Page created by Martha Hamilton

     The right solution for every workstation:

The optiPoint family from HiPath.

                                   mobile business
The harder the job, the smarter the telephone.

The right choice for every workstation.

These days, those who work                                       family represents the full
                                                                 breadth of telephone function-
with customers or in a team                                      ality for every communications
                                                                 infrastructure. It opens up to
deal with a lot of issues that                                   businesses a huge choice in
                                                                 system phones, IP phones
require clarification. As                                        and adapters. And through
                                                                 optiClient solutions, the broad
direct contact is still the                                      spectrum of our IP convergence
                                                                 platforms can be accessed
fastest way to get things                                        directly by PC .

done, the spoken word has

an important role to play.

But only if it is used properly

and with all the technical

benefits of new telephones,
                                  A comprehensive portfolio.
which enable you to do            The optiPoint portfolio from
                                  HiPath™ offers market-lead-
more than just make phone         ing coverage across a broad
                                  spectrum of demands, sup-
calls.                            porting businesses in the
                                  migration from data and
                                  voice. The optiPoint
The right terminal for
      every workstation.
With the optiPoint family,
enterprises always have the
right terminal to meet the
specific requirements of
every workstation.

          Convincing benefits.
The small footprint of these tele-
phones occupies little desktop
space, while individually program-
mable keys and an easy-to-read
display provide for operator con-
venience.The telephones have
a distinctive outline and a clearly
structured user interface. With
dynamic curves and clearly
defined lines, they boast an
up-to-the-minute design, as well
as modern colour schemes
`arctic’ and `mangan’. They work
just as well within colourful office
environments as with natural ma-
terials such as wood, glass or stone.
and even more important - the right infrastructure.

            The Siemens Enterprise convergence architecture
            delivers smooth and practical network evolution.
            Convergence means bringing

            together the disparate

            worlds of voice and data into

            one universal communi-

            cations network. Previously

            distinct infrastructures are

            being integrated so that

            communication require-
                                                   For every enterprise.              You have the choice.
            ments can now be handled         HiPath is the Siemens enter-        HiPath opens up a host of
                                             prise convergence architecture      choices and opportunities. You
            on nearly every desktop in       for enterprises of every size.      decide when, where and to
                                             You can use it to expand exist-     what extent your investment
            almost any medium. The           ing infrastructures, or to create   in the convergence of your
                                             new ones. General advantages:       networks should be. This way,
            simultaneous use of voice        it provides a company-wide uni-     you also ensure more added
                                             versal network with an open         value for this investment. HiPath
            and data in convergent           architecture for shared applica-    is a strategic framework that
                                             tions and networking and,           expands communication infra-
            networks enables the imple-      through the convergence of          structures at all levels. From
                                             voice and data, offers you a        applications through to plat-
            mentation of new applica-        broad solutions portfolio to        forms, management, fixed and
                                             choose from. And, the entire        mobile workpoint and network
            tions, which offer competitive   network is easier to use and        access - with HiPath you al-
                                             more cost effective than before     ways communicate in a future-
            advantages for enterprises.      while considerably simplifying      proof way based on state-of-
                                             its management.                     the-art convergence. Naturally,
                                                                                 the same goes for the optiPoint
                                                  The architecture.              family presented here.
                                             Applications need to be imple-
                                             mented only once, terminals can
                                             be easily installed or removed,
                                             voice and data share only one
                                             cable network - total expendi-
                                             ture falls and efficiency rises.

optiPoint Telephones

optiPoint 500           p.   6 - 11
optiPoint 400           p.      12
optiPoint 100           p.      13

 optiClient Solutions

optiClient 130          p. 14 - 19
optiClient 350
optiClient 360

 Mobile Workpoints

Gigaset 4000            p. 20 - 21
Comfort                 p.      20
Micro                   p.      21

For those who spend a lot of time on the phone.

Workpoints that provide optimum support for your voice systems.

