Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research

Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
Issue 43 | Spring 2021

                                                                            “I promised I wouldn’t stop
                                                                            until she was saving lives.”
                                                                            Read Aoife's story – Page 19

Inside this issue
10   In profile:                   14   Advance:                       16   In focus:
     Professor Axel Behrens –           Taking a personalised               25 years since BRCA2
     targeting cancer stem cells        approach to pancreatic cancers      discovery changed cancer care
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
Our mission is to make                                                 Welcome                                                                                             2|3

the discoveries that
defeat cancer.
                                                                                                         While so many are focusing on tackling
                                                                                                         coronavirus, we cannot take one eye off cancer,
                                                                                                         and risk cancer patients being left behind.

                                                                        04 Research news                 Last year a survey of our           of pancreatic cancers to select
                                                                                                         scientists revealed their fears     patients for more effective,
                                                                        06 Fundraising news
                                                                                                         that the pandemic has delayed       personalised therapies and
                                                                        08 Our staff go the extra mile   advances in cancer research by      improve stubbornly low survival
                                                                        09 Bob Champion Cancer           almost 18 months. It highlighted    rates. And as Dr Matthew
                                                                            Trust launches 40for40       the urgent need for us to keep      Blackledge explains on pages 10-11,
                                                                            campaign                     our labs open, to prevent further   we can also use these innovative
                                                                                                         disruption and to make up for       AI technologies to better assess
                                                                        10 In profile:
                                                                                                         lost time. So I am pleased to       how treatment is going.
                                                                            Dr Matthew Blackledge
                                                                                                         tell you that through the latest
                                                                                                                                             While uncertainty and keeping
                                                                        12 In profile:                   lockdowns, our vital research has
                                                                                                                                             physically distanced from one
                                                                            Professor Axel Behrens       been able to continue. We are
                                                                                                                                             another may have become the
                                                                        14 Advance: Taking a             having to work in different and
                                                                                                                                             norm, it is my hope that we can
                                                                            personalised approach        often complex ways, with safety
                                                                                                                                             all come together to support
                                                                            to aggressive pancreatic     measures and site restrictions
Contact us                                                                                                                                   research that will improve the
                                                                            cancers                      in place to keep our staff and
The Institute of Cancer Research                                                                                                             lives of people with cancer and
                                                                                                         students safe – but with your
123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP                                   16 In focus: 25 years                                                ensure they are able to have
                                                                                                         support, we have been able to
                                                                            since BRCA2 discovery                                            as much time as possible with
T 020 7153 5387                                                                                          push on with our work.
                                                                            transformed cancer care                                          loved ones.
E                                                                                Despite the challenges posed
W                                                             18 In focus: What Covid-19                                           Your support is more important
                                                                                                         by the coronavirus, we are still                                can tell us about the                                            than ever, so thank you again.
                                                                                                         making major strides in our
   @ICR_London                                                              causes of cancer
                                                                                                         mission to make the discoveries
                                                                        19 Patient focus:                that defeat cancer – and these
                                                                                                                                             Lara Jukes
Written and produced by The Institute of Cancer Research, London            Aoife’s Bubbles              discoveries are helping more
                                                                                                                                             Director of Development
© March 2021. The Institute of Cancer Research. All rights reserved.                                     patients to live well with their
                                                                                                                                             The Institute of Cancer Research
The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital.
                                                                                                         disease. On pages 14-15 you
Registered Office: 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP.                                                can read about how we’re
Not for profit. Company Limited by Guarantee.                                                            using computational analysis
Registered in England No. 534147. VAT Registration No. 849 0581 02.
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
Research news                                                                                                                                                                                4|5

Blood tests could match                                                                  Study sheds light on
women with breast                                                                        genetic basis of Black
cancer to precision                                                                      men’s higher prostate
treatments                                                                               cancer risk
In a major clinical trial led by researchers at the ICR                                  Our researchers have led work as part of
and The Royal Marsden, we found that a blood test                                        an international team to uncover a range
can identify mutations in advanced breast cancer and                                     of genetic changes that increase the risk
match women to precision therapies.                                                      of Black men developing prostate cancer,
                                                                                         compared with White or Asian men.
The plasmaMATCH trial tested more than 1,000
women with advanced breast cancer. It provides the                                       The study, which was the largest and most
strongest evidence yet that simple blood tests can                                       ethnically diverse genetic analysis of men with
track breast cancer as it evolves, and direct women                                      prostate cancer, revealed a set of 86 changes
to the most effective treatments.                                                        in DNA that influence the risk of developing
                                                                                         the disease.
The team, led by Professors Nick Turner and Judith
Bliss, showed that the blood test is reliable enough to                                  Black men are known to be at an increased
be offered to patients on the NHS. These results could                                   risk from prostate cancer, and there is an
lay the foundation for liquid biopsies to become a                                       urgent need to understand their risk profile      Professor Udai Banerji
standard part of care for patients with breast cancer,                                   to detect the disease earlier.
and speed up access to the latest drugs.
                                                                Professor Judith Bliss   Study co-leader Professor Ros Eeles said:         Cancer drug for difficult
                                                                                         “Our findings could help guide and transform
                                                                                                                                           target shows potential
New experimental cancer                                                                  screening strategies, so that prostate cancer
                                                                                         in men at high risk can be caught as early        against a range of cancers
drug could help treat                                                                    as possible.”

