Page created by Darryl Hogan

Small-scale Initiatives Program for Civil Society
                                     Organisations in North Africa

                                                           MAR-09                              ALG-54                                 ALG-39                                           TUN-24
                                                           MAR-18                              ALG-11                                 ALG-09                                           TUN-33
                                                                                                                                      ALG-26                                           TUN-41

                                                                                                                                                                                                    TUN-53                                                       LYB-05
  MAR-40                                                                                                                                                                                            TUN-28                      LYB-07                           LYB-04
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LYB-16                           LYB-02
                                                                                                                                                                                                    TUN-16                      LYB-10
  MAR-39                                                                                                                                                                                            TUN-20                      LYB-12
  MAR-27                                                                                                                                                                                            LYB-01
  MAR-26                                                                                                                                                                  TUN-06

                                                                                                                           ALG-52                               TUN-10




                                            High Atlas National Park                       ALG-11                                                conservation farm for endangered species       TUN-28           ECOOLIVA                      LYB-04     Environmental awareness in
         MOROCCO                                                                                             Macta wetland
                                            MAR-27      Creation of a geospatial           enhanced by sustainable local ecotourism               ALG-54                                                                                      schools
                                                                                                                                                                     Biological corridor for     TUN-33      Contribution to the
MAR-03       Setting up a bee yard          database and GPS tracking of raptors in                                                              the preservation of the Cuvier’s Gazelle.      establishment of an ecological observatory    LYB-05      Libyan Natural Biodiversity
                                                                                           ALG-15             Contribution to the
                                            Morocco                                                                                                                                             in the Medjerda River                         Relief Centre
MAR-07           Valuation of the                                                          conservation of biodiversity in Belezma               ALG-78         Oughename Garden
ecotourism appeal of the Anezi territory     MAR-30      Saving the great bustard (Otis    National Park                                                                                        TUN-35       Environmental Corridors          LYB-06       Together to strengthen the
natural and cultural heritage               tarda) from extinction in Morocco                                                                                TUNISIA                            within the Oued Tine
                                                                                            ALG-26    Conservation of the                                                                                                                     natural heritage of Wadi Al Naqa
MAR-09           Development of             MAR-39      Implementation of the              thaghzouth-Thawint area’s natural heritage                                                           TUN-41        Preservation of medicinal
                                                                                                                                                 TUN-06      Promotion of alternative                                                         LYB-07      Contribution to Mislata
ecotourism in Al Hoceima National Park      Zerhoun SIBE project                                                                                                                                plants in the Region of Bizerte- Teskreya
                                                                                           ALG-31          Preservation of the                   maritime tourism in the Zarzis region                                                        National Park Management Plan
MAR-11           Valorisation of the                                                                                                                                                            and Oued Zitoun
                                            MAR-40      Assessment of threats on           DOUEIMA wetland                                        TUN-10
ecotourist values of the biodiversity of                                                                                                                        Chott El Djérid ecotourism                                                     LYB-10      Naqaza residents participate in
                                            emblematic birds in northwest Morocco                                                                                                               TUN-53      FloraWetS
Khenifiss National Park.                                                                   ALG-37         Preservation of the Atlas              itinerary                                                                                    the reintroduction of endangered species
MAR-14                                                                                     Cedar in Mount Chélia                                                                                TUN-62           Djerba Up                     LYB-12
                Valorisation of the futur           ALGERIA                                                                                      TUN-16         C.H.E.R.E Gafsa                                                                           Restoration of Sifanes water
National Park «Deraa Ouargziz Labtana»                                                     ALG-38          Development of                                                                                                                     sources
biodiversity                                ALG-02       Restoration of fragile                                                                  TUN-20      On the Footsteps of Tunisia’s               LIBYA
                                                                                           ecotourism in the Boussaâda region                                                                                                                 LYB-16     Illustrated Guide on Mislata
                                            ecological systems in Ain Sefra                                                                      Stealth Predators
MAR-18      Valuing the natural resources                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Al Khoms plants
                                                                                           ALG-39      Restoration and preservation                                                             LYB-01    Together for the sustainable
of Al Hoceima National Park                 ALG-09        Contribution to the                                                                     TUN-24      Contribution to the
                                                                                           of Miliana Garden                                                                                    development of the coastline
                                            preservation of the endemic bee Apis                                                                 preservation of the Bni Mtir forest through
 MAR-26         Preservation and
                                            Mellifèra Intermissa                           ALG-52                                                the development of ecotourism                  LYB-02       Restoration of a burned forest
sustainable development of the Oriental                                                                 Construction of a small
THE PPI-OSCAN PROGRAM                                                                              RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION

