Page created by Brad Leonard

MCI (P) 023/11/2019
Kickstart Your Job Search on Campus                Tap on the SMU Alumni Network

3     Message for Undergraduates                   56        Hear from SMU Alumni

3     Message for Postgraduates
                                                   Jobs & Internships		                                     64
4     Career Services at SMU

8     Meet Your Career Coaches

Adapting to a Changing World

12    Career Resilience for Millennials                 Produced by

14    Thought Leadership: Developing Career

23    Sectors on the Rise
                                                        Sarah Si
28    Joining an MNC vs SME vs Start-up
                                                        Sarah Si
Your First Job and You                                  Design & production
                                                        Amirah Azlan

31    Your Career and You                               Advertising
                                                        Ron Ong, Terence Teo, The GTI Media sales team
32    Top 3 Things to Look for in a First Job           Marketing & distribution
                                                        Shirlyn Ting, Tang Weishan, Cheryl Tan
33    Alternative Career Paths
                                                        Isaac Hee
34    Attain Professional Achievements with ISCA
                                                        International managing director and co-founders
                                                        Adrian Wood, Mark Blythe
Winning at Applications                                 GTI Asia Pte Ltd
                                                        (Company number: 200301978M)
                                                        1 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh
36    Crafting the Perfect Resume
                                                        #05-04 Braddell House
                                                        Singapore 319637
38    Tips for Cover Letter Writing                     T+(65) 6294 6505
                                                        F +(65) 6294 1043
40    Personal Branding and Networking
                                                        Times Printer Pte Ltd
                                                        16 Tuas Ave 5
Excelling at Interviews                                 Singapore 639340
                                                        © GTI Asia Pte. Ltd, Jan 2020
42    4 Types of Interviews                             All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
                                                        reproduced by any means including, but not limited to,
44    Mastering the Job Interview                       photocopying or storage in a retrieval system in any
                                                        form without prior written consent of GTI. The views
46    Tackling Case Studies                             expressed in the articles are those of the authors and
                                                        their publication does not necessarily imply that such
48    Acing Assessment Centres                          views are shared by GTI. Whilst every care has been taken
                                                        in the compilation of this publication, the publishers
50    Grilling Your Interviewer                         cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, or for
                                                        consequential loss arising from such inaccuracies, or for
51    Preparing for the Big Day                         any loss, direct or consequential, arising in connection
                                                        with information in this publication.
54    Managing Job Offers

Message for Undergraduates

                                          Sim Cher Young
                                          Dato’ Kho Hui Meng Career Centre

                                            n an ever changing world of work, university education prepares you for a
                                            myriad of possibilities. Here at SMU, we provide opportunities to strengthen
                                            your character and values, helping you to build lasting qualities that will take
                                         you through challenges in your careers to come.
                                             As we usher in the new year of 2020, the Dato’ Kho Hui Meng Career Centre
                                         is committed to ensure that you are ready from your first day at SMU to your
                                         graduation, by offering guidance for securing your first internship to your first
                                         full-time job.
   The SMU Career Guide 2020, which the centre publishes each year, is a resource for you to begin charting your career
direction as our team strives to empower you with the relevant skill sets and attributes.
   Do keep a lookout for announcements on our profiling tools, career fairs and career talks by employers across various
industries. The Finishing Touch programme includes five online internship readiness modules, alongside an elective suite
of enrichment workshops.
   At SMU, each undergraduate is assigned to a Career Coach who is dedicated to your success. Make an appointment via
OnTRAC II to meet your coach for a review of your resume and cover letter, as well as other important career advice and
preparation. We conduct mock interviews and facilitate employability workshops, in addition to linking you up with select
employers and industries which each Career Coach is in-charge of. Each summer, most SMU students embark on a quality
internship opportunity through the centre’s efforts, completing a mandatory graduation requirement.
   To our freshmen, welcome to SMU. To the Class of 2020, best wishes for your career adventures.

Message for Postgraduates

                                          Henry Yeo
                                          Postgraduate Career Services

                                                    elcome to the 2020 edition of the SMU Career Guide. It provides good
                                                    insights into current job prospects, possible career pathways as well as
                                                    useful tips and strategies to improve your chances of landing your ‘dream’
                                                Postgraduate programmes are relatively short and intensive, and many students
                                            tend to defer the preparation of their careers (including job search) thinking
                                            they have more than enough time. Anecdotal experience does suggest that the
                                            time taken to secure a role may indeed be longer than you would expect. This is
especially true for students who are switching careers and/or those seeking jobs in a different country. If you also consider
the fact that many firms source for talent as early as one year ahead of time, it becomes essential that you start planning
and preparing for your career from the get-go.
   We have a team of experienced careers professionals in Postgraduate Career Services that will work with you and improve
your chances of landing a role that is aligned with your skills and aspiration. However, your drive and willingness to take the
lead in the (job) search is a critical success factor.
   Besides one-to-one career coaching, Postgraduate Career Services also run various career development workshops to
help you brand yourself in the best possible way to the recruiters. These include workshops on resume writing, interview
skills, networking skills, personal branding, digital profiling and assessment centres. We organise talks where experts would
provide insights into their professions and we hold regular information sessions and networking events where you get to meet
recruiters from myriad industries.
   The team will support and facilitate your job search but we will need you to take the lead. Your awareness of the skills
required as well as your proactive stance to address any skills gap would improve your odds of securing the role. We look
forward to working closely with you and we will continue to support you up to three years after graduation. All the best and
we wish you success in your chosen career path.                                                                                 THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 3

  T                                           OnTRAC II
       he SMU Dato’ Kho Hui Meng                                                            Through these sessions, graduating
       Career Centre (DKHMCC)                                                            students will have the opportunity for
       has been serving the student           OnTRAC II is SMU’s one-stop portal for     direct interaction with representatives
  community and partnering with leading       career services, where students register   from members of the top echelon,
  business organisations for hiring           for events, view job postings, submit      middle management, and line managers.
  success since SMU’s inception in            applications, monitor their progress,
  2000. We are proud of our programmes        and accept job offers.                     Networking events
  and activities which ensure that our           Students only need a single log-
  students progress seamlessly to the         in account to update and view their        The career centre hosts several
  working world.                              LinkedIn profile from OnTRAC II.           networking events annually, bringing
                                              Students may integrate their LinkedIn      prospective recruiters and graduating
  Our services                                profile to their resumes on OnTRAC II      students together under one roof.
                                              by using its Resume Builder function to       On average, about 120 companies
  The centre is an ideal place where both     import their LinkedIn details into their   participate in each networking event.
  corporate partners and students can         resume in an instant.                      Recruiters will gain direct exposure to
  exchange valuable ideas and first-hand                                                 graduating students who are pursuing
  experience in pursuit of a professional
  life with each other.