IP convergence platforms,           We offer optiPoint phones
                                    with identical user interfaces in
such as HiPath 3000 and             three product groups:

                                             optiPoint 500
4000, or pure IP solutions

                                             optiPoint 400
such as HiPath 5000, offer

the highest levels of func-                  optiPoint 100
tionality and a multitude of        With these models, you have         Within the wide range of tele-
                                    at your disposal the right          phones, you are guaranteed
features with which to opti-        features for a variety of work-     to find the right one for every
                                    stations. Additionally, optiPoint   workstation, thus offering you
mize your use of optiPoint          phones come with a range            flexibility in your investment
                                    of adapters, add-on equip-          decisions. You invest where,
phones. And those who wish          ment and accessories that           when and to whatever extent
                                    extends their functionality.        it makes sense for your
to make the most of voice           Alongside their outstanding         business.
                                    IP performance characteristics,
communication via Internet          the optiPoint 400 and 100 IP                Evolution:
                                    phones offer many practical         You can continue to use exist-
Protocol are best served by         and time-saving telephony           ing phones such as optiset E,
                                    features and have the same          or install new system and IP
optiPoint 400 and 100. The          modern design. Simply connect       phones. Either way, you are
                                    them to the LAN and you are         prepared for further develop-
highest levels of function-         ready for calls.                    ment in every direction.

ality and convenience are
also priorities with these                                               The higher performance of
                                                                        the phones makes processes
products. And, of course,                                               more efficient. The system
                                                                        phones are easy to use and
they look great too.                                                    can be cost-effectively upgra-
                                                                        ded with adapters. And, thanks
                                                                        to their dialogue-oriented user
                                                                        guide, optiGuide, they can be
                                                                        used by your staff immediately
                                                                        without the need for training.

The user-friendly optiPoint family.

            optiGuide               One glance at the display and        stances, from which you can        receive alternative suggestions.
                                    optiGuide shows you automa-          make your selection. If you        The display offers several lan-
optiPoint phones come com-          tically the most sensible options,   don't agree, press the “next“ or   guage options.
plete with optiGuide.This easy-     under the current circum-            “back“ key and you immediately

to-use, interactive guide takes
you through all functions via
the display and three naviga-
tion keys. With “yes“ , “next“
or “back“ you find the shortest
route to your goal. Consult, call
conferencing, call forwarding
to a colleague - no problem.
I’m on the phone all day.

If I’m not calling somebody,

somebody is calling me.

Constantly changing cal-

lers, endless enquiries, and

then there are the issues

that can only be resolved

by teamwork: without an

extremely high perform-

ance telephone I would be


You want it to be easy to use.

 Various levels of convenience from low to high end.

With optiPoint 500 you have choices at every turn.The digi-    full duplex voice quality in hands-free mode, standard USB

tal models - entry, basic, standard and advance - present in   interface, highest levels of convenience for greater efficien-

each class all the performance capabilities of today's voice   cy and an up-to-date ergonomic design.You also have the

communication terminals: e.g. standard and advance offer       option to display your own company logo on the phones.

optiPoint 500 entry.           optiPoint 500 basic.            optiPoint 500 standard.          optiPoint 500 advance.
You don’t use the phone        If you want to use your phone   If you like to move around       Do you use the phone exten-
much, but nevertheless want    for data communication along-   while phoning, then optiPoint    sively and therefore demand
to move into the world of      side digital voice communi-     500 standard is the phone        top-level equipment? Then
digital telephony? Then        cation, we recommend            for you, because you can         you should opt for optiPoint 500
optiPoint entry is the right   optiPoint 500 basic: the        make the most of the hands-      advance. This modular solution
one for you.                   value-for-money phone with      free function.You can also       for the highest level of com-
                               USB interface for regular       connect an additional termi-     munication demands has a
                               office environments.            nal or adapter to it.            backlit display. Two adapters
                                                                                                and add-on equipment make
                                                                                                you even more flexible.

      Specification:                 Specification:                 Specification:                    Specification:
• 8 function keys              • 12 function keys              • 12 function keys               • 19 function keys
• Loudspeaker                  • Loudspeaker                   • Hands-free - fully duplex      • Hands-free - fully duplex
                               • Display                         with echo suppression            with echo suppression
                               • optiGuide navigation keys     • Display                        • Backlit display
                               • Connection port for add-on    • optiGuide navigation keys      • optiGuide navigation keys
                                 equipment / adapter           • Connection port for add-on     • Connection port for add-on
                               • USB interface                   equipment/adapter                equipment/two adapter
                                                               • USB interface                  • Headset port
                                                                                                • USB interface

We’ve got four terminals to choose from.

