Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media

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Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
Careers SA

                                 you set
                                 for the


Prosperity through Partnership
Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
Tel: +27 (0)12 841Council
                                                                                                                                                                                               1911               for Geoscience
                      COUNCIL FOR GEOSCIENCE                                                                                                                                Providing Earth Science Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                            Fax: +27 (0)12 841 1221
The Council for Geoscience has been mandated to be the custodians of geotechnical information, to be a national advisory authority in respect of geohazards
related to infrastructure and development, and to undertake reconnaissance operations, prospecting research and other related activities in the mineral
                                               sector; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
                                                                                                                                                                            Physical addres : 280 Pretoria Street
                                                                                                                                                                             The Council for Geoscience has been mandated as a
                                                                                                                                                                             Scientific Research Council; to provide for the promotion
                                                                                                                                                                             of research and the extension of knowledge in the field
                                                                                                                                                                             of geoscience. The CGS has to promote research and

                                                                                                                          "Quoted from Geoscience Act 100 of 1993"           exploitation of, any mineral in the Republic, to undertake
                                                                                                                                                                             research in the field of geoscience and to furnish
                                                                                                                                                                             specialized geoscientific services.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 MISSION AND VALUES
                                                                                                                                                                             The CGS provides expert geoscience services and
                                                                                                                                                                             solutions in South Africa and abroad, with the intention
                                                                                                                                                                             of contributing towards then creation of a prosperous

                                                                                                                                                                            Postal addres : Private bag x112
                                    Laboratory                                                                                    Seismological
                                      Services                                                                                    Observation

                                                                                                                                                                             The specific areas of scientific services include:
                                                                                                                                                                             • Geophysics
                                                                                                                                                                             • Seismology
                                                                                                                                                                             • Geochemistry

                                                                                                                                                                            Pretoria 0184
                                                                                                                                                                             • Minerals Development
                                       Drilling                                                                                   Geoscience                                 • Information collection management
                                                                                                                                                                             • Spatial Data management
                                                                                                                                                                             • Engineering Geoscience

                                                                                                                                                                            Website :
                                                                                                                                                                             • Water Geoscience
                                                                                                                                                                             • Environmental Geoscience
                                                                                                                                                                             • Marine Geoscience
                                                                                                                                                                             • Geological mapping

                                                                                        Field Mapping School
                                                                                                                                                                             If you are interested in a career with the CGS please
                                                                                  WHAT WE DO                                                                                 contact us.

                                                                                                                                                                             Contact information
                                                                                                                               National Core Library
                Geological, Geotechnical, Geochemical,                                                                                                                       Tel: +27 (0)12 841 1911
                  Metallogenic and Marine mapping
                                                                                                                               Minerals Development                          Fax: +27 (0)12 841 1221
                           Geoscience Museum                                                                                                                                 Physical address: 280 Pretoria Street
                                                                                                                  Construction Materials and Agricultural Minerals

                                                                                                                                                                                                             280 Pretoria Street, Silverton, Pretoria 0184 |
                       National Geoscience Library                                                                                                                           Silverton
                          Information Databases
                                                                                                                    Water-Resource Assessment and Protection                 Pretoria
                                                                                                                             Environmental Geoscience                        Postal address: Private bag x112
                 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Council for Geoscience
                                                                                                                                                                             Pretoria 0184

                                                                                                                                                                                                Private Bag X112, Pretoria, South Africa 0184 |
                                 Seismology                                                                        Engineering Geology and Physical Geohazards
                                                                                                                                                                             Website :
                                 Geophysics                                                                                        Palaeontology

                                                                                         Laboratory Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                             280 Pretoria Street, Silverton, Pretoria 0184 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                Private Bag X112, Pretoria, South Africa 0184 |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Applied Geoscience Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Council for Geoscience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Applied Geoscience Solutions

  280 Pretoria Street, Silverton, Pretoria I   Private Bag X112, Pretoria, 0184
  Tel: +27 (0)12 841-1911 I    Fax: +27 (0)12 841-1221 I I
                                                                                                                                                                     Advert_2016.indd 1                                                                                         2016/03/01 10:56:57 AM
Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
gauteng 2016

 10    Innovation Hub
 12    South African Civil Aviation
       Authority Q&A
 16    Somatology Q&A
 18    Visual Artist
 21    Jeweller


       South African Mathematics
       Research Technologist Q&A
                                      12                                   34
                                                                           Publisher - Calvin Pillay
 29    Senior Lecturer and            67   Software Engineer Q&A           Editor – Renée Logensteins
       Researcher Q&A                 70   Computer Science Q&A
                                                                           Creative Department –
                                                                           Mark Rust
 31    Physicist; Senior Lecturer
       Q&A                                                                 Advertising – Jason Pillay –
 34    Astronomer Q&A
                                      ENGINEERING                          084 588 1001
                                      72   Ekurhuleni East TVET College     –
 36    Biokineticist Q&A                                                   Accounts and Admin –
                                      75   Electrical Engineering Q&A
 38    Medical Technologist Q&A                                            Althea Pillay
                                      79   Electrical Apprentice Q&A       –
 40    Microbiologist Q&A
                                      84   Mechanical Engineer Q&A         Contacts
 42    Molecular Human Genetics                                            Tel: +27 21 788 1580
                                      86   Civil Engineer Q&A
       Q&A                                                                 Fax: 27 86 613 0599
                                      88   Faculty of Engineering          Email:
 46    Council for Geoscience
                                                                           Website: http://shikinahmedia.wix.
 48    Research Geologist Q&A                                              com/iset-careers-sa
 52    Geographic Information         technology
       Science Q&A                    94  The Open Window Institute        MISSION STATEMENT
                                                                           To be the leaders in enabling the local and
 52    Meteorologist Q&A                  for Arts and Digital Sciences    national publishing and educational institu-
                                                                           tions to deliver online career opportunities
 54    Agriculture Q&A                96 Interactive Web and Mobile        and material to all high-school learners
 56    Game Ranger Q&A                    Developer Q&A                    across the country.
 58    Pilot, Military Academy Q&A    98 Interaction Designer Q&A          All rights reserved. Reproduction of this
                                                                           magazine in whole or in part thereof is
 60    Local Warning Operator,        102 Media, Information               prohibited without prior written permission
                                                                           of the publisher. The views expressed herein
       Military Academy Q&A               and Communications               are those of the writers exclusively and not
 52    Sociology Lecturer Q&A             Technology                       necessarily the views of the editor. Shikinah
                                                                           Media CC cannot be held responsible for
 65    Sociology Lecturer Q&A         104 Chief Technology Officer Q&A     perceived errors in advertisements or any
                                                                           consequences thereof.©

Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media

                                    FOR THE
                                                      e would like to present,       meets the development goals of our
                                                      with great pleasure, the       country, ensuring that all learners have
                                                      inaugural edition of our       access to high-quality learning and careers
                                                      new digital publication,       which are critical components of
                                     ISET Careers SA. This publication is part of    competitiveness for economic growth of
                                     a need to assist learners to diversify a keen   the country.
                                     interest in careers in innovation, science,
                                     engineering and technology (ISET)               Parents can play a significant role in
                                     through interviews and career Q&A’s with        helping learners make informed decisions
                                     academics and professionals, in order to        about their future. This begins with
                                     fulfil the economic and social goals of         encouraging them to begin early in
                                     participation in an inclusive economy and       seeking out ways to explore careers.
                                     society.                                        Ironically, most learners attend college or
                                                                                     university to prepare for a career, yet very
                                     This new publication was envisioned and         few actually take the time to explore
                                     founded to represent the growing needs          career options.
                                     of tertiary study, career and
                                                                                     As you well know, a career is a very
                                                                                     important part of one’s life. There are too
             Thi s n e w pu b li c at io n was                                       many people in the working world who
                                                                                     live for after five o’clock and weekends.
     envis io ne d a n d f ou n de d to rep resen t
                                                                                     Likewise, we see too many students
         t he grow i n g n e e ds o f tertiary                                       floundering through tertiary institutions
      s t ud y, c a r e e r a n d e n t rep ren eu rial                              without a real sense of purpose or
                                                                                     direction. The cost of higher education is
           o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r l earn ers,
                                                                                     too high to watch students go through the
      e m p o w e r i n g t h e m w i t h in f o rmatio n                            motions for four years! We encourage
         t hat w i l l e n a b le t h em to make                                     learners to become active in exploring
                                                                                     careers and academic pathways that will
        info r m e d d e c i s i on s o n sc ien tif ic
                                                                                     help them achieve those goals before they
                          di s c i pl i n e s.                                       grapple over one of life’s major decisions.