  Career coaching
  All students are assigned to a Career
  Coach upon matriculation to support
  them in their career planning through
  the four-year journey at SMU. Our
  Career Coaches come from diverse
  backgrounds with rich industry
  experience and maintain strong
  ties with corporate partners to stay
  informed of the industry and the hiring
     Keeping a watch on industry
  developments and changes in the
  recruitment landscape helps Career
  Coaches provide insights into current
  industry trends and organisations’
  hiring practice during career coaching.     On-campus recruitment                      either a single or double degree in
  Career Coaches are available to critique                                               Accountancy, Business Management,
  cover letters and resumes, facilitate job
                                              talks, industry talks, and                 Economics, Information Systems, Law,
  search strategies, and hone interview       company visits                             or the Social Sciences.
  skills through one-to-one mock                                                            Students should bring along fine-
                                              DKHMCC organises recruitment/              tuned copies of their resumes (to which
  interview sessions. All information
                                              industry talks and company visits          they can also add a QR code using their
  exchanged between a student and a
                                              every year. These include on-campus        OnTRAC II > Documents > Portfolio) to
  Career Coach is confidential.
                                              recruitment and industry talks by          these networking events.
     Career coaching is also provided by
                                              recruitment teams from global
  student-peer advisors enriched with
                                              and regional banks, multinational
  valuable internship experience. Career
                                              corporations, government ministries,
  Champions are trained and equipped
                                              agencies, statutory boards, and small
  with essential skills to work alongside
                                              and medium enterprises from a variety
  DKHMCC as paraprofessionals to serve
                                              of industries and geographic regions.
  the undergraduate community.
     Students can make individual
  appointments with their Career Coach
  or Champions via OnTRAC II.

4 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                         

Finishing Touch programme                   administrative work for this programme.     Career resources library
and enrichment workshops                    Internships allow students to apply         and “Suited for Success”
                                            their classroom knowledge to a real-
As students progress to their junior                                                    wardrobe
                                            world setting, hone their soft skills and
and senior years, elective workshops                                                    DKHMCC maintains a specialised
                                            cooperative abilities, and build their
will be offered at the crucial job                                                      library which houses career preparation
                                            credentials before starting their journey
application stage in their final years.                                                 and management literature, including
                                            into the working world.
These optional workshops are topic-                                                     the series of Career Insider Guides from
                                               Students can find a plethora of
specific to help penultimate-year and                                                   Vault College Publications.
                                            internship opportunities by logging in
graduating students gain experience                                                         The “Suited for Success” walk-
                                            to OnTRAC II.
and understanding of the selection                                                      in wardrobe is a business wear loan
process in job applications.                Career profiling tools                      service, offered to students who
    Additionally, DKHMCC holds a                                                        are attending career events and
                                            All Career Coaches at DKHMCC
series of complementary enrichment                                                      workshops. Accessible to all students,
                                            are certified in career development
workshops to equip students with the                                                    the wardrobe is stocked with men’s and
                                            facilitation and able to administer at
critical skills and competencies needed                                                 women’s suits, shoes, ties, and belts
                                            least one personality or career profiling
to gain an edge in areas of career                                                      for students to borrow.
                                            tool. These tools help students better
development and employability.
                                            understand their own personalities,
    The Finishing Touch programme
                                            career profiles, core business
is one of SMU’s distinguishing factors
                                            competencies, and motivating factors
and is well recognised by employers and
                                            of career success.
students in preparing our graduates for a
                                               Personality and career profiling tools
seamless transition to the working world.
    For more information, please log in
                                            • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
to: OASIS > Career Devt & Comm Svcs
> The Finishing Touch.
                                            • DiSC Personality System
Internships                                 • Strong Interest Inventory
All SMU students are required to
complete an internship before they
graduate, and DKHMCC oversees the                                                                                 THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 5

  Career publications                        Graduate Employment Survey
  DKHMCC produces a range of publications    The Graduate Employment Survey is          The results of this survey are an
  to cater to each phase of the students’    an important survey that SMU alumni     important indicator of the performance
  time at SMU. One such publication is       are encouraged to take. The survey is   of SMU graduates in the job market.
  the Majors and Careers Pathway Guide       conducted annually by autonomous        More importantly, the survey results
  available for download via OASIS.          universities to ascertain the           affirm the value of SMU as an
  The guide serves to provide a career’s     employment outcomes of graduates.       educational institution and the worth
  perspective for students when deciding        The survey typically takes place     of an SMU degree. The information
  on majors.                                 about six months after senior-year      provided will also inform policy-making
     As students go through their            students’ final examinations.           at the national level for Institutes of
  educational and career journeys at                                                 Higher Learning.
  SMU, they can also share their success
  stories by submitting stories and photos

6 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                     

Postgraduate networking event              The Pathways series                      The “In Conversation With” series
The annual postgraduate networking         The Pathways series is an initiative        Launched by the Postgraduate Career
event features a large number of           launched by the Postgraduate Career      Services team in June 2014, the “In
employers across different industries,     Services team where experienced          Conversation With” series is a monthly
offering various roles and opportunities   finance industry practitioners meet      lunchtime event held for postgraduates to
for the postgraduates. This is the         up with and give SMU postgraduates       interact with and learn from successful
perfect platform for postgraduates         insights into their respective job       professionals at different stages of their
to connect face-to-face with hiring        functions. These include technology      careers.
managers and HR representatives from       and operations, wealth management,          Guests come from diverse industries,
employer partners.                         treasury, risk management, asset         such as information technology,
                                           management, and corporate finance.       consulting, logistics, wealth management,
                                              This series aims to enable students   finance, and fast-moving consumer goods.
                                           to make a more informed decision
                                           about their career pathways, thereby
                                           leading to a sustainable and rewarding
                                              Anecdotal feedback on the series
                                           has been positive, with many students
                                           having gained a deeper understanding
                                           of the roles and attributes necessary
                                           to do well in their respective line of
                                           expertise.                                                                             THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 7


    The Undergraduate Career Services Team
     Front row, from left to right: Rupert Chan, Catherine Tan, Margaret Koh, Neo Shi Ling, Prasanthi Guda, Sim Cher Young,
     Angela Hoo, Veronica Tan, Foo Siew Mong, and Wendy How
     Back row, from left to right: Aaron Chong, Wong Soo Mei, Jacelyn Tay, Tan Poon Kian, Jasima Aminsah, Joanne Teo,
     Victor Go, Magdalene Lee, and Sam Yeo

