The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten -

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The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten -
I N ORIGINAL FORM PUBLISHED IN :                                                           arXiv:   2004.12952 [physics.hist-ph]
                                                   Habilitation at the University of Heidelberg                                                                     v2: 20th July 2020

                                                                          The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

                                                                                                            Emil Khalisi
                                                                                                    69126 Heidelberg, Germany

                                                           Abstract. We suggest an earlier date for the accession of the pharaoh Akhenaten of the New Kingdom in
                                                           Egypt. His first year of reign would be placed in 1382 BCE. This conjecture is based on the possible witness
arXiv:2004.12952v2 [physics.hist-ph] 20 Jul 2020

                                                           of three annular eclipses of the sun during his lifetime: in 1399, 1389, and 1378 BCE. They would explain the
                                                           motive for his worship of the sun that left its mark on later religious communities. Evidence from Akhenaten’s
                                                           era is scarce, though some lateral dependencies can be disentangled on implementing the historical course of
                                                           the subsequent events.
                                                           Keywords: Solar eclipse, Astronomical dating, Akhenaten, New Kingdom, Egypt.

                                                   1 Introduction                                                       here. Though there are many reasons to refrain from this
                                                                                                                        method for dates before 700 BCE, we argue that the average
                                                   The flourishing time of the 18th to 20th dynasty of the Egyp-        ∆T is sufficient to satisfy the timeline. The exact position of
                                                   tian pharaohs, the so-called “New Kingdom”, is not well es-          the central tracks is not required to suit our revised course
                                                   tablished. Traditionally it is placed roughly between 1550           of the historical cornerstones.
                                                   and 1070 BCE. In the public awareness this era of ancient
                                                   Egypt is known best, since most people associate with it the
                                                   “classic pharaonic etiquette”. Memphis near today’s Cairo            2   Worship of the Sun
                                                   was the administrative center in the very old times, while
                                                                                                                        The adoration of the most important luminary in the sky
                                                   Thebes about 650 km farther to the south remained an im-
                                                                                                                        played a central role for the old Egyptians, in religion as
                                                   portant residence of the monarchs. Thebes was restored as
                                                                                                                        well as in culture. That civilisation was the first one to ar-
                                                   capital in a re-unified Egypt with the commencement of the
                                                                                                                        range its calendar after the sun and to disengage from auxil-
                                                   18th dynasty.
                                                                                                                        iary solutions with lunar leaps as undertaken in Babylon or
                                                        One of the most prominent pharaohs of the 18th dyn-
                                                                                                                        China. All the more it seems surprising that there are no ob-
                                                   asty was Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). The interval of his
                                                                                                                        vious mentions about obscurations of their major object of
                                                   reign has been subject to much debate. Depending on
                                                                                                                        cult. A sudden darkening of the sun must have caused a hor-
                                                   the method of reckoning, the accession of the illustrious
                                                                                                                        rific shake of the belief. In the same manner eclipses of the
                                                   pharaoh is assumed somewhere in the middle of the 14th
                                                                                                                        moon must have been noticed, but we do not find anything
                                                   century BCE. Our attempt will be to investigate the year
                                                                                                                        about worries, dramatic uproars, or attempts at interpreta-
                                                   of his accession by some kind of guesswork. First, we
                                                                                                                        tion. A complete ignorance of these natural phenomena ap-
                                                   briefly recap the political circumstances and outline import-
                                                                                                                        pears incomprehensible.
                                                   ant stages in Akhenaten’s life. In particular, we ask for
                                                                                                                             One possible explanation for the absence of eclipse ac-
                                                   his reasons to carry out the radical changes in the religious
                                                                                                                        counts may lie in the governmental structure. The Egypts
                                                   belief and to abandon the polytheistic customs in favour of
                                                                                                                        lived in an absolute authoritarian society. Only few people
                                                   a monotheistic worship of the sun. We rest our answer on
                                                                                                                        were capable of writing, and they were strictly forbidden to
                                                   his experience of solar eclipses and present some striking
                                                                                                                        announce malfunctions within the system that would equal
                                                   events. Our hypothesis seems speculative, but we claim that
                                                                                                                        a dare over the godlike pharaoh. The ban on speaking af-
                                                   the timeline agrees with other incidents in the subsequent
                                                                                                                        fected any kind of turmoils, social tensions, shortages, and,
                                                   history better than with the current doctrine. Connections to
                                                                                                                        even more, religious affairs. If something should ever leak,
                                                   the Hittites provide the most important linkage supporting
                                                                                                                        then probably in a highly cryptic way — neither mention of
                                                   an early time slot for Akhenaten.
                                                                                                                        names, nor dates, nor obvious details. The episode of the
                                                        A crucial element when attributing historical eclipses to
                                                                                                                        10th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, Akhenaten, is an example
                                                   a certain geographical region is the clock-time correction,
                                                                                                                        for a far-reaching disharmony in the state.
                                                   ∆T , that shifts the eclipse path in accordance with the de-
                                                                                                                             His father, Amenhotep III, favoured the god Aton (Sun)
                                                   celeration of the earth’s rotation. That error accumulates to
                                                                                                                        over all other deities and supported the rites. Probably he
                                                   more than 9.0±0.5 hours for the period of time considered