                                                                                     Once more, on behalf of the team, I
                                     entrepreneurial opportunities for               welcome you to our publication – ISET
                                     learners, empowering them with                  Careers SA! We look forward to your
                                     information that will enable them to            support. Together, we will indisputably
                                     make informed decisions on scientific           move scientific careers to the next level.
                                     disciplines. Its mission is to become a         Ultimately, we will improve more lives and,
                                     source of inspiration and encourage             consequently, our communities.
                                     learners to look into the possibilities of      Thank you.
                                     studying towards careers in innovation,
                                     science, engineering and technology,
                                     enabling them to fulfill their dreams and

                                     We share The Department of Higher
                                     Education and Training’s (DHET)
                                     commitment to supporting and
                                     improving well-educated and skilled
                                     citizens who are able to compete in a           Calvin Pillay
                                     sustainable, diversified and knowledge-         Founder and Publisher
                                     intensive international economy, which          ISET CAREERS SA

Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
E D ” S N O TE

 We are very excited to welcome you to the
 inaugural issue of ISET Careers SA! This digital
 publication has been specifically designed to help
 prospective students succeed in their online
 endeavours as they investigate career choices.

                                                  Today, of course, our world is undergoing
                                                  rapid transformation, especially the
                                                  internet. There are constantly adapting
                                                  online platforms and digital media, and an
                                                  increasing surge in the use of mobile                                                                                    At the Cutting Edge
                                                  devices. The internet is simply a tool and
                                                  this publication’s aim is to help learners
                                                  use it to their advantage.                                                                                               of Research
                                                  ISET (Innovation Science, Engineering &          Usin g a n ew
                                                  Technology) Careers SA is distributed
                                                                                                 an d in n o vati ve
                                                  throughout the year to Grade 9, 10, 11 and
                                                  12 learners at secondary schools across         ap p ro ac h , the
                                                  the country. ISET Careers SA aims to be a       p u b l ic atio n’s
                                                  significant and sustainable vehicle through
                                                                                                 in ten tio n is to
                                                  which Organizations, Universities,
                                                  Colleges, SETA’s, TVET Colleges and            en tic e l earners
                                                  Government departments collaborate to             to p u rsue
                                                  steer young minds towards careers within
                                                                                                    c areers i n
                                                  these sectors, and to make information
                                                  about scientific disciplines more accessible   sc ien c e an d to
                                                  to them. Using a new and innovative            in stil l in them
                                                  approach, the publication’s intention is to
                                                                                                 an en th u siasm
                                                  entice learners to pursue careers in science
                                                  and to instill in them an enthusiasm and a      an d a d eeper
                                                  deeper understanding of the application        u n d erstan di ng

                                                  of science in our daily lives.
                                                                                                       o f th e         The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural             The research activities of the Faculty are designed
                  hen Calvin Pillay, the
                                                                                                 ap p l ic atio n of    Sciences makes a significant contribution to        to support the career development of young
                  founder and publisher,          We want this publication to be valuable for
                                                                                                                        building research and teaching capacity in          academics in science and to enrich the
                  discussed with me his           you, so please provide your feedback and       sc ien c e in our      South Africa by developing highly skilled           postgraduate experience.
                  plans for this publication, I   suggestions to help us improve. We also
                                                                                                   d aily l iv es.      graduates and generating new scientific
 sensed how his passion for inspiring             request that you please share this with                               knowledge. Our faculty is well-known for its
 young learners matched mine. I was               your friends and colleagues.
                                                                                                                                                                            The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural
                                                                                                                        research excellence in the fields of                Sciences invites graduates to become part
 immediately drawn to the possibility of                                                                                agriculture, biology, physical science and
 being part of such an endeavour – to aid         We are trusting that ISET Careers SA will
                                                                                                                                                                            of the exciting world of research by enrolling for
                                                                                                                        the mathematical sciences.                          postgraduate studies with us. There are
 young people in their goals to grow and          be a source of inspiration and
                                                                                                                                                                            endless opportunities within our world-class,
 thrive. During my years as a young               encouragement to learners to look into
 student, these platforms were not                the possibilities of studying towards
                                                                                                                        A substantial number of our scientists are          internationally acclaimed institutes and centres.
                                                                                                                        internationally recognised and acknowledged by      These include the Forestry and Agricultural
 available to us and many of our choices          careers in Innovation, Science, Engineering
                                                                                                                        the National Research Foundation as                 Biotechnology Institute, the Mammal Research
 were made blindly. Furthermore, in my            and Technology, thus enabling them to
                                                                                                                        researchers of high international standing or       Institute, Genomics Research Institute, the
 years of working in the administration of        fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
                                                                                                                        even as world leaders in their fields.              Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, the
 the Western Cape Department of                                                                                                                                             Conservation Ecology Research Unit, Institute for
 Education and later as a Registrar at a                                                                                                                                    Applied Materials, the Centre for Environmental
 Private Higher Education College, I often
                                                                                                                        The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
                                                                                                                        pushes the frontiers of knowledge and develops      Studies, the Centre for Environmental Economics
 saw the desperate need for guidance and                                                                                                                                    and Policy in Africa and the Centre for
                                                                                                                        new technologies to stay ahead
 support that this type of publication            Renée Logenstein                                                                                                          Geoinformation Science.
                                                                                                                        of the challenges posed by a constantly changing
 promises.                                        Editor
                                                                                                                        world.                                              For more information, please visit our website:

Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
e d u c a t io n

                                                                                        ccording to (StatsSA, 2014) South   business, and be job creators if they have   understand the world of business and
                                                                                        Africa has alarmingly high (and     the passion and determination for it.        entrepreneurship. This is done with the
                                                                                        growing) unemployment rate of                                                    aim of enabling students to realize their
                                                                                        25% with over 35% of youth          The programme offers Computer Literacy,      potential in the field of technical and
                                                                             unemployment and it has been said the          Entrepreneurship, FabLab Advanced            innovative services by exposing learners to
                                                                             solution to ultimately address socio           Manufacturing, and Graphic Design with       the real world where they developing
                                                                             economic issues is through sustainable         Vacation work in collaboration with          innovative products and given
                                                                             growth paths by promoting innovation           Geekulcha; a skills redistribution program   opportunities to apply the theoretical
                                                                             culture, technology use and                    to equip learners with skills and exposure   aspects of the training.
                                                                             entrepreneurship to address poverty,           to ICT world which takes place during
                                                                             unemployment and inequality. This has          school holidays and focuses on mobile        Various competitions are used as outcome
                                                                             encouraged the government to find              application development, electronics and     based assessment throughout the
                                                                             holistic solutions by promoting youth          robotics. Advanced manufacturing is a        programme including the National
                                                                             entrepreneurship through tax subsidies,        critical part component of TMR/TER           Entrepreneurship Competition (STEP UP
                                                                             incentives as well as various initiative
                                                                             programs to help promote the
                                                                             entrepreneurial spirit that seemed to be               The School’s FabLab P rog ra mme
                                                                             lacking in our youth.