  Career Coaches                                                                            Administration
  SIM CHER YOUNG                                  JASIMA AMINSAH                            JACELYN TAY
  Director, Dato’ Kho Hui Meng Career Centre      Senior Manager                            Senior Manager                                              Systems Administrator
  [+65] 6808 5271                                 [+65] 6828 1954                 
  LinkedIn:          LinkedIn:   [+65] 6828 9553

  JOANNE TEO                                      PRASANTHI GUDA                            CATHERINE TAN
  Senior Assistant Director                       Associate Director                        Senior Manager                                       ASEAN Programme Operations
  [+65] 6828 0679                                 [+65] 6808 5272                 
  LinkedIn:   LinkedIn:   [+65] 6828 0056

  WENDY HOW                                       SAM YEO                                   NEO SHI LING
  Senior Manager                                  Senior Manager                            Manager                                            Employability Skills Training Programme
  [+65] 6808 5410                                 [+65] 6808 5385                 
  LinkedIn:              LinkedIn:          [+65] 6828 0322

  MAGDALENE LEE                                   VERONICA TAN                              RUPERT CHAN
  Senior Manager                                  Senior Manager                            Assistant Manager                                   Events and Third-Party Relations
  [+65] 6828 0695                                 [+65] 6828 0336                 
  LinkedIn:         LinkedIn:   [+65] 6828 0940

  AARON CHONG                                     VICTOR GO                                 FOO SIEW MONG
  Associate Director                              Assistant Director                        Assistant Manager                              
  [+65] 6828 0149                                 [+65] 6828 0316                           [+65] 6808 5228
  LinkedIn:          LinkedIn:
                                                                                            ANGELA HOO
  TAN POON KIAN                                   WONG SOO MEI                              Assistant Manager
  Senior Manager                                  Senior Manager                            Internship Administrator                                     
  [+65] 6828 0084                                 [+65] 6808 5136                           [+65] 6808 5218
  LinkedIn:              LinkedIn:

  Senior Manager
  [+65] 6828 0332

8 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                                 

    The Postgraduate Career Services Team
   From left to right: Dawn Tan, Soo Chai Chew, Roopa Sankararaman, Eunice Loke, Tan Yock Lan, Patrick Han, Henry Yeo,
   Jeanie Leong, Amanda De Souza, Veronica Yeow, Atina Fong, Koh Yong Fong, and Eric Yee

Career Coaches                                                                        Administration & IT
HENRY YEO                                    ATINA FONG                               ROOPA SANKARARAMAN
Head, Postgraduate Career Services           Senior Manager                           Senior Manager                           
[+65] 6828 0693                              [+65] 6808 5165                          [+65] 6808 7909           
                                                                                      TAN YOCK LAN
VERONICA YEOW                                DAWN TAN                                 Manager
Senior Assistant Director                    Senior Manager                                                    [+65] 6828 1927
[+65] 6828 1978                              [+65] 6828 0779       

SOO CHAI CHEW                                ERIC YEE
Senior Assistant Director                    Senior Manager                   
[+65] 6808 7989                              [+65] 6828 0588        

EUNICE LOKE                                  KOH YONG FONG
Assistant Director                           Senior Manager              
[+65] 6808 5249                              [+65] 6808 5205         

JEANIE LEONG                                 PATRICK HAN
Senior Manager                               Senior Manager             
[+65] 6808 5359                              [+65] 6808 5166                                                                                        THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 9
SET YOUR CAREER                             To build real estate of the future, we have to first build our people.
                                                CapitaLand Graduate Development Programme is designed
       GOALS ON OUR                             to bring in the best people, and bring out the best in them.

   SOLID FOUNDATION                             CapitaLand’s diverse portfolio of integrated developments,
                     CapitaLand Graduate shopping malls, serviced residences, offices, homes, real estate
                  Development Programme investment trusts and funds provides the global stage on which
                                                any dream can take flight.


Connect with us
WHY                                CapitaLand          Graduate       Development     Programme
                                   promising young graduates with less than two years of working

GDP                                experience for a rewarding, accelerated career journey.
                                   The holistic programme offers prospects for personal growth
                                   and development, with a comprehensive learning roadmap.

                                   Gain global exposure through job rotations to various real estate
                                   sectors and countries. You will also be actively involved in various
                                   aspects of the business, with opportunities to gain insights from
                                   CapitaLand’s senior management.

Think you have what it takes? We are
looking for graduates with the right
attributes, including:

Leadership qualities
Aptitude to articulate a vision and lead people toward achieving it

Tenacity to thrive and perform under pressure

Drive to succeed
Enthusiasm to take on varied tasks with a desire to excel

Team player
Ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with others

                                                                    Building People
                                                             Building Communities


  What is career resilience and do you have it? Why is career
  resilience important for a millennial entering the workforce?
  Here is a guide on how you can nurture and develop what it
  takes to be a resilient professional in an ever changing world
  of work.

  What is career resilience?                    Do you have career resilience?

         ou need both hard and soft skills      Check yourself! How many of these boxes do you tick?
         to navigate the professional
         world, as well as strength and               I am not afraid of failure and I see it as a learning opportunity.
  resilience to cope with unpredictable               I embrace challenges and keep a positive attitude when faced with one.
  changes and switches to different                   I am resourceful.
  career paths along the way. Maintaining
                                                      I am inquisitive about how things work and enjoy learning about new
  a positive mindset, identifying how                 perspectives.
  you can contribute to the industry and
                                                      I am flexible with changes and adapt accordingly.
  organisation, and being ever hungry
  to learn new things are all part of                 I have good relationships with contacts in my industry.
  developing career resilience.

                                             Cultivating career                         2. Build Relationships
  Why is career resilience                   resilience                                 Maintaining a good network helps you
  important for millennials?                                                            to get industry insights and support
                                             1. Be Adaptable                            from those who appreciate your work,
  Although young professionals usually       Keeping up with change, be it              personality and ethics. While trends can
  have new skills to offer to the            macro-economic shifts or new events        move and shake the industry, having
  market even in a changing economic         and manpower movements in your             valuable professional relationships
  environment, there is no guarantee         workplace, is key for any professional     often means that someone can lend
  that your career jouney will always be     who wishes to remain flexible and          you a hand in a time of need.
  smooth-sailing. Furthermore, transiting    positive. Change can be unsettling,
  from school to the industry involves a     but knowing that change is the only
  big leap, calling for adaptability and                                                3. Commit to Personal Growth
                                             constant helps you to adjust your
  self-awareness.                                                                       Take charge of your own development
                                             expectations whenever new situations
                                                                                        by looking out for new courses to take,
                                             arise, reminding yourself to stay afloat
                                                                                        and be thirsty for new knowledge to
                                             and fit in.
                                                                                        gain. Other than asking your employer
                                                                                        to offer you training, spend your after-
                                                                                        work hours wisely to keep abreast with
                                                                                        industry news and developments.