                                                                                                                                           A clinical trial led by a team at the ICR and The Royal
deadly childhood cancer                                                                                                                    Marsden has shown a drug designed to counter the
                                                                                                                                           effects of an important cancer mutation, which is hard
Our scientists have found that a new cancer drug that                                                                                      to target, could be effective against a range of tumours.
has passed safety tests in adults could help treat the
childhood cancer neuroblastoma.                                                                                                            The drug targets tumours with mutations to the
                                                                                                                                           gene KRAS, one of the most commonly mutated
The drug fadraciclib targets a gene which can be                                                                                           genes in cancer.
mutated in children with high-risk neuroblastoma, an
aggressive cancer that requires intensive treatment.                                                                                       For the study, patients took the drug twice a week.
                                                                                                                                           There were promising responses in over a quarter of
The researchers, led by Professor Louis Chesler,                                                                                           those with highly advanced, incurable cancers, including
showed that fadraciclib was effective at killing                                                                                           lung cancer and multiple myeloma.
neuroblastoma cells in the lab and successfully
blocked the cancer’s growth in mouse models. When                                          The number of newly identified DNA              Professor Udai Banerji, Deputy Director of Drug
used together with chemotherapy, the drugs shrank                                           changes that influence the risk of             Development at the ICR and The Royal Marsden, said:
the tumours to the point of virtually eradicating them.                                        developing prostate cancer                  “We are conducting further studies combining this drug
                                                                                                                                           with other novel treatments, and hope we can open the
Clinical trials for fadraciclib will next be carried out as                                                                                door to new options for patients with a hard-to-treat
part of an international clinical trial designed to radically                                                                              group of cancers.”
widen the scope of treatments available for children.
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
Fundraising news                                                                                                                                                                                                         6|7