                                                                                                                                i n parti cular i s ai med at promot in g

                                                                              The Innovation Hub supports                             the culture of i nnovat ion a n d
                                                                              innovation with enterprise                                entrepreneurshi p at sc h ool
                                                                              development in ICT, Green Economy
                                                                                                                                 level, and creates a pl at f orm f or

                                                                              and Biosciences to contribute to
                                                                              economic growth by creating jobs and              i denti fi cati on and nurt u rin g you n g
                                                                              poverty alleviation; among these                      entrepreneurs at an e a rly a g e .
                                                                              programmes there is an extension of
                                                                              skills development and enterprise
                                                                              development to townships of Gauteng           strategies in terms of reindustrialization   TO A START UP) by Prime Stars; the 2015
                                                                              through ‘EkasiLabs’ and the Schools           and modernising the economy and FabLab       winners for this competition (Ribane-Laka
                                                                              FabLab Programme as part of fulfilling        offers the appropriate skills development    High School from Mamelodi) are products
                                                                              the Gauteng Department of Economic            and the infrastructure to allow the          of our Schools FabLab Programme and
       The Innovation Hub supports innovation with
                                                                              Development’s TMR/TER’s                       potential entrepreneurs to conceptualize,    also made the news for their 100% matric
       enterprise development in ICT and many others ...                      (Transformation, Modernization &              develop, fabricate and test new products     pass rate. The Schools FabLab Programme
                                                                              Reindustrialisation/ Township Economy         that could be used in the market. The        is in collaboration with the local
                                                                              Revitalization) strategies which aims to      main objective of the Youth FabLab           Government (City of Tshwane); piloted
                                                                              radically transform, modernise and            programme is to collaborate with schools     with 30 learners in 2014/15 and the aim is
                                                                              re-industrialise the economy of               and facilitate access to training in         to expand number for the 2016/17 plan
                                                                              Gauteng to address the country’s social       technology and innovation and used to        and reach out to schools in other
                                                                              challenges.                                   help the younger generation to better        townships in the province. 

                                                                             The School’s FabLab Programme in
                                                                             particular is aimed at promoting the
                                                                             culture of innovation and
                                                                             entrepreneurship at school level, and
                                                                             creates a platform for identification and
                                                                             nurturing young entrepreneurs at an early
                                                                                                                                      on offer
                                                                             age. The target group for the programme            Computer Literacy,
                                                                             is high school students, particularly the
                                                                             grade 8-12 learners from Gauteng schools
                                                                             and the student selection criterion is              FabLab Advanced
                                                                             based on, entrepreneurial flair, interest in
                                                                             math, science and technology, academic               Manufacturing,
                                                                             excellence and leadership quality. This
                                                                             programme exposes learners to the
                                                                                                                                and Graphic Design
                                                                             business world and allows them to see             with Vacation work,
                                                                             that higher learning is not the only way or
                                                                             the only option they have after completing         mobile application
                                                                             high school; that they could come up with
                                                                             innovative solutions for social problems in
                                                                             their communities, start their own              electronics and robotics.
 By Olebogeng Thebyane; School Programme Coordinator at The Innovation Hub

10   I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                                                                               I SET C AREERS SA            11
Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
i n n o v a t io n

                                                                                        ost of the thousands of            the first black person in the country to do     To complete his three-year diploma,
                                                                                        people who fly into the            this job may be a big deal in some              Mnguni secured an apprenticeship with
                                                                                        country’s airports on a daily      quarters, but not for me. It is not like I      the Thales Group, a global electronic
                                                                                        basis do not give little           invented calibration,” he says,                 systems company that provides services
                                                                          thought to the staff behind the scenes that      nonchalantly.                                   to clients in industries such as defence,
                                                                          make their journey possible nor do they                                                          aerospace, airlines, information
                                                                          get to meet them.                                As much as he tries to downplay his             technology, and transportation.
                                                                                                                           pioneering success, Mnguni still
                                                                          If they did, they would come across Gugu         appreciates the fact that it opens doors for   After completing his apprenticeship, he
                                                                          Mnguni, a flight inspector who is one of         other young people, particularly those         was offered a permanent position as an
                                                                          the people responsible for one of the most       who come from less privileged                  avionics technician; meaning he was
                                                                          critical aviation safety tasks in the country.   communities.                                   responsible for the repair and calibration
                                                                                                                                                                          of avionics instruments.
                                                                          The 33-year-old, who works for the South         “If my role inspires some young person,
                                                                          African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA),        especially from a disadvantaged                Two years later he moved on to become a
                                                                          an agency of the Department of Transport,        background, to join the aviation industry      senior technician at Tellumat, which also
                                                                          is the first black person in the country to      and become a specialist in their area of       provides specialist technology products
                                                                          hold the position.                               choice, then I will be happy and know that     and solutions to clients in the
                                                                                                                           I have fulfilled one of my goals.”             telecommunications, defence, transport
                                                                          He is one of only three practising flight                                                       and energy industries.
                                                                          inspectors responsible for the calibration       Mnguni is familiar with the disadvantages
                                                                          of air navigation systems and landing            of growing up in a less affluent area. He      Mnguni’s main role was to install, calibrate
                                                                          instruments at airports across South Africa
                                                                          and neighbouring states.

                                                                          Supported by the ground engineering                        If my role i nspi res some you n g
                                                                          crew, they perform flight tests with a                          person, especi ally f rom a
                                                                          specially configured aircraft to carry out                di sadvantaged backg rou n d, t o
                                                                                                                                     joi n the avi ati on i ndu st ry a n d
                                                                          This team is tasked with testing and                    become a speci ali st i n t h e ir a re a
                                                                          verifying the precision and functionality of          of choi ce, then I wi ll be h a ppy a n d
                                                                          navigational instruments to ensure that
                                                                          such are safe and accurate for use by                   know that I have fulfi lle d on e of
                                                                          commercial, military and private aircraft.                                          my goals.
                                                                          This is known as flight calibration.

                                                                           Their work allows aircraft to locate            and his two siblings were raised by a          and repair equipment.
                                                                           airports destined for landing and               single mom in Mhluzi, a township near
                                                                           enables the pilot to land the aircraft at       Middelburg in Mpumalanga.                      At both companies, Mnguni was just one
                                                                           precise points on runways, even under                                                          of the few black individuals appointed to

     Gugu Mnguni
                                                                           the most atrocious weather conditions.          “I don’t know how my mother managed            specialist roles.
                                                                           Basically, without these instruments,           but she ensured that we got everything
                                                                           pilots would find it difficult to locate        that we needed for our schooling. We had       “The situation gradually changed with
                                                                           their destinations and land at accurate         to forego other simple luxuries for the sake   time and I am sure by now there are more
                                                                           points on runways.                              of getting an education. She always            than a handful of black people in key

      soars to new
                                                                                                                           emphasised the importance of education,        specialist positions in those companies,
                                                                          Not only is Mnguni one of the three flight       not only to us but also to our cousins who     and possibly across the aviation industry.
                                                                          inspectors in the country but he is also         lived with us. She never complained, but I     Regardless, I still believe more can be done
                                                                          one of a mere handful found on the               can imagine that it must have been hard        to transform the aviation industry.”
                                                                          continent.                                       for her with the salary of an administrator

