Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU

Page created by Glenn Gallagher
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
Career Guide
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
your mark                                        Prof Robert Balfour
                                                 Welcome note

                                                 Welcome to the 2021 Career Guide!

Apply now                                        Career guidance really stems
                                                 from school, where you first made
                                                 the decision on different subject
                                                                                         remember that it’s an ongoing
                                                                                         developmental process; building
                                                                                         on existing knowledge and
for 2022/2023 SAICA,                             choices to study. The world of          acquiring new skills to meet

SAIPA and CIMA                                   work is changing rapidly and to
                                                 be responsive, the NWU aims to
                                                                                         changing workplace dynamics are
                                                                                         essential. Each student or graduate
training contract                                connect you with opportunities          has distinctive qualities, values and
                                                 as well as possibilities regarding      abilities that, in the end, contrib-
                                                 employment. We hope you will find       ute to a more diverse, inclusive
                                                 the guide useful in preparation for     working environment to the
Submit your CV to                   readiness to make future career         benefit of both the institution and
or visit                   choices, thinking about the career      community at large.
                                                 that is right and best for you.
                                                 Whether you are starting with your      During your lifetime, you will
                                                 university course or are already a      probably work for different
                                                 graduate, consideration of life after   employers or even be the
                                                 graduation is important. There are      employer. You may also follow a
JOIN THE                                         many exciting opportunities with        number of different careers and
                                                 careers changing and developing         could work in various parts of the
TALENT                                           continually as our world confronts      world. Take in what motivates and
                                                 new challenges and knowledge            is interesting to you; you must also
                                                 continues to develop at an increas-     know your potential and passion,
We are a solutions-driven team of
                                                 ing pace.                               as you are setting the path that will
professionals, providing service excellence to
                                                                                         ultimately guide your future career.
our valued clients. With a strong work ethic
                                                 It is important for the NWU
and a positive “can do” attitude, we build
                                                 to engage with students and             This Career Guide aims to create
long-term, mutually beneficial relationships,
                                                 graduates on employability and          opportunity awareness and
constantly raising the bar.
                                                 being prepared for workplace            introduces you to a variety of
                                                 demands. Whatever career you            employers in your field of study
                                                 choose at this point in your life,      who are looking for open-minded,

ii      CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                              CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022               i
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
     well-qualified people like you,         ability services and resources to
     aiming to help you find out more        facilitate the transition of the NWU
     about them in discovering the level     students in finding career- and or
     of training required in your field of   job-related opportunities. As with          Prof Robert Balfour Welcome note                                      i
     work. They are interested in your       all things new, the Career Centre           Introduction to the Career Guide 2021/2022                            iv
     knowledge and skills, but also in       office has had concerns pertaining          Unit for Open Distance Learning                                       4
     the unique contribution that you        to walk-in services and students            Student Counselling & Development Mafikeng Campus                     8
     can make in helping companies to        gathering for the Centre’s events.          Student Counselling & Development Vaal Triangle Campus                9
     be great places to work at.                                                         Student Counselling & Development Potchefstroom Campus                12
                                             The office has found a new way of
                                                                                         NWU Alumni Gallery                                                    17
     I hope the Career Guide will help       connecting with you on the eFundi
                                                                                         Future World of Work
     you to start exploring possible         site, Career Centre webpage,
                                                                                         Making Business Opportunities Happen                                  43
     careers and choosing one that is        Simplicity Career Centre Service
     best for you to help you achieve        Management portal, and a new                How to Budget for Start-Up Success                                    49
     your full potential. Throughout         online event platform that will host        Introducing Yourself: The Cover Letter                                53
     COVID19, dedicated Career Centre        the NWU virtual career fairs.               Your Curriculum Vitae: The Ultimate Marketing Tool                    56
     staff members are there to assist                                                   Curriculum Vitae: Example                                             59
     you; they have embraced a new                                                       Curriculum vitae: Checklist                                           62
     way of connecting with you and          Prof Robert. J Balfour                      The Fourth Industrial Revolution                                      65
     offer a wider range of employ-          Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching-Learning   What Do Employers Want?                                               74
                                                                                         Qualities of Remarkable Employees                                     76
                                                                                         Most Sought-After Skills, Competences and Traits                      78
                                                                                         Things I wish someone had told me in my first year at university!     79
                                                                                         Attending the Virtual Career Fair                                     81
                                                                                         Application Tips                                                      85
                                                                                         The Job Search is Just Like Dating:                                   88
                                                                                         What Makes You Competent?                                             91
                                                                                         Steps to Informational Interviews                                     94
                                                                                         Sample Questions: Informational Interviews                            96
                                                                                         What is an Informational Interview Anyway?                            97
                                                                                         Interview Tips in a Nutshell                                          102
                                                                                         Tisp for Getting Hired After Varsity                                  104
                                                                                         Company Listings                                                      108
                                                                                         The Unit for Continuing Education                                     112

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Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
Introduction to the
                     Career Guide

     Manager’s Introduction
     The NWU Career Centre team is proud to share with you the 13th publi-              part of standardising our process, our offerings are spread across all NWU
     cation of the NWU Career Guide! This is our continued effort to bring you          campuses to be accessed by all NWU students. You are also welcome to like
     closer to the realities of the industry and the graduate talent. The informa-      our Facebook page in order to gain access to many other opportunities and
     tion shared in this guide is useful to assist you with planning your profes-       career information that can be of assistance to you. Equally, employers can
     sional career as a student. For the employers, the publication promotes            access us via our Employer Engagement Consultant, Mr. Hloni Putsoane,
     your brand positioning and ensures that you gain access to a wider pool of         who will gladly introduce you to many other avenues that can assist you in
     potential employees.                                                               connecting with your future graduate talent pipeline.

     As a result of the Covid19 health crisis and the changes that have been            Today we are living in times of change. There has never been any time
     brought about by this epidemic, it is important for students to know               like this, a time that requires us to unlearn, relearn and embrace a culture
     and understand industry practices and the kind of career opportunities             of lifelong learning and continued engagement with varying avenues of
     available during this time as well as in the future. Industry employers must       learning and development. This is the time that information, knowledge,
     also gain access to quality graduate talent that can thrive during these           career opportunities and branding become more important than ever
     changing times. In light of this, we hope that this publication will assist both   before to achieve success in business and in your individual career progres-
     employers and NWU graduate students to gain insight in some of the talent          sion.
     pipeline changes, and how best to remodel, reposition and compete, both
     as an employer and a potential employee.                                           This publication contributes to the branding of your company as an
                                                                                        employer and student graduates matching their talents with the right
     This is not the only resource offered by the department; there are many            opportunities. We therefore encourage students to read articles contained
     more that can be utilised by both employers and NWU students. We are               in this publication and inform themselves of any available opportunity. The
     active, inter alia, on our Facebook page; the Career Centre web page; online       employers have chosen the NWU publication to share their company infor-
     CV training on our eFundi page; Work Readiness seminars; the CareerZone            mation and contacts, including career and job opportunities. We hope that
     portal; and the annual virtual career fair. Please keep in touch with us,          this edition will take you closer to your opportunity as a graduate, an intern
     because we do not want you to be left behind in your journey to success.           or a fulltime employee. I am sure that the information contained in this pub-
     Our contact details are included in this publication, so please reach out to       lication will further assist you to advance your professional career path and
     any of our staff members, who will be ready to assist you at any time. As          shape your immediate society as well as the society at large.

iv       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                                      CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              1
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
I want to express my thanks to all who continue to make this publication
    possible. As a team, we remain committed to assist the NWU students and
    graduates in finding their next destination in their professional careers. To
    the employers, we see you as our partner in building the talent of the future
    that can assist you as an employer.

