YEAR 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - YEAR 13 - Whangārei Boys ...

Page created by Alice Hardy
YEAR 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - YEAR 13 - Whangārei Boys ...

GUIDE        YEAR 13

YEAR 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - YEAR 13 - Whangārei Boys ...

Wed            29          July       Subject Selection Evening
                                      5:30pm - 7:30pm
                                      For students in Years 9 - 12 selecting 2021 subjects
                                      Senior staff, Head of Faculty staff, and Deans will be available to
                                      dicuss subject selection with students and parents/cargivers

Thurs          30          July       Year 8 Open Evening
                                      4:30pm - 7:00pm
                                      For students and parents/cargivers
                                      Tours will commence at 4:30pm, and the formal presentation will
                                      be from 6:00pm - 7:00pm
                                      Subject displays will be in the School Hall

Wed            5           Aug        Final day for online subject selection via parent portal
                                      - for Years 9 - 12 students selecting 2021 subjects

Wed - Thurs    19 - 20     Aug        Year 8 Enrolment Interviews in the School Hall
                                      - bookings are made through the School Office

Tue - Thurs    19 - 21     Jan        Years 9 – 13 Deans available for subject consultation for all
                                      returning students and new enrolments

Tue            26          Jan        Years 9 & 13 students attend school
                                      Powhiri at 9.00am
                                      Years 10 – 13 Deans available at 11.00am for course changes

Mon            1           Feb        All students attend school

Career Central –
Vocational Pathways –
Careers New Zealand –
Occupation Outlook app –
Just the Job –
Student loans and allowances –
Fees Free, Tertiary Education Committee –

                                                                                                      Curriculum Guide 2021
YEAR 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - YEAR 13 - Whangārei Boys ...

Year 13 students return to school for a variety of reasons. Some have
the goal of achieving University Entrance, while others are working on
their NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3. Regardless, promotion to Year 13 subjects
will depend on meeting Year 12 course criteria as outlined within the Curriculum Guide.
There are no compulsory subjects at Year 13. To achieve NCEA Level 3 students must gain at least 80 credits from
either Achievement Standards or Unit Standards based subjects. 60 of the 80 credits must be at Level 3 or above
(any of these can be carried over from previous years), plus 20 credits from Level 2 or above. The Level 1 literacy
and numeracy requirements must also be met (a minimum of 10 literacy credits and 10 numeracy credits at Level
1 or above).
Selected students (usually Prefects) will take five subjects and a study period. Others will choose five subjects
and have Supported Study where they attend junior classes for three terms. 80% attendance during that time
will result in a study period at the discretion of the Year 13 Deans.
Attendance is a significant contributing factor in ensuring academic success. The Ministry of Education
indicates that those students who attend at least 76% of classes are more likely to complete course and NCEA
qualifications competently. University Entrance under NCEA is as follows:
• 10 credits at Level 1 or above in Mathematics
• 5 credits at Level 2 or above in Reading
• 5 credits at Level 2 or above in Writing
• 14 credits at Level 3 or above in three Approved Subjects
• NCEA Level 3
Approved Subjects for University Entrance:
• Accounting                •   Digital Technologies      •   Japanese                      •   Sculpture (Practical Art)
• Agriculture and           •   Drama                     •   Korean                        •   Spanish
  Horticulture              •   Earth and Space Science   •   Latin                         •   Social Studies
• Biology                   •   Economics                 •   Mathematics                   •   Statistics
• Business Studies          •   Education for             •   Media Studies                 •   Technology
• Calculus                      Sustainability            •   Music Studies                 •   Te Reo Māori
• Chemistry                 •   English                   •   Painting (Practical Art)      •   Te Reo Rangatira
• Chinese                   •   French                    •   Photography (Practical Art)   •   Tongan
• Classical Studies         •   Geography                 •   Physical Education
• Construction and          •   German                    •   Physics
  Mechanical Technologies   •   Hauora                    •   Printmaking (Practical Art)
• Cook Island Māori         •   Health Education          •   Processing Technologies
• Dance                     •   History                   •   Psychology
• Design (Practical Art)    •   History of Art            •   Religious Studies
• Design and Visual         •   Home Economics            •   Samoan
  Communication             •   Indonesian                •   Science

It is possible to study a small number of subjects through FarNet and TeKura (The Correspondence School)
where students have a clash of subjects or a subject is not available at WBHS. This must be discussed with the
Deans and the FarNet/TeKura Coordinator in H6. A very small number of these subjects may alternatively be
taken at WGHS but students need to discuss this with the Deans and also email the Principal with their request.
Confirmation of these subjects occurs in the next year.
During subject selection, guidance is available from your Whanau Teachers, Deans, Subject Teachers, and


Curriculum Guide 2021
YEAR 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE - YEAR 13 - Whangārei Boys ...

    Grades that can be awarded for each Achievement
    Standard are:
                                                           NEW ZEALAND
                                                           QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY
    • Achieved with Excellence
    • Achieved with Merit
                                                           NZQA administers the National Qualifications
    • Achieved                                             Framework (NQF), which is a system designed
    • Not Achieved                                         to recognise the attainment of knowledge,
                                                           understanding and skills by all people in New
    If a student meets the standard they receive the       Zealand. Framework qualifications are quality assured
    credits regardless of the grade awarded.               and nationally recognised. NCEA provides the
    For most Unit Standards a student will receive the     pathway for further training, higher qualifications or
    following awards:                                      the workplace.

    • Achieved                                             Learners who register on the Framework are able to
                                                           accumulate credits over time and at their own pace
    • Not Achieved                                         as they work towards a qualification.
    For minimum entry requirements to University or
    Polytechnic study, please check with the Careers
    Advisor or with the institute of choice prior to
                                                           NATIONAL CERTIFICATE OF
    selecting your Year 13 course of study.                EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT
    OTHER QUALIFICATIONS                                   NCEA is the main secondary school qualification in
                                                           New Zealand for Year 13 students.
    New Zealand Scholarship provides recognition and
    monetary reward to the top students in New Zealand     To gain an NCEA Level 3 qualification, a student must
    in each subject. Assessment is by either a written/    perform against pre-determined standards. These
    spoken examination or by the submission of a           standards may be called Achievement Standards or
    portfolio or report of work produced throughout the    Unit Standards. Each standard is allocated a certain
    year.                                                  number of credits. When a student has accumulated
                                                           80 credits, of which 60 are at Level 3 or above, plus
    Year 13 students may be working towards the
                                                           20 credits at Level 2 or above, and has met the Level
    completion of specific New Zealand Certificates that
                                                           1 literacy and numeracy requirements (10 literacy
    link to Vocational Pathways.
                                                           credits and 10 numeracy credits), they may be
    For all assessment matters refer to the Senior         awarded the NCEA Level 3 qualification.
    Assessment Booklet updated and produced each
    year for distribution to students.