                                                                                                                           at a furniture shop,” he recalls.              In 2012, Mnguni joined the SACAA as a
                                                                          This, and the fact that he is the first black                                                   trainee flight inspector. After two years of
                                                                          person in South Africa to occupy such a          With the financial assistance of his mother    intensive training, he qualified as a flight
                                                                          position, seems to be no big deal for the        and extended family members, Mnguni            inspector.
                                                                          introverted Mnguni.                              registered for a National Diploma in
                                                                                                                           Electrical Engineering –                       “Compared to the previous companies, at
           he is one of three flight inspectors in the country and also   “I honestly do not understand what this          Telecommunication at Wits Technikon,           the SACAA, it was a different ball game
                                                                          whole hype around me is about. To me, it         now known as the University of                 altogether. I was challenged more than I
           one of a mere handful found on the continent.                  is just a job that I happen to love. Being       Johannesburg.                                  had ever been before, as I had to learn all

12   I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                                                                                 I SET C AREERS SA               13
Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
Hello South Africa…
                                                                                                                              Hello South Africa…
 the regulations pertaining to calibration     identify and solve problems is crucial in
                                                                                              This and that
 and flight inspection.                        aviation.                                         What do you do for
 “My supervisors and team members              “In my role and in aviation in general,                    fun?                please meet Zandile Ndlela
                                                                                                 When I am not flying         and Ditebogo Koenaite...
 pushed me hard and encouraged me all          there is no room for errors, as we are
 the way. I am grateful that they did, as it   dealing with people’s lives. Tiny mistakes,
 was vital for me to absorb knowledge, as it   whether deliberate or not, can lead to           around the country and
 is impractical to provide adequate            accidents.”
                                                                                               the continent calibrating      ...your future Captains!
                                                                                                                              please meet Zandile Ndlela
 oversight over operators if you have no
 idea of what they are supposed to do. My
 practical experience gained from working
                                               His advice to young people who are keen
                                               on becoming specialist aviators is: “Study
                                                                                                 airports, I like reading
 with navigational and landing instruments     maths and science. Get good marks.              books, especially science
 came in handy.”                               Remain inquisitive. Be prepared to work
                                                                                              fiction or just chilling with

                                                                                                                              and Ditebogo Koenaite...
                                               hard, as professionalism in this industry is
 Mnguni says that besides having to be a
 technically minded person, the ability to
                                               non-negotiable; and you will eventually
                                               reap the rewards.”. 
                                                                                                      my buddies.             We as the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA), and custodian of civil aviation safety and
                                                                                                                              security in this country, are excited to meet these future Captains because we know that the world

                                                                                               Which soccer team do           is facing a shortage of expert aviation skills. We also know that South Africa needs to produce
                                                                                                                              6,200 pilots and 200 aircraft engineers by the year 2021 in order to cater for the expansion of the
 ** This article first appeared in the Public Sector Manager
 magazine. Written by Kabelo Ledwaba, Senior Manager: Corporate
                                                                                                   you support?               aviation industry; which doubles every fifteen years. That is the reason why in 2015 the SACAA

                                                                                                                              ...your future Captains!
 Communications and Marketing (acting) at the SACAA.                                           I am a Kaizer Chiefs fan       spent over R3 million on the training of 27 young and aspiring aviators.

                                                                                                through and through.

                                                                                                 If you were not in
                                                                                               aviation what would
                                                                                                    you be doing?
                                                                                                 When I was younger
                                                                                                    I wanted to be a
                                                                                              mechanical engineer but
                                                                                              I was put off by the hard       We as the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA), and custodian of civil aviation safety and
                                                                                               labour that sometimes
                                                                                                 comes with it. I can’t       security in this country, are excited to meet these future Captains because we know that the world
                                                                                                imagine myself doing
                                                                                                anything else outside
                                                                                                                              is facing a shortage of expert aviation skills. We also know that South Africa needs to produce
                                                                                                                              So, some day in the future Zandile Ndlela and Ditebogo Koenaite or
                                                                                                of aviation. Cliché as it     6,200 pilots and 200 aircraft engineers by the year 2021 in order to cater for the expansion of the
                                                                                              may sound, I love my job.       their peers will be welcoming you on-board, courtesy of the SACAA.
                                                                                              Aviation is addictive and       aviation industry; which doubles every fifteen years. That is the reason why in 2015 the SACAA
                                                                                              jet fuel runs in my veins.      spent over R3 million on the training of 27 young and aspiring aviators.
                                                                                                                              So, some day in the future Zandile Ndlela and Ditebogo Koenaite or    Keeping you safe in the sky
                                                                                                                              their peers will be welcoming you on-board, courtesy of the SACAA.

                                                                                                                                                                             Keeping you safe in the sky
                                                                                                                              Anonymous Tip-offs Hotline: 0800 997 263
                                                                                                                              Anonymous Tip-offs Hotline: 0800 997 263

Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
                                                             ready. A short briefing with the spa staff is   What particular skills or talents                For entry into public higher education
                                                             not uncommon allowing me to “paint a            are essential to be effective in                 providers, it is generally required for
                                                             picture” of the day. I liaise with staff and    your job?                                        applicants to have mathemathics, life
                                                             clients all day long and ensure the smooth      Passion for people, friendly,                    science and physical science and an APS of
                                                             running of the establishment. As a              compassionate. These really do sum up            25 and above. Each institution has their

                                                             manager, I am also required to address          what a Somatologist must be like. Patient        specific requirements so it is advisable to
                                                             small and big issues of distress and            and accommodating can also be included.          check on-line.
                                                             unhappiness if these occur. Ensuring the
                                                             books and numbers are balanced and that         What advice would you offer                      What sorts of changes are
                                                             the shelves are stocked at the end of each      learners who are interested in                   occurring in your occupation?
                                                             day is also part of my responsibilities.        pursuing this career path?                       Over and above what is included in Q13,
                                                                                                             Being a Somatologist is a vocation i.e. It’s a   there is still an ongoing problem with
                                                             What part of this job do you                    calling. Not everybody has the aptitude to       underqualified and undertrained people
                                                             personally find most satisfying?                be able to work in a fast paced, high            who believe they are Somatologists but
                                                             It is most rewarding to deal with happy         energy people-orientated environment.            are actually beauticians. Somatologists, in
                                                             clients and satisfied staff each day. Being     Ensure you know exactly what a                   the true sense, are highly qualified and
                                                             in an environment that promotes health          Somatologist does before considering this        multi-skilled.
 What factors influenced you to                              and wellness is extremely satisfying too.       career path. Go and shadow at a skincare
 choose this career path?                                    With the industry not being stagnant by         salon and at a spa for a few days – this will    Who would you say has been the
 I wanted to make a difference in the lives                  nature, the advances and changes in             also give you a good insight into this           most help in your career? How
 of others. I am very much a people’s                        products, treatments and therapies are          profession.                                      did they help you?
 person and enjoy working with different                     also very exciting. It doesn’t get                                                               My university taught me professionalism
 clients as well as with my colleagues on a                  monotonous and boring.                          What are the skills that are most                and it has made me stand out of any
 daily basis.                                                                                                important for a position in this                 therapists and colleagues. It is best to
                                                             What has been the greatest                      field?                                           attend the higher education provider who
 What kind of education, training,                           challenge you have faced in your                Passion for people, good customer skills,        provides the best education. Do your
 or background does your job                                 career to date?                                 good energy, love for helping.                   research and don’t settle for second best.
 require?                                                    learning to manage the different kinds of
 I received a National Diploma in                            personalities. It can be tricky dealing with    What is the future of the field in               How can I evaluate whether or
 Somatology, this helped me advance faster                   difficult clients and therapists who are        terms of new and expanding                       not I have the necessary skills for
 than the colleges that offer beauty. Being                  possibly stubborn and inflexible. Some          opportunities?                                   a position such as yours?
 a Somatologist requires somebody who is                     clients are very demanding and also have        With advanced technology of Somatology           Ensure you have the correct subjects first.
 passionate about the service industry,                      unrealistic expectations but, with kind         related electrical equipment, the advances       Go and job shadow at both a skincare
 loves working with people, has lots of                      words and friendly attitude, it becomes         in cosmetic science and medical                  salon and a spa – don’t just spend a few
 energy and determination and who is not                     easier to ensure everybody ends up on the       aesthetics, the sky is the limit.                minutes at each – ask if you can observe
 afraid of change. The advances in                           same page and is happy.                                                                          some of the treatments. It is also worth
 Somatology occur at such a rapid pace                                                                        What are the most important                     spending time in reception because that is
 that change is inevitable.                                  What kinds of accomplishments                    personal satisfactions and                      often where the selling of the products
                                                             tend to be valued and rewarded                   dissatisfactions connected                      takes place. Reflect on yourself honestly
 What do you do? What are the                                in this field?                                   with your career?                               and clarify if you are really a people’s
 duties/functions/responsibilities                           A qualification from an accredited Higher        When you change the way people feel.            person, somebody who is high in energy
 of your job?                                                Education provider, ongoing self-                It is wonderful to improve the mood             and passionate about performing
 I deal with a lot of clients daily and                      improvement (products and treatments),           and general sense of well-being of your         treatments all day long. Also, ask yourself
 customer service is one of my main job                      selling skills and compliments from clients      client within the space of a treatment.         if you would feel comfortable wearing a