    I especially want to thank Ms Hope Abrahams, who is leading the coordi-
    nation efforts towards the publication of the Career Guide, and Ms Zarista
    Verster from Graphikos for the design and layout of the publication.

    On behalf of the NWU,
    we thank you,
    rea leboga,
    baie dankie!

    NWU Career Centre

    Thoriso Ezra Maseng                                                             advert
    Manager: NWU Career Centre

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Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
Unit for Open
    Distance Learning                                                                 students applying for these qualifications may be holding down full-time
                                                                                      careers as well.

                                                                                      I would therefore like to assure prospective postgraduate students that are
                                                                                      tenacious about furthering their studies, to consider one of the UODL's post-
                                                                                      graduate qualifications for not only an enriching experience, but a cost-ef-
                                                                                      fective one as well.
    Acting Director’s Message
                                                                                      A noted trend is that when our undergraduates continue to complete
    The Unit for Open Distance Learning (UODL) has recently launched its first
                                                                                      their postgraduate studies through distance education, they not only gain
    quarterly online newsletter. Knowing that people are our greatest assets, we
                                                                                      advanced knowledge and capabilities which is highly favoured but also
    dedicate our next issue to you. We celebrate Life, our people, the SRC, all our
                                                                                      increase their chances of securing employment and improving their earning
    stakeholders, our students, our challenges and our journey. Visit our website
    frequently - it will make for an interesting read!
                                                                                      Our team at the UODL live by our brand value which is being committed and
    A campaign has been launched in June 2021 which is aimed at attracting first
                                                                                      geared to focus on improving overall service and support to all stakeholders
    year students as well as students that have completed their undergraduate
                                                                                      and to inspire the nation through our students, instilling visions of hope and
    qualifications to further their studies at the UODL.
                                                                                      a deep set of values, to pave the way for a better future for all.
    Having been a student myself, I understand the various challenges that you
                                                                                      I look forward to welcoming you as a UODL student at the North-West Uni-
    may be faced with, the leading being concerned about making the right
    decisions when it comes to your studies which directly impacts your career
    path. The COVID-19 pandemic has not made this dilemma any easier as
    many students were forced to postpone their study plans.                          Dr Joany Fransman
                                                                                      Acting Director of UODL
    At UODL, we work hard to maintain our competitive advantage, strive to
    retain our students and we challenge ourselves in attaining service excel-
    lence for our current and prospective graduates. We have placed our
    students needs at the forefront of all that we do. UODL has numerous
    initiatives to keep our students engaged and satisfied. Testimonials from
    our students that have embarked on their postgraduate journey with UODL
    have been encouraging and heart-warming. We see so many students from
    previously disadvantaged backgrounds claiming their place in the world and
    fulfilling their purpose.

    The UODL at the North-West University is a worthwhile option to consider as
    you can continue studying from the comfort of your home and since lecture
    sessions are available online, you are assured of uninterrupted teaching and
    learning. If you are currently completing your undergraduate qualification or
    exploring different postgraduate qualifications, the UODL offers Postgradu-
    ate Diplomas in Education, Management and Law. These are well structured
    programmes, designed with the 'distance mode of delivery' in mind and that

4       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                                     CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              5
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
Campus Liaison Officers                                                    Lehlohonolo Putsoane
                                                                               Employer Engagement Consultant
                                                                               Building F25
    Mphinyana                Vacant                   Tshepiso Mothupi         018 285 2498
    Campus Liaison Officer   Campus Liaison Officer   Campus Liaison Officer
    Mafikeng Campus          Potchefstroom            Vaal Triangle Campus
    Building ADC             Campus                   Building 13, SL333       Office hours
    Office 139               Building F25             016 910 3345
                                                                               Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:30
    018 389 2935             018 299 4409             tshepiso.mothupi@
                                                                               (The office will be closed between 13:00 – 14:00).
                                                                               For more information visit our website:

    The team
    Thoriso Maseng                          Hope Abrahams
    Manager: Career Centre                  Information Officer
    Building F25                            Building F25
    018 299 2058                            018 299 2020      

    Dr Peet Roos                            Avis Erens
    Career Consultant                       Administrative Assistant
    Building F25                            Building F25
    018 299 2097                            018 299 2059           

6       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                          CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022   7
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
Student Counselling & Development                                                  Student Counselling & Development
     Mafikeng Campus                                                                    Vaal Triangle Campus

    Student Counselling & Development is the ultimate educational function.               What is Peer Helping?
    Real student development aims at producing graduates with quality. Student
    Counselling & Development is the means to an end. SCD offers support to               The CH@S peer helpers is a                       ground level with social, academic
    students at all levels.                                                               campus society under the guard-                  and psychological challenges that
                                                                                          ianship of SCD. These are students               they might experience. They will
                                               • Do you need study skills?                who were trained to render basic                 then make referrals to profession-
    The following                              • Are you limited by disabil-              support to their fellow students                 als on campus where need be.
    services are provided                        ity to access teaching and               and are represented across
                                                                                                                                           Peer helpers render on-going peer
                                                 learning?                                residences and courses at the
    • Supplemental Instruction (SI) – out      • Are you in first year and                NWU Vaal Campus. Their aim is to                 support throughout the year and
      of class peer tutoring                     struggling to read and com-              make sure students are helped on                 also assist with all projects of SCD.
    • Research Support                           prehend what you read?
    • Peer Mentoring                           • Do you have problems with
    • Reading Laboratory                         your academic writing?
    • Writing Centre                             (assignments / research)
    • Study Skills                             • Do you have problems with                Connecting Helpers and The Students
    • Disability Rights Unit (DRU):              computing?                               YOU, ME…ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!
      offering services to students with       • Do you have problems
      disability                                                                                      NWU Vaal Student Counselling and Development
                                                 with writing your research                 
    • Examination and Test taking                proposal?

      strategies                                                                                      Ch@s NWU VAAL
                                               • Do you sometimes feel frus-                
    • eFundi                                     trated with your studies and             For professional guidance and assistance with any personal problem or
                                                 wonder how other students                developmental area come to our offices and book an appointment.
    Enquiries:                                   made it to graduation?
                                                                                          Permanent Staff
    Academic Development Centre                • Do you need small peer
                                                                                          Manager: Mr George Temane
    (ADC) NWU, Mafikeng Campus                   support groups to improve                Industrial Psychologist: Zinhle Kunene
    Building A3 Block D                          your academic performance                Social Worker: Ms Maggie Matsaneng
    Tel: 018 389 2058                            in a module?                             Secretary: Babita Govender
    Fax: 018 389 2430                          If your answer to the above                Building 13, SL 331
    Email:                                     questions is “YES”, visit ADC              016 910 3195 / 		            in the Student Academic                         Development Section.

