have
 fun was a treat to the eyes

 Slogan Writing:
 On the occasion of the 75th Independence Day, some co curricular activities like Slogan writing
 competition and so on were conducted for students of Grade P3 and P4, .

Barso Re Megha Megha……..

Poetry recitation (Kavita Vaachan) not only teaches them various lessons but also helps improve their
speech, vocabulary and promotes their overall growth. Reading and listening to great Poetry works like
magic on us. So to make our students experience the same magic, we conducted a poetry recitation session
for students of class P2 on topics like Monsoon, Rains, etc.
Tricolour Sandwich Making

On the occasion of the 75th Independence Day, we conducted some co curricular activities for students of
Grade P1 and P2 like Tricolour Sandwich Making Activity.

   Highest Common Factor (HCF )
  "Life is like HCF of mathematics, we should never stop until the success is found."
  HCF (Highest Common Factor) is the greatest number that can divide the given numbers without any
  remainder. It is used to split things into smaller sections, to arrange something into rows or groups,
  to distribute more numbers of items to large groups, and to figure out how many people we have to
  invite and so on when we want to split things into smaller sections. This is an important concept of
  mathematics that we use in our daily lives.
  Concept of factors can seem intimidating for many students but finding HCF can be fun for both
  teachers and students if it is taught in a play way manner.
   Hence, an activity on calculation of HCF was conducted in Grade P5 by playing a game. For play-
  ing this HCF game, an A4 size sheet was used. Some children used coins, others used buttons and
  some even used leaves to find the HCF of two different numbers. Lot of enthusiasm was shown by
  the students while doing this gaming activity.
  As a result, students just learned the concept of HCF without being afraid of it.
Brother-Sister Love
This year Raksha Bandhan was celebrated on August 18, 2021 (Wednesday) virtually where the students
all dressed up in traditional Indian attire, filled the atmosphere with love and joy. The students of Grades
Nursery and Kindergarten participated in a special Assembly on Rakhi and enjoyed various creative
activities. They made beautiful rakhis and decorated the puja thalis using decorative material like beads,
mirrors and colourful papers. Their artisanship was quite fascinating and children thoroughly enjoyed
this activity that ignited their creative side. Such activities are conducted to bring the children closer to
their families by making them aware of the customs and traditions followed by the people in different

Unity in Diversity
―No other culture on the planet Earth has the variety of weaves that India has‖
Our little chefs from Grade P1 cooked food of different states with their mothers and learnt about vari-
ous ingredients. Children were dressed up accordingly and spoke few lines about their dishes like
Dosa , Litti Chokha ,Chole Bhature, Idli Sambar, Dal Baati , Sarson Da Saag and Makki ki
Roti ,Momos . The background was also decorated with nice handicrafts of that particular state. They
greeted in their native language. Children relished the food and enjoyed the activity very much.
―Be a HERO Save Lives, First Aid is for everyone
Immediate first aid can make a real difference. An
ambulance takes on average eight minutes to arrive
but you can die from a blocked airway within four
minutes. Isn‘t it time we all learned? With this
thought the young warriors were introduced the con-
cept of First Aid.
A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept within easy reach, is
a must for every home. Having the right supplies
ahead of time will help you handle an emergency at a
moment's notice. Keep a first-aid kit in your home
and one in your car. Also be sure to take a first-aid
kit on family vacations.
To make the students of Grade P5 acquaint with the
concept of First Aid, a learning activity was taken
up virtually on August 23, 2021 (Friday). The
objectives of the activity To preserve life, To prevent
further harm, To promote recovery.

  Let‟s Paint with Veggies!

  Students of Grade P1 expressed their ideas through a vegetable printing activity related to their English
  Chapter- Grandma‘s Vegetable Garden. They dipped the vegetables like potato, capsicum, lady‘s finger
  in water colour and printed on sheets with numbers written on them. They made emojis representing
  the characters in the chapter through vegetable printing. Importance of vegetable for healthy, happy and
  fit life was discussed with the kids. This activity ignited the fire of imagination in the children and
  taught them to appreciate the nature for providing us with so many valuable things. Such activities also
  develop the fine motor skills.
Nutrition is not just about eating; it's about learning to live.

A balanced diet is essential for our body to receive good nutrition, keep our immunity and fight infections.
National Nutrition Week is observed from September 1 to September 7 annually in India. The theme of
the 2021 National Nutrition Week is 'feeding smart right from start'. The week is observed to raise aware-
ness about nutritional and adaptive eating habits.