                                                                                              Curriculum Guide 2021
                         POINTS TO NOTE                 FACULTY        YEAR 9                       YEAR 10                      YEAR 11 - LEVEL 1                    YEAR 12 - LEVEL 2                  YEAR 13 - LEVEL 3
                         YEAR 9                         The Arts       * Art                        * Art                         Art                                 Art Design                         Art Design +
                                                                                                                                  Digital Art                         Art Painting                       Art Painting +
                         Students study English,                                                                                                                      Photography                        Photography +
                         Science, Social Studies,                      * Drama                      * Drama                       Drama                               Drama                              Drama +
                         Mathematics, Physical                         * Music                      * Music                       Music                               Music                              Music +
                         Education, Health and
                         Materials Technology for       Health &        Health                     Health                       Health                              Health                             Health +
                         the full year. Te Reo Māori    Physical       Physical Education          Physical Education           Physical Education                  Physical Education                 Physical Education +
                                                        Education                                                                 Physical Well-being                 Physical Well-being                Physical Well-being

Curriculum Guide 2021
                         and a choice of either
                         Art, Drama or Music, are                      * Outdoor Education          * Outdoor Education           Outdoor Education                   Outdoor Education                  Outdoor Education
                         studied for half a year.                      * Sports Specific Training    * Sports Specific Training     Personal & Social Development       Personal & Social Development      Personal & Social Development
                         Students also select two       Languages       English                     English                     English                            English                            English +
                         option subjects* which                                                                                    English Language &                 English Language &                 English Language &
                         are studied for half a year.                                                                                           Communication                     Communication                      Communication
                                                                                                                                   English Literacy
                         YEAR 10                                       * Japanese                   * Japanese                     Japanese                           Japanese                           Japanese+
                         Students study six                            * Languages via FarNet       * Languages via FarNet        Languages via FarNet                Languages via FarNet               Languages via FarNet
                         compulsory subjects and
                                                                       Te Reo Māori
                         three option subjects*.                       * Junior Maori Arts          * Junior Maori Arts           Senior Māori Arts                   Senior Māori Arts                  Senior Māori Arts
                         Please select a spare
                                                                       * Te Reo Rangatira           * Te Reo Rangatira            Te Reo Rangatira                    Te Reo Rangatira                   Te Reo Rangatira +
                         subject.                                        ESOL                         ESOL                        ESOL                                ESOL                               ESOL
                         YEAR 11                        Mathematics     Mathematics                Mathematics                 Mathematics with Externals          Mathematics with Externals         Calculus +
                         Mathematics and English                                                                                  Mathematics with Internals          Mathematics with Internals         Mathematics with Internals+
                         are compulsory. Students                                                                                 Mathematics Numeracy                                                   Statistics +
                         study six subjects all year.                  * Agriculture/Horticulture   * Agriculture/Horticulture     Agriculture/Horticulture Science   Agriculture/Horticulture Science   Agriculture/Horticulture (FarNet) +
                         Please select a spare                         Science                     Science                       Science                                                               Science +
                         subject.                                                                                                                                     Biology                            Biology +
                                                                                                                                                                      Chemistry                          Chemistry +
                         YEAR 12                                                                                                                                      Physics                            Physics +
                         Students select six                                                                                       Science Bridging                   Science Bridging
                         subjects and a spare                                                                                                                         Forestry                           Forestry
                         subject. It is important to                                                                               Primary Industries                 Primary Industries
                         identify subjects that lead
                                                                       * Start Your Own Business    * The World of Business        Accounting                         Accounting                         Accounting +
                         to the trades and those        Social
                                                                       * The World of Money         * Money Wise                   Business Studies                   Business Studies                   Business Studies +
                         that prepare students for      Sciences                                                                   Economics                          Economics                          Economics +
                         University Entrance. It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ACADEMIC COURSES 2021

                                                                                                                                                                      Personal Financial Management      Personal Financial Management
                         possible to repeat Level 1.                                                                                                                  Sales & Customer Service           Sales & Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                                      Tourism & Travel                   Tourism & Travel
                         YEAR 13
                                                                       * Ancient Mythology          * Classical Studies            Classical Studies                  Classical Studies                  Classical Studies +
                         Students select five
                                                                       Social Studies              Social Studies                Geography                          Geography                          Geography +
                         subjects and a spare.
                                                                                                                                   Getting Work Ready                 History                            History +
                         They may also select from                                                                                 History                            Psychology                         Psychology +
                         Years 11 and 12 subjects.

                         SUPPORTED                      Technology     * Design & Visual            * Design & Visual              Design & Visual Communication      Design & Visual Communication      Design & Visual Communication +
                                                                                   Communication                Communication
                         LEARNING                                      * Digital Technology         * Digital Technology           Digital Technology                 Digital Technology                 Digital Technology +
                         Extra learning support in                                                                                 Digital Literacy
                         a safe environment for                                                     * Electronics                  Electronic Products                Electronic Products                Electronic Products
                         those who do not cope                                                      * Product Design               Product Design                     Product Design                     Product Design
                         with the structure of                         Materials Technology        * Materials Technology         Advanced Engineering               Pre-trade Engineering & Automotive Pre-trade Engineering & Automotive
                         secondary school.                                                                                         Advanced Woodwork                  Pre-trade Woodwork                 Pre-trade Woodwork
                                                                                                                                   Engineering Trade Academy          Engineering Trade Academy

                        These subjects are compulsory          * Option subjects     + Approved subjects for University Entrance
                        FarNet is learning via the internet and ZOOM. It is similar to Correspondence but with more tutor
                        and class interaction. Students also receive one-on-one assistance from a trained teacher.

           Creative, Cultural
           & Recreational Industries
            Actor                    Copywriter           Photographer
            Advertising Executive    Fashion Designer     Publisher
                                                                 Level 3

            Animator                 Graphic Designer     Stage/Set Designer
            Artist                   Musician             Web Designer

           Health, Community
           & Social Industries
            Ambulance Officer        Doctor            Pharmacist
            Chiropractor            Educator          Physiotherapist
            Counsellor              Nurse             Surgeon
            Dentist                 Osteopath         Social Worker

            Aviation       Customs Officer            Police Officer
            Bar Manager    Firefighter                Retail Salesperson
            Baker          Hairdresser               Hotel/Restaurant Manager
            Chef           Hospitality Worker        Travel Agent

             Animal Attendant    Forestry                  Marine Biologist
             Beekeeping          Fishery Officer            Microbiologist
             Dairy Farmer        Horticultural Worker      Winemaker
             Ecologist           Landscape Gardener        Veterinarian

           & Infrastructure Industries
            Architect           Electrician           Plumber
            Builder             Glazier               Roading
            Carpenter           Mining                Roofing
            Driller             Planner               Surveyor

           Manufacturing, Engineering,
           Logistics & Technology Industries
            Automotive          Engineer                Programmer
            Boat Builder        Fabrication             Technician
            CAD Operator        Machine Operator        Telecommunications
            Designer            Photographer            Website Developer
            Truck Driver        Fork-lift Operator

                                                                           Curriculum Guide 2021
Note: English and Mathematics are compulsory until NCEA Level 1.
It is important to include English, Mathematics and Science for most career options.

• Drama                     • Media Studies             • DVC                          • Maths
• Dance                     • Art Design                • Science                      • Biology
• Māori Performing          • Art                       • Digital Technology           • Outdoor Education
                            • Photography               • Physical Education           • Sales & Customer
• Music                                                                                  Service

• Science                   • Physics                   • Social Studies               • Psychology
• Health                    • Biology                   • History                      • Statistics
• Chemistry                 • Language                  • Psychology
• Maths                     • Geography                 • Economics

• Business Studies          • Accounting                • Languages                    • Hospitality
• Economics                 • Geography                 • Digital Technology           • Psychology
• Sales & Customer          • Tourism                   • Science

• Agriculture/              • Chemistry                 • Primary Industries
                            • Accounting                • Biology
• Economics
                            • Forestry                  • Business Studies
• Science

• Woodwork                  • Automotive                • Geography                    • Language
                                                                                         Rich Subject
• DVC                       • Science                   • Sales & Customer
                                                          Service                      • Calculus
• Metalwork                 • Physics
                                                        • Digital Technology
• Maths                     • Chemistry

• Maths                     • Physics                   • Language                     • Woodwork
                                                          Rich Subject
• Sciences                  • Chemistry                                                • Calculus
                                                        • Geography
• Metalwork                 • Digital Technology                                       • Electronics
                                                        • Automotive