8       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                                                  CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022             9

     Academic Development Centre: Mafikeng Campus                                Student Counselling & Development: Vaal Triangle Campus
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
What can the Social Worker help you with?
     What is student counselling and development?                                 • Social Work Services
     Student Counselling and Development renders professional services to         • Meal-a-Day and
     students by professional members of staff qualified in psychology, coun-     • Family support
     selling, nursing, social work and psychometry. Our aim is reflected in our
     motto: “OPTIMIZING YOU!”                                                     What is THUSO?
                                                                                  Thuso is a 24hr Crisis Centre, which resides under SCD at the NWU Vaal
     What services do we offer?                                                   Campus. Staff members are responsible for the management of THUSO
     • Individual psychotherapy and counselling                                   Crisis Centre.
     • Life skills and personal development
     • Social Support Services, including HIV/Aids                                    Do you feel your life is not worthwhile?
     • Poverty alleviation programs
     • Psychometric assessments for both prospective and current students             Thuso’s Crisis Help Line:
     • Career guidance and counselling
     • Enhancing the “Student Life Experience“, adjustment to campus life, and        082-815-9781
       general development for first-time entrants
     • Support for students with disabilities
     • Thuso 24hrs Crisis Centre                                                  What is the Disability Rights Unit (DRU)?

     What services does the Career Counselling offer?                             The Disability Rights Unit in Student Counselling and Development plays
                                                                                  an advocacy and support role. All students with physical and psycho-logical
     •   Course related information
                                                                                  challenges are invited to come and talk to us. We offer disability related
     •   Career guidance
                                                                                  support and accessibility assistance to all implied students.
     •   Enhancing the “Final Year Experience“
     •   Psychometric assessments
                                                                                  What can the HIV Coordinator do for you?
     •   Course change counselling
                                                                                  •   HIV/AIDS counselling
                                                                                  •   Addressing stigma of HIV
                                                                                  •   Substance abuse awareness
                                                                                  •   Sexual, emotional, financial and physical abuse awareness
                                                                                  •   LGBTIA+ and gender base violence
                                                                                  •   Male and female empowerment

10         CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                              CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022           11
Career Guide 2021/2022 - NWU
Student Counselling & Development
                                                                                  booking and predetermined testing       • Neuro-Cognitive Disorder.
      Potchefstroom Campus                                                        dates (selection tests). If you are
                                                                                  unsure about your career-path,
                                                                                                                          • Other: Specify____________.
                                                                                                                          Contact the DRU for more infor-
                                                                                  you can book an appointment on          mation: 018 299 4431.
                                                                                  eFundi or call us at 018 299 2893.
     Student counselling and               Services are offered in
     development (SCD)                     two (2) buildings:                     • Assessment for Course and             1.4 Psychotherapeutic
     Do you experience                                                              Career Guidance and Changes               and Counselling Services
     • emotional or personal problems      1. Student Counselling and               (for NWU students).                   Therapeutic and counselling
     • problems with your course/          Development – Building F18             • Grades 10–12: Career Counsel-         services are offered by registered
       choice of profession                                                         ling and Guidance.                    psychologists and counsellors
                                           SCD focuses on Academic/Course/
     • difficulties in adapting                                                   • Grade 9: Subject Choices.             to promote the psychological
                                           Degree support and offers the
     • relationship problems               following services:                                                            wellbeing of the students to assist
     • learning problems                                                          3. Disability Rights Unit
                                                                                                                          them with the successful comple-
     • anxiety problems or                                                        The Disability Rights Unit (DRU)        tion of their studies, and for them
     • phase of life problems?             1.1 Career and course
                                                                                  aims to help students registered        to experience optimal student life.
     Or do you need help with:                                                    with them to gain equal access to
     • extended writing time               Help students to make respon-          educational opportunities at the        1.5 Concessions and extended
     • time management                     sible career and course choices        NWU so they can participate freely          writing time
     • study methods                       with the aid of psychometric tests.    and actively in all facets of univer-
     • stress management                   Students may also be assisted with     sity life: “If we are unable to help    Visit our website for more informa-
     • life skills or                      the revising of their curricula and    you, we will find someone who           tion or call 018 299 2893.
     • conflict management                 career choices if they encounter       can!”. All students with physical
                                           problems during the course of          and psychological challenges are        1.6 Leadership, Life Skills
     ... THEN THE STUDENT COUNSEL-         their studies.                         invited to come and talk to us. We      and Personal Development &
     LING AND DEVELOPMENT (SCD) IS                                                offer disability support to all NWU     Workshops
     YOUR ANSWER!                                                                 students. We support students
                                           1.2 Psychometric Evaluations                                                   Students can visit SCD for leader-
                                           – Subject Choices, Career              with the following disabilities:
     SCD has a wide range of psycholog-                                                                                   ship development, mentoring and
                                           Choices, Career Changes &                                                      coaching, life skills development
     ical services to help students grow                                          •   Visual Disability.
                                           Selection Tests                                                                or personal development. SCD
     and develop optimally in academic,                                           •   Physical Disability (Permanent).
     emotional, and social areas. These    Comprehensive psychometric             •   Hearing Disability (Temporary).     also has various preventative and
     services are provided free of cost    testing and career-path guidance       •   Speech Disability.                  developmental workshops that are
     to students and include a 24-hr       services are freely available to       •   Learning Disability.                presented for the purpose of devel-
     emotional crisis intervention         students and members of the            •   Psychiatric Conditions.             oping students into mature and
     service offered by the “Thuso1777”    public (fee is charged). Some of       •   Specific Medical Conditions.        responsible members of society.
     centre.                               the services available require prior   •   Neuro-Developmental Disorder.

