Page created by Lisa Stephens
By Daniel Schellong, Philipp Sadek, Carsten Schaetzberger, and Tyler Barrack

                I  f market growth were vehicle
                   acceleration, the humble electric
                 scooter—the latest answer to urban
                                                                  Why the E-Scooter?
                                                                  Still in their infancy, the biggest names in
                                                                  e-scooter sharing—Bird and Lime—have
                 mobility—would be a Ferrari. Since their         each amassed hundreds of millions of
                 debut (by US-based Bird) in the fall of 2017,    dollars in funding. Many more startups
                 shared e-scooters are now in service in          have raised more than $20 million each.
                 hundreds of cities worldwide, and more           (See Exhibit 1.) How to explain this
                 launches are planned in the coming               explosion and the forecasts of eye-popping
                 months. A dozen e-scooter startups have          growth worldwide?
                 already attracted more than $1.5 billion in
                 funding, and we estimate that the global         The rapid rise of shared mobility—through
                 market will reach about $40 billion to           ride hailing, car sharing, and shared public
                 $50 billion by 2025.                             bicycle systems—paved the way for
                                                                  e-scooters, responding to the public’s
                 But several factors will put the brakes on       appetite for cheap, convenient, and flexible
                 e-scooter growth, if they haven’t already.       ways to quickly get around increasingly
                 Right now, the unit economics don’t add          congested cities. But even beyond the
                 up, and with so crowded a field, consol-         practicality of e-scooters is the element of
                 idation is inevitable. So is greater reg-        fun that they offer: anyone—whether an
                 ulation: as e-scooters proliferate, cities       executive in a suit or a student in jeans—
                 need to sort out traffic rules, public safety,   can enjoy feeling like a little kid again.
                 parking, permits, and liability issues. The
                 big question—for service providers, in-          Roughly 35% of all personal trips cover
                 vestors, urban planners, and consumers           distances of less than 2 kilometers (km),
                 alike—is whether e-scooters can overcome         and 75% of them amount to less than
                 these hurdles and become a staple of             10 km. E-scooters are typically used for
                 urban micromobility.                             trips from 0.5 km to 4 km, the equivalent of
Exhibit 1 | A Dozen Contenders Are Fighting Over a $40 Billion to $50 Billion Market

                                                             Funding                Estimated global market by 2025
     Company               HQ                Founded         ($millions)1           ($billions)

     Lime2                 San Francisco        2017             765                                                            Europe
                           Santa Monica         2017             415
     Grow Mobility3        Mexico City          2017             150
     Flash                 Berlin               2018              66
     Voi Technology        Stockholm            2018              47                                                            6-8
     Scoot Networks        San Francisco        2011              46                                                            Rest of the world
     Tier Mobility         Berlin               2018              31
     Skip                  San Francisco        2018              31                                 40-50
     Dott                  Amsterdam            2018              23
                                                                                        How we calculated          Target population of region
     Blue Duck             San Antonio          2018              23                 the estimated market          x number of trips by average user
                           Berlin               2018              22
                                                                                         potential for each        x average local price
     Wind Mobility
                                                                                                    region        = Estimated market potential

   Sources: Crunchbase; Pitchbook; TechCrunch; BCG analysis.
   Note: This list includes e-scooter-sharing startups with reported funding of more than $20 million, but it excludes corporate ventures (such as
   Lyft Scooters or Daimler’s Hive) and startups bought up by other firms (such as JUMP and Spin, acquired by Uber and Ford, respectively).
    As of April 1, 2019.
    Lime originated as a bike-sharing company.
    Grow Mobility was formed in 2019 through the merger of Mexico-based Grin (founded 2018) and Brazil-based Yellow (founded 2017).
    To estimate the number of trips (standalone and intermodal) by the average user, we accounted for such factors as trip purpose, e-scooter
   availability, weather, and general consumer preferences. Target population estimates factored in age, geography, and fitness level. The average
   local price represents the average use fee plus average minutes within the given region.