12 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                         

4. Embrace Change and Seize               6. Have a Sense of Purpose                 8. Develop a Sense of Foresight
Opportunities                             Working for a company whose mission        It is impossible to rely on just one
Changes which crop up in the              aligns with your personal sense of         plan for the unforeseeable future.
professional     realm    are     often   purpose can be empowering. While the       Cultivating a sense of vision and
unpredictable, as with other changes      correlation between the working world      foresight to scan for future prospects,
in life. Do you view changes as crises    and your personal goals might not be       and forming a positive outlook are all
or opportunities to be tapped on?         obvious at times, understand the value     part of how you can prepare yourself for
Remember that change is where             which you are delivering to others         the road ahead.
opportunity lives and new possibilities   through your daily work. Your career          Chart your own path and maintain
are there for you to grab hold of or to   is a form of service and knowing the       your own plan to adapt and succeed.
create.                                   impact which you are making leads to       You should understand emerging
                                          higher levels of job satisfaction.         trends and be on the lookout for
                                                                                     new knowledge to gain. Identify your
5. Maintain a Positive Outlook                                                       advantages and risks in each possible
In the face of failure, your ability to   7. Reflect Often                           scenario. If you have an idea of what
bounce back is crucial. In good times,    Taking a step back from your emotions      could possibly happen, you can
set and crush your goals. Count your      and impulse to pause and reflect           develop responses and action plans
blessings and make sure your workload     helps you to rejuvenate and make           more swiftly.
is manageable. Ask for help when you      wiser choices. Reflexivity is a mark of
need it and remember to take care of      mental agility, processing your stress,
yourself. When things go awry, take it    and encouraging you to flex your brain
one step at a time and stick to your      muscles to think about what matters in
guiding principles.                       your career output. Maintain an internal
                                          rhythm to reflect often so that you keep
                                          things in perspective constantly, in the
                                          face of changes and even when things
                                          are status quo.                                                                             THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 13

                                    2005-2007                      2007-2014                    2014-2017
                                    Management Associate,          Vice President,              Head of Risk Management,
                                    United Overseas Bank           Risk Management              Industrial and Commercial
                                                                   United Overseas Bank         Bank of China

                                                                                                2017 onwards
                                                                                                Chief Risk Officer
                                                                                                Asia Pacific Exchange

                                                “Ideally, I believe that one should aim to build a
                                                career around something that they enjoy and have
  Adrian Tan Theng Wai                          passion in, and this passion will fuel the desire to
  Chief Risk Officer                            keep learning and upgrading their knowledge and
  Asia Pacific Exchange
                                                skill sets throughout their career.”

  Future challenges                           Value-adding to remain relevant               I am hopeful that my wide ranging
  No matter which industry you choose         To mitigate my personal career             skill sets and personal strengths such
  to build your career in, I believe the      disruption risks, I continuously enhance   as resilience and adaptability will keep
  biggest threat to be faced is the risk of   my skill sets and personal strengths       me relevant and future-proof my career.
  being disrupted. With advancements          in various ways. While employed as
  in technology such as artificial
                                                                                         Advice to graduates
                                              a Market Risk Manager at United
  intelligence and machine learning,          Overseas Bank (UOB), I upgraded            Ideally, I believe that one should aim to
  many of the jobs that we know now           my knowledge base through a part-          build a career around something that
  may not even exist 10 years – or even       time Master of Science in Applied          they enjoy and have passion in, and
  as short as five years – down the road.     Finance at SMU. I also took on internal    this passion will fuel the desire to keep
     In     the     banking      industry,    opportunities that allowed me to gain      learning and upgrading their knowledge
  outsourcing is a common occurrence          exposure to other risk types such as       and skill sets throughout their career.
  where banks continuously try to find        liquidity, credit and operational risks,   At the same time, one should also find
  ways to cut costs and boost profits,        as well as other business areas such as    opportunities to develop their personal
  such as to move entire functions out        trading, asset management and retail       strengths, especially in the areas of
  of Singapore to lower cost countries        and wholesale banking.                     resiliency and adaptability.
  to reduce employment expenses. In              After almost a decade at UOB, I            While it is not possible to predict
  addition, artificial intelligence and       left the bank to join the Industrial and   the future and see with great clarity
  automation have also changed, and           Commercial Bank of China, to head          which jobs will boom and which will
  may progressively make obsolete many        the risk management team there. This       become redundant, the more expert
  of the roles that currently exist across    took me directly out of my comfort         knowledge a person has, the less likely
  the bank.                                   zone, where in addition to adapting        he will find himself in a position of
     In short, I believe that roles that      to the differences in corporate culture    being useless. The additional qualities
  do not require skills or strengths that     and language mode of communication,        of resiliency and adaptability will also
  cannot be replicated by machines will       I had to build on my skill sets and        provide the person with the tenacity
  be in danger of being made redundant.       personal strengths to manage the           to reskill and upskill in the event that
                                              risks of the bank competently. I also      disruption really occurs.
                                              regularly attend industry conferences
                                              and seminars to update myself on the
                                              latest developments.

14 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                         

                                1995                            1995-2001                    2006-2008
                                Public Relations                Airtime Sales Manager,       Business Support Manager,
                                Executive,                      Senior Programming           Research Consultant
                                Singapore Zoological            Manager, Marketing           Russell Reynolds Associates
                                Gardens                         Communications,
                                                                                       2008 onwards
                                                                                       Board Director,
                                                                                       Community Partnership Committee
                                                                                       AWWA Ltd

Beatrice Chen                               “Change is the new norm, and adaptability and a
Board Director, Community                   constant desire to learn will ensure that you keep
Partnership Committee
                                            pace with changing trends and remain relevant.”