 descriptions. I have to make sure that my                   and colleagues.                                  People like to feel pampered and a lot          uniform and having to meet treatment
 spa is busy and that we maintain budgets.                                                                    of clients attend the spa for “me-time”.        and sales targets.
 Somatologists are multi-skilled                             What are the major                               It is important to respect the clients
 professionals who are able to execute                       qualifications for success in this               time in the spa and to ensure the time          Can you suggest some ways a
 treatments ranging from basic depilation                    occupation?                                      spent with you is valuable.                     learner could obtain this

 (waxing), manicures and pedicures to                        National diploma and love and passion for        Somatologists work long hours and               necessary experience?
 advance anti-ageing and slimming                            your job                                         spend a lot of time on their feet. They         A qualified Somatologist needs to have
 treatments with machines i.e.                                                                                are also required to work public                obtained their qualification at a registered
 microdermabrasion, collagen rejuvenation,                   What is your job description?                    holidays and weekends. Depending on             Higher Education Provider. They will learn
 Velasmooth and Photizo LED light therapy.                   Performing a wide range of spa-related           their employer, they may need to reach          all the required theory and practical skills
 They are also able to do complementary                      treatments – hot stone massage, full body        treatment and/or retail targets before          during their studies and will also be
 treatments like aromatherapy and                            massage (aromatherapy and Swedish), spa          they make commission – this can be              required to work while studying. This will

 reflexology.                                                facials, spa manicures and pedicures,            stressful especially when the spa/salon         allow them to fully understand what it is
                                                             depilatory treatments (waxing), manage           is quiet.                                       like to work on paying customers.
 What is a typical day like for you?                         staff, maintain budgets, promote spa, meet
 A typical day requires me to be at the spa                  corporate clients. Receptionist, problem        What educational preparation                     What exactly does the word
 before opening time ensuring all the                        solver, create incentives, make sure            would you recommend for                          ‘success’ mean to you?
 working spaces are prepared and that all                    revenue balances to hotel, stock take,          someone who wants to advance                     Having achieved everything I intended
 the spa equipment is switched on and                        stock ordering                                  in this field?                                   too. 

16    I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                                                                    I SET C AREERS SA            17
Careers sa - getting you set for the future - Shikinah Media
Fi ne Art i s one of the
                            hardest careers and yet one
                           of the most rewardi ng careers
                            as well. It holds no guarantee
                           about tomorrow whi ch i s a great
                                 reward for success.
                                                               QA                 &

                                                               What factors influenced you to
                                                               choose this career path?
                                                               Growing up with the interest of expressing
                                                               myself with drawing has been a great
                                                               factor, naturally taking me into Fine Art. It
                                                               was an escape from where I was born and
                                                               raised in a future only I could imagine.

                                                               What kind of education, training,
                                                               or background does your career
                                                               I have a BTech in Fine Art and two year
                                                               background in Design. This has enabled me
                                                               to strengthen my concepts and my style
                                                               with the awareness of the history of design
                                                               and fine art, enabling me to sort of predict
                                                               the future of my practice. My education has
                                                               also enabled me to be aware of the trends in
                                                               the industry. However I also have had a
                                                               background in developing products and
                                                               trying to market them - my art has been the
                                                               most successful and consistent product.

                                                               What do you do? What are the
                                                               I draw, paint, blog about my projects and

              B a ne l e
                                                               the currency of the industry. I also lecture.
                                                               I started BKhz, my personal brand and I
                                                               know that brands are in a constant flux
                                                               and that is how I have been able to keep
                                                               my audience captivated.

                                                               What is a typical day like for
                                                               I wake up and the first thing I check are my

      Visual Artist
                                                               social platforms where I upload my work
                                                               and read on what people have shared,
                                                               followed by answering new emails, head
                                                               to the gym and then it’s food and making
                                                               art most of the day with an interruption of
                                                               a series and new emails.

18   I SET C AREERS SA                                                      I SET C AREERS SA              19
 What part of this career do you                 Being professional first of all like all      international buyers, as their currency is
 personally find most satisfying?                careers, getting back to your emails on       much stronger and our Art prices still
 The hours, my days are all in my control, I     time and being punctual for meetings that     seem affordable in relation to their stable.
 am able to be at the gym or at the mall         grow your relationship with your clients as   Artists are also becoming more self-

 during the day while everyone is at work.       well as working hard and producing work       governing as there are social media
 Then at 3 a.m. like right now, I am working.    every day that helps grow the market.         platforms where they can expose their
 The idea of a week ending doesn’t exist.                                                      work, and reaching an international
 It’s a weekend every day but also a work        What advice would you offer                   audience that breaks the notion of
 day, every day.                                 learners who are interested in                “struggling artists”.
                                                 pursuing this career path?
 What has been the greatest                      Fine Art is one of the hardest careers and    Who would you say has been the
 challenge you have faced in your                yet one of the most rewarding careers as      most help in your career? How
 career to date?                                 well. It holds no guarantee about             did they help you?
 Time management, I am very much                 tomorrow which is a great reward for          My parents, they have funded my basic
 involved with my art making, it is all I do     working harder. If you can work hard and      needs and offered me the luxury to
 and the only thing that seems to matter to      take it as seriously as if you are a heart    focus on my interests and to chase my                       What factors influenced you
 me which challenges my healthy                  surgeon then success will easily follow.      dreams. Now I work with three major                         to choose this career path?
 relationships with family and friends.                                                        galleries in Pretoria, Johannesburg and                     I have always been very practical with
                                                 What is the future of the field in            Cape Town.                                                  my hands and I love to draw or paint. I
 What kinds of accomplishments                   terms of new and expanding                                                                                love crafting and being creative. I
 tend to be valued and rewarded                  opportunities?                                How can I evaluate whether or                               knew if I could work with my hands,
 in this field?                                  The market is more inclusive, there is        not I have the necessary skills for                         and create something new from
 Being involved in a number of                   the Museum of African contemporary            a position such as yours?                                   nothing, my life would be very
 exhibitions that hold value to the work         Art that will be opening in Cape Town         If you are familiar with hard work and                      fulfilling to me as an inventive person.
 you are producing and being part of             soon. It will make South Africa the           focus then you are already ahead. Then
 competitions and winning an award if            center of the spectacle in regards to         it’s being aware of what is happening                       What kind of education,
                                                                                               around you.                                                 training, or background does
                                                                                                                                                           your career require?
                                                                                               Can you suggest some ways a                                 I have a National Diploma in Jewellery
          I have a B T e c h i n F i n e Art an d a                                            learner could obtain this                                   Design and Manufacturing and I
          t w o - y e a r b a c k g r o u n d in Desig n                                       necessary experience?                                       furthered my studies by acquiring my
         t hi s ha s e n a b le d t o stren g th en                                            One could enrol in the internships                          B-Tech in Jewellery Design and
                                                                                               available in the career and also work for an                Manufacturing at the Tshwane
          m y co n c e pt s a n d m y sty l e with                                             artist that one admires- that could be a                    University of Technology. Other
        t he awa r e n e s s of t h e h isto ry o f                                            good indication of what one should and                      universities also have this course. You
        d e s i gn a n d fi n e a r t, e n abl in g me                                         should not be doing to get to their point                   can also do an Apprenticeship or
                                                                                               of focus.                                                   apply for training from certain
        t o s o r t o f pr e d i c t t h e fu tu re o f                                                                                                    jewellery companies.
                                 m y pr a c ti c e .                                           What exactly does the word
                                                                                               ‘success’ mean to you?
                                                                                               Success for me is being able to follow up