12       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                              CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022             13

              Student Counselling & Development: Potchefstroom Campus
2.Thuso1777 – Building                Counselling and Support & Peer         2.5 Residence Peer-helpers
                                           Helper Programme:                                                              Office hours &
     F18                                                                          Peer-helpers is a system in which       Enquiries:
     Thuso1777 focuses on Emotional/       • Students Advocating Leadership       students in the residence context
     Psychological support and offer the     & Transformation (SALT)              receive peer-helper training in
                                                                                                                          Monday to Friday: 8h00 – 16h30
     following services:                                                          order to guide students with
                                           What can the HIV Coordinator do                                                (018 299 1777)
                                           for you?                               interpersonal problems. The main
                                                                                                                          (Building E14)
     2.1 Office of the Social Worker                                              task of the peer-helpers is to give
                                           • HIV/AIDS counselling.                support to students and to refer
     Delivers the following services:      • Addressing stigma of HIV.            them to the appropriate support
                                                                                                                          Monday to Friday: 8h00 – 16h30
                                           • Substance abuse programs and         services. Additionally, their task is
     • Counselling and support to                                                                                         (018 299 2893)
                                             support.                             to launch and coordinate psy-
       students in terms of psycho-so-                                                                                    (Building F18)
                                           • Addressing sexuality issues.         cho-educational and awareness
       cial and economic problems.
                                           • Female empowerment.                  campaigns in residences. The
     • Crisis intervention and trauma                                                                                     Email:
                                           • Male empowerment.                    peer-helpers are not counsellors
                                                                                  or psychologists, rather facilitators
     • Liaison with resources in the       2.3 Psychotherapeutic and              of emotional wellbeing. They are
       community.                                                                                                         Join our Facebook Page: NWU
                                           Counselling Services                   under the strict supervision of a
     • Planning and implementing                                                                                          Student Counselling and Develop-
                                                                                  registered psychologist who also
       developmental-orientated pro-       Therapeutic and counselling                                                    ment (
                                                                                  coordinate the system. Ask your
       grammes.                            services are offered by registered                                             groups/NWUSCD)
                                                                                  House Committee Member for
                                           psychologists, counsellors and
                                                                                  more information about the
     2.2 HIV Testing and Counsel-          student psychologists to promote                                               Join our Instagram Page: NWU_
     ling Services (HTS)                   the psychological wellbeing of                                                 SCD (
                                           students, assist them with the                                                 nwu_scd/)
     HIV unit related awareness and
                                           successful completion of their
     education programmes:
                                           studies, and to ensure an optimal      Do you feel your life                   Book an appointment on
                                                                                                                          eFundi: http://scd-nwu-ac-za.web.
                                           experience of student life. Services
     • First Things First and TB
       awareness campaign.                 include individual and group psy-       is not worthwhile?           
     • STI and Condom week.                chotherapy, counselling, and group
                                                                                       Thuso1777                          Visit our website: http://services.
     • World TB day.
     • World vaccine day.
                                                                                     Crisis Help Line:          
     • World AIDS day.                     2.4 Crisis Intervention                    018 299 1777                        ling-and-development
     • LGBTIQ+.
     • Health and wellness for students.   Thuso1777 has a 24-hr crisis line
     • New Employee Orientation;           for emotional support:
       Substance abuse; PEP; PreP.         018 299 1777.

14       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                            CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022               15
NWU Alumni

Ready to go                                                                                                                                                  Gallery

where no                                                                                                                  BOITUMELO MOGOHU

bank has

                                                                                                                          Where do you work?
                                                                                                                          I work at the Northern Cape Provin-

gone before?
                                                                                                                          cial Legislature, Chief Whip’s office.

                                                                                                                          When did you graduate?                   What was your first interview
                                                                                                                          My first graduation was in 2015,         like?
                                                                                                                          followed by my honours in 2017.          I was a bit nervous at the
                                                                advert                                                    I will receive my MA degree this         beginning, but the ques-
At FNB, you’ll be stepping into a whole new world of firsts.                                                              year, 2021.                              tion-and-answer process was fine.
Our unique, collaborative culture is a first. Our game-changing                                                                                                    However, I was not so comfort-
thinking is a first. Our ground-breaking technology and analytics,                                                        What qualifications do you               able when I had to do the com-
as evidenced by our Global Data Anywhere Award for innovative                                                             have?                                    petency tests, police clearance
optimisation, is a first. As Africa’s Coolest Bank, for the eighth                                                        • BA Public Admin                        and so forth. I didn’t know what
year running, we’re making moves to build new solutions                                                                   • BA Hons. International Relations       to expect, but since that day, I do
that build a better future. FNB Future League will run from                                                               • MA International Relations             my police clearance at the police
12 - 16 July 2021. Five days that will change your life for the                                                                                                    station every 12 months. You never
better. Open to all graduates from every kind of degree.                                                                  After completing your studies,           know what can happen or what to
                                                                                                                          how many interviews were                 expect, because, although we trust
                                                                                                                          you invited to before receiving          our systems, we do have chal-
                                                                                                                          a job offer?                             lenges. One friend of mine once
                                                                                                                          One, which is the job I am               went for an interview and during
Future League Week applications close
                                                                                                                          employed in currently.                   the due diligence process, it was
11 June 2021                                                                                                                                                       discovered that he was deceased!
Apply to the FNB Graduate Programme
                                                                                                                                                                   The process had to be stretched a
                                                                                                                                                                   bit for him to fix this problem; that
Applications from 03 May - 31 August 2021                                                                                                                          was the scary part for me.