Curriculum Guide 2021

    FARNET                                                   TRADE ACADEMIES
    FarNet is available to domestic and international        Whangarei Boys’ High School has opportunities in the
    students. Students study via a mix of the internet       Trades Academies available in Engineering, Cookery,
    and Google Hangout lessons with a distance tutor.        Automotive, Civil Construction, Design, and Primary
    FarNet is available where students have a clash of       Industries.
    two timetabled subjects and both compliment their
                                                             The fulltime L1 or L2 Engineering Trade Academy
    learning pathway. FarNet may also be available where
                                                             (ENAC) is delivered onsite at Whangarei Boys’
    Whangarei Boys’ High School is not offering a subject
                                                             High School. Boys are enrolled in English and
    that interests the student eg a Language.
                                                             Mathematics with the remainder of the time
    Once a week the boys converse online with their          designing and building Engineering and
    tutor and students in other schools. Other learning      Automotive projects.
    activities are accessed online during the rest of the
                                                             The other academies are one or two days delivered
    timetabled classes.
                                                             at NorthTec, The Design School or Wilson Trade
                                                             Academy (new for 2021).
    TE KURA                                                  To be considered for a place in a Trades Academy
    (THE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL)                              boys need to have a conversation with one of their
                                                             Deans or a Trades Academy Coordinator and select
    This is offered to students online who have New
                                                             Pre-trade Engineering & Automotive, and Business
    Zealand Citizenship and are wanting a subject where
                                                             Studies or Personal Financial Management and
    Whangarei Boys’ High School does not have a class.
                                                             Mathematics, English and Science.
    Boys work in a supervised classroom and have access
    to one-on-one teacher assistance.                        Students accepted into the Primary Industries
                                                             Trade Academy study aspects of the industry as
    Te Kura and FarNet students need to meet
                                                             a whole in class but also have many opportunities
    pre-requisites and must be self-directed.
                                                             for active learning in areas such as Pest Control,
    Contact persons: Mrs Miller & Deans                      Fencing, Chainsaw Use & Safety, Work Safe & First
                                                             Aid, Riparian Planting, and Pollution Control. To
                                                             be considered for a place in the Primary Industries
    GATEWAY                                                  Academy boys must select the Primary Industry
    This is structured workplace learning, mostly for        subject and show a genuine interest in this industry.
    students in Years 12 and 13. They experience an unpaid   Contact persons: Mrs P. O’Leary, Miss D. Thompson,
    placement in a work place which interests them for       & Deans
    one day each week for six to ten weeks. The work
    placement may occur during the school holidays.
    Boys should express their interest in a Gateway
    placement when they select their subjects.
    Examples are:
    • Trades Engineering
    • Retail
    • Electrical
    • Plumbing
    • Sport & Recreation
    • Building
    • Computing
    • Automotive
    Contact persons: Mrs Draper & Deans

                                                                                                Curriculum Guide 2021
Entry requirement: At least 9 credits at NCEA Level 2, which
                   ARTS FACULTY                                         may be waived at the discretion of the HoD where a student has
                                                                        demonstrated an appropriate level of performance skills
                                                                        Achievement Standards offered:
                  ART DESIGN (13ARD)
                                                                            Level 3: Title of Standard:                       I or E * Cr *
A course where students explore design processes while working
to a brief. Design is a creative, on-going and developmental                           Interpret scripted text to integrate
                                                                        R   91512                                                I      4
approach and prepares students for a wide range of tertiary                            drama techniques in performance
courses. We offer an opportunity for students to develop a folio                       Devise and perform a drama to
                                                                            91513                                                I      5
for careers in Design including Advertising, Architecture, Interior                    realise a concept
Design and Industrial Design.
                                                                                       Select and use complex
Entry requirement: Level 2 Art Design (having achieved AS               R   91515      performance skills associated with        I      4
91320) or Level 1 Art. An understanding of basic computing skills,                     drama form or period (optional)
in particular Photoshop/3D modelling programs an advantage.                            Perform an acting role in a
No changes into Art Design after Week 4.                                R   91517                                                I      5
                                                                                       significant production
Achievement Standards offered:                                                         Demonstrate understanding of live
                                                                        W   91518                                                E      4
Level 3:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *                  drama performance (optional)
           Use drawing to demonstrate                                                  Interpret a text from a prescribed
91445      understanding of conventions                  I        4     R              playwright to demonstrate
                                                                            91514                                                E      4
           appropriate to design                                        W              knowledge of a theatre form or
                                                                                       period (optional)
           Systematically clarify ideas using
91450      drawing informed by established               I        4     The external examinations are optional and offer the opportunity
           design practice                                              for students to gain endorsement in Drama. Internal standard
           Produce a systematic body of work                            91515 is offered as an extra opportunity and to prepare students
           that integrates conventions and                              for the external examination 91514.
91455                                                    E       14
           regenerates ideas within design                              Cost: There will be further charges necessary to help pay for
           practice                                                     viewing live performances throughout the year.
Cost: $67 payable at the start of Term 1. This covers a take-home       Contact person: Ms F. Churcher
component of $47 and printing costs of $20. $30 for Scholarship
is optional.                                                                                  MUSIC (13MUS)
Contact persons: Mrs V. Luders & Mr M. Allen                            An academic course offering two strands - Music Studies and
                                                                        Practical Music. Students may select standards from both
                 ART PAINTING (13ARP)                                   strands for a minimum of 16 credits.
A course which systematically develops ideas through an                 Entry requirement: Students should be able to perform on at
understanding of contemporary art practice, developing                  least one instrument at a standard equivalent to that expected
ways of using materials, techniques and the generation and              after four years tuition (Trinity College Grade 6 or 7).
redevelopment of ideas through a theme. Students will be well           Students should continue to take instrumental lessons
prepared for a range of tertiary courses, including Fine Arts,          throughout the year. Students should be able to read music
Design and Architecture.                                                notation. Participation in one or more performance groups
Entry requirement: Level 2 Painting or HoD discretion                   is strongly encouraged. Entry at the HoD’s discretion where
                                                                        adequate music skills are demonstrated.
This course may include any combination of the following
Achievement Standards offered:                                          Achievement Standards offered:

