The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University

Page created by Richard Duncan
The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University
Dean’s Message;

                   The Splitter Report
    Values                                                                                 Delta Mu Delta
   Education                                                                               School Highlights;
    Service                                                                                Faculty;
                                                                                           Student Spotlight
Volume IV, Issue iii		           School of Business Newsletter		                          Winter 2021

             Message from the Dean
Dear School of Business               Sentinel of Knoxville ranked the     program as the 6th largest Fall
Community,                            School of Business Master of         2020 enrolled MBA Program in the
        Despite the challenges of     Business Administration (MBA)        State of Tennessee.
the COVID-19 pandemic continues
to put on all of us, the School                                                   Sincerely,
of Business continues toward                                                      James Maxwell, Ph.D.
success. Our Fall 2020 enrollment                                                 Dean, School of
surpassed our Fall 2019                                                           Business
enrollment. Spring 2021 enrollment
surpassed our Spring 2020.
        Our faculty continue to do
an excellent job of teaching our
students which is reflected in that
we had 21 academic students
inducted into the Delta Mu Delta
Academic Honors Society Fall
2020. We had 90 students achieve
academic excellence making the
Fall 2020 Dean’s List.
        The Nashville Business
Journal, Knox.Biz and News

 Delta Mu Delta Induction Ceremony
                              On November 5th, 2020 the           Graduate Inductees
                              School of Business held a           Macey Barnes     Carina Lorenzen
                              virtual Delta Mu Delta Induction    Irina Ellsworth  Jenae Matikke
                              Ceremony. The Mu Kappa              Robert Foucart   Madison McClanahan
                              chapter inducted 21 new             Amy Garcia       Bradley Robinson
                              members into Delta Mu Delta.        Brieanne Horton  Dylan Werme
                                                                  Yana Koroleva    Parker Williams
                              Delta Mu Delta is a business        Undergraduate Inductees
                              honor society that recognizes       Amanda Dahlstrom Natalie Tomlinson
                              and encourages academic             Seth Kerney      Kristin Vogel
                              excellence of students at           Alexis Kiser     Angie Zhang
                              qualifying colleges and             Arthur Risavy
                              universities to create a DMD
                              community that fosters the           DBA Program Inductee
                              well-being of its individual         Lauren Jolly
                              members and the business
                                                                   Faculty Inductee
                              community through life-time
                                                                   Dr. Ahleasha McNeal

The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University
Lessons from                                                    ACBSP
           Dollywood                                                    LMU School of Business has
                                                                        obtained ACBSP accreditation
                                                                        for the following programs:
       On October 15,             an array of business topics           •BBA – Healthcare
Assistant Professor of            from Dollywood Management,            Administration
Business, Dr. Lisa Blair-Cox,     Human Resources, Operations           •BBA – Nursing Home
hosted a guest presenter via      Management, Company                   Administration
zoom for BUSN 100 and BUSN        Response to Covid 19,                 •BBA – Business Analytics
250. Mr. Tim Berry, Dollywood     Employee Empowerment,                 •BBA – Management
VP Human Resources from           Employee Wellness,
                                                                        Information Systems
The Dollywood Company             Internships, Ethical Standards,
                                                                        •MBA – Nursing Home
spoke with students in her        Vision, Mission, and Social
courses. Mr. Berry addressed      Responsibility.
                                                                        •MBA – Business Analytics

Scholarship Program
 LMU School of Business
 continues to work with
 high schools in the Eastern
 Tennessee region who
 have interest in our new
 Entrepreneurial Scholarship
 Pathways (ESP) Program.
 The School of Business
 Undergraduate Recruiter and
 Student Success Coordinator
 is currently working with 35
 high schools to implement
 the program. We are in the
 process of selecting our third
 scholarship award.