 Number 3 – Traffic Light Craft
 Students of Grade Nursery were introduced to number 3 through real objects. Students understood the con-
 cept of number 3 by counting and showing objects related to the same. Hands on activities are filled with
 full of fun and creativity. It allows students to directly observe and understand what is happening. So to
 provide our students of Grade Nursery an experience, a traffic light craft related to number 3 was planned,
 where they pasted three different coloured circle cutouts on a black sheet. Craft encourages children to play
 and experiment. It enhances student's eye-hand co-ordination and builds levels of manual dexterity.
Sea of Foliage
―In order to break the monotony of online clas-
ses and encourage children to take a nature
walk, the students of Grade S2 participated in
an Art integrated activity wherein they were
able to get sneak picture of the beauty around
them onto an A4 size sheet. A collage of leaves
of different shapes, sizes and colours were past-
ed and a sea of foliage was created .

“धयती की फस मही ऩुकाय ऩेड रगाओ फायम्फाय”|

कुछ इनहीॊ फातों को दर्ािने हे तु कऺा ऩी 3 के छात्रों ने कववता वाचन गततववर्ध की | उनहोंने वऺ
                                                                                          ृ ,ऩथ्
                                                                                              ृ वी,औय सम
                                                                                                       ू ि से सॊफॊर्धत
कई छोटी फडी कववताएॉ प्रस्तत
                          ु की कववता वाचन के भाध्मभ से बाषा की ध्वतनमों से छात्रों का ऩरयचम कयवाने का एक
अच्छा तयीका है ,बरे ही इनके र्ब्द र्ुरू भें अऩरयर्चत हों ऩयनतु इससे एक भज़ेदाय तयीके से बाषा सीखने का प्रोत्साहन
मभरता है | मह गततववर्ध ववद्मार्थिमों भें धाया प्रवाह, फोरने की ऺभता औय आत्भववश्वास जगाती है |

                                                                Let‟s Learn Maths

                                                                ―The only thing you can be sure of in this world
                                                                is the multiplication table.‖
                                                                 L.M. Montgomery
                                                                The students of Grade P4 learned the concept
                                                                of Array Multiplication today.
                                                                While doing the activity they learned that an
                                                                array is formed by arranging a set of objects
                                                                into rows and columns. Each column must con-
                                                                tain the same number of objects as the other
                                                                columns, and each row must have the same
                                                                number as the other rows.
                                                                Students picked up one multiplication fact of
                                                                their choice and presented it in the array. This
                                                                representation not only helped kids in under-
                                                                standing the process, but also provided a visual
                                                                image for them to draw upon about the basic
                                                                multiplication facts.
                                                                This concept is a very powerful tool for sup-
                                                                porting the development of children's mathe-
                                                                matical bent of mind.
Let‟s make a Yo-Yo
―Recognition of letters is a fundamental part of learning.‖
The students of Grade Nursery were introduced to letter Y through flash cards. They created Yo -Yo craft
of letter Y using colourful sheets, glue, satin ribbon and crayons. They learnt about letter Y through this
activity. All students participated actively and enjoyed it a lot.

                                                  “The Science of today is the technology for
                                                  Changes occur everywhere, and every moment around
                                                  us. Everything in the world is subject to change. But
                                                  why and how do things change? Do they all follow the
                                                  same pattern? Or do different things change differently?
                                                  What are the different kinds of changes? To help the
                                                  students to find out the answers of the above questions,
                                                  a case study activity was taken up by the students of
                                                  Grade S1 on the topic-changes around us. Case Studies
                                                  for students are problem solving activities clearly de-
                                                  signed to help the young minds to learn the application
                                                  of a theory or concept to real situations.

 Friction-Friend or Foe?

 To make the concept of contact force clearer to the students, a case study activity was taken up by the stu-
 dents of Grade S3 on the topic Friction-Friend or Foe.
"Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul."
Students of Grade P3 did a science experiment to explore how plants and trees Breathe.
The idea behind conducting the experiment was to make the invisible visible!
For this experiment kids were advised to sit outside in their open area near plants and learn how leaves
and trees breathe!
Students used a large bowl of plastic/glass and filled it with lukewarm water and they placed the leaf in
the bowl of water and put a small rock on top of it so it was fully submerged under the water. They were
advised to place it under the sun. After some time, they were able to see small bubbles that formed around
the leaf and the edges of the bowl.