Level 3:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *       Level 3: Title of Standard:                       I or E * Cr *
           Analyse methods and ideas from                                   Music Studies:
91441                                                    I        4
           established painting practice                                              Demonstrate understanding of
           Use drawing to demonstrate                                       91421     harmonic and tonal conventions in         E       4
91446      understanding of conventions                  I        4                   a range of music scores
           appropriate to painting                                          91422     Analyse a substantial music work           I      4
           Systematically clarify ideas using                                         Examine the influence of context
91451      drawing informed by established               I        4         91423                                               E       4
                                                                                      on a substantial music work
                                                                                      Create two arrangements for an
           Produce a systematic body of artwork                             91424                                                I      4
           that integrates conventions and
91456                                                    E       14     R   91425     Research a music topic                     I      6
           regenerates ideas within painting
           practice                                                         Making Music:
           Produce a resolved work that
                                                                                      Perform two programmes of music
           demonstrates purposeful control                                  91416                                                I      8
91460                                                    I        4                   as a featured soloist
           of skills appropriate to a visual arts
           cultural context                                                           Perform a programme of music
                                                                            91417     as a featured soloist on a second          I      4
Cost: $20.00 take-home component for students who took Art in                         instrument
year 12. $30.00 for students new to the subject to purchase an art
portfolio. These costs include the courier costs for the externally                   Demonstrate ensemble skills by
moderated folio.                                                            91418     performing two substantial pieces          I      4
                                                                                      as a member of a group
Contact person: Mrs V. Luders
                                                                                      Communicate musical intention by
                                                                            91419     composing three original pieces of         I      8
                      DRAMA (13DRA)                                                   music
This course develops a deeper understanding of theatre and
                                                                                      Integrate aural skills into written
the skills associated with performing. Students will develop                91420                                               E       4
self-management in their learning and preparing for roles. They
will have the opportunity to create their own drama and to                            Compose three original songs that
                                                                            91849                                                I      8
perform key roles within a full-length play. There will also be the                   express imaginative thinking
opportunity to take part in the University of Otago, Sheilah Winn       Contact person: Ms V. Hill
Shakespeare Festival.
                                                                              * E= External    I=Internal      Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2021                                                           UE Lit:        R = Reading     W = Writing     RW = Both
PHOTOGRAPHY (13PHO)                                     Level 1:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
    A comprehensive programme exploring and developing ideas                             Demonstrate kayaking skills on
                                                                              20818                                                    I        2
    based upon a study of photographic practices using digital                           sheltered or slow moving water
    materials and techniques.
                                                                              20210      Experience rock climbing                      I        1
    Entry requirement: Level 2 Photography Achieved AS 91322 or
    HoD discretion                                                            448        Experience a caving trip                      I        1
    Achievement Standards offered:
                                                                                         Complete beginner orienteering
                                                                              20141                                                    I        1
    Level 3:      Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *              courses
                  Use drawing to demonstrate                                             Demonstrate quality movement in the
                                                                              90964                                                    I        3
    91447         understanding of conventions                 I        4                performance of a physical activity
                  appropriate to photography                                  Level 2:
                  Systematically clarify ideas using                                     Demonstrate personal and social
    91452         drawing informed by established              I        4     467        development through participation in          I        3
                  photography practice                                                   adventure-based learning
                  Produce a systematic body of work                           431        Navigate in good visibility on land           I        3
                  that integrates conventions and
    91457                                                      E        14    426        Experience camping                            I        3
                  regenerates ideas within photography
                  practice                                                               Demonstrate basic rock climbing
                                                                              444                                                      I        1
    Cost: $77.00 take-home component for students who took
    Photography in year 12 and $82 for those who are new to the               Cost: $250
    subject. This includes a USB, an SD card, and the courier cost for        Contact persons: Mr S. Huurnink & Mr J. Thomas
    the externally moderated folio and must be paid at the start of
    term 1.
                                                                                         OUTDOOR EDUCATION (13OED)
    Students are expected to have their own SLR Digital camera or
                                                                              This course will further develop the student’s technical and
    hire a camera from the Art Department. Charge for camera hire
                                                                              interpersonal skills. There is an emphasis on cave, rope, and bush
    is $50 with $25 bond being refundable.
                                                                              survival skills.
    Contact persons: Mrs C. Fleming & Mrs V. Luders
                                                                              Entry requirement: Students must have successfully completed
                                                                              Level 2 OED and demonstrated a comprehensive understanding
                                                                              of safety procedures when participating in OED activities.
                     HEALTH & PHYSICAL                                        Unit Standards offered:
                    EDUCATION FACULTY                                         Level 2:   Title of Standard:                        I or E *    Cr *
                                                                              6401       Provide First Aid                            I         1
                            HEALTH (13HLT)                                    Level 3:
    This course further develops the concept of hauora/well-being                        Demonstrate single rope technique in
                                                                              20129                                                   I         4
    as we explore a wide variety of health issues that face us in                        caving
    everyday life. Students will learn life skills and be equipped to
                                                                              430        Bush survival                                I         3
    move into people related careers. The course involves three
    Achievement Standards each worth five credits. Students will                         Lead an outdoor recreation activity for
                                                                              26391                                                   I         4
    analyse a health issue for a particular group within New Zealand                     a group
    society and an international health issue. They will also explain a       427        River crossings                              I         2
    range of health practices currently used in New Zealand.
                                                                              424        Outdoor First Aid                            I         5
    Entry requirement: HoD discretion
                                                                                         Manage first aid in an emergency
    Achievement Standards offered:                                            6400                                                    I         2
          Level 3: Title of Standard:                       I or E *   Cr *              SCUBA dive in open water (optional
                                                                              28392*                                                  I         7
                     Analyse a health issue for a par-                                   only, cost: $740 extra)
    R     91461      ticular group within a New Zealand        I        5     * A SCUBA diving course will be available as an optional extra
                     society                                                  and will incur a cost of $740. It will be organised and supervised
                     Explain a range of health practices                      by WBHS staff and delivered by DiveHQ outside of school hours.
    R     91463                                                I        5     Successful participants will receive Open Water Dive certification.
                     currently used in New Zealand
                     Analyse a contemporary ethical is-                       Cost: To ensure the safe delivery of the trips the school invests
    R     91464                                                I        4     in high quality gear and qualified, experienced staff. There is an
                     sue in relation to well-being
                                                                              associated cost to each student for the activities based course of
    R                Analyse an international health
          91462                                                E        5     $450 for the year long programme. This cost will cover transport,
    W                issue
                                                                              safety equipment, food for overnight activities, the First Aid
    Contact person: Mrs D. Cooper                                             Certificate, and the cost of qualified, experienced staff who will
                                                                              ensure the safe delivery of all trips.
         MULTI-LEVEL OUTDOOR EDUCATION                                        NB: Students completing this course will gain 22 credits, plus an
                    (OED Multi)                                               Outdoor First Aid qualification that is industry recognised.
    This course is aimed at students looking for outdoor adventure            For students or families where there may be an issue of financial
    experiences with extra support. It has a focus on student                 hardship, there are options to pay this amount over time or have
    development and building confidence. It is designed for students          a subsidy through the hardship fund. Please contact Yvonne Nees
    wanting to pursue outdoor education and who may find that the             ( if you would like to organise a payment
    other OED options move too quickly in terms of covering content.          plan, or Mike Elliot ( for access to the
    Entry requirement: Open to all senior year levels - HoD                   hardship fund.
    discretion                                                                Full payment, or a payment plan to pay full amount by the end of
    Unit Standards offered:                                                   Term 1, will need to be processed by the end of Week 3, Term 1.

    Level 1:    Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *
                Experience and complete Abseiling
    20152                                                      I        1

    * E= External      I=Internal      Cr= Credits
      UE Lit:          R = Reading     W = Writing     RW = Both                                                            Curriculum Guide 2021
An alternate free course is offered:                                            Level 3: Title of Standard:                         I or E * Cr *
Achievement/Unit Standards offered:
                                                                                            Devise strategies for a physical
                                                                                91789                                                  I        4
Level 3:       Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *                   activity outcome

               Analyse issues in safety management                          Contact persons: Mr L. Jones & Mr J. Thomas
91504          for outdoor activity to devise safety         I        3
               management strategies (essay)                                         PHYSICAL WELL-BEING (13PWB)
               Identify and manage hazards and risks                        This course has a large practical component where boys
13377          in relation to a recreation activity and      I        4     experience a variety of physical activities with assessment
               environment (essay)                                          opportunities throughout the year against nationally developed
               Demonstrate knowledge of the history,                        performance standards.
20426          development, and cultural significance        I        4     Students will have the opportunity to lead sessions involved in
               of a park area (assignment)                                  sport and recreation.
               Evaluate a personal action that con-
90828          tributes towards a sustainable future         I        6     Achievement Standard offered:
               (assignment)                                                 Level 3: Title of Standard:                             I or E *   Cr *
This programme has been designed to avoid cost to students,                           Demonstrate a quality performance of a
                                                                            91501                                                      I        4
and has a large theoretical component. Unfortunately, there are                       physical activity in an applied setting
no trips due to cost constraints.