Alice’s Arc pledges more funds                                                                              Your Marathon, your way:
                                                                                                            How the London Marathon went virtual in 2020
to childhood cancer research                                                                                The coronavirus pandemic has          was due to run again in 2020.
Alice's Arc is a children's cancer charity set                                                              affected all of our lives and led     Instead he took part in the virtual
up by Sara and David Wakeling following their                                                               to many key events being              marathon, running 13 laps of his
daughter Alice's diagnosis with stage four             Cancer is a devastating disease for anyone to        cancelled. But that hasn’t            local park, joined by members of
rhabdomyosarcoma. Alice was three when                 have to experience, but it seems particularly        stopped our supporters.               his running club, with his friends
she was diagnosed and died two weeks before            unfair that children, who ought to be able to                                              and family cheering him on.
                                                                                                            Though last year’s London
her 8th birthday in 2019.                              grow up happy and carefree, should have to                                                 Mark’s efforts were all the more
                                                                                                            Marathon became a race for
                                                                                                                                                  impressive because he spent
The charity is dedicated to funding research           endure such a cruel burden. I am determined          elite runners only, many of our
                                                                                                                                                  time in hospital with coronavirus
to find a cure and kinder treatments for               to do whatever I can to help alleviate that          #teamICR runners worldwide
                                                                                                                                                  earlier in 2020.
rhabdomyosarcoma, the most common type of              burden. I am incredibly proud and grateful to        joined in the virtual race instead.
sarcoma found in the soft tissues of children.         have the continued support of Alice’s Arc.           On 4 October they ran their 26.2      Thank you to all those who
                                                                                                            marathon miles in their local areas   continued to fundraise for us,
We are delighted that Alice’s Arc has chosen to        Dr Olivia Ruhen                                      – some as far away as Australia.      despite the pandemic.
support us for a further three years with a pledge
of more than £600,000.                                                                                      Mark Gray ran the London
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark Gray at the finish line
                                                                                                            Marathon for us in 2019, and
Alice’s Arc has already been a big supporter of
our research projects. It has for instance funded         Christmas appeal
Dr Olivia Ruhen’s research to develop a blood test
for children with rhabdomyosarcoma, to monitor            raises £150,000
the progression and recurrence of their disease.
                                                          We are hugely grateful to all of you who kindly
The charity’s new pledge will support three
projects, and will enable Olivia’s work to continue.
                                                          supported our Christmas appeal. So far an         Actor Eddie Redmayne guest stars in virtual
                                                          incredible £150,000 has been donated to
                                                          help get Dr Alejandra Bruna’s research into
                                                                                                            Carols from Chelsea service
                                                          childhood cancers up and running.
                                                                                                                                                  Chelsea. That wasn’t possible          beautiful carols and music directed
                                                          Dr Bruna is a new Team Leader, based in                                                 last Christmas, because of the         by award-winning British conductor
                                                          our Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery. Her                                               coronavirus pandemic –                 and pianist Will Vann.
                                                          team use cutting-edge ‘avatars’ to replicate                                            so instead, we recorded a virtual
                                                                                                                                                                                         Lara Jukes, Director of
                                                          a child’s cancer in the lab. These avatars,                                             concert to share with supporters,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Development, said: “Although we
                                                          which are at the frontline of personalised                                              who generously donated £60,000
                                                                                                                                                                                         weren’t able to come together in
                                                          cancer medicine, will help them to understand                                           in response.
                                                                                                                                                                                         the usual way this year, we were
                                                          how childhood cancers adapt and become
                                                                                                                                                  The recording featured Oscar-          delighted that our recording of
                                                          resistant to treatments.
                                                                                                                                                  winning actor Eddie Redmayne           Carols from Chelsea brought joy at
                                                          With major fundraising events cancelled and                                             giving a special video performance     a difficult time. Our service reminds
                                                          cuts to our research grants as a result of the                                          of Alan Titchmarsh’s poem,             me of the great importance of
                                                          pandemic, your support is more important          For the past 17 years, our flagship   ‘A New Nativity’, alongside a          cancer research and how it makes
                                                          than ever to make sure that cancer patients       annual fundraising event, Carols      moving tribute to Abbie Shaw,          a real difference to patients’ lives.”
                                                          don’t get left behind.                            from Chelsea, has been held in the    who lost her life to cancer aged
                                                                                                            Wren Chapel of The Royal Hospital     just five. The service also included
                                                          There is still time to donate to our
Alice Wakeling                                            childhood cancer appeal. Visit
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
In focus                                                                                                                                                                                                                         8|9