The Small-scale Initiatives Program for Civil     African countries (Algeria, Libya, Morocco       IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation          NGOs, experts and local communities work
Society Organisations in North Africa, also       and Tunisia). The short-term impact would        (IUCN-Med)                                         together to implement solutions to address
known by its French acronym PPI-OSCAN,            be an increase of CSO initiatives, which                                                            environmental challenges. The IUCN Centre for
is a Program that aims to support young           in the long-term, would contribute to the        The International Union for the Conservation       Mediterranean Cooperation, which opened in
Civil Society Organisations (CSO) in the          implementation of national strategies and        of Nature (IUCN) today represents the largest      2001 in Malaga (Spain), aims to encourage and
development of innovative initiatives which       action plans for biodiversity conservation and   environmental network, with over 1,300             assist Mediterranean societies in integrating
address the environment and sustainable           restoration, sustainable management of natural   government and non-government members              the conservation of natural resources with
development issues in North Africa.               resources and mitigation of climate change       operating in 51 countries, in the world. Created   their use through the adoption of a sustainable
                                                  effects.                                         in 1948, it is considered to be the largest and    development model.
The overall objective of PPI-OSCAN is to                                                           oldest organisation working for the protection
strengthen the technical, administrative and                                                       and preservation of nature. The Union operates
financial capacities of CSOs in four North                                                         as a platform where governments, businesses,

WORKING THEMES                                                                                     FINANCIAL PARTNERS OF THE PROGRAM

Interested Civil Society Organisations from the   PROJECTS
4 target countries, submitted project proposals   Since the program launched in 2014, two calls    The MAVA Foundation                                international, national and local NGOs, research
in line with the 3 following themes of the        for proposals have led to 471 submissions, out                                                      institutions, universities, and sometimes
program:                                          of which, 80 projects were selected in the 4     Founded in 1994 in Switzerland, MAVA               government agencies. MAVA is in its final
                                                  target countries.                                Foundation for Nature, is a private foundation     phase of operations and plans to cease funding
                                                                                                   for the conservation of biodiversity for the       in 2022.
         Conservation of species and                                                               benefit of humans and nature, that funds,
         ecosystems                               1st PHASE                2nd PHASE
                                                  PPI-OSCAN                PPI-OSCAN               mobilises and strengthens the conservation
                                                  (2014 - 2017)            (2018 - 2021)           community in Switzerland, the Mediterranean
         Co-management of land and                248 projets presented    223 projets presented   and West Africa. It works in partnership with
                                                  37 projects selected     43 projects selected
         marine protected areas

                                                  The program is currently in its second phase.
         Ecotourism and sharing of the            This brochure aims to present the 43 selected
         benefits of conservation                 projects and their related associations.

                                                                                                   The French Global Environment Facility             projects that generate local environmental,
                                                                                                                                                      social and economic benefits, and operates in
                                                                                                   The French Global Environment Facility (FFEM)      the areas of biodiversity conservation, climate,
                                                                                                   supports innovative environmental projects in      international waters, land and ozone layer, and
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                                                                               developing countries. Created by the French        chemical pollution mitigation. The particular
                                                                                                   government in 1994 after the first Earth           value of the FFEM is: to rely on pilot projects
1. To support projects on biodiversity            3. To network CSOs and strengthen their          Summit, it has already supported 333 projects      to create learnings and disseminate their
   conservation and valuation, sustainable           capacity for dialogue with governments.       in more than 120 countries, two-thirds of which    innovations on a larger scale.
   natural resources management and               4. To capitalise and disseminate                 are in Africa. FFEM works in partnership with
   climate change mitigation.                        experiences nationally and regionally.        public, private and civil society actors, both
2. To strengthen CSOs administrative,                                                              from South and North continents, and other
   technical and financial capacities.                                                             donors and international organisations. It funds

THE ADDED VALUE OF PPI-OSCAN                                                                       NATIONAL PARTNERS OF THE PPI-OSCAN

1. The promotion of the local, economic           3. Its achievements can be both                             ALGERIA - Ministry of Environment                  MOROCCO — Department of
   and social development of North African           demonstrated and replicated at                           and Renewable Energy with the                      Water and Forest
   countries and building CSO capacity to            national and regional scales through the                 General Forest Directorate
   actively and effectively participate in the       networking of CSOs and the promotion of
   sustainable development.                          dialogue opportunities with institutions.
2. Its exemplary and innovative character         4. Its global contribution to the environment               LIBYA — Environment General                        TUNISIA — Ministry of Local
   regarding its supporting and capacity-            preservation by focusing on priority fields              Authority                                          Affairs and Environment with the
   building approach.                                of intervention in the target countries.                                                                    General Forest Directorate
ALGERIA                                    Projects description                                                                                            ALGERIA