Cost: Free                                                                  Unit Standards offered:
Contact persons: Mr S. Huurnink & Mr J. Thomas                                        Plan beginner level coaching session for
                                                                            22771                                                      I        6
                                                                                      sport participants
    PERSONAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT                                           22768
                                                                                      Conduct and review a beginner level
                                                                                                                                       I        6
                (13PSD)                                                               coaching session
This course is an alternative course in Health. It supports                 21414     Plan and lead a recreational activity            I        4
students in their ability to develop personal well-being skills                       Demonstrate knowledge of injury
significant for becoming an up and coming fine man within                   20673     prevention and risk and injury                   I        5
our community. Interpersonal skills that support an individual’s                      management in sport and recreation
ability to work co-operatively with others are improved and
challenged in each unit offered. A variety of health promotion              Contact person: Mr J. Thomas
agencies such as ACC Mates and Dates; Police programme Love
Me Not; Upstander workshops; Drug Awareness campaigns will
support the units we complete.
                                                                                         LANGUAGES FACULTY
Students will be supported in taking responsibility for planning
their own learning programme. Students will be expected to
make contact and invite other health promotion agencies from                                        ENGLISH (13ENG)
within the community as part of team/group engagement - to
                                                                            An academic, senior English course focusing on four main areas:
support their learning about New Zealand health issues, such
                                                                             • Formal study of language, analysing style, form and content
as sexual health.
                                                                             • A close study of a significant literary work
Entry requirement: HoD discretion
                                                                             • Writing
Unit Standards offered:
                                                                             • Oral presentation
Level 3:       Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *   Entry requirement: 12 credits from the Level 2 English course, or
               Listen actively to gain information in                       at HoD discretion
11097                                                        I        3
               an interactive situation                                     NB: In 2016 The University of Auckland introduced their
26707          Play in early childhood education             I        4     Academic English Language Requirement (AELR). Applicants
                                                                            must gain a minimum of 17 credits in English at NCEA Level 2
8681           Contribute within a team group                I        3
                                                                            and/or Level 3
Achievement Standard offered:
                                                                            Achievement Standards offered:
               Analyse a New Zealand health issue
91461                                                        I        5         Level 3: Title of Standard:                         I or E * Cr *
               - sexual health
                                                                                            Respond critically to specified
Contact person: Mrs D. Cooper                                               R
                                                                                91472       aspect(s) of studied written text(s),      E        4
                                                                                            supported by evidence
           PHYSICAL EDUCATION (13PED)                                                       Respond critically to significant
This NCEA Level 3, 19 credit course will focus on Achievement               R               aspect(s) of unfamiliar written
Standards. The course consists of both practical and theoretical                91474                                                  E        4
                                                                            W               text(s) through close reading,
elements to give a comprehensive understanding of Physical                                  supported by evidence
Education at this level.
                                                                                            Produce a selection of fluent and
Entry requirement: A merit pass or better in all Level 2 Physical           W   91475       coherent writing which develops,            I       6
Education Achievement Standards and HoD discretion                                          sustains, and structures ideas
Achievement Standards offered:                                                              Create and deliver a fluent and
                                                                                91476       coherent oral text which develops,          I       3
       Level 3: Title of Standard:                        I or E * Cr *
                                                                                            sustains, and structures ideas
                   Evaluate physical activity
                                                                                            Develop an informed
       91498       experiences to devise strategies for          I    4
                                                                            R   91479       understanding of literature and/or          I       4
                   life long well-being
                                                                                            language using critical texts
                   Analyse a physical skill performed
       91499                                                     I    3                     Respond critically to significant
                   by self or others
                                                                                            aspects of visual and/or oral text(s)
                   Demonstrate a quality performance                            91480                                                   I       3
                                                                                            through close reading, supported
       91501       of a physical activity in an applied          I    4                     by evidence
                                                                            Contact person: Mr M. Nogher
                   Examine a current physical activity
R      91502       event or trend or issue impacting             I    4
                   on New Zealand society
                                                                                    * E= External    I=Internal      Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2021                                                                 UE Lit:        R = Reading     W = Writing      RW = Both
ENGLISH LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION                                         Achievement Standards offered:

                   (13ELC)                                                     Level 3:    Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *
     This course offers a mix of Level 2 and Level 3 Achievement                           Demonstrate understanding of a
     Standards. 13ELC provides the opportunity for students                    91553       variety of extended spoken Japanese          E        5
     to consolidate Level 2 skills and to gain Level 3 English                             texts
     Achievement Standards to support future study.                                        Give a clear spoken presentation in
     Entry requirement: Not met the requirements for Level 3 or HoD            91554       Japanese that communicates a critical        I        3
     discretion                                                                            response to stimulus material
     NB: In 2016 The University of Auckland introduced their                               Interact clearly using spoken Japanese
     Academic English Language Requirement (AELR). Applicants                  91555       to explore and justify varied ideas and      I        6
     must gain a minimum of 17 credits in English at NCEA Level 2                          perspectives in different situations
     and/or Level 3.                                                                       Demonstrate understanding of a
     Achievement Standards offered: Level 2 and 3 English Achievement          91556       variety of extended written and/or           E        5
     Standard classes are designed each year to reflect the needs of the                   visual Japanese texts
     students                                                                              Write a variety of text types in clear
                                                                               91557       Japanese to explore and justify varied       I        5
           Level 3: Title of Standard:                        I or E * Cr *
                                                                                           ideas and perspectives
                     Writing portfolio. Produce a
                     selection of fluent and coherent                          Contact person: Ms D. Williamson
     W     91475                                                 I       6
                     writing which develops, sustains,
                     and structures ideas                                                  LANGUAGES via FarNet (13LANf)
                     Valedictory speech. Create and                            These courses cater for students who wish to study languages
                     deliver a fluent and coherent oral                        that are not currently available in WBHS, or who wish to gain
           91476                                                 I       4
                     text which develops, sustains, and                        qualifications in their first or second language. Dependent
                     structures ideas                                          on their ability, students may complete Level 3 internal and
                     Connections. Respond critically to                        external assessments. FarNet offers a range of courses in French,
           91478     significant connections across texts,       I       4     German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Samoan, Spanish and
                     supported by evidence                                     Tongan. Please contact me if you require information about
                     Close viewing. Respond critically to                      other languages you might wish to study.
                     significant aspects of visual and/or                      Boys study in a supervised class with access to the required
           91480                                                 I       3
                     oral text(s) through close reading,                       learning resources.
                     supported by evidence
                                                                               The course duration is mostly for a full year.
                     Written texts. Respond critically                         Cost: $30 to be paid at the start of term 1 for access to Education
     R               to specified aspect(s) of studied
           91472                                                E        4     Perfect as an online language resource used by FarNet tutors.
     W               written text(s), supported by
                     evidence                                                  Contact person: Mrs D. Miller

     Contact person: Mr M. Nogher
                                                                                           SENIOR MĀORI ARTS (13SMA)
                              ESOL (13ESL)                                     This course offers a combination of Māori Performing Arts
                                                                               standards, Māori Tourism, and Tikanga Māori standards. It is
     English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) assessments                a composite Year 11 - 13 class and offers both numeracy and
     are conducted in English, which must not be the student’s first           literacy standards.
                                                                               Prior knowledge of Māori Performing Arts and Te Reo Māori is
     This course is a preparatory programme for entrance to                    not essential, but is, to an extent, an advantage.
     university. Students are able to achieve UE literacy through this
     course.                                                                   Achievement/Unit Standards offered:

     English Language (EL) Unit Standards offered:                             Level 3: Title of Standard:                           I or E *   Cr *