Our staff go the extra mile                                                                                        Bob Champion Cancer Trust launches
Our staff and students are no strangers to a fundraising challenge, and many                                       40for40 campaign
of them have joined #teamICR over the years. With the coronavirus pandemic
bringing most fundraising events to a halt, we have seen varied and creative                                       Bob Champion was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the height of his
fundraising efforts from our colleagues. Here are just a few examples:                                             racing career. The dream that kept him going, through the long months of
                                                                                                                   chemotherapy, was that one day he might win the Grand National on Aldaniti
Dr Vivian Dimou is a Postdoctoral     Dr Roxanne Smith is a Postdoctoral                                           – who had sustained a serious leg injury.
Training Fellow in the Cancer         Training Fellow in the Cancer
Immunotherapy Team. She taught        Therapeutics Unit – and she’s                                                                                       research discoveries the Trust         •   In 2012, preliminary results from
herself to crochet during the         also a very talented paper crafter.                                                                                 has helped to make possible                the CHHiP trial demonstrated the
first lockdown, and wasted no         Roxanne created a beautiful                                                                                         and encourages people to take              safety of high-dose short-course
time putting her new skills to use.   scrapbook picture frame and cards                                                                                   up sponsored challenges which              IMRT radiotherapy in prostate
Vivian created fantastic science-     to support our appeal, and raised                                                                                   involve the number 40.                     cancer. Just a few years later
themed crochet characters             more than £300 in donations.                                                                                                                                   this changed clinical practice
                                                                                                                                                          The Trust has been funding male
including a microscope, flasks                                                                                                                                                                       in the NHS, with 20 sessions
                                      Team members from our Division                                                                                      cancer research at the ICR, and
and pipettes, and sold them                                                                                                                                                                          of radiotherapy recommended
                                      of Cancer Therapeutics (CTU)                                                                                        our hospital partner The Royal
on eBay – raising £219 for our                                                                                                                                                                       instead of 37.
                                      took part in a 15K run in November                                                                                  Marsden, for many years – with
kick-start appeal. And she didn’t
stop there – for our Christmas
                                      to support our kick-start appeal,                                                                                   a focus on understanding cancer        •   In 2013 we discovered that
                                      raising £2,000. The team had           After running the Royal               Bob Champion at an ICR event           risk and, more recently, predicting        the measurement of genetic
appeal, she created a range
of crocheted festive friends,
                                      originally hoped to run together,      Parks half marathon in 2019                                                  the evolution of a patient's cancer.       fingerprints in blood can predict
                                      but the second lockdown meant                                                Against all the odds, in 1981 his
                                                                             and raising funds for the                                                    Here are a few of the major                the outcome in metastatic
featuring a poinsettia, a reindeer,                                                                                dream came true. Described as
                                      they ran separately, staying local,                                                                                 milestones along the way:                  prostate cancer.
a polar bear and more, this time                                             ICR, I wanted to organise             ‘racing’s greatest fairy-tale’, Bob
                                      and encouraging each other via
raising over £400.
                                      WhatsApp instead.
                                                                             something to keep spirits             claimed victory riding Aldaniti        •   In 1989, clinical trial results    For more on the 40for40 campaign,
                                                                             high, do something as a unit          after his full recovery from cancer.       confirmed the impact of both       visit
                                      We are very proud of our colleagues    and raise money for the               The Bob Champion Cancer Trust              treatment intensification
                                      for their fundraising efforts. Their                                         was later created and to date              and less-toxic carboplatin
                                                                             kick-start appeal. I love a
                                      spirit, drive and determination                                              has raised more than £15 million           chemotherapy in testicular
                                      to succeed in improving cancer
                                                                             challenge, and I am so proud
                                                                                                                   towards cancer research.                   cancer.                                I am very proud of the
                                      patients' lives and desire to make     to have been part of the
                                      a difference does not stop when        CTU running team!”                    Now, 40 years since that               •   In 2000, the first research            advancements the Trust
                                                                                                                                                              facility in Europe dedicated to        has made with the ICR and
                                      they leave the lab.                    Selina Mote, CTU                      memorable day at Aintree, the
                                                                                                                                                              male cancers opened on our             look forward to the future.
                                                                                                                   Trust has launched the 40for40
                                                                                                                   campaign. It celebrates the major          Sutton site.                           Bob Champion CBE

Events calendar
People of all ages have been          people of all abilities to fulfil a    the 2022 London Marathon next                                                     Upcoming events
discovering the joys of running       lifelong sporting ambition, while      April has also opened. For shorter
                                                                                                                                                          Virgin London Marathon                 Royal Parks Half Marathon
or walking to keep fit and healthy    staying in their local area.           distances, or if you’re looking for
                                                                                                                                                          Sunday 4 October 2021                  Sunday 10 October 2021
during lockdown, and sporting                                                a more leisurely pace, the UK
events like the London Marathon       Not only are we recruiting runners     Terry Fox Run and the Royal                                                  UK Terry Fox Run                       Virgin London Marathon
are increasingly accessible and       for the Virtual Virgin London          Parks Half Marathon are taking                                               Sunday 4 October 2021                  Sunday 24 April 2022
inclusive. It's now possible for      Marathon this year, registration for   place this October.                                                          For more information visit
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
In profile                                                                                                       10 | 11

                                     Dr Matthew Blackledge
                                     Dr Matthew Blackledge leads the Computational
                                     Imaging Team in the ICR's Division of Radiotherapy
                                     and Imaging. His research is using artificial
                                     intelligence (AI) to interpret medical imaging and
                                     take faster MRI scans of patients with cancer.