 ALG-02                                               ALG-11                                             ALG-26                                             ALG-37                                             ALG-39                                           ALG-54
Restoration of fragile ecological                    Macta wetland enhanced by                           Conservation of the thaghzouth-                    Preservation of the Atlas Cedar in                 Restoration and preservation of                  Biological corridor for the preservation
systems in Ain Sefra                                 sustainable local ecotourism                        Thawint area’s natural heritage                    Mount Chélia                                       Miliana Garden                                   of the Cuvier’s Gazelle.

The project contributes to the reintegration         The project aims to combat activities threating     The project contributes to the conservation        The project aims to tackle the degradation of      The project aims to reinforce the irrigation     The project focuses on the conservation of
of the endemic species Stipa Tenacissima             this wetland classified as Ramsar in 2001 and IPA   of the Taghzouth-Thawint area through              the cedar from Chelia forest through planting      system in the Miliana Garden created in          the Cuvier´s gazelle through the installation of
and Pistacia Atlentica, through a gene bank          in 2016. It promotes ecotourism and educational     the promotion of the rational use of water,        activities, raising awareness among residents      1860, and contributes to its classification as   a natural corridor, the development of water
collection. It will facilitate their dissemination   activities that raise general public and student    rehabilitation and the preservation of water       and students about the environment, and            a «Botanical Garden» through an advocacy         sources, the establishment of a monitoring
and regeneration by pastoralists in a closed         awareness on the importance of this type of         sources and local plants such as the laurel.       enhancing beekeeping. It will support the          group. This would foster the conservation of     system in partnership with the forest service,
area. Activities on young education and public       ecosystem as a wintering and nesting habitat for    It also focuses on beekeeping and raising          classification of the area under the status of     key species such as the sequoia (the only        the sensitisation of the population and the
awareness will also be carried out.                  migratory birds.                                    awareness about the environment.                   National Park.                                     specimen in Algeria), ginkgo, lime and yews.     education of young people.

  Aîn-Sefra, Naâma, South-West Algeria                Macta wetland, Mascara, west Algeria                 Tizi-Ouzou, Ohadhias, North Algeria               Mount Chelia, Khenchela, East Algeria               Mount Zaccar, Miliana, North of Algeria         Saîda, west of Algeria
Total budget: 27.700 €                               Total budget: 40.000 €                              Total budget: 39.700 €                             Total budget: 20.504 €                             Total budget: 30.000 €                           Total budget: 23.300 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 18.000 €                       PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 28.000 €                      PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 27.800 €                     PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 14.352,80 €                  PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 21.000 €                   PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 16.310 €

Association “The Green Earth”                        Green Association of Mascara                        Environment Association of Tachemlit               The Cedar Association for Environment              The pearl of Zaccar                              Affak Tanmiyat ElMouhit
This association was created in 2018 from the        This association was created in 2015 to             This association was founded in 2014. Its          Protection and Sustainable Development             This local association was created in 2013       This local association was created in
initiative of local environmental executives. It     promote education and ecotourism. Activities        actions include environmental research,            Created in 2018, it contributes to nature          in order to protect the environment and to       2013 for the protection of the environment
aims to preserve the natural heritage whilst         consist of raising awareness, training and          sensitisation on wetlands protection, and          preservation, sustainable development              improve the livelihoods of Miliana citizens.     and vulnerable ecosystems, promoting
promoting cooperation and long-term citizens         involving local inhabitants in agriculture,         the promotion of ecotourism and mountain           and eco-citizenship by organizing raising                        eco-citizenship, citizen participation, and
solidarity.                                          forestry and environmental projects.                sports.                                            awareness events, promoting ecotourism and                                                          environmental education.                                                                       responsible agricultural practices                                                           

ALG-09                                               ALG-15                                              ALG-31                                              ALG-38                                             ALG-52                                          ALG-78
Contribution to the preservation of the              Contribution to the conservation                    Preservation of the DOUEIMA wetland                Development of ecotourism in the                   Construction of a small conservation             Oughename Garden
endemic bee Apis Mellifèra Intermissa                of biodiversity in Belezma National                                                                    Boussaâda region (mountain area,                   farm for endangered species
                                                     Park                                                                                                   steppe area and wetland)