     Level 4:    Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *              List and use a range of te reo Māori
                                                                               17384                                                     I       3
                                                                                          greetings and farewells in tourism
                 Write texts under test conditions for
     22749                                                      I        5                Demonstrate knowledge of influencing
                 English for academic purposes
                                                                               27110      factors in the historical development of       I       3
                 Write a crafted text using research                                      Māori performing
     22750       material in English for an academic            I        5
                 purpose                                                                  Demonstrate quality performance of a
                                                                               91501                                                     I       4
                                                                                          physical activity in an applied setting
                 Read and process information in
     22751                                                      I        5     22760      Perform a new Māori dance                      I       8
                 English for academic purposes
                 Deliver an oral presentation in English                       22756      Perform a bracket                              I       10
     22891                                                      I        5
                 for an academic purpose                                                  Explain the importance, and
                 Demonstrate understanding of spoken                           17383      demonstrate correct pronunciation, of          I       3
     22892       texts and process information in               I        5                Māori place names
                 English for academic purposes                                 Cost: $10 for materials
     Cost: IELTS examination $365 (optional)                                   Contact person: Mr W Cooper
     Contact person: Mr R. Atkinson
                                                                                            TE REO RANGATIRA (13TRR)
                          JAPANESE (13JAP)                                     This course includes detailed studies of traditional waiata,
                                                                               customs and historical issues, grammar, and metaphorical
     The Level 3 Japanese course will continue to build on the current
                                                                               language. Oratory skills for whaikorero will also be studied
     Level 2 course, with a focus on language skills, communication
                                                                               throughout the year.
     functions, and Japanese culture. The course will reflect the
     achievement objectives for curriculum Level 8 for learning                Entry requirement: Level 2 or HoD discretion
     Languages. The following NCEA Level 3 Japanese standards will
     be offered:
     Entry requirement: L2 Japanese HoD discretion

     * E= External    I=Internal      Cr= Credits
       UE Lit:        R = Reading     W = Writing        RW = Both                                                          Curriculum Guide 2021
Achievement Standards offered:                                                                  STATISTICS (13MAS)
Level 3: Title of Standard:                           I or E *   Cr *   This course is divided between applied mathematical topics and
90542      Whakarongo (Listening)                         I       4     statistics and probability. The emphasis is on the application of
                                                                        statistical methods to solve practical problems. Technology is
90782      Tuhituhi (Writing)                            E        6
                                                                        used to process and analyse data efficiently.
90783      Waihanga tuhi (Creative writing)               I       4     Entry requirement: Students must have passed at least
90781      Pānui (Reading comprehension)                 E        3     Achievement Standards 91261, 91264 and 91267. Entry may be at
90784      Pānui (Analyse text)                          E        3     the discretion of the Mathematics HoF.
                                                                        Achievement Standards offered: (this may change slightly)
90543      Kōrero (Speaking)                              I       6
                                                                        Level 3:   Title of Standard:                            I or E *   Cr *
Contact person: Mr W. Cooper
                                                                                   Apply probability concepts in solving
                                                                        91585                                                       E        4
           MATHEMATICS FACULTY                                          91586
                                                                                   Apply probability distributions in
                                                                                                                                    E        4
                                                                                   solving problems
                                                                                   Investigate bivariate measurement
                    CALCULUS (13MAC)                                    91581
                                                                                                                                    I        4

This course is a Level 3 NCEA subject. It builds on NCEA Level                     Apply linear programming methods in
2 work in Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus methods and                91574                                                       I        3
                                                                                   solving problems
                                                                                   Use critical path analysis in solving
Entry requirement: At least 17 credits out of a total of 22 possible    91576                                                       I        2
credits from NCEA Level 2 to undertake 13MAC including the
                                                                        91580      Investigate time series data                     I        4
Algebra and Calculus standards. Entry can be gained into 13
MAC by HoF Mathematics discretion.                                      Equipment recommended: A calculator, preferably a Casio 9750
Achievement Standards offered:                                          Graphic calculator
                                                                        Contact person: Mr A. Kitson
Level 3:    Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *
            Apply the algebra of complex numbers
91577                                                    E        5
            in solving problems
            Applying differentiation methods in
                                                                                         SCIENCE FACULTY
91578                                                    E        6
            solving problems

            Applying integration methods in
                                                         E        6
                                                                            AGRICULTURE/HORTICULTURE via FarNet
            solving problems                                                            (13AHSf)
            Applying trigonometric methods in                           A range of standards are available to meet the interests of
91575                                                    I        4
            solving problems                                            students.
            Apply systems of simultaneous                               Entry requirement: Level 2 Agriculture/Horticulture Science or
91587                                                    I        3
            equations in solving problems                               at the discretion of HoF Science.
Equipment recommended: A scientific calculator, preferably the          Contact person: Mrs D. Miller
Casio 9750 Graphic calculator
Contact person: Mr A. Kitson
                                                                                                 BIOLOGY (13BIO)
                                                                        This course will cover both the theoretical and practical
  MATHEMATICS WITH INTERNALS (13MAI)                                    aspects of biology from plants and animals to genetics and
                                                                        biotechnology. The course will offer both internal and external
Mathematics is a mix of Level 3 Mathematics and Statistics
                                                                        standards up to a total value of 20 Level 3 credits.
Achievement Standards. The standards in this course are all
internally assessed. Successful completion of the standards             Entry requirement: 12 credits from Year 12 Biology (at least 8 of
in the course will count as an approved subject for university          which must be external) or at discretion of TiC
entrance. The emphasis of the course will be the application of         Achievement Standards offered:
mathematical and statistical methods when solving problems.
                                                                             Level 3: Title of Standard:                         I or E * Cr *
Entry requirement: Students who have 12 or more credits from
                                                                                        Demonstrate understanding of the
Level 2 Mathematics and Statistics Achievement Standards are            R
                                                                             91603      responses of plants and animals to           E       5
eligible to take this course. Entry may be at the discretion of the     W
                                                                                        their external environment
Mathematics HoF.
                                                                                        Demonstrate understanding of
Achievement Standards offered:                                          R
                                                                             91605      evolutionary processes leading to            E       4
Level 3:    Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *                   speciation
            Applying the geometry of conic                              R               Demonstrate understanding of
91573                                                     I       3          91606                                                   E       4
            sections in solving problems                                W               trends in human evolution
            Apply linear programming methods in                                         Carry out a practical investigation in
91574                                                     I       3          91601                                                      I    4
            solving problems                                                            a biological context, with guidance
            Use critical path analysis in solving                                       Integrate biological knowledge to
91576                                                     I       2     R
            problems                                                         91602      develop an informed response to a               I    3
                                                                                        socio-scientific issue (optional)
91580       Investigate time series data                  I       4
                                                                                        Demonstrate understanding of
            Investigate bivariate measurement
91581                                                     I       4     R    91604      how an animal maintains a stable                I    3
                                                                                        internal environment
            Apply systems of simultaneous
91587                                                     I       3                     Demonstrate understanding
            equations in solving problems
                                                                                        of human manipulations of
                                                                        R    91607                                                      I    3
Equipment recommended: A calculator, preferably a Casio 9750                            genetic transfer and its biological
Graphic calculator                                                                      implications
Contact person: Mr A. Kitson                                            Cost: There may be transport costs for field trips
                                                                        Contact person: Mrs R. Thornton

                                                                                * E= External     I=Internal      Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2021                                                             UE Lit:         R = Reading     W = Writing      RW = Both
CHEMISTRY (13CHE)                                                         PHYSICS (13PHY)
     The content of this course is based on Practical Investigation,           This course is primarily designed as a final preparation for
     Aqueous Systems, Redox Reactions, Organic Chemistry,                      the National Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 3
     Structure and Bonding.                                                    examination and entry into tertiary courses for which Physics is a
     Scholarship Chemistry is offered for those students who wish to           prerequisite. This course is based in mechanics, waves, electricity
     undertake Level 4 Chemistry.                                              and electromagnetism, and an internal practical investigation.

     Entry requirement: 15 credits from Level 2 Chemistry (must                Entry requirement: Year 12 Physics minimum of 14 credits which
     include Achievement Standard 91164, 91165 and 91166). Those               must include AS 91171 Mechanics, AS 91170 Waves, AS 91173
     who do not qualify for the entry requirement need permission              Electricity, and Electromagnetism externals; and from Year 12
     from the Teacher in charge.                                               Mathematics AS 91261 Algebra.