                                     Dr Matthew Blackledge and his          Whole-body MRI can tell doctors
Joined the ICR                       team are using sophisticated           a lot about tumours and if
October 2007                         computing technology to better         treatments are working. But
                                     plan and assess cancer treatment.      scans can take a long time, which
Specialist subject
                                     He joined the ICR as a PhD student     not all hospitals can manage.
Using artificial intelligence
to improve cancer treatment          in 2007, after doing a degree in
                                                                            Dr Blackledge said: “When we
and assessment                       physics at Imperial College London
                                                                            carry out whole-body MRI scans,
                                     and a master’s degree in medical
Interests                                                                   it can take about an hour for each
                                     physics at the University of Surrey.
Matthew is a keen runner who                                                patient, which is uncomfortable
has run half-marathons. He also      Medical imaging is being used          for patients and puts pressure on
plays for our softball team in the   more and more by the NHS, and          radiology departments. So we’ve
summer with colleagues.              techniques like AI are helping         focused on AI applications that
                                     to explore the vast quantity of        can accelerate imaging.”
                                     data produced.
                                                                            This whole-body MRI technique
                                     Using AI and machine learning,         normally uses results averaged
                                     researchers can probe medical          from several scans to build a
                                     imaging in interesting new             useable image of the skeleton.
                                     ways, to assist radiologists           Dr Blackledge and his team have
                                     and clinical oncologists when          shown that AI can mimic the
                                     personalising patient treatments       averaging process, producing a
                                     including radiotherapy.                clinically acceptable image from
                                                                            just one scan.
                                     Dr Blackledge is investigating ways
When people go for                   to monitor prostate cancer that        With the support of AI, they
whole-body MRI scans,                has spread to patients’ bones using    can measure tumours in the
it can take about an hour            a type of medical imaging called       skeleton more quickly, to see if
                                     whole-body MRI, which takes head-      radiotherapy is proving effective
for each patient, which is
                                     to-toe scans of a patient’s body to    or if there are tumour cells that
uncomfortable for patients           measure tumours in their skeleton.     are resistant to it. That can help
and puts pressure on                                                        doctors to make faster, better
radiology departments.               He uses a specific type of MRI
                                                                            decisions about treatment.
                                     that uses electromagnets to tune
So we’ve focused on
                                     in to water molecules in the body.
AI applications that can             It’s highly effective, as water
accelerate imaging.                  makes up 65% of all our cells.
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
In profile                                                                                                                              12 | 13

                                    Professor Axel Behrens
                                    Professor Axel Behrens joined us in 2020 as Team
                                    Leader in Cancer Stem Cell Biology. His research
                                    focuses on a small subset of cells in tumours
                                    called cancer stem cells. Professor Behrens also
                                    heads up the Cancer Research UK Convergence
                                    Science Centre, a major strategic collaboration
                                    between the ICR and Imperial College London.

Joined the ICR                      Just as our bodies have healthy         create new treatments targeting
2020                                stem cells that can specialise into     these stem cells, providing hope for
                                    different cell types and repair         patients with pancreatic cancers that
Specialist subject
                                    damaged tissue, cancers have            they will be able to live much longer
How identifying and killing
                                    similarly functioning cells capable     with the disease before it returns.
cancer stem cells could help
make therapies more effective.      of maintaining tumour growth and
                                                                            His work to create highly
                                    survival, even after chemotherapy.
                                                                            personalised cancer treatments
Professor Behrens is an             These long-lived stem cells are         involves culturing mini tumours in
enthusiastic squash player and is   crucial to regenerating tumours,        the lab that are derived from
looking forward to playing again    allowing them to evade or become        patients’ own tumours, and
once the pandemic has subsided.     resistant to current treatments.        so possess the same key
                                    They are also thought to play an        characteristics. Professor Behrens
                                    important role in cancer’s spread       has also helped to develop a
                                    to other parts of the body.             pioneering technology that allows
                                                                            whole tumours to be imaged in
                                    The main goal of Professor Behrens’
                                                                            3D to provide unprecedented
                                    personal research is to identify stem
                                                                            insight into their structure.
                                    cell populations in different types
                                    of cancer, including pancreatic         It is because of his expertise
                                    and breast cancers, so they can         in interdisciplinary research like
                                    be targeted by novel drugs and          this that Professor Behrens has
                                    therapies. By collecting and studying   been recruited to lead the new
Professor Behrens and               cancer stem cells to find out what      Convergence Science Centre.
his team have already               they are vulnerable to, we can devise   The Centre is dedicated to improving
                                    ways of killing them to ensure that     our understanding of cancer by
uncovered a group
                                    tumours won’t grow back.                bringing together researchers from
of cancer stem cells
                                                                            traditionally separate and distinct
in pancreatic ductal                Professor Behrens and his team
                                                                            disciplines – for example physics
adenocarcinoma –                    have already uncovered a group
                                                                            and engineering together with
                                    of cancer stem cells in pancreatic
a highly aggressive                                                         biology and drug discovery – to
                                    ductal adenocarcinoma – a highly
cancer that has seen                aggressive cancer that has seen
                                                                            work together as collaborative,
virtually no improvement                                                    integrated research teams and
                                    virtually no improvement in patients’                                           Photo Credit:
in patients’ survival for                                                   shed new light on unresolved
                                    survival for more than 40 years.                                                Dave Guttridge,
                                                                            problems in cancer research.
more than 40 years.                 The team is now leading work to                                                 The Francis Crick
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
Advance                                                                                                                                                                                                            14 | 15