                            walking for 5 to 45 minutes. (See Exhibit 2.)                    The Scooter-Sharing Market Is
                            In theory, therefore, e-scooters could be                        Big but Uncertain
                            used for a large proportion of in-town                           Ride-hailing services have already demon-
                            travel. E-scooters fit the bill for other                        strated how quickly shared-mobility modes
                            reasons as well: they’re cheaper than                            can be adopted by the public. In 2015, for
                            hailing a ride-share vehicle, you don’t have                     example, only 15% of US adults had ever
                            to hunt for a parking space, and no                              used Uber or Lyft, but by 2018, that figure
                            sweating is involved. They can also be                           had risen to 36% overall (45% for city
                            paired with other mobility modes                                 dwellers).
                            (especially public transportation), thus
                            making them a handy solution for traveling                       Our estimate of the global market for
                            the first and last miles from home to                            shared e-scooter rides—potentially
                            station.                                                         $40 billion to $50 billion by 2025, as Exhibit
                                                                                             1 shows—would be about 15% of the size
                            E-scooters have their limitations, however.                      of the market for automotive-based on-
                            They don’t perform well in hilly areas or                        demand mobility for that year, according to
                            on brick-lined streets; they’re ill-suited for                   our calculations. Given that shared
                            inclement weather; and riders have                               e-scooters are generally used more for
                            nowhere to stow groceries or other                               private modes and for shorter trips, they
                            belongings. E-scooter-sharing providers are                      will likely expand rather than erode the
                            already in discussions with some                                 existing market for on-demand mobility.
                            manufacturers, including Xiaomi and
                            Segway, about next-generation product                            Still, for all the advantages that e-scooter-
                            changes that would address these needs.                          sharing offers, its mass adoption is hardly a
                            Among the most important modifications                           certainty. For one thing, there may not be
                            are stronger engines and more durable                            sufficient consumer demand, particularly
                            construction.                                                    in cities with populations of less than

Boston Consulting Group | The Promise and Pitfalls of E-Scooter Sharing                                                                               2
Exhibit 2 | E-Scooters Are Best Suited for Shorter Distances

                                     Trip distance (kilometers)

     MODE                                  1             3        5        7          9          11         13


              Shared e-scooter

              Shared bike

              Ride hailing

              Car sharing

              Public transit

   Source: BCG analysis.

                           100,000. Frequent users might find it more          an e-scooter, it takes almost four months,
                           economical to buy their own e-scooters, giv-        not counting marketing and overhead ex-
                           en the relatively modest starting retail cost       penses, for a rental company to break even
                           of around $400. In addition, e-scooters’ in-        on its investment. (See Exhibit 3.)
                           troduction—especially in cities where they
                           seemed to appear overnight—has generat-             The biggest costs today arise from opera-
                           ed mixed reactions and a variety of prob-           tions and charging. Every day, providers
                           lems related to right-of-way rules, public          typically collect the e-scooters; transport
                           safety, parking, and liability. For these and       them to a central facility for battery
                           other reasons, many of the world’s largest          charging, maintenance, and repairs; and
                           cities have not yet welcomed e-scooters.            then redistribute them for the next day.
                           (For instance, as of this writing, scooters         The additional costs incurred are substan-
                           have not yet been sanctioned in Germany,            tial. Some providers try to defray these ex-
                           although legislation permitting their regu-         penses by using a “crowd-charging” model,
                           lated use is expected to pass shortly.)             in which they pay the user (in cash or
                                                                               e-scooter minutes) to take the e-scooter
                                                                               home for charging and then return it the
                           Solving the Current Profitability                   next day.
                           While the market potential for e-scooters is        Fortunately, improvements are already in
                           promising, their unit economics, at least for       the works. Longer-lasting or swappable bat-
                           the first generation of vehicles, are               teries will reduce the need for charging and
                           challenging. Today’s e-scooters are not             operations. At current price levels, e-scoot-
                           profitable.                                         ers will likely generate a profit if they can
                                                                               last around six months; several providers
                           The average e-scooter currently has a life-         are developing their own hardware to
                           span of just three months. E-scooters were          boost product durability to as much as ten
                           originally designed for private use, not for        months (and some have already rolled out
                           rental, so the heavy usage, rough handling,         a more rugged line of e-scooters). These
                           and even vandalism that users inflict on            measures, along with economies of scale in
                           them have dramatically cut down on their            production, will enhance e-scooters’ profit-
                           durability. Yet despite the modest cost of          ability considerably.

Boston Consulting Group | The Promise and Pitfalls of E-Scooter Sharing                                                       3
Exhibit 3 | E-Scooters Are Not Yet Profitable

                   E-scooter unit economics in US market ($)
                                                                                                            Contribution margin per day:
        3.50                                 2.85
                                                                                                                                     $0.65 per ride x
                                                                                                                            5 rides per day (average)
                 0.15 per                            0.50
                 minute for
        2.50     average of
                 ~17 minutes                                                                                              Time to break even:
                                                                    1.70                                            115 days = 3.8 months
                                                                                                                      Average vehicle price of $375 ÷
                                                                                  0.65                             daily contribution margin of $3.25
                 fixed fee
        1.00     per ride
       Price         Payment          Tax &      Maintenance     Operations   Contribution                                           ~3 months
      per ride         costs        insurance     & repairs      & charging     margin

   Sources: Expert interviews; BCG analysis.
   Note: Our calculations represent the average unit economics before Bird’s recently announced price increases.