The project aims to tackle the uncontrolled          The project aims to enhance the preservation        The Doueima wetland and its ecosystem              The objective is to reduce impact of visitors      Creation of a small farm of Dorax gazelles       The objective is to enhance the natural and
hybridisation of local bee populations while         of the Belezma National Park, one of the most       services are under threats of unsustainable        on the Boussaâda region by creating a              as an educational space for young people         cultural heritage of Ouled Yahia Oasis in
preserving the endemic species. Stations for         important biodiversity hotspots, in partnership     activities from the surrounding farms. The         warning system on damages caused to                and the preservation of this local specie and    Tamentit, classified as RAMSAR Site. It will
controlled fertilisation will be created, as well    with the management team, local inhabitants         project aims to classify the wetland on the        biodiversity, in partnership with the University   other endangered ones. Actions directed at       promote ecotourism and local crafts, the
as a local advocacy group including residents,       and the environmental directorate. It will lead     RAMSAR list to ensure its protection, and raises   of M’Sila and students from the environmental      local authorities will also be carried out to    protection of the dune and natural resources
associations, scientists and public institutions     to the establishment of an observatory and          farmers’ awareness about organic farming to        education program. It will also include            improve the governance and protection of the     and the empowerment of local governance.
in the field of beekeeping.                          ecomuseum on local biodiversity.                    reduce the use of fertilisers and pesticides.      activities on capacity building for local CSOs.    environment.

  Blida, Atlas Blidéen, Nord Algérien                  Belezma National Parc, Batna, East of Algeria       Hammam Bouhadjar, Aîn Temouchent, west of          Boussaâda, steppe area in the North of Algeria     Tadjrouna, Laghouat, South of Algeria            Tamentit, Adrar, South of Algeria
Total budget: 52.020 €                               Total budget: 42.460 €                              Algeria                                            Total budget: 22.142 €                             Total budget: 28.000 €                           Total budget: 30.000 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 34.120 €                       PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.722 €                      Total budget: 13.536 €                             PPI-OSCAN Subvention : 15.500 €                    PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 19.600 €                   PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 21.000 €
                                                                                                         PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 9.475 €
Association for the Development of                   Biology, Biodiversity & Sustainability                                                                 Moubadara Association for Social                   Association « L’Epi d’Or »                       Foggara d’Aghmoul
beekeeping in Mitidja Blida (ADAMB)                  Association                                         Echourouk association                              Development                                        This association was created in 2013. It         This local association was created in 2017
This OSC works with public and private               This local association works for the                As a member of several networks related to         Created in 2013, this association beneficiated     carries out raising awareness activities         for the preservation and promotion of cultural
actors for the preservation of the beekeeping        socio-economic and environmental                    nature protection and birds watching, it works     from the PPI-OSCAN 1. It carries out scientific    to sensitise the local population on             and natural heritage of the Oasis of Tamentit.
heritage of the Atlas Blidéen and the                development of the region. It focuses on            for nature conservation, especially wetlands,      and educational activities on sustainable          environmental protection, natural resources,     Within that area, it puts special attention to
valorisation of its local products. It was one of    biodiversity conservation and the quality of        through awareness-raising activities, training,    development to create intellectual groups and      and particularly endangered species.             the maintenance of the Foggara.
the beneficiaries of the PPI-OSCAN1.                 landscapes with high biological interest.           and the practice of ornithology.                   encourage young graduate empowerment.                                                                        
LIBYA                                     Projects description                                                                                               LIBYA                                                                                                     MOROCCO

 LYB-01                                             LYB-04                                               LYB-06                                               LYB-10                                                LYB-16                                              MAR-03
Together for the sustainable                        Environmental awareness in schools                  Together to strengthen the natural                   Naqaza residents participate in the                   Illustrated Guide on Mislata and Al                  Setting up a bee yard
development of the coastline                                                                            heritage of Wadi Al Naqa                             reintroduction of endangered species                  Khoms plants

The project area is located within 110 km           The project targets 25 public and private           The village of Basas located in the Wady Alnaga      The project aims to restore the ecosystem             The objective is the preparation of a nature         Setting up a bee yard for the Saharan bee
of coastal areas, east of the capital Tripoli.      schools in the city of Derna through visits on      Valley, has a rich natural and cultural heritage.    of Al-Naqaza National Park through the                guide in Arabic and English for students,            to support cooperatives of beekeepers
Activities are aimed at supporting national         nature conservation both in the field and in        The project will focus on nature conservation,       implementation of an irrigation system for            researchers and specialists in plant                 and rural residents. The project promotes
efforts to conserve marine and coastal              schools. It implements interactive activities to    sustainability of natural resources, a search for    hillsides, planting plants containing ecological      biodiversity. In continuity with the PPI-OSCAN       the conservation of regional biodiversity by
ecosystems by raising awareness and                 educate students about local environmental          solutions to climate change and associated           and economic values, taking measures to               1, it contributes to the awareness-raising           promoting an ecological and economic balance
updating information on the condition of            issues and how to deal with them.                   economic challenges in a fragile ecosystem.          reduce fire risks and the introduction of a digital   activities on vegetation cover in a mountainous      between intensive and extensive production
current natural resources.                                                                                                                                   data archiving system to ease decision-making.        area. It includes capacity-building workshops.       systems.