                                                                                               and achieve my goals. At 21, I have been
 possible. Lastly, if collectors take a liking   sourcing and watching out for                 able to accomplish my goals set for 25.
 of your artwork then you are most likely        Contemporary Art.                             Currently, I’m tackling a new set of goals
 to be showcased every month in                                                                that I feel are reserved for my 30's with
 different spaces.                                What educational preparation                 hard work and focus I potentially could

                                                  would you recommend for                      surprise myself. 
 What are the major                               someone who wants to
 qualifications for success in this               advance in this field?
 occupation?                                      Visiting museums and cultural spaces
  There are artists that are self-taught and      is a good start- it enables one to have
 are doing incredibly well and there are          a library in their minds of what has

 artists who come out of the educational          happened and what ideas people
 system, whom all launch differently.             have dealt with, followed by enrolling
 There is no definite in Fine Art, as             in an institution that gives training,
 anything could be art which is                   after that it’s a matter of committing
 paralyzing if one doesn’t know where to          every day to their craft- by putting in
 stand.                                           the hours of hard work.

 What particular skills or talents               What sorts of changes are
 are essential to be effective in                occurring in your occupation?
 your career?                                    The market is becoming reliant to

20    I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                                                               I SET C AREERS SA               21
What do you do? What are the                    continually during your studies to               What sorts of changes are

                                                                                                                                                                              Faculty of the Arts
 duties/functions/                               guarantee success in the occupation of           occurring in your occupation?
 responsibilities?                               Jewellery design and manufacturing.              The development of new technologies,
 I design and manufacture jewellery pieces                                                        such as the 3D printer, can bring many
 from scratch. This can be from my own            What particular skills or                       ambitious jewellery ideas to life.
 inspiration or for a client. I always make       talents are essential to be
 sure that my pieces are functional and
                                                  effective in your career?
                                                  Being creative, inventive, practical
                                                  thinking, practical with your hands,
                                                                                                  Who would you say has been the
                                                                                                  most help in your career? How
                                                                                                  did they help you?
                                                                                                                                                 Don't regret, don't delay, APPLY NOW for 2017!
 What is a typical day like for
                                                  problem-solving and disciplined. The
                                                  jewellery piece you are making might
                                                                                                  For me, my lecturers has also been the
                                                                                                  biggest inspiration to me and my career as      Apply online before 31 July.
 I can start a day by designing concepts for      be delicate, but the steps to produce it        a jeweller. The passion they have for their
 a jewellery piece I wish to create. These        will be tough and tricky, your hands            craft has always driven me to improve my
 designs can be finalized by technical            will pay the toll of the hard work you          own skills. Their endless urge to promote
 drawings and a colour drawing. I can then        do, so don’t be too sensitive!                  the longevity of this craft through the
 start by preparing my metals for this                                                            passing on of techniques establishes the
 designed piece which can include stages         What advice would you offer                      importance of an art form in new students.
 such as melting, casting, rolling, sawing,      learners who are interested in                   This urge has also become ingrained in me
 filling and polishing. This is just to name a   pursuing this career path?                       as a practical lecturing assistant.
 few as to the wide and complicated steps        Be dedicated and passionate about your
 and techniques that can be involved in          art. Being a jeweler is a practiced skill that   How can I evaluate whether or
 manufacturing wearable art pieces.              will take a time to develop and master.          not I have the necessary skills for
                                                 Remember also that there are many skill          a position such as yours?
 What part of this career do you                 sets learned through the course, and there       If you love being practical, enjoy drawing,
 personally find most satisfying?                isn’t just one path to follow in this career,    crafting and just being creative in general,
 When a jewellery piece that was a product       stay open minded about your future.              then you have the right characteristics to
 of your passion is worn proudly by                                                               develop the required skills to become a
 another. Nothing can describe the feeling       What is the future of the field in               jeweller. There are no limits in displaying
 of seeing your own pieces being worn.           terms of new and expanding                       your creativity through jewellery designing
                                                 opportunities?                                   and manufacturing.
 What has been the greatest                      There is limitless expansion in this field, as
 challenge you have faced in your                it is a field intertwined with the arts.         Can you suggest some ways a
 career to date?                                 Jewellery has recently become recognised         learner could obtain this
 Competing in competitions are always a          again as an art form, the pieces being           necessary experience?
 challenge as this can test your skills as an    viewed once again as wearable art which           There is an aptitude test at the Tshwane
 artist and a jeweller. The other challenge      in turn, heightens the demand for skillful       University of Technology to see if you can
 was getting my work out there and               jewellers.                                       apply for the course. Other than that,
 noticed. It’s always a great feeling when                                                        talking to any other jeweller can also be
 you get recognition and acclaim for your        What educational preparation                     beneficial to learning about this career
 work as an artist.                              would you recommend for                          field. And always be open-minded, you
                                                 someone who wants to advance                     never know where you can draw new
 What kinds of accomplishments                   in this field?                                   inspiration for your creativity.
 tend to be valued and rewarded                  A matric certificate as part of your high
 in this field?                                  school preparation would suffice. I found        What exactly does the word
 Winning awards in recognized art                that having Technical Drawing and Visual         ‘success’ mean to you?
 competitions and exhibiting your work at        arts as subjects in high school were             To me, success is to see your artwork being
 art galleries. Another type of                  beneficial to have some sort of                  appreciated by other successful jewellers,
 accomplishment that is valued in the field      background and understanding of the              or even just by fellow artists whom you
 of jewellery is the mastering of a particular   field, but it is not a requirement.              admire. 
 technique or development, or invention,
 of new contemporary techniques that
 become internationally recognised.