Future challenges                         speaking to colleagues who were                 The new role was not without
Uncertainties in the global economy       generous with their time and help            challenges but again, fostering a
and     evolving   technology     have    when they saw I was committed                good relationship with colleagues
significant implications on job           to promoting their programmes. In            and managing expectations were
redesign and could even result in         that time, I was given a few weeks           instrumental in helping me fulfil the
redundancies. One of the comments         to organise merchandise sales at a           role.
I frequently hear is, “This was not       wedding roadshow which included a
                                          “live” cooking demonstration in Malay        Advice to graduates
the job I signed up for.” It is indeed
inevitable that many graduates will       to promote a cooking programme. It           I would advise fresh graduates to keep
end up taking on additional roles that    was an incredibly challenging time as        an open mind as the path to success
may even be outside their area of         I made many mistakes. Thankfully,            may meander – and sometimes taking
expertise and comfort zone.               I had mentors who provided sound             the scenic route may yield surprising
                                          advice and encouragement, and these          results. Have the courage to embrace
Value-adding to remain relevant           setbacks were instrumental in shaping        change and not be afraid of making
I was starting my career in               the way I work and deal with people.         mistakes as these prove to be valuable
broadcasting when tasked to assume            Years later, I was at a United States-   life lessons. Be a clear and open
the additional role of promoting Malay    based executive search company when          communicator. Change is the new
and Indian programmes even though         the country head asked me to be the          norm, and adaptability and a constant
I did not speak both languages. I felt    IT point person to help the head office      desire to learn will ensure that you
overwhelmed, being new to both the        roll-out software updates and perform        keep pace with changing trends and
industry and role, but I was passionate   simple troubleshooting despite my lack       remain relevant.
about broadcasting and resolved to at     of relevant experience and training.
least give it a shot.                     I viewed the job expansion as an
   I first tried to understand the new    opportunity to upskill and took on the
programming genres by spending            challenge.
time viewing the programmes and                                                                               THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 15

                                   2008-2010                       2010-2012                    2012-2015
                                   Junior Research Analyst         Research Analyst             Specialist
                                   McKinsey & Company              McKinsey & Company           McKinsey & Company

                                                         2019 onwards                           2015-2018
                                                         Head of People and                     Associate Partner
                                                         Organisational Development             McKinsey & Company

  Cornelius Chang
  Head of People and
  Organisational Development
                                               “Stay relevant by being relevant.”

  Future challenges                             As you embark on and continue in         strengths, and working on your areas
  In the context of having experienced a     the course of your professional careers,    of growth, especially in ways that
  nearly unmatched period of economic        the ongoing challenge will be learning      complement your existing strengths.
  growth, being bombarded regularly          about your strengths and passions,          Secondly, think about the composition
  with images of wonderful lives and         and balancing between pursuit of            of, and how you will build, your personal
  stories about incredible success           that alongside continued learning           “board of directors,” who will give you
  – and yet graduating at a time of          and personal growth. The question           honest feedback and challenge you to
  increasing uncertainty and turmoil         to yourself over time will be how you       grow.
  across political, social and economic      could stay humble and hungry to learn
                                             even as you become successful.              Advice to graduates
  domains, I see two near-term
  intertwined challenges that graduates                                                  Stay relevant by being relevant.
                                             Value-adding to remain relevant             Constantly ask yourself what value you
  today are perhaps not sufficiently
  prepared for.                              Although I am only part-way through         are bringing in whatever role you have,
      First   is    the    challenge    of   my own career, here are a few ideas         what problem you are solving, or what
  disappointment, where the reality          that I have found helpful, to share in      opportunity you are creating for the
  of a job for most graduates will be        staying relevant throughout a career.       organisation.
  hard-hitting, and that nearly every        As a starting point, staying relevant          Know what is happening at
  job entails trade-offs. Second is the      requires being willing to adapt, and        the macro-level and explore what
  challenge of pace. With increasing         to challenge yourself; daring to take       could happen in the future. In that
  connectivity and the possibility of        on new opportunities that stretch you,      context, think about the challenges
  being “on” at work all the time, there     and even embarking on what might            or opportunities that either or will
  is less and less time to disconnect and    seem like “detours” in the career you       exist, and then consider the skills
  recharge.                                  might have had in your mind, making         and experiences you already bring,
      With that comes the challenge of       decisions based on how that would           identifying and investing in what you
  knowing yourself – from understanding      help you grow.                              need to build ahead of time.
  what enables you to perform at your           Beyond that, think about how you
  best, to when you are approaching          regularly solicit and get feedback.
  burnout or what is needed to re-           Specifically, there are two dimensions
  energise – and pacing yourself, bearing    to this; firstly, making sure you receive
  in mind that you are building a career     feedback on your strengths, finding
  rather than just excelling at a job.       ways to build and expand on your

16 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                         

                                 1998-2003                       2003-2005                    2005-2008
                                 Business Development            Regional Business         Deputy General Manager,
                                 Manager, Agency                 Development Manager       Jiangsu Provincial Branch
                                 Prudential Assurance            AXA Asia Pacific Holdings AXA-Minmetals Company China
                                 Company Singapore               Hong Kong

                                                   2010-2011                              2008-2010
                                                   Head, Distribution Operations          SVP, Independent Channels and
                                                   AXA Life Insurance                     Insurance Business Development
                                                   Company Singapore                      HSBC Life Insurance Singapore

                                                      2011-2018                                         2018 onwards
Leslie Wee                                            Executive Director and Head,                      Chief Bancassurance Officer
Chief Bancassurance Officer
                                                      Bancassurance (Wealth Management)                 Manulife Singapore
Manulife Singapore                                    Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore)

Future challenges
                                             “Change is the new norm, and adaptability and a
The world we live in now is so vastly
different from when I first started          constant desire to learn will ensure that you keep
my career. On top of some universal          pace with changing trends and remain relevant.”
challenges all graduates face, this
changed world has a different set of
challenges and opportunities.                 Have the mind-set that opportunities      while keeping in mind that there will
   Keep in mind that the world today is    exist in times of change – you just need     be times you may have to sacrifice to
much more global and interconnected        to keep an eye out for them. It is alright   open new doors.
than it was two decades ago. There is      to stay in an organisation over the long         Your attitude at work is important, as
the reality of global competition vying    term, but try out different roles when       is the ability to collaborate with others,
for the same role, that just having a      you have the chance to gain a bit of         the willingness to learn and maximise
degree now may not be comparable to        both breadth and depth.                      change, establishing your network and
having a degree in the past, and living       Finally, do not downplay the              mentors, humility and respect, having
in a much more digitised world.            importance of bosses and mentors. I          your core values, exploring different
                                           am very grateful to mine for they are        roles and staying long enough to
Value-adding to remain relevant            one of the key reasons I am where I          garner both breadth and depth, being
Learn the importance of value-adding       am now.                                      sincere to others, and remaining true
to the organisation, to both internal                                                   to yourself.
and external customers, and, most          Advice to graduates                              The journey is just as important as
importantly, being able to adapt to        Enjoy the present. If you are a fresh        the destination, and we can expect
change. For instance, although the         graduate, maximise the fact that you         that there will be many destinations
roles I took on in strategy, governance,   have another 40 years of working life        after the first, and not all of them will
operations and management seem             to go, so be bold and take risks. Follow     be what we expect. So it is important
diverse and unrelated to what I was        your dreams, even if you may not know        that we manage our own expectations,
doing earlier in my career, they were      where you are headed now! There is no        face the future with enthusiasm and
in fact all complementary with one         one right path for everyone.                 positivity, look forward to the adventure
commonality; the ability to link back         As you take in life experiences and       and maybe walk the road less travelled.
to my strengths and understanding in       establish your own view, start to chart
distribution.                              your path towards your end destination,                                                                                 THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 17