Maths Phobia? Never!
"Why do children dread mathematics? Because of the wrong approach. Because it is looked
at as a subject." — Shakuntala Devi.
Introducing math games in the classroom is a great way to make learning fun, engaging and
motivating for young learners. Kids of Grade P3 did a Box Multiplication Activity. It is an
easy method to teach Multiplication of two digit numbers. Multiplication is a long term
Investment in children‟s learning and will be used in their whole life.
Case Study Activity – Rusting of Iron

 ―Science is a part of everyone‘s everyday life‖
We observe many things made of iron getting a
reddish-brown layer on the top of it. What is this
layer? How is it formed? When is it formed? To
help the students to find out the answers of the
above questions, a case study activity was taken
up by the students of Grade S2 on the topic Rust-
ing of iron. Rusting of iron refers to the formation
of rust, a mixture of iron oxides, on the surface of
iron objects or structures. This rust is formed from
a redox reaction between oxygen and iron in an
environment containing water (such as air contain-
ing high levels of moisture).

What Will I Be?
What do you want to become when you grow up?"
It's a common question asked to every student till the time he/she grows up. It's an important question
wherein a child should know about different professions or occupations, An activity on ''People Who
Help Us" was conducted in Grade P2, wherein students were tested about their knowledge of professions,
with the help of Quiz . They were able to identify the people who help us in different situations. They
also talked on the topic as to what they want to become when they grow up.

                                                       Let’s Flash Some Cards!

                                                       भात्राएॉ हहॊदी का आधाय हैं । इसमरए फच्चों को भात्राओॊ
                                                       का उर्चत रूऩ से ऻान कयाना अत्मॊत आवश्मक है ।
                                                       सभम-सभम ऩय कऺा १ भें भात्राएॉ मसखाने के मरए
                                                       अनेक गततववर्धमाॊ कयाई जाती हैं । ' ऎ' की भात्रा
                                                       मसखाने के मरए फच्चों से ऎ' की भात्रा के फ्रैर् कार्ि
                                                       फनवाए गए जजसभें फच्चों ने ऐ की भात्रा के र्चत्र
                                                       रगाकय स्वमॊ र्ब्द मरखे। फच्चों ने खेर -खेर भें ऐ
                                                       की भात्रा ऩय फडी आसानी से ऩकड फना री।ऐसी
                                                       गततववर्धमों से फच्चों की ववषम भें रुर्च फनी यहती है
                                                       साथ ही ववषम को सभझने भें आसानी होती है एवॊ
                                                       अर्धगभ ऺभता भें वद्
                                                                        ृ र्ध होती है ।
Acharya Devo Bhava!
Teacher's Day was celebrated at The Modern School with full zest and enthusiasm. Though virtually,
students of the Modern School hosted a special assembly to pay their tribute to their teachers. The assem-
bly started with Guru Vandana- Salutations to the Guru. Students of the senior classes participated in the
assembly and show cased their love and gratitude in the form of a dance and drama. Through Special As-
sembly they highlighted the pivotal role played by the teachers during the pandemic. Students' dedicated
efforts and pure love touched the teachers' hearts and got emotional while watching the assembly.

Glimpses of India

Learning becomes fun when it is engaging and interactive. The students of Grade S5 engaged in a Group
Presentation related to a chapter of their prescribed Text Book-First Flight that show cases the beauty of
Indian Subcontinent. Three tourist spots were presented– Coorg, Assam and Goa. It was an enriching
My Hero!

"Role-play is extremely important to kids. It's the
closest way the child can truly become their fa-
vourite superhero".

Through role-playing children develop communi-
cation skills and physical mannerisms which help
them later on in life. Keeping in mind the benefits
of Role-play, an activity was conducted in Grade
P2, wherein, kids played the role of a family
member. Children enacted like their parents and
grandparents. It was great fun watching them en-
act things that their grandmothers and mothers do.

                                                      Chef Cap– I want to wear One

                                                      To build a healthy society, it is imperative to
                                                      teach kids about community helpers.
                                                      Community Helpers are everywhere!
                                                      Throughout our communities — at home, at
                                                      school, at the library or the store — we meet
                                                      hard-working men and women who make our
                                                      lives easier every day. Some community help-
                                                      ers have a dress code and they are identified
                                                      by them. Children of Grade P1 crafted Chef
                                                      Caps to honour and show gratitude towards
                                                      community helpers. They enjoyed donning
                                                      the self crafted caps If we wish to raise re-
                                                      sponsible citizens of tomorrow, we must train
                                                      our children to respect and appreciate these
                                                      unsung heroes of everyday life.
  In Love with the Shape…….

