Page created by Eddie Morris
Game Guide

A computer game about gaining and applying
detailed insights into the geographical underground
and global oil industry.
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

Winning in Quest for Oil
Quest for Oil can be played in both Multiplayer and Single Player.                                    Oil fields
                                                                                                      Each location has a number of oil field licences available with various estimated potentials.
Winning in a Single Player ‘Normal’ game means producing a pre-defined volume of oil faster than      Explore the map with your seismic ship or helicopter to find suitable and affordable licenses to
your opponents. The winning amount depends on the scenario:                                           buy.

Southeast Asia:							                                                          250K barrels of oil   Time
North Sea:							                                                               500K barrels of oil   Basically, you never know how long you have to reach your target. Even if you see that your oppo-
Qatar:								                                                                  500K barrels of oil   nent has made fast progress early in the game, you still have the chance to win by locating the
West Africa:							                                                             750K barrels of oil   best reservoirs, combined with choosing the right technological set-up and production process.
Gulf of Mexico:							                                                          750K barrels of oil   You will then overtake your opponent and reach victory.
                                                                                                      So apart from using all your knowledge about earth layers and high-tech equipment, you will also
In a Multiplayer game or a Single Player Custom game the creator sets the winning condition. This     have to stay cool, and rely on your chosen strategy to reach your goal.
could be a target amount of oil or the one who has the most oil when a set time is up.
                                                                                                      You initially have a certain sum and you start investing to get licences, equipment, assets and advice.

What is your strategy?
                                                                                                      Try to get an understanding of all the costs you will encounter during your quest before making
                                                                                                      money yourself. If you don’t, you risk running out of funds in the middle of an exploration or produc-
                                                                                                      tion process. This could instantly jeopardize your mission – and you would lose.
To get the best possible results, a number of strategic considerations require your sharp insight
and decisions. There are a wide variety of combinations for how to make money in the various oil      At the same time, you should remember that once you obtain the maximum number of oil bar-
fields, and many, many more for how NOT to.                                                           rels, the money you have accumulated will also count toward your position on the highscore
The scarce resources are:

• Oil fields
• Time
• Money
                                                                                                      You can also track how you are doing in terms of generating profit from your exploration activi-
You don’t know how much time you have before your opponent achieves his/her goal and beats            ties. If you monitor the orange Return On Investment number in the top part of the screen, you can
you.                                                                                                  get a feel for how your investments are going.

Therefore, you need to act strategically in terms of your limitations. You need to act smart - and    In a tournament game the winning condition is Return On Investment. This means it is the most
you need to constantly focus on the three parameters mentioned above.                                 costefficient investments, which is the better ones.

Learn more on the following pages...
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

How to play

   Scenario selection                               Gameboard                                          Mini-map                                              Help screen
   Select one out of five locations on the globe.   The gameboard consists of a mini-map, unit         The mini-map provides you with an over-               Besides the in-game advisor, you can always
                                                    panels that lets you control your assets,          view of the current map and all players               search the Help screen for information on
                                                    ressource information and an advisor panel,        progress towards the target goal. Licenses            various in-game topics. Select the main
                                                    where hints and advice will be given during        are colored as they are bought by players.            menu and choose ‘Help’ to go there.

   Fast-track                                       How to move around                                 Safety and Maintenance
   Selecting the icons quickly jumps to the next    If you are playing on a tablet, select a unit by   Most units require that you maintain safety training and equipment maintenance on
   asset in each category.                          touching it. Touch the desired destination to      acceptable levels. Failing to do so risc shutting down the unit.
                                                    make it move there. Using a mouse or mouse
                                                    pad means clicking instead of touching.            Select a unit by clicking/touching it. If the unit has Safety and Maintenance require-
                                                                                                       ments, it will have a colored icon on the left-hand side - indicating by its color if the
                                                                                                       levels are critical (red), okay (yellow) or great (green).
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

Asset overview

   Seismic Ship                                         Helicopter                                 Jack-up Rig                                       Semi-submersible Rig
   Use it to explore the map, buy new licenses          A faster way to explore, buy and perform   Use it for drilling activities. The jack-up can   Use it for drilling activities. The semi-sub
   and perform seismic analysis of the under-           seismic analysis.                          only drill on shallow water, but not on deep.     can only drill on deep water, but not on
   ground to locate the oil.                                                                                                                         shallow.

   Drill Ship                                           Production Platform
   Use it for drilling activities. The drill ship can   Use for production activities. There are
   drill on both shallow and deep water, and            two options available:
   can be used for multiple drills.                     • Production Platform (I)
                                                        This platform supports only oil tankers.
                                                        • Production Platform (II)
                                                        This platform supports both oil tankers
                                                        and oil pipes.
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

Maersk Advisors
Three Maersk specialists are available to you throughout the game. They introduce you to
their field of expertise in each mini-game. Make sure to listen to them carefully. They provide
the crucial knowledge you need to become an oil exploration expert.