The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten -
E. Khalisi (2020): The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

aimed at a smart change in politics to counter the local tra-               Table 1: Suggested reign of Akhenaten (selection).
dition of Amun (creationism) which was sustained by the
powerful priesthood. His son Akhenaten became pharaoh at                    Time [BCE]      Method                            Ref.
an estimated age of 18 to 22 years [7]. He executed drastic                1382 – 1367      Moon visibility + tables          [10]
changes, in his fifth year, by elevating the sun over all exist-           1380 – 1365      Cambridge Ancient History         [11]
ing gods (other historians speak of the third year of reign).              1377 – 1356      Synchronisms with Hatti           [17]
The sun would take over the sole universal mastery in the                  1367 – 1350      Links to Assyria                  [11]
Egyptian pantheon. Then, he appointed himself its descend-                 1360 – 1343      Genealogical relationships         [3]
ant and changed his name: “Akhen-Aten” means “the one                      1359±11 (3σ )    Radiocarbon dating                [16]
serving the sun”. As a pharaoh he deprived the priests off                 1356 – 1340      Geo-political links                [6]
their power and ordered to stop the former Amun rites. He                  1353 – 1336      Egyptological research             [9]
tempestuously promoted sculptures, portraitures, and amu-                  1351 – 1334      Crosslinks to Babylon              [4]
lets with sun-related features. Moreover, he dedicated a new               1350 – 1334      Dynasty lists                     [20]
capital to it: Achet-Aton, today known as Amarna. After a                  1349 – 1333      Anthropological examination        [7]
rapid construction he moved there in his 8th year.                         1340 – 1324      Archaeology                       [21]
     The objectives of these acts are quite sketchy, and                      < -1300       Dendrochronology                  [11]
the background is controversial among Egyptologists. It
remains an open question why Akhenaten took the glori-
                                                                            Akhenaten’s reign is situated by historians at the middle
fication of the sun to extremes. It seems another case for
                                                                       of the 14th century BCE. Depending on the method of ana-
the stock of legends. In any case, the reorganisation of the
                                                                       lysis, various time slots for his rulership are proposed (Table
religious belief must have run into opposition by the priests.
                                                                       1). For the entire 18th dynasty there are rumours of co-
Historians call this the “Amarna Period”. It is likely that
                                                                       regencies that would complicate the reckoning. In the case
a few Jews, who were working as slaves in the Egyptian
                                                                       of Akhenaten the claims fluctuate between 8 and 12 years
exile at that time, were inspired by Akhenaten’s new mono-
                                                                       of co-regency, however, they are also vehemently rejected
theistic mindset and incorporated these ideas into their own
                                                                       by other historians.
philosophy [1]. The Old Testament emerging very much
                                                                            Manifold attempts to set absolute time limits for the
later was re-written in order to retroactively adjust a primor-
                                                                       18th dynasty turn out unsteady. Information is patched to-
dial pagan socket religion with the new thoughts evoked by
                                                                       gether from various disciplines, as one tries to generate a
Akhenaten. Maybe these workers were even constructing
                                                                       holistic picture. Historians tend to use a “short chronology”
Amarna, and, hence, became acquainted with the subject.
                                                                       for their needs, but the “long chronology” offers better res-
     The pharaoh died in his 17th year of reign, and the
                                                                       ults from the astronomical point of view [10, 12]. The
circumstances of his death are obscure. His successor,
                                                                       lifetime of Akhenaten casts shadows over the dates for the
Smenkhkare, pops up as an enigmatic figure that seems
                                                                       Hittite king Muršili II, the “Dakhamunzu” episode, and the
to conceal someone else. It is not clear whether a man or
                                                                       Battle of Kadesh several decades later.
a woman hides behind that name, from who descending,
or epitomising even two persons. Akhenaten’s only son,
Tutankhamun, was an infant at an age of four when inaug-               3    Previous Suggestions for Eclipses
urated as pharaoh [20]. An age of 8 or 9 is also conceivable.
However, Tutankhamun’s kinship is not conclusively clari-              In the variety of works on dating Akhenaten, we restrict
fied, as genetical analysis proves intricate patterns between          ourselves to eclipses. Studies of similar kind were presen-
the pharaohs. The complexity of the family relationships is            ted by the engineer and historian William McMurray [14],
reviewed, e.g., by Michael Habicht [7].                                the archaeoastronomer Göran Henriksson [8], and the astro-
     It is said that Tutankhamun withdraw many changes in-             physicist Giulio Magli [13]. Another analysis was provided
troduced by his father, most likely upon the pressure of the           by Peter Huber who thoroughly synchronised various moon
priesthood. For them, it would be easy to bring an under-              dates with pillars from history [10].
aged to restore the religious practice back to the old Amun                 Reviewing McMurray briefly, he expressed the idea
cult. The birthname of the child pharaoh was originally                that an image on a grave wall, discovered in Amarna, de-
“Tutankh-Aten”, like all his sisters bearing the syllable for          picts an allusion to a solar eclipse. The tomb is assigned
the sun, but he altered it for the sake of the old gods and            to the high priest Meryra I and is categorised as a major
former rites. In Tutankhamun’s second year the capital was             private one from the 18th dynasty. Meryra’s task was to
moved back to Memphis, and Thebes lost significance even               care for the new Aton service launched by the pharaoh. The
more. He died after nine or ten years in power at a max-               tomb is estimated at the 9th or 10th year of Akhenaten’s
imum age of 20. After him the worship of the sun was to be             reign.
liquidated and all traces erased. Tutankhamun never stood                   Among the countless sketches showing the pharaonic
out politically in any way. For the history of the country             couple beneath the beamy sun, McMurray selected one with
he was completely irrelevant. His present-day fame is just             arcs (Figure 1). These arcs are still not understood. The
based on the sensational discovery of his undamaged tomb               interpretations cover a wide range of suggestions: collars,
in 1922.                                                               clouds, upside-down rainbows, or atmospheric halos. Also,