     Achievement Standards offered:                                            Achievement Standards offered:

            Level 3: Title of Standard:                      I or E *   Cr *   Level 3: Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *
                     Carry out an investigation in                                      Carry out a practical physics experiment
                                                                               91521                                                   I        4
     W      91387    chemistry involving quantitative           I        4              that leads to a mathematical relationship
                     analysis                                                           Demonstrate understanding of the
                     Demonstrate understanding of                              91522    application of physics to a selected           I        3
            91393                                               I        3              context
                     oxidation-reduction processes
                     Demonstrate understanding of                                       Demonstrate understanding of wave
            91388                                               I        3     91523                                                   E        4
                     spectroscopic data in chemistry                                    systems
                     Describe properties of particles and                               Demonstrate understanding of
            91390                                               E        5     91524                                                   E        6
                     thermochemical principles                                          mechanical systems
                     Describe aspects of organic                                        Demonstrate understanding of modern
            91391                                               E        5     91525                                                   I        3
                     chemistry                                                          physics (optional)
                     Demonstrate understanding of                                       Demonstrate understanding of
                                                                               91526                                                   E        6
            91392    equilibrium principles in aqueous          E        5              electrical systems
                                                                               Scholarship Physics is offered for those students who wish to
     Cost: There may be cost for resources                                     undertake Level 4 Physics
     Contact person: Mr C.M. Lai                                               Cost: There may be a cost for resources
                                                                               Contact person: Mr S. Kumar
                          FORESTRY (13FOR)
     Students will be encouraged to focus on this pathway out                                       SCIENCE (13SCI)
     of school into work, especially through workplace learning                This course is primarily designed as a final preparation for the
     in Gateway and by building relationships with potential                   National Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 3 and
     employers. Students will have the opportunity to join the New             entry into tertiary courses for which Science is a prerequisite.
     Zealand Trade Academy. This course is run in conjunction with             This course has a mix of Level 3 Physics, Chemistry, Biology
     COMPETENZ & Carter Holt Harvey as a Primary Industries Trade              and Earth and Space Science internal Achievement Standards.
     Academy.                                                                  Successful completion of the standards in this course will count
     Entry requirement: Level 1 Numeracy and Literacy, 30 credits              as an approved subject for university entrance.
     from anywhere on the NZQA framework at Level 2, an aptitude               Entry requirement: Students who have good grades from all the
     for physical work, and a mature attitude                                  internals in Year 12 Physics, Chemistry or Biology are eligible to
     Unit Standards offered:                                                   take this course. Students from Science Bridging will be eligible
                                                                               at the discretion of the HoF and TiC L2 SCB.
     Level 3: Title of Standard:                            I or E *    Cr *
                                                                               Achievement Standards offered:
                Explain and interpret job prescriptions
     1221                                                       I        4         Level 3: Title of Standard:                       I or E * Cr *
                for forestry operations
                DKO thinning plantation trees and                                            Demonstrate understanding of
     6950                                                       I        5     R   91604     how an animal maintains a stable              I    3
                equipment used
                                                                                             internal environment
     17763      DKO tree felling                                I        6
                                                                                             Carry out a practical physics
                DKO environmental requirements in
     17772                                                      I        6         91521     experiment that leads to a                    I    4
                forestry operations
                                                                                             mathematical relationship
                DKO protection of personal safety at
     3285                                                       I        3                   Carry out an investigation in
                vegetation fires
                                                                               W   91387     chemistry involving quantitative              I    4
                DKO factors that affect the performance                                      analysis
     22994                                                      I       10
                of forestry workers
                                                                                             Investigate the evidence related to
                                                                                   91412                                                   I    4
     Contact person: Mrs B. Van Rooyen                                                       dating geological event(s)
                                                                               R   91415     Investigate an aspect of astronomy            I    4
                                                                               Cost: There may be a cost for resources
                                                                               Contact persons: Mrs L. Bourke-Heerikhuisen & Mr S. Kumar

     * E= External    I=Internal      Cr= Credits
       UE Lit:        R = Reading     W = Writing       RW = Both                                                            Curriculum Guide 2021
Achievement Standards offered:
       SOCIAL SCIENCE FACULTY                                                Level 3: Title of Standard:                      I or E * Cr *
                                                                         RW 91394      Vergil’s Aeneid                           E        4
                 ACCOUNTING (13ACC)                                      RW 91396      Augustus                                  E        6
The emphasis at this level is on Accounting for partnerships,            RW 91397      Alexander the Great                       I        6
companies and manufacturing businesses. Students will gain                             A research topic exploring Greek and
a sound understanding of accounting concepts, processes and              R   91398                                               I        6
                                                                                       Roman influences on later cultures
systems. There are 22 NCEA credits offered at Level 3.
Entry requirement: 12 credits from Level 2 Accounting                    Contact person: Mr R. Burrows

Achievement Standards offered:
                                                                                           ECONOMICS (13ECO)
     Level 3: Title of Standard:                       I or E *   Cr *   This course focuses on developing an in-depth understanding of
              Demonstrate understanding of                               micro-economic concepts. Students learn that well-functioning
     91405                                                I        4
              accounting for partnerships                                markets are efficient but the government may have to intervene
              Demonstrate understanding of                               where markets fail to deliver efficient or equitable outcomes.
     91406    company financial statement                 E        5     This course contributes 18 credits towards NCEA Level 3, with 10
              preparation                                                credits available through internal assessment and an additional
                                                                         8 credits offered in the external examinations.
              Prepare a report for an external
R             user that interprets the annual                            Entry requirement: 12 credits Level 2 Economics or HoD
     91407                                                I        5     discretion
W             report of a New Zealand reporting
              entity                                                     Achievement Standards offered:
              Demonstrate understanding of                                   Level 3: Title of Standard:                      I or E * Cr *
     91408    management accounting to inform             E        4
              decision-making                                            R             Demonstrate understanding of the
                                                                             91399                                               E        4
                                                                         W             efficiency of market equilibrium
              Demonstrate understanding of a
     91409                                                I        4                   Demonstrate understanding of
              job cost subsystem for an entity                           R
                                                                             91400     the efficiency of different market        E        4
Contact persons: Ms K. Price & Mr R. Sharma                              W
                                                                                       structures using marginal analysis
                                                                                       Demonstrate understanding of
             BUSINESS STUDIES (13BUS)                                    R   91401
                                                                                       micro-economic concepts
                                                                                                                                 I        5
The focus of Business Studies at Level 3 is on planning and
                                                                                       Demonstrate understanding of
carrying out an innovative and sustainable business activity.            R   91402     government interventions to               I        5
Students can expect to work in a team environment for at least                         correct market failures
one semester whilst they research, plan, test, refine, market, and
review their innovative, sustainable business activity (AS 91382         Contact person: Ms K. Price
and 91384).
A number of New Zealand business case studies and visits to                                GEOGRAPHY (13GEO)
local firms will be used to prepare students for the remaining           This is an enriched course covering a range of natural and
Achievement Standards (AS 91383 and 91379). Participation in             cultural processes that impact on people and the world around
the Young Enterprise Scheme is expected.                                 them. The course follows these main themes:
Entry requirement: Open entry at discretion of HoD/TiC                    • Natural processes - coastal process studies focused on a
Minimum 8 credits in English Level 2                                        Northland coastal environment including field work on
                                                                            a Northland beach related to the research achievement
Achievement Standards offered:
    Level 3: Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *    • Investigation into modern/contemporary maritime piracy
              Demonstrate an understanding of                             • Investigation into the proposal to have a rail link from
R             how internal factors interact within                          Auckland Airport to Britomart
    91379                                                 E        4
W             a business that operates in a global                       Entry requirement: Pass Level 2 Geography and Level 2 literacy
                                                                         Achievement Standards selected from:
              Develop a marketing plan for a new
R   91382                                                 I        6         Level 3: Title of Standard:                      I or E *   Cr *
              or existing product
              Analyse a human resource issue                                           Analyse a significant contemporary
R   91383                                                 I        3     R   91428                                               I        3
              affecting a business                                                     event from geographic perspective
              Carry out with consultation an                                           Demonstrate understanding of
R   91384     innovative, sustainable business            I        9     R             how interacting natural processes
                                                                             91426                                               E        4
              activity                                                   W             shape a New Zealand geographic
Contact persons: Ms K. Price & Mr T. Yung
                                                                                       Demonstrate understanding of
                                                                         R             a given environment(s) through
             CLASSICAL STUDIES (13CLS)                                   W
                                                                                       selection and application of
                                                                                                                                 E        4
Why take Classical Studies? It introduces so much of what                              geographic concepts and skills
we have inherited from the Greeks and Romans, such as law,
                                                                                       Conduct geographic research with
philosophy, language, literature, history, drama, sports, politics,          91430                                               I        5
art, oratory, medicine, architecture, the sciences, and astronomy.
                                                                                       Evaluate a personal action that
In this course students delve into Roman politics and
                                                                         R   90828     contributes towards a sustainable         I        6
propaganda, studying the Aeneid and its links with the famous                          future
emperor, Augustus. They also investigate Alexander the Great’s
conquests of Persia and his attempts to build an empire.                 Externally assessed standards may be reduced to two at the
                                                                         discretion of Teacher and HoD.
Key skills in research, essay writing and critical thinking will be
developed over the year.                                                 Cost: There may be a cost for fieldwork, maps and materials.
                                                                         Field trips to a Northland beach/coastal environment.
Entry requirement: 12 credits from Year 12 Classics or similar
subject.                                                                 Contact person: Mr J. Warren