  Eastern Tadjourah City                             The city of Derna                                    City of Derna                                        Al-Naqaza National Park                               Municipalities of Mislata and Al Khoms               Tizi Ntakoucht
Total budget: 28.006,00 €                           Total budget: 38.428,58 €                           Total budget: 39.877,15 €                            Total budget: 40.000 €                                Total budget: 41.575,14 €                            Total budget: 42.856 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 19.604,20 €                   PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 26.900 €                      PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 27.914 €                       PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 27.999,51 €                     PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.102,60 €                    PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.999,20 €

Libyan Marine Science Association                   Alkhadra Association for Environmental              Alhaya Organisation for the Protection of            Alcader Association for Environmental                 Tree Friends Association                             Union APINECTARDEV
As a member of the Maghreb marine science           Activities                                          Marine and Wildlife Organisms                        Studies and Media                                     Created in 2002, this association now has            Union of cooperatives created in 2016, with
society, this association works with actors         Created in 2018 by young activists volunteering     This association was one of the founders of          Created in 2018, it seeks to improve the              several offices in Libyan cities and carries         the mission of improving the living conditions
from the public and private sector to preserve      for the environment, this association               the Libyan Union for Biodiversity and Climate        conservation of the environment and to introduce      out several regional initiatives. It aims to raise   of members, valuing and marketing local
the marine ecosystem through activities             denounces local environmental problems and          Change and has worked with IUCN since 2016.          modern technologies in the field of nature            awareness about the importance of plant              products and safeguarding the local bee
such as raising awareness and conducting            works for nature conservation and sustainable       Its actions focus on the participation of young      conservation. Its actions focus on promoting          biodiversity and conservation.                       species.
scientific studies.                                 development.                                        people and women in nature conservation.             researches and technologies related to nature.                                                                             

LYB-02                                              LYB-05                                              LYB-07                                               LYB-12                                                                                                      MAR-07
Restoration of a burned forest                      Libyan Natural Biodiversity Relief                  Contribution to Mislata National Park                Restoration of Sifanes water sources                                                                       Valuation of the ecotourism appeal of
                                                    Centre                                              Management Plan                                                                                                                                                 the Anezi territory natural and cultural

The objective is the restoration of a forest        The project aims to reduce illegal trafficking of   The objective of the project is to implement         Located in a coastal area of 20 hectares, Ain Kaam                                                         Through the promotion of the cultural and natural
ecosystem of 301 hectares in the Cyrenaica          animal species. It is situated in Libya’s eastern   IUCN’s recommendations for the planning of           is a water source threatened by the accumulation                                                           heritage of the Anezi region, this project aims
region, which represents 25% of the total plant     border, which is home to one of the main            protected areas to address the problems of           of debris and rubbishes. Project activities aim to                                                         to enhance responsible tourism and improve
species affected by the fires occurring in 2013     routes of illegal wildlife trade. The actions       representation and coordination between the          improve the conservation of the area through an                                                            local economy. It intends to raise awareness
and 2014. The project includes awareness-           focus on raising awareness and creating             sectors in charge and to propose a management        inventory of the natural resources, its recognition                                                        among local actors about the need to preserve
raising activities, water retention practices and   a rescue centre to shelter and reintroduce          plan for the National Park. It will perpetuate the   as a valuable wetland and the promotion of                                                                 this heritage in order to achieve long-term and
reforestation of these areas.                       intercepted species to their habitats.              results and products derived from PPI-OSCAN 1.       ecotourism.                                                                                                sustainable benefits.