                            The Battle for Market Share                                   tion costs. At the same time, oversupply
                            In their bid for market share, e-scooter pro-                 might necessitate price cuts and trigger a
                            viders and their investors are willing to sac-                price war. (But note that one of the market
                            rifice early profitability to establish a foot-               leaders, Bird, announced per-minute fee in-
                            hold while pursuing efforts to fortify                        creases in April of this year, presumably in
                            product durability. The competition contin-                   an effort to improve e-scooters’ unit eco-
                            ues to intensify: wide-scale rollout, which                   nomics. It’s hard to say at this point wheth-
                            has already unfolded across the US, is just                   er one company’s increase will have a di-
                            getting under way in Europe, and many                         rect effect on the market.)
                            companies are launching their programs
                            simultaneously in individual cities. Six                      What’s more, providers won’t be compet-
                            e-scooter companies (Lime, Bird, Tier Mo-                     ing on price alone: they will be fighting
                            bility, Wind Mobility, Flash, and Hive) cur-                  over turf and e-scooter availability. To win
                            rently compete in Vienna alone, for exam-                     over a city, they will likely need to make
                            ple, and two more (Voi Technology and                         more e-scooters available in a wider radius
                            Arolla) are reportedly considering entry                      than their competitors. Doing so, however,
                            there. But can eight e-scooter providers co-                  will undermine asset utilization. Poorer uti-
                            exist profitably in one city?                                 lization rates, along with greater marketing
                                                                                          expenses, will translate into substantially
                            Providers can’t overcome the fact that their                  higher costs.
                            offerings are hard to differentiate. Consum-
                            ers regard e-scooters as a commodity;                         Consolidation is inevitable. Investors could
                            they’ll pick the closest available scooter.                   well grow anxious about continuing to
                            Thus far, putting a high-quality, reliable                    bankroll startups as they burn through
                            product on virtually every corner is appar-                   their cash.
                            ently all the marketing that providers have
                            needed. But over time, companies compet-                      The question is: will regional entities be
                            ing with others in the same neighborhood                      able to achieve market dominance in indi-
                            will have to establish brand loyalty.                         vidual cities or countries, or will global
                                                                                          companies beat them on their territory? If
                            To build critical mass in their customer                      the ride-hailing industry offers a clue, it’s
                            base, providers will need to spend on mar-                    highly possible that some regional players
                            keting and offer promotional discounts,                       will dominate, or at least compete head-to-
                            which will drive up their customer acquisi-                   head with, the global companies.

Boston Consulting Group | The Promise and Pitfalls of E-Scooter Sharing                                                                                4
Critical Maneuvers for Providers                       realistic approaches to taxation that
                    To secure market leadership, e-scooter                 don’t cripple industry growth.
                    providers will have to take the following
                    actions:                                          ••   Rider Liability. Clarifying the respec-
                                                                           tive liabilities of e-scooter riders and
                    ••   Optimize operations. To maintain,                 providers is becoming ever more crucial
                         charge, and relocate several thousand             (particularly in the US) as accidents
                         e-scooters in every city of operation is a        increase.
                         major operational challenge. Reducing
                         these costs to well below 50% of reve-
                         nue will be essential for profitability.     Opportunities for Mobility
                                                                      Service Providers and Platforms
                    ••   Bolster product durability. Substan-         Digital mobility providers—ride-hailing,
                         tially extending the average life of an      car-sharing, and car-rental services—need
                         e-scooter is critical, as is improving       to act promptly to define their e-scooter
                         battery life, making repair easy, and        strategies. Established providers must
                         finding better solutions to manage           decide whether (and how) to integrate
                         mechanical breakdown, vandalism, and         existing e-scooter-sharing services or
                         theft.                                       whether to buy an existing provider.
                                                                      Partnerships―including those with public-
                    ••   Forge a strategy for rapid growth.           transit agencies―will be key so that
                         Scaling up quickly will help companies       consumers can plan, book, and pay for
                         amass a customer base and preempt            intermodal trips.
                         competitors. Beyond e-scooters, compa-
                         nies could broaden their offerings to        Because e-scooter rides can complement
                         include other mobility modes, such as        other modes of transportation (especially
                         shared bikes. More important, they will      public transit), aggregating modes into a
                         need to establish partnerships with          single app would be more convenient and
                         complementary mobility providers             valuable for consumers. The user would
                         (such as car-sharing and ride-hailing        then have a single source to visit for getting
                         services) to lock in users more effective-   from point A to point B—a one-stop shop
                         ly. Partnering with public-transit           for planning, booking, and paying for their
                         agencies at local and regional levels will   trips. Uber is advancing fast in its bid to be-
                         also help support growth.                    come just such a multimodal mobility pro-
                                                                      vider: in 2018, it acquired JUMP, a dockless
                    ••   Beef up funding. Raising large war           bike-sharing and e-scooter-sharing startup;
                         chests will allow companies to finance       launched a partnership with Getaround to
                         sufficient production capacity, as well as   integrate car rental into its app; and an-
                         expansion into more cities, while            nounced a pilot with the city of Denver to
                         buying time to break even.                   offer tickets for public transit.