16         CAREER GUIDE
                   A division2021/2022
                             of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20).                                               CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022               17
What would you say is the                What key competencies do you
     most important thing to do               use in your workplace every           Do you face any challenges at          met comrades with very interesting
     when going for an interview?             day?                                  work and how do you handle             characters. Above all, embracing
     I normally research that company         Being young professionals, we         them?                                  our diversity stood out for me.
     and the possible panellists; it is of    need to demonstrate professional      Any workplace has challenges but
     the utmost importance to prepare         conduct at all times. Among other     fortunately, I have a life coach,      Would you have done anything
     for the interview. One of the other      competencies, I would highlight       Leonard Mashao, who assists me         differently?
     important things to do during the        the following ones that are most      in obtaining the ability to mitigate   Yes, I still believe we could have
     whole interview is to be oneself         important for me:                     all challenges in my life, including   done so much more to ensure
     and to always tell the truth.                                                  those I confront at the workplace      that other students don’t have to
                                              • Research writing/reporting          and outside where I serve. I           drop out; some of them are still
                                              • Critical thinking                   remember that when I met him, I
     Was it difficult to adapt from                                                                                        not able to finish today due to
                                              • Team leadership                     had a lot of stress and pressure at
     being a student to being a                                                                                            financial exclusion. I have always
                                               ○ customer relations manage-         work. In a way, I was losing focus     had the idea that if we, as alumni,
     young professional?
                                                 ment                               and was not planning my daily          could contribute R150 for each
     No, it was not difficult; being in
                                               ○ organisational communication       work, which means that I was not       student facing academic exclusion
     the SRC was already an intern-
                                               ○ risk assessment                    in charge of my life. Together,        and there would be about 20 000
     ship in which I was responsible
     for engaging with the outside                                                  we developed an empowering             alumni involved, the amount could
                                              What do you enjoy most about          vision board for me, starting to
     community and different stake-                                                                                        make an impact in this regard.
                                              your job?                             introduce new habits and focusing
     holders, so I regarded it as a job - I
                                              Gaining knowledge and learning        on important matters. Since then,
     interacted with almost everyone,                                                                                      What advice would you give
                                              new skills. The nature of my work     my routine is under control. I
     including possible employers. This                                                                                    to students entering the job
                                              presents me with the opportu-         manage work-related stress and
     exposure worked in my favour, and                                                                                     market?
                                              nity to learn and to process new      am still able to serve outside, but
     being a calm person and able to                                                                                       Remember, first things first. Be
                                              information daily. For instance,      I have taken charge of my life and
     manage stress was an advantage.                                                                                       ready to work and show up, no
                                              we are responsible for conduct-       limit unplanned events. I consider
     For instance, although I was an                                                                                       matter what, because this is the
                                              ing pre-oversight data collec-        myself more solution-orientated at
     Academic officer, students came                                                                                       most important thing that gives
                                              tions, prepare reports, perform       work, which saves a lot of time.
     to me with many other problems,                                                                                       you power. We are all emotional
                                              budget analysis, scrutinise annual
     sometimes even outside my                                                                                             beings and therefore, we are not
                                              reports against strategic plans,
     office, believing that I could help.                                           What did you enjoy the most            always in a good mood and ready
                                              and prepare a management
     Members of the Student Council                                                 about your time at the NWU?            to go to work, but do yourselves a
                                              performance plan. This kind of
     were thus forced to build rela-                                                Being called “Leadership” (I am        favour by showing up anyway. You
                                              opportunity gives me a holistic
     tionships with other stakeholders                                              joking)! I enjoyed meeting and         must also have good standards
                                              picture of what is happening in the
     outside, which demanded from us                                                making new friends; I have also        such as not telling lies or stealing
                                              province, which means my learning
     to lobby for support. This process
     required from us to be solution-ori-
     entated and being professional.

18       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                               CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              19
     time from your employer (e.g.,        entry-market jobs, as the oppor-
     telling people you are sick when      tunities prepared me and helped        Financial Intern
     you’re not). This shows a lack of     me in my development as a young
                                                                                  Where do you work?
     character. It’s thus important for    professional. This experience,
                                                                                  I work at the Emthanjeni Local
     us to remind ourselves of our         again, helped me to be appointed
     standards every morning while         to other boards and university/
     taking a shower.                      college councils. Furthermore, I
                                           have a business community where        When did you graduate?
                                           I serve and in this journey, I have    I graduated at the NWU-Potchefst-       What would you say is the
     What are some of the positive
                                           come to realise that I find it very    room Campus.                            most important thing to do
     personal attributes that you
     have gained from the NWU              easy to rely on and work with many                                             when going for an interview?
                                           young professionals from my NWU.       What qualifications do you              Always be well prepared, be honest
     during your academic years?
                                           I guess the time we spent together     have?                                   and do not create a perception of
     My NWU presented me with many
                                           here makes it very easy to trust and   BCom Financial Accountancy &            yourself that is not really you.
     opportunities to grow outside
     the teaching and learning space. I    rely on each other.                    PGCE
     was part of the Commerce Faculty                                                                                     Was it difficult to adapt from
     Board during my first year and                                               After completing your studies,          being a student to being a
     later, I was in the Student Repre-                                           how many interviews were                young professional?
     sentative Council (SRC). I consider                                          you invited to before receiving         The adaption from student life to
     these roles as internships or                                                a job offer?                            young professional is very chal-
                                                                                  I was invited to two interviews at      lenging to me, having to work long
                                                                                  two different municipalities.           hours every day from 7:30 to 16:30
                                                                                                                          with only a 45 minute break for
                                                                                                                          lunch. Waking up at 6:00 every day
                                                                                  What was your first interview           is still a struggle and I am con-
                                                                                  like?                                   stantly tired.
                                                                                  The first interview was really tough.
                                                                                  Although I had prepared myself
                                                                                  very well beforehand, I didn’t know     What key competencies do you
                                                                                  answers to half of the questions        use in your workplace every
                                                                                  that they asked. I haven’t felt so      day?
                                                                                  stupid in my whole life and just        • Communication skills (verbal and
                                                                                  wanted the interview to end so that       written)
                                                                                  it could be over and done with. I       • Being observant and vigilant at
                                                                                  used that experience as a learning        all times
                                                                                  tool to prepare for the second one.     • Integrity and professionalism
                                                                                                                          • Determination

20       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                              CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022            21
What do you enjoy most about           only applicable to certain people. I   What advice would you give              What are some of the positive
     your job?                              also have an issue with the level of   to students entering the job            personal attributes that you
     I enjoy most to finally do what I’ve   ethical and professional behaviour     market?                                 have gained from the NWU
     been dreaming of since childhood,      of some people in my department.       Be positive at all times, because not   during your academic years?
     namely working at my own pace                                                 everything is going to go your way.     Some of the attributes are leader-
     independently as well as part of a                                            Be ready for change, be vigilant        ship skills, communication skills,
                                            What did you enjoy the most            and just keep in mind why you are       computer literacy, and conflict
     team at times. I also enjoy working    about your time at the NWU?
     very closely to the CFO on a daily                                            doing what you are doing.               handling.
                                            I learnt so much over the years
     basis and feeling appreciated by       and am now using it in my working
     everyone in the finance depart-        environment. I enjoyed student life
     ment. I can raise queries without      in general; just being a student is    MARELIE BOTHA
     feeling like a newbie or a nobody.     what I loved most about the NWU,
                                            being around my peers and just         Psychometrist
     Do you face any challenges at          seeing how the change between          (Co-founder at Inpsyght)
     work and how do you handle             childhood and adulthood takes
     them?                                  place; exploring the world from        Where do you work?
     Like in any work place, conflict       other people’s perspectives and        I work at Inpsyght: www.inpsyght-
     between colleagues takes place on      realising that there’s no right or
     a daily basis. I choose to address     wrong way of doing things, just
                                                                                                                           positions, related to my field of
     the issue on hand immediately,         a different way; and living in the     When did you graduate?                  study, on LinkedIn. At the time, I
     say my say and also listen to what     same hostel as others who come         I graduated in 2018 and obtained        was a full-time first-year master’s
     the other party has to say. I am a     from different backgrounds, but        my honours degree in 2019. I am         student. Apart from LinkedIn, I
     very open person, so I prefer to       being able to form a tight broth-      currently enrolled for my master’s      applied for an Industrial Psychol-
     speak up whenever I don’t agree        erhood regardless of our racial,       degree and expect to complete the       ogy internship programme at
     with something or someone. After       economic and background differ-        degree in 2021 and graduate in          about 10 other companies.
     I have said what I wanted to say, I    ences.                                 2022.
     stand by what I have said and take
                                                                                                                           I had two online video inter-
     full responsibility for it.            Would you have done anything           After completing your studies,          views and continuously received
                                            differently?                           how many interviews were                feedback on my lack of experience
     One of the biggest challenges that     If I had the chance to relive my       you invited to before receiving         and other socio-economic factors
     I face is consistency in the work      student life, I would definitely       a job offer?                            that had an impact on the availabil-
     environment, because it seems as       go out more and be more free           While working in part-time              ity of internships in my field. I’ve
     if policies were implemented that is   spirited.                              positions as a psychometrist intern,    always been involved in networking
                                                                                   I applied for over (what feels like)    and job shadowed as a student.
                                                                                   a hundred full-time and part-time       This enabled me to learn from