                                                                                                                                                                   patterns within that data. Last year a global team
                                                                                                                                                                   led by Dr Sadanandam used AI to analyse the
                                                                                                                                                                   immune response in a rare type of pancreatic
                                                                                                                                                                   tumour called pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer.
                                                                                                                                                                   The researchers were able to pinpoint tumours that

Taking a personalised approach                                                                                                                                     hijacked the immune system, and uncover potential
                                                                                                                                                                   targets for immunotherapy to prevent tumours from

to aggressive pancreatic cancers
                                                                                                                                                                   evading the body’s defences.

                                                                                                                                                                   Dr Sadanandam’s multidisciplinary approach has
                                                                                                                                                                   also included a first-of-its-kind study that classified
                                                                                                                                                                   pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tumours into
                                                                                                             Dr Anguraj Sadanandam
                                                                                                                                                                   various subtypes and described the different ways
Pancreatic cancer is notorious for being                                                                                                                           each type responds to treatment. This work has in
                                                                                                             Uncovering potential targets
highly aggressive and difficult to treat.                                                                                                                          turn spurred the discovery of further tumour groups
                                                                                                             Dr Sadanandam said: “Unlike other cancers – for
Only one patient in four in England survives                                                                                                                       by other research teams. His team is now validating
                                                                                                             example breast cancer, where huge advances have
more than one year from diagnosis and just                                                                                                                         these findings, with the goal of eventually offering
                                                                                                             been made using machine learning approaches –
                                                                                                                                                                   tailored medicine to individual patients.
seven per cent are still alive after five years.                                                             no major developments have been made for
Survival rates for this disease have barely                                                                  pancreatic cancer in decades. Computationally, it’s   Taking a personalised, multi-faceted approach
improved at all in the last three decades.                                                                   very important to understand the immune landscape     will be essential to overcome such a complex
                                                                                                             of pancreatic cancer, to help us to develop           and aggressive disease as pancreatic cancer, and
More than 90 per cent of cases of pancreatic
                                                                                                             therapeutics and diagnostics that could lead to       to improve prospects for patients like Roy. Dr
cancer are pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma –
                                                                                                             personalised treatment.”                              Sadanandam and his team are helping to lead the
a disease that starts in the exocrine cells of the
                                                                                                                                                                   way – addressing a cancer where patients’ needs
pancreas where digestive enzymes are produced.                                                               AI has allowed researchers to analyse hundreds
                                                                                                                                                                   have been unmet for too long.
Pancreatic tumours can often grow and spread                                                                 of patient tumour samples at a time and to spot
                                                         Roy Bowdery with his daughters
unnoticed by the immune system and cause few
symptoms, so that by the time they are diagnosed
                                                         Understanding the immune landscape
it may be too late to treat the disease effectively.
                                                         To improve the odds against this disease, we
But now our scientists are beginning to make             are using computational analysis of pancreatic
progress in finding new, more personalised               cancers to find ways to select patients for more
approaches to treating pancreatic cancer. This will      effective, personalised therapies. Dr Anguraj
offer some hope of a longer and better quality of        Sadanandam, Team Leader in Systems and Precision
life for patients and their families – people like Roy   Cancer Medicine, is combining use of artificial
Bowdery, who was diagnosed with pancreatic ductal        intelligence (AI) with experimental and clinical
adenocarcinoma in 2014.                                  studies. He aims to shed light on the different
                                                         subtypes of pancreatic cancer and the best
Roy recollects: “When I got the diagnosis, my wife       therapies for patients with each one.
and I burst into tears. Pancreatic cancer is the most
fatal of all common cancers – it’s really brutal. I’ve   The team is particularly interested in using AI
been cancer-free for six years, and now my aim is to     to select those patients who are most likely to
get into the five per cent who survive 10 years. The     respond to immunotherapy – a breakthrough type
figures haven't really improved in the last 40 years.    of treatment which directs the body’s own immune
There needs to be research, so more people will          system against cancer cells. As pancreatic cancer
survive and get a chance at life.”                       often evades the immune system, many patients do
                                                         not respond to immunotherapy, but there are some
                                                         patients who could significantly benefit from it.                                                                              Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
In focus