                    Yet these efforts alone won’t be enough. As       A number of European cities are
                    purveyors of transportation operating on          developing their own on-demand mobility
                    public streets, e-scooter companies will also     offerings that integrate public
                    need to address two major policy                  transportation with bike sharing, car
                    challenges:                                       sharing, and other mobility options. With
                                                                      their established customer bases, public-
                    ••   Regulation. Seeking favorable and            transportation agencies are well positioned
                         civic-minded regulation at the local,        to act as a central or hub provider; many
                         state, and federal levels means antici-      already offer their own ticketing apps. But
                         pating such concerns as reducing             to what extent consumers will opt for a
                         curbside clutter and congestion on           local municipal offering over a potentially
                         sidewalks and streets as well as in other    more alluring regional or even global one
                         public places. It also means encouraging     is still unknown.

Boston Consulting Group | The Promise and Pitfalls of E-Scooter Sharing                                                5
How Cities Can Manage                              more, proactively, to foster the benefits and
                    E-Scooters                                         bypass the pitfalls. For instance, Portland,
                    Not surprisingly, many cities are concerned        Oregon, has adopted a sensible approach,
                    about the unbridled growth of e-scooters,          starting with a pilot program to test im-
                    given the problems (such as obstructed             pacts. (See the sidebar “Portland’s Proac-
                    sidewalks and vandalism) unleashed by the          tive Approach to E-Scooter Regulation.”) In
                    rapid rise of free-floating bicycles. In 2018      the city’s initial study, 34% of local passen-
                    for example, San Francisco and Indianapo-          gers and 48% of visitors took an e-scooter
                    lis backpedaled on e-scooters, putting re-         instead of driving their cars or using Uber,
                    strictions on their use; in New York and           Lyft, or a taxi, proving that the potential for
                    Chicago, e-scooters are currently banned.          reducing car traffic is promising.

                    In the US, at least, e-scooters are unlikely to    Elsewhere, cities are experimenting with
                    transform the urban landscape overnight.           other policies and practices, such as desig-
                    But leaders should not let recent missteps         nated parking zones and licensing by juris-
                    color their views on e-scooters. When intro-       diction. Lisbon, for example, has taken a
                    duced properly, e-scooters can alleviate           cue from pioneering US cities and estab-
                    some of the seemingly intractable challeng-        lished no-parking zones for e-scooters. In
                    es that cities and their residents face—           Madrid, providers must now obtain licenses
                    namely congestion, pollution, and the diffi-       to operate in their own designated areas of
                    culty of bridging the first- and last-mile gaps.   the city and are required to ensure that
                                                                       their e-scooters will be parked within their
                    To start with, cities can penalize or impose       prescribed area for a minimum amount of
                    limitations on providers that do not abide         time. They must also report usage data to
                    by existing rules. But they can do much            the city.

                       To avoid many of the problems that              residents viewed e-scooters positively.
                       other cities have experienced, Portland,        Riders of the 2,043 e-scooters in the
                       Oregon, was determined to develop               program used them primarily as a
                       sound regulations from the get-go. In           means to get to a destination (as
                       June 2018, the Portland Bureau of               opposed to recreational excursions), thus
                       Transportation (PBOT) began requiring           demonstrating that at least one of the
                       e-scooter providers to apply for permits;       city’s goals—reducing vehicular traffic—
                       one month later, it launched a pilot            was a real possibility. City leaders also
                       e-scooter program.                              learned that improvements were needed
                                                                       to reduce e-scooter-related injuries,
                       The four-month pilot had four major             illegal sidewalk riding, improper parking,
                       objectives: to reduce traffic congestion,       and damage to city park trails (an
                       prevent serious injuries and fatalities,        unwitting violation in most cases).
                       expand access for Portlanders under-
                       served by existing public transit, and          A second pilot, begun in late April this
                       decrease air pollution. PBOT also               year, will focus on improving e-scooter
                       required participating companies to             accessibility, safety issues, and parking.
                       provide data on starting points and             PBOT also aims to gather more data,
                       destinations, real-time availability, routes    especially on e-scooter life-cycle costs
                       taken, and accidents.                           and operations, so it can better assess
                                                                       whether e-scooters contribute directly to
                       The city discovered that—after some             a reduction in greenhouse gases.
                       700,369 trips and 801,887 miles—most