And additional solutions for even more performance.

Adapters increase the performance of optiPoint system phones even more, and are a

cost effective way to modify individual workstations to suit their respective tasks.

These made-to-measure add-on functions can be incorporated at any time.

optiPoint phone adapter.          optiPoint ISDN adapter.           rophone, headset or an addi-
Interface for connecting an       Interface for connecting ISDN     tional transmitter.
additional system phone.          terminals, such as fax, PC
                                  ISDN cards or video conference    optiPoint recorder adapter.       optiPoint IPadapter.
optiPoint analog adapter.         equipment.                        Interface for connecting exter-   Turns your optiPoint 500 phone
Interface for connecting a fur-                                     nal recording equipment or a      into an IP phone, allowing
ther analogue phone or another    optiPoint acoustic adapter.       second receiver (in view of       you to make calls over the
piece of analogue equipment,      Interface for connecting an       planned data protection regu-     LAN.
such as fax, modem or HiPath      external loudspeaker and mic-     lations).
Cordless phone.

Add-on equipment.                                                   Accessories.

optiPoint signature module.       optiPoint key                     Loudspeaker                       Headset.
You increase the security of      module.                           and micro-                        Those who
your communication with this      With 16 addi-                     phone.                            prefer to
chipcard read/write module,       tional function                   The loud-                         phone using
since only an                     keys, LEDs                        speaker and                       a headset
authorised                        and labelling                     microphone                        have hands
card ena-                         options, as                       improve                           free for work.
bles calls                        well as a                         quality even
to be                             design that                       more, assuming
made. This                        matches the optiPoint phones.     you have an acoustic adapter.
module is                         The shift key gives you access    This option offers
also connec-                      to 30 function or name keys.      you greater
ted to the                        Up to 2 such expansion termi-     flexibility for
right of the system phone and     nals can be connected to the      meetings
can be combined with an           right side of the system phone.   or for
additional key module.                                              phone calls
                                                                    in small conference rooms.

Two IP models for

Workpoints that make phoning via IP especially easy.

The two new IP phones make it particularly easy to use              can phone using optiPoint 100 if the IP infrastructure is

internet protocol for voice communication. The optiPoint            run by a provider offering capable IP phones as part of

400 standard supports different systems and can there-              the package. A major benefit offered by both phones:

fore be installed in a variety of environments. And anyone          simple relocation. Just plug it in and phone.

     optiPoint 400 standard        An integrated mini-switch        Phone with ease over IP.         existing data infrastructures.
                                   ensures that all workstations    A high level of flexibility is   All phone features are main-
This multi-protocol phone offers   equipped with an optiPoint 400   achieved through open hard-      tained, while new features
access from within the LAN         telephone can simply switch      ware and software architec-      can be downloaded. And you
to all the features of the in-     the line to connect the tele-    ture. optiPoint 400 standard     can also communicate, with
stalled communications plat-       phone and a PC.                  can easily be installed into     excellent voice quality, directly
forms, such as HiPath 3000,                                         the HiPath 3000, 4000 and        with other IP-based phones
4000 and 5000. The phones                                           5000 platforms, as well as in    and systems.
are powered over the LAN and
are just as simple and comfor-
table to use as all optiPoint
phones.The software for each
respective environment is simply
downloaded.                                                                                                                   optiPoint 400
                                                                                                                              is available in
                                                                                                                              `mangan’ or

voice communication.

A host of performance features at
the push of a button.
If you are a service provider offering the installation of high

performance IP infrastructures as part of your service, the

optiPoint 100 is of interest to you and your customers - because it makes phoning

easy. Customers simply connect the phone, enter their number and get going.

    Performance features          Operation is simple and com-      make you more efficient. Call
                                  fortable. You use the intuitive   forwarding, call waiting, hands-
optiPoint 100 operates using      user guide via the display and    free and a list of the last 20
the Session Initiation Protocol   navigation keys.                  unanswered calls are convin-
(SIP), the carriers’ preferred    Programmable function and         cing examples. And, of course,
voice-over-IP protocol.           name keys and many phone          all this comes with higher
                                  features lighten the load and     voice quality.