A historic moment: 25 years since
BRCA2 discovery transformed
cancer care
In December 1995, a research team led by                   In 1994, a research team led by our scientists, in a     The BRCA2 discovery has had a huge impact on
our scientists identified the second breast                huge international collaborative effort, was able to     progress in understanding and tackling cancer
cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA2. The                     map the BRCA2 gene to part of chromosome 13.             worldwide – both for cancer prevention and
                                                           The following year they detected the first potentially   treatment. Widespread BRCA testing has enabled
discovery – published in Nature – was                                                                                                                                         Tony Herbert and his wife Brenda
                                                           disease-causing mutation. Studying the gene where        families to be assessed for their cancer risk, saving
a global sensation, and has gone on to
                                                                                                                    countless lives.
transform genetic testing for people with
                                                           it was located, they found six mutations that could
                                                           be passed on by parents and were seen in families
                                                                                                                                                                             “Knowing I had the BRCA2
cancer and their families, and open up                                                                              Discovery of the BRCA genes has also led to the
exciting new forms of cancer treatment.
                                                           with a history of cancer.
                                                                                                                    development of better, targeted treatments. These         mutation saved my life”
                                                           The 1995 paper’s conclusions were clear:                 include a new class of drugs known as PARP
                                                                                                                                                                             “When I was 68, I was diagnosed with stage 3
Back in the early 1990s, researchers around the            ‘This is the BRCA2 gene.’                                inhibitors, such as olaparib, which exploit a weakness
                                                                                                                                                                              male breast cancer. It was recommended I go
world were engaged in a race to identify genes                                                                      in cancer cells caused by mutations in BRCA genes.
                                                           BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that we all carry.                                                                       for genetic testing because my sister had also
helping to determine breast cancer risk. Researchers
                                                           These genes normally protect us against cancer.          Olaparib is today used to treat ovarian and breast        had breast cancer, and it was then discovered
in the US first identified the BRCA1 gene in 1994
                                                           But if you inherit mutations of these genes – ‘faulty’   cancers in women with inherited BRCA mutations.           I had the BRCA2 gene mutation.
– but while this explained many inherited cases of
breast cancer, scientists were sure that there was         versions that don’t work as they should – this           Our research, which underpinned the drug’s
                                                                                                                                                                              Having this mutation meant I was at an increased
another important gene out there.                          increases your risk of developing cancers including      development, has also led to it becoming the first
                                                                                                                                                                              risk of developing prostate cancer, so my
                                                           breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.                     genetically targeted medicine to show benefits in
                                                                                                                                                                              consultant encouraged me to join the IMPACT
                                                                                                                    prostate cancer.
                                                                                                                                                                              study, led by the ICR, which involved regular
                                                                                                                    Professor Ros Eeles, Professor of Oncogenetics,           screening of men with high-risk gene mutations.
                                                                                                                    said: “It was an honour to be part of the team
                                                                                                                                                                             I’ve been going for annual blood tests since
                                                                                                                    behind the BRCA2 discovery. It has played a pivotal
                                                                                                                                                                             joining the study and, two years ago, it was
                                                                                                                    role in advancing research on breast, ovarian and
                                                                                                                                                                             discovered that my PSA levels had risen.
                                                                                                                    prostate cancer over the years and continues
                                                                                                                                                                             Although the result wasn’t that high, I was
                                                                                                                    to have a lasting impact. The discovery has been
                                                                                                                                                                             referred straightaway as I was known to be
                                                                                                                    life-changing, and life-saving.”
                                                                                                                                                                             at higher risk, and I was then diagnosed with
                                                                                                                                                                             prostate cancer.

                                                                                                                                                                              I’ve had 37 sessions of radiotherapy and am
                                                                                                                                                                              now taking a hormone therapy which I’ll have
                                                                                                                    The BRCA2 discovery has had                               for three years.
                                                                                                                    a huge impact on progress in                              Knowing I had the BRCA2 mutation effectively
                                                                                                                    understanding and tackling                                saved my life. Thanks to this discovery, my
                                                                                                                    cancer worldwide.                                         prostate cancer was caught early, and I was
                                                                                                                                                                              able to receive the treatment I needed and get
                                                                                                                                                                              straight back to normal life. Now my wife and I
                                                                                                                                                                              are planning our next adventures together. I’m
   Shadow of a DNA double helix on a background that shows the                                                                                                                looking forward to carrying on living the life I
   fluorescent banding of the sequencing output. Credit: Peter Artymiuk                                                                                                       want with her by my side.”
Issue 43 | Spring 2021 search - The Institute of Cancer Research
In focus                                                                                                           Patient focus                                                                                       18 | 19