  Although children accuratly perceive shape
  and space in their everyday environment,
  children need to learn to think about these
  topics. Our main educational goal should be
  to promote understanding of basic geome-
  try. All kinds of objects and structures help
  kids in learning shapes. The students of
  Grade P1 made a colourful caterpillar with
  different 2D shapes.
Painting with M for Marbles
‗Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.‘
                                                                                          - Benjamin Franklin
Letter recognition is a key step in a child's ability to learn to read and write.
Students of Grade Nursery were introduced to letter M and its sound. They were also shown real objects for
the same. Phonics instructions for students helped them to understand how to decode letters into their re-
spective sounds, a skill that is essential for them to read unfamiliar letters by themselves. Having letter-
sound knowledge will allow students to make the link between the unfamiliar print letters to their spoken

Wild Animals: Giraffe Mask Craft
 It is paramount that students be told about the importance of wildlife conservation as a bridge that will re-
connect modern society to nature. Developing and nurturing an appreciation for nature, with an interactive
wildlife education to Nursery students, will ensure that the next generation will help safeguard our fragile
wildlife and environment in the future. Students of Grade Nursery had an exposure to the wildlife and na-
ture through a video. They were very excited to see different types of animals. They were shown wild ani-
mals through hand puppets as well.
“Colours are the smiles of nature”

Colour is a part of everyday life. Having a strong knowledge of the different colours comes in use in many situations
that children will be exposed to in the future.
Colour recognition is a key cognitive developmental step for toddlers, as it plays an important role in object recogni-
tion and is a vital part in helping children to develop their descriptive language skills, which in turn encourages clear
communication and understanding. Students of Grade Nursery were introduced to ―Purple colour‖. They were
introduced to this colour by showing them the mixing of two colours- Blue and Red that makes a new colour-

‘ध’ वर्ण
 कक्षा KG के छात्रों ने ‘ध’ वर्ण की               गतितवतध की | इसके माध्यम से छात्रों ने ‘ध’ वर्ण से
शु रु हरने वाले तित्रों कर दे खा िथा उनके नाम बिाए | उन्रोंने अध्यातिका द्वारा ‘ध’ वर्ण से
शु रु हरने वाली कतविा का गायन तकया तिसे करिे समय छात् बहुि ही खुश और
उत्सातहि तदखे | इसके बाद तवषय अध्यातिका के साथ ‘ध’ अक्षर से शु रु होने वाला गीि
गाया तिससे उन्रोंने          ध     का उच्चारर् करना सीखा | इस िरह की गतितवतधयरों कर कराने
का उद्दे श्य छात्रों कर खेल-खेल में तसखाना है | वे स्वयों नए-नए शब्रों कर िानने के तलए
उत्सु क भी हरिे हैं |
Rangmanch Ke Sitaare
If you're determined to stand, nothing can move you. If you're determined to move, nothing can
stop you. The same was proved by the participants of Rangmanch -an online Inter-school event hosted
by The Modern School, Faridabad. More than 100 students from different schools showcased their acting
skills through different events like Mime, Navarasa, Stand-up comedy, etc. Heartiest congratulations to
all the winners!

Letter N: Letter N formation with Nuts
Letter recognition is a key step in a child's ability to learn to read and write. One of the most important skills
for children to develop in the Kindergarten is the recognition of letters and sounds are related to it. Students
of Grade Nursery were introduced to letter N and their sound. They were shown some real objects for the
same. Children wrote the letter N on a plate with chocolate syrup and then they placed nuts on it.
'द भॉर्नि स्कूर ,पयीदाफाद ककसी बी ऩवि औय हदवस को फहुत ही उत्साह के साथ भनाता है |इसी श्ख  ॊ ृ रा
भें 14 मसतॊफय 'हहॊदी हदवस' को बी फडे व्माऩक औय योचक ढॊ ग भें भना यहा है |इसके मरए हहॊदी सप्ताह
का आमोजन ककमा गमा है ,जजसके अॊतगित ववद्मार्थिमों सहहत मर्ऺक -मर्क्षऺकाएॉ बी सहषि बाग रे यहे हैं
|प्रततहदन अरग -अरग गततववर्ध एवॊ प्रततमोर्गताओॊ का आमोजन ककमा गमा ,जजसके अॊतगित -कववता
वाचन ,ववऻाऩन ,आर्ुबाषर् ,वाद -वववाद ,वाजमभता ,नुक्कड नाटक ,ये डर्मो जॉकी .कवव सम्भेरन इत्माहद
को र्ामभर ककमा गमा है
Meet The