  North of Shahhat City                               Qasr al Jady                                        Alkhazen Village - Alshafien                         The city of Zliten                                                                                         Tnine Aday
Total budget: 70.698 €                              Total budget: 39.285,71 €                           Total budget: 57.029,50 €                            Total budget: 42.000 €                                                                                     Total budget: 17.925,82 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 30.000 €                      PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 27.500 €                      PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 39.920,65 €                    PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.400 €                                                                             PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 12.548,07 €

New Libya                                           Alhaya Organisation for the Protection of           Libyan Wildlife Trust                                Shahed Zliten Association for Development                                                                  Adrar Association for Development,
This association works for the conservation of      Marine and Wildlife Organisms (Botnan               Is member of the Libyan Union for Biodiversity       Created in 2012, the association contributes                                                               Mountain Tourism and Ecotourism
forests and their resources through the use of      Branch)                                             and Climate Change, and a beneficiary of             to education of communities and awareness                                                                  Created in 2018, it promotes sustainable
modern technologies. It works in partnership        Created in 2016, this association contributes       PPI-OSCAN 1. It works in partnership with            of the environmental and human impacts. Its                                                                tourism in the mountains through the
with international partners and institutions to     to sustainable management and                       international organisations, governments and         plastic recycling project is recognized and                                                                integration and sensitisation of local people.
improve local socio-economic conditions.            environmental awareness efforts, with a focus       CSO for wildlife conservation.                       supported in many cities across the country.                                                                                    on wildlife protection.                                                       
MOROCCO                                  Projects description                                                                                                MOROCCO                                                                                                     TUNISIA

MAR-09                                             MAR-14                                                MAR-26                                               MAR-30                                              MAR-40                                                TUN-06
Development of ecotourism in Al                   Valorisation of the futur National Park                Preservation and sustainable                        Saving the great bustard (Otis tarda)                Assessment of threats on emblematic                  Promotion of alternative maritime
Hoceima National Park                             «Deraa Ouargziz Labtana» biodiversity                  development of the Oriental High Atlas              from extinction in Morocco                           birds in northwest Morocco                           tourism in the Zarzis region
                                                                                                         National Park

Project activities include training courses       Creation of an information and interpretation          The project aims to reinforce ecotourism and        The project aims to reinforce the great bustard      The project aims to assess the factors threatening   This project aims to enhance the fishery
on diving for professionals as a strategy to      centre for Saharan ecosystems, and                     the monitoring of mouflon int the National          monitoring efforts and combat the current threats    raptors in the northwest of Morocco, one of the      heritage of the Zarzis region. It promotes good
develop a new ecotourism product, to identify     reinforcement of the reception infrastructures in      Park. Activities will include, the development      on its last habitat in Morocco and Africa. The       country’s most important bird migration corridors,   practices in fishery and maritime tourism for
diving spots in the Al Hoceima National Park,     the future Park. These actions aim to raise local      of reception facilities, capacity building of       actions will refer to the recommendations of the     and provides recommendations to address them. It     the sustainable exploitation of ecosystem
and to monitor the Grouper species known for      peoples awareness about ecosystems and                 young people and women , the promotion of           national strategy for safeguarding and include       also raises awareness amongst local farmers, and     services.
their role in marine ecosystems and the park’s    biodiversity in the Park, in order to integrate        local initiatives for sustainable development       raising awareness activities for civil society and   hunters about these factors.
touristic value.                                  them into its management and conservation.             and nature awareness.                               hunters.

  Al Hoceima                                        Labouirat                                              Ait Yahya                                           Kanouat, Aroua, Chekbouchan, Tendafel,               Belyounech, Taghramt and Ksar Sghir                  Zarzis
Total budget: 42.450,10 €                         Total budget: 42.000 €                                 Total budget: 41.525,26 €                           Tleta-Rissana, Mrhitane and Had-Kourt                Total budget: 25.075,60 €                            Total budget: 23.000 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.715,07 €                 PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.400 €                         PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.067,68 €                   Total budget: 42.207 €                               PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 17.552,92 €                    PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 16.100 €
                                                                                                                                                             PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.544,90 €
Grouper Association of Diving,                    Akhzan Association for Development and                 Tadrart Association for mountain                                                                         Moroccan Association for the Protection of           Fisherman’s Association for Environment
Environment and Aquatic Sports                    Cooperation                                            development                                         Nature Solutions Association                         Birds and Wildlife                                   and Development
Created in 2016, it promotes eco-responsible      Created in 2008 for the development of the area,       Created in 2009, this association promotes the      This association was created in 2017 to              This association was created in 2017 for the         This association was created in 2013. It works
tourism, education in diving, protection of the   it works since 2016 for the creation of the national   sustainable development of the mountainous          enhance the conservation of Morocco’s                conservation of migratory birds and their            for the protection of fisheries resources, the
marine environment and monitoring of the          park to protect local biodiversity, and for the        region. It raises awareness about environmental     natural heritage. It carries out actions to          habitats. It organises campaigns and carries         development of sustainable fishing practices
Mediterranean coastline in collaboration with     creation of an ecological village to integrate local   protection and provides training for young          strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and          out scientific studies for the reintroduction of     and responsible maritime activities.
scientists.                                       people.                                                women in arts and crafts.                           populations in the face of climate change.           the speciesinto their natural environment.                                                                     