The optiClient family:

High performance solutions for better service.

The benefits of HiPath con-        Three convincing solutions.               Choices:
                                   optiClient 130 combines the        This solution is distinguished
vergence architecture for          benefits of high functionality     by higher communications
                                   telephony with those of con-       quality at lower cost in mixed
enterprises are also imme-         vergence within an IP-based        environments, and the freedom
                                   infrastructure. It offers a        to choose where and by which
diately apparent in mixed          simple and high performance        means staff communicates
                                   way to develop PC telephony        within the company.
system environments such           within enterprises. optiClient
                                   350 provides a screen menu               Evolution:
as PC telephony. In these          for the management of seve-        optiClient solutions are stand-
                                   ral calls simultaneously as well   ard components of the HiPath
situations you can rest            as access to high perform-         smooth migration concept,
                                   ance multimedia services           and a good example of the
assured with optiClients           such as e-mail and internet.       advantages of convergence
                                   optiClient 360 organises every     and distributed architecture
130, 350 and 360.There's no        communication requirement          as the new physical principal
                                   and the use of all media in a      for a universal infrastructure.
phone to take up space on          particularly comfortable and
                                   time-saving manner. All three           Value:
the desktop and you work           solutions make staff more          Staff becomes more efficient,
                                   efficient and improve the          existing investments are pro-
with the same familiar inter-      services a company can offer       tected and migration into the
                                   to its customers.                  world of universal communi-
face wherever you are -                                               cation is possible in accord-
                                                                      ance with the specific needs
whether in the office or on                                           of workplace facilities and lay-
                                                                      out. Communication costs are
a laptop. Likewise, team-                                             reduced.

work is simplified. With the

optiClient 360 solution you

can simultaneously tele-

phone and work together

with your caller in an open


Respond flexibly to every demand.

Make calls from within data applications.

Phoning from a PC has many advantages. Especially when            data from the PC during a call. optiClient 130 lets you

it comes to entering data into an application, or accessing       choose between phone and office interfaces.

optiClient 130 phone                                              optiClient 130 office

This solution creates an image of a system telephone on-screen,   Alongside the regular phone features, you can also communicate
allowing you to use all the phone’s convenient features. It       easily by fax or e-mail via the optiClient 130 office user interface.
requires no training, as you use this telephone in exactly the    This expansion of functionality significantly speeds up processes
same way as any other.                                            and simplifies communication from the PC with a variety of media.

Headset.                                                               Lightweight
Those who work at a PC and are frequently on the phone                 Comfortable to wear
to customers must have their hands free. In this situation, a          High voice and reception
headset is the first choice.                                           quality

optiKeyboard.                                                          High voice and reception
You have at your disposal a telephone receiver, a headset              quality
port and two built-in loudspeakers.                                    Ergonomic functionality

optiPoint handset.
An alternative if you want to phone comfortably from your              Convenient
office PC - for the familiar convenience of a telephone,               High voice and reception
which can be connected to the PC using the USB interface.              quality
the right choice for PC telephony.

With just a click on the mouse.

                                      Anybody who, like me, has

                                      to be constantly available

                                      for customers, needs a tele-

                                      phone solution integrated

                                      into his or her PC. This

                                      means I can telephone from

                                      within an application and -

                                      more importantly - gain

                                      immediate access to the

                                      relevant customer data.

Two solutions

A clear interface is
All our solutions use the

same clear menu, which

you can use on the PC as

easily as on a telephone.