 What are the major
 qualifications for success in this
 Any tertiary qualification in the jewellery
 field will get you far, but that which
 guarantees success in this creative field                                                                                                                             
 differs from individual to individual. Hard-
 work, dedication and passion are qualities
 that should be cultivated and re-evaluated

                                                                                                                                                                           012 382 5533/086 110 2421
22    I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                                                                               I SET C AREERS SA   03

                                                                                    doing mathematics all day while others
 Soon you will be                                                                   appreciate it more for its applications -
 making one of the most                                                             there are employment opportunities for
 important choices of                                                               us all.

 your life – the choice                                                             So what can you do with a degree in
 of a career. In this                                                               mathematics? Nearly everything! Even if
 article, we look at the                                                            you do not choose a career in the
                                                                                    mathematical sciences, studying
 importance of                                                                      mathematics broadens your career options
 mathematics and give                                                               and provides you with an excellent
 you a taste of the                                                                 foundation for working in all areas of
                                                                                    science and engineering, including the
 career opportunities                                                               following:

                                                                                       Mathemati ci ans                         • Finance: Mathematics is widely used in
 Why is mathematics                                                                     make a lasti ng                           the financial field. It is used to build
 important?                                                                                                                       models to explain and predict the
 As a learner, one should understand and                                               contri buti on to                          behaviour of financial markets. Actuaries
 appreciate mathematics rather than simply                                          soci ety by helpi ng                          assemble and analyse statistics to
 dipping into a toolbox of techniques to                                            to solve problems                             calculate probabilities of death, injury,
 solve a problem. Let’s define Mathematics                                                                                        unemployment and retirement.
 – it comes from Latin, mathematica, and                                              i n di verse fi elds
 Greek, mathematike tekhne meaning                                                   such as medi ci ne,                        • Computer Science: It is the study of
 “mathematical science” and “relating to                                                     economi cs,                          theoretical foundations of information
 mathematics, scientific, astronomical;                                                                                           and computation and their application
 disposed to learn”. To put it simply;                                                fi nance, bi ology,                         on computer systems.
 Mathematics is ‘the use of numbers and                                                       computer
 symbols, their meaning and how they                                                  sci ence, physi cs,                       • Academic/teaching mathematics: A
 relate to each other’.                                                                                                           university professor teaches and
                                                                                           psychology,                            researches new developments in
 Mathematics teaches us to think                                                       engi neeri ng and                          mathematics while school teachers
 analytically and logically – an essential skill                                       soci al sci ences,                         introduce primary and secondary
 for any employee. It is a fundamental part                                                                                       learners to the beauty and power of
 of our everyday lives – from working out                                                 even poli ti cs.                        mathematics.
 how many days until a holiday to                                                            Analyti cal                        Programmes preparing you for the above
 calculating the number of bricks needed                                            thi nki ng ski lls are                        fields are available at most South African
 to build a house. One needs to be                                                                                                Universities. Entrance requirements at
 mathematically literate to be able to                                                hi ghly demanded                            universities differ, but in most cases one
 survive today.                                                                          by employers.                            requires, at least, a 60% pass in grade 12

                                                                                                                                  mathematics. 
 What can I study using
 mathematics, and
 where?                                                                             This article was written by the             are encouraged to participate in

 Mathematics is one of the most
                                                                                    South African Mathematics                   the South African Mathematics
 fascinating intellectual disciplines; it is an                                     Foundation                                  Challenge for grades 4 to 7 and
 art form as well as a challenging game.                                            The South African Mathematics               the South African Mathematics
 The study of mathematics is not only                                               Foundation (SAMF) is registered             Olympiad for grades 8 to 12.
 exciting but also important.                                                       as a non-profit company aiming              For more information on these
 Mathematicians make a lasting                                                      to advance the mathematics                  programmes contact the SAMF
 contribution to society by helping to solve                                        development and education                   office on (012) 392 9372 or
                                                                                    of South African children and               e-mail

 problems in diverse fields such as
 medicine, economics, finance, biology,                                             young people through im-
 computer science, physics, psychology,                                             proved quality teaching and                 Issued by the South African
 engineering and social sciences, even
                                                                                    public awareness activities. The            Mathematics Foundation
                                                                                    company was founded in 2004                 Zanele Ncongolo
 politics. Analytical thinking skills are
                                                                                    by the Association for Math-                Media and Communications
 highly demanded by employers. Studying                                             ematics Education of South                  Officer
 mathematics develops the ability to work                                           Africa (AMESA) and the South                SAMF
 in a problem-solving environment. Some                                             African Mathematical Society                Tel: 012 392 9342
 of us love mathematics and want to be                                              (SAMS). Teachers and learners               Email:

24    I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                                      I SET C AREERS SA             25
                                                               What do you do? What are the                     Should have a passion for science.
                                                               of your job?                                     What is the future of the field in
                                                               I am responsible for the efficient running       terms of new and expanding

                                                               of the Molecular research lab. My duties         opportunities?
                                                               include ordering reagents and instruments        Advanced technology which is making it
                                                               etc. for research projects. I assist BTech and   easier to generate quick project outcomes
                                                               MTech students in their research projects.       and, in turn, help bring up solutions to
                                                                                                                problems faced by communities.
                                                               What is a typical day like for
                                                               you?                                             What educational preparation
                                                               A normal day involves getting quotations         would you recommend for
                                                               and making orders as well as running             someone who wants to advance
                                                               experiments in the lab.                          in this field?
                                                                                                                BSc/ BTech in Biotechnology, MSc/MTech
                                                               What part of this job do you                     in Biotechnology or related field
                                                               personally find most satisfying?
                                                               Working with students on different               What sorts of changes are
                                                               projects and seeing the confidence and           occurring in your occupation?
                                                               understanding they have gained as they           There are advances in techniques as the
                                                               present their final projects.                    technology expands.

                                                                       I am responsi ble for th e e f f ic ie n t
                                                                  runni ng of the Molecula r re se a rc h
                                                                        lab. My duti es i nclude orde rin g
                                                                        reagents and i nstrume n t s e t c .
                                                                        for research project s. I a ssist
                                                                       BTech and MTech stude n t s in t h e ir
                                                                                      research proje c t s.

                                                               What has been the greatest                       Who would you say has been the
                                                               challenge you have faced in your                 most help in your career? How
                                                               career to date?                                  did they help you?
                                                               Having limited financial resources to run        Research mentors for the advice and
                                                               the lab efficiently.                             support through each milestone in my

                                                               What kinds of accomplishments
                                                               tend to be valued and rewarded                   How can I evaluate whether or
                                                               in this field?                                   not I have the necessary skills for
                                                               Academic progression through                     a position such as yours?

                                                               postgraduate qualification and research          You must have the basic computer skills,
                                                               publications                                     various molecular techniques,
                                                                                                                communication and presentation skills.
                                                               What are the major qualifications
 What factors influenced you to                                for success in this occupation?                  Can you suggest some ways a
 choose this career path?                                      Ph.D.                                            learner could obtain this
                                                                                                                necessary experience?

 I was very interested in science subjects at
 high school, but it was the combination of                    What particular skills or talents                Participate in internship programs and
 my interest in research along with advice                     are essential to be effective in                 Work integrated learning
 from my mentors that solidified my                            your job?
 decision.                                                     Writing and communication skills. As well        What exactly does the word
                                                               as being able to identify problems and           ‘success’ mean to you?

 What kind of education, training,                             come up with solutions.                          Having attained the highest qualification
 or background does your job                                                                                    in your career path and being able to
 require?                                                      What advice would you offer                      share the knowledge effectively for the
 Masters degree in Biotechnology or a                          learners who are interested in                   benefit of students and community at
 related field                                                 pursuing this career path?                       large. 

26    I SET C AREERS SA                                                                                                     I SET C AREERS SA               27
                Faculty of Applied and
                  Computer Sciences
                             “Sharing Science and Technology”

The Faculty offers the following undergraduate diplomas for qualified scholars:
                    National Diploma in Analytical Chemistry
                    National Diploma in Biomedical Technology
                    National Diploma in Biotechnology
                    National Diploma in Non-destructive Testing
                    National Diploma in Information Technology
                                                                                                                       What factors influenced you to
                                                                                                                       choose this career path?
                                       Our Vision:                                                                     Hope for a stronger and healthier African
A Faculty that leads in teaching innovative applied research and technology application.                               continent was my greatest motivator.
                                                                                                                       When asking the critical questions why,
                                                                                                                       how, when - I was fortunate to be in the
We offer BTech and Postgraduate degrees in:                                                                            company of the right people. At the age of
                                                                                                                       16, I was fascinated by the potential of
                   Chemistry                                                                                           genetic engineering. I had a diabetic
                   Biomedical Technology                                                                               grandparent that needed insulin which
                   Biotechnology                                                                                       was quite costly. Through reading I learned
                                                                                                                       that one could actually use germs
                   Information Technology                                                                              (bacteria) to make insulin. This fascinated
                                                                                                                       me as we had always been told that germs
                                                                                                                       were bad. Now we are trying to use them
                                                                                                                       to make life-saving interventions. An older
                                                                                                                       friend and researcher informed me that
                                                                                                                       Africa was short of molecular biologists. It
                                                                                                                       was then that I realized my ambition.