                                                                               * E= External   I=Internal      Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2021                                                            UE Lit:       R = Reading     W = Writing      RW = Both
HISTORY (13HIS)                                     made us the way we are and how we perceive the world, and
                                                                                Sociocultural Psychology and how culture affects our behaviour.
     Year 13 History focuses on the history of Japan from the
     Shogunate Period to Imperial Japan during World War II.                    Topics covered include:
                                                                                 • Research and ethics in experiments including conducting our
     Students will explore key moments in Japanese history like
                                                                                   own experiments
     the Tokugawa shogunates the Meiji restoration and the Pacific
     Theatre of World War II.                                                    • Cognition and the mind as a thought processing machine.
                                                                                   How we receive information. How do we solve problems
     * Topics studied at Year 13 include:
                                                                                 • Analyse prejudice and discrimination; stereotypes and
      • History of Japan                                                           gender preference in relationships
      • The Decision to Drop the Bomb (Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
                                                                                Entry requirement: 11 credits in Year 12 Psychology or equivalent,
      • Pearl Harbour                                                           or 12 credits in English, any Social Studies, or any Science at Level
     Students will gain skills in academic writing, independent                 2. Alternatively at HoD discretion.
     research, and critical thinking, useful as part of the students’
     preparation for university study.                                          Achievement Standards selected from:
     Achievement Standards offered:                                                     Level 3: Title of Standard:                       I or E *   Cr *

           Level 3: Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *                    Analyse the interaction between
                                                                                        91872                                                I        6
                                                                                                 psychological approaches
                     Research an historical event or
     R               place of significance to New                                                Conduct independent
           91434                                                  I       5     R       91874    psychological research with                 I        6
     W               Zealanders, using primary and
                     secondary sources                                                           consultation

                     Analyse an historical event, or place,                                      Analyse how theories are applied
     R     91435                                                  I       5     R       91875    within a field of psychological             I        4
                     of significance to New Zealanders
                     Analyse evidence relating to
     R                                                                          R                Analyse a significant issue in
           91436     an historical event that is of               I       4             91876                                                E        3
     W                                                                          W                psychological practice
                     significance to New Zealanders
                     Analyse different perspectives of a                        Contact person: Mr D. Moore
     R     91437     contested event of significance to           I       5
                     New Zealanders                                                     SALES & CUSTOMER SERVICE (13SCS)
                     Analyse the causes and                                     This Level 3 Sales and Customer Service course enables students
           91438     consequences of a significant               E        6     to build on the knowledge and skills learned in the previous
                     historical event                                           year. Students have the opportunity to develop more specialised
     * Topics are subject to change                                             sales and communication skills. They will learn how to deal with
                                                                                challenging customers by understanding their own personality
     Cost: Field trip costs as applicable                                       and how they respond to events, prepare cash for banking,
     Contact person: Mr R. Burrows                                              create in-store displays in the retail environment. These skills
                                                                                are very transferable and link with the Tourism Level 3 course.
         PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                                          A Gateway placement is a compulsory component of this
                     (13PFM)                                                    course. There are more credits available upon completion of the
                                                                                Gateway component.
     13PFM continues to develop financial knowledge and skills to
     enable students to engage in the world with a secure financial             Unit Standards offered:
     platform. It covers in more detail the aspects of past courses
                                                                                Level 3:     Title of Standard:                          I or E *    Cr *
     but extends students to real life finance such as income,
     investments, financial planning, property purchasing and                                Employ customer service techniques to
     external factors that could affect our wealth.                             376          accommodate customer behavioural                I        2
                                                                                             styles in a workplace
     Unit Standards offered:
                                                                                             Demonstrate and apply knowledge of
     Level 3: Title of Standard:                              I or E *   Cr *   9694                                                         I        4
                                                                                             communication process theory
                Evaluate options to increase personal                                        Listen actively to gain information in an
     28098                                                       I        5     11097                                                        I        3
                income                                                                       interactive situation
                Analyse and compare credit options                              7126         Respond to oral complaints                      I        2
     28099      and recommend strategies to manage               I        5
                personal finances                                                            Communicate with people from other
                                                                                1304                                                         I        2
                Develop a plan to achieve a long-term
     28100                                                       E        4                  Respond to customer enquiries by
                personal financial goal(s)                                      11816                                                        I        4
                                                                                             writing in a range of contexts
                Plan a long-term personal financial
     28101                                                       I        5     There may be an opportunity to earn additional credits on
                investment portfolio
                                                                                Gateway work placement.
                Demonstrate understanding of risk
     28102      and return for a personal financial              E        6     Contact persons: Ms L. Cook & Ms K. Price
                investment portfolio
                Analyse and select personal house                                               TOURISM & TRAVEL (13TOU)
     28103                                                       I        3
                financing and purchase options                                  This course builds on the knowledge and skill base required to
                Analyse the impact(s) of external factors                       work in this dynamic and booming industry. This is a taster and
     28104                                                       I        3     passport to the world of tourism and travel. There are industry
                on personal finances
                                                                                visits and a field trip to Queenstown.
     Contact persons: Ms K. Price & Mr R. Sharma
                                                                                Additional qualification: National Certificate in Tourism Level 3

                       PSYCHOLOGY (13PSY)                                       Unit Standards offered:
     Psychology is the scientific study of human thought, emotions              Level 3: Title of Standard:                               I or E * Cr *
     and actions. In Year 13 we analyse academic research looking
                                                                                            Demonstrate knowledge of New
     at experiments that go well, and badly, like the Stanford                  18212                                                        I        5
                                                                                            Zealand as a tourist destination
     Prison experiment. We look at other standalone approaches
     not covered at Level 2 like Cognitive Psychology and how we                18211       Destination Australia                            I        5
     think and learn, Evolutionary Psychology and what biologically

     * E= External    I=Internal       Cr= Credits
       UE Lit:        R = Reading      W = Writing      RW = Both                                                                 Curriculum Guide 2021
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