E. Khalisi (2020): The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

                                                                           Figure 2: Total solar eclipse of 1338 BCE [5].

                                                                          So, in contrast to McMurray who proposed an active
                                                                     impetus received by that eclipse (construction of Amarna),
                                                                     Magli prefers a passive interpretation: the site was evacu-
                                                                     ated because of it. Additional evidence for this hypothesis
                                                                     would come from the celestial circumstances at the instant
Figure 1: Replica of a worship scene by Akhenaten and his            of totality: it occurred in that part of the sky which lies
wife in the tomb of Meryra I [14].                                   between the star constellations of Gemini and Taurus. The
                                                                     sun is closest to the celestial region pertaining the Osiris-
                                                                     Orion, as defined by the old Amun religion. According to
flying shadow bands were proposed appearing shortly be-              Magli, the eclipse “communicated” the divine sign for the
fore the totally eclipsed sun. Resting his arguments on the          reversal of policy.
latter option, McMurray pleads in favour of the total solar               A different eclipse was brought forward by Göran Hen-
eclipse of 14 May 1338 BCE (Figure 2). The track passed              riksson [8]. He selected six partial and annular eclipses
a few kilometers south of Cairo (Memphis) at noonday at              from a large sample and constrained them to the horizon,
2 p.m., and it is quite insensitive to the clock-time correc-        because small obscurations will be noticed there much bet-
tion ∆T because of its course in west-to-east-direction. The         ter than in the glare of the day. A partial eclipse can eas-
magnitude was 0.991 in Memphis and 0.943 in Thebes, re-              ily escape attention if the magnitude is smaller than ≈0.7
spectively. That event would have inspired Akhenaten to              [12]. Henriksson showed that the annular eclipse of 5 July
build the new residence halfway between these cities where           1378 BCE was very conspicuous, especially, in Luxor at
totality was actually achieved. Thus, it would be no factor          the king’s residence near Thebes (Figure 3). The sun would
of chance that the complex was raised in a deserted area.            have risen with a circular black “hole” inside. It happened
Akhenaten ascended the throne in 1340 BCE, i.e. two years            in the sixth year of Akhenaten’s reign and would be the
before the eclipse, because of special festivals celebrated at       cause for his name change.
full moon, and after the eclipse those heretic changes were               Three years later, on 3 May 1375 BCE, another eclipse
initiated. McMurray asserts a consistency with appropriate           (partial, mag= 0.795 in Luxor) would have triggered the
inscriptions on temples.                                             pharaoh’s definite decision to construct Amarna. Here, Hen-
     The same eclipse was favoured by Giulio Magli upon              riksson deviates from the majority that the idea took shape
consideration of architectural alignments of temples in Am-          before the fifth year. And, furthermore, a third eclipse might
arna [13]. The whole urban plan was fixed depending on the           have induced his son, Tutankhamun, for the turnaround: 27
location of the wadi and tomb in such way that ideal straight        October 1356 BCE (partial, mag = 0.852 in Amarna). The
lines connect the tomb with all main buildings. Even if              priests would have urged to abandon Amarna, and the child
a few things may stretch some things too far, as the au-             pharaoh went with it.
thor admits, there are boundary stelae arranging symmet-
rical spaces in which the tomb itself is the focus of atten-         4   An Eclipse Triple?
tion. Amarna would have been constructed before that total
eclipse of 1338 BCE, and the unexpected incident would               Following the chronology by Peter Huber [10], only three