What Covid-19 can tell us about the causes of cancer                                                               “I promised I wouldn’t stop until
Professor Sir Mel Greaves ponders if the
                                                                                                                    she was saving lives”
traumatic Covid-19 experience could have
one unexpected benefit – by telling us about                                                                       After Aoife Flanagan died of germ cell cancer at the age
the causes of childhood cancer                                                                                     of three, her mum, Eilish, set up a charity to change the
                                                                                                                   future for other children with cancer
The Covid-19 pandemic is a dramatic and traumatic
example of the impact of a new viral infection let                                                                 In June 2019, Eilish Flanagan took her daughter to the doctor after
loose on a host population that is highly social                                                                   the three-year-old started to experience pain in her stomach. After
and mobile. But at the same time it provides                                                                       several trips to the doctor, Aoife was eventually diagnosed with
opportunities. It is in essence a giant experiment of                                                              germ cell cancer – a rare childhood tumour that usually develops
nature – and I believe it can give us valuable clues                                                               in the ovaries or testes. Five days later, she died.
about the causes of childhood cancer.                                                                              Eilish was determined to use what had happened as a driving
Experiments of nature are events that arise naturally,                                                             force for change and set up Aoife’s Bubbles – named after Aoife’s
by accident or sometimes as a result of human                                                                      beloved Shetland pony, Bubbles – which is the UK's only registered
behaviour, and which to shrewd observers can                                                                       childhood germ cell cancer charity.
reveal something about the world which up to now                                                                   Aoife’s Bubbles has now partnered with us to support the work of
has been cryptic.                                                                                                  Professor Louis Chesler and his team on the ITCC-eSMART trial.
We have been learning about the causes of cancer                                                                   Eilish said: “I wanted to fund research because time is going past         Aoife Flanagan and her
from experiments of nature for many years. It’s been     Professor Sir Mel Greaves                                 and children are still getting sick. It’s time to do something.            Shetland pony, Bubbles
recognised for centuries that nuns in convents have
relatively high rates of breast cancer and vanishingly                                                             “We want to give families the chance to make as many memories
                                                         Now we have the chance once again to test our
low rates of cervical cancer. This observation offers                                                              as possible. Aoife was the kindest little person you could ever wish
                                                         theory through the social restrictions that are
valuable clues to their causes. We now know that not                                                               to meet, and I’m sure her mission was to help others.”
                                                         occurring during the Covid-19 pandemic. We will
having children increases the risk of breast cancer      be assessing incidence rates of childhood leukaemia       The eSMART trial is designed to deliver the best possible treatment
and that sexually transmitted human papillomavirus       over this past year to see if the Hong Kong               pathways for children with aggressive solid tumour types, including
causes cervical cancer.                                  experience is repeated.                                   germ cell cancers.
Natural experiments have also provided vital clues       If we can obtain further evidence that common             Professor Chesler explained: “This trial will help us match children
aiding our attempts here at the ICR to unravel the                                                                                                                                            Every child facing cancer
                                                         infections trigger leukaemia, this will consolidate our   with the latest targeted drugs, and bring genomic testing into
cause of childhood leukaemia. In 2003 the SARS           strategy to develop preventative measures that boost      clinical practice for children. We want to improve the outlook for
                                                                                                                                                                                              deserves a chance –
epidemic led to Hong Kong closing all its schools for    the immune systems of infants.                            every child diagnosed with cancer and help them get the best               they deserve the quickest
a year. That social change removed major, contact-                                                                 treatments, as swiftly as possible.”                                       diagnosis, the best
based sources of common childhood infections.            The Covid-19 pandemic has cost many lives and had
                                                         a massive impact on our society. It is perhaps of some
                                                                                                                                                                                              treatment options and
The consequence was a significant drop in infectious                                                               Eilish said: “After Aoife passed away, I made a promise that
                                                         comfort that this vast experiment of nature could         I wouldn’t stop until she was saving lives.                                the best possible outcome.
diseases such as measles during that year. And there
was also a decline in cases of childhood leukaemia.      have an unexpected upside – by helping us to protect                                                                                 Eilish Flanagan
                                                                                                                   “Every child facing cancer deserves a chance – they deserve
                                                         children from cancer.
That specific drop in the incidence of leukaemia,                                                                  the quickest diagnosis, the best treatment options and the best
and not of other cancers, is something that my           Read more on our website:                                 possible outcome.
team’s model of the causes of the disease predicts.
                                                                                                                   “I am so proud this is the legacy Aoife has left and is still creating.”
We believe that childhood leukaemia is triggered in
certain susceptible children by a range of infections.
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