Even very demanding fea-

tures such as the Call

Center functionality of

optiClient 350 or the
                                     optiClient 350
Communication Circle of
                              Alongside regular telephone
optiClient 360 are simple     features, optiClient 350 is op-           optiClient 360
                              timised for operation in Call
to use with the mouse, and    Centers. It offers agent and       This solution brings together
                              supervisor functions on a clear    various media such as voice,
can therefore be integrated   and easy-to-understand menu.       data, e-mail and Internet in
                              As well as handling several        one user-friendly interface.
perfectly and efficiently     calls simultaneously, hold, con-   The participant finds himself
                              sult, call management, and call    at the centre of a communi-
into normal PC use.           transfer are also possible. On     cation circle and communica-
                              top of that, the same work-        tes with his environment by
                              station can also handle call       selecting individuals from the
                              takeover, group calls, park,       address book or desktop and
                              conference call introduction       using the mouse to drag and
                              and the takeover of calls that     drop these into his communi-
                              have just been transferred to      cation circle. Consultation and
                              voice mail.                        alternation between conver-
                                                                 sations are also possible by
                                                                 this means, as well as shared
                                                                 document viewing during a call.
                                                                 Other forms of communication
                                                                 such as sending e-mails or        achieving a significant impro-
                                                                 accessing the internet/intranet   vement in the efficiency of
                                                                 are integrated in this fashion,   individual working processes.

for a broad range of tasks.

Flexible response to every demand.

To round it all off: Gigaset 4000 for mobile demands.

The freedom to communicate everywhere.

Are you seldom at your desk and often on the move around

the company? Then we've got just the right thing for you!

Gigaset 4000.
You can use all the telephone
features of the HiPath commu-
nications platform with Gigaset
4000 Series handsets ‘Comfort’
and ‘Micro’. High voice quality,
lightweight and robust con-
struction are defining charac-
teristics of these units. They
are kept ready for action by a
desktop charger and batteries
with a long stand-by and talk
duration. Gigaset 4000 allows
your employees mobility on
the company premises, while
always being available for
customers. That means a
reduction in costly return calls
and an improvement in your
company's service quality.

     Gigaset 4000 Comfort

       Up to 20 hours talk

       Up to 200 hours
       stand-by time

       Telephone book with
       capacity for 100 entries

       4-line backlit display

        Recall for the last five

Gigaset 4000 Micro

The featherweight top model
that combines performance
with light weight: it weighs
barely 100 grammes, and has
everything to make phoning
simple and comfortable.

      Up to 14 hours talk

      Medium trans-
      mitter power


Make your business mobile.

The Internet is fast becoming        Siemens is the only company         To do this, it deploys            Optical networking
an integral aspect of many           which offers a complete range       IP convergence                    Unlimited bandwidth and max-
business pro cesses. This is         of products and services for        High quality services and ap-     imum capacity for the super-
presenting companies and             your mobile business, there-        plications are opening up new     highways of the future.
network operators with new           by meeting the extreme              business opportunities.
challenges as mobility be-           demands for communication                                             Integration, services and
comes a key factor of business       and information solutions           Broadband access                  applications
success.                             for both the present and the        The fastest and most econom-      Optimize business processes
                                     future. The basis for this is       ical route to the Next Genera-    with integrated solutions and
Mobile business demands              the Next Generation Internet        tion Internet: networks with      services.
appropriate infrastructures,         which offers powerful net-          the greatest bandwidth
services and applications so         works, systems, solutions and       for all types of access and for   With optiPoint telephones and
that you can communicate             services, combining the             every service.                    optiClient solutions, HiPath
and work from any location, via      best of data and voice com-                                           leads the way to flexible and
any network and in any situati-      munication.                         IP routing for carriers           economical convergence. You
on. By telephone, PC, TV or                                              IP power for the Next Genera-     can equip every workstation
mobile phone – via cable or          Siemens Information and             tion Internet: high speed         with the right terminal in
cordless links – in the office, at   Communication Networks is           routers carry data efficiently    accordance with its specific
home or on the move.                 making the Next Generation          and intelligently to its desti-   needs, thus ensuring even
                                     Internet into today’s first-class   nation.                           greater efficiency throughout
                                     standard.                                                             your business. And you gain
                                                                                                           all the benefits of multimedia
                                                                                                           communication. Complex
                                                                                                           processes can be handled
                                                                                                           consistently and electronically
                                                                                                           through and through.

   Contact us!

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                                                                                                           © Siemens AG 2001
                                                                                                           Information and
                                                                                                           Communication Networks
                                                                                                           Hofmannstr. 51
                                                                                                           D-81359 Munich

                                                                                                           Order No. A50001-N14-W35-1-7600
                                                                                                           Availability and technical specifications
                                                                                                           are subject to change without notice
                                                                                                           Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
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