have taken place at the end of Akhenaten’s reign. It was in-         years are suitable for the time of Akhenaten’s accession:
terpreted as a negative sign: a spell was cast by the old gods       1353, 1378, and 1382 BCE. The years are based on the vis-
on the sun, and the priests would have “welcomed” that as            ibility of lunar crescents that led to a most probable calendar
the call to return to the former status quo. Akhenaten was           round.
replaced, after his mysterious death, by Smenkhkare first                 Although a solar calendar was used for indicating dates,
and then by the child-king Tutankhamun.                              the everyday’s life of the common people was guided by the

E. Khalisi (2020): The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

Figure 3: Akhenaten could have witnessed three annular eclipses in his lifetime. The total eclipse of 1375 BCE (grey) was
partial in Egypt and occurred at sunrise.

phases of the moon. For keeping pace of the solar days with              to the viewer, but one can imagine that Baily’s Beads
the lunar month, a “psdntyw day” was inserted, that oper-                flickered around, and the terrifying circle was surrounded
ated like a double date, if the visibility of the lunar phase fell       by a reddish chromosphere making the scene appear diabol-
behind. This “psdntyw day” was introduced by Heinrich                    ical. Whatever it looked like to the observer, if he stood
Brugsch in 1864, and discussed by follow-up researchers,                 on the central path, the phenomenon would have created a
see [10, 15] for details. Huber analysed such days on the                stunning show of light.
basis of the visibility of the lunar crescent at its conjunction              If assuming 1382 BCE for the accession of Akhenaten,
with the sun and concluded that only the aforementioned                  he must have been a child ≈ 3±2 years of age at that spec-
years are viable to Akhenaten’s year 1. Therein, the interval            tacle in 1399. His father would be pharaoh and surely not
of 4 years between 1382 and 1378 BCE is intriguing.                      less astonished at the strange sight as it was. The father
      We checked the eclipses of the period from 1420 to                 could have experienced another eclipse 11 years earlier, on
1320 BCE in Espenak’s Five Millennium Canon of Solar Ec-                 25 September 1410 BCE: also of annular type, right after
lipses [5]. Relying on the ancillary information from history            sunrise (mag = 0.923 in Memphis or 0.864 in Thebes). It
that the construction of the new capital started in Akhen-               must have caught attention unless weather conditions im-
aten’s fifth year, we presume a solar eclipse prior to that.             peded the view.
Other eclipses in the childhood of the pharaoh could also                     Akhenaten, as a juvenile, might have experienced his
have influenced his attitude towards worship, though such                second eclipse ten years later, on the evening of 9 February
things stay rather speculative. Altogether, Akhenaten could              1389 BCE. Again of annular type, the sun exhibited a lu-
have seen some impressive events before he became regent.                minous ring around a black disk. In such sinister state the
His father, Amenhotep III, ruled for 38 years, and it is be-             sun set in Memphis, or partially in Thebes (mag = 0.891).
lieved that he died at an age of almost 50, when Akhenaten               Thus, two striking eclipses occurred before his regency.
inherited the throne [9].                                                     Eleven years onward Akhenaten would have observed
      Indeed, we meet the solar eclipse of 1 March 1399 BCE              the third one, now in his role as monarch: 5 July 1378 BCE,
first. Being of hybrid type, it had a maximum path width                 as suggested by Henriksson. In Thebes it was seen (mag
of 10 km (Figure 3). For the average ∆T , the track swept                = 0.982) in the morning hours, and in Memphis it was im-
exactly over Thebes which was itself close to the turning                pressive, too (mag = 0.872). This happened in his fourth
point from totality to annularity (mag ≈ 0.996 at 4:30 p.m.).            year and might have inspired him to construct Amarna. Fur-
We will never know what sight the blackened sun displayed                thermore, another (fourth) great eclipse would have fallen