 MAR-11                                           MAR-18                                                 MAR-27                                               MAR-39                                                                                                   TUN-10
Valorisation of the ecotourist values of          Valuing the natural resources of Al                    Creation of a geospatial database and               Implementation of the Zerhoun SIBE                                                                        Chott El Djérid ecotourism itinerary
the biodiversity of Khenifiss National            Hoceima National Park                                  GPS tracking of raptors in Morocco                  project

Creation of an observatory of birds from the      Project objectives are to create a nursery             The project aims to conserve birds of prey          The project includes the establishment of a                                                               This project aims to enhance the conservation
Moroccan Atlantic Sahara and organisation of      of aromatic and medicinal plants, and to               species through the creation of a network           platform for the classification of the Zerhoun                                                            of the northern part of the chott El Djérid
activities to raise awareness, educate on the     implement participative actions of restoration         for raptor recovery, the installation of GPS        SIBE as a protected area. It will first carry out                                                         ecosystem by setting up an ecotourism tour.
environment and promote the National Park.        with Thuya of Berbéria and other indigenous            trackers and the reintegration of individuals       a global diagnosis of the SIBE to propose                                                                 The actions focus on the rehabilitation of
The outcomes aim to stimulate bird tourism        species of the area. Such activities will provide      into their natural environment. The tracking        specific actions and projects on sustainable                                                              existing rest areas and the installation of an
and improve the living conditions of local        sources of income for women as an alternative          and associated database will facilitate species     development and environmental education.                                                                  eco-museum to promote the richness of the
fishermen.                                        to the ones threatening the National Park.             conservation efforts.                                                                                                                                         region’s natural and cultural heritage.

  Tarfaya, Southern Morocco                        Bné Yitif Snada                                         The whole country                                   Moulay Idriss Zerhoun                                                                                     Tozeur
Total budget: 57.055,24 €                         Total budget: 42.292,80 €                              Total budget: 42.758,73 €                           Total budget : 57.143 €                                                                                   Total budget: 37.731,98 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 39.938,67 €                 PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.604,96 €                      PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.931,11 €                   PPI-OSCAN Subvention : 40.000 €                                                                           PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 26.412,39 €

Khenifiss Association Network                     Al Amal Association for Women’s                        Moroccan Association for Falconry and               IFKER Association for Environmental                                                                       IRADA Association for the Development of
This association was founded in 2012 and          Development                                            Raptor Conservation                                 Education and Sustainable Development                                                                     Tozeur
beneficiated from the PPIOSCAN-1. It              Created in 2007, it encourages micro-projects          Created in 2016 and as a member of the              This association was created in 2014 and                                                                  Tunisian association created on March 21,
promotes the development of ecotourism,           of agriculture in the National Park for women          International Falconry Association since 2017,      benefited from the PPIOSCAN1. It promotes                                                                 2015. It aims to promote the sustainable
biodiversity conservation and environmental       and young people, and their training in the            this association is specialised in the monitoring   environmental education, ecotourism and                                                                   development of the southern Tunisian region,
education in the Khenifiss National Park.         protection of cultural and natural heritage.           and conservation of birds of prey in Morocco.       responsible income-generating activities.                                                                 especially its cultural and natural potential.                                                                                                                                    
TUNISIA                                Projects description                                                                                              TUNISIA

TUN-16                                           TUN-24                                             TUN-33                                             TUN-41                                              TUN-53                                                TUN-62
C.H.E.R.E Gafsa                                  Contribution to the preservation                   Contribution to the establishment                  Preservation of medicinal plants in the             FloraWetS                                             Djerba Up
                                                 of the Bni Mtir forest through the                 of an ecological observatory in the                Region of Bizerte- Teskreya and Oued
                                                 development of ecotourism                          Medjerda River                                     Zitoun