22       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                               CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              23
What key competencies do you            with different professionals and
     those who have started their own       Was it difficult to adapt from         use in your workplace every             learning from them and their
     practices and were willing to share    being a student to being a             day?                                    work. However, what keeps my
     their insight on the challenges,       young professional?                    These you can google as well.           routine going on a daily basis is the
     advantages, and experiences of                                                Along with the specialist competen-     creative work I enjoy when interact-
     the processes leading to their         The most difficult challenge in        cies to carry out the actual work,      ing with our clients.
     success. I then decided to start my    becoming an adult is probably not      there are several competencies
     own company with my well-experi-       only adapting to the workplace,        needed to carry out the “behind         Do you face any challenges at
     enced business partner. From this      but also to the gained responsi-       the scenes” work: negotiating,          work and how do you handle
     experience, I have come to learn       bility, stepping into a new phase.     networking, professional branding,      them?
     that opportunities do not always       When looking specifically at the       continuous learning and, most           I face challenges constantly. I
     appear, even when you seek them.       workplace, it would really depend      important of them all, having a         think everyone can agree that the
     It is up to you to create them.        upon one’s unique personality in       high level of self-awareness in         perfect week does not exist. As a
                                            adapting to a new environment.         every element of the position. For      young professional, I would say
                                            When I think about my adaptation,      the work field itself, the key compe-   that in the beginning, the chal-
     What would you say is the
                                            I would not say I am a routine-ori-    tencies are to know the limitations     lenges were learning to manage
     most important thing to do
                                            entated person, but I had to adapt     in your knowledge, but to carry the     boundaries, learning your devel-
     when going for an interview?
                                            to having a routine. Another factor    confidence needed for your clients      opment areas continuously and
     Basic important principles can
                                            was to learn patterns in workflow.     to feel they are in capable and pro-    learning to deal with the unknown.
     be googled. What is important is
                                            Some days, weeks and/or months         fessional hands. It is very important   In coping with the challenges, I
     to know yourself well enough to
                                            are more hectic than others. It is     to strike a balance between the         know that I am more group reliant,
     realise how you would fit into the
                                            always important to grab opportu-      two.                                    so learning from others, asking
     position and into the company
     culture. Long gone is the time         nities in your current situation and                                           for advice and bouncing off ideas
     where hard skills (technical skills)   not necessarily focus on what is       What do you enjoy most about            on different people are important
     are the most important factor con-     still to come.                         your job?                               in my learning process. This isn’t
     tributing to a successful candidate.                                          I love the work I do and have this      always an option, though; most of
     Experience and soft skills are the                                            continuous hunger and passion           the time, you need to think quickly
     factors that make you different                                               for my field that never seem to die.    and make correct and quick links
     from the person next you with the                                             I love to see people discovering        when solving problems.
     same qualifications.                                                          new things about themselves and
                                                                                   those around them, seeing lights        What did you enjoy the most
                                                                                   flashing when they connect their        about your time at the NWU?
                                                                                   behaviour with their thoughts and       I was very lucky at the NWU, staff
                                                                                   feelings. I enjoy nothing more than     wise. I had excellent support from
                                                                                   observing individuals and teams.        the university and the lecturers
                                                                                   With the “behind the scenes work”,      in my field always went the extra
                                                                                   I really enjoy forming connections

24       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                               CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022               25
mile to help us and inform us of        • Know how you fit into your field     THATO TSHWARO MEDUPE
     opportunities; there were even            and know to be patient.
     societies in our field to support us    • Do you want a fast career or a       Ph.D. candidate/student in Chemistry
     in our academics. I think in your         good career? Don’t choose speed
     pre–grad years, you always feel           over quality; learn from those
     entitled to these privileges and do       around you.                          Where do you work?
     not realise that these opportuni-       • Know what you want to be             I am enrolled at the University of
     ties don’t necessarily exist at other     known for.                           Cape Town, Faculty of Science,
     universities. When entering the         • Anything that is not contributing    Department of Chemistry.
     honours degree, you begin to see          to your reaching your goal is not                                         What would you say is the
     the practical side of your studies,       a priority but a distraction.        When did you graduate?               most important thing to do
     but at master’s level, my lecturers                                            I graduated in 2017 at the autumn    when going for an interview?
     really encouraged us to challenge       What are some of the positive          graduation ceremony.                 Do extensive research about the
     ourselves in practising under           personal attributes that you                                                company as well as the working
     supervision, which allowed me to        have gained from the NWU                                                    environment before going for the
                                                                                    What qualifications do you           interview. If something is not clear
     gain a lot of confidence in my field.   during your academic years?
                                                                                    have?                                to you during the session, ask
     The life-long connections I formed      I think the most important attribute
                                                                                    • Master of Science (MSc) in         questions whenever the oppor-
     during my pre-grad years up to          with regard to the study field (not
                                                                                      Chemistry, 2017                    tunity arises. Normally, this takes
     my master’s degree are also very        necessarily personally) was my
                                                                                    • BSc (Hons) in Chemistry, 2015      place at the end of the interview.
     special. Some of them are friends,      preference for the application of
                                                                                    • BSc in Biology – Chemistry, 2014   It may sound like a cliché, but I
     but most are colleagues who share       theory to the practical work I do.
     similar values and work ethics.         The NWU’s groundwork is really                                              cannot stress enough the impor-
                                                                                    After completing your studies,
                                             applicable to the field. The insight                                        tance of knowing your worth and
                                                                                    how many interviews were
                                             we gained at master’s level contrib-                                        never settling for less. Be open to
     Would you have done anything                                                   you invited to before receiving
                                             uted to my preferences in practice,                                         discuss the remuneration of the
     differently?                                                                   a job offer?
                                             because the lecturers encour-                                               job offer and negotiate should the
     Yes, I would have taken up IT                                                  Before the completion of my
                                             aged us to learn from different                                             initial amount disclosed not meet
     modules at pre-grad level, as the                                              studies, I had a telephonic PhD
                                             perspectives and from different                                             your needs.
     world of work is changing at a sig-                                            candidacy interview.
                                             experts. You thus get to know what
     nificantly fast pace and requires a
                                             suits you, which not only helps                                             Was it difficult to adapt from
     basic knowledge of coding in most                                              What was your first interview
                                             with understanding workplace                                                being a student to being a
     fields.                                                                        like?
                                             behaviour, but also general                                                 young professional?
                                             people’s behaviour. This shaped             It was exciting and
                                                                                                                         I would not deem the transition
     What advice would you give              my thoughts and responses to           nerve-wracking at the same time.
                                                                                                                         “difficult” but rather a challenge,
     to students entering the job            changing environmental factors.                                             simply because of other factors
     market?                                                                                                             such as the change in environment
     • Know yourself very well.                                                                                          and adapting to it. The challenge