E. Khalisi (2020): The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

into his reign. On 3 May 1375 BCE, at sunrise, the solar             Table 2: Proposed years [BCE] for the Battle of Kadesh.
disk climbed over the horizon being partially obscured (mag          The year (*) 1274 BCE is favoured by most historians.
= 0.854 in Amarna, and 0.796 in Thebes).
     Akhenaten would have witnessed three central eclipses               Year     Method of evidence               mentioned in
in his lifetime, if he had stayed, by chance, in Memphis                 1335     Lunar dates                         [10]
and Thebes at the respective days. If this was not the case,          1310/11     Lunar dates                         [10]
and he remained throughout in Thebes before moving to                    1299     Lunar dates                         [15]
Amarna, two of the eclipses are impressive enough to leave               1296     Lunar dates                         [15]
behind a strong impression. Only very few people get the                 1285     Lunar dates                          [2]
chance of sighting more than one central eclipse, the ma-                1280     (±12) Radiocarbon analysis          [16]
jority even none. Such experiences do affect the attitude,               1278     Synchronisms to Assyria              [6]
and being a child all the more. Our claim now is that the                1274     Lunar dates                          (*)
repeated observation of these oddities laid the foundation             (1271)     Lunar dates (unlikely)              [15]
for Akhenaten’s worship of the sun. A boundary stone was                 1260     Lunar dates                         [10]
found in Amarna bearing an inscript stating that . . . “he
E. Khalisi (2020): The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