                                 1993-1998                       1998-2000                 2000-2005
                                 Manager                         Manager                   Associate Director
                                 Knight Frank Cheong             IKEA Asia                 Knight Frank Pte Ltd
                                 Hock Chye & Baillieu            Pacific Pte Ltd

                                                        2015-2017                          2005-2013
                                                        Speech Therapist                   Director
                                                        KK Women’s and Children’s          DTZ Debenham Tie Leung
                                                        Hospital                           (SEA) Pte Ltd

                                                          2017 onwards
                                                          Speech Therapist
  Magdeline Goh                                           Summer’s Therapy
  Speech Therapist
                                                          Services Pte Ltd
  Summer’s Therapy Services Pte Ltd

  Future challenges
                                             “Deliberately find time to recalibrate.”
  One constant challenge that I have had
  to face throughout my work journey is
  that of change. Change can come from        There will be times when you will         Think about those times when
  both external and internal factors. An   be faced with challenging or tough       you had a good shopping experience.
  example of an external change can be     decision-making situations. Referring    Identical price and product aside,
  that of a change in job demands due      to your mission statement can help you   what was the element that made the
  to change in management, industry        ask relevant questions and steer back    difference? It is usually the human
  trends and company needs, to name        on track.                                factor. How you felt stuck with you. It
  a few. Internal change, however, is         My second strategy is to find a       is the same thing in your career.
  more personal, stemming from a           balance between happiness and                How you make others feel from
  realisation of a job mismatch or that    meaning. I once read that “happiness     their encounters with you will stick
  the job entails aspects that you had     is the personal enjoyment you get out    with them. Make a habit of valuing any
  not anticipated.                         of the process. Meaning is the value     relationship that you encounter along
     Thus, be prepared for change.         you peg to the outcome”. Any job         your career journey. Make cultivating
  Knowing how to manage and adapt          high on one end and low on the other     positive relationships your priority. That
  to changes in your career journey is     is unlikely to be sustainable. Thus,     will distinguish you from the scores of
  vital to making it a sustainable and     deliberately find time to recalibrate.   others with the same qualification. Be
  enjoyable one.                           Ask yourself things like: “Where am I    remembered for the right reasons.
                                           at on the scale?” Check the compass.
  Value-adding to remain relevant          It is not fun to be lost, but we can
  In light of managing this constant       make that occurrence less stressful
  called “change,” I have used two         with “tools” to help us navigate and
  strategies to help me stay nimble and    stay on track.
  adaptable. The first one is to write a
  personal mission statement for each      Advice to graduates
  new job. This mission statement acts     There is no running away from
  as a compass for me to stay focused      continuous learning to stay updated
  and on track. For instance, this is      and hard work to showcase the head
  my current mission statement – Be        knowledge that you possess into
  a therapist that brings love, joy and    effective and productive action.
  hope to each house I enter, each         However, these alone will not set you
  session that I conduct.                  apart.

18 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                     

                                 1999-2000                        2000-2004                   2004-2005
                                 Postdoctoral Researcher          Chief Scientist             Research Associate Professor
                                 Tongji University                Centre for Intelligent      University of Cincinnati
                                                                  Maintenance, University
                                                                  of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

                                                    2010-2014                             2005-2010
                                                    Manager                               Research Scientist
                                                    GE Global Research                    GE Global Research

                                                       2014-2016                                       2016-2018
Qiu Hai                                                R&D Director                                    Vice President of Large
Managing Director
                                                       Schindler Escalator Division,                   Projects
Schindler Lifts (Singapore) Pte Ltd                    Schindler China                                 Schindler China

                                                                                             2018 onwards
Future challenges
                                                                                             Managing Director
One important belief that I have is                                                          Schindler Lifts (Singapore) Pte Ltd
understanding the transition from
a student to a professional, and
realising the difference between the
two. As students, we study hard and           “We need to constantly sharpen our edges and
try to get good grades for examinations
that validate our learning results with
                                              adapt to different circumstances, from professional
singular answers.                             knowledge to managerial and leadership skills.”
    However, in the working world, not
every question raised by your manager       a candid team player and contribute         relentless pursuit for knowledge,
or customer has a correct answer.           effectively.                                so never stop learning. We need to
Furthermore, the purpose of their               Finally, pay attention to the           constantly sharpen our edges and
questions are not to test your capability   development of essential soft skills. We    adapt to different circumstances, from
but to solve problems efficiently with      can develop hard skills in school as they   professional knowledge to managerial
accessible resources.                       can be defined and evaluated, but soft      and leadership skills.
                                            skills are much harder to define. You          Look to your career growth next. We
Value-adding to remain relevant             will not realise their absence if you do    need to stay ambitious and hungry, so
School not only imparts textbook            not develop your awareness. Essential       build a solid foundation through high
knowledge, but also the entire              soft skills include communication,          performance. As a solid foundation
problem-solving      process     from       listening and empathy. In the long          is always a prerequisite for any next
analysing the problem, collecting           term, these are more essential in           move, stay focused on your current
background information, organising          management than hard skills.                role and ensure solid delivery before
and planning a step-by-step process,                                                    thinking ahead. Ensure every step or
and conducting experiments to               Advice to graduates                         every line in your resume consists of
reporting the results. Proficiency in       First of all, build up and expand your      a solid achievement that can be built
every aspect of the problem-solving         professional network; your network          upon.
process allows you to become a              within and outside the organisation will       Last but definitely not least, stay
successful learner. Additionally, we        help you increase your exposure and         positive and passionate. Attitude
cultivate teamwork in group studies         visibility, thus providing you with more    makes a big difference in your
and projects.                               opportunities for career advancement.       professional life. There will be ups
   Beyond school, teamwork remains          There are many different ways to            and downs in your career, but your
as important as before, if not more.        expand your network, but remember to        peers will be positively influenced by a
Your colleagues are resources,              always be active and passionate.            good attitude and your manager will be
mentors, collaborators and customers,          Secondly, remember that our              happy to give you more opportunities if
and you should always remember to be        society is highly dynamic with a            you can embrace them openly.                                                                                THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 19