26       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                             CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              27
Would you have done anything           knowledge outside your field of
     of having to settle into a new          knowledge about the ongoing             differently?                           specialty, and strive to be open-
     environment can be daunting for         battle against cancer is what brings    Yes, I would have utilised the         minded and versatile.
     obvious reasons such as adapting        me joy.                                 writing centre services more
     to the work ethic, getting used to                                              effectively and taken advantage of     What are some of the positive
     your work colleagues, and having                                                the career services offered by the     personal attributes that you
                                             Do you face any challenges at           institution.
     responsibilities that you were          work and how do you handle                                                     have gained from the NWU
     perhaps not used to previously. In      them?                                                                          during your academic years?
     my field of work, longer working        Troubleshooting and optimisation        What advice would you give             I have gained the following three
     hours are expected, which could         is an everyday challenge. Admitting     to students entering the job           attributes:
     be equated to the life of a student     to myself that I am experiencing        market?
     sometimes (giving presentations,                                                Every job opportunity or interview     • The ability to work in a dynamic
                                             a challenge and being able to
     meeting deadlines, granting                                                     requires adequate preparation. So,       team with people from various
                                             communicate it to my colleagues
     applications, and writing scientific                                            ensure you have done sufficient          backgrounds and having an
                                             and supervisors to get advice or
     publications).                                                                  research about your prospective          inquisitive mind
                                             assistance have become some
                                                                                     employers, what they require from      • An ability to think and work inde-
                                             of the key tools to handle any
                                                                                     someone in your position, and            pendently
     What key competencies do you            challenge. Receiving constructive
                                                                                                                            • The most important ones, which
     use in your workplace every             criticism, even when I am confident     keeping up to date with recent
                                                                                     developments and technologi-             are time management, critical
     day?                                    in my hypothesis, has been THE
                                                                                                                              thinking and problem-solving
     I need consistency, independence,       greatest challenge. However, I have     cal advancements in your field.
     the ability to separate personal and    learnt the hard way to be open to       Additionally, always expand your
     professional life, and/or work-life     receiving ideas, and being criticised
     balance each day. The ability to        often leads to my personal growth
     adapt is of great importance.           and broadens my knowledge,
                                                                                     GABRIËL ERWEE
                                             allowing me to change aspects of a
                                             project that I am working on.
     What do you enjoy most about
     your job?                                                                       Where do you work?
     The in-vitro cytotoxic studies form     What did you enjoy the most             I work at the Helen Joseph Hospital.
     the basis of the application part of    about your time at the NWU?
     the study. It is fascinating to be at   The orientation and pens-down
     the forefront of screening/testing      bashes were the highlights of
                                                                                     When did you graduate?
                                                                                     I graduated in 2018.                   After completing your studies,
     new compounds that may perhaps          my years at the NWU. During my
     be the next clinical drug candidates    academic years, encounters with                                                how many interviews were
     or assisting in the development         my lecturers, class discussions, and    What qualifications do you             you invited to before receiving
     of cancer drug agents. Knowing          tutoring introductory chemistry         have?                                  a job offer?
     that my work will contribute to         modules were fun as well.               I have a BPharm degree.                I was invited to one interview.

28       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                                CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              29
What was your first interview           them?
     like?                                   Yes, we have our regular problem
                                                                                  NDIRINE KIM LUFHUGU
     Because of all the interviews I had     patients, but it is important to     SCRUM Master
     for positions in NWU structures, it     remember that any sick person
     was something I was used to. Any        feels negative.
     interview is still difficult in a new                                        Where do you work?
     situation, though.                                                           I work at Vodacom.
                                             What did you enjoy the most
                                             about your time at the NWU?
     What would you say is the               What I enjoyed most was to par-      When did you graduate?
     most important thing to do              ticipate in the many structures,     I completed my degree in 2020        What would you say is the
     when going for an interview?            building an amazing student life.    and my degree will therefore be      most important thing to do
     It is very important to research the                                         conferred on 11 June 2021.           when going for an interview?
                                                                                                                       Make sure you do your research
     employer, be well groomed and go        Would you have done anything                                              about the position and the
     in with confidence.                     differently?                         What qualifications do you           company. Ensure you align
                                             Yes, I would have tried to experi-   have?                                yourself with the kind of candidate
     Was it difficult to adapt from          ence as many cultures as possible    I have a BSc degree in Information   the organisation is looking for.
     being a student to being a              before entering the outside world.   Technology.                          Remember, always be confident.
     young professional?
     Yes; the most difficult thing was       What advice would you give           After completing your studies,
     not being so close to my support
                                                                                                                       Was it difficult to adapt from
                                             to students entering the job         how many interviews were             being a student to being a
     system anymore.                         market?                              you invited to before receiving      young professional?
                                             I would advise them to have con-     a job offer?                         Yes, it was, because the deadlines
     What key competencies do you            fidence, because everyone starts     I was invited to two interviews.     in the workplace are always
     use in your workplace every             somewhere. Making a mistake is                                            consecutive, whereas in tertiary
     day?                                    an opportunity to learn something    What was your first interview        education, we always had our
     Management, administration and          new.                                 like?                                deadlines set far apart. Due to
     work ethic                                                                   It was nerve-wracking, but I         Covid-19, it is also quite challeng-
                                             What are some of the positive        appreciate the opportunity I had,    ing, because everything is done
     What do you enjoy most about            personal attributes that you         because the experience helped        virtually, from the induction to
     your job?                               have gained from the NWU             me to align myself to the market;    the mentoring, so every learning
     I enjoy the opportunity to serve the    during your academic years?          hence, my second interview went      process is quite slow.
     community.                              I grew during my years at the NWU    exceptionally well.
                                             and gained new attributes of lead-
     Do you face any challenges at           ership, compassion and the ability
     work and how do you handle              to adapt to any change.