       out possible (Table 2). From there, the other points              References
       in the life of Ramesses II would emerge, and so
       does the Battle of Kadesh. The mounting of further                 [1] Assmann, Jan (1997): “Moses und Echnaton”, Dialog 3/4,
       jigsaw pieces can continue. The comparison of lit-                     1997, p29–48 (in German)
       erature discloses much shakier results than hoped                  [2] Casperson, Lee W. (1988): “The lunar date of Ramesses
       for a reliable synchronisation. The widespread year                    II”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 47, 1988, p181–184
       1274 BCE proves far from certain. In view of the
                                                                          [3] Dobson A. & Hilton D. (2004): “The Complete Royal Fam-
       computation by Peter Huber (visit his discussion to
                                                                              ilies of Ancient Egypt”, ed. by Thames & Hudson, Lon-
       Table 4 in [10]), we feel convinced to re-adjust the                   don/UK, 2004; ISBN 0-500-05128-3; cited by [13]
       battle, tentatively to 1310/11 BCE. The subsequent
       island-hopping would lead to exactly our result for                [4] Eder, Christian (2004): “Assyrische Distanzangaben
       Akhenaten.                                                             und die absolute Chronologie Vorderasiens”, Altorien-
                                                                              talische Forschungen 31, No. 2/2004, p191–236; doi:
   3. The radiocarbon-based analysis supplies another sci-                    10.1524/aofo.2004.31.2.vii (in German)
      entific method, but it is has to cope with consider-
                                                                          [5] Espenak, Fred (2006): “Predictions for Solar and
      able errors like calibration and refinement. The year                   Lunar Eclipses”, Eclipse maps courtesy of Fred Espenak,
      “1280±12” in our Table 2 is simply derived from                         NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center;
      the model by Ramsey etal [16] for the accession of             
      Ramesses II on the 95% confidence level: take the
      medium of 1297 and 1273, as given in that paper,                    [6] Gertoux, Gérard (2013): “Dating the fall of Babylon and
                                                                              Ur thanks to Astronomical Events”, eprint arXiv:1309.2758;
      then subtract 5 years for the battle. The authors ad-
      mit that their average calendrical precision is off by
      24 years for the New Kingdom and also recommend                     [7] Habicht M.E., Bouwman A.S., Rühli F.J. (2016): “Iden-
      earlier years than the current consensus.                               tifications of Ancient Egyptian Royal Mummies from
                                                                              the 18th Dynasty Reconsidered”, Yearbook of Physical
     Astronomy returns the most substantial arguments for                     Anthropology 159, (Suppl. 61), 2016, S216–231; doi:
dates, but it serves as an assistant only. It cannot replace the              10.1002/ajpa.2209
adjustment of the historical plot into the global picture. The
                                                                          [8] Henriksson, Göran (2007): “Chronology for the Egyptian
development of a story long ago has to be re-constructed by
                                                                              pharaohs of the Amarna period . . . ”, British Archaeological
historians. Within the setting we suggest the year 1382 BCE                   Reports 1647, ISSN 978-1-4073-0081-8, 2007, p122–148
for Akhenaten’s accession. Our concept of three eclipses
(1399, 1389, and 1378 BCE) is based on plausibility, but                  [9] Hornung, Erik (2006): “The New Kingdom”, in: An-
we do not insist on having found the ultimate solution.                       cient Egyptian Chronology, ed. by Hornung etal., Brill,
     The timeline was already put forward by others in a                      Leiden/NL, 2006, p197–217; ISBN 978-90-04-11385-5
similar way deploying astronomical dating, and we hope to                [10] Huber, Peter J. (2011): “The Astronomical Basis of
support this view by the method of eclipses. That “long”                      Egyptian Chronology of the Second Millennium BC”,
chronology is reluctantly accepted by historians who stick                    Journal of Egyptian History 4, 2011, p172–227; doi:
to their conventional king counts. If they are willing to ac-                 10.1163/187416611X618721
cept the reason for Akhenaten’s venture, as brought forward
                                                                         [11] Kelley D.H. & Milone E.F. (2011): “Exploring An-
in this paper, re-arrangements would need to be made in the                   cient Skies”, Springer Science + Business Media, New
lengths of reigns and probably some re-interpretation of the                  York/USA, 2011; ISBN 0-387-95310-8
textual evidence.
                                                                         [12] Khalisi, Emil (2020): “Das Buch der legendären Finster-
                                                                              nisse”, Habilitation at the University of Heidelberg, Ger-
Acknowledgements                                                              many, 2020, ch. 9.6 (in German)

This work is part of the Habilitation submitted to the Uni-              [13] Magli, Giulio (2013): “Architecture, Astronomy and Sac-
versity of Heidelberg, Germany, in February 2020 [12]. The                    red Landscape in Ancient Egypt”, Cambridge University
                                                                              Press, New York/USA, 2013, p215–217; ISBN: 978-1-107-
present version of the paper is overhauled, linguistically im-
proved, and now published “as is”. The entire research was
performed in dire straits.                                               [14] McMurray, William (2003): “Dating the Amarna Period
                                                                              in Egypt: . . . ”, Egyptologists’ Electronic Forum (EEF), On-
                                                                              Line Library (visited 2019);

                                                                         [15] Parker, Richard A. (1957): “The Lunar Dates of Thutmose
                                                                              III and Ramesses II”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 16,
                                                                              1957, p39–43; cited by [2, 17]

E. Khalisi (2020): The Solar Eclipses of the Pharaoh Akhenaten

[16] Ramsey C.B., Dee M.W., Rowland J.M. + 7 co-authors
     (2010): “Radiocarbon-Based Chronology for Dynastic
     Egypt”, Science 328, 7 June 2010, p1554; doi: 10.1126/

[17] Rice, Trevor (2003): “Eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze
     Age Chronology”, Online article at (ch. 3 + 6), vis-
     ited in July 2020

[18] Schlögl, Hermann A. (2008): “Echnaton”, Verlag C.H.
     Beck oHG, München/D, 2008, p41; ISBN: 978-3-406-

[19] Stephenson, Francis Richard (1997): “Historical Eclipses
     And Earth’s Rotation”, Cambridge University Press, Cam-
     bridge/UK, 1997; ISBN: 0-521-46194-4

[20] Wente E.F. & van Siclen III C.C. (1976): “A Chronology
     of the New Kingdom”, in: Studies in Honor of George R.
     Hughes, Chicago, 1976, p217–263, esp. p249–250

[21] Wikipedia (2020): (Ger-
     man + English sites), visited in February 2020

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