Boston Consulting Group | The Promise and Pitfalls of E-Scooter Sharing                                                 6
To ensure that the use of e-scooters pro-               be. To enable better future regulation,
                    gresses in a way that supports mobility                 governments might make data-sharing
                    goals, cities will need to think through sev-           agreements a condition of their permit-
                    eral important issues:                                  ting process. Taxes can be both an
                                                                            important mechanism for controlling
                    ••   Rules of the Road. Governments will                e-scooter use and a source of income.
                         play a key role in setting and enforcing
                         the rules of proper e-scooter use, such       ••   Liability. How should liability be
                         as prohibiting riding on sidewalks or              assigned? Governments should explore
                         within pedestrian zones. Equally                   their own role as well as the roles of
                         important is allocating road space.                e-scooter manufacturers, mobility
                         Some cities have already expanded                  providers, and individual riders. Mecha-
                         their bicycle pathways and lanes; in               nisms to ensure that liability claims for
                         others, riders are often forced to share           accidents are managed fairly and in a
                         the streets with vehicles, which can               timely manner should also be put in
                         aggravate traffic flow and lead to                 place.
                         accidents. Riders also need to be
                         educated about the right-of-way rules         By proactively developing policies for
                         that apply to e-scooters, and cities need     e-scooters, cities can ensure that the growth
                         to clearly communicate those rules to         of this promising transportation tool will
                         riders and the general public.                align with—and help advance—their
                                                                       broader transportation goals.
                    ••   Public Safety. E-scooter riders general-
                         ly don’t wear helmets or other special
                         protective clothing, which puts them at
                         a certain level of risk. In the absence of
                         special riding zones, the safety of riders,
                                                                       W       ill e-scooters gain traction—or
                                                                               will they crash and burn? Despite
                                                                       their drawbacks, they have the potential to
                         drivers, and pedestrians alike is poten-      fill an important role in urban mobility at
                         tially compromised. A number of               a time when solutions to congestion and
                         accidents and deaths have already been        pollution are urgently needed. Consolida-
                         reported; regulators that delay in            tion will happen, culling many hopefuls
                         establishing safety ordinances and            from today’s crowded field. But providers
                         public guidelines risk stoking opposi-        that do it right—anticipating and mitigat-
                         tion, which could lead to rules that are      ing potential conflicts and seeking partner-
                         more restrictive than necessary.              ships with cities and other mobility
                                                                       platforms—could find themselves riding
                    ••   Parking and No-Scooter Zones.                 high. And cities that anticipate public con-
                         Without any kind of municipal                 cerns and needs by testing, learning, and
                         planning, e-scooters will end up              regulating wisely stand to gain in many
                         concentrated in major transit hubs,           ways—not least by making city centers
                         creating urban clutter. Regulators            more fun.
                         therefore need to allocate dedicated
                         parking areas for e-scooters as well as
                         establish no-scooter zones to ensure
                         that transit-station exits and commuter
                         pathways are kept clear. This is also
                         important for ensuring unobstructed
                         access for the disabled.

                    ••   Permits and Data Requirements.
                         State and local governments need to
                         determine what requirements to set for
                         e-scooter providers and how restrictive
                         potential licensing mechanisms should

Boston Consulting Group | The Promise and Pitfalls of E-Scooter Sharing                                                7
About the Authors
                    Daniel Schellong is a project leader in the Berlin office of Boston Consulting Group. He is a core mem-
                    ber of the firm’s automotive and mobility sector, with a focus on digital business models and growth. You
                    may contact him by email at

                    Philipp Sadek is a consultant in the firm’s Vienna office and a core member of the automotive and mo-
                    bility sector. You may contact him by email at

                    Carsten Schaetzberger is a partner and managing director of BCG’s Stuttgart office, which he heads. He
                    leads BCG’s Industrial Goods practice in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. You may
                    contact him by email at

                    Tyler Barrack is a principal in the firm’s Chicago office. He advises clients in the automotive and mobility
                    sector, focusing on sharing business models and the automotive retail sector in the US. You may contact
                    him by email at

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