30       CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                           CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              31
What key competencies do you            orientation process promotes unity    MONICCA THULISILE BHUDA
     use in your workplace every             and teamwork, which is a key skill
     day?                                    in the corporate world.               Junior Lecturer
     •   Problem solving
     •   Teamwork                            Would you have done anything          Where do you work?
     •   Being output orientated             differently?                          I work at the University of Mpuma-
     •   Agile practices                     No, I enjoyed every moment of my      langa, Mbombela.
                                             life at university. I would love to
     What do you enjoy most about
                                             relive my varsity days one more       When did you graduate?
     your job?                                                                                                            questions that could be asked
                                             time, because they went by too        I graduated in July 2019 and am
     I enjoy working with the different                                                                                   during the interviews.
                                             fast.                                 currently enrolled for my PhD.
     teams and promoting teamwork
     amongst them, as it is a great work
                                             What advice would you give            What qualifications do you             What would you say is the
     ethic. Leading projects is also quite
                                             to students entering the job          have?                                  most important thing to do
     an exciting challenge that enhances
                                             market?                               I have a Bachelor’s as well as a
                                                                                                                          when going for an interview?
     my problem-solving skills.
                                             I would advise them to be open-                                              It is to research possible questions
                                                                                   Master’s degree in Indigenous
                                             minded, eager to learn, and to                                               that will be asked during the
                                                                                   Knowledge Systems (BIKS and
     Do you face any challenges at                                                                                        interview. The internet can also
                                             keep a positive attitude in every-    MIKS). My PhD in Social Science
     work and how do you handle                                                                                           assist with dressing tips and
                                             thing they have to do.                with Indigenous Knowledge
     them?                                                                                                                other necessary things. It is very
                                                                                   Systems is in progress.
     Yes, I do face challenges, but I                                                                                     important to wake up early on the
     define the problem, divide it into      What are some of the positive                                                day of the interview and prepare
     smaller pieces and try to remain        personal attributes that you          After completing your studies,         when there is still time.
     optimistic at all times. I always       have gained from the NWU              how many interviews were
     consult with my mentor, as I am         during your academic years?           you invited to before receiving
                                             I have learnt a lot of leadership     a job offer?                           Was it difficult to adapt from
     still new in the field.
                                             skills through student leadership,    I was invited to four interviews and
                                                                                                                          being a student to being a
                                             for example time management,          was successful in the fourth one.
                                                                                                                          young professional?
     What did you enjoy the most                                                                                          No, I worked in different jobs as a
                                             critical thinking, problem-solving,
     about your time at the NWU?                                                                                          student; therefore, I understood
                                             budgeting, managing money and
     What I enjoyed the most at the                                                What was your first interview          the work environment. As a PhD
                                             accepting constructive criticism.
     NWU was the first-year orientation.                                           like?                                  candidate and a lecturer, I am
     That was by far the greatest expe-                                            I was nervous and excited at the       able to cope with all my work. The
     rience for me, because everything                                             same time. Not knowing what to         only challenge is the workload
     about it was amazing, especially                                              expect, I had to seek advice from      and academic pressure that I am
     the singing, dancing and partaking                                            the internet and working friends       currently experiencing.
     in the carnival competition. The                                              about the expected general

32         CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022                                                                                            CAREER GUIDE 2021/2022              33
What key competencies do you            management and SRC leaders had          PERSEVERANCE MKHONTO
     use in your workplace every             the best interest of students at
     day?                                    heart. They made it a priority for      Campus Intern Pastor
     I use leadership, coping under          students to remain happy and feel
     pressure, communication, respon-        at home.
                                                                                     Where do you work?
     sibility, and teamwork every day.
                                                                                     I work at the Every Nation Campus.
                                             What advice would you give
     What do you enjoy most about            to students entering the job
                                                                                     When did you graduate?
     your job?                               market?
                                                                                     I graduated in 2018.                   Was it difficult to adapt from
     I enjoy working with students           I would advise them to keep
     and contributing to the bodies of       working hard and smart in order                                                being a student to being a
     knowledge. I also enjoy transfer-       to achieve their end goals. There       What qualifications do you             young professional?
     ring knowledge and sharing my           is always room for improvement          have?                                  The transition wasn’t difficult; chal-
     research with students.                 and they should always be willing       I have a BA Law with Politics / LLB.   lenging, but not difficult, because
                                             to learn from those above and                                                  the work I do and the portfolios I
                                             around them.                                                                   run are in areas I had training in.
     Do you face any challenges at                                                   After completing your studies,
                                                                                                                            I was therefore well equipped to
     work and how do you handle                                                      how many interviews were
                                                                                                                            cope with the work.
     them?                                   What are some of the positive           you invited to before receiving
     Working under pressure is a             personal attributes that you            a job offer?
     challenge for most professionals,       have gained from the NWU                I was invited to one interview.        What key competencies do you
     including myself. Managing time         during your academic years?                                                    use in your workplace every
     and preparing for activities before-    The NWU has taught me to be                                                    day?
                                                                                     What was your first interview
     hand assist me in handling the          confident, bold, and be a leader.                                              The most important one is time
     pressure.                               It has also taught me the spirit                                               management. The schedule can
                                                                                     It was an informal, conversa-
                                             of resilience and perseverance.                                                change every day, so I need to be
                                                                                     tion-style interview, which made it
                                             This institution made me the                                                   flexible and available to maximise
     What did you enjoy the most                                                     really comfortable.
                                             person that I am today. I arrived                                              the time I have each day to finish
     about your time at the NWU?                                                                                            all I need to do and not leave it
                                             at the NWU as someone seeking
     I enjoyed the culture and diversity                                             What would you say is the              until later, otherwise the work just
                                             education and later became more
     at the NWU. I also enjoyed                                                      most important thing to do             piles up.
                                             than just an educated individual.
     different activities that catered for                                           when going for an interview?
                                             I have gained life-time skills that I
     all students.                                                                   The most important things are to
                                             apply at my workspace today.                                                   What do you enjoy most about
                                                                                     be presentable, knowledgeable
                                                                                                                            your job?
     Would you have done anything                                                    about the job, and honest when
                                                                                                                            I enjoy connecting with people.
     differently?                                                                    giving answers.
                                                                                                                            I also enjoy implementing new
     No, during my time at university,

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