   Seismic mini-game                                  Drilling mini-game                                Production mini-game
   Lead Geologist                                     Toolpusher                                        In this mini-game, an oil production special-
   In this mini-game, a seismic oil exploration       In this mini-game, a drilling specialist in oil   ist will advise you
   specialist will advise you.                        exploration will advise you.
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

Buying a license and performing a seismic analysis

   Step 1                                              Step 2                                         Step 3                                         Step 4
   Your first objective is to find a suitable oil      Once you have acquired the license, start      Watch a tutorial video or start analysing by   Study the earth layers and their charac-
   license area to buy and develop for oil pro-        searching for oil by analysing a seismic map   selecting ‘Load Seismic Data’.                 teristics carefully to pinpoint the place on
   duction. Explore the map with your seismic          of the underground below your license.                                                        the map, where you think oil is located.
   ship or helicopter to find a suitable oil license                                                                                                 Your skills in analyzing seismic data is key
   to buy.                                             Select your license marker and select                                                         to finding oil.
                                                       ‘Seismic analysis’ and ‘Analyze’.
   When a suitable license is found, use your                                                                                                        You can buy advice if you are stuck. Advice
   asset to buy the oil license - by selecting                                                                                                       indicate where traps and caps are located
   ‘License to Drill’ and ‘Buy’.                                                                                                                     on the map, but it doesn’t come cheap.

                                                                                                                                                     If your need additional help, select the
                                                                                                                                                     help-icon in the top-hand right corner to
                                                                                                                                                     read about the seismic analysis.

                                                                                                                                                                Sandstone              Salt

                                                                                                                                                                Chalk                  Shale

                                                                                                                                                                Limestone              Volcanics
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

Drilling for oil

   Step 1                                          Step 2                                        Step 3                                             Step 4
   When you have found oil, choose a drilling      Watch a tutorial video or start drilling by   To get the most oil, you have to drill through     When you have hit the reservoir, you
   rig that fits your needs by selecting each      selecting ‘Ready Drill Crew’.                 earth layers and hit the reservoir under-          will see how much oil you will be able to
   icon on the license marker one at a time (see                                                 neath right in the center. Plan a route that       produce later on. If you are unhappy with
   ‘Asset overview’ for more information).                                                       makes you drill fast, but stay safe in the pro-    your performance, redo the process by
                                                                                                 cess. Control the bit by clicking or touching      selecting ‘Drill again’.
                                                                                                 in front of it. Clicking/touching far away will
                                                                                                 speed up the drill. Mind your drill bit inte-
                                                                                                 grity, as wrecking your drill bit will cost you.

                                                                                                 Drill bit integrity
                                                                                                 Indicates how well your drill bit is doing. If
                                                                                                 your press your drill bit too hard by drilling
                                                                                                 too fast in a very hard earth layer, your bit
                                                                                                 integrity will fall drastically.

                                                                                                 Rate of Penetration (ROP)
                                                                                                 Dictates how fast you drill. Some earth
                                                                                                 layers will let you have a high ROP without
                                                                                                 tearing on the drill bit, whereas others will

                                                                                                 Gas pockets
                                                                                                 Watch out for greenish gas pockets indi-
                                                                                                 cated by an exclamation mark on the mini-
                                                                                                 map - they will cost precious time and bit
Quest for Oil | Game Guide

Producing oil

   Step 1                                            Step 2                                           Step 3
   When done drilling, you have two options          Now it is time to carry out the oil production   Watch a tutorial video or start production
   to start producing the oil (see ‘Asset over-      process. When a production platform has          by selecting ‘Adjust oil production’.
   view’). Your choice of production platform        been bought, select the ‘Produce Oil’ button
   will be paramount in how fast and long you        and press ‘Start’.
   will be able to produce oil from the reservoir

  Step 4                                                                                              Step 5
  Your objective here is to unlock the oil from the reservoir rock. You do this by injecting          When your production rate has been locked,
  water and natural gas into the rock. Balance the level of injection pressure to dictate             the last step means deciding how you will be
  whether you wish to produce the oil slowly or fast.                                                 transporting the oil from the platform to your
                                                                                                      refinery on land. Production platforms only
  Faster production rate (dragging the know to the right) means depleting the reservoir               supports 1 tanker.
  faster. Slower production rate (dragging the knob to the left) means getting more oil.              See the ‘Asset overview’ for more information.
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