                                                                                                                       What kind of education, training,
                                                                                                                       or background does your job
                                                                                                                       One requires more than the usual degree
                                                                                                                       of curiosity as well as a passion for reading.
                                                                                                                       In addition, you need science related high
                                                                                                                       school subjects. Thereafter you require a

                                                                                                    rne l i u s
                                                                                                                       Bachelors, Honors, Masters and Doctorate

           For more information on all the diplomas and degrees:

                                                                                           Dr . C
                                                                                                                       degree in a Biological Sciences or Life
                  Tel: (016) 950 9249: Fax (016) 950 9793                                                              Sciences related course. Besides education
                   Email address:

                                                                                                           a k a l u
                                                                                                                       one needs to have a keen eye and a

                                                                                           Cano S    sem
                          Website:                                                                       passion for solving problems. It is also
                          Call center: 0861 861 888

                                                                                           Senior Lecturer
                               Vaal University of Technology
                                               Your world to a better future
                                                                                           and Researcher
                                                                                                                                    I SET C AREERS SA             29
important to volunteer at institutions and       expressed in the writing of scientific         What sorts of changes are
 centers of scientific research. This way you     reports, the filing of patents and             occurring in your occupation?
 may have access to mentors like me.              community engagement. If you discover          For some time now most people have
                                                  something as small as how a virus infects a    relied on expensive synthetic drugs.
 What do you do? What are the                     cell or something as big as the cure for HIV   However, traditional healers are using
 duties/functions/responsibilities                you will be greatly rewarded.                  plant remedies to treat similar ailments. At
 of your job?                                                                                    the moment, there is a great movement

                                                                                                                                                   Dr Malebo Tibane
 I am a senior lecturer at the Vaal University    What are the major                             towards the testing and validation of
 of Technology - I teach the young African        qualifications for success in this             claims made by traditional healers
 generation. As a teacher, my core duty is        occupation?                                    regarding the ability for herbal remedies
 to inspire my students and challenge them        Have an open mind and aim to achieve a         to heal various ailments.
 to make a difference in their own lives and      Doctorate degree within the Life Sciences
 that of their communities. I relate              field.                                         Who would you say has been the
 everything we learn to our personal or                                                          most help in your career? How

 social experiences. It is very rewarding         What particular skills or talents              did they help you?
 especially when an education happens. My         are essential to be effective in               I received invaluable help from my mentors,
 other duty is research. I am a biological        your job?                                      Prof. Alison Elliot and Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu
 scientist and I conduct many experiments.        You need to be inquisitive, have a keen        who accommodated me in their research
 My core research area is in bio-tissue           eye, be knowledgeable, be a critical           facilities even before I started university. At
 regeneration and immunology. I am                thinker and very solution-oriented.            the medical research council facility in

 investigating the potential of natural                                                          Uganda, I was exposed to brilliant African
 sunlight to clean water as well as boost         What advice would you offer                    and international researchers. After my
 our immunity. I am also investigating the        learners who are interested in                 bachelor’s degree, I meet Prof. Michael Pillay
 potential for plant-based remedies to heal       pursuing this career path?                     who advised me about academic matters
 wounds as well as stop cancer. This kind of      The African continent needs more               and helped me develop professional and

 work although challenging is very                scientists. There are many opportunities to    personal etiquette. Mentors play a vital role
 interesting and rewarding especially when        make a difference in your own life and the     in personal development.
 our communities benefit.                         lives of those living in your community.
                                                  Remain inquisitive and always strive to find   How can I evaluate whether or                                What factors influenced you to
 What is a typical day like for you?              a solution.                                    not I have the necessary skills for                          choose this career path?
 I spend most of my days in a laboratory                                                         a position such as yours?                                    I was influenced by several factors
 looking for answers to complex questions          What is the future of the field               Are you passionate about science? Do you                     including my parents who encouraged my
 using highly sophisticated equipment              in terms of new and                           go out of your way to test or observe that                   curiosity - at the age of nine my father
 such as DNA amplifying machines,                  expanding opportunities?                      which you are taught in science class? Do                    advised me to study Physics when I grew
 fluorescent microscopes, and flow                 There is a bright future in cell biology      you take the time to read about new                          up. I agreed, but I didn’t know the
 cytometers. Part of my day is dedicated to        research. For instance, tissue                discoveries and imagine how these ideas                      meaning of Physics at that stage. A
 teaching and mentoring young scientists           engineering right now has the potential       could change lives? Are you patient and                      combination of my curiosity, teachers, my
 with potential.                                   to provide new body parts such as ears,       persistent? Do you have a biological                         brilliant friend at university and Professors
                                                   teeth, lungs, and hearts. In Africa, there    scientist for a mentor? If you answered yes                  helped me understand Physics better, and
 What part of this job do you                      are very few bio-tissue engineers and         to most of these questions then you were                     paved my career path. God has always
 personally find most satisfying?                  bio-tissue engineering centers. More          born to be a scientist.                                      been my greatest influence.
 The most satisfying part is achieving             researchers are needed to make this a
 results from my experiments that inspire          reality. Besides tissue engineering,          Can you suggest some ways a                                  What kind of education, training,
 me further. It’s like a roller coaster ride of    many scientific research centers across       learner could obtain this                                    or background does your job
 questions, research, results, and                 the African continent are providing           necessary experience?                                        require?
 satisfaction – leading to even better             opportunities to exceptional young            Experience can only be obtained through                      B.Sc. (major in Physics), B.Sc. Honours,
 questions. You have to live it, to realize it.    researchers to help find solutions to         attempting that which you believe. Put                       Master of Science and doctorate or PhD in
                                                   infectious diseases. This is an               your life into perspective and then create a                 Physics.
 What has been the greatest                        opportunity to grow and establish a           plan for where you want to be. Find a
 challenge you have faced in your                  career as a cell biology researcher.          mentor and discuss your aspirations with                     What do you do? What are the
 career to date?                                                                                 them. They will advise you but only you                      duties/functions/responsibilities
 The greatest challenge I have faced has          What educational preparation                   can make the decision. Find work as an                       of your job?
 been incompetence and ignorance from             would you recommend for                        intern or volunteer during holidays. Stay in                 Teaching, research and community
 people in positions of influence. It is          someone who wants to advance                   school and make it a point to read                           engagement are my three main job
 important to have open-minded and                in this field?                                 something new. You will be amazed at the                     responsibilities. I teach undergraduate and
 competent personnel.                             One must study science-related subjects in     benefits of reading.                                         postgraduate students. I supervise Master’s
                                                  high school and pass them with                                                                              and Doctoral students. My research aims
 What kinds of accomplishments                    distinction. They would then have to study     What exactly does the word                                   to explore new properties of graphene
 tend to be valued and rewarded                   towards a Bachelors, Honors, Masters and       ‘success’ mean to you?                                       and minerals found in South Africa. The
 in this field?                                   Doctorate degree in a Biological Sciences      Success is achieving the goal that you                       research results enable us to recommend
 The creation of new knowledge - it is            or Life Sciences related course. Once you      planned for. However, this goal should                       the potential materials for aerospace,
 greatly valued and highly rewarded. In this      have a doctorate your career as a life or      have both personal and community                             biotechnology and energy-related
 field, the creation of new knowledge is          biological scientist will flourish.            attributes.                                                 applications.

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