                                 2002-2005                        2005-2008                     2008-2009
                                 Quality Assurance and            Senior Executive, Quality Manager, Organisation
                                 Engineering Account              Management and Business Development
                                 Management                       Excellence                National Arts Council
                                 Aspial Corporation Limited       Defence Science and
                                                                  Technology Agency

                                                         2014-2018                              2009-2014
                                                         Assistant Vice President, Talent       Senior Manager, Human
                                                         Management, Learning and               Resources
                                                         Organisation Development               Workforce Development Agency
                                                         Parkway Pantai Limited                 (Workforce Singapore)

  Shawn Lim Ming                                           2018 onwards
  Head, Talent Network                                     Head, Talent Network
  Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific                       Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific

  Future challenges
  The fear of change and being reluctant
                                               “I always remind myself to do my best in everything
  to seize opportunities may limit             that has been entrusted to me, even if that meant
  your growth potential. Personally,           frequent late work nights and some sacrifice on my
  I started as a quality engineer in
  the manufacturing industry, before           part to learn and re-learn.”
  transiting to the public service and
  multinational corporations.
     The price of my career progression      Value-adding to remain relevant           my best in everything that has been
  resulted in late work nights, frequent     Keep learning and always do               entrusted to me, even if that meant
  work trips, limited quality time with      everything with a spirit of excellence.   frequent late work nights and some
  family, and the huge responsibility of     My change in multiple portfolios from     sacrifice on my part to learn and re-
  shouldering face-to-face engagement        quality management to organisational      learn.
  with international customers and           excellence, HR business partnering,
                                                                                       Advice to graduates
  stakeholders. Faced with the decision      learning and development, and now
  between keeping my then-hectic work        talent network, has given me the          Studying psychology has allowed
  schedule and a more humane routine,        opportunity to continuously re-invent     me to understand that behaviours
  I made a difficult call at one time to     myself.                                   and motivations are driven by one’s
  leave a job with a substantial salary         Although many of these portfolios      internal beliefs. Being equipped
  cut to take on a relatively unrelated      were unrelated, I tapped on my            with an internal compass helps you
  portfolio in a different industry.         strengths in process thinking and         remain resilient through changes and
     Never did I anticipate that believing   structured systems to plan and            challenges. Be willing to change and
  in my potential would start a never-       execute projects the best I could.        seize opportunities.
  ending path of development, relegation     Daily acquisition of new skills is a
  and promotion. Nothing experienced         must alongside constantly speaking to
  and learnt is wasted. Every change is      people and reading literature on new
  an opportunity for growth.                 topics. I always remind myself to do

20 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                      

                                 2001-2010                       2010-2013                     2013-2016
                                 Senior Manager, Human           Director, Human               Director, Human Resources,
                                 Resources, APAC                 Resources, North Asia         APAC
                                 UPS                             District                      UPS

                                                   2017-2018                              2016-2017
                                                   Director, HR Operations, APAC          Director, Human Resources, Europe
                                                   UPS                                    UPS

                                                      2018 onwards
Tanie Eio                                             Vice President, Human Resources, APAC
Vice President of Human
Resources, APAC

                                             “There is a misconception that not knowing
Future challenges                            something is a sign of weakness or ignorance, but
I think it is really important to get to     having the courage to admit you do not know, as
know and understand the people you
work with and for. There will always         well as the drive and proactive approach to find
be people you get along with easily          the answer, is actually a sign of great strength and
and those who require extra effort,
but learning how to build professional
relationships will help when dealing
with daily situations.
    When working as a team,                each situation will progress from there.     Advice to graduates
collaboration, trust, respect and          Then we will be in a better position to      Besides honesty, integrity, respect,
openness to feedback will make your        overcome any obstacles that come our         positivity and open-mindedness, you
working life a lot easier to manage, but   way.                                         need to know what you want from your
it is also good to hone your influencing      I try to take my own advice and keep      career; to be clear in your own mind
and communication skills, as these         learning, and to do this, it is important    where you are going. Nobody knows
are things we do not learn in school but   to be both confident and self-aware          you better than you know yourself, so
face daily once we enter the workplace.    enough to admit you do not know              never lose your focus no matter how
    You will experience moments out        everything. There is a misconception         frustrated or busy you get.
of your comfort zone, whether in an        that not knowing something is a sign            Learn from your experience, try not
unfamiliar situation or unfamiliar         of weakness or ignorance, but having         to make the same mistake twice, do not
surroundings. It is important for our      the courage to admit you do not know,        be afraid to try new things, and check
personal development that we do this       as well as the drive and proactive           in with yourself every now and again
with a positive mentality.                 approach to find the answer, is actually     to make sure you are still pointing in
                                           a sign of great strength and integrity.      the right direction. Build relationships
Value-adding to remain relevant            Besides, you might be surprised how          based on sincerity, trust and respect so
I think the biggest roadblock to           much more you learn by listening to          your colleagues know they can rely on
progress comes from within, and            other opinions and ideas.                    you, and you know who you can go to if
that is if we lose the willingness to         Agility is also needed to stay relevant   you need support.
learn or keep an open mind. If we          in today’s world. Be comfortable with
are open to feedback, both positive        the uncomfortable, be prepared to try
and constructive, we can learn from        something different and take on new
our experiences and our approach to        challenges.                                                                                THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 21

                                 2006-2009                        2009-2013                   2013-2015
                                 Associate, Banking               Deputy Head, Domestic       Assistant Vice President,
                                 Supervision Department           Markets Management          Mount Elizabeth Hospital
                                 Monetary Authority of            Division                    Parkway Pantai Ltd
                                 Singapore                        Monetary Authority of

                                                          2017 onwards                        2015-2017
                                                          Vice President, Fresenius Kidney    CEO
                                                          Care Asia Pacific                   Primary Care Network,
                                                          Fresenius Medical Care              Greater China
                                                                                              Parkway Pantai Ltd

  Warren Mah                                   “Recognise that there are many ways of doing
  Vice President, Fresenius Kidney
  Care Asia Pacific                            things, and that the best way may not be the one you
  Fresenius Medical Care                       are most familiar with.”