Prachi Malik Tennis Prodigy
Prachi Malik, without doubt, is a rising star in the field of tennis. At
the tender age of 11, when girls of her age play with dolls and doll
houses, Prachi holds #14 rank in Under-12 category at National Lev-
el. With her extraordinary talent, she is on the course to become #1
rank player in Under-14 girl‘s category. In very short span of time,
she has won 12 AITA (All India Tennis Association) tournaments.
This little girl started turning heads very early in her career and since
then has achieved several milestones in her career. The list of her
achievements is too long to wrap up in few words. Her major
achievements include her recent win in 2020 in AITA Talent Series
in Under-12 category. She is the winner of 4 AITA Talent Series
tournaments in Under-12 and Under-10 category and Runners up in 2
AITA Tennis tournaments. She has won Under 14 Challenger Series
Tournament (held in Ghaziabad), Under 14 Challenger Series Dou-
bles Tournament (held in Ghaziabad), Under 14 Talent Series tourna-
ment (held in Gurgaon) and UNDER 14 Challenger Series tourna-
ment held in Sonepat December 2020. She was one of the Quarter
finalists, AITA Championship Series, Karnal (Under 12). The latest
laurel she brought home is the AITA tennis Tournament held at Base
Tennis Academy Faridabad in the Under 16, girls single category.
All this has not come easy for her. She undergoes a vigorous training
and practice regime for 6 days in a week. She shows exemplary dis-
cipline and dedication towards her career. Along with her tennis, she
is also able to manage her studies well. She likes to spend her leisure
time watching horror movies and reading books.

                                                                               Radhya Jha - Environmental Champions
                                                                            The Events Team, One Earth Social Initiative
                                                                            (OESI) conducted ‗The Environmental Champi-
                                                                            ons‘ event which was a pan India Competition, in
                                                                            which Radhya Jha, a student of Grade P3, The
                                                                            Modern School, participated. It is with great pride
                                                                            we announce that she has secured the First Posi-
                                                                            tion in the Elocution category at this event. This
                                                                            honour makes her sparkle in the middle of names
                                                                            and fame. Her commitment, eagerness, and
                                                                            knowledge are extremely inspiring. The school
                                                                            congratulates Radhya on her accomplishment and
                                                                            hopes that she continues the streak in her life and
                                                                            accomplishes every dream with diligent work.
                                                                            Congratulations!!Keep up the good work.
Grandparents Day
Grandparents are the one who have silver hair, but a golden heart. They play a very important part in our
lives. It is said that ―The nearest thing to the love of God is the love of Grandparents‖. A special day was
dedicated to the grandparents where they were invited to watch the wonderful show presented by their
grandchildren of Grades Nursery and Kindergarten virtually.

संवाद वाचन गतिववधध

सॊवाद का साभानम अथि फातचीत है । इसभें दो मा दो से
अर्धक व्मजक्त बाग रेते है । सॊवाद वाचन के भाध्मभ से
छात्र सॊवाद के आयम्ब औय अनत की योचकता, प्रवाह,
क्रभ औय तकिसम्भत ववचाय कयने से अवगत होते है |
इसी ऩयम्ऩया को आगे फढ़ाते हुए कऺा S1 के छात्रों ने
सॊस्कृत सॊवाद वाचन गततववर्ध के भाध्मभ से बाषा की
योचकता, सयसता, स्वाबाववकता के सबी तथ्मों से अवगत
हुए | छात्रों ने सयर व्माकयणर्क ववषमों को ध्मान भें
यखते हुए सॊस्कृत सॊवाद वाचन ककमा |
Let‟s Learn X

Students of Grade Nursery were introduced to letter X and its sound, where they were shown a PPT relat-
ed to the same. Recognition of letter X was done by showing them the letter with the help of fingers,
crayons and Lego blocks since through play way technique students can easily
register anything in their mind.

                                  EDITORIAL BOARD:

                 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:Ms. NEETU BLEST

                                                 Ms. PINKY DHAKREY
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