  Social Outreach                           MBA UPDATES
   LMU School of Business           LMU School of Business strives to provide new opportunities for
   grows its reach on social        LMU professional school students by conjoining the Masters in
   media platforms.                 Business Administration program with LMU’s professional schools.
   •Instagram: 191 Increase
   •Facebook: 229 Increase          MBA and Professional School Degree Updates:
                                    •Matriculated first DO/MBA Cohort with DCOM Knoxville
                                    •Matriculated first JD/MBA Cohort with Duncan School of Law
                                    •Completing the Occupational Therapy/MBA Dual Enrolled Proposal
                                    •Working with Physical Therapy to implement a joint DPT/MBA

The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University
Fall 2020
                 Dean’s List Members
                  The following are students who made the Dean’s list for
                                  the Fall 2020 Semester.

                                                                       Podcast of the
                                                                           WINTER PODCAST:
                                                                           “How I Built This”

                                                                     An NPR production
         THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF                                     podcast, Guy Raz tells the
         LEADERSHIP AND SUCCESS                                      stories of the world’s most
                                                                     profitable, unique, and
        Assistant Professor                                          exciting companies. These
of Business, Dr. Lisa Cox,                                           podcast episodes are full of
has been nominated to the                                            interviews from the founders
National Society of Leadership                                       of these famous companies
and Success by Northcentral                                          and their competitive edge.
University.                                                          Each episode runs about 30
        The National Society of
                                                                     minutes, making it an easy
Leadership and Success is the
                                                                     listen on your commute.
largest collegiate leadership
honor society in the United
                                  is also the first program of its
States, with more than 650
                                  kind to earn accreditation for
chapters and more than a
                                  their programs.
million members nationwide. It

The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University
Journal                             Student Spotlight
                                                          Felipe Charry
           Not Once,                                                      events. With his passion for

           but Twice                                                      athletics, he also volunteers his
                                                                          time to assist South American
                                                                          Ahtetes to receive athletic

        School of Business                                                scholarships.
Assistant Professor of Finance,
Dr. Edmond Lyonga, had two
of his articles accepted for                                                My Cousin and I experienced
publication by two journals.                                                all the benefits of being col-
Submitted to the International                                              lege athletes and wanted to
Journal of Economics, Business,                                             offer the same experience and
and Management Research                     Senior School of                lifestyle to young soccer and
(IJEBMR), his manuscript            Business Student Felipe                 tennis players in South Amer-
“EDUCATING UNIVERSITY               Charry has excelled not only            ica that are looking for oppor-
                                    in the classroom, with a 3.5
                                    cumulative GPA, but represents
                                    Lincoln Memorial University on
                                                                            tunities and a possibility of
                                                                            playing the sport that they love
DETERRENT TO FINANCIAL                                                      and get a college degree.
FRAUD IN CAMEROON” has              the court, across the country,
been accepted for publication.      and internationally. Charry is a
                                                                                  Additionally, he interns
Additionally, his manuscript,       2-year member of LMU’s Men’s
                                                                          with as a
“Adulting as a vital Component      Tennis team, coming from
                                                                          marketing intern. Currently, he
to the Financial Management         Jacksonville College in Texas as
                                                                          is developing a new marketing
of Local Councils in Cameroon;      a team captain. He also serves
                                                                          strategy for their website.
the Case of Buea Rural              as a student representative for
                                                                          Moving forward, Charry strives
Council,” was also accepted         the Athletic Department’s Fan
                                                                          to find his way to the top
for publication in the Journal of   Council and assists with game-
                                                                          colleges and professional sports
Finance and Accounting (JFA).       day operations and athletic
                                                                          franchises in the United States.

     School of                           @LMU_Business                       @LMU_Business
   Business on
                                         @LMUBusinessSchool                  LMU School of Business
  Social Media

    SCHOOL OF BUSINESS                                                 Contact the Editor
                     423.869.6254                                                Rachel Eaton
     6965 CUMBERLAND GAP PKWY, HARROGATE, TN 37752                               Graduate Assistant for the
                                                                                 School of Business


The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University The Splitter Report Message from the Dean - Lincoln Memorial University
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