  Future challenges                          Value-adding to remain relevant           accept that you will encounter bad
  The biggest challenge I faced moving       With degrees in Economics and             leaders from whom you should take
  along in my career was the luxury and      Political Science, starting in the        away lessons for your own career.
  limitation that I had having only ever     Monetary Authority of Singapore made
                                                                                       Advice to graduates
  worked in Singapore. It was a safe,        sense, though it also helped that they
  predictable, law abiding environment       had kindly given me a scholarship to      Embrace life in the challenge zone –
  which, to be honest, ill-prepared me       get those degrees!                        the space between comfort and fear.
  for work anywhere else.                       What perhaps made less sense           Getting too comfortable, or living in
     The VUCA world is a better              was a switch to hospital management       a state of constant anxiety is both
  reflection of the reality that graduates   seven years later, and then to a role     dangerous in its own way. Push yourself
  will face. Use Colin Powell’s rule of      in a dialysis provider thereafter. Each   to find that middle ground.
  40-70. Every time you face a tough         career switch was serendipitous – the        Accept internships in fields that
  decision, aspire to no less than 40 per    company was willing to take a chance      interest you, but where you do not
  cent and no more than 70 per cent          on me, and I was willing to work hard     necessarily have experience. Grab job
  of information you need to make the        at giving it a go.                        opportunities in foreign countries,
  decision. With less than 40 per cent,         I was fortunate enough to have good    particularly   within    this   region.
  you are shooting from the hip and you      and bad bosses in my career. Seize        Recognise that there are many ways
  are likely to make mistakes. With more     every opportunity to stick close to the   of doing things, and that the best
  than 70 per cent, the opportunity has      good leaders and observe the ‘why’ as     way may not be the one you are most
  passed and someone else has beaten         well as the ‘how’ of what they do. Also   familiar with.
  you to the punch.

22 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                      

Discover the different career sectors available in the job
market and explore the various opportunities out there.

                                                   Accountancy and
                                                   Financial Management

                                                      ccountancy and financial management qualifications open
                                                      doors to career opportunities in a range of organisations,
                                                      from the “Big Four” to smaller accountancy firms, as well
                                                as in corporations and the public sector.
                                                   In recent years, businesses have embraced cloud accounting
                                                software and applications to increase efficiency for accounting
                                                and financial management. Accounting professionals are
                                                encouraged to upskill constantly to pick up data analysis and be
                                                well-versed in digital accounting.
                                                   Accounting firms offer a diversity of services, such as
                                                consulting, assurance, risk assessment, corporate recovery, tax,
                                                and forensic accounting, aside from the customary accounting
                                                and auditing services.
                                                   Employers are constantly on the lookout for candidates with
                                                good analytical skills, attention to detail, and an ability to convey
                                                financial data clearly. Graduate accountants often join firms as
                                                trainees and will be required to take professional qualifications to
                                                enhance themselves. It is mandatory to go through the Singapore
                                                Qualification Programme (Singapore QP) in order to practise as a
                                                chartered accountant here.

                                                       Potential job options:
                                                       •   Assurance management
                                                       •   Auditing
                                                       •   Financial consulting
                                                       •   Risk assessment
                                                       •   Tax consulting                                                               THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020 | 23

     Analytics                                                                            Education
                                                and Finance

  Data analytics, the sector dealing         Some possible areas of work in            Teaching is a noble profession given
  with the collection and analysis of        banking and finance include asset         its long hours and multi-faceted
  huge amounts of data, is very much         management, hedge funds, private          demands,       entailing    the   heavy
  an engine of growth for the future         banking and equity, risk management,      responsibility of nurturing the future
  economy. As Singapore continues to         venture capital, and corporate            generation. A career in education is
  prioritise digital transformation in its   restructuring.                            highly rewarding for the satisfaction
  Smart Nation initiative, delivering           While the banking and finance          of helping others to achieve their
  high-value information technology          sector may be a volatile one affected     aspirations.
  services is of top-notch importance.       by fluctuations in the economy, it            Major employers include the
     Data analytics is significant           continues to be a popular career choice   Ministry of Education, public and
  for rising industry trends such as         in the financial hub of Singapore,        private institutions, and tuition
  e-commerce, artificial intelligence        causing stiff competition for graduate    centres. Besides becoming a teacher,
  and the Internet of Things. The            hires.                                    you may also consider roles such as
  Infocomm Media 2025 masterplan,               A good way to increase your value      a career counsellor, an educational
  the government’s road map for the          as a jobseeker is by seeking out          psychologist, or corporate and
  information communications and             internships during your university        administrative roles in the ministry.
  technology (ICT) sector for the next       days to gain relevant work experience.        Upon graduating with at least a
  decade, considers big data as a key        It is also a good idea to actively        bachelor’s degree, aspiring teachers
  strategic thrust of growth.                participate in co-curricular activities   will need to obtain a postgraduate
     The demand for data analytics           and to join the relevant societies to     diploma in education at the National
  roles is ever growing. Data analytics      develop the necessary skills required     Institute of Education. Graduates from
  is widely used commercially, as            in the sector. For instance, employers    all disciplines are welcome to apply.
  well as in public policy and non-          value candidates with problem-solving         Good       organisational,     time
  profit organisations, for safeguarding     ability and excellent communication,      management,        interpersonal,   and
  cybersecurity, tracking user behaviour     organisational and teamwork skills.       effective communication skills are
  to maximise earnings, or using data to        You should also read financial         crucial for this sector.
  further social causes.                     business news regularly to update
     The work in data analytics is           yourself on any changes in the sector.
  mainly of inference, experiments           While numerical and business degrees      Potential job options:
  and visualisation to achieve goals         are preferred by employers, they are
  for stakeholders, with data that has       not a necessary requirement.                •   Administration
  already been mined. Career pathways                                                    •   Curriculum and content
  in data analytics can be grouped                                                           management
  according to management and                                                            •   Coaching and counselling
                                             Potential job options:                      •   Teaching
  specialisation, depending on the skill
  sets which individuals possess.              •   Business/Commercial banking
                                               •   Consumer/Personal banking
                                               •   Corporate finance
  Potential job options:                       •   Foreign exchange trading
                                               •   Investment banking
    •   Business analysis                      •   Operations and technology
    •   Cybersecurity                          •   Private banking
    •   Data architecture                      •   Private equity
    •   Data analysis                          •   Risk management
    •   Data and analytics management          •   Treasury
    •   Data science                           •   Wealth management
    •   Data engineering
    •   Product management
    •   Statistics
    •   User experience

24 | THE SMU CAREER GUIDE 2020                                                                      
You can also read