 «CHERE Gafsa» Culture History Renewable         The project aims to improve the conservation       The project aims to set up a monitoring and        This project encourages the preservation of         The project will ensure the continuity of the         The project will take place in 3 wetlands from
Energy Reforestation Environment. The            of ecosystem services which are valuable           evaluation protocol for the establishment of an    medicinal plants through the establishment          previous one from the PPI-OSCAN 1 on the              the island of Djerba: Ras Ermal, Guellalla and
project is located in the Natural Reserve of     for the local populations of Bni Mtir and          environmental observatory on the Medjerda. It      of cultural and ecotourism activities. It aims to   conservation of wetland biodiversity through the      Bin El Ouediane, all known for their great
Jebel Orbata. Its objective is to strengthen     to promote ecotourism within the forest.           will foster collaboration and the transmission     enhance the natural heritage and strengthen         preservation and valorisation of plant species.       natural value. It integrates a participatory
the protection of the reserve by implementing    Activities will be set up to sensitise different   of skills between stakeholders regarding           the connection between local communities            It will involve all stakeholders in a participative   and community-based approach to promote
actions which promote environmental,             stakeholders about the role of ecotourism in       the development and implementation of              and nature.                                         management of natural resources in the Sebkha of      ecotourism activities as a sustainable
economic and cultural values                     nature conservation and local development.         evaluation indicators.                                                                                 the Soliman region.                                   development alternative.

  Gafsa                                            Jendouba                                          Beja                                                Bizerte                                             Soliman, Nabeul                                       Djerba, Medenine
Total budget: 42.571,43 €                        Total budget: 28.696,80 €                          Total budget: 56.925 €                             Total budget: 34.713,80 €                           Total budget: 50.528,50 €                             Total budget : 40.021,41 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 29.800 €                   PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 20.087,76 €                  PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 39.847,50 €                  PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 24.299,66 €                   PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 35.369,95 €                     PPI-OSCAN Subvention : 28.015 €

Gafsa Association for Young People Futures       Association women, young people and                Exploralis                                         Association for Environmental Protection            Environmental and Development                         Citizenship and Sustainable Development
This association was created in April 2017 to    children                                           This association was created in June 2014          and the Sustainable Development of Bizerte          Association in Soliman                                Association
develop actions strengthening young people       This association was created in 2013.              to promote ecosystems conservation,                Founded in June 2010, it works for the              Created in 2012, it promotes the sustainable          This association was created in January 2018
capacities in different development sectors      Its actions focus on involving women and           development of environmental networks,             sustainable development of the region, promoting    development of Soliman’s natural environment          to promote local sustainable development.
and raise awareness on environmental and         youths in local governance and to                  and the communication and mediatisation of         environmental education and citizen awareness       and aims to reinforce the values of citizenship       Its actions aim to strengthen citizens’
cultural issues.                                 strengthen their capacity to cope with             environmental issues.                              about nature protection.                            and nature.                                           involvement in public and economic affairs                       climate change.                                                                                                 and networks with key representatives.

TUN-20                                           TUN-28                                             TUN-35
On the Footsteps of Tunisia’s Stealth            ECOOLIVA                                           Environmental Corridors within the
Predators                                                                                           Oued Tine

This project aims to enforce the observation     It aims to enhance the importance attached to      This project contributes to the promotion of
and protection of carnivores in the arid areas   the olive forest, currently threatened by urban    good agricultural and ecological practices.
of Bouhedma and Jbil National Parks. A           expansion. A participative working approach        The establishment of ecological corridors
database on the ecology of populations of        will be established with the local population      within the Oued Tine is done with the help of
species such as sand cats, caracals and          to encourage responsible forestry activities       local partners. It will improve the conservation
wild cats will be created with a map of their    and the respect of the natural, historical and     of wildlife and floristic biodiversity of this
distribution.                                    cultural heritage of the area.                     fragile area.

  Sidi Bouzid and Kebili                           Bennane, Monastir                                  Bizerte and Manouba
Total budget: 39.748,50 €                        Total budget: 24.500,30 €                          Total budget: 51.421,70 €
PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 27.823,95 €                PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 17.150,21 €                  PPI-OSCAN Subvention: 26.430,75 €

Tunisian Association of Hikers of Akouda         Association for the Promotion and                  Friends of Capte Tunisia Association
Tunisian Association created in August 2015.     Protection of the Environment (A2PE)               Founded in September 2017, it contributes to
Its actions aim to promote the practice of       Association created in March 2017. Its             efforts towards the mitigation of the effects of
hiking, the protection of the environment and    mission is to develop the capacities and           climate change, to develop solidarity between
development of ecotourism.                       efficiency of young people to deal with future     farmers and to improve the agro-ecosystems                     environmental challenges and issues related        resilience.
                                                 to sustainable development.                  
The IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
                C/ Marie Curie 22                     
                29590 Campanillas, Malaga, Spain
                Tél. : +34 952 028430 – Fax : +34 952 028145

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